Marys Medicine

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Microsoft word - hiv report-draft5.doc

HIV Services and QIPP Contents 1. Executive Summary What is ‘QIPP'? HIV Services – the current picture Outcomes – Developing measures that matter Treatment – Developing clinical and cost effective prescribing in the context of choice Care – Developing approaches to meet the needs of people living with HIV

OAPI has the right to When the co-pay for a 30-day supply is rescind, revoke, or above $5, all eligible, commercially Pharmaceutical, Inc. amend this program insured patients will pay the first $5, without notice. total benefit not to exceed the list price Company reserves the right to rescind, revoke up to $10,000 to help with your or amend the program


REFRACTIVE SURGERY FEATURE STORY PRK and CXL in Patients The combined procedure strengthens the cornea and regularizes the anterior surface. BY MIRKO R. JANKOV II, MD, PHD; SLADJANA DELEVIC, MD; VESNA JOVANOVIC, MD, MS; EFEKAN COSKUNSEVEN, MD; AND SLOBODAN GOLUBOVIC, MD, PHD Irregular astigmatism can occur naturally or due to maintain the existing unfavorable biomechanical status

Skagen global status report september 2014

SKAGEN Global Status Report February 2015 Summary – February 2015 • SKAGEN Global outperformed its benchmark in February. The fund's unit price increased by 6.9% whereas the benchmark MSCI All Country World Index increased by 5.8% (both measured in EUR).* • Citigroup, Renault and AIG were the three best monthly contributors to absolute performance

JOURNAL of SCIENCE & RESEARCH PAKISTAN. Volume:01 2016 Science Organization Pakistan. JOURNAL of SCIENCE & RESEARCH PAKISTAN. Volume:01 2016 EDITORIAL BOARD Patron: Mr.Khizar Hayat President Science Organization Editor: Mohammad Junaid Director Marketing & Research

Antibiotic resistAnce profiles of EschErichia coli isolAted from different wAter sources in the mmAbAtho locAlity, north-west province, south AfricA Authors: Constance N. Wose Kinge1 The antibiotic resistance profiles of Escherichia coli (E. coli), isolated from different water sources in

Anna was visiting a friend in another city when strange things began to happen. She saw things that looked real, but later didn't seem real at all. She was so troubled by what she described as not feeling like herself that she woke her friend; together, they called Anna's parents. "She started to cry," says Anna's dad. "She was talking about things, but we didn't know where they were coming from."

Depth dependent properties of ito thin films grown by pulsed dc sputtering

ARTICLE IN PRESS Contents lists available at Materials Science and Engineering B Depth dependent properties of ITO thin films grown by pulsed DC sputtering A. Sytchkova , D. Zola , L.R. Bailey , B. Mackenzie , G. Proudfoot , M. Tian , A. Ulyashin a ENEA Optical Coatings Laboratory, via Anguillarese 301, 00123 Rome, Italy b Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology, Yatton, Bristol, BS49 4AP, UK

The Sonification Handbook Thomas Hermann, Andy Hunt, John G. Neuhoff Logos Publishing House, Berlin, GermanyISBN 978-3-8325-2819-52011, 586 pages Reference:Hermann, T., Hunt, A., Neuhoff, J. G., editors (2011). TheSonification Handbook. Logos Publishing House, Berlin,Germany. Auditory Display in Assistive Technology Alistair D. N. Edwards

Original Research: The effect of a topically-applied cosmetic oil formulation on striae distensae The effect of a topically-applied cosmetic oil formulation on striae distensae Summers B, PhD Lategan M, Dip Cos Sci Photobiology Laboratory, Medunsa Campus, University of Limpopo Correspondence to: Dr B Summers, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: stretch marks; striae distensae; cosmetic; topical application

Pii: s0893-133x(00)00226-8

Effects of Antidepressant Drugs on the Behavioral and Physiological Responses to Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in RodentsRaz Yirmiya, Ph.D., Yehuda Pollak, M.A., Ohr Barak, M.A., Ronit Avitsur, Ph.D., Haim Ovadia, Ph.D., Michael Bette, Ph.D., Eberhard Weihe, M.D., and Joseph Weidenfeld, Ph.D. Antidepressants produce various immunomodulatory

Frozen adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells maintain high capability to grow and differentiate

Contents lists available at adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells maintain highcapability to grow and differentiate q Minonzio , Mattia Corazza Luca Mariotta , Mauro Gola , Michele Zanzi , Eugenio Gandolfi Domenico De Fazio Gianni Soldati Swiss Stem Cell Foundation, In Pasquée, 6925 Gentilino, SwitzerlandMolecular Diagnostic Laboratory, In Pasquée, 6925 Gentilino, SwitzerlandCentre de Chirurgie Plastique, Lausanne, SwitzerlandPlastic Surgery, Academia Day Clinic, Chiasso, SwitzerlandVia Visconti di Modrone 8/10, Milano, Italy

Moral hygiene

Culture and Society Jeffrey A. Schaler Recent years have witnessed the expansion of also pursue a lawbreaker to apprehend him and purportedly "public health" programs into punish him. These actions of defense or punish- areas of personal conduct not traditionally viewed ment are not considered medical treatment. as medical. Since sickness and health are meta-

6652:SGR 18/09/2009 14:37 Page 1 Science and the corporate agenda The detrimental effects of commercial influence on science and technology Chris Langley and Stuart Parkinson Promoting ethical science, design and technology 6652:SGR 18/09/2009 14:37 Page 2 Science and the corporate agenda Science and the corporate agenda:The detrimental effects of commercial influence on science and technology

(3) Model Explanation (5) Installation and Storage Conditions The product should be kept in the shipping carton before installation. In order to retain the warranty coverage, the DOP - B 04 S 2 11 HMI should be stored properly when it is not to be used for an extended period of time. Some storage suggestions are: (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

SAOJ Autumn 2010 2/18/10 2:58 PM Page 37 SA ORTHOPAEDIC JOURNAL Autumn 2010 / Page 37 The medical management of spinal R Dunn MBChB(UCT), MMed(UCT), FCS(SA)Orth Consultant Orthopaedic and Spine Surgeon, Associate Professor University of Cape Town, Head Orthopaedic Spine Services: Groote Schuur Hospital Prof Robert DunnTel: (021) 404-5387

2014 aha/acc/hrs guideline for the management of patients with atrial fibrillation: executive summary: a report of the american college of cardiology/american heart association task force on practice guidelines and the heart rhythm society

CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE 2014 AHA/ACC/HRS Guideline forthe Management of Patients WithAtrial Fibrillation: Executive Summary A Report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines and the Heart Rhythm Society Developed in Collaboration With the Society of Thoracic Surgeons Craig T. January, MD, PHD, FACC, Chair Ralph L. Sacco, MD, FAHAy

SASAS Congress 48 21-23 September 2015 Posters: Industry, Production Microbiological assessment of Suya Meat (an intermediate moisture meat) in Oyo State, South-Western Nigeria A.O. Akinwumi1#, A.A. Odunsi1, E.A. Adebayo2, S.G. Ademola1 & B.S.Olawuyi1 1Department of Animal Nutrition and Biotechnology, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology,

Icss protocol

The 2nd European Carotid Surgery Trial (ECST-2) Protocol Version 2.00 1 May 2013 International Standard Randomised Controlled Trial Number: ISRCTN97744893 ECST-2 Protocol v 2.0 – page 2 CONTENTS ECST-2 Protocol v 2.0 – page 3 PROTOCOL SUMMARY BACKGROUND Randomised trials have established the benefit of revascularisation by carotid endarterectomy (CEA) for moderate and severe carotid stenosis. However, a risk model derived from one of these trials and validated in another, showed that only patients with a high risk of stroke under medical therapy benefited from CEA. For a large range of patients there was neither clear benefit nor harm from CEA. Medical therapy for stroke prevention has improved since these original trials, with more widespread use of statins, more active lowering of blood pressure and more effective antiplatelet regimes. Lower optimum targets have been set for risk factor control e.g. blood pressure. Therefore CEA may not be beneficial in many patients with carotid stenosis treated by modern optimized medical therapy (OMT). HYPOTHESIS We hypothesize that in patients with carotid stenosis at low and intermediate risk for stroke, OMT alone is as effective in the long-term prevention of cerebral infarction and myocardial infarction (MI) as revascularisation and OMT combined. STUDY DESIGN ECST-2 is a multicentre, randomised, controlled, open, prospective clinical trial with blinded outcome assessment. We will use a risk model based on clinical characteristics to calculate a 5-year Carotid Artery Risk (mCAR) score, which will stratify patients as at high risk (≥15%), intermediate risk (7.5-15%), or low risk (<7.5%) of future stroke using predictive data from previous trials recalibrated to take account of the likely benefit of OMT. An interim analysis using MRI to determine the 2-year rates of cerebral infarction and haemorrhage after randomisation will be performed to assess safety and feasibility of the design and inform the design and sample size calculations for the full trial. ECST-2 will incorporate baseline imaging of carotid plaque where possible to investigate the predictive value of plaque characteristics. CENTRE REQUIREMENTS A neurologist or physician with an interest in stroke; a surgeon with expertise in CEA; if available, an interventionist with expertise in CAS. Access to MRI. INCLUSION CRITERIA Patients with symptomatic or asymptomatic atherosclerotic carotid artery stenosis (> 50%, NASCET criteria), suitable for revascularisation with CAR score indicating low or intermediate risk. MAIN EXCLUSION CRITERIA Patients with a CAR score indicating high risk, patients refusing either treatment, unable to consent or unsuitable for revascularisation due to anatomy, ill-health or disabling stroke (current Rankin >2). Recent contralateral carotid revascularisation, cardiac or other major surgery. RANDOMISATION AND TREATMENTS Patients will be randomly allocated in equal proportions to be treated by 1) immediate carotid revascularisation with OMT or 2) OMT alone (in the latter arm, revascularisation may be performed at a later stage if it becomes more clearly indicated e.g. because of TIA during follow up). Randomisation will be stratified by centre, type of planned revascularisation, symptom status and CAR score. A web-based randomisation system will be used. We anticipate that revascularisation will be by CEA in most patients, but carotid stenting (CAS) may be used if considered more appropriate. Centres will prespecify whether a patient will receive CEA or CAS if allocated to revascularisation. Randomisation and analysis will be stratified by the pre-specified intervention. The randomisation form will include entry of data to confirm a CAR score of <15%. OMT in both arms will consist of all three of: 1) optimal antiplatelet therapy; 2) statin or other cholesterol lowering treatment with target total cholesterol of <4 mmol/l and LDL cholesterol of <2 mmol/L; 3) antihypertensive treatment, if required, with target blood pressure of 135/85 mmHg. Patients will also undergo risk factor modification e.g. advice on smoking. FOLLOW UP The planned duration of follow up is a minimum of 5 years up to a maximum of 10 years. Recruitment and follow up will be supervised by the neurologist or stroke physician. Follow up will include ECG and troponin at 48 hours after revascularisation, with MRI at baseline and at 2 and 5 years follow up. SAMPLE SIZE The planned sample size is 320 patients for the safety MRI analysis and 2000 patients for the full trial. PRIMARY OUTCOME MEASURES For the full trial: any stroke at any time, plus non-stroke death occurring within 30 days of revascularisation. For the safety MRI analysis: The combined 2-year rate of cerebral infarction, cerebral haemorrhage, MI or periprocedural death after randomisation as assessed by follow up MRI and screening for MI. SECONDARY OUTCOME MEASURES Ipsilateral stroke, myocardial infarction, transient ischaemic attack or any hospitalisation for vascular disease during follow up. Disabling stroke during follow up. New cerebral infarction or haemorrhage on post procedural MRI. Ipsilateral restenosis or stenosis progression. Cognitive impairment. Further treatment procedure. Adverse events attributed to medical treatment or CEA. Quality of life and economic measures.


3601_e20_p438-453 2/19/02 8:59 AM Page 438 Seizures and Syncope in the Cancer Patient ALEXANDRA FLOWERS Neurologic complications in cancer patients com- may be present in a patient, so an accurate evalua- monly involve altered levels of consciousness. This tion will require a comprehensive work-up of each chapter discusses seizures and syncope, two prob- lems in cancer patients that can have multiple causes.Whereas normally it is easy to distinguish between

Articulo cientifico.comparacion entre analogos de insulina e insulinas humanas.dr elvio bueno

CONTROL GLUCÉMICO EN PACIENTES DIABÉTICOS HOSPITALIZADOS. COMPARACION ENTRE INSULINAS HUMANAS Y ANÁLOGOS DE INSULINA EN ESQUEMAS BASAL-BOLOS 1.-Elvio Bueno 2.-Aldo Ojeda, 3.- Shirley Alsina, 4.-Sandra Samudio, 5.- Lorenzo González, 6.- Aldo Benitez, 7.-Dra. Jazmin Vera, 8.-Mirta Cáceres, 9.-Rocio Argüello, 10.- Fabiola Viveros, 11.- Gladys Castro 12.-Rafael Figueredo, 13.-Fabiola Romero, 14.-

Présentation powerpoint

Control of Impurities in the European Pharmacopoeia – Principles and update on new Dr. Michael Wierer European Pharmacopoeia Department, EDQM, Council of Europe Principles of Ph.Eur. impurity control Potentially genotoxic impurities in monographs New methods for mesilate salts etc. New Expression of Acceptance criteria for impurities

Volume 7, Issue 2 June 2014 Serena Alberta Bulletin New studies show variations in hormonal patterns of the menstrual cycle Two recent studies from a European Natural Family Planning (NFP) dataset have shed light on variations from the usual "textbook" profiles for hormones of the menstrual cycle. In the first study, Direito et al. (2013) demonstrated that luteinizing hormone (LH) surges do not always follow typical profile of a single LH surge preceding ovulation. Occasionally these LH

Detecting Privacy-Sensitive Events Department of Computer Science, UIUC {jindal2, danr, cgunter} September 20, 2013 Recent US government initiatives have led to wide adoption of Electronic Health Records (EHRs). More and more health care institutions are storingpatients' data in an electronic format. This emerging practice is posing sev-eral security-related risks because electronic data can easily be shared withinand across institutions. So, it is important to design robust frameworkswhich will protect patients' privacy. In this report, we present a methodto detect security-related (particularly drug abuse) events in medical text.Several applications can use this information to make the hospital systemsmore secure. For example, portions of the clinical reports which contain de-scription of critical events can be encrypted so that it can be viewed only byselected individuals.

Pone.0007461 1.12

Generation and Characterization of Conditional Heparin-Binding EGF-Like Growth Factor Knockout Mice Atsushi Oyagi1, Yasuhisa Oida1, Kenichi Kakefuda1, Masamitsu Shimazawa1, Norifumi Shioda2, Shigeki Moriguchi2, Kiyoyuki Kitaichi3, Daisuke Nanba4, Kazumasa Yamaguchi5, Yasuhide Furuta6, Kohji Fukunaga2, Shigeki Higashiyama4, Hideaki Hara1* 1 Department of Biofunctional Evaluation, Molecular Pharmacology, Gifu Pharmaceutical University, Gifu, Japan, 2 Department of Pharmacology, Graduate School of

Levonorgestrel in cases of rape: how does it work?

The Linacre Quarterly 81 (2) 2014, 117–129 Levonorgestrel in cases of rape: How doesit work? KATHLEEN MARY RAVIELE Dekalb Medical, Tucker, Georgia, USA The Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services allows the use of an emergencycontraceptive for a woman who has been raped, as a defense against her attacker's sperm, provided thedrug prevents fertilization and does not act against a conceived human life. Catholic emergency roomsaround the country have been pressured to provide Plan B (LNG-EC) to patients seeking help after asexual assault. Catholic bioethicists have supported the use of this drug based on their interpretation ofthe scientific literature regarding its mechanism of action. This paper presents a review of the mechan-isms of action of LNG-EC when given during the fertile window, showing a high probability that itacts against human life rather than preventing fertilization, and proposes another class of drugs as apossible alternative.

Catalogo unificato genitorialita' e famiglia

Rassegna bibliografica Genitorialità/Famiglia Genitorialità/Famiglia L'educazione (im)possibile Orientarsi in una società senza padri Vittorino Andreoli Rizzoli Editore, 2014 Numero pagine: 213 Educare oggi, sostiene Andreoli, vuol dire insegnare a vivere in un mondo vastissimo e così mutevole da diventare quasi misterioso. Come fare? Come si può e si deve immaginare l'educazione in una società camaleontica dove tutto si trasforma continuamente, compresi i sentimenti e legami umani (parte indispensabile di ogni processo di crescita)? Da questa domanda parte un grido d'allarme che coinvolge non solo la famiglia e la scuola ma l'intera società, giacché il fallimento educativo è un malessere profondo che riguarda tutti, genitori e no, insegnanti e no, e che può essere risolto solo con uno sforzo comune (in primis ritrovando un punto d'unione con tutte le figure chiamate in causa durante la crescita dei ragazzi e tra loro una costante comunicazione tesa ad evitare la moltiplicazione degli stili educativi). Gli adulti devono capire, sottolinea Andreoli, che i sentimenti e i legami, come anche la possibilità di una progettualità a lunga durata (vale a dire della percezione del futuro da parte degli adolescenti), devono essere prioritari in quanto veicoli di messaggi che servono a dare sicurezza ed aiutano a formare l'identità del ragazzo: l'internet e i social networks potranno anche offrire agli adolescenti stimoli ed emozioni maggiori, ma senza ricchezza e benefici dei legami affettivi "reali". Il saggio ha un forte carattere divulgativo e cerca di dare risposte esaurienti a varie problematiche adolescenziali mettendo al centro di tutto la famiglia e la sua funzione: non più una somma di Io separati, ma una piccola orchestra diretta dal "bisogno esistenziale dell'uomo e della convivenza tra uomini". Informazioni su autore: Andreoli è considerato uno dei maggiori psichiatri italiani; al grande pubblico è noto in quanto studioso dei meccanismi della mente umana e osservatore del disagio psicologico degli adolescenti e dei loro genitori (argomento al quale ha dedicato, nel corso della sua carriera professionale, numerosi saggi) Altri soggetti: paternità e maternità/aspetti socio-culturali; educazione familiare; ruolo del contesto scolastico; adolescenza; identità


THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY Vol. 98, No. 12, 2003 © 2003 by Am. Coll. of Gastroenterology ISSN 0002-9270/03/$30.00 Published by Elsevier Inc. Gastric Acid Control With Esomeprazole,Lansoprazole, Omeprazole, Pantoprazole, andRabeprazole: A Five-Way Crossover StudyPhilip Miner, Jr., M.D., Philip O. Katz, M.D., Yusong Chen, Ph.D., and Mark Sostek, M.D.

Sankt Marien-Hospital Buer Liebe Patientin, lieber Patient Sie haben eine ausgeprägte Arthrose, das heißt einen starken Gelenkverschleiß! Auch nach Ausschöp- n Herzkranzgefäßverengung fung aller nicht operativen Maßnahmen durch Ihre behandelnden Ärzte ist Ihre Lebensqualität so stark n Zuckerkrankheit beeinflusst, dass Sie durch Schmerzen und Funktion-

Who's Who in the NICU Chaplain: A chaplain or person from the pastoral care department may be part of the NICU team; if not, one should always be available to families seeking spiritual support. Charge Nurse: The nurse who is in charge and supervises the other nurses during a nursing shift. The charge nurse serves as a resource person and problem solver for both the nursing staff and NICU families.

Weakening and strengthening of the indian monsoon during heinrich events and dansgaardoeschger oscillations

Weakening and strengthening of the Indian monsoon during Heinrich events and Dansgaard-Oeschger oscillations • Intensity of Indian monsoon is traced with geochemical and grain size Gaudenz Deplazes1, Andreas Lückge2, Jan-Berend W. Stuut3,4, Jürgen Pätzold3, Holger Kuhlmann3, analyses of sediments Dorothée Husson3, Mara Fant3, and Gerald H. Haug1,5 • Fluvial versus aeolian sediment input

Comunicado Semanal 2 de Octubre de 2015 - HOJA 1/4 Del Director General Estimada comunidad Festival Coral. de St. Hilda's:Los saludo nuevamente en el comienzo de éste, el último trimestre del año. Hay mu-chos eventos planeados para en el Dining Room este período y aunque será muy atareado, confío en que nuestros alumnos podrán centrarse en sus estudios y

May 2008 newsletter.cdr

THE SPRUCE LODGE HOME AUXILIARY The Spruce Lodge Home Auxiliary was at BBQ's, run Bingo parties and other programs initiated in 1965. This group of committed and caring including gardening, baking and crafts. They ran our women has been serving our residents now for over 43 tuck shop, sharing a cup of tea and kind words with years and hope to be around for many years to come.

BRIEFING: Penile Prostheses for Erectile Dysfunction Mr. John P Hampson Public Health Specialist Cheshire West & Chester Council March 1st 2014 INTRODUCTION Erectile dysfunction has been defined as the inability to achieve and maintain a penile erection adequate for satisfactory sexual intercourse. It affects the quality of life for both patients and partners and is associated with relationship difficulties. Simple lifestyle measures such as regular exercise, smoking cessation and weight loss are effective options in men with these risk factors who have mild erectile dysfunction. Treatments include oral phosphodiesterase (PDE) inhibitors, vacuum erection devices, intracavernosal and intraurethral prostaglandins. 1 Two main types of penile prostheses are available – these are the semi-rigid or malleable type and also an inflatable version. The latter is more cosmetically acceptable. 2 This report is a rapid review of the literature which describes the effectiveness and place in management of penile prostheses in erectile dysfunction. METHOD A literature search of Medline and Embase was conducted using the keywords penile prosthesis, effectiveness and cost-effectiveness. In addition, the websites and databases of Cochrane, SIGN, NHS Evidence, NICE, Department of Health and the general internet were also searched. PATIENT OUTCOMES & SATISFACTION A retrospective study (2010) in Brazil analysed the effect of penile prostheses and interviewed 139 men. Nearly two thirds (64%) returned to the same sexual performance as they had before developing erectile dysfunction. Follow-up was for 40 months. 3 In a separate study, 69 men (presenting after nerve sparing radical prostatectomy) were given either tadalafil or a penile prosthesis. A significant difference was observed in the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF) score. Follow-up was for up to 2 years. 4 Patient and partner satisfaction are generally high. One review recorded a patient and partner satisfaction rate as over 90%. 5 In a different study, couple satisfaction rate was 82% (n = 46 operations). No indication of the time period was given. 6 Efficacy and satisfaction following penile prosthesis implants were assessed using the IIEF score in 96 men. Significantly higher scores were obtained in the prosthesis group which tended to maximise after 12 months. 7 Perhaps the largest study (n =224) was conducted in Chinese men over 10 years. After six months, satisfaction rates were reported to be 89%. 8 However, most of these studies are observational.

Lenalidomide (CC-5013)Clinical Study Report: CC-5013-MM-009 Celgene Corporation Name of Sponsor/Company: Individual Study Table Referring to Part of the (For National Authority Use Celgene Corporation Name of Finished Product: Revlimid® Capsules Name of Active Ingredient:Lenalidomide (CC-5013) Title of study: A Multicenter, Randomized, Parallel-group, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Study of CC-5013 Plus Dexamethasone Versus Dexamethasone Alone in Previously Treated Subjects With Multiple Myeloma

Simvastatin prevents and reverses depigmentation in a mouse model of vitiligo

See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: ARTICLE in JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIVE DERMATOLOGY · DECEMBER 2014Impact Factor: 6.37 · DOI: 10.1038/jid.2014.529 · Source: PubMed 8 AUTHORS, INCLUDING: 25 PUBLICATIONS 234 CITATIONS 13 PUBLICATIONS 88 CITATIONS 31 PUBLICATIONS 128 CITATIONS

"Farmacología kinésica deportiva" Cátedra Kinesiología Deportiva Encargado de enseñanza Dr. Mastrángelo, Jorge Lic. Spinetta, Daniel Integrantes Balzi, Brenda Bettini, Florencia Ferraris, Juan Manuel Fortuondo, María Emilce Gómez, Vanina Guisasola, Pablo L'Afflitto, Mariana Micó, Gustavo Vazquez, Lorena Vignolo, Florencia

Research Communication Determination of oxytetracycline residues in cattle meat marketed in the Kilosa district, Tanzania Oxytetracycline is used to treat various diseases in cattle. However, its use may be associated Zuhura I. Kimera1 with unacceptable residue levels in food. Oxytetracycline residues in tissues from indigenous Robinson H. Mdegela2

Componenti pregiate, fragranze esoti- che: Prija è una linea di cortesia calda e terrestre, prodotta da GFL nel rispetto di standard qualitativi molto elevati e rivolta a clienti attenti alla qualità cosmetica e al design degli articoli del settore cortesia. Fine ingredients and exotic fragrances: Prija is a warm and earthly complimentary line. Produced by GFL according to very high qualitative standards, it appeals to customers who are sensitive to the quality of cosmetics, and to the design of compli-mentary items.

Jasn2011060543 1.10

Upregulation of miR-142-3p in Peripheral BloodMononuclear Cells of Operationally Tolerant Patientswith a Renal Transplant Richard Danger,*† Annaïck Pallier,* Magali Giral,*†‡ Marc Martínez-Llordella,§Juan José Lozano, Nicolas Degauque,* Alberto Sanchez-Fueyo,§ Jean-Paul Soulillou,*†‡and Sophie Brouard*‡ *Institut National de la Santé Et de la Recherche Médicale UMR643 and Institut de Transplantation Urologie,Néphrologie, Nantes, France; †Université de Nantes, Nantes, France; ‡Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Hôtel-Dieu,Nantes, France; §Liver Unit, Hospital Clinic Barcelona, CIBEREHD, Barcelona, Spain; and Bioinformatics Platform,CIBEREHD, Barcelona, Spain


Origin and of Teleosts Honoring Gloria Arratia Joseph S. Nelson, Hans-Peter Schultze & Mark V. H. Wilson (editors) More advanced teleosts stem-based Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil • München Acknowledgments . Gloria Arratia's contribution to our understanding of lower teleostean phylogeny and classifi cation – Joseph S. Nelson .

Investigation report

Scottish Parliament Region: North East Scotland Case 201002867: Tayside NHS Board Summary of Investigation Health: Hospital; Care of the elderly The complainant (Mrs C) raised a number of concerns about the prescription of antipsychotic drugs to her aunt (Miss A) during her admission to hospital in September 2009 and that the prescribing chain of command of the drugs was

Microsoft word - pharmaceutical2.doc


Giovanni ContiniLa Resistenza a Firenze tra celebrazione e attualizzazione politica Negli ultimi anni il tema della memoria ha preso sempre più campo negli studi sulla storia politica recente1. Si sono infatti messe in evidenza le trasfor-mazioni che la memoria di eventi particolarmente significativi subisce di anno in anno, di decennio in decennio, afferrata dal discorso politico nel suo progres-sivo mutare. Così la memoria stessa finisce per diventare oggetto storiografico, perché il modo attraverso il quale si parla di quegli eventi, e li si descrive da par-te della stampa, fornisce allo storico importanti informazioni indirette su come vada mutando non solo il discorso politico alto, quello della proposta generale, ma, direi, la sensibilità sociale per la politica, il ruolo insomma dei suoi temi nel gioco della sociabilità e della vita quotidiana.

Pédiatrie 1 P1- Antibiothérapie probabiliste en milieu de réanimation pédiatrique O.EL ALLAM, Y.HARTI, Y.ALAOUI, B.HMAMOUCHI, S.NEJMI, A.CHLILEK SERVICE DE REANIMATION PEDIATRIQUE POLYVALENTE CHU IBN ROCHD DE CASABLANCA Introduction : L'antibiothérapie probabiliste correspond à une prescription d'antibiotiques réalisée avant de connaitre la nature et la sensibilité des germes responsable de l'infection. En pédiatrie l'évolution d'un processus infectieux sévère est souvent plus rapide que chez l'adulte, avec le risque d'apparition souvent précoce d'une insuffisance circulatoire. Le but de notre travail est la description et l'évaluation de l'antibiothérapie probabiliste en milieu de réanimation pédiatrique polyvalente CHU Ibn Rochd de Casablanca. Patients et méthodes : Etude rétrospective étalée sur 11 mois de janvier 2012 à novembre 2012 qui a permis le recrutement de 142 patients. Les données recueillies sont les critères épidémiologiques des patients, les antécédents médicaux, la notion de colonisation bactérienne, le type d'infection motivant l'introduction de l'antibiothérapie probabiliste, les circonstances du choix de l'antibiotique, le caractère précoce ou tardif et la durée de l'antibiothérapie probabiliste, le retentissement du changement de l'antibiothérapie sur le pronostic, l'évolution et la durée de séjour. Résultats : L'âge moyen était de 37,44 mois, le poids moyen était de 13,28kg, 7,7%des patients avaient des antécédents cardiaques, 4,2% avaient des antécédents respiratoires, 1,4% avaient un déficit immunitaire, 1,4% étaient anciens prématurés, 83,1% des patients étaient hospitalisés antérieurement avec notion de prise d'antibiotiques dans 11,3% des cas. 64,8% de nos patients avaient une infection pulmonaire, 9,2% avaient une infection urinaire, 13,4% avaient une infection neuromeningée, 15,5% une septicémie. L'antibiothérapie probabiliste prescrite était à base d'une monothérapie dans 11,5% des cas, une bithérapie dans 59,8% des cas et une trithérapie dans 28,7% des cas avec le choix du ceftriaxone dans 60,5% des cas. L'heure de début de l'antibiothérapie était le jour dans 52,8% des cas, la nuit dans 44,4% et le weekend dans 2,8% des cas. La décision était prise par un médecin junior dans 54,2% des cas et un médecin seigneur dans 45,8% des cas avec un changement de cette antibiothérapie selon la gravité dans 38% des cas et selon la bactériologie dans 21,8% des cas. La durée moyenne de l'antibiothérapie probabiliste était de 10,79 jours. L'évolution était favorable dans 66,2% des cas avec un taux de mortalité de 33,8%. Conclusion : La prescription raisonnée de l'antibiothérapie probabiliste initiale a démontré son impact sur l'amélioration du pronostic vital des patients. Le caractère nosocomial ou communautaire de l'infection, la connaissance de l'écologie bactérienne du service où l'on travaille, de la flore colonisante du patient et des données de l'examen direct des prélèvements bactériologiques jouent un rôle majeur dans cette décision.

Sgs hot source - nov 2013 - complying with quality, safety and sustainability requirements

HOT SOURCE EXPERT INSIGHTS INTO SAFE, SUSTAINABLE AND HIGH-QUALITY FOOD ISSUE 3 • NOVEMBER • 2013 UPCOMING CHANGES TO ISO 9001 AND ISO 14001 UNANNOUNCED AUDITS: A GUIDE TO THE NEW BRC REQUIREMENTSISOTOPE TESTING BREAKS NEW GROUND IN FOOD TECHNOLOGYGMO FOODS AND LABELING DEAR READER, Complying with quality, safety and sustainability requirements is an ongoing responsibility. To help you meet the challenge, this issue of Hot Source looks at forthcoming revisions to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 and reminds us of the planned timetable. Many private label suppliers will also be affected by a major retailer's announcement that all suppliers must undergo BRC unannounced audits. We explain what you can expect and what will be expected of your team.

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Leitfaden zur Begleitung terminaler Patienten und ihrer Angehörigen Ärzteschaft, Pflege, Seelsorge in der Interdisziplinären Zusammenarbeit Februar 2005 Inhaltsverzeichnis Inhaltsverzeichnis 1. Einleitung Entstehung / Projektgruppe

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• 1. Identify specific actions, side effects, drug interactions, and specifics in patient education Update On Thyroid Medications in drugs to treat hypothyroidism. • 2.Identify specific actions, side effects, drug interactions, and specifics in patient education in drugs utilized to treat hyperthyroidism. Debbie Ritchie, RN FNP, GNP, BC • 3. Identify new updates in treatment of

Bds document

STUC and the Boycott Disinvestment Sanctions campaign Our decision to support BDS STUC's decision to promote a campaign of Boycott, Disinvestments and Sanctions against the cott, Disinvestment and Sanctions campaign state of Israel was not taken lightly. Over a period of two years, STUC considered the issues;consulted with Palestinian trade unionists; listened to the views of the Israeli trade unions; andin 2009, organised a major fact finding mission to Israel/Palestine where the delegation spokewith dozens of peace and solidarity organisations. STUC Congress agreed to promote thecampaign in 2009 after agreeing the report carriedon page 15 of this pack.

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"Mini-Press" Transferpresse / Manual heat press / Presse à transfert Transferpresse Mini-Press Lieferant Print Equipment GmbH & Co. KG Asbachstrasse 10 Gewerbegebiet Seebühl D-77833 Ottersweier Print Equipment Zentrale: +49-(0)7223 / 2815 0 Service-Telefonnummer: +49-(0)7223 / 2815 200 Email: [email protected] Web:

Albala, Ken. Beans: A History. Berg, 2007 Allen, Stewart Lee. In the Devil's Garden: A Sinful History of Forbidden Food. Ballantine Books, 2002. Andrews, Jean. Peppers: The Domesticated Capsicums. University of Texas Press, 1984. Barkas, Janet. The Vegetable Passion. Charles Scribner, 1975. Behr, Edward. The Artful Eater. Art of Eating, 2004.

Purim booklet.indd

Herausgeber und © Deutscher Rabbinerrat Die Geschichte von Purim umfasst eine Reihe von Ereignissen, die sich in einem Zeitraum von 13 Jahren ereigneten. Erst zum Ende hin bemerkten die Juden, dass all die Ereignisse der vergangenen 13 Jahre in Wirklichkeit Teil eines G-ttlichen Plans waren. Sie bemerkten dann, wie G-tt das Wunder in die natürlichen Ereignisse am Palast des König Achaschwerosch eingefädelt hatte.Purim ist die Anerkennung der im Alltag eingebetteten G-ttlichen Wunder.Die Entwicklung jüdischen religiösen Lebens in Deutschland in den vergangenen 30 Jahren ist ein Wunder unserer modernen Zeit. Wo eine schwindende jüdische Gemeinde die Richtung wechselt und zu einer wachsenden religiösen Gesellschaft wird, die danach strebt, jüdisches Leben in vollkommener Harmonie mit den Regeln der Halacha und der jüdischen Tradition zu etablieren.Mit dieser Entwicklung vor Augen, hat der Deutsche Rabbinerrat mit der Herausgabe einer Publikationsreihe „Praktisches Judentum" begonnen, welche als praktisches Handbuch für das Ausüben des Judentums dienen soll.Dieses Handbuch versucht die detaillierten Gesetze von Purim in verständlicher Form darzustellen, da diese einen Bezug zur heutigen Wirklichkeit in Deutschland haben. Details, die nur außerhalb Deutschland relevant sind, wie zum Beispiel das Feiern von Purim in befestigten Städten, wurden ausgelassen.Wir hoffen, dass dieses Handbuch mit ebenso großem Enthusiasmus aufgenommen wird, wie die vorherige Ausgabe.

MICROSHIELD T TRICLOSAN CLEANSER Chemwatch Hazard Alert Code: 1 Issue Date: 06/10/2015 Version No: Print Date: 13/10/2015 Safety Data Sheet according to WHS and ADG requirements Initial Date: Not Available SECTION 1 IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE / MIXTURE AND OF THE COMPANY / UNDERTAKING

SAGIT Research Snapshot S0311: Cost-effective doubled haploids for accelerating wheat and oat breeding FAST FACTS In a nutshell The project successfully regenerated wheat doubled haploids The details using technology similar to that used for commercial barley Start: September 1, 2011 Finish: August 30, 2014

Weinprobe / Degustazione / Tasting GRANAR / GRANAIO / GRANARY CASÒN HIRSCHPRUNN 11. Tenute Cisa Asinari 2. Società Agricola Anselmi dei Marchesi di Grésy 3. Aquila del Torre 12. Vil a Caviciana 13. Fattoria di Fiorano 5. Azienda Agricola Foradori 14. Öl / Olio / Oil 6. Diesel Farm Società 15. Tenuta Cefalicchio – 7. Società Agricola Maison 16. Maison Boizel

Paper title (use style: paper title)

Proc. of the Intl. Conf. on Advances In Bio-Informatics And Environmental Engineering-ICABEE 2014. Copyright © Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors. All rights reserved. ISBN: 978-1-63248-019-4 doi: 10.15224/ 978-1-63248-019-4-04 Analysis of molecular diversity among Zygophyllum, Tribulus and Fagonia species by PCR-RAPD in Saudi Arabia

Technical data and operating instructions Vivaspin® 6 and 20 mlVivaspin® 6 and 20 10K devices for in vitro diagnostic use Vivaspin® Turbo 6 and 20 3K, 5K, 30K, 50K, 100K, 300K, 1000K and 0.2 µm devices for research use only; not for use in diagnostic procedures Vivaspin® 6 and 20 ml – Introduction Storage conditions shelf life

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SOUTH WEST HEALTHCARE WARRNAMBOOL ADVANCED LIFE SUPPORT LEARNING PACKAGE Prepared by: J. Brown, ICU Last revised February, 2010. C. Joseph, Nursing Education. CONTENTS: Basic Life Support Choking and airway obstruction Defibrillation in ALS Automated External Defibrillators

Acute symptoms of drug hypersensitivity (urticaria, angioedema, anaphylaxis, anaphylactic shock)

MD , Pascal Demoly, MD, PhD  Urticaria  Angioedema  Anaphylaxis  Anaphylactic shock Drug hypersensitivity Drug hypersensitivity reactions (HSRs) are the adverse effects of drugs which, whentaken at doses generally tolerated by normal subjects, clinically resemble Although they occur in a small percentage of patients (about one-third of all adversedrug reactions, which affect 10% to 20% of the hospitalized patients and more than7% of the general population), these reactions are often unpredictable and can belife threatening.Only when a definite immunologic mechanism (either drug-specificantibody or T-cell) is demonstrated should these reactions be classified as drugallergy. For general communication, when a drug allergic reaction is suspected,‘‘drug HSR'' is the preferred term, because true drug allergy and nonallergic drugmay be difficult to differentiate from the clinical presentation alone, especiallyin situations of acute severe HSR, such as anaphylaxis. However, for a long-termplan of treatment and prevention, referral to an allergist-immunologist for confirmationof diagnosis is needed to offer specific preventive measurements.

PRESENTAZIONE DEL "RAPPORTO SVIMEZ SULLE ENTRATE TRIBUTARIE DELLA REGIONE CALABRIA" Incontro di studio (12 febbraio 2014) Roma, settembre 2014 Quaderno SVIMEZ n. 42 Associazione per lo sviluppo dell'industria nel Mezzogiorno Il 12 febbraio 2014, a Roma, presso la Sala delle Lauree dell'Università degli Studi Roma Tre, si è tenuta, su iniziativa della SVIMEZ, la presentazione del "Rapporto sulle entrate tributarie della Regione Calabria", Numero Speciale dei "Quaderni SVIMEZ" pubblicato nel febbraio 2014.


Female Urology – Incontinence Differential Effects of the Antimuscarinic Agents Darifenacin and Oxybutynin ER on Memory in Older Subjects Gary Kay Thomas Crook , Ludmyla Rekeda Raul Lima , Ursula Ebinger Miguel Arguinzoniz Michael Steel Washington Neuropsychological Institute, Washington, DC, USA Psychologix, Inc, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation, East Hanover, NJ, USA


Indonesian Aquaculture Journal Vol.1 No.1, 2006 PRODUCTION OF FEMALE GIANT FRESHWATER PRAWN (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) THROUGH HORMONAL INDUCTION Raden Roro Sri Pudji Sinarni Dewi, Ikhsan Khasani, Sularto, and Wahyu Pamungkas The objective of this experiment was to find out the appropriate dosage for producinghomogametic female of giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii de Man)by feminization. This experiment was carried out at Research Institute for FreshwaterFish Breeding and Aquaculture, Sukamandi. The giant freshwater prawn at PL-5 stagewas treated orally by estradiol-17ß. Estradiol-17ß was given orally. The dosage levelsare 0, 30, 50, and 70 mg/kg of feed. The hormonal feed was given for 30 days. Prawnswere reared in aquaria for 30 days and hapas for 60 days. The parameters observedare sex ratio, survival rate, total length, and body weight. The results showed thatestradiol-17ß increased production of female giant freshwater prawn. The best dosagewas 70 mg/kg of feed that could produce 65.33% ± 5.64% of female. Survival rate andgrowth of giant freshwater prawn were not affected by estradiol-17ß (P<0.05).

Sino-European Life Science Forum 2nd Sino-European Life Science Forum Innovation, Practice & Cooperation 19-25, June, 2016 Nanjing, Hangzhou & Shaoxing, China Invitation Chinese market will be always dynamic with 13th Five-Year plan Even with some difficulties during the transformation period, the growth of China's economy is always one of the fastest in the world. China has become the world's second largest country in GDP output in the world. Having the largest population in the world, the market potential of China is enormous. The field of life sciences, biotechnology and medical devices is expected to expand even further. The Chinese biomedical & pharmaceutical industry has maintained a healthy growth during the first 3 quarters in 2015:


Expert Review of the Evidence Base for Arthropod Bite Avoidance Larry I. Goodyer, PhD,∗ Ashley M. Croft, MD,† Steve P. Frances, PhD,‡ Nigel Hill, PhD,§Sarah J. Moore, PhD,§ Sangoro P. Onyango, BSc,§ and Mustapha Debboun, PhD¶∗Leicester School of Pharmacy, De Montfort University, Gateway, Leicester, UK; †Surgeon General's Department, London,UK; ‡Australian Army Malaria Institute, Brisbane, Qld., Australia; §London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London,UK; Ifakara Health Institute, Ifakara, Morogoro, Tanzania; ¶US Army Medical Department Center & School, Center forHealth Education & Training, Fort Sam, Houston, TX, USA

Monsoon Contingency Plan 2012- Azad Jammu & Kashmir State of Preparedness for the Forthcoming Monsoon 2012 Azad Jammu & Kashmir State Disaster Management Authority Monsoon Contingency Plan 2012 FOREWORD The territory of Azad Jammu and Kashmir is exposed to a wide range of natural hazards.

Aws171 2375.2389

Brain 2012: 135; 2375–2389 A JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY Fluoxetine inhibits matrix metalloproteaseactivation and prevents disruption of blood–spinalcord barrier after spinal cord injury Jee Y. Lee,1,2 Hwang S. Kim,1,3 Hye Y. Choi,1 Tae H. Oh1 and Tae Y. Yune1,2,3,4 1 Age-Related and Brain Diseases Research Centre, School of Medicine, Kyung Hee University, Seoul 130-701, Korea2 Neurodegeneration Control Research Centre, School of Medicine, Kyung Hee University, Seoul 130-701, Korea

Optical training 12082_Healthcall_Training Doc_MASTER.indd 1-2 Promoting eye health and maximising independence for all Code of Practice for Domiciliary Eyecare September 2009 The Domiciliary Eyecare Committee is grateful for the comments of the UK Departments of Health on this Code • NHS eye examinations will be provided on request to those who cannot access

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Dipartimento di Scienza dello Stato, Università Federico II di Napoli Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici Società Italiana per lo Studio della Storia Contemporanea STORIE IN CORSO WORKSHOP NAZIONALE DOTTORANDI IN STORIA CONTEMPORANEA IL SINDACATO NAZIONALISTA BASCO NEGLI ANNI DELLA SECONDA REPUBBLICA

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Treatment of Bacterial Overgrowth in Patients With Irritable Bowel Syndrome Background: Rifaximin is an effective treatment of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) with small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), yet long-term management has not been well studied. Patients with functional bowel symptoms were characterized by lactulose breath test (LBT), and a comprehensive approach to long-term SIBO therapy was employed. Methods: On day 0, eligible patients completed a baseline symptom questionnaire and were offered rifaximin 1200 mg/d for 10 days followed by tegaserod 3 mg nightly (long-term) plus 1 month of zinc 220 mg/d and a bifidobacteria-based probiotic once daily. Two months later, patients were administered a follow-up questionnaire regarding symptoms at the time of completion of rifaximin therapy and their current symptoms. Results: 161 of 212 patients with an abnormal LBT met Rome II criteria for IBS. High-methane producers were more likely to have constipation. After completion of rifaximin treatment, ≥50% improvement from baseline was reported by 72% of patients for abdominal pain, 67% for flatulence, 62% for bloating, 58% for constipation, 56% for diarrhea, and 53% for fullness. Similar results were reported at 2 months. Global IBS symptoms at 2 months were reported by 60% of patients to be moderately or greatly improved. Moderately or greatly improved symptoms were more frequent among high-methane producers (83%) than high-hydrogen producers (56%) or high producers of both methane and hydrogen (44%). Conclusions: Rifaximin treatment followed by adjunctive therapy was associated with sustained improvement in patients with IBS and SIBO. High-methane producers experienced more frequent constipation and reported greater clinical response compared with high-hydrogen producers.

Current learning in palliative care

Current Learning in Palliative care Helping patients with symptoms other than pain 1: Constipation Introductory level Aim of this worksheet Produced by St. Oswald's Hospice To learn how to assess and manage constipation How to use this worksheet  You can work through this worksheet by yourself, or with a tutor.

Sa pathology newsletter

Reference interval changes 2 Significance of ANCA 4 Type 1 diabetes 6 INSIDe Clinical Utility of Bone Turnover Markers 8 Ulysses Syndrome – is it the liver? 10 Test ordering standardisation 11 Order of Draw Quick Guide 12 HbA1cFor our patients and our population transport improvement, will enable us to Complement method change From the Executive Director meet future challenges and maintain

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Hier finden Sie Fragen und Antworten aus dem Expertenforum "Haarausfall" zum Nachlesen. Ich leide an Alopecia areata und habe meine Kopfhaare und Teile von Augenbrauen und Wimpern verloren. Welche Chancen habe ich, wieder Haare zu bekommen? Gibt es noch andere Heilmethoden außer DCP? Bei einer geringen Ausprägung des kreisrunden Haarausfalls und noch kurzer Erkrankungsdauer kann die Einnahme von Zink hilfreich sein. An die Akutphase kann sich eine Reiztherapie mit Dithranol bzw. Cignolin anschließen, einem äußerlich anzuwendenden Arzneimittel, das sonst in der Behandlung der Schuppenflechte eingesetzt wird. Bei Ihnen handelt es sich jedoch um einen schweren Verlauf mit völligem Haarverlust. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit, ein Nachwachsen der Haare zu erreichen, sinkt mit dem Schweregrad (Ausbreitung und zeitlicher Verlauf) der Alopezie. Auch die Therapie mit der Chemikalie DCP führt nur in weniger als der Hälfte der Fälle zu einem Nachwachsen. Daher ist es bei schweren Formen der Alopecia areata meistens empfehlenswert, sich frühzeitig um eine optimale Zweithaarversorgung zu kümmern.


Age and Ageing 2015; 44: 213–218 © The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Geriatrics Society. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Published electronically 16 October 2014 Non-Commercial License (, which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is

Social Movements and Social Policy: The Bolivian Renta Dignidad Political Science Department, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Sara Niedzwiecki* Political Science Department, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque [email protected] (856) 725-3672 * We would like to thank Evelyne Huber, John Stephens, and Camila Arza for comments on previous versions of this paper.

Radionuclide therapy beyond radioiodine Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift ISSN 0043-5341Wien Med WochenschrDOI 10.1007/s10354-012-0128-6 Your article is protected by copyright and all rights are held exclusively by Springer- Verlag Wien. This e-offprint is for personal use only and shall not be self-archived in

© Masson, Paris, 2004. Gastroenterol Clin Biol 2004;28:955-960 Recommandations pour la pratique clinique dans le traitement de la rectocolite Philippe MARTEAU (1), Philippe SEKSIK (1), Laurent BEAUGERIE (2), Yoram BOUHNIK (3), Jean-Marie REIMUND (4), Luc GAMBIEZ (5), Bernard FLOURIÉ (6), Philippe GODEBERGE (7) (1) Service d'hépato-gastroentérologie, Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou, 75015 Paris ; (2) Service d'hépato-gastroentérologie et nutrition,

GET THE DETAILS Das englischsprachige Trip Dossier gehört zu Deinen wichtigsten Reiseunter lagen. Darin findest Du neben einem ausführlichen Reiseverlauf auch eine Vielzahl relevanter Informationen rund um diese Reise. Wir empfehlen Dir, das Trip Dossier bereits vor der Buchung zu lesen, damit Du genau weißt, was Dein Reiseerlebnis beinhaltet. Jungle Fever - Extension


'Heart Failure Is Killing Your Diabetes Patients,' Experts Warn at EASDShel ey Wood BARCELONA, SPAIN — Cardiologists speaking here at the European Association for the Study of Diabetes(EASD) 2013 Meeting are urging diabetologists to sit up and take notice: heart failure is kil ing their patients and isnot getting the attention it deserves. Not only is heart failure one of the most lethal—if not the most lethal—complications of diabetes, its role in diabetesis being routinely overlooked by physicians, by journals publishing diabetes research, and perhaps worst of al , byregulators tasked with tel ing companies what's important for trials of new diabetes drugs.