Marys Medicine

Weinprobe / Degustazione / Tasting GRANAR / GRANAIO / GRANARY CASÒN HIRSCHPRUNN 11. Tenute Cisa Asinari 2. Società Agricola Anselmi dei Marchesi di Grésy 3. Aquila del Torre 12. Vil a Caviciana 13. Fattoria di Fiorano 5. Azienda Agricola Foradori 14. Öl / Olio / Oil 6. Diesel Farm Società 15. Tenuta Cefalicchio – 7. Società Agricola Maison 16. Maison Boizel Vigneronne Grosjean 17. Nino Franco Spumanti 18. Gian Paolo e Giovanni 8. Azienda Agricola Cavalleri Società Agricola Biodinamica Le Sincette 19. Pol Roger – Compagnia 9. Weingut Klaus Lentsch 10. La Raia Azienda 20. Tenuta di Biserno Biodinamica – Cascina Cucco PALAST 2. STOCK / PALAZZO 2o PIANO / PALACE 2nd FLOOR CASÒN HIRSCHPRUNN 21. Gut Hermannsberg 22. BattenfeldSpanier 40. Società Agricola Capannelle 23. Dr. Bürklin-Wolf 24. Weingut Heitlinger & Burg 42. Castello di Ama 43. Poggio al Sole 25. Weingut August Kesseler 44. Querceto di Castel ina 26. Weingut Tement Azienda Agricola Biologica 27. Weingut Schloss Gobelsburg 45. Società Agricola 28. Weingut Bründlmayer 29. Weingut Feiler-Artinger 46. Obstkelterei Van Nahmen 30. Weingut Velich - Weingut 47. Azienda Agricola Maremmalta 48. Poggio Nibbiale 31. Domaine Mas des Quernes 32. Schubert Wines 50. Azienda Agraria Conti 33. Salomon Estate 51. Azienda Agricola Le 35. Fattoria Mancini 36. Caiarossa Società Agricola 52. Tenuta Guado al Tasso - 37. Podere Il Carnasciale Marchesi Antinori 38. Petrolo Società Agricola PALAST 1. STOCK / PALAZZO 1o PIANO / PALACE 1st FLOOR CASÒN HIRSCHPRUNN Demeter – unser Partner Demeter – nostro partner Demeter – our partner 53. Demeter Italia – Demeter Deutschland 54. Azienda Agricola Corte Sant'Alda 55. DueMani Costa Toscana 56. Moulin de Breuil 57. Château Les Graves de Viaud 58. Weingut Trautwein 59. Weingut Zähringer 60. Weingut Brüder Dr. Becker 61. Weingut Clemens Busch 62. Weingut Peter Jakob Kühn 63. Weingut Jürgen Leiner 64. Familie Sander – Ökologische Weine 65. Frank John – Das Hirschhorner Weinkontor 66. Weingut Mg vom Sol 67. Bioweingut Johannes Zillinger 68. Wein von Ploder-Rosenberg WEINBAUGEBIETE / REGIONI VITIVINICOLE / WINE-GROWING REGIONS GRANAR / GRANAIO / GRANARY – CASÒN HIRSCHPRUNN
10. La Raia Azienda Biodinamica –
11. Tenute Cisa Asinari dei Marchesi Frankreich / Francia / France
16. Maison Boizel 15. Tenuta Cefalicchio – Ognissole 19. Pol Roger – Compagnia del Vino Südtirol / Alto Adige
4. Alois Lageder
9. Weingut Klaus Lentsch Italien / Italia / Italy
20. Tenuta di Biserno SPARKLING WINES
3. Aquila del Torre Italien / Italia / Italy
5. Azienda Agricola Foradori 12. Villa Caviciana 13. Fattoria di Fiorano 18. Gian Paolo e Giovanni Cavalleri 7. Società Agricola Maison Società Agricola Lombardia
Vigne ronne Grosjean Frères 8. Azienda Agricola Biodinamica 17. Nino Franco Spumanti 2. Società Agricola Anselmi6. Diesel Farm Società Agricola WEINBAUGEBIETE / REGIONI VITIVINICOLE / WINE-GROWING REGIONS PALAST 2. STOCK / PALAZZO 2° PIANO / PALACE 2nd FLOOR – CASÒN HIRSCHPRUNN
Australien / Australia
33. Salomon Estate Deutschland / Germania / Germany
24. Weingut Heitlinger & Burg 21. Gut Hermannsberg 23. Dr. Bürklin-Wolf 25. Weingut August Kesseler 22. BattenfeldSpanier Frankreich / Francia / France
Neuseeland / Nuova Zelanda /
36. Caiarossa Società Agricola New Zealand
37. Podere Il Carnasciale 31. Domaine Mas des Quernes 38. Petrolo Società Agricola 32. Schubert Wines Italien / Italia / Italy
40. Società Agricola Capannelle 42. Castello di Ama Österreich / Austria
43. Poggio al Sole 44. Querceto di Castellina Azienda Agricola Biologica 29. Weingut Feiler-Artinger 45. Società Agricola Montevertine 47. Azienda Agricola Maremmalta 48. Poggio Nibbiale 27. Weingut Schloss Gobelsburg 28. Weingut Bründlmayer 35. Fattoria Mancini 50. Azienda Agraria Conti Costanti 51. Azienda Agricola Le Macchiole Neusiedlersee & Burgenland
52. Tenuta Guado al Tasso - Marchesi 30. Weingut Velich - Weingut Moric Steiermark

Frankreich / Francia / France
Demeter – unser Partner
Deutschland / Germania / Germany
Demeter – nostro partner
57. Château Les Graves de Viaud Demeter – our partner
58. Weingut Trautwein Languedoc
59. Weingut Zähringer 56. Moulin de Breuil 61. Weingut Clemens Busch Italien / Italia / Italy
63. Weingut Jürgen Leiner 55. DueMani Costa Toscana 65. Frank John – Das Hirschhorner 54. Azienda Agricola Corte Sant'Alda Rheinhessen
60. Weingut Brüder Dr. Becker 64. Familie Sander – Ökologische Österreich / Austria
68. Wein von Ploder-Rosenberg 62. Weingut Peter Jakob Kühn Weinviertel
A. Trota Oro (Forel e / Trota / Trout)B. Feinkost Karl Telfser (Käse / Formaggi / Cheese)C. Pastificio Felicetti (Pasta) D. Haus der Solidarität / Casa del a Solidarietà / House of Solidarity E. Backstube Profanter / Panificio Profanter (Brot / Pane / Bread) F. Metzgerei Schrott / Macel eria Schrott (Südtiroler Speck Alto Adige) G. Laboratorio di Torrefazione Giamaica Caffè GASTRONOMIE / GASTRONOMIA / GASTRONOMY A. RestaurantB. D'Amici FoodC. Pastificio Monograno Felicetti D. Hannah&Elia - fine cooking great eventsE. Weinzelt / Tenda vini / Wine tentF. Margreider Bäuerinnen / Contadine di Magrè G. Gildo Racchel i Menü / Menù / Menu

Projekte / Progetti / Projects
Weine Mittagessen / Vini pranzo / Lunch wines
Getränke / Bevande / Beverages

Green Event
Winzer / Produttori / Producers
Saft / Succo / Juice
Öl / Olio / Oil
Im historischen Ansitz Casòn Hirschprunn Vignaioli d'eccellenza provenienti da tutto Summa brings together quality-conscious in Margreid präsentieren, zeitgleich mit il mondo che, in contemporanea al Vinitaly winemakers from al over the world to der Vinitaly in Verona, qualitätsbewusste di Verona, si ritrovano nella nostra tenuta present their wines at the historical venue Winzer aus al er Welt ihre besten Weine. storica di Casòn Hirschprunn a Magrè per of Casòn Hirschprunn in Magrè, at the Zu diesem besonderen Anlass werden vom presentare i propri vini. In occasione di same time as the Vinitaly takes place in Weingut und den teilnehmenden Winzern questo evento speciale la nostra tenuta Verona. For this special event in this unique Fachleute aus dem In- und Ausland e i viticoltori partecipanti invitano esperti atmosphere, the Alois Lageder Estate and geladen. Sie nutzen die Möglichkeit, in di settore italiani e stranieri, offrendo loro the participating wineries of Summa16 einem einzigartigen Ambiente Weine la possibilità di assaggiare e di conoscere invite experts from home and abroad in zu verkosten und die Winzer hinter den personalmente, in questo ambiente unico, order to meet the winemakers that hide Weinen persönlich kennen zu lernen.
i produttori al di là del banco d'assaggio.
behind their wines.
In diesem Jahr findet die Summa zum Questa sarà la 18esima edizione di Summa This year, Summa celebrates its 18th 18. Mal statt und wurde auf drei Tage, von e si terrà per la prima volta in un arco di tre edition and will be held for the first time Samstag, 9. bis Montag, 11. April 2016, giornate, da sabato 9 a lunedì 11 aprile. Dal over three days, from Saturday 9th to erweitert. Seit der ersten Edition hat sich primo evento, la manifestazione si è evolu- Monday 11th of April 2016. It has become die Veranstaltung Jahr für Jahr durch neue ta continuamente di anno in anno, ponen- a very successful, overall appreciated Schwerpunkte weiterentwickelt und sich dosi sempre nuove priorità. Da al ora si è and well attended event focusing year inzwischen zu einem geschätzten Event in affermata come un evento molto ricercato after year on new and innovative topics. der Weinbranche etabliert. Im vergangenen nel panorama eno-gastronomico. Nel corso Last March we welcomed around 2.000 März begrüßten wir rund 2.000 Gäste aus di Summa15, abbiamo accolto circa 2.000 visitors from over 35 countries.
über 35 Ländern.
ospiti provenienti da oltre 35 paesi.
The humanitarian work is an important Seit einigen Jahren steckt hinter der Summa Da molti anni Summa sostiene anche aspect of Summa. This year Summa sup- auch ein humanitärer Gedanke. In diesem un´iniziativa umanitaria. Quest'anno abbia- ports the House of Solidarity (Casa del a Jahr unterstützt Summa zum ersten Mal mo deciso di dare un contributo alla Casa Solidarietà) in Bressanone and continues its das Haus der Solidarität in Brixen und della Solidarietà di Bressanone e di conti- col aboration with a new South Tyrolean aid setzt so die Zusammenarbeit mit einer aus nuare quindi, a sostenere un´organizzazione organisation. The House of Solidarity has Süd tirol stammenden Hilfsorganisation di beneficenza con sede in Alto Adige. Da been working with people in partly desper- fort. Das Haus der Solidarität arbeitet oltre dieci anni la Casa della Solidarietà ate situations. They deal with traumatized seit Jahren mit Menschen in teilweise aiuta persone in difficoltà. Si tratta di con- refugees, people with severe mental ill- schweren Notlagen. Es handelt sich um nazionali o stranieri di tutte le fasce d´età nesses and addiction problems. traumatisierte Flüchtlinge, Menschen mit che combattono contro problemi come starken psychischen Erkrankungen und situazioni familiari difficili, la disoccupazio- Thanks to the valuable and generous ne, problemi psichici o dipendenze.
support of al participants and guests of Summa15 we col ected around € 36.000 Dank der wertvol en und großzügigen L´anno scorso, grazie al prezioso sostegno which have been donated to the charity or- Unterstützung al er Mitwirkenden di ospiti e organizzatori di Summa15, sono ganisation Help without Frontiers, in favour und Besucher konnten im Jahr 2015 stati raccolti oltre € 36.000. Questi fondi of several projects in Burma.
über € 36.000 für die Hilfsorganisation sono stati devoluti ad Aiutare senza Confini Helfen ohne Grenzen gesammelt werden. per sostenere diversi progetti umanitari in Dieses Geld wurde zu Gunsten mehrerer Projekte in Burma eingesetzt.
Auch das Thema Ökologie spielt weiterhin Il tema del 'ecologia continua a svolgere The topic of ecology remains an important eine große Rolle. Die diesjährige Veran- un ruolo di primo piano. Lo conferma an- matter. This year Summa is once again staltung steht erneut im Zeichen eines che il rinnovato riconoscimento da parte certified by the Environment Agency South zertifizierten „Green Events", wird nach den del ´Agenzia Provinciale per l´Ambiente Tyrol with the "Green Event" seal and is Kriterien des Green Event Managements che conferisce anche a questa edizione planned, organized and implemented ac- organisiert und ausgetragen und erhält, wie di Summa la certificazione "Green Event". cording to environmental criteria.
bereits im Vorjahr, das Green Event Zerti- Progettazione, organizzazione e realizzazio- fikat der Landesagentur für Umwelt der ne seguono criteri eco-compatibili.
Provinz Bozen.
PROJEKTE / PROGETTI / PROJECTS Das Markenzeichen Demeter steht für Demeter, presente oggi in tutti i continenti, The Demeter brand stands for products Produkte der biologisch-dynamischen è il marchio che controlla e certifica i pro- made using biodynamic agricultural Wirtschaftsweise und ist als internationale dotti biologico-dinamici a livel o mondiale. methods. As an international organic brand, Bio-Marke auf al en Kontinenten vertreten. Attraverso Summa16, continuiamo la nostra it is in use on al continents. During this Auch bei der diesjährigen Summa räumen opera di promozione del partner Demeter, year's Summa, we once again give this wir diesem uns sehr wichtigen Partner eine riservando al a comunità un considerevole important partner a special presentation besondere Präsentationsplattform ein.
spazio di presentazione.

Summa16 unterstützt mit € 10 des Ein- Verranno devoluti € 10 a persona del Summa16 donates € 10 of the entrance trittspreises pro Gast die Hilfsorganisation biglietto d'ingresso al 'associazione ONLUS fee per person to the ONLUS organization Haus der Solidarität in Brixen, Südtirol, Casa del a Solidarietà di Bressanone, Alto House of Solidarity in Bressanone, South unter anderem das Projekt „Klangschalen- Adige sostenendo il progetto "Trattamento Tyrol supporting the project „Singing bowl behandlung: Vom Genuss des Weines zum ciotola di canto: dal gusto del vino al suono treatment: from the delight of wine to the Klang der Schale".
della ciotola".
sound of the bowl".
Die Namensschilder von Summa I badge del a nostra manifestazione sono The name badges of Summa16 are wurden von Menschen der geschützten stati realizzati dal e persone che lavorano made by people, working in protected Werkstätten der Bezirksgemeinschaft nei laboratori protetti del a comunità laboratories of the district communities of Überetsch-Unterland (BZ) hergestel t. comprensoriale Oltradige-Bassa Atesina Oltradige-Bassa Atesina (BZ). Each product Jedes Produkt aus den Famos Werkstätten (BZ). Ogni prodotto del laboratorio Famos from the Famos laboratories is unique and ist ein Einzelstück und Ausdruck einer è unico e riflette la personalità individuale.
shows an individual personality.
Seit 2010 betreut und begleitet das Öko- Dal 2010 l'Ökoinstitut Südtirol/Alto Adige Since 2010, the Ökoinstitut Südtirol/Alto institut Südtirol/Alto Adige die Summa segue l'organizzazione di Summa per quanto Adige has offered consultancy to Summa im Bereich Nachhaltigkeit und Ökologie. riguarda gli ambiti sostenibilità ed ecologia. in the fields of sustainability and ecology. Zusammen haben wir uns in den letzten Grazie al comune impegno costante, negli Together we have developed in the last drei Jahren zum vol wertigen „Green Event" ultimi tre anni siamo riusciti a realizzare un three years into a complete "Green Event": weiter entwickelt: Summa16 ist einer der evento certificato „Green Event" vero e Summa16 is one of the first „Green ersten durch die Landesumweltagentur zer- proprio: Summa16 è uno dei primi „Green Events" to be certified in South Tyrol by the tifizierten „Green Events" in ganz Südtirol.
Event" certificati dal 'Agenzia per l'Ambiente environmental agency of the province.
Alois Lageder ist seit dem Ableben von di tutta l'Alto Adige. Dal 2008, in seguito al a Since Hans Glauber passed away in 2008, Hans Glauber im Jahr 2008 der Präsident scomparsa di Hans Glauber, Alois Lageder è Alois Lageder has been the chairman of des Ökoinstituts. Das Thema "Lebensmittelverschwen- Quest'anno abbiamo deciso di porre la This year we have decided to capture your dung" steht dieses Jahr im Vordergrund.
sua attenzione su un tema a noi caro: attention on a specific subject that matters lo spreco alimentare. to us: food waste. Was jeder von uns tun kann: Il suo contributo personale al riguardo: Your personal contribution to this topic: 1. eine Einkaufsliste machen und sich 1. fare una lista della spesa e attenersi 1. make a shopping list and stick to it an diese halten, um zu vermeiden, a quella per evitare di comprare cose in order to avoid buying unnecessary überflüssige Dinge zu kaufen 2. weniger verarbeitete Produkte 2. usare meno prodotti trasformati e più 2. use less processed products and more und stattdessen natürliche Zutaten alimentari naturali products with natural ingredients 3. lernen mit dem zu kochen, was vorrätig 3. imparare a cucinare con quello che c'è, 3. learn how to cook with what you have ist und auch Reste und Übriggebliebe- usando avanzi e scarti at your disposal, using leftovers and 4. evitare di cucinare in eccesso 4. vermeiden, zu viel zu kochen 4. avoid cooking in excess 5. conservare il cibo in modo corretto 5. Essen sachgerecht aufbewahren 5. store food in a proper way 6. controllare sempre le date di scadenza 6. das Mindesthaltbarkeitsdatum beachten e cucinare in base a quello 6. check the expiration dates and cook und nach diesem entscheiden, was according to that zuerst gekocht wird 7. mettere in evidenza nel frigorifero o nel- la dispensa i cibi prossimi alla scadenza 7. consume food close to its expiring date 7. Lebensmittel mit baldigem Mindesthalt- barkeitsdatum im Kühlschrank oder in 8. in caso in cui supermercati mettano in der Vorratskammer in den Vordergrund offerta prodotti in scadenza prediligere 8. some supermarkets have special deal rücken oder kennzeichnen quelli a prodotti appena confezionati for foods that are nearly to expire, choose them instead of buying products 8. wenn Supermärkte Produkte im Ange- bot haben, dessen Mindesthaltbarkeits-datum in Kürze abläuft, diese Produkte jenen mit längerem Haltbarkeitsdatum bevorzugen Winzer / Produttori / Producers GRANAR / GRANAIO / GRANARY Società Agricola Anselmi
The winery is located in Monteforte d'Alpone, a little town immersed in the hil s of Verona (in Veneto, region of Northern Italy). The property extends to 70 hectares situated on the highest slopes of the hills between Monteforte and Soave and the main grape variety is the Garganega. Annual production is 650.000, 700.000 bottles of our wines: "San Vincenzo", the two cru wines "Capitel Foscarino" and "Capitel Croce", the sweet dessert wine I - 37032 Monteforte D'Alpone (VR) "I Capitelli", and the Cabernet Sauvignon "Realda".
T +39 0457 611488 70% Garganega, 30% Chardonnay e Sauvignon IGT Bianco Veneto Capitel Foscarino 90% Garganega, 10% Chardonnay IGT Bianoc Veneto IGT Bianco Veneto IGT Bianco Veneto GRANAR / GRANAIO / GRANARY Aquila del Torre is closely bound up with the terroir of Savorgnano del Torre, Friuli Col i Orientali. Aquila del Torre is a single estate with 20 hectares under vine, exclusively Riccardo Vendrame organically growed, and 60 hectares left as woodland. Terrain is at an elevation of 175 to 350 meters above sea lever, affording a panoramic view of the flat lands. The Ciani family is unfailingly committed to making wine while respecting the environment where the family lives and works.
Savorgnano Del Torre I - 33040 Povoletto (UD) T +39 0432 666428F +39 0432 647942 Doc Friuli Colli Orientali Refosco Dal Peduncolo Rosso Doc Friuli Colli Orientali Doc Friuli Colli Orientali GRANAR / GRANAIO / GRANARY Alois Lageder
Südtirol / Alto Adige
Das Familienweingut Alois Lageder steht für höchste Qualitätsstandards. Eine ganzheit- Alois Clemens Lageder liche und nachhaltige Wirtschaftsweise im Sinne des biologisch-dynamischen Weinbaus, sowie eine Bandbreite kultureller und künstlerischer Aktivitäten prägen die Unterneh- mensphilosophie. Im Jahr 1823 gegründet, wird es heute in fünfter und sechster Gene- ration von Alois Lageder und Alois Clemens Lageder geführt. L´azienda familiare Alois Lageder è oggi sinonimo di qualità ed eccel enza nel a tradizione enoica altoatesina. Il suo approccio olistico e sostenibile si rispecchia nel ´attività vitivinicola biologico-dinamica e nel e molteplici attività artistiche e culturali che costituiscono fonti Christian Pisetta d´ispirazione per la Tenuta. Fondata nel 1823 e giunta ormai alla quinta e sesta generazi-one - con Alois Lageder e Alois Clemens Lageder - l'azienda spicca per la sua capacità di fondere tradizione e innovazione.
I - 39040 Margreid / Magrè (BZ) The family estate Alois Lageder is a synonym for the highest standard of quality in viti- T +39 0471 809500 culture and winemaking, for a sustainable, holistic corporate philosophy, and for a wide F +39 0471 809550 spectrum of cultural and artistic activities. Founded in 1823, and now directed by Alois Lageder and Alois Clemens Lageder, representing the fifth and sixth generation of family ownership, the estate combines tradition and innovation. Erlesene Jahrgänge aus der "Rarum" Weinguts-Reserve / Annate storiche dal a Riserva "Rarum" / Fine Vintages from the "Rarum" Estate Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon Die laufenden und neuen Jahrgänge können Sie in Tòr Löwengang verkosten / Potete assaggiare le annate correnti e nuove a Tòr Löwengang / You can taste the current and new vintages at Tòr Löwengang GRANAR / GRANAIO / GRANARY Azienda Agricola Foradori
Our awareness of nature's rhythms and cycles has been perfected through observa- Elisabetta Foradori tion over time: each season brings new experiences, every day teaches us something new and increase our understanding. We have learnt to pay attention and to grasp the subtle differences existing in nature and to preserve the true character of the grape as it expresses its land of origin. Our daily farming gestures are elevated to creative impulses: Via Damiano Chiesa, 1 it is our duty and privilege to wake up every morning and to be free to work according to I - 38017 Mezzolombardo (TN) the message that the earth conveys to us in that moment. We work, surrounded by mountains, cultivating Teroldego and Pinot Grigio on the alluvial T +39 0461 601046 soils of the Campo Rotaliano, Nosiola and Manzoni Bianco on the calcareous-clayey hills F +39 0461 603447 of Cognola. We are certified by ICEA and Demeter since 2009.
Vigneti delle Dolomiti Igt Teroldego Fontanasanta Manzoni Bianco Vigneti delle Dolomiti Igt Manzoni Bianco Vigneti delle Dolomiti Igt Teroldego Vigneti delle Dolomiti Igt Teroldego GRANAR / GRANAIO / GRANARY Diesel Farm Società Agricola
Umberto Marchiori Diesel Farm is set in the green hills of Marostica. An estate of over hundred hectares that extends to an altitude of 300 meters, sunny and breezy. The calcareous soil and Letizia Bonamigo the combination of pre-Alpine winds with those coming from the Adriatic Sea, makes this area unique, ideal for the cultivation of vines and olive trees. All the vineyards have Via San. Benedetto 2 southern exposure; Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon, are grown in the milder side of I - 36063 Marostica (VI) the estate while the cooler side with greater temperature range is dedicated to the cultivation of Chardonnay and Pinot Noir. This territory has stayed intact for centuries and wil continue to be so thanks to the vision of those who decided to preserve it, in full respect of nature, so that it becomes an area subject to "environmental constraints".
Breganze Chardonnay Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon Breganze Pinot Nero GRANAR / GRANAIO / GRANARY Società Agricola Maison Vigneronne Grosjean Frères
Valle D'Aosta
Vincenzo Grosjean A family-based company close to Aosta at 650 m, our vineyards are organical y cultivated with a particular care for the autochthonous grapes. We are helped by a South, South/West exposition, a steep inclination or, partly, a terrace setting and by the protection of Villaggio Ollignan n.1 the highest European mountains.
I - 11020 Quart (AO) T +39 0165 775791F +39 0165 1852760 Vallée d'Aoste DOC Petite Arvine Vigne Rovettaz Vallée d'Aoste DOC Pinot Noir Vigne Tzeriat Vallée d'Aoste DOC Torrette Vigne Rovettaz 75% Petit Rouge, 10% Cornalin, 10% Fumin, 5% Premetta Vallée d'Aoste DOC Fumin Vigne Rovettaz GRANAR / GRANAIO / GRANARY Azienda Agricola Biodinamica Le Sincette
We are a smal estate on the shores of Lake Garda. Thanks to our daily hard work and Nature's gifts, we seek to produce a unique wine, bestowing wonderful sensations on those who know how to respect Nature and its rhythms, and who love quality of life, sim-plicity and balance. Le Sincette is the name of the plots on which our vineyards and olive groves are cultivated. The symbol of the 15 Moons recal s the lunar phases, so important I - 25080 Polpenazze del Garda (BS) for the natural cycles and processes, both on the vine and in the cel ar. We're certified by Demeter since 2011.
T +39 0365 651471F +39 0365 651991 Le Sincette Chiaretto Groppello Marzemino Barbera Valtenesi Chiaretto Merlot Marzemino Sangiovese Benaco Bresciano Rosso Le Sincette Groppello Garda Classico Groppello Marzemino Cabernet Sauvignon Benaco Bresciano Rosso GRANAR / GRANAIO / GRANARY Weingut Klaus Lentsch
Südtirol / Alto Adige
Das Weingut Klaus Lentsch hat seit 2013 sein neues Premiumweingut nach St. Pauls / Eppan an der Weinstrasse verlegt. Geprägt werden die Weine aus drei unterschiedlichen Südtiroler Weinbaulagen – Eisacktal, Unterland und Überetsch – vom Önologen Klaus Lentsch, einem Enthusiasten in Sachen Wein.
Reinspergweg 18/a La tenuta Klaus Lentsch, ha trasferito la sua tenuta di altissimo prestigio a San Paolo / I - 39050 St. Pauls / Eppan (BZ) Appiano nel 2013. I vini prodotti vengono caratterizzati sia dal a loro provenienza da microzone viticole altoatesine votate (la Val d'Isarco, la Bassa Atesina e l'Oltradige) sia T +39 0471 967263 dall'enologo Klaus Lentsch, un vero appassionato dell'enologia.
F +39 0471 671736 Klaus Lentsch winery, a premium wine estate, has found a top place in San Paolo / Appiano for its new cel ar. The range of wine from three different Alto Adige wine-growing areas show the influence of wine expert Klaus Lentsch, an obsessive wine enthusiast.
Lentschs high quality standards are met by top parameters beginning in the vineyard at the very grapewine. Perfection and love for detail are further pursued in the new cel ar and in the marketing at the enoteca Amperg.
Überetsch Weisswein Eisacktaler Grüner Veltliner Amperg Lagrein Riserva GRANAR / GRANAIO / GRANARY La Raia Azienda Biodinamica – Cascina Cucco
Piero Rossi Cairo La Raia is a Demeter certified biodynamic farm situated in Novi Ligure (AL), in the heart of Gavi hills. It covers 180 hectares, 42 of which consist in vineyards, 60 in cultivated fields and the rest in pastures and woods. The Rossi Cairo family bought the farm in 2003 with the aim of recovering the original ecosystem through an intervention project inspired by the biodynamic principles. Vineyards – including those made up of Strada Monterotondo 79 over seventy-year-old vines – grow on a marly clay soil. At La Raia we produce three I - 15067 Novi Ligure (AL) D.O.C.G Gavi and two D.O.C. Barbera wines. During the first months of 2015 the Rossi Cairo family also acquired Cascina Cucco. A 12,5 hectares estate in Serralunga d'Alba, in T +39 0143 743685 the heart of the Barolo area and where mainly Nebbiolo is cultivated. F +39 0143 320765 Gavi Riserva Vigna della Piemonte Barbera Largé Cascina Cucco Barolo Vigna Cucco Riserva Barbera d'Alba Superiore GRANAR / GRANAIO / GRANARY Tenute Cisa Asinari dei Marchesi di Grésy
Alberto Cisa Asinari di Grésy The Tenute Cisa Asinari di Grésy have been property of the family since 1797. However, the Alessandro Cisa Asinari di Grésy grapes of the estates used to be sold to the best local wineries until Seventies. In 1973 Ludovica Cisa Asinari di Grésy Alberto di Grésy understood the potential of this terroir and began his own winemaking, turning his greatest passion into his profession. We produce fine wines coming from four different estates, two located in Langhe – Martinenga in Barbaresco and Monte Aribaldo in the nearby commune of Treiso – and two in Monferrato – La Serra and Monte Colombo both located in the commune of Cassine (AL). Martinenga is the only monopole in the Strada della Stazione 21 Barbaresco d.o.c.g. and is widely considered one of the best vineyard in the area. Here I - 12050 Barbaresco (CN) the Nebbiolo does not exceed in strenght, but excels in class and elegance, hence Marti-nenga Barbarescos are unique and immediately recognizable. Grapes from all the estate T +39 0173 635 222 vineyards are brought to the central winery at Martinenga to be made into high quality F +39 0173 635 187 wines with the greatest respect for the area, tradition and nature. Our aim is to bring the sublime class of our terroir straight into the bottle. We therefore concentrate most of our efforts into taking the best care of our vineyards – in a biological way – and let the quality of our estates speak for itself, rather than trying to "build" wines in the cellar.
We produce wines with great finesse to match with the entire meal.
100% Langhe Sauvignon Barbera Monte Colombo 100% Barbera D'Asti 2009 Martinenga Barbaresco 100% Langhe Nebbiolo Camp Gros Martinenga Barbaresco 100% Langhe Nebbiolo GRANAR / GRANAIO / GRANARY Friedrich Wilhelm Metzeler The nearby "Lago di Bolsena", one of Italy's cleanest lakes, creates a special microcli- Kristin Eisenberg mate here. Hot summers and relatively mild winters al ow a distinct Mediterranean vegetation to develop. The mineralrich soil offers the ideal conditions for grape vines Christoph Zumbaum and olive trees to grow and mature.
Auf der großen Straße 10D - 65345 Eltville-Rauenthal +49 1625810734+49 61239747972 Sangiovese, Merlot Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot Sangiovese, Tanat GRANAR / GRANAIO / GRANARY Fattoria di Fiorano
The history of the Fattoria di Fiorano starts with Alberico Boncompagni Ludovisi, the Valeria Cicala Molinari Prince of Venosa, who inherited lands along on the Appian Way in 1946, at the footsteps of Rome. He decided to plant four grapes: Merlot, Cabernet, Semil on and Malvasia di Via di Fioranello 34 Candia, and to cultivate them according to principles that govern modern organic agri- I - 00134 Roma (RM) culture, so he became a pioneer of organic winemaking. As time went by, the Prince of Venosa started to produce one red wine and two white wines, unique and striking and T +39 06 79340114 reserved for the few coinnosseurs who were able to taste the fruits of his labor and F +39 06 79340114 his production techniques as an avantgarde, forward-thinking winemaker. The story of Fiorano became a legend, one of a man who sold few bottles, to a select group of ex- perts and aficionados. He was stubborn and decided to protect the relationship he had with his grapes, so much so that he uprooted most of his vines when he retired from winemaking. From the royal legend of the Prince of Venosa, eight vines of the historical vineyard on the land of Fiorano have remained, four of Cabernet and four of Merlot. From the precious remnants of their grandfather's vineyard, the three granddaughters Al egra, Albiera and Alessia decided to revive the Fattoria. A continuity with the intent to uphold the values of the family, and with a way to breathe life into the Fattoria di Fiorano.
Cabernet Franc, Sauvignon, Merlot Cabernet Franc, Sauvignon, Merlot GRANAR / GRANAIO / GRANARY ÖL / OLIO / OIL
Tenuta di Biserno
Villa Caviciana
Diesel Farm Società Agricola
Leccino, Frantoio Petrolo Società Agricola
70% Frantoio, 30% Moraioloo IGP Toscano Biologico Poggio Nibbiale
Poggio Nibbiale Olio di Oliva, n. a.
Azienda Agricola Corte Sant'Alda
Plurivarietale Corte Sant'Alda Salomon Estate
Frantoio, Corregiola, Nevadil o Blanco Fleurieu Peninsula Podere Il Carnasciale
Olio di Oliva Podere Il Carnasciale Frantoio, Leccino, Moraiolo, Pendolino Azienda Agricola Maremmalta
Pendolino Moraiolo Castello di Ama
Castel o di Ama Olio Extra Vergine di Oliva Moraiolo, Correggiolo, Frantoio, Leccino Alois Lageder
Olio Extra Vergine di Oliva Römigberg, Löwengang, Hirschprunn, Lindenburg Frantoio, Morel ino, Leccino GRANAR / GRANAIO / GRANARY Tenuta Cefalicchio – Ognissole
Matteo Santoiemma Cefalicchio is a biodynamic winery (with Demeter certification) located in the hills of Canosa di Puglia populated by vineyards, pines and olive trees. The conversion to the Alessandro Palmieri biodynamic method started back in 1992 and since then the objective was to create a productive structure perfectly integrated with the surrounding ecosystem. The original Ctr. Cefalicchio, SP 143, km 3 nucleus of the property was a historic villa of the XVI century, completed over time by I - Canosa di Puglia (BT) other external structures. The valorisation of native varietals – first of al Nero di Troia – is the mission of the winery since its foundation. T +39 0883 617601F +39 0883 666238 Bombino bianco, Chardonnay Castel del Monte – Bianco DOC Castel del Monte DOC Castel del Monte DOC GRANAR / GRANAIO / GRANARY Maison Boizel
Founded in 1834 by a Champagne Family passionate by the wines of its region, the Boizel House was establish in Epernay, heart of th e Champagne region. Thanks to the Federico Graziani detailed knowledge of the terroir developed by each generation, the House has access Cristina Maggetti to grapes coming from the best crus of the region, an essential method to create great Champagnes. From the vineyards to the cel ars, decisions are made to respect the Località Cerza Grossa natural qualities of wines. From its cel ars on the Avenue de Champagne, the House I - 83050 Sorbo Serpico (AV) develops its presence worldwide while respecting the finesse and the elegance of its cuvee style. Its traditional know-how, dynamism and modernity are always at the T +39 0825 986611 service of the constant quest for excellence.
55% Pinot Nero, 30% Chardonnay, 15%Pinot Meunier 50% Pinot Nero (incluso un 8% vinificato in rosso), 30% Pinot Meunier, 20% Chardonnay 50% Pinot Nero, 40% Chardonnay, 10% Pinot Meunier GRANAR / GRANAIO / GRANARY Nino Franco Spumanti
Cantine Franco was founded in Valdobbiadene in 1919 by Antonio, who set out right from Annalisa Bolla Franco the start to make a quality product. With his son Nino, who carried on the tradition, the Renato Meneghello winery grew, consolidated and expanded. But it was Primo, first with his father Nino and later alone, who modernised the winery. From the moment he entered the winery, after earning his diploma at the Conegliano Veneto school of enology, Primo focused Via Garibaldi 147 his work on a precise quality model he had got to know during his travels and study. I - 31049 Valdobbiadene (TV) At the beginning of the 90s, convinced that you need to control production right from the origins to obtain a good wine, Primo took over the running of a vineyard where he T + 39 0423 972051 experimented with new planting techniques and the use of old clones. Meanwhile he F + 39 0423 975977 continued his close col aboration with local producers, to develop his idea of promoting this grape. Primo is helped by his wife Annalisa, who devotes almost all her time to Villa Barberina, and by his daughter Silvia in production, strategy and sales. Faìve Rosé Brut 80% Merlot, 20% Cab- Valdobbiadene Prosecco Valdobbiadene Prosecco Valdobbiadene Prosecco Vigneto del a Riva di San Floriano Valdobbiadene Superiore Valdobbiadene Prosecco Grave di Stecca Brut GRANAR / GRANAIO / GRANARY Gian Paolo e Giovanni Cavalleri Società Agricola
La Caval eri è una del e più antiche aziende del territorio,ma è anche dotata di grande vivacità imprenditoriale e soprattutto di una sconfinata passione per la vite e per il vino, Diletta Cavalleri è una cantina che è riuscita ad imporre all'interno della Franciacorta un proprio stile ben Francesco Franzini definito e riconoscibile.Da sempre sostenitori del e grandi potenzialità del o chardonnay, i Cavalleri producono i loro Blanc de Blancs solo con il mosto fiore dell'uva proveniente Via Provinciale 96 esclusivamente da vigneti di proprietà sul e col ine di Erbusco, ostinandosi ad anteporre I - 25030 Erbusco (BS) alla "corsa ai volumi" la ricerca della qualità.
T +39 030 7760217F +39 030 7267350 Brut Blanc de Blancs Franciacorta DOCG Col ezione Grandi Cru Franciacorta DOCG 50% Chardonnay, 50% Pinot Nero Franciacorta DOCG GRANAR / GRANAIO / GRANARY Pol Roger – Compagnia del Vino
Based in Florence, Compagnia del Vino produce and distributes high quality wines since Antonello Calandri 1997. In our portfolio Champagne Pol Roger, Pertois Moriset and Jean Pierre Marniquet, Tenute di Biserno, Gril esino wines, Chapel e de la Croix Sauvignon Blanc and Col de' Andreas Krautgasser Salici Prosecco superiore DOCG.
Piazza Ferraris 2 I - 50131 Firenze (FI) T +39 055 243101F +39 055 354423 33% Chardonnay, 33% Pinot Noir, 33% Pinot Meunier 60% Pinot Noir, 40% Chardonnay GRANAR / GRANAIO / GRANARY Tenuta di Biserno
Lodovico Antinori The estate of Tenuta di Biserno was discovered by Lodovico Antinori in 1995. Niccolò Finizzola After sel ing Tenuta del 'Ornel aia in 2002, Lodovico Antinori, together with his brother, Piero, and the landowner, Umberto Mannoni, decided to establish Tenuta di Biserno. Tenuta di Biserno is located few kilometres north of Bolgheri, upper Maremma. Tenuta di Biserno grows Cabernet Franc and Petit Verdot, 57020 Bibbiona (LI) above al . These grapes give the best results thanks to a microclima and Bolgheri conglomerate. Tenuta di Biserno, thanks to a unique terroir, produces tree wines: T +39 0586 671099 Lodovico, only in the best vintages, Biserno and Il Pino di Biserno. F +39 0586 679077 Tenuta di Biserno is a project of passion by Lodovico Antinori.
Il Pino di Biserno Cabernet Franc, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Petit Verdot Cabernet Franc, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Petit Verdot Cabernet Franc, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Petit Verdot Prevalenza di Cabernet Franc ed in piccola quantità Petit Verdot 2. STOCK / 2o PIANO / 2nd FLOOR In 1902, the Prussian state founded the domaine and purchased the first areas of land: steep, craggy and rocky land incl. a former copper mine. Building the vineyards was a Ehemalige Weinbaudomäne gruelling task. Rocks had to be blasted and huge masses of earth moved. In 1903, the D - 55585 Niederhausen first Riesling vines were planted. In 2010, the former state domaine changed its name to Gut Hermannsberg. By extensive investments in the care of the vineyards and the modernisation of the cellars, as well as a complete revision of the quality concept, the F +49 6758 925019 winery hopes to once again enjoy the success of years gone by. Gut Hermannsberg today owns a 30-hectare vine area with al vineyards classified by VDP as ‘Great Site'. The vineyards are mostly circled around the art nouveau-style winery building. The steep slopes such as the legendary Kupfergrube (copper mine), the monopole Hermannsberg and the unique Traiser Bastei rank among Riesling's best vineyard sites in Germany and the world. This potential is something we are obligated to fulfil in the coming years. Unique wines: mineral-based, full-bodied and precise as only the wines can be here.
Just Riesling trocken Deutschland, Nahe, Gutsabfüllung Niederhäuser Riesling trocken Deutschland, Nahe, Gutsabfüllung Steinterrassen Riesling trocken Deutschland, Nahe, Gutsabfüllung Kupfergrube Riesling GG Deutschland, Nahe, Gutsabfüllung 2. STOCK / 2o PIANO / 2nd FLOOR „To my mind, wine should communicate a direct impression of the soil characteristics Carolin Spanier-Gillot of the southern Wonnegau: marled chalk and chalk pebbles, all the way to solid limestone. One should be able to experience and taste the rock.Riesling is my vision. In the Wonnegau, no grape is able to translate light and soil into wine as precisely or Oelmühlstraße 25 succulently. I judge Riesling's superficial fruitiness to be only a pretense. It is merely an D - 55294 Bodenheim intermediate phase, before the metamorphosis to a true stone wine begins. In reality, a natural Riesling wine is less fruit, and rather much more herbs, spices, saltiness, and flint. That's why my primary slogan is Liquid Earth. It took until 2005 before I was able to concern myself with the background of biodynamic." H.O. Spanier Prime Riesling trocken VDP.Gutswein Mölsheim Riesling trocken VDP.Ortswein Zel erweg am Schwarzen Herrgott Riesling GG VDP.Grosse Lage Frauenberg Riesling GG VDP.Grosse Lage 2. STOCK / 2o PIANO / 2nd FLOOR Bettina Bürklin-von Guradze Dr. Bürklin-Wolf erzeugt trockene Spitzenrieslinge aus den wertvol sten Lagen Deutschlands. Das Weingut Dr. Bürklin-Wolf gehört zu den traditionsreichsten Weingütern Deutschlands. Seine Geschichte lässt sich bis ins Jahr 1597 zurückverfolgen. D - 67157 Wachenheim Bettina Bürklin-von Guradze, leitet das Weingut seit 1990. Ihr gelang dank innerer Überzeug ung, mit viel Geschick und dem großen Einsatz ihrer Mitarbeiter der T +49 6322 953313 F +49 6322 953330 biodynamischen Wirtschaftsweise. Seit Beginn des Jahres 2005 wird die gesamte genutzte Rebfläche von 83,5 ha nach den Grundsätzen der Biodynamie bewirtschaftet. Das Weingut Dr. Bürklin-Wolf ist das einzige ausländische Mitglied in der angesehenen internationalen Vereinigung biodynamischer Winzer mit Namen Biodyvin, die ihren Sitz in Frankreich hat.
Ruppertsberger Riesling Ruppertsberger Hoheburg P.C.
Reiterpfad G.C.
Reiterpfad G.C. Magnum Scheurebe Beerenauslese 2. STOCK / 2o PIANO / 2nd FLOOR Weingut Heitlinger & Burg Ravensburg
Heitlinger Wine Estate Ulrike Burmeister Visionary wines and traditional winemaking With 115 ha of vineyards we are Germanys largest organic farmed wine producer.
D - 76684 Östringen-Tiefenbach Heitlinger is a specialist for dry wines of Pinot varietals and Riesling. The soil of colored limestone, formed 160 mil ion years ago, is responsible for the specific and T +49 07259 91120 individual mineralic character of our wines. The unique terroir showes in the Grosses F +49 07259 911299 Gewächs-vineyards Spiegelberg, Eichelberg, Königsbecher and Schellenbrunnen.
Heitlinger Auxerrois Heitlinger Pinot Gris Schel enbrunnen Riesling Grosses Gewächs, Riesling Eichelberg Pinot Blanc Grosses Gewächs Spiegelberg Pinot Gris Grosses Gewächs, Grauburgunder Königsbecher Pinot Noir Grosses Gewächs, Spätburgunder 2. STOCK / 2o PIANO / 2nd FLOOR Weingut August Kesseler
The August Kesseler Vineyard was founded in 1924 and is located in the vil age of Sebastian Mac Lachlan Müller Assmannshausen in the famous Rheingau region. August Kesseler was only 19 years old when he took over the family business from his parents. Which makes it al the more Lorcher Straße 16 remarkable that Kesseler went on to transform the original y 2.5-hectare operation into D - 65385 Assmannshausen one of the most respected wineries in the Rheingau region and throughout Germany. The Kesseler vineyard's leading status is embodied not only by its high-quality Rieslings and elegantly sweet specialties, many of which receive prizes on a regular basis; it is also represented by the vineyard's exceptional Pinot Noirs, which have attained the highest international levels of excel ence. Today, the August Kesseler Vineyard has a total of 22.5 hectares distributed across the communities of Assmannshausen, Rüdesheim and Lorch. The vineyard's special feature is its unique terroir, that is to say the environmental features in which its wines are grown. Indeed, the steep and sunlight-drenched south and southwest-facing slopes combined with the location directly on the Rhine and the inimitable site-specific soil conditions provide for a particularly high grape quality with an unmistakable character. Yet another unique feature of the terroir is the very advanced age of the vines, some of which are up to 80 years-old and continue to produce extremely elegant wines with an enormous complexity and wealth of breathtaking and nuanced fruit.
Rüdesheim VDP. Ortswein Rüdesheim Berg Roseneck Rüdesheim Berg Roseneck VDP. Große Lage® 2. STOCK / 2o PIANO / 2nd FLOOR Weingut Tement
The family winery Tement is situated in Berghausen, Southern Styria, on a small and impressing mountain plateau above the single vineyard Zieregg. Winery Tement aims to make two different styles of wine at the estate. Under the appellation „Steirische Klassik" one finds estate wines that are fresh and fruity, with lots of varietal character. They display the typical style of their grape variety and are fairly light in alcohol and matured in stainless steel tanks. The second style is represented by the wines from A - 8461 Berghausen selected vineyards and is cal ed "Terroir and single vineyard wines". These high-quality terroir wines are obtained from fully matured grapes from most important single T +43 3453 4101 0 vineyards. They are fermented slowly and mature in large or small neutral oak barrels F +43 3453 4101 30 until they are ready for bottling. Terroir wines exhibit independence as wel as area-typical character and show great ageing potential.
Steirische Klassik STK ® Grassnitzberg Sauvignon Blanc Erste STK ® Lage Zieregg Sauvignon Blanc Große STK ® Lage Große STK ® Lage 2. STOCK / 2o PIANO / 2nd FLOOR Michael Moosbrugger Schloss Gobelsburg is the oldest winery in the Austrian Danube region with a documented history back to 1171. The history of the winery is connected to Cistercian monks, but Schlossstrasse 16 since January 1996 the Château and winery is managed by Eva & Michael Moosbrugger A - 3550 Gobelsburg (Winemaker of the year 2006, Wine & Spirits Top 100 Winery of the year 2009 & 2010 & 2011 & 2013 & 2014). Nowadays the winemakers are focusing on the production of authentic and noble wines from different terroirs. F +43 2734 2422 20 Schloss Gobelsburg Ried Renner Erste Lage Kamptal DAC Reserve Grüner Veltliner Schloss Gobelsburg Ried Lamm Erste Lage Kamptal DAC Reserve Grüner Veltliner Schloss Gobelsburg Ried Heiligenstein Erste Lage Kamptal DAC Reserve Riesling Schloss Gobelsburg Tradition Riesling 2. STOCK / 2o PIANO / 2nd FLOOR Vincent Bründlmayer „Leuchtfeuer des österreichischen Weinbaus" Die Bründlmayers sind das Musterbeispiel für den andauernden Erfolg des österreich- Zwettler Strasse 23 ischen Weinbaus: Erdverbunden und doch weltgewandt, charmant, kompetent und doch A - 3550 Langenlois immer bescheiden, leben sie ein elegantes Understatement, das oft hinwegtäuscht über die fundamentale Kernkompetenz, die seit Generationen in diesem Kamptaler Vorzeigebetrieb erarbeitet wurde. Das Traditionsweingut liegt in Langenlois, ca. 70 km westlich von Wien am Kreuzungspunkt zweier Täler, dem Kamptal und dem Donautal. Die Winzerfamilie produziert dort – zum Großteil in Terrassen angelegt – die österreich- ischen Paradesorten: Grüner Veltliner, Riesling und Zweigelt. Als Spezialitäten des Hauses gelten auch der Chardonnay, der Pinot Noir, und der unwiderstehliche Bründlmayer Brut, für viele Österreichs bester Schaumwein. Die Rebsorten St. Laurent, Zweigelt, Merlot, Cabernet Franc und Cabernet Sauvignon vervollständigen ein vielseitiges Sortiment über das der „Falstaff Wein Guide 2014" wie folgt urteilt: „Nahezu jeder Wein, vom leichtesten Grünen Veltliner über den Rotwein bis hin zum Sekt, hat das Potential Jahrgangsbester seiner Kategorie zu sein." Pinot Noir, Zweigelt, St. Laurent Österreichischer Sekt Grüner Veltliner L+T Grüner Veltliner Käferberg 1ÖTW Kamptal DAC Reserve Riesling Zöbinger Heiligenstein 1ÖTW Kamptal DAC 2. STOCK / 2o PIANO / 2nd FLOOR In harmony with nature and according to bio-dynamic standards we cultivate 30 hectars in the best vineyard sites around the picturesque vil age of "Rust". The results in the wine glass are great wines with lots of fruit, depth, structure and great finesse. The wine portfolio spreads over the so-cal ed "trilogy of Rust" e.g. dry whites – reds – noble sweet wines (Ruster Ausbruch).
T +43 2685 237F +43 2685 237 22 2013 Blaufränkisch Umriss 75% Blaufränkisch,19% Merlot, 6% Cabernet Sauvignon 2013 Ruster Ausbruch 57% Welschriesling, 25% Weiss-burgunder, 18% Chardonnay 2. STOCK / 2o PIANO / 2nd FLOOR Weingut Velich – Weingut Moric
Neusiedlersee & Burgenland
Our wine estate is located in the Lake Neusiedl-Seewinkel National Park in the province of Burgenland – a unique area in Austria, which also informs the character of our winery and wine. We produce only white and sweet wines. Everything we do draws from the nature and culture of the Seewinkel area – because the Seewinkel in Burgenland is the key to the exceptional quality of our wine.
T +43 2175 3187F +43 2175 3187 Das Weingut Moric beschäftigt sich ausschließlich mit der Rebsorte Blaufränkisch.
In Neckenmarkt und Lutzmannsburg zwei Hochburgen dieser Rebsorte, fanden wir uraltes Rebmaterial und grandiose Lagen, bestens geeignet um unser Ziel zu erreichen. Rotwein zu erzeugen die unverwechselbar ihren Ursprung zeigen: Burgenland und A - 7051 GrosshöfleinT +43 664 4003231F +43 02682 Weingut Velich Chardonnay, Sauvignon, Welschriesling Seewinkel Beerenauslese Chardonnay, Welschriesling, Muskat Ottonel Weingut Moric Moric Reserve Blaufränkisch Burgenland Lutzmannsburg Alte Reben Blaufränkisch Burgenland Neckenmarkt Alte Reben 2. STOCK / 2o PIANO / 2nd FLOOR Domaine Mas des Quernes
Languedoc – Terrasses du Larzac
We have seen many, many vineyards. But this place – we came to love it before it even belonged to us. Love at first sight for two friends Jean Natoli and Peter Riegel. Jean, an Sebastian Beemelmans international y recognized oenologist, assisting more than 300 wineries in the south of France and Peter, for nearly 30 years importing and distributing organic wines from al over the world, together, with different perspectives, each with years of experience in wine, 1 bis, impasse du pressoir they decided to start their own wine story. Now, in making wine themselves, they have F - 34150 Montpeyroux the excitement of defining their unique style from the interaction of the site's terroir and the unpredictability of nature. Every day brings a new lesson, a new challenge a new joy.
Peter Riegel WeinimportSteinäcker 12D - 78359 Orsingen T +49 7774 93130F +49 7774 9313 812 St. Guilhem le Désert IGP Mourvèdre, Carignan, Grenache Terrasses du Larzac – Languedoc AOC Mourvèdre, Carignan, Grenache Terrasses du Larzac – Languedoc AOC Grenache, Carignan, Mourvèdre Terrasses du Larzac – Languedoc AOC 2. STOCK / 2o PIANO / 2nd FLOOR Schubert Wines
Searching for the perfect terroir and conditions for viticulture, especially for Pinot Noir, Martina Spreafico Kai Schubert and Marion Deimling, both being graduates of the German Viticulture and Florian Neubecker Oenology University in Geisenheim, travel ed the world. Their voyage took them to wine Maria José Parra Lujan regions in France & Germany, Oregon & California, South America and Australia. In New Zealand their quest final y ended and they settled in Martinborough in the Wairarapa 57 Cambridge Road Val ey founding Schubert Wines; a unique place producing low yields in the vineyards NZ - 5711 Martinborough with excel ent quality grapes resulting in international y award winning wines with intense and complex character which are exported to 36 countries.
T +64 6 306 8505F +64 6 306 8506 2013 Schubert Marion's Vineyard 2013 Schubert Block B 2. STOCK / 2o PIANO / 2nd FLOOR Salomon Estate
Southern Fleurieu
Fanny Marie Theresa Salomon From the Finniss River winegrowing area, Salomon Estate bottles elegant Shiraz and Bert Michael Salomon Cabernet Sauvignon, aged between 12 and 18 months in smal oak barrels. These exceptional wines reflect the fruit of Australia with an European approach to winemaking. The wine growing area of Finniss River extends along the southeast shoulder of the Adelaide Hil s, part of the Fleurieu Peninsula. The elevation of 120 m above sea level and AU - McLaren Vale SA 5171 the soil composition in Finniss are most important viticultural assets. The thin topsoil, a pinkish mix of gravel and glacial sand, provides good drainage. The calcareous red and orange clay in the subsoil sufficiently retains water. The grapes ripen in an ideal F +43 2732 83226 78 microclimate: you taste the warmth of the midday sun in their fruit and the chil ed air of the nearby Southern Ocean in their acids. Greatest care and attention is given to the wine at al levels of its production. Always one to make the right decisions at the right time, Bert Salomon is helped by iconic Australian winemaker Mike Farmilo, longtime friend and Penfolds chief red winemaker until 1997. Today Salomon Estate wines belong among the best reds in Australia. They are not a well kept secret any longer, as Finniss River Shiraz and Alttus can be found on the best wine lists from Sydney to Singapore, London, Vienna and New York. Bert and Gertrud Salomon bridge the old and the new wine world. Harvesting twice a year they commute between Finniss River/Australia and their famous white wine estate Salomon Undhof which they run as the eight generation in Austria.
Fleurieu Peninsula Southern Fleurieu Southern Fleurieu Southern Fleurieu Grenache Shiraz Mourvedre Southern Fleurieu 2. STOCK / 2o PIANO / 2nd FLOOR Bragato – „naturnah" bewirtschaftetes Weingut in Bestlage Col i Orientali. Authentische friaulische Weine im neudeutschen Stil, mineralisch frisch, präzise auf den Ausdruck der Sorte fokussiert, lebhaft und vibrierend. Eine neue Interpretation der Region Friaul.
Via Ronchi 5I - 33048 San Giovanni al Natisone (UD) Sauvignon Colli Orientali del Friuli Colli Orientali del Friuli Merlot, Refosco, Schiopettino, Tazzelenghe, Pignolo Colli Orientali del Friuli Friulano Col i Orientali del Friuli Colli Orientali del Friuli 80 % Pinot Bianco, Sauvignon, Friulano IGT delle Venezie 2. STOCK / 2o PIANO / 2nd FLOOR Fattoria Mancini
Fattoria Mancini is a family owned winery established in 1861. The vineyards of around Daniela Andruccioli 30 hectares are located in the Natural Park of Mount San Bartolo, at the very north of the Marche Region, above the spectacular cliffs of Focara on the Adriatic coast, at a Strada dei Colli 35 latitude of 43° 6'. The cool microclimate of this stretch of north orientated coast and I - 61122 Pesaro (PU) the calcareous sandstone soil al ow the production of wel structured long-lived wines, with depth, freshness and elegance. The family has cultivated Pinot Noir since the Napoleonic domination and also Sangiovese and the rare autochthonous varieties of Albanella and Ancellotta.
Colli Pesaresi Roncaglia DOC Impero Blanc de Pinot Noir Marche IGT Pinot Nero vinificato in bianco Focara Pinot Noir Colli Pesaresi Focara Pinot Nero DOC Focara Pinot Noir Rive Colli Pesaresi Focara Pinot Nero DOC Colli Pesaresi Sangiovese DOC 2. STOCK / 2o PIANO / 2nd FLOOR Caiarossa Società Agricola
Caiarossa was born in 1998 and from the beginning we have been fol owing the biodynamic agriculture principles in order to create a place where the production of high quality wines is combined with the respect for the environment. We are located close to the Tuscan vil age of Riparbel a, on a hil facing the sea, surrounded by Mediterranean vegetation.
Loc. Serra all'Olio 59 I - 56046 Riparbella (PI) T +39 0586 699016F +39 0586 696749 87% Sangiovese, 10% Cabernet Franc, 3% Merlot 24% principalmente Cabernet Franc, 22% Merlot, 15% Cabernet Sauvignon, 14% Petit Verdot, 14% Sangiovese. Presenti anche 6% Alicante, 5% Syrah Aria di Caiarossa 32% Cabernet Franc, 25% Syrah, 19% Alicante, 16% Cabernet Sauvignon, 8% Petit Verdot Caiarossa Bianco 2. STOCK / 2o PIANO / 2nd FLOOR Podere Il Carnasciale
Carnasciale is situated in the southern Chianti mountains in the Tuscany's Valdarno, between Arezzo and Florence. Founded by Wolf Rogosky, Bettina and Moritz Rogosky run the winery today with the enologists Peter Schil ing and Marco Maffei. The Caberlot grape was identified in the late 60´s in abandoned vineyards near Padua by agronomist Dr. Remigio Bordini. With Podere Il Carnasciale organoleptic characteristics of Cabernet Franc and an ampelographic profile similar to Merlot I - 52020 Mercatale Valdarno (AR) we assume that the Caberlot grape is a natural crossing of the two varieties. The ‘Carnasciale' vineyard was planted in 1986 and four plots have followed since. The variety is cultivated exclu- T +39 055 99 111 42 sively at our winery, and work in the vineyards is done with total respect for the soil and the F +39 055 99 29 57 plants. Pruning, budding and leaf-management are manual, no chemical fertilizers or pesticides are used, al sanitary treatments are natural. Severe selection at harvest fol ows the motto ‘what you would not put into your mouth will not go into the wine' with yields at 25hl per hec- tare.In the cantina we employ minimal y invasive, hands-off enology, al owing for fruit, vintage and terroir to play the leading roles. We seek elegance, typicity and tension in our wines, and sulfites are kept to a minimum. After malolactic fermentations in wood, the wines are racked in selected french barriques, 60% new, and aged for 22 months. A barrel tasting then selects the most complex wines for Il Caberlot and the more forward wines for Carnasciale. Il Caber-lot is bottled unfiltered in (solo!) magnum, which then mature another 16 months. We produce 3.500 magnums of Il Caberlot and 6.000 bottles of Carnasciale, and al ocations of the estate's wines go out to 27 countries around the globe. 2. STOCK / 2o PIANO / 2nd FLOOR Petrolo Società Agricola
Luca Sanjust di Teulada Owned by the Bazzocchi-Sanjust family since 1947 Petrolo borders Chianti Classico in Rocco Sanjust di Teulada the Valdarno di Sopra. An area recognized since 1716, with the edict of the Great Duke of Tuscany, as a particularly valuable land for Wine and Olive oil. From the 80's mother Lucia Bazzocchi and son Luca Sanjust have been aiming to produce wines of the highest quality, interpreters of the land's identity. This project is fol owed by agronomist C. Nesterini, enologist S. Cuccoli and the help of consultant Carlo Ferrini. I 52021 Mercatale Valdarno-Bucine (AR) T +39 055 9911322 F +39 055 992749 80% Sangiovese, 15% Merlot, 5% Cabernet Sauvignon DOC Val d'Arno di Sopra Pietraviva DOC Val d'Arno di Sopra Merlot Vigna Galatrona DOC Val d'Arno di Sopra Sangiovese Vigna Bòggina DOC Val d'Arno di Sopra Sangiovese Vigna Bòggina 2. STOCK / 2o PIANO / 2nd FLOOR Paola De Ferrari Corradi Boscarelli è un‘ Azienda fondata nel 1962 per un‘ idea di Egidio Corradi e portata avanti da sua figlia Paola ed Ippolito De Ferrari suo marito. Oggi l'Azienda è condotta da Paola Nicolò De Ferrari De Ferrari Corradi e dai figli Luca e Nicolò i quali, dirigendo personalmente la produzione dei 18 ettari sulla collina di Cervognano, proseguono nell‘ originaria ricerca della massima Via di Montenero 28 qualità. Nel 'annata 1968 furono selezionate ed etichettate le prime 2.000 bottiglie di I - 53045 Montepulciano (SI) Nobile. Il vitigno principale del a produzione è il Sangiovese Prugnolo Gentile che cresce su un terreno calcareo di origine alluvionale, sabbioso, con buona percentuale di limo ed T +39 0578 767277 argilla. L'attuale produzione è di 100.000 bottiglie F +39 0578 766882 90%Sangiovese Prugnolo Gentile, 10% Mammolo Rosso di Montepulciano DOC Vino Nobile di Montepulciano 85% Sangiovese Prugnolo Gentile, 15%Canaiolo, Colorino, Mammolo Vino Nobile di Montepulciano DOCG "Sotto Casa" Vino Nobile di Montepulciano Riserva 85%Sangiovese Prugnolo Gentile, 15%Merlot, Cabernet Vino Nobile di Montepulciano DOCG 100%Sangiovese Prugnolo Gentile Vino Nobile di Montepulciano DOCG 2. STOCK / 2o PIANO / 2nd FLOOR Società Agricola Capannelle
Capannel e, wine producers in Gaiole in Chianti, Siena, extends over about 20 hectares (16 of Vineyard) and produces about 80.000 bottles of wine a year. The owner is James B. Sherwood, founder of the Orient-Express Hotels LTD (now Belmond), which owns some of the world's most beautiful hotels: Hotel Cipriani in Venice, Hotel Spendido in Portofino, Vil a San Michele in Florence, Hotel Caruso in Ravel o and many others.
Via Capannelle, 13 I - 53013 Gaiole in Chianti (SI) T +39 0577 74511F +39 0577 745133 Rosato Capannel e Chardonnay Capannelle Chianti Classico Riserva Capannel e DOCG Chianti Classico Solare Capannelle 80% Sangiovese, 20% Malvasia Nera 2. STOCK / 2o PIANO / 2nd FLOOR Società Agricola Valori
The Valori winery consists of 26 ha in Controguerra and Sant'Omero, north of Abruzzo (TE). On Grand Sasso's foothills, only 5 miles away from the Adriatic Sea, the vineyards are averagely sandy, poor in nutrients but rich in minerals to generate high quality, and Via Torquato al Salinello balanced fully organic grapes.
I - 8 Sant'Omero (TE) Since 1996, Luigi Valori produces authentic wines, as a result of a no-filter relationship between man, plants and their land. Luigi believes that the vineyard, as a human being, needs to suffer to give its best. Fruity, well-structured and elegant, Valori wines combine taste to the utmost respect for the environment: the company, that has always paid gre-at attention to the winemaking practices, produces organic certified wines since 2010. Cerasuolo d'Abruzzo Bio Valori Cerasuolo d'Abruzzo DOC Montepulciano d'Abruzzo Montepulciano d'Abruzzo DOC Trebbiano d'Abruzzo Trebbiano d'Abruzzo DOC Abruzzo Pecorino DOC 2. STOCK / 2o PIANO / 2nd FLOOR Castello di Ama
Lorenza Sebasti Pallanti Superb wines resplendent for their harmony, balance, and elegance. Wine estate Donatella Ferrucci Castel o di Ama nestled among gentle hil s in the smal hamlet of Ama, in Gaiole in Chianti; at approximately 480 metres above sea level, it lies in the heart of the Chianti Classico historical zone. Castel o di Ama produces wines made exclusively from grapes from its estate vineyards, grown on four famous magnificent, shel -shaped hillside slopes. The sixteenth century property is blessed with fine galestro and I - 53013 Gaiole Chianti (SI) alberese stone soils and superior terroir.
T +39 0577 746031F +39 0577 746849 96%Sangiovese, 4%Merlot Chianti Classico DOCG Castello di Ama San Lorenzo 85% Sangiovese, 15%Merlot e Malvasia Nera Chianti Classico Gran Selezione DOCG 50%Sangiovese, 25% Merlot, 25% Cabernet Franc 2. STOCK / 2o PIANO / 2nd FLOOR Poggio al Sole
Klaus Johann Reimitz Reimitz 2012 is 100% Sangiovese, aged 27 months in oak casks.
Clemente Johann Reimitz (Thomas) The wine is not fining not filtrated. The first vintage of Reimitz was 2011.
Ragower Weg 7D - 12547 Berlin T +49 151 57818394 2. STOCK / 2o PIANO / 2nd FLOOR Querceto di Castellina Azienda Agricola Biologica
Jacopo Di Battista Querceto di Castellina is a family-run winery in the Chianti Classico intensely focused on the art of great Italian winemaking and producing high quality wines without chemical treatment and as little disruption as possible to the natural surroundings.
Loc. Querceto 9I - 53011 Castellina in Chianti (SI) T +39 0577 733590F +39 0577 33636 Chianti Classico DOCG 90% Sangiovese, 10% Merlot Chianti Classico DOCG Gran Selezione 50% Viognier, 50% Roussanne 2. STOCK / 2o PIANO / 2nd FLOOR Società Agricola Montevertine
Montevertine lies within the heart of the Chianti hil s, in the community of Radda at an altitude of 425m above sea level. The Winery was founded in 1971 by Mr. Sergio Manetti and is now run by his son Martino. The total surface of our company's vineyards covers currently approximately 18 hectares. About 90% of all vines planted are Sangiovese grapes. The remaining 10% includes Colorino and Canaiolo. All our vineyards are Loc. Montevertine cultivated fol owing organic methods. I - 53017 Radda in Chianti (SI) The density amounts to 5,000 vines per hectare in the vineyards planted since 1997, and to 3,200 vines per hectare for older vineyards. Our wine-making procedure is extremely T +39 0577 738009 traditional and it has never been varied since the very first vintage. The grapes are F +39 0577 738265 harvested by hand and then fermented in glazed cement vats, without temperature control, and the must is topped up twice daily in order to keep the top marc moist and to obtain a slow extraction of the tannins from the skins. After the racking off, the malolactic fermentation is also carried out using cement vats.At the end of the malolactic fermentation, our wines are stored in wooden barrels over a period of approximately two years. The wines wil never be filtered and the topping-up method, without any pumps, is used for the bottling. For the ageing of our wines we use oak barrels from Slavonia with a 5.5 to 18 hectolitre capacity and 225 litre Allier casks.
90% Sangiovese, 5% Canaiolo, 5% Colorino Pian del Ciampolo 90% Sangiovese, 5% Canaiolo, 5% Colorino 2. STOCK / 2o PIANO / 2nd FLOOR Obstkelterei van Nahmen
Die Verarbeitung von Obst hat in unserer Familie eine lange Tradition. 1917 als Rheinische Sabine van Nahmen Apfelkrautfabrik gegründet, haben wir im Jahre 1930 mit der Herstel ung von Obstsäften begonnen. Wir halten in 3. und 4. Generation an bewährter, handwerklicher Mostertra- Diersfordter Str. 27 dition fest, indem wir al e heimischen Früchte selbst keltern. Denn nur so lässt sich eine D – 46499 Hamminkeln Produktion von der reifen Frucht bis zum feinsten Saft garantieren. Seit 1995 engagieren wir uns gemeinsam mit dem Naturschutzbund in einem regionalen Aufpreis Projekt zur T +49 2852 960 99 0 Erhaltung von traditionel en Streuobstwiesen. Aus diesem Fundus ist die Idee erwachsen, F +49 2852 960 99 29 von traditionel en Obstsäften sortenreine Obstsäfte zu keltern, die teils aus seltenen Sorten wie Rote Sternrenette oder Rubinette entstehen. Graue Französische Renette 2. STOCK / 2o PIANO / 2nd FLOOR Azienda Agricola Maremmalta
Maremmalta has been producing the finest quality wines since it opened as an Azienda Letizia Borselli Agricola Biologica. Its foundation is built in the hil sides and rocky foothil s in the region recognized as Maremma Toscana Coast Appel ation – this region experiences long, Località Casteani even growing seasons thanks to the cool, foggy coastal climate. In the early 2000, I - 58023 Gavorrano (GR) the Maremmalta planted several different local grapes varieties and virtually overnight Maremmalta grapes had gained a reputation for exceptional quality and were in high demand by many premium wineries.
Doc Maremma Toscana Doc Maremma Toscana Doc Maremma Toscana Doc Monteregio Massa Marittima 2. STOCK / 2o PIANO / 2nd FLOOR Nikolaus Buchheim Our family's long-cherished wish was fulfil ed when the wine estate Poggio Nibbiale was Nikolaus Buchheim Junior founded in 1998. The dream to grow wine amidst the impressive scenery of southern Tuscany became reality. During the fol owing years we cultivated 11 hectare of land, Charlotte Buchheim established a modern winery and restored the medieval cel ar from the 13th century below Massimo Albanese the church of San Giovanni Battista in Scansano. The estate's major part however is still governed by nature, the Mediterranean macchia with its almost impenetrable vegetation, old cork oaks, genista in ful bloom and wild olive trees. Our vineyards are located in the I - 58051 Magliano in Toscana (GR) hil s of the Maremma between Scansano and Magliano in Toscana, 300 meters above the Tyrrhenian Sea with a magnificent view of the islands of Giglio, Elba, Montecristo and the Monte Argentario peninsula. Right from the start, we decided for organic viniculture and refrained from farming practices that aim primarily at a high yield. It is important for us to endow our wines with aromatic depth, refinement and complexity. Based on a deep understanding of the agricultural traditions of Tuscany and profound ecological knowledge, the estate's enologist, Dott. Massimo Albanese, creates multi-layered wines abounding in elegance and regional authenticity. Our family's philosophy of winemaking is simple: No show but quality, no vogues but sustainability and most importantly: passion, dedication and a true appreciation for our land and its natural riches.
Morellino di Scansano Sangiovese, Cabernet Sauvignon, Petit Verdot, Cannaiolo, Morellino di Scansano, DOCG Morellino di Scansano 85% Sangiovese, Cabernet Sauvignon, Petit Verdot, Cannaiolo Morellino di Scansano, DOCG Morellino di Scansano, Riserva, DOCG 70% Cabernet Sauvignon, 30% Sangiovese Rosso di Maremma, IGT Sangiovese, Cabernet Sauvignon 2. STOCK / 2o PIANO / 2nd FLOOR Monteverro owes its existence to the perseverance and passion of its owner. In 2003, Georg Weber purchased the piece of land in Capalbio (Maremma) where he planted the first vineyards and built the winery. With a pioneering spirit and great attention to detail, Monteverro produces its four wines in limited quantities and with a careful selection of its 30 hectares of grapes. Strada Aurelia Capalbio 11 Respect for the grape expressed by each lot and the awareness that nothing should be I - 58011 Capalbio (GR) added to what nature has created are taken into consideration at al times during harvest and winemaking. This translates into micro parceled harvest, natural fermentation, gravity T +39 0564 890721 fermentation, no fining and a only light filtering- just for the Chardonnay." F +39 0564 890722 Terra di Monteverro Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Merlot, Petit Verdot IGT Toscana rosso IGT Toscana rosso Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Fanc, Merlot, Petit Verdot IGT Toscana rosso 2. STOCK / 2o PIANO / 2nd FLOOR Azienda Agraria Conti Costanti
The villa "Colle al Matrichese", built in the 15th century, has been the residence of the Angela Belatti Costanti Costanti family since the middle of the 15th century; in this area there is evidence of well cultivated vines since the 18th century. The estate, 458 m. above sea level, is situated Colle al Matrichese about 2 km south-east of the town of Montalcino. Since 1983, the death of the former I - 53024 Montalcino (SI) owner Emilio Costanti, the estate has been run by Andrea Costanti, with the help of Vittorio Fiore's technical advice. The land covers 25 hectares, divided into 12 ha of T +39 0577 848195 vineyards, 4 ha of olive groves and the rest is fallow land and woodland. The vineyards F +39 0577 849349 are at an altitude of 310 – 440 m. above sea level, and for these great care has gone into selecting the optional exposure. The vines are Sangiovese known locally as Brunello and range from 6 to 25 years old. Three hectares have recently been planted with Merlot and Cabernet. The land is very poor organically though rich in lithoid components. Geolo-gically it is galestro from cretacic era.Plant density varies from 3.333 to 5.500 vines per hectare. The harvest usually takes place at the beginning of October. Fermentation takes place on the skins in stainless vats and lasts from 14 – 21 days depending on the vintage. The Brunello is aged in 30Hl Slavonian oak casks, between 3 and 15 years old and in 3.5 hl barriques. The younger wines are aged in three year old, 225 and 335 litre barrique made from Allier oak, medium toast. As regards recent production, 65.000 bottle were produced including Brunello and Rosso di Montalcino and the IGT Toscana. The estate also produces Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Grappa di Brunello Riserva. Rosso di Montalcino Brunello di Montalcino 2. STOCK / 2o PIANO / 2nd FLOOR Azienda Agricola Le Macchiole
Le Macchiole is located on the Bolgherese road, at around 5 km from the sea in the heart of the Bolgheri Doc area. It extends over 24 hectares, with high density plantation and low yields ("one bottle of wine per vine"). Since 2002 Cinzia Merli Cinzia has maintained Le Macchiole's philosophy, pursuing the goal shared with her husband Eugenio: to produce high quality wines expressing the territory through their strong personality. The estate Via Bolgherese 189/a distinguishes itself by the value given to the "terroir" and pursues quality and tipicity through research and experimentation always privileging the work in the vineyard, in full I - 57022 Castagneto C.cci (LI) respect of the biological cycle of each vine.
T +39 0565 766092 We now produce 5 wines: Messorio, Scrio, Paleo, Bolgheri Rosso e Paleo Bianco, with a F +39 0565 763240 total production of around 150.000 bottles per year.
100% Cabernet Franc Le Macchiole Bolgheri Rosso 50% Merlot, 30% Cabernet, 20% Syrah 2. STOCK / 2o PIANO / 2nd FLOOR Tenuta Guado al Tasso - Marchesi Antinori
Guado al Tasso estate is located near Bolgheri on the Tuscan coast, 96 kilometers (60 miles) to the southwest of Florence. The 300 hectares (750 acres) planted to vineyards on the property are in the center of the so-cal ed" Bolgheri amphitheater": rol ing hil sides which surround a splendid plain which slopes gently towards the sea and create a micro-climate with unique characteristics. Guado al Tasso, the flagship wine of the estate, expresses all Piazza Antinori 3 of the force and suppleness of this corner of the upper Maremma. It has contributed to I - 50123 Firenze (FI) raise Bolgheri to the level of the most important areas of Europe's viticulture, expressing a decisively Mediterranean character of power, elegance, and balance.
50% Cabernet Sauvignon, 27% Merlot, 20% Cabernet Franc, 3% Petit Verdot Bolgheri Superiore DOC 65% Cabernet Sauvignon, 20% Merlot,15% Syrah 1. STOCK / 1o PIANO / 1st FLOOR Azienda Agricola Corte Sant'Alda
Marinella Camerani A wine cellar. A home… my family home. History unfolding and interweaving with my Federica Camerani life… the purpose I want to give to my life. That's how things should be, I feel. And, in Matteo Piccoli Tosadori an unending process that leaves no room for second thoughts, the choices in real life perfected through experience become the "right" choices even in the countryside, in the cellar, in work and in relationships with others, highlighting the values of life and work Via Capovilla 28 themselves. We and others including nature in respect and coherence. No excesses or leaps forward… Only personal dedication to the search for the best possible balance I - 37030 Mezzane di Sotto (VR) between things.
T +39 045 888 0006 F +39 045 888 0477 Corvina, Corvina Grossa, Rondinella Amarone Della Valpolicella DOCG Corvina, Corvina Grossa, Rondinella Valpolicel a Ripasso Superiore DOC Corvina, Corvina Grossa, Rondinella 1. STOCK / 1o PIANO / 1st FLOOR Duemani Costa Toscana
DueMani is a 10 hectars estate in Riparbella, in the Tuscan Coast, up in the hills, facing the sea and surrounded from the Mediterranean bush. Luca D'Attoma, also consultant winemaker and his partner Elena Cel i, were born and have grown in Tuscany, where they have caught the art of living, the blessings of hospitality, a life of friendship, the beauty of simplicity and in Duemani these values Località Ortacavoli serve as a foundation. They have chosen to farm biodynamical y in order to maintain I - 56046 Riparbella (PI) this land in its most natural state and to produce wines that are fine, clean, direct and delicious with unique and recognizable character. Unforgettable wines that have to be T +39 0583 975048 appreciated with happiness.
F +39 0583 974675 100% Cabernet Franc IGP Costa Toscana 50% Merlot, 50% Cabernet Franc IGP Costa Toscana IGP Costa Toscana 1. STOCK / 1o PIANO / 1st FLOOR Moulin de Breuil
Moulin de Breuil is a family estate, which will celebrate this year it's 150th birthday. We will soon reach the 6th generation involved in producing and making wine. Over the Moulin de Breuil years we have leaved many phases of culture, economy and political involvement. Our F - 66740 Montesquieu des Albères discovery at the earliest years of the third millenary is that we belong to the nature and it's not the opposite. Located in the far south of the Roussillon in between the towns of Céret and Collioure, we discovered the importance of the light on grapes and it's yeast making process. Those two towns are major for the 1900, 1920 and 1950's famous painters. No wonder… In fact, this is today due to Biodynamic our signature that should improve in quality and prices every year like the painters above mentioned.
Grenache, Carignan, Syrah Côtes du Roussillon Grenache, Carignan, Syrah Côtes du Roussillon Côtes Catalanes 1. STOCK / 1o PIANO / 1st FLOOR Château Les Graves de Viaud
Bordeaux – Côtes de Bourg
Betschart Philippe The estates Les Graves de Viaud, began in 1850, it is located in the Bordeaux - Côtes de Bourg region; since 2010 the estate is conducted following the principle of biodynamic 1, lieu-dit Viaud farming. The 15 ha estate, with 11.5 ha of vines, woods and meadows, extends along a hillside with southern exposure, composed mainly of small grit, with deep gravel and clay soil.
Cabernets & Merlot Bordeaux – Côtes de Bourg Bordeaux – Côtes de Bourg Cabernets & Merlot Bordeaux – Côtes de Bourg 1. STOCK / 1o PIANO / 1st FLOOR Hans-Peter Trautwein The tradition of winegrowing in the family estate goes back to 1649 and with Anne- Anne-Christin Trautwein Christin Trautwein the fol owing generation has joined the winery. Hans-Peter and Elfriede Trautwein changed to organic viticulture in 1980 and since 2000 the vineyards Riegelerstrasse 2 are managed biodynamically. The grapes are ripening in an idyllic microclimate at the D - 79353 Bahlingen eastern side of the Kaiserstuhl area, on an ancient volcano coated by calcareous and argil loess. Quality grows in the vineyards by turning back to the nature. The aim of the wine estate is to maintain the natural course of nature, although agriculture is always an intervention in this run. In the emerging field of tension between man and environment, our intention is to reconcile with nature by a sensitive awareness of their complex mechanisms and processes. This is the basis from which we have developed sustainable and sensitive management for our wines. By maintaining the natural course of nature, the characteristic terroir is reflected in our wines, which are mainly Pinot Blanc, Pinot Gris, Chardonnay and Pinot Noir.
Grauburguner Edition Fohberg trocken Kaiserstühler Satz Edition Urkäsenthal trocken Spätburgunder Edition RS Käsenthal trocken 1. STOCK / 1o PIANO / 1st FLOOR Fabian Zähringer The vinery Zähringer, established in 1844 in Heitersheim / Baden, is today led in the sixth generation by the Zähringer family. Zähringer is one of the pioneers in organic viticulture in Germany. We produce since 1987 according to the Ecovin standards and since 2004 Johanniterstr. 61 as well according to Demeter. Actually we cultivate almost 50 ha of vines, mainly Pinot D - 79423 Heitersheim Grapes and typical for the most southern part of Baden, the Markgräflerland, the variety Gutedel (Chasselas).
T +49 7634 504890F +49 7634 5048999 Sekt Klassische Flaschengärung Zähringer Edition SZ Zähringer Edition SR 1. STOCK / 1o PIANO / 1st FLOOR Weingut Brüder Dr. Becker
The family run estate is located in the Rhine val ey 25 km south of Mainz. It is an enjo- Lotte Pfeffer-Müller yable chal enge for us to connect the traditions of our estate and the region with new knowledge and ecological principles. Mainzer Str. 3 D – 55278 Ludwigshöhe Highest quality with Demeter, Ecovin and VDP.
T +49 0 6249 8430F +49 0 6249 7639 Deutscher Sekt, traditionelle Flaschengärung VDP.Ortswein Rheinhessen VDP.Ortswein Rheinhessen VDP.Grosse Lage Rheinhessen 1. STOCK / 1o PIANO / 1st FLOOR Weingut Clemens Busch
Our vineyards are located at steep slopes of the Mosel, based on weathered gray, blue or red slate. It is extremely important to us, that each of our wines reflects the individua-lity of the soil and microclimate. Fermentation in old 1000 l-barrels.
Kirchstrasse 37D - 56862 Puenderich T +49 6542 1814023 F +49 6542 1814025 Vom Roten Schiefer VDP.Ortswein Pünderich Marienburg GG „Falkenlay" VDP. Grosses Gewächs Pündericher Marienburg 1. STOCK / 1o PIANO / 1st FLOOR Weingut Peter Jakob Kühn
Peter Jakob Kühn Our Estate has been in the family for roughly 230 years. Especial y in the last three decades our appreciation of this long-standing tradition has determined the way we work more and more. With respect for the knowledge and the experience of our forefathers, we have been working as a ful y certified member of the Demeter association since 2004, D - 65375 Oestrich-Winkel according to biodynamic principles. Consequently we have gotten ever closer to our idea of a soulful wine in the greatest possible harmony with nature.
T +49 67232299F +49 672387788 Oestrich Klosterberg Hallgarten Hendelberg 1. STOCK / 1o PIANO / 1st FLOOR Weingut Jürgen Leiner
Small Family-Winery, biodynamic winegrowing, expert in Riesling and different Pinot varieties, traditional winemaking. Arzheimer Str. 14 D - 76831 Ilbesheim T +49 6341 30621T +49 6341 34401 Weißer Burgunder 1. STOCK / 1o PIANO / 1st FLOOR Familie Sander – Ökologische Weine
The Sander winery was the first who started organic viticulture in the 1950th in Germany. Sandra Christine Sander In these days the family's grandfather thought of treating the vines different because of the erosion of earth on the slopes, clorosis of the wines caused by insufficient soil In den Weingärten 11 management as wel as the il ness of his wife. The winery with its 50 acres of vines is D - 67582 Mettenheim located in the Rhine val ey 70 kms south west of Frankfurt. The winery produces premium wines of local as wel as international y respected grape varieties. The most important T +49 6242 15 83 grapes are Riesling, Pinot Blanc and Pinot noir.
Mettenheim, Rheinhessen Mettenheimer Schloßberg, Rheinhessen Mettenheimer Schloßberg, Rheinhessen 1. STOCK / 1o PIANO / 1st FLOOR Frank John – Das Hirschhorner Weinkontor
the heart of the beautiful Palatinate. Thanks to biodynamic methods in the field and also in our cross vault cellar together with long aging in wooden barrels, we achieve wholesome and well balanced, elegant wines of great aging potential! Hirschhornring 34 Certified by Naturland and Demeter D - 67435 Neustadt/W. T +49 6321 670537F +49 6321 9706293 Riesling Brut -32- 1. STOCK / 1o PIANO / 1st FLOOR Weingut Mg vom Sol
Natural wines from bio-dynamic treated vines with lots of individual character; Demeter Franz HofstätterTheresa Rabl Mg: Michael Gindl. Sol: The name of an ancient vineyard in Michaels home vil age Hohenruppersdorf. Sol can also be taken as a synonym for the sun but also for the soul in his wines. Wines with extraordinary mineral character, picked from organic A - 2223 Hohenruppersdorf treated vineyards, minimally processed and unfiltered. Wines for individualists – made by an individualist.
T +43 664 4136449 Riesling, Scheurebe, Welschriesling, Gelber Muskateller Grüner Veltliner Grüner Veltliner 1. STOCK / 1o PIANO / 1st FLOOR Johannes Zillinger Organic not because it is fashionable, but because we have been living it for 30 years. Franz Hofstätter Because we do not like chemistry, not in the environment, not in the water, not in the food and after al not in the wine. On healthy soil do not only grow vital grapes but also more exciting wines; especial y if the development of wine in the cel ar is given free rein to.
A - 2245 Velm-Götzendorf Our way: Bio-Dynamic T +43 676 635 7881 Circular economy: selfmade compost as fertilizer and conditioner, herbs grown in the own F +43 2538 87 061 89 vineyard as retreat area and habitat for useful creatures as wel as the basis of our extracts. Individual wine-growing maturing: fermentation of partial amounts in the amphorae, inter- cel ular fermentation and sulfur-free storage of the Numen wines; adding of berries picked by hand to the fermentation of the Reflexion wines.
Reflexion Kellerberg Grüner Veltliner Grüner Veltliner 1. STOCK / 1o PIANO / 1st FLOOR Wein von Ploder-Rosenberg
Wine from Ploder-Rosenberg in the Styrian Volcanland, since 9 years in the biodynamic production, light prancing Styrian classic wine, multi-layered premium- as wel as in-depth reserves from little wooden barrels in the top years & courage for acceptance archaic Unterrosenberg 86 amber-coloured amphora wines are our performance. Your benevolence for masterful A - 8093 St. Peter/O craftsmanship productions underline the unique appeal from non-mainstream wine, and provide opportunities to prove our value.
Souvignier Gris (Piwi) Vulkanland Steiermark Bernsteinfarbener archaischer maischevergorener Rawwein aus dem Startin Linea Sauvignon Blanc Vulkanland Steiermark Weisser Premiumwein aus dem getoastetem Startin Assemblage aromatischer Sorten Vulkanland Steiermark Bernsteinfarbener archaischer maischevergorener Amphorenwein Menü / Menù / Menu Samstag 9. April / Sabato 9 aprile / Saturday April 9th
Original Südtiroler Bauernspeck mit Bio Brot / Italian Fusion: 2 Regions 1 Cappel i Apfelkiachln / Frittelle di mele / Speck dell'Alto Adige con pane biologico / Fried apple rings South Tyrolean Speck with organic bread Margreider Bäuerinnen / Metzgerei / Macelleria Schrott & Contadine di Magrè Backstube / Panificio Profanter Monograno Felicetti Eis / Gelato / Ice Cream Cabernet Sauvignon – Kalbswangen – Gildo Rachelli Sellerie – Schwarzplenten D´Amici Food Cabernet Sauvignon – guancia di vitel o – sedano rapa – grano saraceno Kaffee / Caffè / Coffee Cabernet Sauvignon – cheek of veal – Traminer Spargel – Chardonnay Löwengang celery – buckwheat Torrefazione Giamaica Caffè Asparagi bianchi – Chardonnay Löwengang Asparagus – Chardonnay Löwengang Wasser / Acqua / Water ***Käse / Formaggi / Cheese Karl Telfser In Zusammenarbeit mit / in collaborazione con / in collaboration with: Landeshotelfachschule 'Kaiserhof' Meran / Scuola alberghiera provinciale 'Kaiserhof' Merano Sonntag 10. April / Domenica 10 aprile / Sunday April 10th
Original Südtiroler Bauernspeck mit Bio Brot / Italian Fusion: 2 Regions 1 Cappel i Apfelkiachln / Frittelle di mele / Speck dell'Alto Adige con pane biologico / Fried apple rings South Tyrolean Speck with organic bread Margreider Bäuerinnen / Metzgerei / Macelleria Schrott & Contadine di Magrè Backstube / Panificio Profanter Eis / Gelato / Ice Cream Berg-Saibling – Schnittlauch – Spargelspitzen Gildo Rachelli Salmerino alpino – erba cipol ina – punte di D´Amici Food Alpine samlet – chive – asparagus spears Kaffee / Caffè / Coffee Kartoffel – Wiesenspinat – Gorgonzola Hannah&Elia Torrefazione Giamaica Caffè Patate – spinaci di campo – gorgonzolaPotato – field spinach – gorgonzola Käse / Formaggi / Cheese Wasser / Acqua / Water Karl Telfser In Zusammenarbeit mit / in collaborazione con / in collaboration with: Landeshotelfachschule 'Kaiserhof' Meran / Scuola alberghiera provinciale 'Kaiserhof' Merano Montag 11. April / Lunedì 11 aprile / Monday April 11th
Original Südtiroler Bauernspeck mit Bio Brot / Italian Fusion: 2 Regions 1 Cappel i Apfelkiachln / Frittelle di mele / Speck dell'Alto Adige con pane biologico / Fried apple rings South Tyrolean Speck with organic bread Margreider Bäuerinnen / Metzgerei / Macelleria Schrott & Contadine di Magrè Backstube / Panificio Profanter Monograno Felicetti Eis / Gelato / Ice Cream Rind – Polenta – Rosmarin – Wirsing – Karotten Gildo Rachelli Manzo – polenta – rosmarino – verza – carote D´Amici Food Beef – polenta – rosmary – cabbage – carrot Kaffee / Caffè / Coffee Mangold – Safran – Wiesenchampignon Torrefazione Giamaica Caffè Bietole – zafferano – prataiolo Chard – saffron – field mushroom Käse / Formaggi / Cheese Karl Telfser Wasser / Acqua / Water In Zusammenarbeit mit / in collaborazione con / in collaboration with: Landeshotelfachschule 'Kaiserhof' Meran / Scuola alberghiera provinciale 'Kaiserhof' Merano Weine / Vini / Wines SPUMANTI SPARKLING WINES Frankreich / Francia / France
Italien / Italia / Italy
Italien / Italia / Italy
s.a. Brut Réserve
s.a. Saten
2015 Le Sincette Chiaretto
55% Pinot Nero, 30% Chardonnay, 100% Chardonnay Franciacorta DOCG Groppello Marzemino e Barbera, 15% Pinot Meunier Gian Paolo e Giovanni Cavalleri Valtenesi Chiaretto Maison Boizel Società Agricola Azienda Agricola Biodinamica Le Sincette 2012 Grave di Stecca Brut
100% Glera
Neuseeland / Nuova Zelanda /
Nino Franco Spumanti New Zealand
2014 Schubert Rosé
Pinot Noir, Wairarapa
Schubert Wines
Frankreich / Francia / France
2014 Pian del Ciampolo
90% Sangiovese, 5% Canaiolo, 5% Colorino
2013 Fleurieu Peninsula
2015 Le Blaireau
Società Agricola Montevertine Southern Fleurieu St. Guilhem le Désert IGP Salomon Estate Domaine Mas des Quernes 2014 Langhe Nebbiolo DOC
Cascina Cucco
Deutschland/ Germania / Germany
Italien / Italia / Italy
2013 At Refosco
Rrfosco dal Peduncolo Rosso DOC
2013 Cuvée Max
2014 Il Bruciato
Friuli Colli Orientali 65% Cabernet Sauvignon, Aquila del Torre 20% Merlot, 15% Syrah Weingut August Kesseler 2013 XV Merlot 'Riserva'
Tenuta Guado al Tasso - Marchesi Antinori Alois Lageder
2014 Le Macchiole Bolgheri Rosso
2012 Chianti Classico Riserva
50% Merlot, 30% Cabernet, 20% Syrah Capannelle
100% Sangiovese DOCG Chianti Classico Azienda Agricola Le Macchiole Società Agricola Capannelle 2013 Il Pino di Biserno
2012 Vino Nobile di Montepulciano
Cabernet Franc, Merlot, 85% Sangiovese Prugnolo Gentile, Cabernet Sauvignon, Petit Verdot IGT Vigneti delle Dolomiti Teroldego 15% Canaiolo, Colorino, Mammolo Azienda Agricola Foradori Vino Nobile di Montepulciano DOCG Rosso Tenuta di Biserno Nero di Troia, Castel del Monte DOC 2011 Terra di Monteverro
80% Sangiovese, 15% Merlot, Tenuta Cefalicchio – Ognissole Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, 5% Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot, Petit Verdot DOC Vald. Di Sopra Pietraviva IGT Toscana rosso Petrolo Società Agricola Poggio al Sole 2012 Morellino di Scansano
24% Principalmente Cabernet Franc, Chianti Classico DOCG Poggio Nibbiale 22% Merlot, 15% Cabernet Sauvignon, Querceto di Castellina Azienda Agricola 14% Petit Verdot, 14% Sangiovese, presenti anche 6% Alicante e 5% Syrah Sangiovese, Merlot Caiarossa Società Agricola Villa Caviciana WEISSWEINEVINI BIANCHIWHITE WINES 2011 Brunello di Montalcino
Österreich / Austria
Deutschland/ Germania / Germany
100% Sangiovese DOCGAzienda Agraria Conti Costanti 2013 Blaufränkisch Umriss
2014 Riesling trocken
2011 Vallée d'Aoste DOC. Fumin
Dr. Bürklin-Wolf Val ée d'Aoste DOC 2014 Niederhäuser Riesling trocken
Società Agricola Maison Vigneronne Grosjean Frères Deutschland, Nahe Weingut Moric Gut Hermannsberg 96% Sangiovese, 4% MerlotChianti Classico DOCG 2013 Mölsheim Riesling trocken
Castello di Ama 2010 Barbera Monte Colombo
100% Barbera D'Asti DOCG Tenute Cisa Asinari dei Marchesi di Grésy Italien / Italia / Italy
2014 Porer Pinot Grigio
Alois Lageder 2015 Capitel Foscarino
90% Garganega, 10% Chardonnay Weingut Klaus Lentsch IGT Bianco Veneto Società Agricola Anselmi 2011 Bianco di Rosso
Fattoria di Fiorano 2015 Lestra
Breganze Chardonnay 2014 Impero Blanc de Pinot Noir
Diesel Farm Società Agricola DOC Maremma Toscana Azienda Agricola Maremmalta Marche IGT Pinot Nero vinificato in biancoFattoria Mancini Österreich / Austria
2015 La Raia Gavi
Cortese DOCG
2014 Friulano Colli Orientali del Friuli
2014 Grüner Veltliner
La Raia Azienda Biodinamica Loiser Berg 1ÖTW
Colli Orientali del Friuli 2013 Trebbiano d'Abruzzo
Bio Valori DOC
2014 Grassnitzberg
Saft / Succo / Juice
Sauvignon Blanc 1STK
Weingut Tement
2015 Framboozen RhabarberObstkelterei van Nahmen 2013 To
Chardonnay, Sauvignon, Welschriesling
Wasser / Acqua / Water
Weingut Velich 2007 Schloss Gobelsburg
Alte Reben Kamptal
Weingut Schloss Gobelsburg

Casòn Hirschprunn Margreid / MagrèSüdtirol / Alto Adige / South TyrolItalien / Italia / Italy


3(1), April, 2012. ISSN: 2141- Printed in Nigeria. All rights reserved. © Global Research Publishing, 2012. Caffeine Content of Cocoa and Coffee Beverages in Lagos, Nigeria (pp. 404-411.) C. O. Ogah and O. T.obebe Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Lagos, Nigeria Correspondence Email

(Brazilian Interdisciplinary Association of AIDS) (Working Group on Intellectual Property) Enough of attacks to Health protection measures! The case of the drug lopinavir/ritonavir expose the poor functioning of the patent system, distorted attack from pharmaceutical companies and lag of the judiciary. Given the disappointing outcome of a trial held this week at the Court of the 2nd district of Rio de Janeiro, the Working Group on Intellectual Property of the Brazilian Network for Peoples Integration (GTPI/Rebrip), collective of civil society organizations acting in defense of the access to drugs, repudiate the claims filed by transnational corporations in order to weaken the mechanisms established in Brazil to protect health policies from the negative impact of pharmaceutical patents. It is still worth to remember that improperly granted patents unnecessarily raise the price of drugs and high prices drain public resources. Many international bodies have already concluded in their studies that the combination unlawful patents-high prices frequently lead to systematic branches of the Human Rights.