"D" - Marys Medicine:
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Vol. 58, No. 8, 2011 © 2011 by the American College of Cardiology Foundation ISSN 0735-1097/$36.00 Published by Elsevier Inc. Age- and Sex-Related Differences inAll-Cause Mortality Risk Based on CoronaryComputed Tomography Angiography Findings Results From the International MulticenterCONFIRM (Coronary CT Angiography Evaluation forClinical Outcomes: An International Multicenter Registry)of 23,854 Patients Without Known Coronary Artery Disease
Newsletter03 march 2016
Doncaster & District Branch At the top of the Rock of GibraltarBaboon by Chris Donoghue 0845 0505 314 Mob: 07599 543 766 Q: What do you call aMexican that lost his car? Get-together Q: Why do the French eat Not from the Chair 4 A: They don't like fast food. AGM information 7 Danum MS is published on the last Wednesday of each
Migraine patient handout
Migraine – More than a Headache Introduction Migraine is a common clinical problem characterized by episodic attacks of head pain and associated symptoms such as nausea, sensitivity to light, sound, or head movement. It is general y thought of as a headache problem, but it has become apparent in recent years that many patients suffer symptoms from migraine who do not have severe headaches as a dominant symptom. These patients may have a primary complaint of dizziness, of ear pain, of ear or head ful ness, "sinus" pressure, and even fluctuating hearing loss. Fortunately, treatment regimens long established for the treatment of "classic" migraine headaches are general y effective against these "atypical" symptoms of migraine. How Common is Migraine?
Costs of smoking and mental illness - final 19 nov
14 November 2007 Smoking and Mental Illness: Costs Report by Access Economics Pty Limited for Smoking and Mental Illness: Costs CONTENTS Executive summary.i Background .1 1.1 Efforts to combat smoking .9 Smoking epidemiology .11 Smoking aetiology .13 Smoking mortality .14 Mental illness .16 Mental illness and suicide .19
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Blanqueamiento de dientes con decoloraciones severas Dr. Salvador Alonso Pérez Prof. Colaborador de Materiales Odontológicos. Facultad de Odontología Universidad de Barcelona. Doctor en Medicina. Médico Especialista en Estomatología y en Cirugía Dra. Soledad Espías Gómez Prof. Colaborador de Materiales Odontológicos. Facultad de Odontología Universidad de
Diagnostic Study Report Pharmaceutical Cluster - CUTTACK & BHUBANESWAR Sri Bijaya Kumar Panda, CDA Sri Digambar Satapathy, CDA & Sri Biranchi Narayan Sahoo, CDA Cluster Development Cell, Industries Directorate, Orissa & UNIDO, MSME Cluster Development Programme Pharmaceutical Industry - Structure and Performance Evolution - A Global Perspective International Scenario
Department of Chemical Engineering College of Engineering University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City Laboratory Safety Manual 2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS Emergency Information: Emergency Telephone Numbers Basic First Aid First Aid Responder First Aid Boxes Emergency (Fire) Alarms Coping with an Emergency Health and Safety Procedures in the ChE Department Risk Assessments Local Rules and Advice: Preventing Fires and Floods Personal Safety
International Journal of Cardiology 125 (2008) 376 – 382 Association of endothelial function and vascular data with LDL-c and HDL-c in a homogeneous population of middle-aged, healthy military men: Evidence for a critical role of optimal lipid levels ☆ Martin Laclaustra a,⁎, Alejandro F. Frangi b, Andres G. Frangi a, Jose A. Casasnovas a, Pedro Cia a a Cardiovascular Research Group of Aragon, Aragon Institute of Health Sciences, Hospital Clinico Universitario "Lozano Blesa", Zaragoza, Spain
Allen unseren Mitgliedern, Seele des Menschen unseren Freundinnen und Freunden Wie gleichst du dem Wasser! Schicksal des Menschen, sowie unseren Förderern Wie gleichst du dem Wind! einen schönen Sommer 2015 Johann Wolfgang Goethe Titelbild von Helmut PESCHEL Unser Doppeljubiläum 2015: 25 Jahre DYSTONIE-Selbsthilfe 20 Jahre Österreichische Dystonie Gesellschaft
on October 31, 2012 The role of 'soaking' in spiteful toxin production in R. Fredrik Inglis, Alex R. Hall and Angus Buckling published online 29 August 2012 Biol. Lett. This article cites 18 articles, 7 of which can be accessed free Article cited in: Published online 29 August 2012 in advance of the print journal.
Pathogenesis and Treatment of Kidney Disease and Hypertension High-Dose Furosemide for Established ARF: A Prospective, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Multicenter Trial Félix Cantarovich, MD, Badrudin Rangoonwala, PhD, Horst Lorenz, DiplMath, Matti Verho, MD, and Vincent L.M. Esnault, MD, PhD, for the High-Dose Furosemide
Topical steroids.indd
Topical steroids for children with asthma Topical steroids for children with asthma Professor, overlæge, dr. med. Dansk BørneAstma Center Gentofte Børneafdeling Steroids are the most effective preventive medication for the treatment of asthma in children. The inhalation of steroids helps asthmatic children to lead normal lives and has no relevant side effects in recommended dose. Therefore, pediatricians recommend that children with regular symptoms of asthma should be treated with inhaled steroids.
table of contents The Microlipid Crystallization Technology astion pharma a/s Active Substance Manufacture and Stability executive summary Dermadexin™ Formulations Dermadexin™ SD Cream Dermadexin™ Scalp Solution Dermadexin™ AD Cream seborrhoeic dermatitis Mechanism of Action non-clinic al pharmacology studies Seborrhoeic Dermatitis of The Face
HOW DRUGS WORK • Differentiate between the local and systemic effects of drugs. • Describe the roles of absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion in treating patients with medication. • List four reasons why a drug might be contraindicated in a specifi c patient. • Identify the symptoms of anaphylaxis and angioedema.
Sem título-
O caráter normativo dos princípiosjurídicos Emílio Peluso Neder Meyer 1 – Introdução. 2 – A teoria dos sistemas de Niklas Luhmann. 2.1 – O direito como sistema em Luhmann. 2.2 – Fechamento operacional eacoplamento estrutural dos sistemas. 2.3 – O Poder Judiciário e sua posição no sistema jurí- dico. 3 – O direito entre faticidade e validade:uma crítica à opção metodológica pela juris-
EMBARGOED: NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION OR CITATION UNTIL 9.30 AM KENYA TIME, JULY 12, 2013 Education and Health Services in Data for Results and Accountability Launch edition Service Delivery Indicators: Data for Results and AccountabilityThe Service Delivery Indicators provide a set of metrics for benchmarking service delivery performance in education and health in Africa. The overall objective of the indicators is to gauge the quality of service delivery in primary education and basic health services. The indicators enable governments and citizens to identify gaps and track progress within and across countries over time. It is envisaged that the broad availability, high public awareness and persistent focus on the indicators will mobilize policymakers, citizens, service providers, donors and other stakeholders into action. The ultimate goal is to sharply increase accountability for improved quality of services toward the ultimate end of improving human development outcomes, along the lines originally proposed by World Development Report 2004: Making Services Work for Poor People.
Gebrauchsanweisung Operating instructions Mode d‘emploi Istruzioni per l‘uso Manual de instrucciones Gebruiksaanwijzing Brugsanvisning Käyttöohje Bruksanvisning Bruksanvisning 2 Jahre GarantIe • 2 ye Gratulation! sie haben soeben den aussergewöhnlichen Luftbefeuchter Fred erworben. er wird Ihnen viel Freude machen und die raumluft für sie verbessern. wie bei al en elektrischen haushaltsgeräten wird auch bei diesem Gerät zur Vermeidung von Verletzungen, Brand- oder Geräteschäden besondere sorg-falt verlangt. Bitte studieren sie die vorliegende Betriebsanleitung vor der Inbetriebnahme und beachten sie die sicherheitshinweise auf dem Gerät.
General Quality and Testing Regulations for Furniture Protection of the Environment and Personal Health Quality Assurance RAL-GZ 430 Dated: January 2016 DEUTSCHES INSTITUT FÜR GÜTESICHERUNG UND KENNZEICHNUNG E.V. Protection of the Environment and Personal Health (RAL-GZ 430) Quality and Testing Regulations for Furniture RAL-GZ 430
Eur Radiol (2012) 22:39–50DOI 10.1007/s00330-011-2260-x Non-invasive assessment of functionally relevant coronaryartery stenoses with quantitative CT perfusion: preliminaryclinical experiences Aaron So & Gerald Wisenberg & Ali Islam & Justin Amann & Walter Romano &James Brown & Dennis Humen & George Jablonsky & Jian-Ying Li & Jiang Hsieh &Ting-Yim Lee Received: 4 April 2011 / Revised: 23 August 2011 / Accepted: 25 August 2011 / Published online: 21 September 2011
Medication review tips and hints for cardiovascular medication
Medication review tips and hints for Graham Parsons and Mark Stone Copthorne Hotel 18th August 2014 • Anti-hypertensive agents • Nitrates • Statins • Anticoagulants • Antiplatelets Anti-hypertensive agents • Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme (ACE) inhibitors • Angiotensin-II receptor antagonists (ARB) • Calcium Channel Blockers (CCB) • Diuretics • and -blockers
ensuring international food safety with reliable, time saving and cost effective testing solutions ELISA KIT ©for food safety About ISTech LaboratoriesOur products and services About UsISTech Laboratories B.V. is a young and innovative life sciences company based in Wageningen, the Netherlands. We are mainly specialized in the field of food safety.
Original Research Oseltamivir resistance among infl uenza viruses: surveillance in northern Viet Nam, 2009–2012Hoang Vu Mai-Phuong,a Nguyen Co Thach,a Nguyen Le Khanh Hang,a Nguyen Thi Kim Phuongb and Le Quynh MaiaCorrespondence to Hoang Vu Mai-Phuong (e-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]). Introduction: Antiviral resistance has been reported in seasonal influenza A viruses and avian influenza A(H5N1) viruses in Viet Nam, raising concerns about the efficacy of treatment.Methods: We analysed specimens from two sources during the period 2009–2012: influenza-positive samples from influenza-like illness patients at sentinel clinics in northern Viet Nam and isolates from patients with confirmed A(H5N1) infections. Pyrosequencing was used to detect mutations: H275Y [for A(H1N1) and A(H5N1)], E119V [for A(H3N2)] and I117V [for A(H5N1)]. A neuraminidase inhibition assay was used to determine the Inhibitory Concentration 50 (IC )
PD Dr med WP Bieger NeuroStress Guide EINLEITUNG Der vorliegende NeuroScience-Guide ist als Anleitung für Patienten, Ärzte und Therapeuten gedacht. Er soll einen Einblick in die Funktionsweise des Neuroendokriniums und in die Grundlagen neuroendokriner Funktionsstörungen und deren Behandlung vermitteln. Die von uns entwickelte „NeuroStress"-Diagnostik wird vorgestellt und physiologische Behandlungsformen besprochen. Schon lange gibt es hochwirksame Substanzen für die natürliche Behandlung psychoneurovegetativer Störungen, die allerdings durch die Entwicklung der modernen Psychopharmaka verdrängt wurden. Die unbefriedigenden Ergebnisse der Antidepressiva haben die traditionellen Behandlungskonzepte jedoch wieder ins Bewusstsein gerückt. Unser aktuelles ganzheitliches diagnostisch-therapeutisches Konzept greift die bewährten Verfahren auf und verbindet sie mit innovativen Diagnose- und Behandlungsformen aus den USA. Eingangsüberlegungen: 1. Die Zahl neurovegetativer Störungen und psychischer Krankheiten nimmt weltweit stark zu. Damit auch die Nachfrage nach neuen diagnostischen Möglichkeiten und effzienten, gut verträglichen Behandlungen. Seit Jahren steigt die Zahl psychischer Störungen in den westlichen Industrieländern. Man geht davon aus, dass bis zu 60% der Krankheitsfälle in der täglichen ärztlichen Praxis psychischer Natur sind bzw. eng mit psychischen Belastungen verbunden sind. Schon heute entfallen viele Krankheitstage auf psychische Störungen, ihre Zahl nimmt ständig zu, während die Gesamtzahl krankheitsbedingter Fehltage seit Jahren zurückgeht. Besonders gravierend ist die Zunahme der Depressionen. Während Herz-Kreislauferkrankungen, Herzinfarkt, sogar die häufigsten Krebserkrankungen (Lungen-, Brust- und Prostatakrebs) seit einigen Jahren abnehmende Tendenz zeigen, nimmt der Anteil von Depressionen ständig zu. Die WHO geht in einem ihrer jüngsten Gesundheitsberichte (2006) davon aus, dass bereits in den nächsten 5-10 Jahren Depressionen die zweithäufigste medizinische Krankheitsursache überhaupt sein werden. 2. Psychopharmaka werden heute in enormem Maße eingesetzt, sie sind mit >65 Mrd € die umsatzstärkste pharmazeutische Präparategruppe. Ihre Wirksamkeit, vor allem die der Antidepressiva, ist jedoch begrenzt. Die Nebenwirkungen sind zahlreich und zum Teil lebensbedrohlich. Immer wieder werden Zweifel am Aussagewert von Psychopharmakastudien geäußert, die Publikation von klinischen Studien mit Antidepressiva erfolgt offensichtlich nach willkürlichen Kriterien (NEJM, 2008). In einer kürzlichen Metaanalyse wurde die fehende Wirksamkeit von Antidepressiva bei leichten bis mittelschweren Depressionen konstatiert (PloS Medicine, 2008). Nur bei schweren Depressionen findet sich ein Vorteil von Antidepressiva gegenüber Placebos. 3. Die Neurobiologie psychischer Störungen wird seit Jahren intensiv untersucht, neue Untersuchungsverfahren wie MRT, PET, SPECT, Immunologie oder Molekulargenetik haben das Verständnis der zentralen Prozesse enorm verbessert. Neue Diagnose- und Behandlungsverfahren können daher stärker auf Wissen und weniger auf Zufallsbeobachtungen wie bisher basiert werden. STRESS Als eines der zentralen Geschehen gilt chronischer Stress, der vielfach zu bleibenden psychovegetativen Störungen führt. Ein kürzlich erschienenes Buch des Bonner Psychiaters Prof. Benkert (2006) hat den Begriff der „StressDepression" geprägt und damit „Stress" als ganz wesentlichen Grund für psychische Störungen einschließlich Depressionen in den Mittelpunkt
Rational medical therapy of vertigo
Dr Anirban Biswas -neurotologist Kolkata, India Cinnarizine?? Betahistine?? Prochlorperazine?? Dimenhydrinate?? Ginkgobiloba?? None of the above?? Psychotropic drugs?? Reassurance?? Anirban Biswas, neurotologist Provide symptomatic relief – taking care of the
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American Journal of Law & Medicine, 32 (2006): 325-349 © 2006 American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics Boston University School of Law Trojan Drugs: Counterfeit and Mislabeled Pharmaceuticals in the Legitimate Market Donald deKieffer† Over the past five years, there have been over 140 reported incidents of counterfeit and mislabeled drugs being sold by legitimate pharmacies in the United States.1 Thousands of patients have consumed these medications, sometimes with dire consequences.2 The extent of counterfeits in the legitimate market, however, is unknown. It is certain that the detected incidents of fakes are a fraction of the total number of incidents.3
Effectiveness social skills training on addiction potential reduction in male high school students
American Journal of Life Science © 2014, DIILI Publication Researches Am. J. Life. Sci. Res. Vol. 3, Issue 1, 91-99, 2015 REWIEV ARTICLE Received 14 Oct. 2014 Accepted 24 Dec. 2014 Traditional Phytotherapy and FOLK LORE REMEDIES Used TO Cure Diabetes
improp electronic W alter Claas GmbH & Co KG O - 33428 Harsewinkel www.simprop.de Betriebsanleitung Akku-Safer Balancer++ Best.-Nr.: 010 102 8 T
Christoph Eberhard• E-mail : [email protected] Site internet : http://www.dhdi.org Les droits de l'homme face à la complexité : une approche anthropologique et (première version d'un aticle à paraître dans Droit & Société n° 51-52 / 2002) Mots clefs : droits de l'homme, anthropologie dynamique du Droit, dialogue interculturel, pluralisme,
TEORÍA DEL DERECHO TEMA7LA PRODUCCIÓN DEL DERECHO 1. Concepto de fuentes del Derecho2. Criterios de clasificación de las fuentes del derecho 2.1. Fuentes-hecho y fuentes-acto2.2. Fuentes legales o formales y fuentes materiales o extra ordinem2.3. Las fuentes según su fuerza jurídica 3. Clases de fuentes del Derecho 3.1. Fuentes-acto, Legislación y normas provenientes de autoridades
NONWOVENS BULLETIN Vol. No. 1 Issue No. 05 February 2015 DKTE Centre of Excellence in Nonwovens Plot No. 1, 2 and 3, Shri. Lakshmi Co-Operative Industrial Estate, Hatkanangle – Ichalkaranji ,Dt. Kolhapur – 416109 (MS) India Tel: +91 230 2366354 Email Website: www.dktecoenonwovens.in Nonwoven Bulletin Volume 01 Issue No. 05 / February 2015
Envenenamiento hormonal negligencial
¿Reemplazo Hormonal? Diga ¡No Gracias! 1 Lógica de Sistemas y Autopoiesis Donnato de la O. Consultor Holonómico Envenenamiento Hormonal Negligencial • Salud; El mejor afrodisíaco Entre las diferencias que distinguen a los individuos de los dos sexos está el hecho de que, mientras el varón lanza su mente al aire y se entretiene con las cosas "importantes"; la brega, la conquista, los ideales, los descubrimientos y, a lo que finalmente todo esto conlleva, el esquilme de fortunas, la mujer se mantiene más aterrizada en el día con día, haciendo posible que las "triviali- dades" ordinarias de guarida, crianza, alimentación, amparo y salud, sucedan. Es un hecho, que yo corroboro con las estadísticas de mi clientela, el 80% de ella es femenino, por lo que es obvio que la mujer está más consciente de su cuerpo que el hombre. Todo hombre tiene la mente de un conquistador, esto lo hace un poco depredador. Todo hombre está orientado al poder, esto lo hace líder o sumiso. Nuestro sistema de castas está basado en esto. Hay gente "de casta" y descastados, vencedores y vencidos, jefes y subordinados, por la sencilla razón de que todavía pesa sobre nosotros la tara del instinto animal, del imperativo territorial, en donde el macho más poderoso y astuto controla y define su territorio, sometiendo a su voluntad al resto de la manada y aparece entonces el dulce encanto de la burguesía, la burocracia con sus jerarquías y sus privilegios. En otro espacio he narrado est
拒绝荷尔蒙失调 英文版 欣赏
What are hormones?Hormones are chemical messengers that flow through our bloodstream and enter tissues where they turn on switches to the genetic machinery, affecting the action of every cel in our body, either helping or ruining our lives depending on their balance, quantity, strength and body's reaction! Hormones are made in the ovaries, testes, adrenals, pituitary, pancreas, brain, thyroid, parathyroid and hypothalamus, just to name a few. These organs are also known as glands and belong to the bigger and more complex system: the endocrine system, which is like a symphony with several glands working both alone and together to orchestrate bodily functions. To put it in an analogy, "Touch one strand and the whole web trembles."
Hidradenitis suppurativa
clinical practice Hidradenitis Suppurativa Gregor B.E. Jemec, M.D., D.M.Sc. This Journal feature begins with a case vignette highlighting a common clinical problem. Evidence supporting various strategies is then presented, followed by a review of formal guidelines, when they exist. The article ends with the author's clinical recommendations.
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42nd Myanmar Health Research Congress Abstracts of the Posters Abstracts of the Posters Poster-1 Characteristics of patients with breast cancer from selected cancer units in Yangon and Mandalay cities Myo Khin, Le Le Win, Khin May Oo, San Shwe, Win Pa Pa Naing, Htain Win and Aung Myo Min
Performance Evaluation of Different Brands of Pantoprazole Tablets Submitted by Md. Rasel Mamun ID NO: 101-29-157 Department of Pharmacy Daffodil International University Supervised by Sharifa Sultana Department of Pharmacy Daffodil International University Pharmacy Department Faculty of Allied Health Science
Scientific Research Scientific Information for Health Care Professionals Almased UK Ltd.2nd Floor Berkeley Square HouseBerkeley SquareLondon W1J 6BD Phone: 020 7969 1886Email: [email protected]: www.almased.co.uk The most important studies on the effects of Almased® Table of Contents 4 Editorial 20 "Supported insulin and blood sugar
Historia de la concordia
RECOPILACIÓN HISTÓRICA DE CONCORDIA Luis María Medina PALABRAS INICIALES (primera edición 1977) Esta no es una historia de Concordia. Apenas si pretende ser una cronología de hechos, en la mayoría de los casos ya publicados. Es por ello que hasta el título de este trabajo aspira a ilustrar claramente al lector sobre el contenido del mismo. Consideramos que este trabajo es, simplemente, una recopilación histórica de nuestra ciudad. Desde fines del año 1969 y hasta principios de 1971, apareció en Concordia una revista semanal –"La Calle"- que incluyó en cada número una sección destinada a hacer conocer hechos y personas del pasado de nuestra ciudad. Volvieron del ayer, entonces, páginas agotadas de la historia lugareña, lo que contó con la aceptación unánime de los lectores. Esa labor se vio respaldada ampliamente, lográndose la colaboración espontánea de numerosos vecinos que aportaron revistas, libros, documentos y recuerdos, material que tuvo cabida en cada número de la citada publicación. Aparecieron también historiadores locales que volcaron sus estudios y conocimientos a la difusión general de un tema tan interesante. "La Calle" se transformó, entonces, en el medio más adecuado para hacer conocer retazos de la historia concordiense. GRAFELCO hoy puede ofrecer una recopilación cronológica de todo ese material, llenando algunos vacíos lógicos con el fruto de sus consultas en otras fuentes no directamente relacionadas con esta ciudad. Sin embargo, quedan aún muchos claros. Es por ello que reiteramos que ésta no es la historia de Concordia. No obstante, puede convertirse en el motivo fundamental para escribirla definitivamente, corrigiendo errores que seguramente existen en esta edición. Conocemos la labor silenciosa de algunos estudiosos de nuestro medio, que vienen gestando, desde mucho tiempo atrás, una obra de esta naturaleza. Y aunque no ignoramos que, además del tiempo que demanda dicha tarea, también deberán vencer el problema de su publicación –que malogra muchas veces las mejores inquietudes- aspiramos a que la presente sirva de acicate para quienes están empeñados en una obra similar. A ellos les auguramos el mayor de los éxitos. GRAFELCO
African Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences 2 (1-2): 25-29, 2010 © IDOSI Publications, 2010 Synergistic Effect of Salvadora persica Extracts, Tetracycline and Penicillin Against Staphylococcus aureus 1Zafar Ahmed, S 1 haukat Saeed Khan, M ahnaaz Khan, 1Arshiya Tanveer and Zah oor Ahmad Lone
82 JEMS MARCH 2006 Story by Jay Carter, MSEE, MD, FACEP, & David Enzman, NREMT-P; Photos by Bruce Graham, NREMT-P, Hudson EMS Operations Manager Extrication of patients from motor vehicle accidents is usually well covered in EMTcourses, and EMS personnel gain ex- pertise in this component of rescue operations—many calls, many scenarios, much extricationexperience—early on in their careers. But a crewfrom Hudson (Ohio) EMS (HEMS), with acombined EMS experience totaling more than100 years, responded to a call that presented aunique situation.
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Journal of Cancer Research Updates, 2013, 2, 000-000 1 Case Reports of Cancer Patients with Hepatic Metastases Treated by Standardized Plant Immunomodulatory Preparations Tibor Hajto1,* and Angelika Kirsch2 1Department of Immunology and Biotechnology, University Pecs, Faculty of Medicine, Pecs, Hungary 2Private Praxis, Paradiesstr. 14, Binningen CH-4102, Switzerland
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Eur J Clin PharmacolDOI 10.1007/s00228-015-1896-x CYP2B6 rs2279343 polymorphism is associated with smokingcessation success in bupropion therapy Paulo Roberto Xavier Tomaz1 & Juliana Rocha Santos1 & Jaqueline Scholz Issa2 &Tânia Ogawa Abe 2 & Patrícia Viviane Gaya2 & José Eduardo Krieger1 &Alexandre Costa Pereira1,3 & Paulo Caleb Júnior Lima Santos1,3 Received: 21 April 2015 / Accepted: 26 June 2015
Glycated Hemoglobin, Diabetes, and Cardiovascular Risk in Nondiabetic Adults Elizabeth Selvin, Ph.D., M.P.H., Michael W. Steffes, M.D., Ph.D., Hong Zhu, B.S., Kunihiro Matsushita, M.D., Ph.D., Lynne Wagenknecht, Dr.P.H., James Pankow, Ph.D., M.P.H., Josef Coresh, M.D., Ph.D., and Frederick L. Brancati, M.D., M.H.S. From the Department of Epidemiology Fasting glucose is the standard measure used to diagnose diabetes in the United States.