Marys Medicine

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Microsoft word - brig field day 5 newsletter march 201

March 2011 PARASITES IN CATTLE : Dave Leathwick, an independent researcher from AgResearch, delivered a thought provoking presentation on the use of drenches in cattle in NZ. He showed us a reminder of the national survey conducted in 2004-05. Combination A + L Farms passing all groups As you can clearly see, drench resistance is a bigger issue in cattle than in sheep, a message we often forget. Another message that is forgotten is that developingdrench resistance is like a melting glacier. You can't see it melting away unless you actually measure it. Your eye will not pick it up.

Bleaching products fade areas of unwanted pigmentation by disrupting the production and distribution of melanin in the skin by targeting overactive melanocytes (pigment-producing cells). There are a variety of ways to accomplish this and studies have shown that the best results occur when using a combination of two or more of these ingredients. Tyrosinase Inhibitors: Tyrosinase is a copper enzyme which stimulates melanin production in the melanocyte. Most whitening agents fall under this category, interfering with the enzymes function and reducing pigment production in the melanocyte. Hydroquinone Hydroquinone is a hydroxyphenolic compound that has been widely used for skin lightening for 50 years. It is the only FDA approved product for bleaching and a prescription is required to obtain products with a concentration above 2%. It is the most widely studied and scientifically backed bleaching agent on the market, but its use can come at a cost. It can be very irritating to sensitive skin and cause pigmentation to darken and get worse. In very dark skin types, long term use of highly concentrated products (4% or more) can lead to a development of Exogenous Ochronosis, "an irreversible disfiguring cosmetic problem." It is also very difficult to stabilize and can oxidize quickly if exposed to light and air. If a product containing Hydroquinone has darkened from an off-white or a creamy, pale yellow to a gold or brown color, it will no longer be effective and should be discarded. When using Hydroquinone, it is imperative to stay out of the sun for the treatment to work. Always wear a full spectrum sunblock and a hat. Exposure to sun deteriorates the Hydroquinone, rendering it ineffective. Kojic Acid Kojic Acid, a byproduct of the fermentation of rice, was first discovered in Japan in 1907. Kojic acid is the most common bleaching agent next to Hydroquinone. Kojic Acid is a natural and more gentle on the skin alternative to using Hydroquinone. It penetrates the upper skin layers and inhibits the production of epidermal melanin. Kojic Acid does pose a risk of causing allergic or sensitizing reactions in a small number of people. Azelaic Acid A natural skin brightener found in wheat, rye, and barley. Azelaic acid is most effective in concentrations of 20% - an amount that makes is near comparable in activity to 4% Hydroquinone. In a study consisting of 329 melasma sufferers, half were treated with a 20% Azelaic Acid solution, and half were treated with a 4% Hydroquinone solution. 56% of patients treated with AZA had good to favorable results while 73% treated with HQ had a similar result. When combined with Tretinoin or Alpha Hydroxy Acids, the results were noticeably improved. Azelaic Acid, is also antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, so it is also effective in the treatment of rosacea and acne. Arbutin (also known as Alpha Arbutin, Bearberry Extract or Uva Ursi Extract) A botanical, naturally-occuring cousin to Hydroquinone, Arbutin was first discovered in the Uva Ursi plant. Compared to HQ, Arbutin has been shown to be significantly less cytotoxic to the melanocyte — making it a much safer, yet very effective alternative to Hydroquinone. In a clinical trial involving Japanese women with melasma, a 3% concentration of Arbutin produced good to excellent results in 71.4% of patients within a three month period. Licorice Extract One of the safest and most gentle bleaching agents around, Licorice Extract is a potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. The ingredients responsible for the skin whitening aspect of the plan are known as Glabradin and Liquiritin. Liquiritin (in a 20% concentration) has been shown to provide good to excellent results in 70-90% of patients with hyperpigmentation and melasma — with minimal side effects and only minor irritation. Mulberry Extract Mulberry Extract is derived from the root bark of the mulberry tree, Morus Alba L. Studies have confirmed it to effectively reduce tyrosinase activity at much lower concentrations than either Hydroquinone or Kojic Acid. N-Acetyl Glucosamine N-Acetyl Glucosamine is a more stable form of Glucosamine, an agent most widely known as an arthritis treatment. Studies have recently shown it to successfully reduce the amount of melanin in melanocytes by blocking tyrosinase conversion and its results improve significantly when combined with Niacinamide. Inhibition of Melanosome Transfer: These skin lightening agents lighten unwanted pigmentation by interfering with the transfer or melanosomes from the melanocyte to the keratinocytes. Niacinamide or Nicotinamide is a biologically active form of Niacin (Vitamin B3) that has been shown to interrupt melanocyte transfer by 35-68%.

neue Möglichkeiten und chAncen Unerwünschte Vareniclin Plazebo Raucherentwöhnung Ereignisse (in %) (in %)Übelkeit Medikamente können die Chancen auf eine erfolgreiche Nikotin-Entwöhnung erhöhen. Zur Verfügung stehen Nikotinpflaster, Bupropion und neuerdings auch Vareniclin. Der Cannabinoid-Rezeptorantagonist Rimonaband, der in Studien ebenfal s einen

A non-surgical treatment for Dupuytren's contracture1* Your guide to The information in this guide is for educational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Please refer to the Xiapex Package Information for full safety and product information.*Xiapex is for adults with a rope-like cord that can be felt beneath the skin of the palm (also known as a palpable cord)1


Kosmetische Cosmetic Medicine MEDIZIN ORGANSCHAFTEN:Vereinigung für ästhetische Dermatologie und Lasermedizin e.V. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ästhetische Dermatologie Österreichische Gesellschaft für Ärztliche Kosmetologie und Altersforschung der Haut Bockshornsamen + Mikronährstoffe:Wirksamkeit eines Nahrungsergänzungsmittels gegen Haarausfall

04/20 +59 Le magazine des commandes numériques HEIDENHAIN Coups d'œil dans la pratiqueComment utiliser efficacement les commandes TNC graphique de simulation Fonction "Stop and go" pour un dégagement et un réaccostage en toute sécurité avec la TNC

Guidelines for tanning salon operators

COMMUNICABLE DISEASE CONTROLHEALTH PROTECTION AND SAFETY Guidelines forTanning Salon Operators Ministry of Health and Ministry of Health Services Ministry Responsible for Seniors Health Protection Planning Division British Columbia Ministry of Health Services March 1997 (revised March 2004) Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Data

The Effect of Pioglitazone and Metformin on Liver Function Tests, Insulin Resistance, and Liver Fat Content in Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: A Ran- domized Double Blinded Clinical TrialMohsen Razavizade 1, Raika Jamali 2, 3, *, Abbas Arj 1, Seyyed Mohammad Matini 1, Alireza Moraveji 4, Effat Taherkhani 11 Internal Medicine Ward, Shahid Beheshti Kashan Hospital, Kashan University of Medical Sciences, Kashan, IR Iran

INDIVIDUALIZED STRATEGIES AGAINST WIDESPREAD DISEASESWith ‘personalized medicine' against cancer, diabe-tes, heart attacks, etc. PICTURE: Thinkstock ResearchThe three large universi- Styria as a Pioneer of About Bone Hormones, ties in Graz cooperate the ‘Third Biomedical Glucose Metabolism and From Idea to InnovationInnovation does not just fall out of the

A PUBLICATION OF THE HINDU ENDOWMENTS BOARD, SINGAPORE We wish all our devotees and well-wishers A Very Happy New Year and Happy Pongal. ,dpa 2016 Gj;jhz;L tho;j;Jf;fs; kw;Wk; MovinG Forward in 2016 new initiativeS For thaipuSaM what'S on I hope all of you had a great holiday season. I am sure that, many positive things will happen

The down rare plant register of scarce & threatened vascular plants

Vascular Plants Register County Armagh County Armagh Scarce, Rare & Extinct Vascular Plant Register John Faulkner Records editor: John Faulkner Author of species accounts: John Faulkner General editor: Julia Nunn This register is one of a series, planned eventually to cover the whole of the British Isles, as an initiative of the

164 • The Journal of Neuroscience, January 2, 2013 • 33(1):164 –174 Neuroestrogens Rapidly Regulate Sexual Motivation But NotPerformance Aurore L. Seredynski,1 Jacques Balthazart,1 Virginie J. Christophe,1 Gregory F. Ball,2 and Charlotte A. Cornil11Groupe Interdisciplinaire de Génoprotéomique Appliquée (GIGA) Neurosciences, Research Group in Behavioral Neuroendocrinology, University of Lie ge, 4000Lie ge, Belgium, and 2Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Johns Hopkins University, Krieger School of Arts and Sciences, Baltimore, Maryland 21218

Microsoft word - laser_haarentfernung_d.doc

LASER HAAR ENTFERNUNG: WISSENSCHAFTLICHE PRINZIPIEN UND PRAKTISCHE ASPEKTE Christine C. Dierickx, Ärztin Forschung – Wissenschaft Wellman Laboratorien für Photomedizin Harvard Medical School Zusammenfassung Der Gebrauch von Lasern zur Haarentfernung wird seit Jahren erforscht. Während der Behandlung wird das Licht des Lasers von dem Melanin des Haarschafts absorbiert, wo es das fol ikuläre Epithel schädigt. Eine klinische Studie bewertete den Gebrauch des LightSheer Diodenlasers zur Haarentfernung. Von 92 Patienten hatten al e einen Haarverlust und 89% hatten eine dauerhafte Verminderung der Haare. Nachwachsende Haare waren dünner und hel er als zuvor. Die ausgiebige klinische Nutzung dieses leistungsfähigen gepulsten Diodenlasers erbrachte Empfehlungen für ausgewählte Patienten zur sicheren Anwendung des Lasers. Angemessene Intensitätseinstel ungen zeigten eine dauerhafte Haarreduktion ohne dabei die Epidermis zu schädigen, und das unabhängig vom Hauttyp. Hintergrund Laser Haarentfernung konzentriert sich auf den intrazel ulären Farbstoff Melanin, welcher vorrangig im Haar gefunden wird. Ein kleiner Anteil befindet sich auch im oberen Drittel des fol ikulären Epithels (Grafik 1). Wenn eine angemessene Energiequel e (wie ein Laser) auf die Haut gerichtet wird, wird das Licht v.a. vom Melanin im Haar absorbiert. Dabei wird Hitze erzeugt, die in das benachbarte fol ikuläre Epithel diffundiert. Ein ähnliches Prinzip wird zur Behandlung von krankhaften Gefäßveränderungen verwendet. Hier wandert die vom Hämoglobin absorbierte Hitze vom Blut zu den Endothelzel en der Gefäße.

Oral hydrogen water prevents chronic allograft nephropathy in rats

& 2009 International Society of Nephrology Oral hydrogen water prevents chronic allograftnephropathy in rats Jon S. Cardinal1, Jianghua Zhan1, Yinna Wang1, Ryujiro Sugimoto1,2,3, Allan Tsung1,Kenneth R. McCurry1,3, Timothy R. Billiar1 and Atsunori Nakao1,2,3 1Department of Surgery, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA; 2Department of Surgery,Thomas E. Starzl Transplantation Institute, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA and 3Department ofSurgery, Heart, Lung and Esophageal Surgery Institute, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

Fred dispense september 2010 rehash

Daylight Savings Time (DST) begins this commonly located in the bottom right hand corner of month and we remind the effected states the windows desktop screen) then advancing the to adjust their computer clocks forward by clock forward by one hour. one hour on the following date: It is important that you make sure that you set theclock to the correct and appropriate AM or PM time.


tr.0405.042-053 23.03.2005 14:07 Uhr ©Seite 42 42 GENTESTS TECHNOLOGY REVIEW April 2005 © Copyright by Heise Zeitschriften Verlag GmbH & Co. KG. Veröffentlichung und Vervielfältigung nur mit Genehmigung des Heise Zeitschriften Verlags. tr.0405.042-053 23.03.2005 14:07 Uhr ©Seite 43 GENTESTS 43 Das Geschäft mit den GenenNicht nur Wissenschaftler interessieren sich für das Erbgut.Arbeitgeber, Versicherer, Ärzte, Patienten und werdende Elternwollen wissen, wie das genetische Schicksal beschaffen ist.Ein gewaltiger Markt für dubiose Geschäftemacher

The effect of subclinical ketosis in early lactation on reproductive performance of postpartum dairy cows

J. Dairy Sci. 90:2788–2796doi:10.3168/jds.2006-560© American Dairy Science Association, 2007. The Effect of Subclinical Ketosis in Early Lactation on ReproductivePerformance of Postpartum Dairy Cows R. B. Walsh,*1 J. S. Walton,† D. F. Kelton,* S. J. LeBlanc,* K. E. Leslie,* and T. F. Duffield**Department of Population Medicine, and†Department of Animal and Poultry Science, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada, N1G 2W1

Pii: s0927-796x(01)00030-4

Materials Science and Engineering R33 (2001) 109±134 Recent developments in lithium ion batteries Masataka Wakihara* Department of Applied Chemistry, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Ookayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152-8552, Japan Accepted 23 February 2001 Lithium ion rechargeable batteries are used as the power supply of cellular phones and several other portable

International Scholarly Research NetworkISRN MicrobiologyVolume 2012, Article ID 484176, 6 pagesdoi:10.5402/2012/484176 Research ArticleChromosomal Arrangement of AHL-Driven Quorum SensingCircuits in Pseudomonas Zsolt Gelencs´er,1 Borisz Galb´ats,1, 2 Juan F. Gonzalez,3 K. Sonal Choudhary,4Sanjarbek Hudaiberdiev,4 Vittorio Venturi,3 and S´andor Pongor4

2009 Bibliography Disclaimer: Although we have made every effort to include all authors in this bibliography, please accept our sincerest apologies if we have inadvertently missed your publication(s). 1. Abelson J, Collins PA. Media Hyping and the "Herceptin Access Story": An Analysis of Canadian and UK Newspaper Coverage. Healthc Policy 2009;3:e113-e128.

Microsoft word - 9-22-14 code of business conduct spanish.doc

HEICO CORPORATION CÓDIGO DE CONDUCTA EMPRESARIAL Según enmienda incorporada el 22 de Septiembre de 2014 UN MENSAJE DE NUESTRO PRESIDENTE DE LA JUNTA En HEICO, llevamos adelante nuestra empresa con la máxima honestidad y comportamiento ético. Estas normas constituyen el principio básico que nos permite elaborar productos de excelente calidad, prestar excelentes servicios, brindar un incomparable servicio al cliente y excelencia en todo lo que hacemos. Este Código de conducta empresarial continúa nuestros esfuerzos para aclarar a nuestros Miembros del Equipo los valores fundamentales de HEICO. No es una explicación general, sino una guía resumida de normas importantes que constituyen la base de nuestra ética comercial e integridad profesional. Estas normas se aplican a todos los Miembros del Equipo HEICO en todas las empresas subsidiarias. Además, se aplican políticas más específicas según las áreas individuales de responsabilidad y la ubicación. Después de leer este Código de Conducta Empresarial, los invito a analizar su contenido con otros y a formular preguntas si ciertos temas no le quedan perfectamente claros. Si usted tuviera conocimiento de hechos o transacciones que violen estas políticas, su responsabilidad es comunicar dicha información inmediatamente a su gerente o supervisor, Director de Cumplimiento (Director de Auditoría Interna), Director de Recursos Humanos de HEICO Aerospace, el abogado de la compañía o la línea directa anónima y confidencial establecida con este propósito. Su cooperación en este esfuerzo garantizará que HEICO continúe llevando adelante su actividad comercial de la manera más honesta y ética. Laurans A. Mendelson


Richter, Joachim; Müller-Stöver, Irmela; Walter, Susanne; Mehlhorn, Heinz; Häussinger, Dieter Kopfläuse – Umgang mit einer wieder auflebenden Parasitose Head Lice – Handling the Resurgence of a Parasitosis Deutsches Ärzteblatt 102, Ausgabe 36 vom 09.09.2005, Seite A-2395 / B-2016 / C-1909 MEDIZIN Zusammenfassung Die Inzidenz des Kopflausbefalls in Deutschland hat in den letzten Jahren zugenommen und ist heute höher als in den 1960er-Jahren. Der sprunghafte Anstieg des Bedarfs an Pedikuloziden nach den Sommerferien spricht für einen bedeutenden Einfluss importierter Infektionen. Entgegen den Empfehlungen des Robert Koch-Instituts werden Kinder immer noch vom Schulunterricht oder der Kindergartenbetreuung ausgeschlossen, weil sie nach einer Behandlung nicht „nissenfrei" seien. Diese Praxis ist kontraproduktiv, weil sie die Kinder stigmatisiert und die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Eltern, Kindergarten- und Schulpersonal und den Gesundheitsbehörden behindert. Die Evaluation von Resistenzen gegenüber den in Deutschland verfügbaren Pedikuloziden, wie natürlichen und synthetischen Pyrethroiden und Lindan, wird dadurch erschwert. Wegen aufkommender Pedikulozidresistenzen in verschiedenen Regionen der Welt müssen weitere Alternativen, wie Malathion und Ivermectin geprüft werden. Schlüsselwörter: Kopflaus, Parasitose, Reisemedizin, Pedikulozid, Permethrin Summary Head Lice – Handling the Resurgence of a Parasitosis The incidence of head lice in Germany is higher than in the sixties and has increased continously during the last years. The increasing demand for pediculicides following the summer vacations suggests an influence of imported infections. Contrary to the recommendations of the central German Public Health Institution Robert Koch-Institut, children in Germany are still being excluded from school or kindergarten, unless they are not free of nits. The „no nit policy" is counterproductive, because it leads to stigmatisation and hinders the cooperation between parents, kindergarten, school personnel, and public health institutions. Moreover, it hampers the evaluation of resistances against pediculocides available in Germany, such as natural and synthetic pyrethroids and lindane. Since these resistances are observed in several regions of the world, alternatives, such as malathion and ivermectin, have to be evaluated. Key words: head lice, parasitosis, travel medicine, pediculicide, permethrine Die Inzidenz des Kopflausbefalls in Deutschland nimmt in den letzten Jahren zu und ist heute höher als in den 1960er-Jahren. Dafür sprechen Verkaufszahlen der Hersteller von Läusemitteln in Deutschland und Daten aus anderen Ländern Europas (1). Der jedes Jahr sprunghafte Anstieg des Bedarfes an Läusemitteln nach den Sommerferien deutet auf einen Zusammenhang mit der zunehmenden Mobilität der Bevölkerung und damit verbundenen importierten Infektionen (Andreas Rauschenbach, persönliche Mitteilung, 2005). Da keine personenbezogene Meldepflicht besteht, ist jedoch eine zuverlässige Einschätzung der Situation nicht möglich. Bei einer Befragung an einer Düsseldorfer Grundschule gaben fast 85 Prozent der Schüler an, bereits einmal von Kopfläusen befallen gewesen zu sein. Schul- und Kindergartenleiter zeichneten auf einer Informationsveranstaltung in Neuss ein ähnliches Bild: Kopfläuse seien ständige Gäste, und Mütter reagierten panisch (2). Drei Läusespezies besiedeln den Menschen: - die Kopflaus, Pediculus humanus capitis - die Kleiderlaus, Pediculus humanus humanus seu vestimentorum, und - die Filzlaus, Phthirus pubis. Läuse sind strikt humanspezifische Ektoparasiten, Tierläuse können sich beim Menschen nicht entwickeln. Lausinfektionen begleiten die Evolution des Menschen möglicherweise seit seiner Entwicklung. Molekulargenetische Untersuchungen zeigen, dass die Kleiderlaus sich vor 70 000 bis 30 000 Jahren von der Kopflaus differenziert hat. In diesem Zeitraum hat der Homo sapiens sein Fell

i n t r O d u c t i O nDebriefing has been shown to improve clinical behavior during cardiac resuscitation and, as such, has become a recommended procedure in the 2010 European Resuscitation Council Guidelines for Resuscitation. Edelson and colleagues reported that the number of patients achieving return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) at a university hospital in the Midwest of the US increased from 44.6% to 59.4% (p=.03) when weekly debriefing sessions were conducted.1 This guide has been developed to provide guidelines for debriefing the key measures of care that can have a significant impact on outcomes from sudden cardiac arrest (SCA).

Dental recommendations for preventing complications in patients with chronic conditions health partners research foundation edent study

Dental Recommendations for Preventing Complications in Patients with Chronic Conditions Health Partners Research Foundation eDent Study Health Partners Research Foundation (HPRF) has recently received a grant from The Agency for Health Research and Quality to improve quality and safety of dental care for patients with chronic illness. This project hopes to improve patient outcomes by increasing HealthPartner dentists awareness and clinical decision-making for patients with chronic conditions by identifying problems and providing the dental recommendations. The study will evaluate the effectiveness of simple alert reminders to the dentist and/or patient that special dental care is needed because of the presence of a chronic condition to reduce complications during care. The patient's electronic medical record will be used to identify patients with chronic illnesses. The project will utilize the electronic dental record to provide an alert and information to dentists and a personal health record to provide an alert and information to patients about their condition. The four chronic conditions include congestive heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes mellitus, conditions or medications causing xerostomia.


Complete Summary GUIDELINE TITLE The management of persistent pain in older persons. BIBLIOGRAPHIC SOURCE(S) AGS Panel on Persistent Pain in Older Persons. The management of persistent pain in older persons. J Am Geriatr Soc 2002 Jun;50(6 Suppl):S205-24. [126 references] GUIDELINE STATUS This is the current release of the guideline.


Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 93 (2009) 194–204 Contents lists available at Applied Catalysis B: Environmental Effect of manganese substitution on the structure and activity of iron titanatecatalyst for the selective catalytic reduction of NO with NH3 Fudong Liu, Hong He , Yun Ding, Changbin Zhang State Key Laboratory of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100085, PR China

Microsoft word - 15500689_7.docx

Presented and Prepared by: Bradford J. Peterson Urbana, Illinois • 217.344.0060 Heyl, Royster, Voelker & Allen PEORIA • SPRINGFIELD • URBANA • ROCKFORD • EDWARDSVILLE © 2010 Heyl, Royster, Voelker & Allen 15500689_7.DOCX MEDICARE AND FUTURE MEDICAL EXPENSES: DOES THE "SUPER LIEN" APPLY? INTRODUCTION . L-3

14 graziani.darrel

Increasing Public Awareness of Potential Groundwater Contamination from Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products at Homes with Private Wells and Onsite Sewage Treatment Systems 2010 - 2011 Environmental Public Health Leadership Institute Fellow(s): Darrel J. Graziani, P.E., R.S., B.S. Chemical Engineering

connecting people working in falls prevention Issue 1 October 2014 Welcome to the first issue of Focus on Falls – a quarterly channel to connect with others publication for everyone interested in understanding across hospital, aged residential and preventing falls in older people. care, community care and , is the name and the broad aim of primary health care settings.

Newsletter revamp oct 07

Information Magazine for people with Hepatitis C and HIV The Irish Haemophilia Society Representing people in Ireland with haemophilia and related bleeding disorders. It is now nine months since the first person with haemophilia received treatment withthe new triple combination therapy, fol- lowing their authorisation by the Minister forHealth. Prior to that, one individual had beentreated using combination therapy with oneof the new drugs (Victrelis) in combinationwith Pegylated Interferon and Ribavirin on anearly access programme. We are happy toreport that that this individual has successful-ly completed his treatment and has clearedthe hepatitis C virus.

January - February 2016 Information New $72m Outpatients facility for Christchurch Bariatric Management Innovation (BMI) initiative and news from around the nation Information for readers, subscribers and advertisersYou'll notice some changes to New Zealand Health & Hospital during 2016. These changes have been introduced to provide you with content that is more accessible and timely. Plus there is now no charge for you to download your copies of New Zealand Health and Hospital from