Marys Medicine

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AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CLINICAL PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY (ASCP) June 2014 Hollywood, FL by Lynne Peterson June 16-18, 2014 The annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Pharmacology (ASCP) is a forum for issues in clinical research in psychiatry. It used to be known as the NCDEU (New The ASCP meeting offered a peek at


JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY, Dec. 1999, p. 10289–10295 Copyright © 1999, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved. Effect of Lamivudine on Human T-Cell Leukemia Virus Type 1 (HTLV-1) DNA Copy Number, T-Cell Phenotype, and Anti-Tax Cytotoxic T-Cell Frequency in Patients with HTLV-1-Associated Myelopathy G. P. TAYLOR,1* S. E. HALL,2 S. NAVARRETE,2 C. A. MICHIE,3 R. DAVIS,1 A. D. WITKOVER,2 M. ROSSOR,4


Diario Oficial de la Unión Europea (Actos cuya publicación es una condición para su aplicabilidad) REGLAMENTO (CE) NO 1906/2006 DEL PARLAMENTO EUROPEO Y DEL CONSEJO de 18 de diciembre de 2006 por el que se establecen las normas de participación de empresas, centros de investigación y univer-sidades en las acciones del Séptimo Programa Marco, y las normas de difusión de los resultados de

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Date: April 21, 2013 Working Summary Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME/CFS) Table of Biological Abnormalities, Clinical/Lab Tests and Drugs with Potential for Repurposing * A PATIENT-DRIVEN EFFORT * A WORK-IN-PROGRESS * FDA has determined that ME and CFS is a serious disease or set of diseases for which there are no approved drug treatments. The following table, compiled by patients, lists the clinical abnormalities found in ME/CFS patients, examples of clinical abnormalities (symptoms and abnormal test results) that an ME/CFS patient might experience, examples of the clinical/lab tests that patients have had to confirm the abnormalities (i.e. potential diagnostic biomarkers), and examples of the kinds of drugs that patients have been prescribed off-label by doctors or used in clinical trials for ME/CFS, and thus have potential for repurposing for ME/CFS patients. BIOLOGICAL

Questa dispensa raccoglie una serie di piccole informazioni utili a quelle persone che intendano intraprendere una professione

Dispensa Questa dispensa raccoglie una serie di piccole informazioni utili a quelle persone che intendano intraprendere una professione che le vedrà vicine al mondo del caffè Le notizie riportate in questa dispensa si intendono inutili se non sono supportate dalla professionalità lavorativa, educazione e creatività dell'operatore. L'operatore deve proporre la propria immagine positiva continuamente ai clienti, facendo modo che questi si trovino sempre a proprio agio al momento della vendita

British medical journal, 332 (7544): 786-788

Analysis and comment An iatrogenic pandemic of panicLuc Bonneux, Wim Van Damme Nine decades after the disappearance of the infamous sive food poisoning such as the dioxin crisis. Airborne Spanish flu, its ghost is threatening again. In many transmission of the extremely lethal Ebola Zaire virus countries, panicking citizens are buying drugs from might cause a devastating epidemic and is popular in

Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine Ukrainian Center of Scientific Medical Information and Patent Licensing Activity Use of the National Antineoplastic Drug of Platinum on DNA carrier at Treatment of the Advanced Forms of Malignant Neoplasms Kiev – 2010 Institution-Developer: SE «National Cancer Institute» MHC of Ukraine Institution-Codeveloper: Medical and Preventive Treatment Facility Donetsk Regional Anti Cancer Center Authors: Dudnichenko Alexander Sergeyevitch – Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Vorobyov Oleg Nickolayevitch – Candidate of Medical Sciences; Lischishina Elena Mikhailovna – Candidate of Medical Sciences; Lisovskaya Natalia Yurievna – Candidate of Medical Sciences; Komendant Vasiliy Vasilyevitch; Martsenkovskaya Natalia Vadimovna. Contact number: (062) 223-89-85 Reviewer: Sedakov Igor Yevgenyevitch – Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor. Chairman of the Task Group «Oncology» AMS and MHC of Ukraine: Bondar Grigoriy Vasilyevitch – Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, academician of the AMS of Ukraine.

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This review formed part of Jill Depledge's MHSc thesis at AUT University Pelvic joint pain in pregnancy The literature pertaining to pain in the symphysis pubis and sacroiliac joints during pregnancy is reviewed here. The signs and symptoms associated with symphysis pubis dysfunction are also discussed. Pelvic joint pain is a common complaint for pregnant women and as its name suggests

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Jae-Min Jung and Ho-Yeon Kim: Third-person Effects in the Stock Market:Perception of Experts & Non-experts and Impacts on Attitude Third-person Effects in the Stock Market: Perception of Experts & Non-experts and Impacts on Attitude Jae-Min Jung* and Ho-Yeon Kim** Abstract: The third-person effect was tested by examining whether people perceive a greater influence of unidentified information recommending stocks in the Internet on others than on themselves. Findings confirm the third-person effect but also show subjects with stock market experience perceive a greater influence on others than did subjects with no stock market experience. Additionally, subjects demonstrated a larger third-person effect when "others" are specified as novice investors who have little knowledge or experience in stock trading than when "others" are identified as experienced traders. After controlling for SES and interest and experience in stock trading, the third-person perception remained. Keywords: Third-person perception, Behavioral effect, Stock market, Internet information, Expert

Sample paper

PHARMACEUTICAL SUPPLY CHAINS: KEY ISSUES AND STRATEGIES FOR OPTIMISATION Centre for Process Systems Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine London SW7 2BY, UK Supply chain optimisation is now a major research theme in process operations and management. A great deal of research has been undertaken on facility location and design, inventory and distribution planning, capacity and production planning and detailed scheduling. Only a small proportion of this work directly addresses the issues faced in the pharmaceutical sector. On the other hand, this sector is very much ready for and in need of sophisticated supply chain optimisation techniques. At the supply chain design stage, a particular problem faced by this industry is the need to balance future capacity with anticipated demands in the face of the very significant uncertainty that arises out of clinical trials and competitor activity. Efficient capacity utilisation plans and robust infrastructure investment decisions will be important as regulatory pressures increase and margins are eroded. The ability to locate nodes of the supply chain in tax havens and optimise trading and transfer price structures results in interesting degrees of freedom in the supply chain design problem. Prior even to capacity planning comes the problem of pipeline and testing planning, where the selection of products for development and the scheduling of the development tasks requires a careful management of risk and potential rewards. At the operation stage, it is often difficult to ensure responsiveness. Most pharmaceutical products involve primary active ingredient production (often multi-stage chemical synthesis or bioprocess) and secondary (formulation) production. Both of the stages are characterised by low manufacturing velocities and are hampered by the need for quality assurance activities at several points. It is not unusual for the overall supply chain cycle time to be 300 days. In this environment, supply chain debottlenecking and decoupling strategies together with co-ordinated inventory management are crucial for quick responses to changing market trends. A good understanding of what actually drives the supply chain dynamics is also required. As often as not, erratic dynamics are introduced by business processes rather than by external demand, and may be eliminated by the re-design of internal business processes or supplier/customer relationships. This paper will consider important issues in supply chain design and operation drawn from the literature and from our collaborative research projects in this area. The main features of the problems will be reviewed as will the literature to date. Some strategies for solution will be identified, as will some future research needs.

This leaflet provides information on azathioprine and will answer any questions you have about the treatment. Arthritis Research UK produce and print our booklets entirely from charitable donations. Azathioprine is a type of drug known as a disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug, or DMARD. These drugs have the effect of dampening down the underlying disease process, rather than simply treating symptoms. Azathioprine reduces the activity of the immune system (the body's own defence system), so it's always used with care.


POWERbreathe Guide for Indoor Rowers Fletcher Sport Science In collaboration with Professor Alison McConnell – Centre for Sports Medicine and Human Performance, Brunel University 2. The importance of the breathing muscles to rowing 3. How do you train the inspiratory muscles 4. Using POWERbreathe as part of the warm up

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The Experiences of Massachusetts Families in Obtaining Mental Health Care for their Children Health Care For All and Parent/Professional Advocacy League Written by: Ariel Frank, Josh Greenberg and Lisa Lambert October 2002 The Experiences of Massachusetts Families in Obtaining Mental Health Care for their Children

FULL PAPER Theriogenology Dynamic Changes in Plasma Concentrations of Gonadotropins, Inhibin, Estradiol-17β and Progesterone in Cows with Ultrasound-guided Follicular Aspiration Atsushi TOHEI1), FangXiong SHI1–3), Manao OZAWA1), Kei IMAI4), Hiroto TAKAHASHI4), Itsuo SHIMOHIRA4), Toshiyuki KOJIMA4), Gen WATANABE1,2) and Kazuyoshi TAYA1,2)

Modelling effective antiretroviral therapy that inhibits HIVproduction in the liver.Hasifa Nampala1,∗, Livingstone S. Luboobi1, Joseph Y.T. Mugisha1, Celestino Obua3, MatyldaJab lo´ nska2, Matti Heili¨ 1 Department of Mathematics, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda2 Department of Mathematics and Physics, Lappeenranta University of Technology,Lappeenranta, Finland3 Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda∗ E-mail: Corresponding [email protected]

Submitted to PSA Conference 2016 Yasmin M. Khodary - the British University in Egypt Is the "Good" Good Enough for Decision Makers? Well-being Indices Informing Public Policies and Decisions in UK Abstract: For too long, philosophers, thinkers and human beings have been preoccupied with searching for the ‘Good life'. However, as the world changes, different priorities appeared on the top of

Neuropsychopharmacology (2003) 28, 694–703 & 2003 Nature Publishing Group All rights reserved 0893-133X/03 $25.00 Effect of Agomelatine in the Chronic Mild Stress Model ofDepression in the Rat Mariusz Papp*,1, Piotr Gruca1, Pierre-Alain Boyer2 and Elisabeth Mocae¨r2 Institute of Pharmacology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow, Poland; 2Institut de Recherches Internationales Servier, Courbevoie Cedex,

Auswirkungen eines 6-monatigen Power Plate Programms auf die Hüftknochendichte, Muskelkraft und Haltungskontrolle bei Frauen im postmenopausalen Alter. Verschueren et al. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 2004; 3:352–359 Ziel der Studie: Untersuchung, ob ein Power Plate Programm positiven Einfluss auf die Muskelkraft, Knochendichte und

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HUMAN ENHANCEMENT? Ethical Reflections on Emerging Nanobio-technologies Report on an Expert Working Group on Converging Technologies for Human Functional Enhancement NanoBio-RAISE EC FP6 Science and Society Co-ordination Action by Donald Bruce Edinethics Ltd., 11/6 Dundonald Street, Edinburgh EH3 6RZ, Scotland, UK [email protected] with the Society, Religion and Technology Project, Church of Scotland

Draft guidance for industry drug interaction studies — study design, data analysis, and implications for dosing and labeling

Guidance for Industry Drug Interaction Studies — Study Design, Data Analysis, and Implications for Dosing and Labeling DRAFT GUIDANCE This guidance document is being distributed for comment purposes only. Comments and suggestions regarding this draft document should be submitted within 60 days of publication in the Federal Register of the notice announcing the availability of the draft guidance. Submit comments to the Division of Dockets Management (HFA-305), Food and Drug Administration, 5630 Fishers Lane, rm. 1061, Rockville, MD 20852. All comments should be identified with the docket number listed in the notice of availability that publishes in the Federal Register. For questions regarding this draft document contact (CDER) Shiew-Mei Huang, 301-796-1541, or (CBER) Toni Stifano, 301-827-6190.

Making sense of low oxygen sensing

TRPLSC-927; No. of Pages 10 Making sense of low oxygen sensing Julia , Takeshi FukaoDaniel J. GibbsMichael J. , Seung Cho , Francesco ,, Pierdomenico , Laurentius A.C.J. ,and Joost T. van 1 Center for Plant Cell Biology, Department of Botany and Plant Sciences, University of California, Riverside, CA 92521-0124, USA 2 Division of Plant and Crop Sciences, School of Biosciences, University of Nottingham, Loughborough LE12 5RD, UK

Approach to assessing fitness to drive in patients with cardiac and cognitive conditions Frank J. Molnar MSc MD CM Christopher S. Simpson MD Physicians are often uncomfort- able assessing fitness to drive; many have never been taught OBJECTIVE To help physicians become more comfortable assessing how to perform such an assessment.

Pharmacy Update Quarterly News Letter Volume 2 , Issue 2 Winter 2012 Inside This Issue Special PDL Update Edition Annual PDL Review MS Medicaid Moves to Annual Beginning in Fall 2012, the Division of There were a number of changes to PDL Review Medicaid's (DOM) Preferred Drug List,


Common and Unique Therapeutic Mechanismsof Stimulant and Nonstimulant Treatmentsfor Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Kurt P. Schulz, PhD; Jin Fan, PhD; Anne-Claude V. Be´dard, PhD; Suzanne M. Clerkin, PhD; Iliyan Ivanov, MD;Cheuk Y. Tang, PhD; Jeffrey M. Halperin, PhD; Jeffrey H. Newcorn, MD Context: Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)


COST Action E54 Characterisation of the fine structure and properties of papermaking fibres using new technologies 16–17 October 2008 COST is supported bythe EU RTD Framework Programme Felelős szerkesztő: Polyánszky ÉvaTitkár: Lindner György Folyóiratunknak ez a száma a Papyrus Hungária Zrt. által forgalmazott 115 g/m2-es G-Print papíron készült.


Bonitas Medical Fund ¥ R2.2 billion reserves¥ 35.7% solvency ratio¥ A+ Global Credit Rating¥ Administration cost only 9.2% of gross contribution income Number of principal members DISTRIBUTION OF MEMBERS (August 2010) ¥ Free cover for the fourth and subsequent child dependants ¥ Child rates for students up to the age of 24

Prophylaxis, management and rehabilitation issues in patients suffering psychoneurological disorders risen under radiation impact or in remote period are extremely actual

© Angelina I. Nyagu, Konstantin N. Loganovsky, 1997, 2001 NEUROPSYCHIATRIC EFFECTS OF IONISING RADIATION Chapter 8. TRE ATME N T AN D PROPHYLAXIS OF ION ISIN G RADIATION IMPACT N E URO-PSYCHIATRIC CON SE QUE N CE S Prophylaxis, management and rehabilitation issues in patients suffering psychoneurological disorders risen under radiation impact or in remote period are extremely actual. No common concept of their correction and prophylaxis is available up-to-date.

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Secretaria del Comité para la Eliminación de la Discriminación contra la Mujer Oficina del Alto Comisionado de Derechos Humanos de Naciones Unidas Palais Wilson 52, rue des Pâquis CH-1201 Ginebra (Suiza) Ref. Informe para la 60ava Sesión del Comité de la CEDAW (16 de febrero al 6 de marzo de 2015) sobre el derecho a la salud sexual y reproductiva en Ecuador De nuestra mayor consideración: I. Introducción En el marco de la 60ava sesión del Comité para la Eliminación de la Discriminación contra la Mujer (Comité de la CEDAW), El Frente Ecuatoriano por los Derechos Sexuales y Reproductivos, compuesto por siete organizaciones de la sociedad civil sin fines de lucro,1 desean complementar el trabajo del Comité, brindando información sobre la situación del Ecuador respecto a los derechos protegidos en la Convención para la Eliminación de la Discriminación contra la Mujer2 (CEDAW). Estas entidades presentan este informe estando especialmente preocupadas por el grado de cumplimiento del Estado Ecuatoriano de las obligaciones internacionales relacionadas con el goce de los derechos de salud reproductiva, particularmente el acceso al aborto legal y seguro, en virtud de los derechos consagrados en la CEDAW. El presente informe se divide en dos partes. La primera brinda información sobre los límites en el acceso al aborto legal y seguro en el Ecuador, evidenciando un alto índice de mortalidad materna, violación sexual y riesgos para la salud de las mujeres ecuatorianas. La segunda parte ofrece un análisis legal basado en la información presentada en la primera parte, demostrando que el Estado Ecuatoriano está incumpliendo las obligaciones contenidas en la CEDAW respecto a los derechos a la igualdad material, la salud, los derechos sexuales y reproductivos y una vida libre de violencia. II. Situación en el Ecuador La falta de información concreta sobre el aborto inseguro y su vinculación con la mortalidad materna, las restricciones en el acceso al aborto terapéutico y al aborto por la causal de violencia sexual, la violación al secreto profesional y la judicialización de mujeres con abortos en curso, vulneran los derechos de las mujeres ecuatorianas a la salud, la intimidad, una vida libre de violencia, los derechos reproductivos y la igualdad sustantiva, consecuentemente sujetándolas a condiciones discriminatorias. Se estima que la mortalidad materna en el Ecuador es una de las más altas en Latino América,3 preocupación expresada por este Comité en su último informe al Estado Ecuatoriano.4 Según el Anuario de Estadísticas Vitales, Nacimientos y Defunciones del Ecuador, la taza de mortalidad materna es de 45,7 por cada 100 mil nacidos vivos, lo que significa que el país no podrá cumplir su meta de reducir las muertes maternas según lo establecido en el Plan Nacional del Buen Vivir.5 El Ministerio de Salud Pública de Ecuador admite que la mayoría de muertes maternas en el Ecuador son de mujeres que se hallan en condiciones de vulnerabilidad por razón de pobreza, de lejanía geográfica a los servicios e incluso por razón de su pertenencia étnica.6

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CORN FOR FOOD & FIBER GLOBAL CORN AND Global experience in consulting in the areas of cereal and legume processing. STARCH CONVERSION DRY CORN MILLING: Flour, Grits, Masa. COSULTING SERVICES WET CORN MILLING: Starch, Sweeteners, Polyols, organic acids, amino acids, specialty food ingredients and oxychemicals for synthetic polymers.


Available online at Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 367 (2008) 687–692 Lysosome mediated Kir2.1 breakdown directly influences inward rectifier current density John A. Jansen, Teun P. de Boer, Rianne Wolswinkel, Toon A.B. van Veen, Marc A. Vos, Harold V.M. van Rijen, Marcel A.G. van der Heyden * Department of Medical Physiology, Division Heart & Lungs, University Medical Center Utrecht, Yalelaan 50, 3584 CM Utrecht, The Netherlands

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A spatial econometric model for productivity and innovation in the manufacturing industry: the role played by geographical and sectorial distances between firms° Ilaria Sangalli*, Marco Lamieri** Abstract The paper assesses spillovers from total factor productivity (TFP) in the Italian

patterns—electric blue in the westernCaribbean, lemon yellow in the Northern Why Gobies Are Like Hobbits Bahamas, and stark white in the eastern Stephen R. Palumbi and Robert R. Warner Caribbean—might be local signals to preda-tors that these gobies are the valet service As Bilbo Baggins famously warned, trav- genetic breaks between island groups that rather than the entrée. If this is true, then the


IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY, VOL. 56, NO. 9, SEPTEMBER 2010 Thinning, Entropy, and the Law of Thin Numbers Peter Harremoës, Member, IEEE, Oliver Johnson, and Ioannis Kontoyiannis, Senior Member, IEEE Abstract—Rényi's thinning operation on a discrete random vari- where the random variables are independent and identi-


Chelonian Conservation and Biology, 2014, 13(2): 202–215 g 2014 Chelonian Research Foundation Home Range and Habitat Selection of the Endangered Euphrates Softshell Turtle Rafetus euphraticus in a Fragmented Habitat in Southwestern Iran *, FLORA IHLOW , MICHAEL V. PLUMMER , MAHMOOD KARAMI , EMATOLLAH KHORASANI , BARBOD SAFAEI-MAHROO , AND DENNIS RO 1Department of Environmental Science, Graduate School of the Environment and Energy, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad

IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MULTIMEDIA, VOL. 10, NO. 1, JANUARY 2008 Extraction of Audio Features Specific to Speech Production for Multimodal Speaker Detection Patricia Besson, Vlad Popovici, Jean-Marc Vesin, Member, IEEE, Jean-Philippe Thiran, Senior Member, IEEE, and Murat Kunt, Fellow, IEEE Abstract—A method that exploits an information theoretic


Travellers Handbook EVERYTHING YOU WANT TO KNOW ABOUT YOUR STAY IN CYPRUS CYPRUS TOURISM ORGANISATION The Travellers Handbook is intended to offer the holidaymaker and visitor valuable information about the island, so as to get the most out of their stay in Cyprus. Providing the reader with facts and advice, this Handbook is designed to assist to the planning of a trip to Cyprus and to

Deckblätter gr.doc

Götter, Religion, Sagen im antiken Griechenland Athen, Akropolis:Parthenon Verfasserinnen: Götter: Yasmin Beckers Shenja Fechner Religion: Lisa Schadow Jessica Frost Jana Schley 6c der Bruno H.- Bürgel Grundschule Dezember 2003

Fonds d'investissement étudiant de Polytechnique Montréal Note Sectorielle Semaine du 28 Janvier 2013 Cette note sectorielle a été réalisée par l'ensemble des étudiants de PolyFinances, le fonds d'investissement étudiant de Polytechnique Montréal. Elle a pour but de vous présenter l'actualité économique, industrielle et de la recherche dans les secteurs associés aux génies enseignés à Polytechnique Montréal.

Childs Nerv SystDOI 10.1007/s00381-013-2341-z Surgical management of chronic traumaticpseudomeningocele of the craniocervicaljunction: case report Josué M. Avecillas-Chasin & Mwanabule Ahmed &Eric Robles Hidalgo & Luis Gómez-Perals Received: 19 November 2013 / Accepted: 2 December 2013 # Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013 Restoring the normal pattern of CSF circulation should be

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ARCHIVED - Archiving Content ARCHIVÉE - Contenu archivé Archived Content Contenu archivé Information identified as archived is provided for L'information dont il est indiqué qu'elle est archivée reference, research or recordkeeping purposes. It est fournie à des fins de référence, de recherche is not subject to the Government of Canada Web

Guidelines for the Use of Herpes Simplex STD/HIV Prevention Type 2 Serologies: 1947 Center Street, # 201 Berkeley, CA 94704 Recommendations from the California Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) Controllers Association and the California Department of Health Services (CA DHS) Guidelines for the Use of Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV)Type 2 Serologies: Recommendations from the California Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) Controllers Association and the California Department of Health Services (CA DHS)

Management of Patellofemoral PainTargeting Hip, Pelvis, and Trunk MuscleFunction: 2 Case Reports Catherine L. Mascal, PT, BSc1Robert Landel, DPT, OCS2Christopher Powers, PT, PhD3 Study Design: Case report.Objective: To describe an alternative treatment approach for patellofemoral pain.Background: Weakness of the hip, pelvis, and trunk musculature has been hypothesized toinfluence lower-limb alignment and contribute to patellofemoral pain. Two patients who had a

Treatment of vitiligo with broadband ultraviolet b and vitamins

Blackwell Publishing, Ltd. International Journal of Dermatology Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2004 Pharmacology and therapeutics Treatment of vitiligo PHARMACOLOGY and THERAPEUTICS Treatment of vitiligo with broadband ultraviolet B and vitamins Philip Don, MD, Aurel Iuga, MD, Anne Dacko, MD, and Kathleen Hardick, BA From the Department of Dermatology,

Effects of losartan vs candesartan in reducing cardiovascular events in the primary treatment of hypertension

Journal of Human Hypertension (2010) 24, 263–273 & 2010 Macmillan Publishers Limited All rights reserved 0950-9240/10 $32.00 Effects of losartan vs candesartan inreducing cardiovascular events in theprimary treatment of hypertension SE Kjeldsen1, J Sta˚lhammar2, P Hasvold3, J Bodegard3, U Olsson4 and D Russell51Department of Cardiology, Oslo University Hospital, Ulleva˚l, Oslo, Norway; 2Department of Public Healthand Caring Sciences, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden; 3Medical Department, AstraZeneca AS, Oslo,Norway; 4Statisticon AB, Uppsala, Sweden and 5Department of Neurology, Oslo University Hospital,Rikshospitalet, Oslo, Norway

Clostridium difficile diagnostik

How to treat multiresistant bacterial infections? Reno Frei, M.D. Klinische Mikrobiologie Universitätsspital Basel 4031 Basel [email protected] Restricted Use in Children -1  Fluoroquinolones (Cipro-, Levo-, Moxifloxacin) • Not approved for children age <18 years

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Russia Country Report 2002/2003 45 63 Legal and administrative system for forest conservation in Russia---From the perspective of implementation of international law Alexander SHESTAKOV* Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences Contents: Introduction. 1. Implementation of international law at a national level. 2. Russia and international agreements on the environment. 3. Federal / regional governments and environmental management. 4. Forest man-agement system at federal level. 5. Implementation of the Montreal process on temperate and Boreal Forests in Rus-sia.

„ EDITORIAL Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD) „ OPHTHALMIC SECTION / ORIGINAL ARTICLES Neuro-imaging Patterns of Isolated Ocular Motor Nerve Palsies in a Pakistani Cohort A Study of Prevalence of Risk Factors in Patients with Non- ArteriticAnterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy (Na- Aion) Dacryocystorhinostomy - is Endonasal Endoscopic Approach A Viable Option?

Dossier grand fracas issu de rien janv 15 p

Le Fils du Grand Réseau présente Grand fracas issu de rien Cabaret spectral Création collective   Concept : Pierre Guillois Création au Théâtre du Peuple – Maurice Pottecher de Bussang le 3 août 2011 En tournée sur la saison 14-15 & 15-16 Photo de David Siebert Athéniens ! Un forcené vient d'être maîtrisé par les brigades grammaticales d'intervention alors qu'entré par effraction dans les locaux vacants de l'imprimerie nationale il tentait d'intervertir l'ordre alphabétique de toutes les lettres afin de porter outrage à l'ordre du langage. *


For the treatment of postmenopausal women with osteoporosis at high risk for fracture Prolia® has been studied in patients who received prior alendronate therapy Patients Continuing on Alendronate Therapy or Transitioning to Prolia® Were Evaluated1 Weekly alendronate 70 mg and placebo SC Q6M All patients on alendronate Weekly oral placebo and denosumab 60 mg SC Q6M

Protocolo de actuaciÓn: profilaxis pre y postexposiciÓn ante riesgo biologico



EVALUACIÓN CONJUNTA DE LA DECLARACIÓN DE PARÍS, FASE 2 COLOMBIA 31 de diciembre de 2010 Centro de Pensamiento Estratégico Internacional – Cepei- Grupo Coordinador Philipp Schönrock Coordinador General e-mail: [email protected] Juan Fernando Buchelli Coordinador Académico e-mail: [email protected] Asistente de Investigación

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astham_terms_glossary.doc Created on 5/7/09 2:09 PM Last printed 5/7/09 3:03 PM Page 1 of 10 acceptance: agreement by patient to a treatment routine they understand Accolate: brand name for zafirlukast, a leukotriene modifier (oral) acute: sudden adrenal insufficiency: inability of the body's adrenal glands to produce an

© Defensoría del Pueblo Jr. Azángaro N° 430 Lima 01-PerúCentral Telefónica (511) 311-0300 Fax (511) 426-7889 Línea gratuita: 0800-15170 Primera edición, Lima, Perú, abril de 2013. Este documento ha sido elaborado por el Programa de Ética Pública, Prevención de la Corrupción y Políticas Públicas adscrito a la Adjuntía para la Prevención de Conflictos Sociales y la Gobernabilidad de la Defensoría del Pueblo.

NUM 8. MAYO-AGOSTO 2010 BCG: la vacuna más utilizada en el mundo Resistencia bacteriana a los antibióticos: Tuberculosis latente, un modelo de una eficiente respuesta inmune contra Mycobacterium tuberculosis ¿Cómo sobrevive el Mycobacterium sp. en la célula hospedera?


Applied Animal Behaviour Science 105 (2007) 311–329 A prospective study of two self-help CD based desensitization and counter-conditioning programmes with the use of Dog Appeasing Pheromone for the treatment of firework fears in dogs (Canis familiaris)§ Emily D. Levine , Daniela Ramos, Daniel S. Mills Animal Behaviour, Cognition and Welfare Group, Department of Biological Sciences,

This Provisional PDF corresponds to the article as it appeared upon acceptance. Fully formatted PDF and full text (HTML) versions will be made available soon. Socially-marketed rapid diagnostic tests and ACT in the private sector: ten years of experience in Cambodia Malaria Journal 2011, 10:243 Edith Patouillard Henrietta Allen ()

Prairie Soils & Insects and Diseases Crops Journal Managing the Pea Leaf Weevil in Field Peas Héctor Cárcamo* and Meghan Vankosky H. A. Cárcamo, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Lethbridge, AB; M. Vankosky, University of Windsor, Windsor, ON *Corresponding author E-Mail: Summary The pea leaf weevil is one of the few insect pests of field peas in southern Alberta and southwest Saskatchewan. Adults cause distinctive notching on seedlings which generally does not affect yield. Larval feeding on nitrogen-fixing root nodules may reduce yield if soil is nitrogen deficient. Only field peas and faba beans are at risk of damage. Other crops in the bean family may be fed on by adults but do not suffer significant damage from larvae. The economic threshold during the second to fifth node stages in field peas is 30% of seedlings with damage to the terminal (clam) leaf. Seed treated with thiamethoxam has produced more consistent yield responses than application of foliar insecticides but additional farm-level trials are required. Trap cropping the pea leaf weevil can be done by planting a border in the fall with winter peas or adjacent, earlier planting of a spring cultivar. Close monitoring of the trap crop is needed to control the weevils in the trap crop area before they move to the rest of the field. Fields under no tillage regimes suffer less damage than those under conventional tillage. Biological control is a research area that should be pursued for sustainable management of this pest. Background The pea leaf weevil, Sitona lineatus L. (Fig. 1), belongs to the most speciose insect order, the Coleoptera, and the most speciose beetle family, the Curculionidae. Although over 100 Sitona species occur worldwide, only 11 are found in North America and five of these were introduced1. The pea leaf weevil is a common pest of field peas, Pisum sativum L. and faba beans, Vicia faba L. (Fabales: Fabaceae) in its native Europe2. It was first collected on Vancouver Island in 19363. Since then it has been reported in several states on both the east and west coast of the USA1,4, southern Alberta in 1997 (R. J. Byers, personal communication) and Saskatchewan in 20075. A detailed review of its history, biology and management has been described by Vankosky et al.6. In this review we focus on its local biology, summarize research on chemical and cultural management in the southern Canadian prairies and provide a short summary of key recent publications.

2011 report on 2010 drug violations 2

DRUGS IN U.S. RACING - 2010 THE FACTS With more rigorous standards than the Olympics, professional horse racing has the most aggressive drug testing program in professional sports, testing for more substances with greater sensitivity than anyone else. September 1, 2011 Copyright: 2011. Association of Racing Commissioners International.

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A&A 460, 597–604 (2006) Transition region counterpart of a moving magnetic feature C.-H. Lin1,2,3, D. Banerjee4, E. O'Shea1, and J. G. Doyle1 1 Armagh Observatory, College Hill, Armagh BT61 9DG, North Ireland, UK e-mail: [email protected] 2 National Center for Theoretical Sciences, Physics division, National Tsing-Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan3 Astronomy Department, Yale University, New Haven, CT06511, USA4 Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Koramangala, Bangalore 560034, India

Warfarin Protocol This protocol reflects current evidence based clinical practice. It is not a substitution for appropriate clinical evaluation and does not supersede clinical judgment. Initiating Warfarin therapy: →Extreme Caution: Consider effects of Aspirin, Corticosteroids, NSAIDs and Plavix when initiating therapy.


Studien allgemein – Bedeutung in der Prävention von Krebs Cancer Causes Control. 2015 Nov;26(11):1521-50. doi: 10.1007/s10552-015-0659-4. Epub 2015 Sep 9. A systematic review of dietary, nutritional, and physical activity interventions for the prevention of prostate cancer progression and mortality. Hackshaw-McGeagh LE1,2, Perry RE3, Leach VA4,5, Qandil S4, Jeffreys M4, Martin RM3,4, Lane JA3,4.

JOINT FAO/WHO FOOD STANDARDS PROGRAMME CODEX ALIMENTARIUS COMMISSION Geneva, Switzerland, 2-7 July 2001 REPORT OF THE 20th SESSION OF THE CODEX COMMITTEE ON PROCESSED FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Washington, D.C., United States of America 11-15 September 2000 Note: This report includes Codex Circular Letter CL 2000/39-PFV.