Marys Medicine


CYPRUS TOURISM ORGANISATION The Travellers Handbook is intended to offer the holidaymaker and visitor valuable information about the island, so as to get the most out of their stay in Cyprus.
Providing the reader with facts and advice, this Handbook is designed to assist to the planning of a trip to Cyprus and to offer information, that will make one's stay a most pleasant and enjoyable one.
Cyprus Online:
The Official Website of the Cyprus Tourism Organisation
provides comprehensive information on the major
attractions of Cyprus, complete with maps, updated
calendar of events, detailed hotel guide, downloadable
photos, travel planner to help you organise a trip to
Cyprus and suggested itineraries. You will also find lists of
tour operators selling Cyprus, information on conferences
and incentives, and a wealth of useful information.
In this leaflet all place names have been converted into Latin characters according to the official System of Transliteration of the Greek alphabet, i.e. LEFKOSIA = NICOSIA, LEMESOS = LIMASSOL, AMMOCHOSTOS = FAMAGUSTA Notes on pronunciation: ‘ai': as in English egg
‘oi', ‘ei', ‘y': as in English India
‘ou': as in English tour
General Information on Cyprus . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-13
Cyprus Tourism Organisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
Tourist Information Offices in Cyprus . . . . . . . . . .13-14
Cyprus Tourism Organisation (CTO) Offices abroad . . . .14-17
Accessibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Accommodation (Hotels–Hotel Reservations) . . . . . . 19-20
Air and Sea Temperatures, Sunshine, Raindays . . . . . . .68
Air Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .149
Airlines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-25
Airports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25-27
Amateur Fishing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .160-164
Angling in Reservoirs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .150-152
Archaeological Societies and Cultural Foundations . . . . 27-30
Archaeological Sites and Museums . . . . . . . . . .31-49
Automobile Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60-61
Baby food, Napkins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Baby–sitting services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50
Banking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50-51
Bibliography on Cyprus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Birdwatching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .152
Blue Flag Campaign . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51-52
Boats (Ferry) connecting Cyprus with other countries . . . .111
Boat trips along the coast of Cyprus . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Bowling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .152
Business / Shopping Hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53
Byzantine Churches and Monasteries . . . . . . . . . . .54
Camping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55-56
Car Breakdown Emergency Service . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Car Driving in Cyprus (Licence, Insurance, Petrol, Parking,
"mini" guide to drivers) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57-59
Car Rentals - Hire Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61-62
Catering & Entertainment Establishments . . . . . . . . . 62
Chemists, Pharmacies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Church of Cyprus (The) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63-65
Cinemas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65-66
Civil Marriage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66-67
Climate, Weather Forecast, Temperatures . . . . . . . .67-68
Climbing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
Clothing and Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69
Conference Facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70
Consulates in Cyprus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71-84
Consumers' Association (Cyprus) . . . . . . . . . . .84-85
Credit Cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Cruises from Cyprus (see also page 53) . . . . . . . . . .86
CTO Print Media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87-89
Cultural Life / Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .89
Currency / Exchange Rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89-90
Customs Formalities and Facilities (Drugs) . . . . . . . 90-93
Cycling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153-154
Cyprus Automobile Association (CAA) . . . . . . . . . 60-61
Daylight Saving Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .93
Demography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
Distances between major cities and other tourist areas . . . .95
Diving, Sub-Aqua Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
Drugs (see important note 3A, page 91)
Dry Cleaning / Laundry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .93-94
Duty–Free Regulations / Shops (see pages 90-93) . . . . . 94
Electric Current / Voltage (Electricity) . . . . . . . . . . .96
Embassies / High Commissions of the Republic
of Cyprus abroad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .96-102
Embassies / High Commissions of other countries
in Cyprus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102-109
Emergencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .109-110
Estate Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Europe Direct Information Network . . . . . . . . . .110-111
Ferry boats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Fishing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160-164
Flight Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Flight Time from Cyprus to: . . . . . . . . . . . . . .111
Florists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .112
Food Safety and Drinking Water Quality . . . . . . . . . 112
Food and Wines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Football Grounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154-156
Foreign Direct Investment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .113
Forest Parks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .128-130
General Information on Cyprus . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-12
Go-Karting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
Golf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156-157
Government and Regime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-12
Green Cyprus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .114-115
Hair–dressing Salons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Hallmarking in Cyprus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Handicrafts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Raindays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68
Religion / Various denominations . . . . . . . . . . 141-145
Restaurants (see Catering and Entertainment
Establishments page 62)
Sailing / Yachting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161-162
Sea Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .160-164
Sea Temperatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Shooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .164-165
Shopping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145-146
Sightseeing Tour Operators organising tours on
a regular basis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146-149
Snow Skiing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165-167
Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149-167
Sunrise and Sunset Times . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
Sunshine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68
Swimming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .162-163
Telecommunications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168-169
Temperatures: air, sea & raindays . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Tennis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166-167
Theatres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .169-170
Thematic and Recreation Parks . . . . . . . . . . .170-171
Time difference from other countries . . . . . . . . . . .172
Tipping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .172
Transportation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172-177
Tourist Guides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
Travel Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
Universities of Cyprus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179-182
V.A.T. (Value Added Tax) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182-183
Walking Tours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183-185
Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
Waterparks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .185-186
Water Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .163-164
Youth Card "Euro < 26" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .186
Youth Hostels & Rest House . . . . . . . . . . . .186-187
General Information on Cyprus
Situated at the northeastern end of the Mediterranean basin,
Cyprus is the third largest island with an area of 9,251 square
kilometres (3,572 square miles).
The latitude of Cyprus is 34° 33'–35° 34' North, and itslongitude 32° 16' – 34° 37' East.
Population (de jure): 867.600 (End 2006).
76,1%: Greek Cypriots (660.600)
10,2%: Turkish Cypriots (88.900)
13,7%: Foreign residents (118.100)
Note: Prior to the Turkish invasion (July-August 1974) the two
communities lived together in roughly the same proportions
(4 Greek Cypriots: 1 Turkish Cypriot) in all six administrative
districts of the island. Since the invasion, more than 58.000
Turkish Cypriots living in the occupied area have emigrated,
with the result that today they constitute only 10,2% of the
population of Cyprus compared to 18% before July 1974.

(End 2006)
Lefkosia (Nicosia): 228.400 (part of Lefkosia in the Goverment
controlled area)
Lemesos (Limassol): 180.100
Larnaka: 80.400
Pafos: 54.000
Ammochostos Free (Famagusta) rural area: 43.000
Note: In this leaflet all place names have been converted into
Latin characters according to the official System of Transliteration
of the Greek alphabet.

Cyprus is an independent sovereign Republic with a
presidential system of government. Under the 1960
Constitution, executive power is exercised by the President of
the Republic, elected by universal suffrage for a five-year term
of office through a Council of Ministers appointed by him.
Ministers cannot serve concurrently in the House of
On 1 May 2004 the Republic of Cyprus became a full memberof the EU completing a long journey that lasted more than three decades.
Accession to the EU was a natural choice for Cyprus, dictatedby its culture, civilisation, history, its European outlook andadherence to the ideals of democracy, freedom and justice.
EU accession has launched a new era of challenges,opportunities and responsibilities for Cyprus.
The application of the EU laws and regulations (the acquiscommunautaire) is suspended in the area under militaryoccupation by Turkey, pending a solution to the division of theisland. Meanwhile, the goverment of Cyprus in cooperationwith the EU Commission has been promoting arrangements tofacilitate increased economic transactions between the twocommunities and improve the standard of living of TurkishCypriots.
On 1 January 2008 the Republic of Cyprus joined theeurosystem and in so doing introduced the euro as its officialcurrency, replacing the Cyprus pound as the unit of account.
Thus, euro banknotes and coins are the country's legal tender.
Cyprus is also a member of the United Nations and itsspecialised agencies, the Council of Europe, theCommonwealth, the Organisation for Security and Cooperationin Europe and many other international organisations.
The legislative authority in the Republic is exercised by the
House of Representatives now consisting of eighty seats, 56
of which are for Greek Cypriot members and 24 for Turkish
Cypriots. The members are elected by universal suffrage five-
year term. At the time of its establishment, the House consisted
of 50 members, 35 of whom were Greek Cypriots and 15 Turkish
Cypriots. According to the Constitution the ratio of members is
70% Greek Cypriots and 30% Turkish Cypriots. Following the
withdrawal of the Turkish Cypriot members in 1963, the House
has been functioning only with the Greek Cypriot members.
The administration of justice is exercised by the island's separate
and independent Judiciary. Under the 1960 Constitution and
other legislation in force, the following judicial institutions have
been established: The Supreme Court of the Republic, The
Assize Court, District Courts, Military Court, Industrial Disputes
Court, Rent Control Courts and Family Courts. The Supreme
Court is the final appellate court in the Republic and the final
adjudicator in matters of constitutional and administrative law.
Cyprus Political Question
Cyprus became an independent Republic on 16 August 1960
on the basis of the 1959 Zurich and London Agreements
negotiated by Greece, Turkey and the United Kingdom. The
Greek and Turkish Cypriot communities had no substantial rolein their drafting or in the drafting of the constitution and were never given the opportunity to vote on them. In effect, both theagreements and the constitution of the nascent republic wereimposed on the people of Cyprus. The Constitution emphasiseddifferences between Greek and Turkish Cypriots therebyencouraging divisive rather than integrative tendencies betweenthe two communities. Greek Cypriots were determined tostrengthen the unity of the state but the Turkish side soughtethnic segregation and geographic separation. There weresporadic intercommunal clashes in 1963-1967 and air attacksand threats to invade by Turkey; Turkish Cypriots ceased toparticipate in the government. UN sponsored intercommunaltalks to reach a settlement were held during 1968-1974;intercommunal tensions subsided and violence virtuallydisappeared during this period. Progress was reported in thetalks but the process came to an end due to the Turkishinvasion in the summer of 1974.
Pretext for Invasion
On July 20, 1974, Turkey invaded Cyprus with massive military
force. The pretext was a criminal coup against the President of
Cyprus, on July 15, instigated by the military junta of Greece.
Turkey put into operation its plan to partition Cyprus, an objective
advocated by Ankara for many years. Despite the swift collapse
of the coup and the restoration of the legitimate government of
Cyprus, Turkey undertook a second wave of invasion in August,
in violation of UN ceasefire agreements, and expanded its
occupation to nearly forty percent of the Republic's territory.
Turkey's military aggression against Cyprus tragically continuesunabated to this date. The military occupation, forcible division,violation of human rights, massive colonisation, culturaldestruction, property usurpation and ethnic segregationimposed since Turkey's military invasion remain the maincharacteristics of the status quo on the island. Today, Turkey,an aspiring member of the European Union, still stands guiltyof international aggression against a member-state of the EUand the UN. This is certainly a totally unacceptable state ofaffairs, an affront to the international legal order and an ongoingthreat to regional stability that must be urgently redressed.
The dire consequences of the invasion and subsequentmilitary action by Turkey are still felt today by the people ofthis new EU member-state:• 36,2% of the sovereign territory of Cyprus is still under illegal military occupation by Turkey.
• About 200.000 Greek Cypriots - one third of the total population - who were forcibly expelled from the occupiednorthern part of the island (where they constituted about70% of the population) are still deprived of the right to returnto their homes and properties.
• Some 1.400 persons (among them several hundred civilians) are still missing, while the Turkish side refuses tocooperate in ascertaining their fate.
• Less than 500 Greek and Maronite Cypriots, out of 20.000 at the end of August 1974, remain enclaved in their villageswhich are still occupied. These people are living underconditions of oppression, harassment and deprivation. (Therest were forced to abandon their homes and becomerefugees).
• 43.000 troops from Turkey, heavily armed with the latest weapons, supported by air, land and sea power, are illegallystationed in the occupied area, making it one of the mostmilitarized regions in the world.
• About 160.000 settlers from Turkey have been imported illegally to colonize the occupied area and alter thedemographic structure of Cyprus.
• 57.000 out of the 116.000 Turkish Cypriots have emigrated from the island since Turkey's invasion, according to TurkishCypriot sources, because of the economic, social and moraldeprivation which prevails in the occupied areas. TurkishCypriots are now outnumbered by troops and settlers fromTurkey by more than two to one.
• Illegal construction on Greek Cypriot land and illegal sale of property owned by Greek Cypriots who were forcibly expelledfrom their homes by Turkey's invasion have intensified. Thisunprecedented usurpation of property is yet another flagrantviolation of human rights by the Turkish side.
• The illegal Turkish Cypriot regime and Turkey continue to destroy, deliberately and methodically, the Hellenic andChristian cultural and historical heritage in occupied Cyprus. A series of UN General Assembly and Security Councilresolutions, as well as resolutions adopted by numerous otherinternational organisations, reflect the universal condemnationof Turkey's invasion and all subsequent acts of aggressionagainst Cyprus; demand the return of the refugees to theirhomes in safety and the tracing of the missing persons; andcall for respect for the human rights of all Cypriots as well asfor the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity ofCyprus. Moreover, the European Court of Human Rights hasfound the government of Turkey responsible for gross andsystematic violations of human rights in Cyprus.
Successive rounds of UN-sponsored talks between the Greekand Turkish Cypriot communities to resolve the Cyprus problemhave been undermined by the Turkish side which has soughta settlement that in effect would leave Cyprus permanentlydivided and hostage to foreign interests. The Greek Cypriots,on the other hand, have been insisting on the genuinereunification of the island and its people.
Intensive efforts by the UN resulted in the presentation of aplan by the Secretary-General for a comprehensive settlementof the Cyprus problem. On 24 April 2004 the people of Cypruswere asked to approve or reject, through separate, simultaneous referenda by the two communities, the UN Secretary-General's proposal (Annan Plan V). A clear majorityof 75,8% Greek Cypriots rejected the proposed Annan Planbecause they felt that the finalised text, which incorporatedarbitrarily many last minute demands by Turkey, was notbalanced and did not meet their main concerns regardingsecurity, functionality and viability of the solution. By their votethe Greek Cypriots obviously did not reject the solution to theCyprus problem which remains their primary goal. They onlyrejected the particular plan which was put before them.
Moreover, they have not turned their backs on their TurkishCypriot compatriots who approved the plan by 64,9%. On thecontrary, they have been working towards a solution that willmeet the expectations of both communities. The "no" vote in the referendum should be interpreted as alegitimate expression of the real concerns that led to therejection of a seriously flawed plan which, among otherweaknesses, did not provide for:• The removal of the foreign troops and settlers from Cyprus and the elimination of the right of foreign powers tounilaterally intervene in Cyprus • Adequate guarantees to ensure that the commitments undertaken by the parties involved would be carried out • A property recovery system that appropriately recognised the rights and interests of displaced Greek Cypriots whowere forced from their homes in 1974, and a propertycompensation arrangement that did not require GreekCypriots to fund their own restitution • The right of all Cypriots to acquire property and to live wherever they chose in their country without restrictivequotas; and • A functional government without deadlocks or voting restrictions based on ethnicity.
On 8 July, 2006 following a meeting with the UNUndersecretary-General for Political Affairs the then Presidentof Cyprus Tassos Papadopoulos and the leader of the TurkishCypriot community Mehmet Ali Talat signed an agreement on a"Set of Principles". They reaffirmed the commitment of the twocommunities to reunify Cyprus on the basis of a bizonal,bicommunal federation and agreed on procedures to preparethe ground for comprehensive negotiations toward that end.
This was also reiterated by President Demetris Christofias andTurkish Cypriot leader Talat on 21 March 2008 who alsoagreed to set in motion a process for Technical Committeesand Working Groups to produce results in order to facilitatethe commencement of formal "full-fledged negotiations underthe auspices of the Secretary-General of the United Nations." Another meeting subsequently followed on 23 May 2008during which President Christofias and Mr Talat reviewed theresults achieved pursuant to the 21 March agreement and reaffirmed their commitment to a bi-zonal, bi-communal federation with political equality, as defined by relevantSecurity Council resolutions.
The Government of Cyprus and the Greek Cypriots want effortsfor a solution to continue until a framework that addresses theconcerns of all the people of Cyprus is agreed upon by theparties. For the solution to be viable and to withstand the testof time, it must be perceived as fair by the people who willhave to live with it. The solution, therefore, must be democratic,just, workable, financially viable and compatible with the EUprinciples, laws and democratic norms, the Convention onHuman Rights and key UN resolutions; Cyprus must remain aunified state and enjoy full sovereignty, territorial integrity andindependence and there should be no foreign intervention orinterference in the internal affairs of Cyprus.
The people of Cyprus still long for a viable and durablesettlement that would enable Greek and Turkish Cypriots tolive amicably as they had done for centuries in the past andenjoy together the benefits of EU membership.
Cyprus formally joined the European Union as a full memberon 1 May 2004 without achieving the desired goal of accedingas a reunited country. The international community must helpthe people of Cyprus achieve genuine reunification in the newcontext created by the accession of Cyprus to the EU.
As the President of Cyprus Mr. Christofias said: "The solutionof the Cyprus problem will be the top priority of mygovernment. The aim of our Presidency is to achieve a just,viable and functional solution that will terminate the occupationand colonization of our country. A solution that will restore thesovereignty, independence, territorial integrity and unity of theRepublic of Cyprus and will exclude any rights for militaryintervention in the internal affairs of our country by foreignpowers. A solution which will reunite the territory, the people,the institutions and the economy of our country in theframework of a bizonal, bicommunal federation".
For further information and current developments pleaseconsult the following websites: Cyprus Press and Information Office: Foreign Ministry: LANGUAGES
Greek and Turkish are the official languages. English is widely
spoken. French and German are also spoken within the
tourism industry.
Cyprus Tourism Organisation
The Cyprus Tourism Organisation (C.T.O.) was established in
1969 by the Government of the Republic of Cyprus as a
statutory body responsible for the promotion and marketing of
tourism, the planning, regulations and development of the
tourist product.
The Cyprus Tourism Organisation provides assistance toprofessional bodies, companies and individuals related toTourism in Cyprus. However as a semi–governmental andnon–commercial organisation, it does not perform thefunctions of a Travel Agent.
Cyprus Tourism Organisation (Head Office),
(for postal inquiries only)
Leoforos Lemesou 19,
P.O.Box 24535, CY 1390, Lefkosia, Cyprus
Tel: 22691100, Fax: 22331644, 22334696
E-mail: [email protected]
The following offices are open every morning except Sunday
and on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons.
For personal and telephone inquiries only.
Aristokyprou 11, Laiki Geitonia, (east of Plateia Eleftherias)
CY 1011 Lefkosia, Tel: 22674264
a) Spyrou Araouzou 115A, CY 3036 Lemesos
b) Georgiou A' 22, CY 4047 Lemesos Potamos tis Germasogeias(eastern entrance of Dasoudi Beach)Tel: 25 32 32 11 c) Lemesos Harbour, service to all passenger–boats Platres
CY 4820 Platres, Tel: 25 42 13 16
Plateia Vasileos Pavlou, CY 6023 Larnaka,Tel: 24 65 43 22
Larnaka International Airport
CY 7130 Larnaka, Tel: 24 64 35 76 (Daily 08:15-23:00 hrs)
Gladstonos 3, CY 8046 Pafos, Tel: 26 93 28 41
Kato Pafos
63A Poseidonos, CY 8042 Kato Pafos, Tel: 26 93 05 21
Pafos International Airport
CY 8320 Pafos, Tel: 26 42 31 61
(Service to all arrival flights up to 23:00 hrs)
Vasileos Stasioikou A' 2, CY 8820 Polis Chrysochous
Tel: 26 32 24 68
Agia Napa
Leoforos Kryou Nerou 12, CY 5330 Agia Napa
Tel: 23 72 17 96
Paralimni - Protaras
Leoforos Protara - Kavo Gkreko 356
CY 5296 Protaras -Paralimni
Tel: 23 83 28 65
For personal, telephone and postal inquiries:
United Kingdom
17 Hanover Street, London W1S 1YP
Tel: 0207 569 8800 Fax: 0207 499 4935
E-Mail: [email protected]
Germany - Frankfurt
Zeil 127, 60313 Frankfurt
Tel: (069) 25 19 19, Fax: (069) 25 02 88
E-Mail: info@cto–
Germany - Berlin
Wallstr. 27, 10179 Berlin
Tel: 0 30-23 45-75 90, Fax: 0 30-23 45-75 92
E-Mail: cto–berlin@t–
15 Rue de la Paix, 75002 Paris
Tel: 01., Fax: 01.
E-Mail: [email protected]
Gottfried Keller–Strasse 7, CH-8001 Zürich
Tel: (+4144) 262 3303, Fax: (+4144) 251 2417
Geneva: Tel: +44122 741 3303
E-Mail: [email protected]
Via Santa Sofia 6, 20122 Milano
Tel: 02 58 31 98 35, 02 58 30 33 28, Fax: 02 58 30 33 75
E-Mail: [email protected]
Parkring 20, A–1010 Wien
Tel: (01) 513 18 70, Fax: (01) 513 18 72
E-Mail: [email protected]
Sveavägen 66, 111 43 Stockholm
Tel: (08) 10 50 25, Fax: (08) 10 64 14
E-mail: [email protected]
The Netherlands
Keizersgracht 635, 1017 DS Amsterdam
Tel: (020) 624 4358, Fax: (020) 638 3369
E-Mail: [email protected]
Avenue de Cortenbergh 61, Kortenberglaan
B-1000 Bruxelles/Brussel
Tel: 02/735.06.21, Fax: 22/735.66.07
E-Mail: [email protected]
Greece - Athens
38, Voukourestiou Str., Kolonaki Athens 10673
Tel: (210) 36 10 178, 36 10 057, Fax: (210) 36 44 798
E-Mail: [email protected]
Greece - Thessaloniki
Nikis Ave. 37, Thessaloniki 54013, P.O.Box 50046
Tel: (2310) 24 28 80, Fax: (2310) 28 68 81
E-Mail: [email protected]
13 East, 40th Street, New York, NY 10016
Tel: (00 1212) 683-5280, Fax: (00 1212) 683-5282
E-Mail: [email protected]
Top Tower, 14th Floor, Dizengoff Centre
50 Dizengoff street, Tel Aviv 64332
Tel: 00-972-3-52-57 442, Fax: 00-972-3-52-57-443
E-Mail: [email protected]
Russian Federation - Moscow
Povarskaya 9, Building 2, 121069 Moscow
Tel: 007 495 2239684, Fax: 007 495 744 2955
E-Mail: [email protected]
Russian Federation - St. Petersburg
27, Furshtatskaya street, 191123 St. Petersburg
Tel. 007-812-332-58-08, Fax: 007-812-332-58-09
E-mail: [email protected]
H–1051 Budapest, Dorottya Str. 3 III floor
Tel: 00-36-1-266 6044 Fax: 00-36-1-266 6043
E-mail: [email protected]
Ul. Piekna 20, 00549 Warszawa
Tel: +48 22-827 90 36 Fax: +48 22-827 90 34
E-mail: [email protected]
Czech Republic
Pod Hradbami 662/9, 160 00 Praha 6
Tel: 00-420-222-253 097 Fax: 00-420-222-251 639
E-mail: [email protected]
71 Lower Leeson St., Dublin 2
Tel: +353.1.6629269, Fax: +353.1.6629270
E-mail: [email protected]
Aleksanterinkatu 48B, 00100 Helsinki
Tel: (0) 9-476 09 100, Fax: (0) 9-476 09 120
E-mail: [email protected]
Middle East and Arabian Gulf
Al Ghurair Center, Office Tower, No 436B
P.O.Box 94670, Deira, Dubai UAE
Tel: (009714) 2277637, Fax: (009714) 2277638
E-mail: [email protected]
A number of facilities are available to the handicapped person
wishing to visit Cyprus. Hotels in all parts of the island have a
comprehensive range of facilities, meeting the requirements of
disabled persons. Since each hotel offers different facilities, it
is necessary to contact the hotels directly in order to ascertain
that they have the right facilities for a particular disability.
Hotels offering facilities for the disabled can be found in the
Cyprus Tourism Organisation's annual "Guide to hotels and
other Tourist Establishments".
Both international airports are accessible for disabled people.
There are available accessible washrooms, charging stationsfor electric wheelchairs at departure gates, ramps to allow aperson on a wheelchair to enter or exit the buses and otherassistive services. In 2007, Cyprus Parliament approved and implemented theuse of the European Blue Badge for parking at designatedplaces for the disabled that are available all over the islandboth in public roads and public parking spaces. The authorityresponsible for issuing the blue badge is the Service for theCare and Rehabilitation of the Disabled, part of the Ministryof Labour and Social Insurance. It can be contacted at+35722400824, email: [email protected].
Most towns in Cyprus are fairly accessible with a wheelchairbut much work is carried out to improve the infrastructure.
A person using a wheelchair is advised to be accompaniedby an able person, since some areas are inaccessible. Transportation around the island can be arranged if priornotice is given to the transport companies. Special buses arealso available with low gradient ramps, safety belts and a/c.
Also special taxis that can carry a person who is seating on awheelchair are available. Information can be provided from theCyprus Tourism Organisation offices.
For further information please contact:CYPRUS PARAPLEGIC ORGANISATIONTel: 22496494Web-site: Accommodation
Cyprus offers a wide variety of holiday accommodation,
ranging from modern, large and luxurious establishments,
to small and simple family run operations:
Holiday accommodation includes:
(a) Hotels
(b) Hotel Apartments
(c) Tourist Villages
(d) Tourist Villas
(e) Camping sites
(f) Traditional Houses (Hotels, Hotel Apts)
(g) Tourist Apartments
(h) Furnished Apartments
(i) Guest Houses
Most Hotels and Hotel Apartments have swimming pools,tennis courts, sports facilities, sauna, air conditioning in roomsetc. The rates charged by these establishments are approvedby the Cyprus Tourism Organisation. Most operations offerspecial off–season discounts on the accommodation rates,usually during the period from the 16th November to the 15thMarch, excluding the fortnight between the 20th Decemberand 6th January.
English is spoken in all hotels; French and German are alsowidely spoken.
The Cyprus Hotel Guide includes the Hotels and Tourist
Establishments officially registered and classified by the Cyprus
Tourism Organisation in accordance with the provisions of the
Hotels and Tourist Establishments Law and Regulations.
Under the existing legislation tourist establishments aredistinguished between "luxury", "A", "B" and "C" class asopposed to the 1 to 5 stars classification of hotels. As a resultwe have: • Five denominations of Hotels (1 to 5 stars) • Four denominations of Hotel Apartments and Tourist Villas (luxury, A, B, C class) • Two denominations of Tourist Villages and Camping Sites • Traditional Houses (classified into hotels or hotel • Tourist Apartments (formerly unlicensed establishments) • Hotels without star and Guest Houses (the so-called "dying classes" entry into which is no longer allowed for newestablishments).
All the accommodation establishments are listed by town /area, type, category and class, and are in alphabetical order.
Detailed information on facilities offered by each hotel operationis included in the Guide, a copy of which can be obtained, freeof charge, from all the Cyprus Tourism Organisation Offices inCyprus and abroad.
It is recommended that reservations for accommodation are
made in advance. Visitors are advised to apply to their Travel
Agent or directly to the hotel of their choice for their
The Cyprus Tourism Organisation's information offices at
Larnaka International Airport, Pafos International Airport,
Lemesos Harbour, and in all towns, are at the disposal of all
visitors for any assistance regarding hotel bookings.
More than 32 Airlines, including Cyprus Airways and
Eurocypria operate scheduled flights from and to Larnaka
International Airport (5 km from Larnaka town centre) and
Pafos International Airport (15 km east of Pafos town).
– Airlines do not provide transport between the airports and
the town terminals.
– Besides Airlines, Travel Agencies in Cyprus provide booking services and assist visitors in all matters concerning air travel.
Airlines having scheduled flights to Cyprus:
Cyprus Airways Ltd (CYP)
Head Offices: Alkaiou 21, P.O.Box 21903,
1514 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 66 30 54, Fax: 22 66 31 67
Ticketing Office: Leoforos Archiepiskopou Makariou III
50, Lefkosia, Tel: 22 751996, Telefax: 22 755271.
Toll Free Number: 80000008
FROM AND TO: Amman, Amsterdam, Athens, Bahrain, Beirut,Birmingham, Brussels, Bucharest, Cairo, Damascus, Dubai,Frankfurt, Heraklion, Jeddah, London/Gatwick,London/Heathrow, London/Stansted, Manchester, Milano,Moscow, Paris, Rhodes, Riyadh, Rome, Sofia, Tel–Aviv,Thessaloniki, Vienna, Zurich Aegean Airlines (A3)
Themistokli Dervi 46,
Suite 702 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 65 40 00, Fax: 22 37 42 22
FROM AND TO: Athens, Thessaloniki
Aeroflot–Soviet Airlines (AFL)
Leoforos Omirou 32B, P.O.Box 22039, 1097 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 66 90 71, 22 67 30 73
Fax: 22 67 84 84
Aerosweet (AEW) (Ukranian Airlines)
General Sales Agents for Cyprus:
Aeolos Cyprus Travel Bureau
Zinas Kanther 6, 1065 Lefkosia
P.O.Box 21236, 1504 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 88 12 65, 22 88 12 50
Fax: 22 67 62 22
FROM AND TO: Kiev, Odessa
Air Moldova (MLD)
General Sales Agents for Cyprus:
Melody Travel Ltd,
Makarios Ave. 34, 6017 Larnaka
P.O.Box 40304, 6303 Larnaka
Tel: 24 62 55 66, 24 62 56 44
Fax: 24 62 48 14
Sales Agents for Cyprus:
a) Aeolos Cyprus Travel Bureau
Tel: 22 88 12 22, Fax: 22 67 92 95 b) Chryciana Travel Tel: 25 32 89 54, Fax: 25 32 89 56 FROM AND TO: Kichinau Air Slovakia (SVK)
General Sales Agents for Cyprus: Xenos Aviation Ltd
Mykinon 10B, P.O.Box 26531, 1640 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 45 80 00, Fax: 22 76 71 13
FROM AND TO: Bratislava
Alitalia (AZA)
General Sales Agents for Cyprus: Louis Aviation Ltd
Leoforos Evagorou 52, P.O.Box 21301, 1506 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 67 80 00, Fax: 22 67 18 94
Arkia Israeli Airlines Ltd (IZ)
General Sales Agents for Cyprus: Kyprotours Ltd
P.O.Box 53321, 3302 Lemesos
Tel: 25 57 41 80, Fax: 25 56 09 48
FROM AND TO: Tel-Aviv Austrian Airlines (AUA)
General Sales Agents for Cyprus:
Aeolos Cyprus Travel Bureau
Zinas Kanther 6, 1065 Lefkosia
P.O.Box 21236, 1504 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 88 12 22, Telefax: 22 67 62 22
Belavia Airlines (BRU)
Amathoundos Ave. 20, Steria Complex,
Pearl House 5, Lemesos
Tel: 25 43 19 99, Fax: 25 31 38 97
British Airways (BAW)
Esperidon 15, 2001 Strovolos, Lefkosia
P.O.Box 22359, 1520 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 79 99 99, Fax: 22 79 98 03
FROM AND TO: London/Heathrow, London/Gatwick
CSA – Czechoslovak Airlines (CSA)
General Sales Agents for Cyprus: Louis Tourist Agency Ltd
Evagoras Ave. 54-58, P.O.Box 21301, 1506 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 58 80 00, Fax: 22 67 18 94
Easy – Jet (EZY)
Booking on line: www.easyjetcom
Louis Offices at Pafos Airport
Tel: 26 42 27 13, Fax: 26 42 28 57
FROM AND TO: London/Gatwick, Manchester
Egypt Air (MSR)
General Sales Agents for Cyprus: Airtrans Group (A.G.L.) Ltd
Themistoklis Dervis Str. 27, P.O.Box 25532, 1310 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 55 90 00, Fax: 22 55 91 11
Emirates (UAE)
General Sales Agents for Cyprus: Amathus Navigation Co. Ltd
Arch. Makariou III Ave. 66E, P.O.Box 21601, 1077 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 81 78 16, Fax: 22 37 56 40
Eurocypria Airlines Ltd (ECA)
Artemidos Ave. 97, Artemis Building
P.O.Box 40970, 6308 Larnaka
Tel: 24 65 80 00, Fax: 24 65 80 09
FROM AND TO: Heraklion, London/Gatwick, St. Petersburg Finnair (FIN)
General Sales Agents for Cyprus: Louis Aviation Ltd
Leof. Evagorou 54-58, P.O.Box 21301, 1506 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 58 80 00, Fax: 22 67 18 94
FROM AND TO: Helsinki
Gulf Air (GFA)
General Sales Agents for Cyprus: Louis Tourist Agency Ltd
Louis House, Amphipoleos 20, 2025 Strovolos, Lefkosia
P.O.Box 21301, 1506 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 58 80 05, Fax: 22 44 29 31
FROM AND TO: Bahrain
Bulgaria Air (FM)
General Sales Agents for Cyprus: Louis Tourist Agency Ltd
Louis House, Amphipoleos 20, 2025 Strovolos, Lefkosia
P.O.Box 21301, 1506 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 58 80 05, Fax: 22 44 29 31
JAT-Yugoslav Airlnes (JAT)
General Sales Agents for Cyprus: New Marathon Aviation Ltd
Leoforos Arch. Makariou III 66C, P.O.Box 28099, 2090 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 37 47 57, 22 37 52 66, Fax: 22 37 47 50
FROM AND TO: Belgrade
Jazeera Airways (JZR)
Booking on-line:
Contact: Mr. George Nicolaou
Tel: 99 74 10 00
KLM - Royal Dutch Airlines (KLM)
General Sales Agents for Cyprus: Hollandia Enterprises Ltd
Zinas Kanther 12, 3rd floor, 1302 Lefkosia
P.O.Box 24666, 1065 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 67 16 16, Fax: 22 67 94 97
FROM AND TO: Amsterdam
LOT–Polish Airlines (LOT)
General Sales Agents for Cyprus: CTT Aviation Ltd
Diagorou 14 & P. Katelari, P.O.Box 21386, 1507 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 87 00 00, Fax: 22 66 99 21
Lufthansa - German Airlines (DLH)
Gonia Leoforou Arch. Makariou & Evagorou, Capital Centre,
6th floor, P.O.Box 25230, 1307 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 87 33 30, Fax: 22 67 66 54
FROM AND TO: Frankfurt, Munich
Malev - Hungarian Airlines (MAH)
General Sales Agents for Cyprus: Hungair Travel Ltd
Deligiorgi 5, Lapithion Megaro, Shop 2, 1066 Lefkosia
P.O.Box 26888, 1648 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 68 09 80, Fax: 22 68 06 68
FROM AND TO: Budapest
Middle East Airlines (Air Liban) (MEA)
General Sales Agents for Cyprus: Araouzos Travel
Leof. Evagorou 17A, P.O.Box 21244, 2121 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 67 04 44, Fax: 22 67 71 46
Olympic Airways (OAL)
General Sales Agents for Cyprus: Amathus Navigation Co. Ltd
Leoforos Omirou 17, P.O.Box 21601, 1511 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 71 65 00, Fax: 22 66 13 29
Royal Jordanian Airlines (RJA)
Leoforos Arch. Makariou III 66, Kronos Court, 1077 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 46 00 44, Fax: 22 37 51 96
Russia Airlines (FV)
General Sales Agents for Cyprus: Nicodemou Mylona
Caritherall Hall, Office 37
6050, Larnaka, Cyprus
Tel: 24 62 85 72, Fax: 24 65 09 24
FROM AND TO: St. Petersburg
Syrian Arab Airlines (SYR)
General Sales Agents for Cyprus: Syrianair
Leof. Arch. Makariou III 66D, P.O.Box 26062, 1666 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 44 71 00, Fax: 22 44 70 50
FROM AND TO: Damascus
Tarom – Romanian Airlines (ROT)
General Sales Agents for Cyprus: New Marathon Aviation Ltd
Leof. Arch. Makariou III 66C, P.O.Box 28099, 2090 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 37 47 57 Fax: 22 37 47 50
FROM AND TO: Bucharest Transaero Airlines (TSO)
General Sales Agents for Cyprus: Titan tours
Tel: 26 95 17 56, Fax: 26 95 17 58
Sales Agents for Cyprus:
a) Olvia Air Services Ltd
Tel: 22 76 54 46, Fax: 22 76 76 70 b) Chryciana Travel
Tel: 25 32 89 54, Fax: 22 32 89 56 FROM AND TO: Moscow/Domodedovo Airports
The Republic of Cyprus is the sole sovereign authority with
exclusive jurisdiction to determine which of its airports on its
territory are open and functioning. Visitors arriving in Cyprus by air,
may enter the Republic of Cyprus only through the International
Airports of Larnaka and Pafos. Entry via other airport is illegal.
The operation of airports built in the territory of Cyprus under
Turkish occupation after 1974, has never been authorized by
the Government of the Republic of Cyprus.

These illegal airports are, consequently, illegal points of entry
into the Republic of Cyprus.
The Republic of Cyprus maintains
the right to impose penalties on those who violate the law by using
illegal airports. The penalties are very strict and provide for
imprisonment for no more than twelve months, or payment of a
fine for no more than 1.700 euros, or both Furthermore, the illegal
operation of the unrecognized "ERCAN advisory service" causes
serious risks over fight efficiency and airspace development in the
region. The airport, the ATC systems, the technology and the
procedures used are not subject to any control or audit by any
internationally recognized authority. At this airport the entry,
clearance, immigration, customs, quarantine regulations, aviation
security and conditions for passengers, mail and cargo, as
required by the Republic of Cyprus are not observed. Hence, the
security and safety of passengers and cargo is not guaranteed.
Note: The Airport Tax is included in the airfare.
The airport is: 5 km (3 miles) from Larnaka town 50 km (31 miles) from Lefkosia (Nicosia)70 km (43 miles) from Lemesos (Limassol)50 km (31 miles) from Agia Napa140 km (87 miles) from Pafos Services offered to travellers at Larnaka International Airportinclude: – Automated Flight information (24 hours service). Pancyprian Telephone Number: 77778833. Live Agents available from08:00-23:00hrs dailly.
– Cyprus Tourism Organisation - Tourism Information Desk, located in the Arrivals Lounge, open daily from 08:15-23:00 hrs.
Hotel Reservations can also be arranged.
– New Hermes Airports "Customer Service Desk", offering 24- hours service. For assistance please call 24816426.
– Foreign Exchange / Banks / ATM machines – Card telephones – Duty Free shops – Food & Beverage - wide variety of outlets – News-stand, kiosk and souvenir shop – Transportation: - Taxis with rates based on a taximeter - Shuttle Buses to different towns – Car Rental Offices – VAT Refund Office, located before passport control – Special Assistance Facilities – Post Office - open 07:30 to 15:30, except Sundays and – Health Inspector's Office – Car Parking Rates until end 2008: The new Larnaka International Airport is currently underconstruction and is expected to be completed by end 2009.
The airport is:15 km (9 miles) east of Pafos town 63 km (39 miles) from Lemesos 130 km (81 miles) from Larnaka 50 km (28 miles) from Polis 142 km (88 miles) from Lefkosia Services offered to travellers at Pafos International Airportinclude:– Cyprus Tourism Organisation - Tourism Information Desk, located in the Arrivals Lounge for all arriving flights from 08:00-23:00 hrs daily.
– Foreign Exchange/Banks/ATM machines – Card telephones– Duty Free Shops– Food & Beverage - wide variety of outlets– News - stands, Kiosk and Souvenir shop– Transportation: mainly taxis with rates based on a taximeter– Car Rental Offices– Hotel reservations can be arranged through the Tourist Information Office.
– Special Assistance Facilities – Car Parking Rates until end 2008: 0-20 min - free21 - 60 min The new Pafos International Airport is currently underconstruction and is expected to be completed by end 2008.
Archaeological Societies and
Cultural Foundations
The Cyprus Department of Antiquities
Mouseiou 1, P.O.Box 22024, 1516 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 86 58 64, 22 86 58 88, Telefax: 22 30 31 48
E-mail: [email protected]
The Library of the Department is open to researchers and
The Department of Antiquities publishes:
– Several pamphlets (from scientific treatises to popular reports).
– Two Annual Reports:
1– Report of the Department of Antiquities.
2–The Annual Report of the Department of Antiquities – Various other publications on Cyprus Archaeology.
These can be purchased from the Cyprus ArchaeologicalMuseum in Lefkosia, as well as from the DistrictArchaeological Museums. Informative study booklets onvarious archaeological sites can be purchased from thecustodians' offices at the various sites.
Cyprus Research Centre
Gladstonos str. 6, 1095 Lefkosia
P.O.Box 21952, 1515 LefkosiaTel: 22 45 63 01, Fax: 22 45 63 09 The Cyprus Research Centre, established in 1962 to conductresearch into the history and civilisation of Cyprus, employsboth permanent research staff and external collaborators forthis purpose. It publishes the results of this research in itsAnnual Review, the "Epeteris", and as books in the followingseries:1. "Texts and Studies in the History of Cyprus"2. "Publications of the Cyprus Research Centre"3. "Collected StudiesThese publications can be purchased either from the officesof the Cyprus Reseach Centre or from major bookshops. Byway of promoting its research objectives, the Centre has alsoorganised several archival collections, the Historical Archive,the Folklore Archive, the Oral Tradition Archive and the WarVeterans' Archive. It also maintains a library open to scholarsfrom Monday to Friday 08:00 to 14:00 (08:00 to 17:00 onThursdays).
The Association of Cypriot Archaeologists
P.O.Box 20058, 1600 Lefkosia
The Association issues scientific periodicals on Archaeology.
CAARI: Cyprus American Archaeological
Research Institute
Andrea Dimitriou 11, 1066 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 45 64 14, Fax: 22 67 11 47
a) [email protected]) [email protected] Web-site:
– The Institute has a number of archaeological publications
for sale and distributes the CAARI Newsletter.
– The Library of the Institute is open under certain conditions to scholars and students on application to the office of CAARI.
– CAARI also offers economic accommodation to scholars and students of archaeology and related disciplines.
– CAARI organizes various puplic lectures at its premises, mainly on archaeology, during the academic year.
Archaeological Research Unit,
University of Cyprus
Gladstonos 12, 1095 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 67 46 58, 22 67 47 02, Fax: 22 67 41 01
Web-site: /emaG and G – The Unit has its own library specialised in Archaeology. It is open for study Mon-Friday 08:30-20:00.
– The Archaeological Research Unit of the University of Cyprus organises lectures on archaeology and history,mainly of Cyprus, throughout the academic year. It also organises several international colloquia per year.
– The Archaeological Research Unit is also responsible for archaeological fieldwork carried out by the University ofCyprus Foundation Anastasios G. Leventis
Gladstonos 40, P.O.Box 22543, 1095 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 66 77 06, 22 67 40 18, Fax: 22 67 50 02
E-mail: leventcy@zenon.
The Foundation "Anastasios G. Leventis", established in 1979after the death of Anastasios G. Leventis, is a branch of theA.G. Leventis Foundation, established at the same time withits headquarters in Vaduz. It deals mainly with projectsconcerning Cyprus. Its multiple activities include charity andphilanthropic activities in Cyprus, but its main targets are thedevelopment of Hellenic education and the preservation andpresentation of cultural heritage in Cyprus. It supports therestoration of churches, the creation of museums, theorganization of international conferences and other culturalactivities, the publication of books, the exhibition of works ofart. It also supports in a variety of ways the preservation of theenvironment.
Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation
Faneromenis 86-90, 1011 Lefkosia
P.O.Box 21195, 1515 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 67 71 34, 22 66 43 53, Fax: 22 66 28 98
E-mail: [email protected]
The Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation was established in
1984. The Foundation was born out of the Bank of Cyprus
growing interest to promote the cultural and natural heritage of
the island.
The Cultural Foundation is housed in the old administrativebuilding of the Bank of Cyprus, situated in the historic districtnear the Phaneromeni Church, in the old town of Lefkosiawithin the Venetian walls. It houses the Museum of the Georgeand Nefeli Giabra Pierides Archaeological Collection (donatedby Clio and Solon Triantafyllides), the Agora, the Foundation'sshop where publications and replicas from the Foundation'sCollection can be purchased, the Exhibition Hall and theCultural Foundation's Lecture Hall. In the courtyard of thebuilding, at the open air theatre musical and theatricalperformances are staged.
Marfin Laiki Bank Cultural Centre
Lefkosia Lecture Hall: Arch. Makarios III 39 & Bouboulinas
1065 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 81 21 87, Fax: 22 66 10 57
Main Exhibition Centre: Leoforos Vyronos 32, 1096 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 71 86 03
E-Mail: [email protected]
The Marfin Laiki Bank Cultural Centre was created in 1983,
introducing the first cultural agenda initiated by a banking
institution. The Centre's activities include three archival Cypriot
collections: Art, Rare Books and Photographs, a major
publication programme, children's educational programmes
and annual exhibitions on Cyprus' heritage as well as
European contemporary art. From 2000 the Pierides Museum
and its vast collections of ancient, medieval and ethnological
Cypriot art, have been entrusted to the Marfin Laiki Bank
Cultural Centre and the Museum has been renamed The
Pierides-Marfin Laiki Museum.
Pierides Foundation
Z. Kitieos 4, P.O.Box 40025, 6023 Larnaka
Tel: 24 65 13 45, Fax: 24 65 72 27
E-mail: [email protected]
The Pierides Foundation is a non-profit organisation and its
main aims is the protection of the Greek and Cypriot Cultural
Heritage. It covers a wide spectrum of different fields from
archaeology to contemporary art by organising prestigeous
exhibitions, international symposia, conferences, lectures and
publications. The Foundation has so far created thirteen
museums: THALASSA - Agia Napa, The Nicosia Municipal
Arts Centre, The Pierides-Marfin Laiki Archaeological Museum
Larnaka, the Tornaritis-Pierides Municipal Museum of
Palaeontology - Larnaka, the ATHINAIS Museum of Ancient
Cypriot Art - Athens, etc.
Centre of Cultural Heritage
Gonia Megalou Alexandrou, 10 & Alexiou Komninou, 14
P.O.Box 20119, CY 1601 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 67 20 87, Fax: 22 67 22 15
E-mail: [email protected]
The Centre of Cultural Heritage offers its services to preserve,
conserve, restore and promote the Cultural Heritage of Cyprus.
It is housed in a neo-classical residence of the early 20thcentury in old Lefkosia (Nicosia) Archaeological Sites, Museums
and other Places of Interest
Visiting Hours for Museums, Ancient Monuments, Sites,
Other Places of Interest and Entrance Fees
1. All museums and archaeological sites remain closed on
Christmas Day, New Year's Day and Easter Sunday (GreekOrthodox). 2. During the rest of the Public Holidays (see page 145) the major archaeological sites: Kolossi Castle, Kourion site,Sanctuary of Apollo, Tombs of the Kings, Mosaics in Pafos,Hala Sultan Tekke, Choirokoitia and the Archaeological site ofAmathous, remain open from 08:00–17:00 hrs (08:00-19:30hrs summer). The Cyprus Archaeological Museum inLefkosia remains also open from 10:00–13:00 hrs. 3. Opening and closing times of Museums and Archaeological sites, as well as entrance fees, are subject to alterationswithout notice. During the summer period (June-August) thearchaeological sites stay open longer. 4. The Department of Antiquities can issue for a specific person special entry cards for a period of one day for 6,80 and fora period of seven days for 17,10. 1. Cyprus Museum (Archaeological)
Mouseiou 1Tel: 22 86 58 64, 22 86 58 88, Fax: 22 30 31 48ALL THE YEAR ROUNDTue, Wed, Fri: Entrance fees: €3,40 2. Byzantine Museum and Art Galleries
Plateia Archiepiskopou Kyprianou (within the Archbishopric)Tel: 22 43 00 08, Fax: 22 43 06 67ALL THE YEAR ROUNDMonday-Friday: 09:00–13:00 (except in August) €4,00 (€2,00 for students) 3. Ethnographic Museum of Cyprus
Plateia Archiepiskopou Kyprianou(within the old Archbishopric)Tel: 22 43 25 78ALL THE YEAR ROUNDTuesday-Friday: 09:30–16:00 Entrance fees: €2,00 (€1,00 for students) 4. Agios Ioannis (St. John) Cathedral
(next to the Archbishopric)ALL THE YEAR ROUNDMonday-Friday: 08:00–12:00, 14:00–16:00Saturday: 08:00–12:00 (and during Mass) Entrance free.
5. National Struggle Museum
Near the Archibishopric, Plateia Arch. KyprianouTel: 22 30 58 78Monday – Friday:08:00–14:00Thursday: 15:00–17:30 (except July-August)Entrance free.
6. Museums of the Pancyprian
Corner of Agiou Ioanni &Thiseos Streets
Tel: 22 46 60 14, Fax: 22 46 60 21
Monday - Friday: 09:00-15:30
Wednesday: 09:00-17:00
Saturday: 09:00-13:00
Entrance free
7. The Leventis Municipal Museum
of Nicosia
Ippokratous 17, Laïki Geitonia
Tel: 22 66 14 75
Temporarily closed.
Part of its collection is presented at the House of
Educational Programes at 18 Solonos Str.
Tuesday–Sunday: 10:00–16:30 (closed on Public Holidays)
Entrance free.
8. The House of Hadjigeorgakis
Kornesios - Ethnological Museum
Patriarchou Grigoriou 20, Tel: 22 30 53 16
Monday, Sunday: closed
Tue, Wed, Fri: 08:30–15:30
Thu: 08:30–17:00
Sat: 09:30–15:3.0
(closed on Public Holidays)
Entrance fees: €1,70
9. Cyprus Postal Museum
Department of Postal Services (Laiki Geitonia)Agiou Savva 3B, 1015 LefkosiaTel: 22 30 47 11, 22 76 05 22, Fax: 2276 07 33Monday–Friday: 09:00–15:00Saturday: For groups the museum can also open on Sundays afterprevious notice.
Entrance free.
10. Museum of the George and Nefeli
Giabra Pierides Collection
(Donated by Clio and Solon Triantafyllides)
Phaneromenis 86-88-90
Tel: 22 67 71 34
Monday-Saturday: 10:00–17:00 (closed on Bank holidays)
Entrance free.
11. Ledra Museum - Observatory
Ledra street, Shakolas Building, Tel: 22 67 93 69Daily: 10:00–20:00 (June –August) 09:30–17:00 (Nov.-March)10:00–18:00 (April–May, Sept.-Oct.)Entrance fees: €0,85 12. Museum on the History of Cypriote
Stasinou 51, Agia Paraskevi area
c/o Bank of Cyprus Headquarters, Tel: 22 67 71 34
Monday-Friday: 08:00–14:00 (closed on Bank holidays)
Monday: 08.30-17.00 (September–April)
Entrance free.
13.Pyli Ammochostou (Famagusta Gate)
– Lefkosia Municipal Cultural Centre
Leoforos Athinon, Tel: 22 43 08 77
Monday–Friday: 10:00–13:00, 16:00–19:00
(May–September: 10:00–13:00, 17:00–20:00)
Entrance free.
14. State Gallery of Contemporary Art
Gonia Leoforou Stasinou & KritisTel: 22 45 82 28ALL THE YEAR ROUNDMonday–Friday: 10:00–16:45, Saturday: 10:00–12:45Closed in AugustEntrance free.
15. The Nicosia Municipal Arts Centre
(Associated with the Pierides Museum of ContemporaryArt in Athens)Apostolou Varnava 19Tel: 22 79 74 00, Fax: 22 43 25 31ALL THE YEAR ROUNDDuring exhibitions:Wed.–Saturday: 10:00–15:00, 17:00–23:00Sunday: 10:00–16:00Closed in AugustEntrance free.
16. Chrysaliniotissa Crafts Centre
Dimonaktos 2, (Corner Ipponaktos & Dimonaktos,within the old city)Tel: 22 34 80 50, 99 62 96 11Monday–Friday: 09:00–13:00, 15:00–18:00(16:00–19:00 May–Sept.)Saturday: 10:00–13:00 17. Omeriye Mosque (Ex Augustinian
Trikoupi & Plateia Tyllirias (near the Old Town Hall Market
within the old city)
Any reasonable hour and whenever there is no prayer.
18. Hamam Omeriye
Tyllirias Square 8, 1016 LefkosiaTel: 22 46 05 70, 22 75 05 50, Fax: 22 75 17 27For group tours call in advance.
Use of Baths (charged): Tue., Thu., Sat.: 09:00–21:00 (for men)Wed., Fri., Sun.: 09:00–21:00 (for women)Mon: 10:00–19:00 (for couples) 19. Pancyprian Geographical Museum
Strovolos Municipality
(within Strovolos Municipality)
Leoforos Strovolou 100, 2018 Strovolos, Tel: 22 47 04 07
Monday– Friday: 07:30–14:30
Thursday: 07:30–14:30
15:00–18:00 (except July and August) Saturday and Sunday: closed.
Entrance free.
20. Cyprus Museum of Natural History
Cyprus Carlsberg Brewery's grounds – Lakkia (Latsia) areaTel: 22 58 58 34Monday–Friday: 09:00–12:00, 14:00–16:00Entrance free.
21. The Cyprus Classic Motorcycle Museum
Granikou 44, 1010 Lefkosia Tel: 99 54 32 15, Tel/Fax: 22 68 02 22ALL THE YEAR ROUNDMonday–Friday: 09:30–13:00, 15:30–19:00Saturday: Entrance fee: €5,00 22. Cyprus Police Museum
Within the Police HeadquartersTel: 22 80 87 48Monday–Friday: 08:00–14:00Entrance free.
23. Von World Pens Hall
Demostheni Severi Ave. 37Tel: 99 65 74 48Mon., Tue., Thur., Fri.: 09:00–13:00, 15:00–19:00 (Oct.-May) Sat.: 09:00–13:00Entrance fees: €3,42 for adults, €1,71for children.
24. Visitor Centre of the Athalassa
National Forest Park
Keryneia Ave. 1, 2116 Aglantzia
Tel: 22 462943
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 07:30–14:30
Thursday: 07:30–14:00, 15:00–18:00 (except July & Aug.)
Saturday, Sunday: closed
(Closed on Public Holidays)
Entrance fee: €1,00 for all visitors above 6 years old.
1. Politiko – Tamassos Royal Tombs

Politiko village, 17 km (10 miles) southwest of Lefkosia Tel: 22 62 26 19Daily: 08:30–16:00 (November - March) 09:30–17:00 (April - October)(Closed on Public Holidays)Entrance fees: €1,70 2. Agios Irakleidios Convent
Politiko village, 0,5 km from the Royal Tombs.
Tel: 22 62 39 50Open daily (closed from 12:00 to 15:00 hrs)The convent is open for group visits only on Monday,Tuesday and Thursday from 09:00 to 12:00 hrs.
3. Machairas Monastery
41 km south of Lefkosia through Deftera and Pera villages.
Tel: 22 35 93 34Open daily from 08:30 to 17:30 hrsThe monastery is open for group visits only on Monday,Tuesday and Thursday from 09:00 to 12:00 hrs.
4. Fikardou – Rural Museum: The Houses
of Katsinioros and Achilleas Dimitri
Fikardou village 40 km from Lefkosia, Tel: 22 63 47 31
Daily: 08:00–16:00 (November - March)
09:00–17:00 (April - October)
Entrance fees: €1,70
5. Local Museum of Ancient Idalion
Dali village, Tel: 22 44 48 18Mon., Tue., Wed., Fri.: 08:00–15:00Thursday: 08:00–17:00Entrance fees: €1,70 6. Proto-Industrial Museum
Agia Varvara villageTo arrange a visit please contact tel: 22 52 17 15 LEMESOS
1. Lemesos District Archaeological

Anastasi Sioukri & Vyronos 5, Tel: 25 30 51 57
Tue, Wed, Fri: 08:00–15:00
Sat: 09:00–15:00Mon, Sun: closedEntrance fees: €1,70 2. Cyprus Mediaeval Museum /
Lemesos Mediaeval Castle
Richard & Berengaria, near the Old Port
Tel: 25 30 54 19
Monday–Saturday: 09:00–17:00
Entrance fees: €3,40 3. Municipal Folk Art Museum
Agiou Andreou 253, Tel: 25 36 23 03Monday – Friday: Entrance fees: €0,85 4. Lemesos Municipal Art Gallery
28th Oktovriou 103, Tel: 25 58 62 12Monday–Friday: 07:30–14:45Entrance fees:€0,85 5. Carob Museum
Vasilissis Str. (behind Lemesos Mediaeval Castle)Tel./Fax: 25 35 39 39Open DailyEntrance free.
6. Water Museum
Fr. Roosevelt Avenue 66, P.O.Box 50225, 3602 LemesosTel: 25 83 00 00Monday–Friday: 10:00–13:00Entrance fees: €1,00 7. Museum of Strategos Georghios
Grivas Dighenis
Griva Digheni Street, KRYSFIGETO (Dighenis Hide-Out)
Tel: 25 58 21 07
Monday–Friday: 09:00–12:00, Wednesday 15:00–17:00
Entrance free
1. Kourion, Archaeological Site

19 km (111/2 miles) west of Lemesos Tel: 25 93 42 50Daily: 08:00–17:00 (November-March) 08:00–18:00 (April-May, September-October)08:00–19:30 (June-August) Entrance fees: €1,70 2. Sanctuary of Apollo Ylatis
3 km (11/2 miles) west of Kourion archaeological siteTel: 25 99 10 49Daily: 08:00–17:00 (November-March) 08:00–18:00 (April-May, September-October)08:00–19:30 (June-August) Entrance fees: €1,70 3. Kourion Archaeological Museum
Episkopi village, 14 km (9 miles) west of LemesosTel: 25 93 24 53ALL THE YEAR ROUNDMon., Tue., Wed., Fri.: 08:00–16:00Thursday: Saturday and Sunday: closedEntrance fees: €1,70 4. Kolossi Mediaeval Castle
Kolossi, 14 km (9 miles) west of LemesosTel: 25 93 49 07Daily: 08:00–17:00 (November-March) 08:00–18:00 (April-May, September-October)08:00–19:30 (June-August) Entrance fees: €1,70 5. Amathous Archaeological Site
11 km (7 miles) east of Lemesos centreDaily: 08:00–17:00 (November-March) 08:00–18:00 (April-May, September-October)08:00–19:30 (June-August) Entrance fees: €1,70 6. Cyprus Wine Museum
42 Pafos Str., 4630 Erimi villageTel: 25 87 38 08/09, Fax: 25 82 17 18E-mail: [email protected] THE YEAR ROUNDDaily: 09:00–17:00Entrance fees: €2,50 for adults(free for the children under the age of 12) 7. Pastelli Museum
Anogyra village.
To arrange a visit please contact tel: 25 22 23 57Entrance free 8. Oleastro - The House of Olive
Anogyra village. Tel: 99 52 50 93, 99 56 57 68Open daily: 10:00-19:00Entrance fees: €3,00 for adults, €2,00 for children.
9. Arsos - Folk Art Museum
Arsos villageTo arrange a visit please contact Mrs Patra PsilogeniTel: 25 94 32 23Entrance Free.
10. Vasa Koilaniou - Ecclesiastical Museum
Vasa village.
To arrange a visit please contact the priestTel: 25 94 42 27Entrance free.
11. Monastery of Timios Stavros (Holy
Cross) and Traditional Wine Press
Omodos village, 11km south west of Platres
Daily, any reasonable hour.
Entrance free.
12. Pylavakion Museum (Pottery)
Foini village.
Tel: 25 42 15 08. Entrance fee: €2,00 13. Koilani - Ecclesiastical Museum and
Viticulture Museum (under renovation)
Koilani village.
For a visit please contact: 99 60 81 96, 25 47 10 08
14. Fassoula - Agricultural Museum
Fassoula village. Entrance free.
15. Agios Mamas Church
Louvaras village, 26km from Lemesos.
For a visit please contact: 99 31 88 32 or 25 54 21 42 16. Akrotiri Environmental,
Education and Information Centre
Akrotiri village.
Tel: 25 82 65 62, Fax: 25 82 65 63
Open daily: 08:00–15:00
Closed on Saturdays.
Entrance free.
1. Larnaka District Archaeological

Plateia (square) Kalograion, Tel: 24 30 41 69
Tue, Wed, Fri: 08:00–15:00
Thursday: 08:00–17:00
Monday and Sunday: closedEntrance fees: €1,70 2. Kition, Archaeological Site
Approx. 500 m north–east of the District ArchaeologicalMuseum, Tel: 24 30 41 15ALL THE YEAR ROUNDMon, Tue, Wed, Fri: 08:00–14:30Thursday: Saturday and Sunday: closedEntrance fees: €1,70 3. The Pierides Foundation
Archaeological Museum
Zinonos Kitieos 4, Tel: 24 81 45 55, Fax: 24 81 78 68
Monday–Thursday: 09:00–16:00
Entrance fees: €2,00 for adults, €1,00 for students 4. Agios Lazaros Church
Plateia Agiou Lazarou, Tel: 24 65 24 98Mon.– Fri.: 08:00–12:30, 14:30–18:30 (April–August)Sat.– Sun.: 08:00–18:30Mon.– Fri.: 08:00–12:30, 14:30–17:30 (Sept.–March)Sat.– Sun.: 08:00–17:30Entrance free.
5. Byzantine Museum of Agios Lazaros
Plateia Agiou Lazarou, Tel: 24 65 24 98
Mon.–Sat.: 08:30–12:30, 15:00–17:30
Wednesday and Saturday afternoon: closed
Entrance fees: €1,00
6. Larnaka District Mediaeval Museum
(Larnaka Fort)
Larnaka Seafront, Tel: 24 30 45 76
Mon – Fri: 09:00–17:00
(November - May, September - October)
Mon – Fri: 09:00–19:30 (June-August)
Saturday-Sunday: closed
Entrance fees: €1,70
7. Larnaka Municipal Cultural Centre
Leoforos Athinon - Plateia Evropis (seafront promenade)
a) Municipal Gallery, Tel: 24 65 88 48
Monday – Friday: 07:30–14:00
Entrance free.
b) Palaeontology Museum: Tornaritis - Pierides
Tel: 24 62 85 87 (in cooperatioon with the Hellenic Bank)
ALL THE YEAR ROUNDTuesday–Friday: Saturday–Sunday: 09:00–12:00Sunday: closed from June to August Entrance free.
8. Municipal Museum of Natural
History – Larnaka
Leoforos Grigori Afxentiou, Tel: 24 65 25 69
(within the Larnaka Municipal Gardens)
Monday – Friday: 09:00–16:00
Entrance fees: €0,50 1. Hala Sultan Tekke – Salt Lake
Dromolaxia, 5 km (3 miles) west of Larnaka townDaily: 08:00–17:00 (November-March) 08:00–18:00 (April-May, Sept.- October) 08:00–19:30 (June - August) Entrance free.
2. Angeloktisti Church
Kiti village, Tel: 24 42 46 467 km west of Larnaka townMonday-Sunday: 08:00–12:00, 14:00–16:30 Entrance free.
3. Choirokoitia - Neolithic Settlement
32 km from Larnaka town, 48 km south of Lefkosia by theLefkosia – Lemesos motorway, tel: 24 32 27 10Daily: 08:00–17:00 (November - March) 08:00–18:00 (April - May, Sept.- October)08:00–19:30 (June-August) Entrance fees: €1,70 4. Kalavassos Tenta - Neolithic Settlement
40 km from Larnaka town or 53 km south of Lefkosia,off the Lefkosia - Lemesos motorway.
Monday-Friday: 08:30–16:00 (November - March)09:30–17:00 (April - October) Saturday-Sunday: closedEntrance fees: €1,70 5. Stavrovouni Monastery
9 km off the Lefkosia - Lemesos road, 40 km from Larnaka.
Tel: 22 53 36 30September – March: 07:00–11:00 and 14:00–17:00April – August: 08:00–12:00 and 15:00–18:00 Note: Women are not allowed to visit Stavrovouni
Monastery. Men may visit the monastery, dressed properly.
The use of cameras or video–cameras is prohibited.

6. Agios Minas Convent
Near Lefkara village, 38km from Larnaka townTel: 24 34 29 52Daily: 08:00-12:00 and 15:00-17:00 (May-September) 08:00-12:00 and 14:00-17:00 (October-April) The convent is open for group visits only from Monday toFriday except between: 12:00-15:00 (May-September) 7. Chapelle Royale
Pyrga village, 32 km from Larnaka, 35 km south ofLefkosia, off the Lefkosia – Lemesos motorway.
Daily, any reasonable hour.
Entrance fees: €1,70 8. Museum of Traditional Embroidery &
Silver–Smithing (Patsalos Residence)
Pano Lefkara village, 40 km from Larnaka, 8 km from
Skarinou, off the Lefkosia – Lemesos motorway.
Tel: 24 34 23 26
Daily: 08:30–16:00 (November-March)
Entrance fees: €1,70 9. Fatsa Wax Museum
Pano Lefkara village, c/o G. PapandreouTel: 24 62 10 48Nov.-April: daily: 09:00-17:30May-Oct.: daily: 09:00-19:00Entrance fees: €5,00 for adults, €3,50 for students,pensioners and children.
(House of Gavriel and Eleni Papachristoforou)Kato Drys village, Tel: 24 34 26 48Tue., We., Thur., Fri., Sun.: 09:00-15:00Entrance fees: €1,00 11. Kaimakliotis Museum - Folklore
Thermopilon 12, 7104 Aradippou village
Tel: 24 53 12 18
Opening hours: Mon.–Fri.: 07:30-14:30
Entrance free.
1. Pafos District Archaeological Museum

Griva Digeni 43, Tel: 26 30 62 15ALL THE YEAR ROUNDTue, Wed, Fri: Monday, Sunday: closedEntrance fees: €1,70 2. Byzantine Museum
Adjoined to the Bishopric(near Ag. Theodoros Church),Andrea Ioannou 5, Pafos, Tel: 26 93 13 93ALL THE YEAR ROUND:Monday–Friday: 09:00–15:00Saturday: 09:00–13:00Entrance fees: €2,00 3. Ethnographical Museum
Exo Vrisis 1, Tel: 26 93 20 10Monday–Saturday: 10:00–18:00Sunday: Entrance fees: €3,00 4. Pafos Municipal Art Gallery
Gladstonos 7, Tel: 26 93 06 53Monday–Friday: 08:00–15:00Saturday: 5. Pafos Mediaeval Fort
Pafos – Harbour areaDaily: 08:00–17:00 (November–March) Entrance fees: €1,70 6. Pafos Mosaics
Pafos, Tel: 26 30 62 17Daily: 08:00–17:00 (November–March) Entrance fees: €3,40 7. Tombs of the Kings
Pafos, Tel: 26 30 62 95Daily: 08:00–17:00 (November-March)Daily: 08:00–18:00 (April–May, September–October)Daily: 08:00–19:30 (June–August)Entrance fees: €1,70 PAFOS DISTRICT
1. Folk Art Museum – Geroskipou

3 km east of Pafos, Tel: 26 30 62 16Daily: 08:00–16:00 (November-March) Entrance fees : €1,70 2. Agia Paraskevi Byzantine Church,
3km east of Pafos, Tel: 99 81 87 34
Mon.–Sat. (April–October): 08:00–13:00, 14:00–17:00
Mon.–Sat. (Nov.–March): 08:00–13:00, 14:00–16:00
Entrance fees: free for individuals,€5,00 for groups
3. Sanctuary of Aphrodite, Palaipafos
Museum, Mediaeval Manor
Kouklia village, 14 km (9 miles) east of Pafos
Tel: 26 43 21 55
Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri, Sat, Sun: 08:00–16:00
Thursday: 08:00–17:00
Entrance fees: €3,40
4. Agios Neofytos Monastery
9 km north of Pafos, Tel: 26 65 24 81April–October: Mon.–Sun.: 09:00–13:00, 14:00–18:00November–March: Mon.-Sun.: 09:00–13:00, 14:00–16:00The entrance fee for the Museum and the Encleistra is€1,00 5. Museum of the Mycenaea
Colonisation of Cyprus
Maa-Paleokastro (Coral Bay area)
Entrance fees: €1,70 6. Archaelogical site at Agios Georgios,
Agios Georgios, Pegeia village area
Daily: 08:30–17:00 (November–March)
Entrance fees: €1,70 7. Marion / Arsinoe Archaeological
Museum of Polis
Leoforos Makariou III 26, Polis
35 km from Pafos, Tel: 26 32 29 55
Tue, Wed, Fri: 08:00–15:00
Monday, Sunday: closedEntrance fees: €1,70 8. Steni Museum of Village life
Steni village, Tel: 99 62 50 04Opening hours:Monday–Friday: 10:00–16:00 (November-March)Monday–Friday: 10:00–18:00 (April-October)Entrance free.
9. Byzantine Museum of Arsinoe
c/o Bishopric of Arsinoe, Peristerona village, 9 km southof Polis, Pafos district, Tel: 26 35 25 15 Entrance fees: €2,00 40 km northeast of Pafos, Tel: 26 72 24 57The monastery is also reached from Kykkos monasterythrough Pafos forest. The monastery is open daily.
The Icons and Utensils Treasury is located within the
premises of Chrysorogiatissa monastery.
09:30–12:30 and 13.30–18:30 (Daily) September - April: 10:00–12:30 and 13.30–16:00 (Daily) 11. Fyti - Weaving Museum
Fyti villagec/o Mrs Mavrelli, Tel: 99 82 45 44, 99 21 15 24Entrance free.
May-October: Mon.–Sat.: 08:00–12:00 & 14:00–17:00 Mon.–Sat.: 09:00–12:00 & 13:00–15:00 12. Drouseia-Weaving Museum
Drouseia village, Tel: 26 33 25 61Monday & Thirsday: 07:30–13:00, 14:00–17:00Tues., Wed., Fri: 07:30–14:30Entrance free.
13. Ineia - Folk Art Museum,
Psathomouseion (Basket weaving Museum)
Ineia village, c/o Mrs Georgia Manolis, Tel: 26 33 25 62
Mon.-Saturday: 11:00–13:00
Mon.-Friday: 16:00–19:00 (June–September)
Mon.-Friday: 14:00–17:00 (October–May)
14. Kato Akourdaleia - Folk Art Museum
Kato Akourdaleia village, Tel: 26 63 20 24Mon.-Fri.: 08:00–14:30, Thur.: 08:00–17:00Entrance fee: €1,00 AMMOCHOSTOS (Famagusta) DISTRICT
1. "Thalassa" Agia Napa Municipal

Museum of the Sea
c/o Pierides Foundation,Leoforos Kryou Nerou 14,
Agia Napa, Tel: 23 81 63 66
October–May: Monday: 09:00–13:00
Tuesday–Saturday: 09:00-17:00Sunday closed June-September: Sunday: 09:00–13:00 Mon.-Sat.: 09:00-13:00, 18:00–22:00 Entrance fees: €3,00 for adults, €1,00 for children 2. Cultural Centre of Occupied
Ammochostos (Famagusta)
Evagorou 35, Deryneia
Tel: 23 74 08 60, Fax: 23 74 08 61
E-mail: [email protected]
Monday–Friday: 07:30–16:30, Saturday: 09:30–16:30
Entrance free.
3. Deryneia - Folkloric Museum
Deryneia village, Demetri Liperti 12, Tel: 23 74 03 53Monday–Saturday: 10:00–till duskEntrance fees: €1,70 (for adults) 4. Avgorou - Ethnograhic Museum
Avgorou village, Leoforos Karyon 52Tel: 23 92 33 40Monday–Friday: 08:30–13.30Wednesday–Thursday: 16:00–18:00 (June-October) 15:00–17:00 (Nov.-May) Saturday: 09:00–13:00Entrance fees: €1,71 for adults, €0,43 for children 5. Sotira - Ecclesiastical Museum
Sotira villageFor a visit please contact the village priest,Tel: 23 82 39 32Entrance free.
TROODOS AREA (Lefkosia district)
1. Kykkos Monastery

The Monastery is located 12km from Pedoulas village in
Troodos mountains area.
Museum of Kykkos Monastery
Tel: 22 94 27 36
The Monastery and the Museum of Kykkos Monastery are
open daily:
Nov.–May.: 10:00–16:00
June–Oct.: 10:00–18:00
Entrance fees for the museum: €5,00 (€3,00 for groups)
2. Panagia Assinou Church
Nikitari village, tel: 99 83 03 29 (Father Kyriakos)Daily: 09:30–17:00 (May–Aug.) 3. Panagia Podithou Church, the nearby
Archangelos Michail (or Panagia
Theotokos) Church and Agios
Sozomenos Church
Galata village. For a visit please contact Mr. Andreas
Achilleos (at the coffee shop).
Tel: 22 92 23 94, 99 90 89 16
4. Agios Nikolaos tis Stegis Church
5 km from Kakopetria village.
ALL THE YEAR ROUNDTuesday–Saturday: 09:00–16:00Sunday: 11:00–16:00Monday: closed Entrance free.
5. Kakopetria Old Village
The old quarter of the village has been declaredprotected and old houses have been restored.
6. Agios Ioannis Lambadistis Church
and Byzantine Museum
Kalopanagiotis village (69 km from Lefkosia)
Tel: 99 47 61 49
Tuesday-Saturday: 10:00-15:30
Sunday: 11:00-15:30
March-May, September:
Tuesday-Saturday: 09:30-17:00
Sunday: 11:00-17:00
Tuesday-Saturday: 09:00-13:00, 15:00-19:00
Sunday: 11:00-13:00, 15:00-19:00
7. Panagia tou Moutoulla Church
Moutoullas village.
Please contact Mr. Kostas Gregoriou (at the coffee shop)to arrange a visit. Tel: 22 95 23 41 8. Archangelos Church and Byzantine
Pedoulas village, Tel: 22 95 21 40, 99 34 87 51
Open daily: March-November: 10:00–18:00
9. Folkloric Museum of Pedoulas
Pedoulas village, Tel: 22 95 21 40, 99 34 87 51ALL THE YEAR ROUNDTuesday–Sunday: 10:00–16:00Entrance free.
10. Panagia tou Araka Church
Lagoudera village (15km from Agros village, off theKakopetria -Troodos Lemesos road)Daily: 09:00–17:00Tel: 99 55 73 69 (Father Christodoulos) 11. Stavros tou Agiasmati Church
Platanistassa village.
Please contact Mr. Vassilis Hadjigeorgiou (at the coffeeshop) to arrange a visit. Tel: 22 65 25 62, 99 58 72 92 12. Museum of Byzantinte Heritage and
Church of Transfiguration
Palaichori village, Tel: 22 64 30 12
Tuesday & Wednesday: 10:00-13:00
13. Katydata - Museum of MiniHeritage
Katydata village, 55 km from LefkosiaFor a visit please contact Mr Pantelis Andreou, Tel: 22 93 25 60 TROODOS AREA (Lemesos district)
1. Troodos Visitor Centre (Environmental

Plateia Troodos, Tel: 25 42 01 44
November–March & June: Mon–Fri: 10:00–15:00
April–May & Sept.–Oct:
(Closed on Public Holidays) Entrance fees: €1,00 2. Trooditissa Monastery
The monastery is a retreat for prayer, therefore it is closedfor visits.
3. Timios Stavros Church
Pelendri village, 32km from Lemesos.
For visit please contact Mrs Anastasia Papachristodoulou,Tel: 25 55 23 69 4. Panagia Katholiki Church
Pelendri village, 32km from Lemesos.
For a visit please contact Mrs Panagiota Socratous,Tel: 25 55 22 68, 99 34 07 52, 99 99 49 32.
5. Timios Stavros Church and Museum
Kyperounda villageFor a visit please contact Father Ioannis (Tel: 25 53 22 53)or the Community Board (Tel: 25 81 32 04) Baby - Food, Napkins Etc.
Both international and local brands of baby food, napkins,
disposable diapers, baby cosmetics, anti–rash creams etc.,
are available on the Cyprus market. There is big variety of
"babies' necessaires" and these can be found in Pharmacies
(chemists) and in supermarkets.
Pharmacies (chemists) can be traced in the Yellow Pages of
the Cyprus Telephone Directory.
Baby-sitting services
Almost all hotels in Cyprus offer baby–sitting facilities provided
that arrangements with the reception are made in advance.
Commercial banks in Cyprus offer a wide range of banking
services, in euro as well as in foreign currencies, and have
correspondents in most major cities around the world. They
are also full members of the Society for Worldwide Interbank
Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT). Commercial banking
is fully compliant with EU banking law. Commercial banks are
supervised by the Central Bank of Cyprus.
In addition to supervising commercial banks, the Central Bank's
functions include:
1. Contricuting to the implementation of monetary policy in the
2. Ensuring the stability of the financial system;3. Promoting, regulating and overseeing the smooth operation of payment and settlement systems; 4. Holding and managing the Republic's official foreign reserves.
Banking hours for the public:
May to September
Monday – Friday: 08:15–13:30
October to April
Monday – Friday: 08:30–13:30
Monday: 15:15-16:45
Banks are closed at weekends, on public holidays and Easter
Tuesday. Christmas Eve is a working day for banks.
Banks at Larnaka and Pafos International Airports provide
exchange bureaux services on a 24-hour basis. Similar
facilities are also available at Lemesos harbour.
There are many Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) outside most branches of banks in all towns and in the main touristresorts of Agia Napa and Paralimni.
Hotels, large shops and restaurants normally accept creditcards and traveller's cheques. Rates of exchange arepublished daily in the local press and are broadcast throughthe media.
For further information please contact:CENTRAL BANK OF CYPRUSP.O.Box 25529, CY 1395 LefkosiaTel: 357-22714100, Fax: 357-22378151E-mail:[email protected]: cy(See also "Currency-Exchange Rates").
Bibliography on Cyprus
Numerous books have been written on Cyprus in various
languages covering topics like: History, Archaeology,
Architecture, Ecclesiastical Art and Monasteries, Towns and
Villages, Folk Art and Environment, Cookery as well as Tourist
Most publications can be obtained both in Cyprus and abroad
from various bookshops.
For further information please contact:
Cyprus Booksellers Assocation
c/o Cyprus Chambers of Commerce
P.O.Box 21455, 1509 Lefkosia
Tel: 22889600, Fax: 22667433
E-mail: [email protected]
Blue Flag Campaign
The Blue Flag is an exclusive eco-label awarded to more than
3300 beaches and marinas in 36 countries across Europe,
South Africa, Morocco, New Zealand, Canada and the
The Blue Flag Campaign, which was launched in 1987 during
the European Year for the Environment, is owned and run by
the independent non-profit organisation Foundation for
Environmental Education (FEE).
The Blue Flag works towards sustainable development at
beaches/marinas through strict criteria dealing with water
quality, environmental education and information,
environmental management, and safety and other services.
Being a symbol of environmental quality, it serves as an
incentive for local authorities and the private sector to take
measures for the overall improvement of the coastal areas in
accordance with the above-mentioned criteria.
Cyprus, as a Mediterranean tourism destination, has
recognised the importance of this campaign as one way in
which tourism can be better integrated with the coastal environment. With the initiative of the Cyprus TourismOrganisation (CTO) and the cooperation of the Cyprus MarineEnvironment Protection Association (CYMEPA), the localauthorities and the relevant government bodies, Cyprus hasintroduced the European Blue Flag Campaign and become afull member of the FEE in 1995.
The 1995 Pilot Project of the European Blue Flag Campaign,which was jointly undertaken by CYMEPA and the CTO hassuccessfully established the scheme in Cyprus. In 1996 the"Blue Flag Pennant" was awarded to 11 beaches while in 1997a total of 18 beaches have been awarded with "Blue Flags",13 "European Blue Flags" and 5 "Blue Flag Pennants". The"European Blue Flag" was awarded to 25 beaches on theisland in 1998, 24 beaches in 1999, 29 beaches in 2000, 34beaches in 2001, 35 beaches in 2002, 39 beaches in 2003and 2004, 49 beaches in 2005, 49 beaches in 2006 and 52beaches in 2007.
In 2008 the International Blue Flag Jury awarded the Blue Flagto 52 beaches in Cyprus: Louma, Pernera, Potami, Vrysi A' &B' & C', Protaras, Nisia Lombardi (Paralimni), Konnos Bay,Kermia, Ammos tou Kampouri, Glyki Nero, Pantachou,Loukkos tou Manti, Katsarka, Pernera, Vathia Gonia, Nissi,Nissi Bay, Lanta, Macronissos and Agia Thekla (Agia Napa),Yannathes (Voroklini), Phinikoudes, Kastella and Mckenzie(Larnaka), Faros (Pervolia), Kalymnos beach - CTO &Governor's beach (Pentakomo), Aoratoi (Pyrgos), MunicipalBeach Parekklisias (Parekklisia), Santa Barbara, Loures,Vouppa, Aphrodite, Onisilos, Armonia and Castella (AgiosTychon), Akti Olympion A & B (Lemesos), Pissouri beach(Pissouri), Municipal beach – CTO (Geroskipou),Pachyammos, Vrysoudia A & B, Alykes, Municipal Baths andFaros (Pafos), Laourou and Coral Beach (Pegeia), Municipalbeach, Dasoudi beach - CTO (Polis Chrysochous).
It is our contribution that the European Blue flag Campaignrecognizes. The "Blue Flag" is indeed an award for all the people ofCyprus!For further information, please contact:Cyprus Tourism OrganisationP.O.Box 24535, CY 1390 LefkosiaTel: + 357 22 691216, Fax: + 357 22 339723Email: [email protected]: & Boat trips along the coast
of Cyprus
One day sea cruises in the crystal–clear Mediterranean waters,
are organised from May to October, weather permitting and
these usually include drinks and snacks on board, with lunch
served either on board, or at a seaside restaurant.
Itineraries are as follows:
From Lemesos old Harbour to Lady's Mile beach and back.
From Pafos Harbour to Coral Bay, Pegeia area and back.
From Agia Napa to Paralimni, Protaras area and back.
From Larnaka Marina along Larnaka, Agia Napa, Protaras
coast and back.
From Polis (Latsi) along the Akamas coast and back.
For further information visitors are requested to contact the
Sightseeing Tour Operators, pages 146-149.
Business / Shopping hours
a) Winter Period (Sept. 1 – June 30)
Monday - Friday: 07:30–14:30 hrs
Thursday: 07:30–14:30, 15:00–18:00
b) Summer Period (July 1 – Aug. 31)
Monday – Friday: 07:30–14:30
(For Banking Hours see page 50)
OFFICES HOURS (Private Sector)
September 15 - May 31
Monday - Friday :08:00-13:00, 15:00-18:00
June 1 - September 14
Monday - Friday :08:00-13:00, 16:00-19:00
a) Winter Period (Nov. 1 - March 31)
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: up to 19:30 hrs
Wednesday: up to 15:00 hrs
Saturday: up to 19:00 hrs
b) Summer Period (April 1 - October 31)
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: up to 20:00 hrs
Wednesday: up to 15:00 hrs
Saturday: up to 19:30 hrs
Summer afternoon recess (June 15 –August 31: 14:00-17:00
hrs) is optional
(For Shopping see also pages 145-146)
Byzantine Churches and
The Cyprus Tourism Organisation's publication "10 000 years
of History and Civilisation" refers briefly to various churches
and monasteries on the island.
Many of these churches can be reached by public transport.
Others, however, are accessible only by private car or privatetaxi, as they stand away from main roads and inhabited areas.
Because of the eminent importance of the icons and frescoes,most churches and monasteries are kept locked. Therefore,visitors wishing to see any of these churches should first askat the "coffee shop" of the village for the priest or any otherresponsible person who will escort them.
Some of the monasteries have visiting hours which have to berespected by visitors. (See Archaelogical sites, Museums andother places of interest pages 31-49).
– Wearing shorts, backless tops, very short dresses etc., should be avoided.
– The use of flash is prohibited as it may damage the icons and frescoes.
– No accommodation is available in the monasteries.
– Most of the monasteries and convents remain closed on Saturday or Sunday for group visits.
– It is advisable especially for certain monasteries i.e.
Machairas and Agios Irakleidios that the guiding should bedone outsite the monasteries.
The camping sites in Cyprus are licensed by the Cyprus
Tourism Organisation.
Facilities available in camping sites include: showers, toilets,washing facilities, mini–market and usually a snack–bar orrestaurant.
The rates for the camping sites range between: €2,56 – €3,42per day for a tent's or caravan's space, plus €2,56 – €4,27per person daily for service and taxes.
The opening period for each camping site is indicative andcustomers are advised to confirm whether the sites are openby contacting either the camping sites or any Cyprus TourismOrganisation office in Cyprus or abroad.
1. Governor's (Kalymnos) Beach
Camping Site
Pentakomo, P.O.Box 58339, 3733 Lemesos
Tel: 25 63 28 78, Fax: 25 63 28 78
Situated on the beach, 20 km east of Lemesos with a
capacity of 360 tents/caravans.
Open all year round.
2. Geroskipou Zenon Gardens
Camping Site
Geroskipou, P.O.Box 60099, 8100 Pafos
Tel: 99 63 22 29
Situated on the beach, east of Geroskipou Tourist Beach,
approximately 3 km from Pafos Harbour with a capacity of
95 tents/caravans.
Open: April – October
3. Feggari Camping Site
Coral Bay, Pegeia, 8575 PafosTel: 26 62 15 34, Fax: 26 62 15 34Situated 11 km north of Pafos, near the Coral Bay beach,with a capacity of 47 tents/caravans.
Open all year round.
4. Polis Camping Site
Polis, 37 km from the town of PafosTel: 26 81 50 80, Fax: 26 81 50 81The camping site is situated on the beach in a pleasanteucalyptus grove (800 metres from Polis town centre). Ithas a capacity of 200 tents/caravans.
Open from March till the end of October.
Camping facilities at Troodos
Troodos Hill Resort, Tel: 25 42 02 05
Situated amidst a pine forest, 2 km north of the Troodos Hill
Resort, off the main Troodos–Kakopetria road.
Open from May till end of October (weather permitting).
Car Breakdown Emergency
Private companies offer 24hrs breakdown service all over the
There are emergency phones along the motorway. Any of the
car breakdown services can be contacted through the operator.
Some of these companies are the following:
A. A. Cyprus 24hours Breakdown
Chr. Mylona 12, Strovolos, Lefkosia, Tel: 22 31 31 31
First Aid Automobile Ltd.
Leoforos Makariou III 300, Lakatameia, Tel: 22 38 89 12
Tel: 99 63 74 44 (for Ammochostos area)
Tel: 99 66 64 48 (for Lemesos area)
Tel: 99 64 88 51 (for Larnaka area)
Rescue Line Autoservices Ltd.
Vonis 2, Strovolos Industrial Area, Lefkosia
Tel: 22 44 66 00
Speed Line
Leoforos Athalassis 62, Strovolos, Tel: 22 31 34 73
N. T. Rescueline Auto Services Ltd.
Vyzantos 3, Lemesos, Tel: 25 56 33 66
Auto Clinic Marios
Manis 22, Pafos, Tel: 26 93 38 42
Odiki road express services
Tel: 80007070
Car Driving in Cyprus
Driving in Cyprus is most advisable as regular transport
service is not available to all remote areas where many places
of interest are to be found.
Fairly good surfaced roads complying with international traffic
requirements link the towns and the various villages.
Four lane motorways connect the capital, Lefkosia with the
coastal towns of Lemesos, Larnaka, Pafos and Agia Napa.
Minor roads and forest roads are still largely unsurfaced but in
good to fair condition. Appropriate care should be taken when
using these roads, especially during wet weather.
Visitors wishing to bring their car to Cyprus can do so, for a
period up to 3 months provided the car has a valid registration
licence of its country of origin. The period may be extended
accordingly, provided the person is considered a visitor by the
Department of Customs & Excise.
During driving, the driver should take all necessary measures,
so that his/her hands are free at all times in order to have full
control of the vehicle. Therefore the use of a mobile phone is
strictly prohibited.
Visitors in Cyprus can drive using a valid International driving
licence, or their National driving licence, provided it is valid for
the class of vehicle they wish to drive.
Cyprus Driving Licence: €59,80 for a lifetime.
European driving licences are recognized officially by the law
94 (1)/01. Driving licences issued by Norway, Island,
Lichtenstein, Australia, Switzerland, Zimbabwe, United States
of America, Japan, Canada, New Zeland, South Africa, Russia,
Georgia, Ukraine and South Korea must be replaced after a
period of six months. Non European citizens and citizens who
come from any country other than the previously mentioned
countries are allowed to drive holding their Nations Driving
License for a period of about 30 days (this period is not strictly
restricted). If they are holders of an international driving
license they are allowed to drive provided their license is valid.
As from 1/5/2004, when Cyprus has acceded to the E.U, as
far as Insurance cover is concerned, all 27 E.U. countries plus
Switzerland, Croatia, Iceland, Andorra and Norway are consid-
ered as one territory.
As a result of the above, if a visitor, from one of the 32
Countries mentioned above, brings to Cyprus a motor vehicle
bearing the registration plate of one of these countries, he
should not be intercepted at his point of entry in Cyprus for
proof of Insurance cover, as it is presumed that he is covered
by Insurance in his own country, even if he may not be so
covered. In the latter case the International Insurance Bureau
of his country will be held responsible to compensate the
claimant as a result of the Guarantee Agreement in force.
(Unified Agreement or Internal Regulations).
If a foreign visitor brings into Cyprus a motor vehicle bearing
a registration plate not belonging to one of the 32 European
Countries, then the Cyprus Authorities should check whether
the foreign motorist has a valid Green Card In force for
Cyprus. A foreign visitor may have a Green Card in force,
even if his country of origin is not a member of the Green
Card System.
If a foreign visitor has in force a «frontier insurance» issued in
one of the European Economic Area Countries, then such a
cover is also valid in Cyprus until its expiry date.
It is possible for a motorist to have a valid Green Card in force,
even if his car bears a motor plate of a European country. In
this case, the motor plate Country prevails over the Green
Card Agreement and the Police Authorities should allow the
vehicle to enter Cyprus without checking his Green Card.
If a foreign motorist enters Cyprus and does not have a
registration plate belonging to one of the 32 European
Countries, but does not have a Green Card valid for Cyprus
either, then this motorist should not be allowed to drive his
car in the territory of Cyprus. He should be asked first to
secure cover to drive in Cyprus for the period he is expecting
to stay on the island, with a Cypriot Insurer. It is made clear
that the granting of such cover is on the absolute discretion
of the Insurance Companies
and, in the presence of
negative features, he will have a problem to secure Insurance
cover. It is, therefore, advisable for a non-European motorist to
secure a Green Card before entering Cyprus.
In view of the Implementation, as from the 1st May 2004, of
the 4th Motor Insurance Directive, all E.U. visitors who may
have an accident in Cyprus, for which they intend to claim
compensation from a Cypriot Insurer, should get acquainted
with the procedure which aims to facilitate them upon their
return to their home countries. The 5th Motor Insurance
Directive has also been transposed into the Cyprus legislature
as from the 22nd June 2007.
For further information please contact:Motor Insurers' FundZinonos Sozou 23, CY 1075 Lefkosia Tel: 22763913, Fax: 22761007P.O.Box: 22025, CY 1516 LefkosiaE-mail: [email protected] "MINI" GUIDE TO DRIVERS
– Traffic moves on the LEFT hand–side of the road, NOT on
– International road traffic signs are in use, and placed along the roads and highways, on the left hand–side.
– Distances and road speed limits are posted in kilometres and kilometre-per hour (km/h) respectively.
– The maximum speed limit on the motorways is 100 km/h and the lower speed limit is 65 km/h. On all other roads the
general speed limit is 80 km/h, unless a lower one is
indicated. In built-up areas generally the speed limit is
50km/h, unless a different one is indicated.

– The use of seat–belts is compulsory (front and back).
– Children must use the child restraint appropriate for their – Children can travel in the rear and use an adult belt in a taxi if the right child restraint is not available.
– Rear facing baby seats must NOT be used in a seat protected by a frontal air-bag unless the air bag has beendeactivated manually or automatically.
– Rush hours in the towns are approximately between 07:30–08:00 / 13:00–13:30 and in late afternoon17:00–18:00 in winter, or 18:00–19:00 in summer.
– It is advisable to avoid, if possible, driving due West in the late afternoon, as the glare of the setting sun can beunpleasant and potentially dangerous.
– Because of the sometimes intense brightness of the clear Mediterranean sky, drivers are advised to wear sunglasses.
– DRIVING WITH ALCOHOL CONCENTRATION ABOVE THE PRESCRIBED LIMIT: – Driving or being in charge of a motor vehicle or pedal cycle with alcohol concentration in breath or blood above theprescribed limit, is an offence. The permissible limit in theblood is 50 milligrams of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood(BAC 0,5mg/ml). The permissible limit in breath is up to 22micrograms of alcohol in 100 millilitres of exhaled air.
– Be sure that you are covered by insurance for injury or – In case of an accident, call 112 immediately.
– Parking places (municipal and private) are found in town
centres, charging approximately €1,70 – €3,00 for a halfday's parking.
– Parking in central city areas is parking meter controlled.
Cost per hour is €0,80 – €2,00 on week days duringoffice hours. Parking meters do not operate on Saturdayafternoons, Sundays and Public Holidays.
– Parking and waiting is prohibited along a double yellow line. Along a single yellow line, loading and unloading isallowed but parking is prohibited at all times.
– Parking for the registered disabled is free.
Motor fuel may be bought in unlimited quantities at Petrol
stations. Brands available are: EKO, Exxon Mobil, Lukoil,
Petrolina, Lina and Agip. Petrol is sold by the litre and 15%
VAT is included in all prices.
Petrol Stations Stay Open:
Monday-Friday: 06:00–19:00 (April 1 – September 30)
Monday-Friday: 06:00–18:00 (October 1 – March 31)
Saturday: 06:00–15:00
Lefkosia district: Wednesday: 06:00–14:00
Lemesos, Larnaka, Pafos and Ammochostos districts:
Tuesday: 06:00–14:00
Petrol stations are equipped with petrol vending machines,
accepting bank notes and credit cards. Vending machines
operate during non-working hours, on weekends and on
Petrol stations in rural areas may be found open on Weekends
and on Holidays from 06:00-18:00 hrs.
A list of petrol stations can be found in the yellow pages of the
Telephone Directory.
Cyprus Automobile Association
The Association is the only organisation in Cyprus which is a
member of the International Federation.
which belong all the recognised automobile associations of the
world with over 100 million members.
Cyprus Automobile Association (CAA) organises the followingcar rallies of international interest: a) Cyprus International Historical (Antique) Car Rally.
b) Cyprus International Car Rally (World Rally Championship).
c) Troodos Rally.
The association also offers to its members and the membersof sister clubs around the world the following services: – Towing / Breakdown Assistance - battery problems, tyre – Insurance Services – Travel Services (discounts on air/sea tickets, hotel reservations (inland), touring information – Technical advice CYPRUS AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION
Chr. Mylona 12, CY 2014 Lefkosia
P.O.Box 22279, CY 1519 Lefkosia
Tel: 22313233 Fax: 22313482
Car Rentals – Hire Cars
Major self drive car rental firms have offices in all towns, as
well as at the Larnaka and Pafos International Airports.
A list of firms supplying self drive cars can be found in theCyprus Tourism Organisation's annual "Guide to Hotels, TravelAgencies and other Tourist Services" obtainable from allCyprus Tourism Organisation Offices in Cyprus and abroad.
Self–drive cars are also known as Z cars because theirregistration number, which is shown on red plates, starts withthe letter "Z".
Categories of cars available for hire and their indicative
prices in euros are shown below:

Mini 800–1000cc (4 seats car): €34,17
Economy 1000–1200cc (5 seats car): €37,59
Compact 1200–1400cc (5 seats car): €41,00
Intermediate 1400–1600cc (5 seats car): €44,42
Luxury 1800–2000cc (5 seats car): €68,34
People Carrier 1600–1800cc (7 seats car): €76,89
4x4 Vehicles
Open Top: 1100–1300 cc (4 seats car): €51,26
Hard Top: 1300–1600 cc (5 seats car): €68,34
Hard Top: 2000–3000 cc (7 seats car): €111,06
Mini 800–1000cc (4 seats car): €20,50
Economy 1000–1200cc (5 seats car): €22,21
Compact 1200–1400cc (5 seats car): €23,92
Intermediate 1400–1600cc (5 seats car): €25,63
Luxury 1800–2000cc (5 seats car): €51,26
People Carrier 1600–1800cc (7 seats car): €54,68
4x4 Vehicles
Open Top: 1100–1300 cc (4 seats car): €30,75
Hard Top: 1300–1600 cc (5 seats car): €47,84
Hard Top: 2000–3000 cc (7 seats car): €76,89
Note: Summer Rates are in effect as from April 1 - Oct. 31
Winter Rates are in effect as from Nov. 1 - March 31
The above prices include insurance and V.A.T. 15% Rates vary according to the number of days of rent, periodof the year and extras.
iii. In case of damages, the customer is responsible for the first €512,58 for categories A, B and C and the first €854,30 for category D, E, F and G.
Unlimited mileage.
The car can be delivered and collected at the airports byprior arrangement.
vi. The car is usually delivered to the customer with a full tank paid for by the customer. If the car is returned withfull tank the customer receives a refund, unless statedotherwise in the contract.
vii. Drivers under 25 years of age holding a driving licence for less than 3 years at the time of rental, must inform the carrental company so that under-age insurance coverage isprovided.
viii. Customers should read all the information on the rental car agreement and demand fulfilment of all their rights whenthey rent a car.
ix. The insurance is only valid within the area under the control of the Republic of Cyprus.
Catering & Entertainment
There are catering establishments such as restaurants,
tavernas, cafeterias and snack-bars to suit every taste and
every pocket.
In the traditional tavernas, meat, fish and other local dishes
are served. The numerous fish tavernas serve besides sea
fish, high quality fish from the local marine farms, like the
seabream (tsipoura), seabass (lavraki) and prawns (garides).
French, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, Indian , Lebanese, Arabic,
Thai, Mexican, Russian and Armenian restaurants can also be
found on the island.
Approximate charges for:
a) Meze for two persons in a Taverna with a bottle of local
wine: from €38,00.
b) Three-course meal for two persons in a restaurant with a bottle of local wine: from €50,00.
All food and drink prices include service charge and all taxes.
The price-lists of the catering and entertainment establishmentsare approved by the Cyprus Tourism Organisation.
Lunch is served in restaurants between 12:00 and 14:30 anddinner from 19:00 till late in the evening.
Cypriots usually have lunch at around 13:00 and dinner ataround 20:30.
Chemists, Pharmacies
Open during shopping hours.
Names, addresses and telephone numbers of pharmacies
which remain open during the night and on public holidays/
weekends are listed in the daily papers. They can also be
traced through the following automatic telephone numbers:
Lefkosia: 90901412 Lemesos: 90901415 Larnaka: 90901414 Ammochostos: 90901413 Note: For "Shopping Hours" please refer to page 53 and for
night pharmacies under "Emergencies'' pages 109-110.

Church of Cyprus (The)
The Orthodox Church of Cyprus is the predominant Church
on the island. The overwhelming majority of the Cypriots
belong to the Orthodox Church of Cyprus.
According to the Acts of the Apostles it was founded by the
Apostles Barnabas, Paul and Mark (45 A.D.). The presence
and the contribution of the Orthodox Church is significant to
the historical, cultural and social life of Cyprus.
Today, the Church of Cyprus is divided into 10 bishoprics as
1. Holy Archbishopric, Lefkosia
Archbishop Kyprianos Square, 1016 Lefkosia,P.O.Box 21130, 1502 Lefkosia tel. 22 55 46 00, fax. 22 43 04 51E-mail: [email protected], web-site:– Agios Ioannis Cathedral, Archbishop Kyprianos square, 1016 Lefkosia.
2. Holy Bishopric of Pafos
Agiou Theodorou 13, P.O.Box 60054, 8100 Pafos,tel. 26 93 20 92, fax. 26 94 3130E-mail: [email protected]: – Metropolitan Church of Agios Theodoros Agiou Theodorou Str., P.O.Box 60054, 8100 Pafos.
3. Holy Bishopric of Kition, Larnaka
Metropoleos Square, P.O.Box 40036, 6300 Larnaka, tel. 24 65 22 69, 24 81 50 32, fax. 24 65 55 88, 24 65 11 33 – Metropolitan Church of Sotiros, Metropoleos square, P.O.Box 40036, 6300 Larnaka.
4. Holy Bishopric of Keryneia
Due to the turkish occupation of Keryneia, the HolyBishopric of Keryneia is since 1974 temporarily located inLefkosia, at Achilleos 3, 2112 Aglantzia, P.O.Box 20258,2150 Lefkosia, tel: 22 44 42 42, fax. 22 44 43 30 5. Holy Bishopric of Lemesos
Agiou Andreou 306, P.O.Box 56091, 3304 Lemesostel. 25 86 43 00, fax. 25 37 15 48E-mail: [email protected]: – Metropolitan Church of Panagias Catholikis, Enoseos Str. 6, 3041 Lemesos.
– Agia Napa Cathedral, Agiou Andreou Str., 3041 Lemesos.
6. Holy Bishopric of Morfou
Due to the turkish occupation of Morfou, the Holy Bishopricof Morfou is temporarily located at Evrychou village,tel: 22 93 24 01, 22 93 24 14, fax: 22 93 30 92E-mail: [email protected]:– Metropolitan Church of Agios Georgios, Agiou Georgiou Str., 2831 Evrychou.
7. Holy Bishopric of Kostantia
Due to the Turkish occupation of Ammochostos(Famagusta) the Holy Bishopric of Kostantia is temporarilylocated in Paralimni.
Tel: 23812444, Fax: 23812450E-mail: [email protected]:– Metropolitan Church of Agios Georgios, Paralimni 8. Holy Bishopric of Kykkos and Tylliria
Holy monastery of Kykkos, TroodosTel: 22942435, 22390000, Fax: 22942384, 22351852E-mail: [email protected]:– Metropolitan Church of Panagia Chryseleousa of 9. Holy Bishopric of Tamasos and Orinis
Episkopeio Village, P.O.Box 14761, 2456 LefkosiaTel: 22623688, Fax: 22623552E-mail: [email protected] – Agios Nikolaos Cathedral, Episkopeio Village 10. Holy Bishopric of Tremithus
Dali Village, P.O.Box 11001, 2550 DaliTel : 22527000, Fax: 22526363– Metropolitan Church of Panagia Evangelistria, Dali Makedonitissis 115, 2057 StrovolosTel: 77778383 Chr. Sozou 9, 1096 LefkosiaTel: 22665305 Th. Theodotou 18, 1065 LefkosiaTel: 22674128 4. Cine Studio Intercollege Makedonitissis 46, 2417 EgkomiTel: 22358662 5. K-Cineplex - The Mall of Cyprus Verginas 3, StrovolosTel: 77778383 6. Pantheon Art Cinema Diagorou 29Tel: 22675787 Lemesos
1. K-Cineplex 1-5
Ariadnis 8, Mouttagiaka tourist areaTel: 77778383 Thessalonikis 19, 3025 LemesosTel: 25352232 Ellados 125, 3041 LemesosTel: 25871410 Larnaka
1. K. Cineplex 1-6
Peloponissou 1 & Indou Potamou, 6042 LarnakaTel: 77 77 83 83 Pafos
1. Cine Orasis 1, 2
Apostolou Pavlou 34, 8046 PafosTel: 26951325 2. Othellos Cinema Evagora Pallikaridi 41, 8010 PafosTel: 26946256 Paralimni
1. Odeon Cinema
Civil Marriage
For contracting a civil marriage in Cyprus, the interested
persons must apply personally to the Marriage Officer, at the
Municipality of their choice, in order to go through certain
The procedure begins by the submission of a joint "notice of
marriage" (by the persons to be married) to the Marriage Officer.
The marriage can be celebrated, at least, 15 days after the
date of the notice. In this case the parties to be married have
to stay in Cyprus about 20 days.
Prescribed fees: €128,15
In case of emergency, however, or if they so wish, the
interested persons may apply to the Marriage Officer to fix an
earlier date, by paying advanced fees. In this case the
marriage can be celebrated within 2-3 working days.
Prescribed fees for this case: €281,90
The Parties to be married should be in possession of:
– Legal identification documents and birth certificates
(in cases of single persons).
– Evidence that they are free to marry.
Also the parties must make an affirmation before the marriageOfficer that they know of no impediment or lawful hindrance totheir marriage.
Religious Ceremony
A civil marriage may be celebrated by the Marriage Officer at
his office, or by a Registered Minister of Religion (priests of
various denominations registered and licensed by the Ministry
of Interior of Cyprus Republic) at his church. In this case all
the same procedure should be followed at the Municipality, but
the religious ceremony can be held at a church.
Fees: The prescribed fees for the Municipality, plus the fees
for the church.
* All the necessary arrangements with the Registered Ministerand the church must be carried out by the interested persons.
* For further information you can visit the website of the Union
of Cyprus Municipalities
Detailed information may be obtained directly from the
following websites:
Tel: +357 22 44 51 70, Fax: +357 22 67 72 30
Climate, Weather forecast,
Cyprus enjoys an intense Mediterranean climate, with long dry
summers from mid–May to mid–October and with mild winters
from December to February which are separated by short
autumn and spring seasons.
Summer is a season of high temperatures with cloudless
skies, but the sea breeze creates a pleasant atmosphere in
the coastal areas.
Winters are mild with some rain and snow on Troodos
Mountains (usually starting before Christmas). In Cyprus there
is abundant sunshine as indicated in the table (page 68).
Even in December and January, there is an average of six
hours of bright sunshine per day.
Weather Forecasts in English are broadcast every day from
the Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation: "Programme Two"
FM 91-1MHZ. These always follow the news bulletins of 13:30
and 20:00 hrs.
The weather forecast follows the english news bulletin every
day at 18:45 hrs on Channel 2 (CyBC TV2).
The weather forecast is published daily in the "Cyprus Mail",
the only english daily newspaper.
. in brackets), raindays, sunshine hours and tenths. Figures supplied by the Meteorological Service, Lef emperature in C, (F1. T 2. Sea temperature figures supplied by the Department of Fisheries and Marine Research , Lefkosia. Clothing and Activities
General information and suggestions on what to wear and do,
according to season.
April–May: Days are pleasantly warm, but temperatures may
fall a bit at night.
– Medium-weight and summer apparel: Light woollies or long sleeved cotton for the evenings.
– Excellent season for those who prefer to enjoy nature, as the countryside is green and flowers are in blossom.
June–July–August: Warmest months of summer
– Very light weight summer clothing.
– Ideal for swimming and all beach/water activities.
September–October: Warm days, cool October evenings.
– Light weight apparel for the day and medium–weight for the evenings in October.
– Swimming and water–sports are still at their best.
November: Pleasantly warm days
– Medium–weight apparel. Light Woollies.
– Ideal weather for autumn travel. Lunches in the open–air still a delight. Sunbathing and even swimming can still beenjoyed, as well as most outdoor sports.
December–January: Winter time for Cypriots.
Autumn for our foreign visitors! It may rain occasionally, yet thepromise of glorious sunshine is still there.
– Winter clothing–not heavy coats though! – Outdoor activities and excursions can be enjoyed.
February: The possibility of exceptionally warm days. Almond
trees in bloom, occasional rain and mild day time temperatures
are the harbingers of spring. It can be quite cold however in
the evenings.
– Winter apparel.
– Conditions are ideal for snow skiing on Troodos mountains; March: Moderating weather with plenty of sunshine and with
nature at its best.
– Winter apparel with medium–weight wear.
– Most outdoor activities can be enjoyed and March is an excellent period for long country walks.
Conferences & Incentives
Cyprus may be just a dot on the map, but lying as it does in the
sparkling blue waters of the Mediterranean, the sea whose
name means the middle of the earth, the island is ideally
situated for visitors to converge to from all four corners of the
world, making it a perfect location for corporate meetings and
incentive travel.
The jewel of the Mediterranean has emerged successfully into
the conference tourism market in the past two decades. In
Cyprus you will find a complete range of conference services of
high international standards, with business-class hotels, a good
selection of venues for meetings and social activities, friendly
professionals with solid experience in the conference industry
and excellent communication facilities.
Just over one hour by air from continental Europe, the Middle
East and Africa, and well served by all major airlines, the island
is easy to get to. And with a complete range of conference
services of high international standards, a wide range of
business-class hotels giving you the convenience of staying in
the same place as your event and a well developed and
professional services industry, including sophisticated
communications facilities, the island has everything to make
your meeting, convention, incentive or other corporate event a
Whether you are planning a full scale conference of over 1000,
or a small innovative event, Cyprus can provide it.
Cyprus offers 350 conference rooms, seating capacity for
28,800 people and 30,000 beds in hotels with conference
facilities alone.
The seating capacity by town is 5,800 in Lefkosia, 7,500 in
Lemesos 8,000 in Pafos, 3,000 in Larnaka and 4,500 in
Additionally and new, high-tech Conference Centre with 2,000
seating capacity is under development in Lemesos.
Sophisticated communications facilities are available with
reliable direct links for telephone, fax and data networks. Quality
audio-visual equipment and other high-tech apparatus related to
the conference industry are readily available from reliable
domestic suppliers and technical support is efficient and close at
The island's year round perfect sunny weather and its
spectacular scenery of turquoise seas, or pine clad mountains,
provide a perfect backdrop to a product launch or promotion or
an original incentives programme. And when you combine it all
with the special magic of the island of Aphrodite, the goddess of
love, you will have the perfect formula for an experience
everyone will remember.
For further information on conference facilities and conferences& incentives providers please visit the Conferences & Incentivessection in the CTO website: Consulates
Mr Loucas M. Ellinas, Hon. Consul
Annis Komninis 4, Solea Bldg., Flat 701, 1060 Lefkosia
P.O.Box 26575, 1640 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 76 74 00, Fax: 22 76 67 67
E-mail: [email protected]
Mr Christakis G. Christofides Hon. Consul-General
Menandrou 6, Office 103, 1066 Lefkosia
P.O.Box 21512, 1510 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 451202, Fax: 22 451203
E-mail: [email protected]
Mrs Peggy Kalaydjian, Hon. Consul General
Mr Roupen Paul Kalaydjian, Honorary Consul
Zenonos Kitieos 96-102, 6022 Larnaka
P.O.Box 40189, 6301 Larnaka
Tel: 24 65 92 00, Fax: 24 65 92 03
E-mail: [email protected]
Mr Panagiotis Alexandrou, Hon. Consul
Vourkoundias 9, Zakaki, 3046 Lemesos
P.O.Box 57382, 3315 Lemesos
Tel: 25 71 25 84, Fax: 25 39 03 45
E-mail: Barbados–[email protected]
Mr Demosthenis Chrysomilas, Hon. Consul
Karpenisiou 30, P.O.Box 20533, 1660 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 84 30 00, Fax: 22 37 52 27
E-mail: [email protected]
Mr Marios E. Lanitis, Hon. Consul-General
Arch. Kyprianou 21, 3036 Lemesos
P.O.Box 50186, 3601 Lemesos
Tel: 25 34 18 61, Fax: 25 34 08 49
E-mail: [email protected]
Mr Christodoulos G. Vassiliades, Hon. Consul
Agiou Pavlou 15, Ledra House, 1105 Lefkosia
P.O.Box 24444, 1703 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 55 66 77, Fax: 22 55 66 88
Mr Garo Keheyan, Hon. Consul
Demosthenis Severis Ave. 24, 1st Floor, 1080 Lefkosia
P.O.Box 21425, 1508 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 66 38 71, Fax: 22 66 35 38
E-mail: [email protected]
Mr Vakis Loizou, Hon. Consul
Louis Apollonia Beach Hotel
George A' Str., Germasogeia, 4048 Lemesos
Tel: 25 32 33 51 (ext. 826), Fax: 25 32 16 83
E-mail: [email protected]
Mr Tassos Anastasiades, Hon. Consul
Romanou 4–6, Iviskos Building, 1070 Lefkosia
P.O.Box 20736, 1663 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 37 52 68, Fax: 22 37 45 50
E-mail: [email protected]
Mrs Eleni Chrysostomides, Hon. Consul
Lampousas 1, 1095 Lefkosia
P.O.Box 22125, 1517 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 77 55 08, Fax: 22 77 99 05
E-mail: [email protected]
Cape Verde
Mr Petros G. Economides, Hon. Consul
Gr. Xenopoulou 17, 3106 Lemesos
P.O.Box 58041, 3730 Lemesos
Tel: 25 86 64 10, Fax: 25 86 64 01
E-mail: [email protected]
Central African Republic
Mr Sarkis Elias Sarkis, Hon. Consul
Queen Frederica 33
Palais d' Ivoire Building, 3rd floor, 1066 Lefkosia
B.O.Box 24546, 1301 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 67 66 18, Fax: 22 67 86 07
Mr George A. Zachariades, Hon. Consul
Medon 5, 1060 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 76 54 24, Fax: 22 33 85 76
E-mail: [email protected]
Mr Reginos Pantelaki Tsanos, Hon. Consul
Omonias Ave. 109, Flamingo Building
3rd Floor, 3045 Lemesos
P.O.Box 50407, 3604 Lemesos
Tel: 25 81 86 60, Fax: 25 36 52 69
E-mail: [email protected]
Costa Rica
Mr Yiannakis C. Economou, Hon. Consul-General
Mr George C. Economou, Hon. Consul
Chr. Hadjipavlou 147, P.O.Box 50017, 3600 Lemesos
Tel: 25 36 22 23, Fax: 25 81 84 57
E-mail: [email protected]
Cote d'Ivoire
Mrs Ekaterini Chr. Mylona, Hon. Consul
Aristotelous 2, 2720 Akaki, Lefkosia
Nafpliou 12, Lemesos, P.O.Box 53128, 3300 Lemesos
Tel: 22 82 11 72, 25 35 55 95, Fax: 22 82 42 33, 25 37 98 86
Mr Luke Benfield, Hon. Consul
Limassol Ave. 5, 2112 Aglantzia, Lefkosia
P.O.Box 21961, 1515 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 88 25 00 Fax: 22 88 25 99
E-mail: [email protected]
Czech Republic
Mrs Melita Rolandi - Strati, Hon. Consul
Agiou Nicolaou 33, office 301, 2408 Engomi, Lefkosia
P.O.Box 21414, 1508 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 59 19 00, Fax: 22 59 17 00
Mr Efthyvoulos G. Paraskevaides, Hon. Consul-General
Mr Panicos M. Klerides, Hon. Consul
Dositheou 7, 1071 Lefkosia
Parabuilding Block C
P.O.Box 21178, 1503 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 37 60 93, 22 86 86 48, Fax: 22 37 62 45
E-mail: [email protected]
Dominican Republic
Mr Photos J. Photiades, Hon. Consul
Leoforos Stassinou 8, 1060 Lefkosia
"Photos Photiades Busines Centre"
Tel: 22 45 20 00, Fax: 22 45 20 01
E-mail: [email protected]
Mrs Anna Maximou Michaelides, Hon. Consul
254 Arch. Leontiou A' street
Maximos Court A', 1st Floor, 3020 Lemesos
P.O.Box 50167, 3601 Lemesos
Tel: 25 334245, Fax: 25 336402
Email: [email protected]
El Salvador
Mr Marios Polyviou, Hon. Consul
Artemidos Ave. 23, Hadjiyiannis Building, 6025 Larnaka
Tel: 24629925, Fax: 24 651787
E-mail: [email protected]
Mr Michael H. Zampelas, Hon. Consul - General
Themistoklis Dervis 3, Julia House, 1066 Lefkosia
P.O.Box 21612, 1591 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 55 50 00, Fax: 22 55 50 03
E-mail: [email protected]
Mr Demosthenis Z. Severis, Hon. Consul General
Leoforos Arch. Makariou III 1-7, Mitsis Building No. 3
Flats 705-707, 1065 Lefkosia
P.O.Box 21613, 1511 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 75 22 77, Fax: 22 75 48 97
E-mail: [email protected]
1) Mr Andreas St. Dimitriou, Hon. Consul
Franklin Roosevelt 1, 6010 Larnaka
P.O.Box 40408, 6304 Larnaka
Tel: 24 65 52 49, Fax: 24 82 80 75
E-mail: [email protected]
2) Mr Christakis P. Papavassiliou, Hon. Consul (for Lemesos) Leoforos Franklin Roosvelt 77, 3011 Lemesos
P.O.Box 50230, 3602 Lemesos
Tel: 25 56 38 90, Fax: 25 56 89 90
E-mail: [email protected]
3) Mr Georgios Mitsis, Hon. Consul (for Pafos) Leoforos Demokratias 31, St. Neofytos, 8577 Tala, Pafos
Tel: 26 65 24 90, Fax: 26 95 03 27
E-mail: [email protected].
Mrs Parvin G. Petrou, Hon. Consul
Geri Industrial Area, Ftelias str., 2200 Lefkosia
P.O.Box 29096, 1621 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 48 59 28, Fax: 22 48 59 27
E-mail: [email protected]
Gambia (The)
Mr Tryfonas Tryfonos, Hon. Consul
Earos 5, 6041 Larnaka
P.O.Box 42463, 6534 Larnaka
Tel: 22 82 84 78, 24 65 03 32, Fax: 24 82 84 79
E-mail: [email protected]
Mr Costas E. Lanitis, Hon. Consul
(for Lemesos, Pafos)
Archiepiskopou Kyprianou 21, 3036 Lemesos
P.O.Box 50336, 3603 Lemesos
Tel: 25820920, Fax: 25341361
E-mail: [email protected].
Mrs Natasha Peleties, Hon. Consul
Platonos 12, 2413 Engomi, Lefkosia
P.O.Box 21326, 1506 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 48 22 65, 22 46 41 82 (Res.), Fax: 22 48 17 57
E-mail: [email protected]
Mr Charalambos Pilakoutas, Hon. Consul
Meteora 14, 2032 Strovolos Industrial Area, Lefkosia
P.O.Box 21168, 1503 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 48 77 11, Fax: 22 48 77 22
E-mail: [email protected]
Mr Kostas Kasinos, Hon. Consul
Androkleous 9, 3rd floor Flat 301, 1050 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 76 58 98, Fax: 22 76 64 69
E-mail: [email protected]
Mr George Economides, Hon. Consul
Poseidonos 13, 2018 Lefkosia, P.O.Box 23900, 1687 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 48 68 00, Fax: 22 42 53 75
E-mail: [email protected]
Mr Costakis Loizou, Hon. Consul-General
Amphipoleos 20, 2025 Strovolos, Lefkosia
P.O.Box 21301, 1506 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 58 81 28, Fax: 22 44 29 30
E-mail: [email protected]
Mr Michael Psomas, Hon. Consul-General
Leoforos Arch. Makariou III 24, Kaimakli, 1020 Lefkosia
P.O.Box 21820, 1513 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 34 43 34, Fax: 22 34 78 70
E-mail: [email protected]
Mrs Louisa Mavrommatis, Hon. Consul General
Platonos 10, 2413 Egkomi, Lefkosia
P.O.Box 27858, 2433 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 35 18 78, Fax: 22 35 71 11
E-mail: [email protected]
Mr Adamos A. Varnava, Hon. Consul
Ouralion 1, 3010 Lemesos
P.O.Box 53321, 3302 Lemesos
Tel: 25 57 41 80, Fax: 25 56 09 48
E-mail: [email protected]
1) Dr. Andreas Zenonos, Hon. Consul
(for Lemesos and Pafos)
Ipparchou 29, Ayia Zoni, 3027 Lemesos
P.O.Box 56570, 3308 Lemesos
Tel: 25 74 63 54, Fax: 25 74 61 62
E-mail: [email protected]
2) Mr Victor Mantovani, Hon. Consul (for Larnaka) Stasinou 9, Pavlimbeis House, Larnaka
Tel: 24 84 33 33, Fax: 24 66 42 96
E-mail: [email protected]
Mr Pantelis M. Leptos, Hon. Consul
Dhemetsanis 9, 1304 Lefkosia
P.O.Box 24862, Lefkosia
Tel: 22 45 82 98, 26 88 01 00, Fax: 22 76 16 71, 26 93 55 07
E-mail: [email protected]
Mr Costas Galatariotis, Hon. Consul General
Leoforos Arch. Makariou III 197,
Gala Tower, 3030 Lemesos
Tel: 25 89 10 00, 25 89 10 15 Fax: 25 34 32 11
E-mail: [email protected],
[email protected]
Mr Michael G. Leptos, Hon. Consul
Demetsanis 9, P.O.Box 24862, 1304 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 45 82 99, Fax: 22 76 16 71
E-mail: [email protected]
Mr George Zavos, Hon. Consul
Christaki Kranou 31, Zavos Theodora Gardens
Potamos Germasogeias, 4041 Lemesos
P.O.Box 54242, 3722 Lemesos
Tel: 25 31 97 00, Fax: 25 31 98 10
E-mail: [email protected]
Mr Nicolaos G. Tornaritis, Hon. Consul
20 Omirou Ave., The Homer House, 1097 Lefkosia
P.O.Box 20342, 2151 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 67 13 13, Fax: 22 67 11 66
E-mail: [email protected]
Korea, Republic of
Mr Alkis Iacovides, Hon. Consul General
Megaron 15, 2032 Strovolos Lefkosia
P.O.Box 12773, 2252 Latsia
Tel: 22 66 55 24, Fax: 22 66 26 63
E-mail: [email protected]
Mr Adonis Papadopoulos, Hon. Consul - General
Thalia 3, 3011 Lemesos, P.O.Box 53253, 3301 Lemesos
Tel: 25 84 03 00, Fax: 25 56 92 85
E-mail: [email protected]
Mr Kyriakos Tsangarides, Hon. Consul General
Gladstonos 69, Acropolis Center, 4th Floor Office 402
P.O.Box 58164, 3731 Lemesos
Tel: 25 81 86 90, Fax: 25 81 73 11
E-mail: [email protected]
Mr Jacovos Jacovides, Hon. Consul - General
Leoforos Griva Digeni 81–83, 1080 Lefkosia
P.O.Box 25674, 1311 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 66 21 23, Fax: 22 66 25 52
E-mail: [email protected]
Mr Christos M. Triantafyllides, Hon. Consul
Evagoras Ave. 79, Irini Court, 3rd Floor, Off. 31 & 33 Lefkosia
P.O.Box 22411, 1521 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 45 62 22, Fax: 22 66 32 22
E-mail: [email protected]
Mr Varnavas Varnavides, Hon. Consul
Rigenis 60, Lefkosia
Tel: 22 71 27 21, Fax: 22 67 53 94
E-mail: [email protected]
Mr Acis Montanios, Hon. Consul
P. Katelaris 16, Diagoras House, P.O.Box 25001, 1306 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 66 07 66, Fax: 22 67 87 77
E-mail: [email protected]
1) Mr John M. Louisides, Hon. Consul General
Promitheos 12, office 302,
P.O.Box 27213, 1643 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 67 53 31, Fax:22 67 94 47
E-mail: [email protected]
2) Mr Michael J. Louisides, Hon. Consul Spyrou Araouzou 101A, Lemesos
P.O.Box 50145, 3601 Lemesos
Tel: 25 36 26 42, 25 72 60 09, Fax: 25 35 98 52
E-mail: [email protected]
Mr Costas Th. Ioannides, Hon. Consul
Michael Michaelides 1, Pissas Bldg, 3030 Lemesos
P.O.Box 53250, 3301 Lemesos
Tel: 25 87 81 00, Fax: 25 35 58 69
E-mail: [email protected]
Mr Manthos Mavrommatis, Hon. Consul
Andrea Araouzou 27, Flat 301, 1078 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 10 30 60, Fax: 22 10 30 70
E-mail: [email protected]
Mr Nicolis V. Nicolaides, Hon. Consul
Akteou, Royal Court
4046 Potamos Germasogeias, Lemesos
Tel: 25 82 81 10, Fax: 25 32 79 95
E-mail: [email protected]
Mr Kikis Lazarides, Hon. Consul
Laiki Bldg, Leoforos Lemesou 154, 2025 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 41 01 91, Fax: 22 81 14 90
E-mail: [email protected]
Mr Demetrakis M. Haholiades, Hon. Consul
Leoforos Arch. Makariou III 57, 6017 Larnaka
P.O.Box 40173, 6301 Larnaka
Tel: 77 77 72 20, Fax: 24 62 45 54, 24 65 31 03
E-mail: [email protected]
Dr Michael Tymvios, Hon. Consul-General
Pindarou 23, Tymvios Bldg, Flat 203, 1061 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 76 22 13, Fax: 22 76 65 63
Mr Pavlos Christoforou, Hon. Consul
Stassinou 32, 2003 Strovolos, P.O.Box 20618, 1661 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 37 89 40, Fax: 22 37 84 32
E-mail: [email protected]
Netherlands (The)
Mr Platon E. Lanitis, Hon. Consul
(for Lefkosia, Lemesos and Pafos)
Arch. Kyprianou 21, 3036 Lemesos
P.O.Box 50336, 3603 Lemesos
Tel: 25 82 09 20, Fax: 25 34 13 61
E-mail: [email protected]
New Zealand
Mr Tony Christodoulou, Hon. Consul
Kondilaki 6, 1090 Lefkosia, P.O.Box 24676, 1302 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 81 88 84, Fax: 22 87 36 34
E-mail: [email protected]
Mr Antonis Dimitriou, Hon. Consul
Vasileos Pavlou 39, 1st floor, Flat 11
6023 Larnaka, Cyprus, P.O.Box 40448, 6304 Larnaka, Cyprus
Tel: 24 65 57 87, Fax: 24 65 59 02
E-mail: [email protected]
Mr Panayiotis Antoniades, Hon. Consul-General
Digeni Akrita 83, 1070 Lefkosia
P.O.Box 27060, 1641 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 34 94 14, Fax: 22 34 31 49
E-mail: [email protected]
Mr Paris Spanos, Hon. Consul
Prodromou 113, 2064 Strovolos, Lefkosia
Tel: 22 66 33 00, Fax: 22 66 33 21
E-mail: [email protected]
Mrs Christina P. Sarris, Hon. Consul-General
Leof.Lordou Vyronos 36, Nicosia Tower Centre, 8th floor
P.O.Box 21341, 1506 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 45 60 00, Fax: 22 67 00 40, 22 67 75 85
E-mail: [email protected]
Papua New Guinea
Mr Aristodemos Hadjipanagiotou, Hon. Consul
Kallipoleos 54, 1071 Lefkosia, P.O.Box 20605, 1661 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 46 01 00, Fax: 22 46 02 01
E-mail: arispama&
a) Mr Demetris L. Zachariades, Hon. Consul
Papaflesa 4, 2414 Egkomi, P.O.Box 16020, 2085 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 35 25 40, Fax: 22 35 26 01
E-mail: [email protected]
b) Mr Christis E. Doritis, Hon. Consul Dionisiou Solomou 1, 3022 Lemesos
P.O.Box 51261, 3503 Lemesos
Tel: 25 36 21 95, 25 36 11 78, Fax: 25 37 13 23
E-mail: [email protected]
Mrs Shemaine Alonso Bushnell - Kyriakides, Hon. Consul
Grivas Dighenis Ave., 36, George & Thelma ParaskevaidesFoundation Bldg, 1066 Lefkosia, CyprusTel/Fax: 22 68 08 06 Poland
Mr Loukis Papaphilippou, Hon. Consul - General
Agias Fylaxeos 42, 3025 Lemesos
Tel: 25 34 34 48, Fax: 25 35 91 08
or C. Pantelidi 1, Kolokasides Building 3rd floor 1010 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 67 57 18, 22 67 41 41, Fax: 22 67 33 88
E-mail: [email protected]
Mr Jacovos Dimitriou, Hon. Consul
Leoforos Artemidos 16, 6030 Larnaka
P.O.Box 40408, 6304 Larnaka
Tel: 24 53 33 33, Fax: 24 53 11 35
E-mail: [email protected]
Mr Emilios Thoma, Hon. Consul
Naxos 2, P.O.Box 28099, 2090 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 37 52 66, Fax: 22 37 49 05
E-mail: [email protected]
Mr Kypros S. Nicolaides, Hon. Consul
Chrysaliniotissis 26, P.O.Box 23755, 1017 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 73 08 08, Fax: 22 73 09 09
E-mail: [email protected]
Saint Lucia
Dr. Constantinos A. Vorkas, Hon. Consul
Ouralion 1 P.O.Box 53321, 3302 Lemesos
Tel: 25 34 34 12, Fax: 25 56 09 48
Mr Dieter Rohdenburg, Hon. Consul
Griva Digheni Ave. 123, 4002 Lemesos
Tel: 70 00 73 77, 25 84 71 20, Fax: 25 58 57 62
E-mail: [email protected]
San Marino
Mr Petros Anastasiades, Hon. Consul General
Riga Feraiou 14, P.O.Box 50027, 3600 Lemesos
Tel: 25 36 23 41, Fax: 25 35 20 30
E-mail: [email protected]
Mr Pavlos A. Anastasiades, Hon. Consul
Riga Feraiou 14, P.O.Box 54748, 3727 Lemesos
Tel: 25 36 23 41, Fax: 25 35 20 30
Mr Kypros V. Eliades, Hon. Consul
Aristides 24, 2370 Agios Dometios, Lefkosia
P.O.Box 2108, 1501 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 35 31 54, Fax: 22 35 31 80
E-mail: [email protected]
Mr Andreas Filokyprou, Hon. Consul
Leoforos Arch. Makariou IIII 1, Office 712
P.O.Box 21461, 1509 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 76 09 09, Fax: 22 76 09 10
E-mail: [email protected]
Sierra Leone
Mr Theocharis Ph. Economides
Leoforos Arch. Makarios III 225,
Oriana Court 4th floor, 3105 Lemesos
P.O.Box 54080, 3720 Lemesos
Tel: 25 37 99 99, Fax: 25 35 44 32
E-mail: [email protected]
Slovak Republic
Mr Vassos Hadjitheodossiou, Hon. Consul General
G. Katsounotos 1, Salamis House
P.O.Box 50531, 3607 Lemesos
Tel: 25 86 02 00, Fax: 25 36 17 38
E-mail: [email protected]
Mr Evros Alexandrou, Hon. Consul
Anexartisias 61, P.O.Box. 50282, 3040 Lemesos
Tel: 25 36 70 06, Fax: 25 37 79 13
E-mail: [email protected]
South Africa
Mr Andreas Chr. Artemis, Hon. Consul-General
Leoforos Arch. Makariou III 101
Commercial Union House, 1071 Lefkosia
P.O.BOX 21312, 1506 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 37 44 11, Fax: 22 37 70 11
E-mail: artemis@commercial–
Mr Spyros A. Araouzos, Hon. Consul-General
P.O.Box 21055, 1501 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 43 31 51, Fax: 22 43 08 80
E-mail: [email protected]
Sri Lanka
Mr Doros A. J. Jeropoulos, Hon. Consul-General
Alasias 15, 3095 Lemesos, P.O.Box 50278, 3602 Lemesos
Tel: 25 37 25 55, Fax: 25 37 24 72
E-mail: [email protected],
Mrs Marian Vryonidou -Poumou, Hon. Consul
Zenas Kanther & Theodorou, Zenas Kanther Bldg.,
2nd floor, 1065 Lefkosia
P.O.Box 25487, 1310 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 67 24 83, Fax: 22 67 17 83
E-mail: [email protected]
Mrs Maroulla Mavroudis, Hon. Consul
Agias Fylaxeos 90, 3025 Lemesos
P.O.Box 51492, 3506 Lemesos
Tel: 25 82 58 36, Fax: 25 82 58 28
Mr Elias Panayides, Hon. Consul - General
Leoforos Evagorou 40, 1097 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 67 49 00, Fax: 22 67 55 44
E-mail: [email protected]
Mr Charalambos N. Mylonas, Hon. Consul
Nafpliou 12, Lemesos
Tel: 25 35 55 95, 22 82 11 72
Fax: 25 37 98 86, 22 82 42 33
Dr. Christos A. Theodoulou, Hon. Consul
Theodoulou House,
W. Weir 9 & Korai 5, 6010 Larnaka
P.O.Box 40965, 6308 Larnaka
Tel: 24 65 63 18, 24 65 31 11, Fax: 24 62 32 15
E-mail: [email protected]
Mr Michael Spanos, Hon. Consul
Thiras 8, 7060 Livadeia, Larnaka
P.O.Box 42531, 6500 Larnaka
Tel: 24 66 97 00, Fax: 24 66 79 00
E-mail: [email protected]
Mr Alexis Photiades, Hon. Consul
Troodos 1, Linopetra Industrial Area, Agios Athanasios
4062 Lemesos, P.O.Box 52259, 4062 Lemesos
Tel: 25 72 48 21, Fax: 25 72 06 24
E-mail: [email protected]
Mr Eleftherios Montanios, Hon. Consul
P. Katelari 16, Diagoras House, P.O.Box 25001,
1306 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 66 07 66, Fax: 22 67 87 77
E-mail: [email protected]
Mr Takis Nemitsas, Hon. Consul
Franklin Roosevelt Ave. 153,
P.O.Box 50124, 3601 Lemesos
Tel: 25 56 92 22, Fax: 25 56 92 75
E-mail: [email protected]
Mr Costas N. Lefkaritis, Hon. Consul
Fr. Roosvelt Ave. 126B, 3011 Lemesos
P.O.Box 50042, 3600 Lemesos
Tel: 25 36 26 70, Fax: 25 36 90 60
E-mail: [email protected]
Consumers' Association (Cyprus)
The Cyprus Consumers Association was founded in 1973 and
joined the Consumers' International as a full member in 1980
and BEUC in 2002. It is an independent, non-political, non-
governmental Consumers' Organization.
Its mission, inter alia, is to safeguard the consumers' rightsand educate and represent the Cyprus consumers in all localand international relevant bodies dealing with consumermatters.
Toward this end the Association is actively involved in: – Monitoring the effective implementation of the legislation and regulations regarding consumer protection andconsumer rights – Providing information on Cyprus law regarding consumer protection in accordance with the acquis communautaire – Providing information on consumers rights and – Promote consumer education through its Adults Consumers Education Programme – Handling complaints by consumers on faulty, damaged or unsatisfactory quality of products and services – Providing a reading library on consumer publication such as WHICH (UK), Consumer Reports (USA), Consumer Choice(Ireland).
– Issuing publications, such as "O Katanalotis", the association's quarterly magazine, which is sent to itsmembers free of charge, and other informative brochures.
– Providing Consumer-related services, lectures etc.
– Conducting comparative market surveys aimed at providing vital information and insight to the consumers.
Cyprus Consumers' Association:
a) Leoforos Akropoleos 5, 2nd floor Flat 21, 2000 Strovolos,
Lefkosia, P.O.Box 24874, 1304 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 51 61 12, 22 51 61 13, 22 51 61 14
Fax: 22 51 61 18
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
b) Dodekanisou 17, 3021 Lemesos P.O.Box 53090, 3300 LemesosTel: 25 34 70 41, Fax: 22 34 36 01 c) Griva Digeni 51, flat 5, 6045 Larnaka Tel. and Fax: 24 63 48 10 Cost of living
Detailed information on cost of living indexes may be obtained
from the Cyprus Tourism Organisation Offices.
Indicative prices (supermarket prices), (May 2008):
€1,04 per litre Bread (country bread) Cyprus Cheese (Halloumi) €5,60-11,86 per kilo €5,40 (8pck X 0,33cl) Local natural water €2,35 (6 bottles X 1,50lt) €2,85-4,39 per kilo €2,95-5,12 per kilo €1,99-2,65 per kilo Apples (various varieties) €1,05-2,15 per kilo – Dinner at a taverna: €17,00-21,00 per person (not including – Two bedrooms, unfurnished flat: €400,00-500,00 (rent per month) for long term tenancy (over a year) depending alsoon the area (locality).
Rate of inflation: 2,0% in 2001, 2,8% in 2002, 4,1% in 2003,2,3% in 2004, 2,6% in 2005, 2,5% in 2006 and 2,5% in 2007.
Credit Cards
Visitors in possession of any of the following international
credit cards may contact the appropriate bank for the
withdrawal of cash.
VISA CARD: Bank of Cyprus Ltd., Cyprus Popular Bank Ltd.,
Hellenic Bank, Alpha Bank Limited, National Bank of Greece,
Arab Bank, Commercial Bank and Co-op branches, Societé
MASTERCARD: Bank of Cyprus Ltd., Cyprus Popular Bank
Ltd., National Bank of Greece, Hellenic Bank, Alpha Bank
Limited and Co-op branches.
More than 15 000 shops, restaurants and hotels accept at least
one of the above Credit Cards. Establishments with P.O.S.
accept also VISA ELECTRON and MAESTRO. Usually the
Card symbol is displayed in the shopwindow or at the reception.
Travellers cheques are also accepted by all banks, shops,
restaurants etc.
In case someone loses his credit card, he can call JCC
Payment Systems Ltd., on 22868100 and at the same time
contact his bank either in Cyprus or in his country.
For further information please apply directly to:
JCC Payment Systems Ltd.,
Stasikratous 16, P.O.Box 21043, CY 1500 Lefkosia
Tel : 22 86 81 00 (24 hours service)
Fax: 22 86 85 91, 22 86 81 11
Cruises from Cyprus
Cyprus is often referred to as the gateway to the Eastern
Mediterranean. Cypriot cruise companies take you through
that gateway to Eastern Mediterranean from the port of
Lemesos. The cruise programmes have been designed
specifically to suit varying travel requirements, including
departure days and destinations by offering cruises to Egypt,
Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Greece and the Greek islands.
The ships usually leave Lemesos Harbour late afternoonarriving in Port–Said, Haifa or Rhodes the next day, early inthe morning and departing again from there in the evening toreturn to Lemesos the following morning.
The cruises are usually operational from March to Novemberby large and comfortable cruise ships which offer full boardaccommodation and entertainment at very reasonable prices.
Bookings for short cruises can be made while on holiday inCyprus through the representatives of the tour operators or a Travel Agency. Please note that many tour operators in Europeare featuring the cruises in their holiday brochures.
For further information please contact the following agents: Louis Cruise Centre Ltd
Tel: 25 57 00 00, Fax: 25 56 66 03
E-mail: [email protected]
Salamis Tours Ltd
Tel: 25 86 00 00, Tel: 25 36 44 10
E-mail: [email protected]
CTO Print Media
All Cyprus Tourism Organisation's print Media are distributed
free of charge throughout in Cyprus and abroad.
General Information Brochure
The general information brochure on Cyprus is published in 12
languages (English, German, French, Greek, Italian, Dutch,
Swedish, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Russian, Hungarian)
and is currently being translated in Danish, Finnish and
10 000 Years of History & Civilisation
A special edition on Cyprus history, archaeology and culture
that dates back to 10 000 years. Published in 9 languages
(English, Greek, German, French, Russian, Swedish, Dutch,
Italian & Spanish).
Travellers Handbook
Published in English, German & French, covering a wide
range of guiding information on Cyprus.
Annual Major Events
Annual brochure that lists the most important events of the
year. Published in English and German.
Promotional Leaflet
A general information brochure on Cyprus published in 9
languages (Greek, English, Czech, Hungarian, Arabic,
Hebrew, Chinese, Romanian & Bulgarian).
Guide to Hotels & Other Tourist
Establishments 2009/2010
A Guide with contact details on hotels, travel agents, self-drive
car companies and CTO Offices' addresses in Cyprus and
abroad. Published annually.
E4 European Path & Other Nature Trails
Description of the route of the European Path & Nature Trails
in Cyprus published in 5 languages (English, Greek, Dutch,
German & Italian).
Conferences & Incentives
A brochure presenting Cyprus as a conference and incentives
destination. Published in 5 languages (English, Greek, French,
Italian, German)
Cyprus Your Sports Destination
A brochure presenting Cyprus as a sports & athletics
destination, published in English.
Description of cycling routes (including maps). Published in English, Greek, French, Dutch and German.
Kyprida Aphrodite
A tour on Cyprus through Aphrodites eyes.
Welcome to Cyprus
General Information brochure on Cyprus for tourists arriving at
Lemesos Port, published in 4 languages (English, German,
French and Italian).
Cyprus, the port of History & Culture
An informative brochure on Cyprus's history and Cyprus Port
facilities. Published in English. Promoting Cyprus as a cruise
Cruises from Cyprus – The Thrill of
Providing information of Cruises from Lemesos Port to
neighbouring countries. Published in English, German and
Cyprus Maps
Maps of Cyprus and Towns with detailed tourist information
Tourism Statistics
Information on basic tourism indicators.
Posters on Cyprus
Other Brochures:
‘Weddings & Honeymoons on the island of Aphrodite'
‘Authentic Cyprus', with information on rural tourism
‘Cyprus Spiritual & Cultural Journey', in English, Russian,Italian & Greek.
‘Cyprus Wine Routes'.
‘Wall and Desk Calendars'‘Annual Report', in English and Greek Cultural Life / Events
Cyprus is a country where the 21st century still rubs shoulders
with history, where one may enjoy customs, festivals and
religious fairs, whose origins stretch back into antiquity and at
the same time enjoy performances of modern dance or theatre
as all art forms continue to flourish on the island.
The visitor's participation in such events is warmly
For up to date information, visitors are advised to consult the
Cyprus Tourism Organisation's "Monthly Events" guide,
available in hotels and Tourist Information Offices on the
The Cyprus Tourism Organisation's annual list of "Major
Events" includes information on festivals, festivities and
athletic events and can be obtained from any of the C.T.O.
offices in Cyprus and abroad. Additional information can be
obtained through the Cyprus Tourism Organisations' website
Currency – Exchange Rates
On 1 January 2008, the Republic of Cyprus introduced the
euro as its official currency. The euro is subdivided into 100
Euro notes and coins in circulation are as follows: Banknotes: €500, €200, €100, €50, €20, €10 and €5.
Coins: €2 , €1, 50 cent, 20 cent, 10 cent, 5 cent and 1 cent Import/export of banknotes, currency
and/or gold:
Travellers from and to another EU Member State
According to the Capital Movement Law, travellers arriving
from or departing for another EU Member State and carrying a
sum of €12.500 or more in banknotes and/or gold or the
equivalent in any other currency must declare it to Customs.
Travellers from and to a third country
According to Regulation (EC) No. 1889/2005, travellers
arriving from or departing for a third country carring a sum of
€10.000 or more in cash or its equivalent in any other
currency or easily convertible assets (e.g. bonds, shares,
traveller's cheques) must declare it to Customs.
For furhter information please contact: CENTRAL BANK OF CYPRUS
P.O.Box 25529, CY 1395 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 71 41 00, Fax: 22 37 81 51
E-mail: [email protected]
Customs formalities and facilities
1. Within the EU
There are no limits on what you can buy and take with you
when you travel between EU countries, as long as it is for
personal use and not for resale.
VAT and duty are included in the price you pay and, sincethese vary from country to country, you may want to takeadvantage of some interesting price differences. Shops atairports and on ships may also provide some bargainsalthough duty-free shopping no longer exists when travellingwithin the EU.
Tobacco and alcohol
For guidance, goods are considered to be for your own use if
you have no more than:
800 cigarettes
400 cigarillos
200 cigars
1kg of tobacco
10 litres of spirits
20 litres fortified wine, (such as port or sherry)
90 litres of wine (of which, a maximum of 60 litres of sparkling
110 litres of beer
"If you carry large quantities of tobacco or alcoholic productsand particularly where such quantities exceed the quantitativelimits set as above, you may be asked to answer to questionsregarding: – Your commercial status and the reasons for holding such – The place where the goods are located – Any documents relating to these goods – The nature and quantity of goods – The frequency of your travel Travellers uner the age of 17 are not granted relief on tobaccoproducts and alcohol and alcoholic beverages".
2. Outside the EU
If you are coming into the EU from a non-EU country, you can
bring with you goods free of VAT import duties and excise
duties for personal use within the limits set out below. Thesame applies if you come from the Canary Islands, theChannel Islands, Gibraltar or other territories where VAT andEU excise provisions do not apply.
Tobacco products
200 cigarettes or 100 cigarillos or 50 cigars or 250 grams of
Alcoholic drinks
1 litre of spirits over 22% vol. or
2 litres of fortified wine or sparkling wine
2 litres of still wine
Perfume Eau de toilette
50 grams 250 ml
Medical products
The quantity required for personal needs
Coffee and Tea
Coffee or500 grams
* Coffee extracts and essences 200 grams
* Tea or 100 grams
* Tea extracts and essences
Travellers under the age of 15 are not granted relief on coffee,coffee extracts and essences.
Items marked with * are not granted relief from excise dutyand VAT.
Other goods
Up to a value of 172 euro. Items made of gold or silver are not
eligible for relief from excise duty and VAT.
3. Notifications to travellers:
A. According to Cypriot Law, the Importation, Possession

and Use of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic
Substances, is strictly prohibited.

B. The Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and
Environment wishes to inform all travellers that, in
order to protect the agriculture of the country from the
danger of the introduction of new pests and diseases, the
importation of agricultural products or propagating stock,
such as fruit, vegetables, cut-flowers, dry nuts, seeds,
bulbs, bulb-wood sticks, cuttings, wood and other wood
products, etc., without the approval of the competent
authorities, is prohibited.
According to the Diseases of Plants (Prevention) Law andthe Importation of Produce (Control) Orders, the transportation of agricultural products or propagating stock from abroad is prohibited unless a relevant licence hasbeen previously issued by the Director of the Department ofAgriculture. Upon their arrival in Cyprus, such productsshould be declared at the Customs Officers, whereuponthey will be kept for phytosanitary inspection by AuthorisedAgricultural Officers.
Any person contravening the Law and the Orders madeunder it, is liable, in case he is found guilty, to a fine and /or imprisonment.
C. There is also a number of other articles of which the
importation is prohibited or restricted for different
reasons such as:
- Fire arms, ammunitions and explosives
- Flick knives and daggers
- Obscene books, photographs, films and articles
- Pirated or counterfeit goods (e.g. computer programmes,
films video and audio cassettes, CD, clothing, handbags,etc) - Animals and animal products- Birds- Uncooked meat and fish and products thereof, milk and dairy products.
- Nuclear, chemical, toxic, biological weapons and similar - Goods used for illegal hunting of game- Counterfeit bank notes- Firearms and weapons other than firearms, such as military explosive devices and projectile launchers,automatic firearms, ammunition, long-barrel semi-automatic or repeating firearms, in accordance with theFirst Annex of the "Firearms and Weapons Other thanFirearms Law" no. 113(I) of 2004.
- Goods shipped or originating from countries under an embargo from the United Nations Security Council andthe European Union, such as Iraq, Liberia, Siera Leone,Somalia and Sudan.
- Kimberley Process rough diamonds.
- Hazardous wastes (according to the Basel Convention).
D. According to various Cypriot laws the exportation of
certain articles is prohibited or restricted such as:
All items the importation of which is prohibited i.e.:
Pirated and counterfeit goods, air-rifles of a diameter not
exceeding 1.77 inches or 4.55 mm, or restricted i.e cultural
goods, goods of precious metals (destinated for the Cyprus
market), smooth bored weapons used for hunting or
shooting, theri components and ammunition.
Precursor chemicals, wild fauna and flora, endangered by
extinction and products their of (Washington Convention -
CITES), e.g. animals, birds, fowls, lizards, cactus, hides,ivory, etc.
Please have in mind that for the above restrictions uponexportation a special permit is required from the appropriateauthority or body accordingly for each case.
For further information please contact:
Daylight Saving Time
Each year on the last Sunday of March at 1.00 a.m.
Greenwich Time (3.00 a.m. Local time), Daylight Saving Time
comes into effect in Cyprus and all clocks are advanced by
one hour.
On the last Sunday in October at 1.00 a.m. GMT (4.00 a.m.
Local Time), Cyprus reverts to Standard Time.
Distances (see page 95)
Dry Cleaning / Laundry
1.Dry cleaning takes usually two days. Fast dry–cleaning and
quick–wash–and–dry services are also available on the island.
Dry cleaners are located in the central part of each town, and theycan be traced through the yellow pages of the Cyprus TelephoneDirectory.
Most dry–cleaners have pick–up and home delivery services.
2.Most hotels have laundry service for hotel residents. In case laundry service is not provided by certain hotels, arrangements canbe made through the hotel reception. The same arrangements alsoapply for dry cleaning service.
3.Self–Service automatic washing facilities are also available and can a) G.A.G Self Service Laundrette Chalkokondili 18D, Lefkosia, Tel: 22 31 33 17, 99 60 60 62 b) I Lampsi Laundry Arch. Makarios III 122, Lakatameia,Tel: 22 32 66 69, 22 37 33 53 a) Artemis Speed Queen Armenikis Ekklisias 12, Larnaka, Tel: 24 62 54 54 b) Laundry Basket Larnaka- Dhekeleia Rd (near Princess Hotel)Tel: 24 64 51 12 Anastasiou Sioukri 20, Lordos Court 2,Tel: 25 58 82 93 b) Quick Service Launderette Griva Digeni 144B, Tel: 25 58 70 56 Pafos:
a) Shining Star
Leoforos Tafoi ton Vasileon 62Panareti Complex Shop 11, Kato Pafos, Tel: 26 93 66 40 b) I Lampsi Laundry Leoforos Mesogis, Tel: 26 65 33 87 Araouzou 5, Industrial area Mesogis, Tel: 26 94 99 56 Agia Napa:
Cinderella Launderette
Makariou 4, Tel: 23 72 21 48
Duty–Free Regulations / Shops
Information under the title: "Customs formalities and facilities" (pages
Distances (approx.) between major cities and other tourist areas (via motorway)
PARALIMNI (Protaras) Electric Current – Voltage
The supply in Cyprus is 230 Volts, a.c. 50Hz. Sockets are usually
13 Amp, square–pin in most buildings.
More than one low current rating appliance may be operated from thesame supply point, by using an adaptor (i.e. radios, electric clocks etc.).
The use of adaptors for operating high current rating appliances is notrecommended (i.e. electric heaters, toasters, irons etc.).
Many hotels provide adaptors upon request from the Reception.
Adaptors can be purchased from electric stores, supermarkets,shops, etc., at approximately €2,56.
Socket extensions can also be used (recommended instead ofadaptors) and they can be purchased from electric stores and largesupermarkets.
Embassies / High Commissions
of the Republic of Cyprus abroad
High Commission of the Republic of Cyprus in Australia
30, Beale Crescent, Deakin ACT 2600, Canberra
Tel: (00612) 62810832, 62810834, Fax: (00612) 62810860
E-mail: [email protected]
High commissioner is also accredited to Fiji, Indonesia, New
Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu,
Republic of Korea, East Timor.
Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus in Austria
20, Parkring A-1010 Vienna
Tel: (00431) 5130630, 5130631, Fax: (00431) 5130632
E-mail: [email protected]
Ambassador is also accredited to Croatia, Liechtenstein,
Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Permanent Representative to the
O.S.C.E., Permanent Representative to the UN.
Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus in Belgium.
61, Avenue de Cortenbergh, 1000 Brussels.
Tel: (00322) 6500610, Fax: (00322) 6500620
E-mail: [email protected]
Ambassador is also accredited to Luxembourg
Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus in Bulgaria
1A, James Boucher & Plachkovitsa, App1, 1164 Sofia
Tel: (003592) 9617730, 9617731, Fax: (003592) 8629470
E-mail: cyprusembasofi[email protected]
Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus in the People's Republic
of China.
2–13–2, Ta Yuan Diplomatic Office Bldg. 14, Liang Ma He Nan
Lu, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100600
Tel: (008610) 65325057, Fax: (008610) 65324244
E-mail: cyembpek@public
Ambassador is also accredited to Japan, Mongolia, Pakistan,
Philippines, Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea.
Czech Republic
Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus in the Czech Republic.
9, Pod Hradbami, 160 00 Praha 6
Tel: (00420)224316833, 224320831, Fax: (00420)224317529
E-mail: [email protected]
Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus in Denmark
28 Borgergade, 1st floor
1300 Copenhagen K
Tel: (0045)33915888, Fax: (0045)33915877
E-mail: [email protected]
Ambasador is also accredited to Iceland.
Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus in the Arab Republic of
17, El Amir Omar Tousson Street, Mohandessin, Cairo.
Tel: (00202) 3455967, 3455968, Fax: (00202) 3455969
E-mail: [email protected]
Ambassador is also accredited to Sudan, Oman, Ehtiopia,
Ghana, Mali.
Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus in Finland.
Bulevardi 5A, 19, Helsinki 00120
Tel: (00358) 9 6962820, Fax: (00358) 9 677428
Ambassador is also accredited to Estonia.
Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus in France.
23, Rue Galilée, 75116 Paris
Tel: (00331) 472 086 28, Fax: (00331) 40 70 13 44
E-mail: [email protected]
Ambassador is also accredited to Andorra, Morocco, Tunisia,
Senegal, Algeria.
Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus in the Federal Republic of
Wallstraße 27, D-10179 Berlin
Tel: (004930) - 3086830, Fax: (004930) 27591454
E-mail: [email protected]
Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus in Greece
Irodotou 16, 106 75 Athina (Athens)
Tel: (0030210) 7232727 / 7239377 / 7237883.
Fax: (0030210) 7258886 / 7231927
E-mail: [email protected]
Ambassador is also accredited to Albania, Bulgaria, Romania
Holy See
Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus to the Holy See
Piaza Farnese, 44, Scala A, Int. 1, 00186 Rome
Tel: (0039 06) 6865758, 6865263, Fax: (0039 06) 688 03756
E-mail: [email protected]
Ambassador is also accredited to the United Nations Agencies
for Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO, IFAD and WFP).
Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus in the Republic of Hungary
V. Dorottya u.3, III floor, 1051 Budapest
Tel: (00361) 2661330 / 2666045, Fax: (00361) 2660538
E-mail: [email protected]
Ambassador is also accredited to Moldova, Bosnia and
High Commission of the Republic of Cyprus in India.
67, Jor Bagh, New Delhi 110003
Tel: (009111) 24697503, 24697508, Fax: (009111) 24628828
E-mail: [email protected]
High Commissioner is also accredited to Bangladesh, Brunei
Darussalam, Malaysia, Maldives, Nepal, Singapore, Sri Lanka,
Thailand, Union of Myanmar, Vietnam.
Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus in the Islamic Republic of
328, Shahid Karimi Str., Dezaship, Tajrish, Tehran
Tel: (009821) 2219842, Fax: (009821) 2219843
E-mail: [email protected]
Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus in Ireland
71, Lower Leeson Str., Dublin 2
Tel: (003531) 6763060, Fax: (003531) 6763099
E-mail: [email protected]
Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus in Israel.
50 Dizengoff str., Dizengoff Centre
Top Tower, 14th floor, Tel Aviv 64332
Tel: (009723) 5250212, Fax: (009723) 6290535
E-mail: [email protected]
Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus in Italy.
15, Via Francesco Denza, 00197 Rome
Tel: (003906) 8088365, 8088367
Fax: (003906) 8088338
Ambassador is also accredited to Malta, San Marino,
High Commission of the Republic of Cyprus in Kenya.
Kimathi street, Eagle House, 5th Floor
P.O.Box 30739, 00100 Nairobi
Tel: (0025420) 220881, Fax: (0025420) 312202
E-mail: [email protected]
High Commissioner is also accredited to Seychelles, Tanzania,
Uganda, Zambia, Rwanda, Burundi, UNEP and UN Centre for
Human Settlements.
Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus in Lebanon
M.N.C. Building
Debbas Str.
Rmeil-Achrafieh, Beirut, Lebanon
Tel: (009611) 326461,329500, Fax: (009611) 326471
E-mail: [email protected]
Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus in the Great Socialist
People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya.
Al Fateh Tower, Tower (2), 16th Floor, Tripoli
P.O.Box 3284, Central Post Office, Tripoli
Tel: (0021821) 3351400, 3351401, Fax: (0021821) 3351402
Ambassador is also accredited to Mauritania, The Gambia,
Niger, Tchad, Burkina Faso
Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus in Mexico.
Sierra Gorda 370, Lomas De Chapultepec
C.P. 11000 Mexico D.F.
Tel: (005255) 52027600 / 52023096, Fax: (005255) 5202693
E-mail: [email protected]
Ambassador is also accredited to Bolivia, Colombia, Costa
Rica, Cuba, Dominican Rep., Ecuador, El Salvador,
Guatemala, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Venezuela
Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus in the Kingdom of
15, Surinamestraat, 2585 GG The Hague
Tel: (0031 70) 3466499, Fax: (0031 70) 3924024
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
Ambassador is also accredited to Suriname, Trinidad and
Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus in Poland
ul. Pilicka 4, 02-629 Warsaw.
Tel: (004822) 8444577, Fax: (004822) 8442558
E-mail: [email protected]
Ambassador is also accredited to Lithuania
Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus in Portugal
Ave. da Liberdade 229, 1250-142 Lisbon
Tel: (00351 21) 3194180, Fax: (00351 21) 3194189
E-mail: [email protected]
Ambassor is also accredited to Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea
Bissau, Marocco
Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus in Qatar
Saba Street, Saha 12, Bld. No 3, District 63
Al-Dafna, West Bay, P.O.Box 24482, Doha, Qatar
Tel: (00974) 49 33 086, Fax: (00974) 49 33 087
Russian Federation
Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus in the Russian Federation.
Ul. Povarskaya 9, Moscow
Tel: (007095) 7442944, Fax: (007095) 7442945
E-mail: [email protected]
Ambassador is also accredited to Armenia, Belarus, Georgia,
Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan
Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus in Serbia.
9 Diplomatska Kolonija
11040 Belgrade
Tel: (0038111) 3672725, Fax: (0038111) 3671348
E-mail: [email protected]
South Africa
High Commission of the Republic of Cyprus in South Africa.
Corner Church and Hill Str., Arcadia 0083
Pretoria, South Africa, P.O.Box 14554, Hatfield 0028
Tel: (0027 12) 3425258, Fax: (0027 12) 3425596
E-mail: [email protected]
Ambassador is also accredited to Zimbabwe, Namibia,
Mozambique, Botswana, Lesotho, Swaziland, Malawi,
Madagascar, Mauritius, Comoros.
Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus in Spain.
Castellana 45 - 4o y - 5o, 28046 v Madrid
Tel: (003491) 5783114, Fax: (003491) 5782189
E-mail: [email protected]
Ambassador is also accredited to Argentina, Chile, Uruguay,
WTO (World Tourism Organisation), IOOC (International Olive
Oil Council).
Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus in Sweden.
37, Birger Jarlsgatan, 4th floor, P.O.Box 7649, 10394
Tel: (00468) 245008, Fax: (00468) 244518
E-mail: [email protected]
Ambassador is also accredited to Norway, Latvia
Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus in the Syrian Arab Republic.
278G, Malek Bin Rabia Str., West Mezzeh
P.O.Box 9269, Damascus
Tel: (0096311) 6130812/3, Fax: (0096311) 6130814
E-mail: [email protected]
Ambassador is also accredited to Republic of Yemen.
United Kingdom
High Commission of the Republic of Cyprus in the United
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
93, Park Street, London W1K 7ET
Tel: (0044207) 4998272, Fax: (0044207) 4910691, 4912955
E-mail: [email protected]
Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus in the United States of
2211 R. St. North West, Washington D.C. 20008 – 4082
Tel: (001202) 4625772, Fax: (001202) 4836710
E-mail: [email protected]
Ambassador is also accredited to Canada, I.M.F., World Bank,
Permanent observer to the Organisation of American States
(OAS) and Permanent Representative to the International Civil
Aviation Organisation (ICAO).
Embassies / High Commissions
of other countries in Cyprus
High Commission of Australia
Annis Komninis 4, 2nd Floor, 1060 Lefkosia
P.O.Box 21331, 1506 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 75 30 01, 22 75 60 02, Fax: 22 76 64 86
E-mail: [email protected]
Office hours: 08:00–16:00 (Mon., Tues., Thur., Fri,)
08:00–15:30 (Wed.) Embassy of the Republic of Austria
Dimostheni Severi Ave. 34, 1st Floor, Office 101
1080 Lefkosia
P.O.Box 23961, 1687 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 41 01 51, Fax: 22 68 00 99
E-mail: [email protected]
Office hours: Monday–Friday: 08:00–16:00
Royal Belgian Embassy
The Riverside Forum
Chilonos 2A, Office 102, 1101 Lefkosia
Tel: 357 22 44 90 20, Fax: 357 22 77 47 17
E-mail: [email protected]
Office hours: 08:00–15:00 (Mon., Tues., Friday)
08:00–17:00 (Wed., Thur.) Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria
Konstantinou Palaiologou 13, 2406 Egkomi, Lefkosia
Tel: 22 672486, 22 67 27 40, Fax: 22 67 65 98
E-mail: [email protected]
Office hours: Monday – Friday: 08:00–14:00
Embassy of the People's Republic of China
Archimidous 30, 2411 Egkomi, Lefkosia
P.O.Box 24531, 1300 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 35 21 82/3, Fax: 22 35 35 30
E-mail: [email protected]
Office hours: Monday–Friday: 08:30–14:00
Embassy of the Republic of Cuba
Androcleous 1, (corner of Thoukididou), 1060 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 76 97 43, Fax: 22 75 38 20,
E-mail: [email protected]
Office hours: Monday – Friday: 08:30–13:30
Embassy of the Czech Republic
Arsinois 48, Strovolos, Lefkosia
P.O.Box 25202, 1307 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 42 11 18, Fax: 22 42 10 59
E-mail: [email protected]
Office hours: Monday-Friday: 07:30–16:00
Royal Danish Embassy
Dositheou 7, Parabuilding Block C, 4th Floor, 1071 Lefkosia
P.O.Box: 20995, 1665 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 37 74 17, Fax: 22 37 74 72
E-mail: [email protected]
Office hours: 08:30–12:30
Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt
Agiou Prokopiou 14, 2406 Egkomi, Lefkosia
P.O.Box 21752, 1512 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 44 90 50, Fax: 22 44 90 81
E-mail: [email protected]
Office hours: Monday–Friday: 08:00–15:00
Embassy of Finland
Arch. Makarios Ave. 9, Severis Building, 2nd Floor
1065 Lefkosia,
P.O.Box 21438, 1508 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 45 80 20, Fax: 22 44 78 80
Visiting hours: Monday - Thursday: 08:30-12:30, 13:00-17:00
Friday: 08:30-14:00
Embassy of France
Saktouri 14-16, 2nd Floor, 1080 Agioi Omologitai, Lefkosia
P.O.Box 21671, 1521 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 58 53 00, Fax: 22 58 53 50
E-mail: [email protected]
Office hours: Monday – Friday: 08:00–13:30, 15:30–18:30
Embassy of Georgia
Eleonon 26, 2060 Strovolos, Lefkosia
Tel: 22 35 73 27, Fax: 22 35 73 07
E-mail: [email protected]
Office hours: Monday-Friday: 09:00–17:00
Embassy of the Federal Republic
of Germany
Nikitara 10, 1080 Lefkosia
P.O.Box 25705, 1311 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 45 11 45, Fax: 22 66 5694
E-mail: [email protected]
Office hours:
1 October – 31 May: 07:00–16:00 (Monday-Thursday)
08:00–14:00 (Friday) 1 June – 30 September: 07:00–15:30 (Monday-Wednesday) 07:00–15:00 (Thursday)08:00–14.00 (Friday) Embassy of Greece
Leoforos Vyronos 8-10, 1096 Lefkosia,
P.O.Box 21799, 1513 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 44 51 11, Fax: 22 68 06 49
E-mail: [email protected]
Office hours: Monday – Friday: 08:30–15:30
Holy See – Apostolic Nunciature
Holy Cross Catholic Church
Pyli Pafou (Pafos Gate), 1010 Lefkosia
P.O.Box 21964, 1515 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 66 21 32, Fax: 22 66 07 67
E-mail: [email protected]
Office hours: Monday – Friday: 09:00–12:00
Embassy of the Republic of Hungary
Pringipos Karolou 2, 2373 Agios Dometios, Lefkosia
Tel: 22 45 91 30, Fax: 22 45 9134
E-mail: [email protected]
Office hours: Monday – Friday: 08:30–14:30
High Commission of India
Indira Gkandi 3, Montparnasse Hill, 2413 Egkomi, Lefkosia
P.O.Box 25544, 2413 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 35 17 41, 22 35 11 70, Fax: 22 35 04 02
E-mail: hcoffi[email protected]
Office hours: Monday – Friday: 09:00–17:30
Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Armenias 42, 2003 Akropolis
P.O.Box 28908, 2084 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 31 44 59, 22 31 58 96, Fax: 22 31 54 46
E-mail: [email protected]
Office hours:
08 Sept. - 13 June:
08:00-12:30, 14:00-16:00 (Mon.-Fri.)
16 June - 05 Sept.: 07:30-14:30 (Mon.-Fri.)
Embassy of Ireland
Aianta 7, 1082 Agioi Omologites, Lefkosia
P.O.Box 23848, 1686 Lefkosia
Tel: 22818183, Fax: 22660050
E-mail: [email protected]
Office hours: Mon-Fri: 08:00-17.00
Embassy of Israel
I. Grypari 4, 1090 Lefkosia
P.O.Box 25159,1307 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 36 95 00, Fax: 22 66 63 38
E-mail: [email protected]
Office hours: Monday – Friday: 08:00–15:00
Embassy of Italy
25th Martiou 11, 2408 Egkomi, Lefkosia
Tel: 22 35 76 35/6, 22 35 82 58, Fax: 22 35 76 16, 22 35 81 12
E-mail: [email protected]
Office hours: Monday – Friday: 08:00–14:45
Wed: 08:00–14:00, 15:00–17:30 Embassy of Lebanon
Chiou 6, 1101 Agios Dometios, Lefkosia
P.O.Box 21924, 1515 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 87 82 82, 22 87 82 83, Fax: 22 87 82 93
E-mail: [email protected]
Office hours: Monday – Friday: 08:30–14:00
People's Bureau of the Great Socialist
People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
Leoforos Stassinou 7, 1060 Lefkosia
P.O.Box 22487,1522 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 46 00 55, Fax: 22 45 27 10
E-mail: [email protected]
Office hours: Monday – Friday: 08:00–14:00
Royal Netherlands Embassy
Dimostheni Severi Ave. 34, 1080 Lefkosia
P.O.Box 23835,1686 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 87 36 66, 22 87 23 93/4, Fax: 22 87 23 99
E-mail: [email protected]
Office hours: Monday – Friday: 08:00–15:00
Embassy of the Republic of Poland
Leoforos John Kennedy 12-14, Office 302,
1087 Lefkosia,
Tel: 22 75 35 17, 22 75 37 84, Fax: 22 75 19 81
E-mail: [email protected]
Office hours: Monday - Friday: 08:00–16:00
Embassy of Portugal
Arch. Makarios III Ave.,
9 Severis Building, 5th Floor, office nr. 51 Lefkosia
P.O.Box 27407, 1645 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 37 51 31, Fax: 22 75 64 56
E-mail: [email protected]
Embassy of the State of Qater
c/o Hilton Cyprus
Archbishop Makarios III Ave.,
P.O.Box 22023, 1516 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 46 68 64, Fax: 22 46 68 65
E-mail: [email protected]
Embassy of Romania
Pireos 27, 2023 Strovolos, Lefkosia
P.O.Box 22210, 1518 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 49 53 33, Fax: 22 51 73 83
E-mail: [email protected]
Office hours: Monday – Friday: 08:00–16:00
Embassy of the Russian Federation
Gonia Agiou Prokopiou & Arch. Makariou III,
2406 Egkomi, Lefkosia
P.O.Box 21845, 1514 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 77 46 22, 22 77 21 41, Fax: 22 77 48 54
E-mail: [email protected]
Office hours: Monday – Friday: 08:00–14:00
Embassy of Serbia
Vasilissis Olgas 2, 1101 Egkomi, Lefkosia
Tel: 22 77 75 11, Fax: 22 77 59 10
E-mail: [email protected]
Office hours: Monday – Friday: 08:00–14:00
Embassy of the Slovak Republic
Kalamatas 4, 2002 Strovolos, Lefkosia
P.O.Box 21165, 1503 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 87 96 81, Fax: 22 31 17 15
E-mail: [email protected]
Office hours: Monday – Friday: 08:00–14:00
Embassy of the Kingdom of Spain
Leoforos Strovolou 32, 4th floor, 2018 Strovolos, Lefkosia
P.O.Box 28349, 2093 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 45 04 10, Fax: 22 49 12 91
E-mail: [email protected]
Office hours: Monday - Friday: 09:00–13:00
Embassy of Sweden
Arch. Makarios Ave. 9, Severis Building, 2nd Floor
1065 Lefkosia,
P.O.Box 21621, 1511 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 45 80 88, Fax: 22 37 45 22
E-mail: [email protected]
Office hours: Monday-Thursday: 08:30–12:30, 13:00–17:00
Friday: 08:30–12:30, 13:00–14:30 Embassy of Switzerland
Themistokli Dervi 46, Medcon Tower,
6th Floor, 1066 Lefkosia
P.O.Box 20729, 1663 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 46 68 00, Fax: 22 76 60 08
E-mail: [email protected]
Office hours: Monday - Friday: 09:00–12:00
Embassy of the Syrian Arab Republic
Nikodimou Mylona 24, 1071 Lefkosia
P.O.Box 21892, 1514 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 81 73 33, Fax: 22 75 69 63
E-mail: [email protected]
Office hours: Monday - Friday: 08:30–14:30
Embassy of Ukraine
Miaouli 10, Makedonitissa, 2415 Egkomi, Lefkosia
Tel: 22 46 43 80, Fax: 22 46 43 81
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
Office hours: Monday-Friday: 09:00–18:00
U.K. British High Commission
Alexandrou Palli str.,
P.O.Box 21978, 1587 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 86 11 00, Fax: 22 86 13 15, 22 86 12 00
E-mail: [email protected]
Office hours:
Embassy of the United States of America
Gonia Metochiou & Ploutarchou, 2407 Egkomi, Lefkosia
P.O.Box 24536, 1385 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 39 39 39, Fax: 22 78 09 44
E-mail: [email protected]
Office hours: Monday – Friday: 08:00–17:00
Representation of the European
Commission in Cyprus
Vyronos Ave. 30, 1096 Lefkosia
P.O.Box 23480, 1683 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 81 77 70, Fax: 22 76 89 26
E-mail: [email protected]
Office hours: Mon.-Fri.: 09:00–17:00
European Parliament office in Cyprus
Vyronos Ave. 30, 1683 Lefkosia
P.O.Box 23440, 1683 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 46 06 94, Fax: 22 76 77 33
E-mail: [email protected]
Palestine Cyprus Representation
Yianni Psichari 31, 1107 Lefkosia
P.O.Box 24669,1302 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 31 50 10, Fax: 22 31 23 01
E-mail: [email protected]
Office hours: Monday – Friday: 08:30–13:30
In case of emergency, immediate response is given by the following
telephone numbers, where English is spoken:
Night Pharmacies: 11892 or automatic recording (for Lefkosia 90901412, Lemesos 90901415,Larnaka 90901414, Pafos 90901416,Ammochostos 90901413).
AIDS Advisory Centre: 22 30 51 55NARCOTICS Emergency Service: Information Centre for drugs and Poisoning: 90901401 22 60 30 00(Accidents & Emergency) Makareio Hospital: Lemesos General Hospital: Lemesos Old General Hospital: 25 30 53 33Larnaka General Hospital: Larnaka Old General Hospital: Pafos General Hospital: Paralimni Hospital: Paralimni Hospital: Agros Rural Health Centre: Platres Rural Health Centre: Estate Agents
For information about purchasing immovable property in
Cyprus, or for renting furnished or unfurnished flats or houses,
for a stay of over 30 days, interested visitors may:
(a) contact the Cyprus Real Estate Agents Association
38, Gr. Digheni Ave. & 3, Deligiorgi str.
P.O.Box 21455, 1509 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 88 97 59, 22 88 98 90, Fax: 22 66 75 93
E-mail: [email protected],www.ccci
(b) refer to the yellow Pages of the Cyprus Telephone Directory for the Estate Agents. (or visit the
Europe Direct
In the service of the European citizen
The Europe Direct Service at the European Institute of Cyprus
offers immediate answers to your general enquiries about the
European Union or signpost you to other sources of
Contact us
Free Toll Telephone line: 8000 11 12
E-mail: [email protected]
Fax: 22 66 35 40
Visit the Europe Direct Information Centres
Europe Direct Nicosia
European Institute of Cyprus
Presidential Palace 11-13, 1081 Lefkosia
Europe Direct Limassol
European Institute of Cyprus
Famagusta Municipality
138, Archibishop Makarios III Avenue, 3507 Lemesos
Ferry Boats
For the time being there is a no ferry boat connection between
Cyprus and other countries. There are, however, several
cruises from Cyprus to Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, Greece
and the Greek Islands. (See page 86 for cruises).
Flight Information
Flight information and assistance for reservations, connections
and bookings can be obtained directly from the Airline of
interest during office hours, or through the relevant Airline
Office at the airport. Please see relevant " Airlines" section in
this booklet (pages 20-25).
An automated Flight Information Service is now also availablefor flight information to and from Larnaka & Pafos InternationalAirports. When callers dial the pancyprian telephone number77 77 88 33, they are requested to dial the last three digits oftheir flights so that the automated system may inform them onthe arrival or departure time of their flight of interest. LiveAgents are also availble between 08:00-23:00 hrs daily.
Flight time from Cyprus to:
3 hours 30 min.
1 hour 40 min.
3 hours 30 min.
4 hours 30 min.
3 hours 30 min.
2 hours 25 min.
Flower shops are found all over Cyprus and provide:
– fresh flowers for every occasion– flower and dry arrangements– bouquets, plants– various decoration arrangements– night services are also provided by some florists.
Representatives of Interflora and Teleflora in Cyprus providefacilities for those who wish to send flowers to friends abroad.
Assistance for sending flowers abroad through Interflora andTeleflora is also given by nearly all other florists on the island.
– Georgina Flower Boutique Ltd., (Teleflora):
Leoforos Severi 15, Lefkosia, Tel: 22 66 42 42 – Elysée Flower Shops (Interflora): Chr. Sozou 2E, Lefkosia, Tel: 22 67 75 55, 22 66 15 47.
– Hawaii Flower shop (Interflora): a) Diagorou 10A, Lefkosia, Tel: 22 67 66 67, 22 66 37 11b) Leoforos Arch. Makariou III, 142A, Lemesos Tel: 25 381304, 25 3815 53 c) Arch. Kyprianou 10, Tel: 24 65 49 73, Larnaka – Elgia Flower Shops (Interflora): Leoforos Arch. Makariou III, 141, Lemesos, Tel: 25 38 20 53 – Oasis Flower Shop (Interflora): F. Zannetou 11A, Larnaka, – Begonia Garen Centre Ltd. (Teleflora): Leoforos Apostolou Pavlou, Pafos, Tel: 26 94 22 32 Florists can be traced through the yellow pages of the CyprusTelephone Directory.
Food Safety and Drinking
Water Quality
In Cyprus the safety of food and drinking water quality is
monitored by the Health Inspectors of the Medical and Public
Health Services of the Ministry of Health and the Local
Authorities. Food and drinking water are of high quality,
absolutely safe and no food or water-borne diseases occur.
Cyprus is also free from dangerous infectious diseases.
No vaccination requirements for any International Traveller.
-Climatic conditions in Cyprus can be termed as
excellent from a health point of view. Therefore, the climate is
ideal for holiday travellers throughout the year.
Food and Wines
Gourmets will particularly appreciate what Cyprus has to offer,
as Cyprus cuisine consists of dishes very rich in taste, and
unique in specialities.
Within the very large range of the Cyprus cuisine,the threefavourites are: – "Mezé", a rich collection of as many as 20 small dishes of food.
– "moussaka", minced meat and eggplant topped with creamy – "souvlakia", kebabs of pork, lamb or chicken The products of local marine aquaculture, seabream(tsipoura), seabass (lavraki) and prawns (garides) arebecoming popular among the cypriots and the tourists.
Cyprus wines, famous since ancient times, are more thanmaintaining their tradition by becoming increasingly competitivein the International market. The quality of Cyprus table–winesfeatures amongst the best in the world and the great varietyprovides a match for every kind of food and every palate.
Approximate cost for a bottle of Cyprus wine of 0,75 litre in arestaurant or a taverna: from €10,00.
Foreign Investment
Cyprus's investment policy is completely liberal and allows
100% foreign participation in all sectors of the economy not
only for EU citizens but also for investors from third countries.
All restrictions concerning maximum allowable percentage of
foreign participation, as well as minimum level of foreign
investment in any enterprise in Cyprus, has been lifted as from
January 2000 for EU-citizens and from 1st October, 2004 for
non - EU citizens unless otherwise stated in the legislation e.g.
the acquisition and development of land.
For further information please contact: Ministry of Finance
Finance & Investment Division
1 Michalaki Karaoli Str., 1439 Lefkosia
Tel: 357 22 60 11 72, Telefax: 357 22 60 27 48
E-mail: [email protected]
Ministry of Commerce and Industry and Tourism
6 Andreas Araouzos Street, 1421 Nicosia
Tel: 357 22 86 71 00, Telefax: 357 22 37 51 20
E-mail: [email protected]
Green Cyprus
The Cyprus Agrotourism/ Rural tourism programe, as designed
and launched by the Cyprus Tourism Organisation, encourages
the conversion of traditional houses in certain picturesque
villages for tourist use.
A significant number of traditional houses have already beenconverted into accommodation establishments in accordancewith the relevant Regulations under the Hotels Law, further toTown and Planning approval and Building Permit, and receivedtheir classification and operation licence from the CTO. Yet,others are currently going through the aforementioned process.
In total, there are 104 traditional houses with bed capacity of829 beds in 47 villages.
"The Cyprus Agrotourism Company" which draws itsmembership from owners of traditional houses has beenestablished in 1996 with the initiative of the Cyprus TourismOrganisation. The Company has 63 members.
The Company has produced a promotional publication titled"Traditional Holiday Homes" in English, German and Greek.
The publication is available free of charge from any C.T.O.
Office in Cyprus or abroad.
The Cyprus Agrotourism Company has developed a Web-site( and a Central Reservations systemwhich enables on line-bookings for 74 traditional houses, in 38villages.
For further information and reservation requests, please
contact the Company at tel: (00357) 22340071 or by
E-mail at: [email protected]
Future prospects for Agrotourism in Cyprus are looking bright,and the presentation of the Agrotourism Programme with theprestigious British Airways Tourism for Tomorrow Award(European Winner, 1998) came as a recognition of the effortsof all those involved in the Programme.
On the occasion of the International Year of Ecotourism 2002,the Cyprus Agrotourism Program has also been included in theWTO puplication "Sustainable Development of Tourism - Acompilation of good practices" as well as in the Web-site of theSmall Island Development States - Ecotourism Success Stories.
CTO participates in a series of initiatives for the promotion of the Cyprus Agrotourism Program such as Radio, TV, articlecontribution to Media as well as presentations in European

and International Tourism Seminars and programmes.
For further information please contact:
Cyprus Tourism Organisation
Tel: 22 69 11 00 or 22 69 12 16, Fax: 22 33 97 23
P.O.Box 24535, CY 1390 Lefkosia
E-mail: [email protected]

Hair-dressing salons
Hair–dressing salons in Cyprus are open on weekdays from
08:00-17:30 (19:00 in summer) except Thursdays and Sundays.
It is advisable to book for an appointment, even though this is
not always necessary.
Indicative approximate prices for a shampoo and set: €17,00 -
Most leading hotels have hair–dressing salons on their
premises, with English–speaking personnel. A small tip is
always appreciated.
Hallmarking in Cyprus
Precious metals control has been established in most
European countries for years.
The hallmarking of articles of precious metals (gold or silver)
protects consumers from being cheated and it ensures fair
competition and market growth.
All jewellery and precious metal articles placed in the Cyprus
market are hallmarked and worth the value they are sold for.
Hallmarking in Cyprus is carried out, since 1995, by the
Cyprus Assay Office which is located in Larnaca.
Hallmarking is a reliable symbol for quality.
For more information, please visit the website of the CyprusAssay Office at Handicrafts
Traditional hand–made items can be purchased from souvenir
shops, found in every corner of the island.
At the Handicraft Centre in Lefkosia (Leoforos Athalassas186,Tel: 22 30 50 24), visitors can see the artisans lace making,weaving, woodcarving, making pottery, basket weaving,producing leather articles, silver items, mosaics and othersmaller handicrafts.
The workshops are open from Monday to Friday 07:30–14:30and Thursday 15:00–18:00 (no afternoon in July-August). Alarge variety of hand–produced items are on sale at theCentre's shop. The Cyprus Handicraft Service has similar shops in:Lemesos, Themidos 25, tel: 25 30 51 18Larnaka, Cosma Lysioti 6, tel: 24 30 43 27Pafos, Leoforos Apostolou Pavlou 64, tel: 26 30 62 43 At Laiki Geitonia and at Chrysaliniotissa Multi-Craft Centre inLefkosia, craftsmen still produce art and craft–work in thetraditional way and from the shops there, visitors can buygenuine masterpieces of Cyprus hand–made items. In variousvillages and districts many kinds of hand–made art andcraft–work are still produced by villagers in the traditional way.
Some of these renowned villages are:
FOINI: on the southern slopes of Troodos mountains about an
hour's drive from Lemesos. Village known for its pottery, laces
and traditional chairs.
OMODOS: on the southern slopes of Troodos mountains,
about an hour's drive from Lemesos. Village known for its
PANO + KATO LEFKARA: off the Lefkosia – Lemesos
motorway, 45 minutes drive from Lemesos or Larnaka. Village
known for its embroideries and silverware.
MOUTOULLAS: Marathasa valley, on the northern slopes of
Troodos mountains. Village known for its traditional wooden
carved basins.
LIOPETRI, SOTIRA: Ammochostos (Famagusta) area, 10
minutes drive from Agia Napa. Villages known for their basket
KORNOS: 40 minutes drive from Lemesos, off the Lefkosia –
Lemesos motorway. Village, known for its pottery.
GEROSKIPOU: 3 km east of Pafos town. Village known for its
basket weaving and pottery.
FYTI: Pafos area, 45 minutes drive from Pafos. Village known
for its weaving.
MESOGI: 9 km north of Pafos town. Village known for its
basket weaving.
Libraries / Cultural Centres
In Cyprus there are Municipal Libraries and Libraries
belonging to private Institutions. All are open to the public for
reading and local research only.
The main libraries are:
1. Ministry of Education – Library Konstantinou Palaiologou, LefkosiaTel: 22 30 31 80, 22 67 61 18 2. Severeios Library, Plateia Arch. Kyprianou, LefkosiaTel: 22 46 67 18 3. Archiepiskopou Makariou III Cultural Centre Library, (within the Archbishopric premises), LefkosiaTel: 22 43 00 08 4. The Nicosia Municipal Arts Centre – Library Apostolou Varnava 19, P.O.Box 21015, 1500 LefkosiaTel: 22 79 74 00 5. University of Cyprus - Library Kallipoleos 75, 21000 AglantziaTel: 22 89 20 36 6. Research Centre of the Holy Monastery of Kykkos – Archangelos Michaïl Monastery, LefkosiaTel: 22 37 00 02 7. Achilleios Library Konstantinou Palaiologou 30, LefkosiaTel: 22 76 30 33 8. Kykkos Monastery – Library Kykkos, Tel: 22 94 27 44 9. Municipal Library of Lemesos 10. Larnaka Municipal Library Stadiou & Gr. Afxentiou, Larnaka, Tel: 24 65 41 85 11. Pafos Municipal Library Plateia 28 Oktovriou, Pafos, Tel: 26 93 38 47 Foreign Cultural Centres and Libraries
1. American Center c/o Embassy of the United States of AmericaGonia Metochiou & Ploutarchou, 2407 Egkomi, Lefkosia,Tel: 22 39 39 39 2. British Council Aristotelous 1-3, 1011 Lefkosia, Tel: 22 58 50 00 3. Centre Culturel Français Metochiou 14, 1101 Lefkosia, Tel: 22 45 93 33 Libraries / Cultural Centres
In Cyprus there are Municipal Libraries and Libraries
belonging to private Institutions. All are open to the public for
reading and local research only.
The main libraries are:
1. Ministry of Education – Library Konstantinou Palaiologou, LefkosiaTel: 22 30 31 80, 22 67 61 18 2. Severeios Library, Plateia Arch. Kyprianou, LefkosiaTel: 22 46 67 18 3. Archiepiskopou Makariou III Cultural Centre Library, (within the Archbishopric premises), LefkosiaTel: 22 43 00 08 4. The Nicosia Municipal Arts Centre – Library Apostolou Varnava 19, P.O.Box 21015, 1500 LefkosiaTel: 22 79 74 00 5. University of Cyprus - Library Kallipoleos 75, 21000 AglantziaTel: 22 89 20 36 6. Research Centre of the Holy Monastery of Kykkos – Archangelos Michaïl Monastery, LefkosiaTel: 22 37 00 02 7. Achilleios Library Konstantinou Palaiologou 30, LefkosiaTel: 22 76 30 33 8. Kykkos Monastery – Library Kykkos, Tel: 22 94 27 44 9. Municipal Library of Lemesos 10. Larnaka Municipal Library Stadiou & Gr. Afxentiou, Larnaka, Tel: 24 65 41 85 11. Pafos Municipal Library Plateia 28 Oktovriou, Pafos, Tel: 26 93 38 47 Foreign Cultural Centres and Libraries
1. American Center c/o Embassy of the United States of AmericaGonia Metochiou & Ploutarchou, 2407 Egkomi, Lefkosia,Tel: 22 39 39 39 2. British Council Mouseiou 3, Lefkosia, Tel: 22 58 50 00 3. Centre Culturel Français Metochiou 14, 1101 Lefkosia, Tel: 22 45 93 33 4. Russian Cultural Centre Alasias 16, 1075 Lefkosia, Tel: 22 76 16 07 The above cultural centres possess a very rich collection ofbooks and periodicals for reference.
L.P.G. Gas
L.P.G. Gas in Cyprus is available in 10 kg portable cylinders,
which can be bought from petrol stations, grocery shops and
supermarkets. Mini gas cylinders of 250 grams are also on
sale. L.P.G. gas is widely used for cooking and heating as it is
considerably cheaper than electricity. Gas cylinders can be
used at camping sites. L.P.G. price includes 5% V.A.T.
– There are no special stations for refilling gas cylinders.
– The use of L.P.G. gas in motor vehicles is not applied in Marinas, Yacht Harbours
Shelters, Slipways and
Apart from Larnaka Marina and St. Raphael Marina mentioned
herebelow, there is also a number of ports and fishing
shelters in Cyprus, which one may find on pages 166-167
under the title "Amateur Fishing".
Larnaka Marina is situated in the bay of Larnaka and lies 110
nautical miles from Lebanon and Syria, 145 n.m. from Israel,
230 n.m. from Egypt and 250 n.m. from Greece. The position of
the Marina is 34 deg. 55 min. North – 33 deg. 38 min. East.
The Marina, an official Port of Entry, has berthing facilities for450 yachts of various sizes.
The minimum depth of the useable part of the Marina isapproximately 1.5m and the maximum is 3.00m. (ATTENTION(2008): It is imperative that Vessels with a draught greaterthan 2 meters must enter with caution using their depth-sounder). The nature of the sea bed is MUD and SAND. TheMarina is entirely protected from all weather conditions.
All yachts moored in the Marina may use the following
services at a reasonable charge.
Water Supplied on board (included in berth fees)
Electricity Supplied on all quays at 220-240 volts/50HZ
(consumption measured)
Telephone, Telefax, Wi-Fi (near the office) and E-mail
are available at the Marina office.
Diesel-Fuel is available at the end of the main North pier and
Petrol at the Main Marina Fuel Station as well as butane gas
Yacht Repair/Facilities: Many independent private companies
operate inside the Marina for the hauling/ launching and
servicing/repairing of yachts.Attention!: Insurance and job-
terms are independently agreed.
Laundry–Showers–Lockers–Post Office boxes: Available
within the Marina.
Fire fighting equipment is installed throughout the Marina.
Public Address system to all areas.
– Serviced Asphalted Hard standing areas.
– English speaking schools 15 min. on foot from the Marina.
– Independent Brokerage.
– Dry Cleaners.
– Chandlery.
– Toilets, Showers and Coin-Operated washing Machines.
– Osmosis treatment units.
– Independent Private Boat Travel Hoists up to maximum
vessel weight 50,000 kgs and maximum vessel beam of 4.8metres.
Berthing Charges: These vary according to the duration of
stay and the length of the vessel.
The above information is liable to change. For any further
information please contact:
Larnaka Marina, CY 6023 Larnaka, Telex: 4500 CYTMAR
Tel: 24653110, 24653113, Fax: 24624110
E-mail: [email protected]

SINCE 2005 Larnaka Marina HAS BEEN full, no space
is available for periods exceeding 7 days.
2) It is absolutely imperative to communicate with the
marina well before your arrival
Yachts coming to or leaving Cyprus, can clear Customs andImmigration formalities from within the Marina.
Larnaka Marina has a Marine VHF communication service ona 24hrs basis (Listening: Ch16 Working Ch.8).
Vessels sailing to Cyprus must comply with the E.U.
regulations regarding sweage disposal.
For further information skippers must communicate with theirintended port of call well in advance.
The Marina, located at longitude 33 deg. 11 min. – latitude
34deg. 42min., is a very special feature of the Resort, ideal for
motor and sailing yacht enthusiasts.
There is 24–hour security with guards patrolling the Marinagrounds for the safety of the guests.
The breakwater is constructed in such a way as to protect theMarina from waves up to 5 metres in height.
Fire fighting equipment is installed throughout the Marinareaching all yachts within the area.
The space available for each yacht is fully supported by aMediterranean type mooring system for stern Mooring.
There are 227 berths accommodating boats up to 30m LOAand 4m draught.
Yachts are berthed to 3 concrete piers with all facilities,including connected freshwater, electricity, telephone, T.V. andhooked–up in–house video.
– Shuttle bus to/from town
– Public bus transportation – Public Address System – Ample parking – Toilets and Showers – Slipway maximum LOA 8.5m – Laundry and Dry Cleaners – Ship Chandler – Workshop for scrubbing off, painting, electrical or any other repairs and maintenance are available.
– Marine Hoist up to 60 tons capacity.
– Fishing trips Yachtpersons are part of the clientele of the resort and haveaccess to all St. Raphael Hotel facilities.
Yachts coming to, or leaving Cyprus can clear Customs andImmigration formalities from within the Marina Offices.
For further information please apply to:
St. Raphael Marina
P.O.Box 51933, CY 3509 Lemesos, Telex: 3229
Tel: 25 63 61 00 ext. 3312, Fax: 25 32 92 08
E-mail: [email protected].

For further information on yachting facilities (shelters, slipways
and anchorages) please be so kind to visit our
a) OCHI Square Open-Air Market (Constanza Bastion), (fruits
and vegetables)Wednesday: 06:00-17:00 b) Strovolos Municipal Market (open-air, fruits and vegetables) Dimitri Vikellou, Strovolos Industrial AreaFriday: 06:00-18:00 c) Central Municipal Market (fruits and vegetables) Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 06:00-15.00 d) Old Municipality Square Market (open-air, fruits and Lemesos
a) Central Municipal Market (fruits and vegetables)
b) Open-air Fruits and Vegetables market Off Makarios III Ave. (Epaminondas parking place)Saturday: 06:00-13:00 c) Linopetra Car- boot sale Saturday: 06:00-14:00 d) The Flea Market Asomatos villageSaturday, Sunday and Public Holidays: 09:00-19:00 Larnaka
a) Larnaka Municipal Market, Leontos Sofou str.
(near St Lazaros Church). (Fruits and vegetables) b) Dromolaxia Road (open-air, fruits and vegetables) Saturday: 06:00-14:00 c) Oroklini Car-boot sale Sunday: 06:00-18:00 Pafos
a) Pafos Municipal Market (fruits and vegetables)
b) Timi Car-boot sale, Timi village (near Pafos Airport) Sunday: 07:00-14:00 Mass Media
(Press / Broadcasting)
There are 8 daily and several weekly newspapers published
on the island. One of the dailies and two of the weeklies are in
English. These are the Cyprus Mail, the Cyprus Weekly and
the Cyprus Financial Mirror. There are also numerous
magazines and periodicals, some of which are concerned with
special interest subjects.
Most UK and some other European as well as Arabic newspapers
are on sale in Cyprus, usually one day after the day of issue.
Press and Information Office
The Press and Information Office (PIO) is the government
department which has been assigned the responsibility of the
interpretation and application of government policy on matters of
publicity and mass communications. It is further entrusted with
the task of promoting and publicising the work of the government,
the House of Representatives and the semi-government organi-
sations, through, among other things, the issuing of official press
releases to the media. It is also the central publishing agency for
the government and it has the task of the application of the press
and cinema laws and the official certification of translations. It is
also responsible for the implementation of the decisions taken
by the Advisory Committee on Enligtenment concerning audio-
visual productions, submission of texts in foreign publications,
enlightenment publications, book purchases and visits by foreign
journalists and academics. In addition the PIO is the central
agency for the enlightenment of world public opinion regarding
the Cyprus problem.
Further information may be obtained from:
Press and Information Office
Apellis Str., 1456 Lefkosia, Cyprus
Tel: 22 80 11 96, 22 80 11 21, Fax: 22 66 37 30
Email: [email protected]
Cyprus News Agency
The national, subscription-based, news agency of Cyprus. It
focuses on events in Cyprus or on developments abroad that
have a bearing on or are of particular interest to Cyprus. It
also covers major developments in the region. CNA reports in
Greek, Turkish and English on the Cyprus issue, domestic
politics, foreign policy, the economy, health, culture and sports.
Further information may be obtained from:
Cyprus News Agency
Kastorias Str., 2002 Strovolos,
P.O.Box 23947, 1687 Lefkosia - Cyprus
Tel: 22 55 60 00, Fax: 22 55 61 03
E-mail: [email protected]
a) The Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation (CyBC) transmits
four Radio Programmes: First, Second, Third and Fourth.
The First Programme, which airs on 97.2 FM from TroodosStation and 92.4 MHz from Vavatsinia Station, carriesPublic Information, Educational, Cultural, Sports andAthletics, Childrens' and Entertainment programmes.
The Second Programme transmits on 91.1 FM fromTroodos Station and 97.9 MHz from Vavatsinia Station andis CyBc's - non Greek - language programme. Its aim is toinform and entertain the island's non-Greek speaker, suchas the Turkish Cypriots, the members of the ArmenianCommunity, and non Cypriots either living on the island orvisiting. It features Turkish language programmes (6:00-17:00), Armenian (17:00-18:00) and English (18:00-24:00)with the English - language programme being re-broadcastbetween 00:00 and 06:00 on the next day.
The Third Programme goes out on 94.8 FM from TroodosStation and 94.0 MH z from Vavatsinia Station with itsworldwide coverage over the Internet also having estalishedits "Hellenism's Radio" given that its has forged channels ofCommunication between the islands and expatriateCypriots and Greeks alike in all corners of the world.
The Fourth Programme transmits on 88.2 FM from TroodosStation and 90.2 MHz from Vavatsinia Station and it is of apurely musical and informative nature.
b) There are numerous private radio stations, including six English language music stations: Energy (107,6 FM) whichtransmits all over Cyprus, Kiss FM (89.00), Mix FM (102.3)and Radio DJ (93.6) which transmit locally in Lefkosia area,Radio Napa which transmits locally in the Ammochostosarea, Coast FM (91,4) and Choice FM (104,3) which trnsmit locally in Lemesos area, as well as Rock FM whichtransmits locally in Pafos area.
c) BFBS (British Forces Broadcasting Service) (89.7). Radio BFBS is on the air 24hours a day with programmes inEnglish, designed for British Bases personnel. They includenews bulletins, music, competitions, local events, etc.
a) Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation transmits on three
Channels: CyBC ONE, CyBC TWO, and RIK SAT.
Television transmission is based on the system CCIR BR PALon all channels.
CyBC ONE broadcasts programmes 24 hours a day. Thereare eight news bulletins in Greek, at 07:00, 08:00, 09:00,14:00, 15:00, 18:00, 20:00 and 23:00.
CyBC TWO broadcasts programmes 24hours a day also. Thereis one news bulletin in English at 18:30 and one in Turkish at19:00. There is also a magazine programme in Turkish andGreek called BIZ/EMEI, Monday-Friday at 19:10. CyBC TWOlinks up with Euronews, transmitting from 06:00-08:00 hourson week days and 05:00-7:00 at weekends.
CyBC television is also linked to Eurovision for the livetransmission of major athletic and other music and culturalevents.
CyBC is also transmitting worldwide via satellite. RIKSATrelays all productions and its transmitting 24 hours a day. The20.00 News and the News in English and Turkish are repeatedafter midnight.
All programmes are broadcast in colour and the televisionservice provided is some of the best TV entertainment (mainlyin Greek and English) from British, American and other sources,in addition to Greek and locally produced programmes.
All CyBC Television and Radio Programmes can be found onINTERNET. Website: http.// b) Television programmes are additionally on the air daily through the following channels: – MEGA (Private channel) – ANT 1 - (Private channel) – SIGMA - (Private channel) – ERT SAT - (Greek public Television) – LTV (Lumiere TV) (Subscribers' TV channel) – Alpha TV (Subscribers' TV channel) – Local channels: Fred TV (Lefkosia), Paphos TV (Pafos), Magic TV Productions (Pafos), Omega TV (Pafos), VOX TV(Larnaka), New Extra TV (Lemesos), Capital TV (Lemesos),Nimonia TV (Lemesos).
– SSVC (British Forces TV) – Most hotels have installed satellite transmission and receive other channels i.e. CNN, BBC, SKY, NBC, SUPERCHANNEL, etc.
Medical Services
Medical care-needs in Cyprus are met through:
1. Government General Hospitals (see page 110) 2. Private Clinics/Hospitals Government General Hospitals and Private clinics/hospitalsare mostly concentrated in urban areas, while health centres,subcentres, and dispensaries function in the rural areas,providing a network to meet the medical needs of the wholepopulation.
All Government General Hospitals as well as some privateclinics have Accident and Emergency Departments foremergency cases. (See also title "Emergencies").
Medical treatment and assistance is offered free of charge tointernational tourists in case of health emergencies at theAccident and Emergency Department of GovernmentHospitals/Institutions. Out-patient and in-patient treatment isprovided against payment of the prescribed fees, except forEU citizens who produce form E111, issued by their country'shealth care authorities.
Holidaymakers can also make use of their health insurance,which covers medical expenses, provided that this insurancecovers the length of their stay on the island.
Almost all brands of manufactured medicines are available inCyprus. Local newspapers list pharmacies which are openduring the night and on weekends/holidays, as well as thenames of doctors who are on call on weekends/holidays.
Information on private doctors on call on
weekends/holidays is given by the following telephone

Most hotels make arrangements for Medical services for theirguests upon request.
The majority of doctors can converse in english.
Private doctor's visiting hours (on weekdays): 09:00–13:00 hrsand 16:00–19:00 hrs.
Metric conversion
Cyprus converted from the Imperial system of weights and
measures to the Metric system, in 1987.
Weather temperature reports are now given in degreesCelsius, petrol is sold by the litre, grocery items are in gramsand kilograms and fabric lengths in metres. Road speeds anddistances area posted in kilometres per hour and kilometresrespectively.
If you are going to drive a motorcycle or moped you must
have the following in mind:
– The law states that both the driver and passenger must wear
a helmet. Rental agencies should supply helmet(s) at thetime of rental upon request.
– A passenger can be carried on appropriate moetorcycles/ mopeds provided that he/she is over 12-years-old and sitsastride the seat.
– Approximate prices for Motorcycles:
Rates vary according to the number of days and period of theyear.
a) Scooter €15,38-23,92 per dayb) Street €41,00-44,42 per day c) Enduro €17,09-41 per day – The above prices do not include V.A.T. 15%.
– Extra sum for insurance (approximate): €4,27-8,54 per day – Unlimited mileage.
– The International Motor-Cycle-Driving Licence is valid in Cyprus. Visitors may also drive vehicles using their nationalMotor-Cycle-Driving Licence, provided this is valid in theirown country for the class of vehicle they wish to drive. – 17 year old persons may not drive any vehicles, other than the Auto Cycles (49cc). Persons over 18 years may drivemotorcycles depending on the type of licence they hold.
– Firms hiring motor-cycles and auto-cycles can be found in all towns and holiday resorts.
National Parks
Troodos National Forest Park
, with an area of 93 km2 was
declared as such in 1992, while four areas within the Park (with
a total area of 220 ha) were declared as Nature Reserves. It is
covered mostly by natural black pine (Pinus nigra subsp.
) and brutia pine (Pinus brutia) forests. The Park is
a unique area for Cyprus with high ecological, recreational,
hydrological and geological values. It is part of the Natura
2000, the european network of protected areas. About 800
plant species were recorded here, 72 of them are endemic to
Cyprus, of which 12 are exclusive to the Park. Additionally,
about 80 species are recorded there. The Park offers many
recreational facilities, such as picnic sites, camping sites,
nature trails, facilities for winter sports etc. The Visitor Centre of
the Park is situated 200m west of the Troodos Square with a
main function to inform visitors about the Park and various
environmental issues and to provide environmental education
to schools.
Tripilos - Mavroi Gremmoi Nature Reserve, covers an area
of 3381 ha and its is situated in the middle of Pafos Forest. The
last natural stands of the endemic Cyprus Cedar (Cedrus
) which are restricted to this area, together with the
ancient stands of the endemic golden Oak (Quercus alnifolia)
make the area unique from the ecological point of view. The
presence of the Cyprus moufflon (Ovis gmelini ophion) and the
rare birds of prey (Hieraaetus fasciatus and Accipiter gentilis)
add a lot to the ecological value of the area. The area is part of
the Natura 2000 network and a designated Special Protection
Area under the Birds' Directive.
Akamas, Pegeia and Meleti Forests, with a total area of 7,140
ha, have been managed for the last twenty years as National
Forest Parks, although they have never been formally gazetted
as such. The Akamas Peninsula is the last remaining region on
Cyprus with large extent and complete pattern of low land
vegetation, most of it in good natural state. The Lara -Toxeftra
area is protected as a Marine Reserve and is of international
importance. The beaches of the area are some of the few known
nesting areas of the remaining populations of the Green turtle
(Chelonia mydas) and the Loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta).
The area will be proposed for inclusion in the Natura 2000network.
Petra tou Romiou National Forest Park, with an area of 349
ha, situated on the south-western costal zone, on the mainPafos - Lemesos road, 10km far from the city of Pafos. The area constitutes a typical Mediterranean eroded scrubland dueto past fires and overgrazing. It is a part of the Natura 2000network, it exhibits excellent scenery and includes manyrecreational facilties such as picnic site, nature and spot trailsand look out points.
Polemidia National Forest Park, just outside the town of
Limassol with an area of 125 ha, with a semi-natural and
natural vegation. It offers a variety of recreational facilities such
as picnic site, nature trails, children's playground, sports
grounds, cafeteria and kiosk.
Macheras National Forest Park, with an mountain range of
4523 ha, is situaed in the middle of the island on the eastern
end of the Troodos. The park has a unique historical and
outstanding ecological, sientific, hydrological and re creational
value. It has been indludd in the Natura 2000 network. Moe
than 600 plants hav been recorded there, 27 of them endemics
to the island. The whole area proved many recreatioanl
facilities such as 3 fully equipped picnic sssites and 5 natural
trails with social and historical sites. One of these trails has
been designed to be used by disabled visitors.
Athalassa National Forest Park, with an area of 840 ha with
man made vegetation, is situated near Lefkosia town, and offers
many recreational facilities, such as nature trails, picnic-sites,
botanical gardens, bird-watching sites and volley-ball, basket-
ball fields. A Visitor Centre and a botanical garden have been
recently created providing information to visitors and
environmental education to schools.
Paedagogical Academy National Forest Park, with an area
of 45 ha, with man made vegetation, is situated near Lefkosia
town, and offers many recreational facilities, such as picnic-
sites, nature trails etc.
Rizoelia National Forest Park, near the town of Larnaka,
covers an area of 97 ha and it offers recreational facilities,
such as picnic-sites, nature trails. The entire area has been
included in the Natura 2000 network, mainly because it hosts
habitats of European interest.
Cavo Gkreko, in the south east part of the island, is a National
Forest Park and occupies an area of 390 ha and offers facilities
for hiking, picnicking, cycling, horse-riding, climbing, swimming
and diving. The National Park Area together with other forest
and private land and the surrounding marine area have been
included in the Natura 2000 network.
Agios Nikandros National Forest Park, with an area of 26
ha, is situated on the coastal zone west of the village of Agia
Napa. A new development project is being pursued. A park
development plan is bein implemented and already a picnic
site and nature trail network have been recently completed.
Liopetri National Forest Park, with an area of 89 ha, is
situated on a coastal zone at the west of Agia Napa area. A currently implemented project under the coordination of theTown Planning and Housing Department aims at restoring thearea while preserving its unique scenery and natural feature.
Nautical Clubs / Sailing Clubs
a) The various nautical clubs in Cyprus, with the exception of
the Lefkosia nautical club, are responsible for all sports andcompetitions concerning sea sports, such as swimming,sailing etc.
b) Following the illegal military occupation of the towns of Ammochostos and Keryneia by Turkish Invasion forces in1974, the Nautical Clubs of these towns are temporarilylocated in Lemesos.
c) All the Nautical and Sailing clubs are members of the Cyprus Sports Organisation: Tel: 22 89 70 00, Fax: 22 35 82 22
E-mail: [email protected]
These clubs are the forming members of the Cyprus Yachting
Association: tel: 25 32 05 59, Fax: 25 32 89 53
E-mail: [email protected]
Famagusta Nautical Club
P.O.Box 54390, 3723 Lemesos, Old Lemesos – Lefkosia Rd.,
Tel: 25 32 40 56, 25 32 40 57
Keryneia Nautical Club
Old Lemesos – Lefkosia Rd., Lemesos
Tel: 25 32 24 14, 99 43 45 56
Larnaka Nautical Club
Larnaka – Dekeleia Rd., Larnaka, Tel: 24 63 53 99
Limassol Nautical Club
Old Lemesos – Lefkosia Rd., Lemesos
Tel: 25 32 42 82, 25 31 81 81
Nicosia Nautical Club
P.O.Box 24516, Lefkosia, Tel: c/o 22 78 06 80
Nicosia Sailing Club
Tel: c/o 22 88 22 55
Pafos Nautical Club
Municipal Plage, Pafos, Tel: 26 94 37 00
PONATHA (Pancyprian Offshore Sailing Club)
c/o Larnaka Marina or Arsinois 61B, 1010, Lefkosia
Passports and Visas
Admission and transit restrictions:

Entry regulations apply only to the areas controlled by theGovernment of the Republic of Cyprus. Passport: Required, except for holders of: – Laissez-Passer issued by the United Nations. – Document issued to stateless persons and recognised – Further to the above, citizens of the European Union countries, as well as of Switzerland, Iceland, Liechtensteinand Norway may enter Cyprus with their national identitycard provided there is a photograph.
The Government of the Republic of Cyprus refusesadmission to: 1. Holders of "passports" issued illegally by the secessionist entity, the so-called "Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus"(TRNC).
– The Government of the Republic of Cyprus is the only
recognised Government on the island - member of the EUsince 1.5.2004, as well as member of the UN and otherInternational Organisations. As a result of the Turkishmilitary presence and occupation, the Government of theRepublic of Cyprus is not in a position to exercise controlover the occupied areas of the Republic. The so-called"TRNC" has been condemned and declared as both illegaland invalid by the whole of the International Communitythrough Security Council Resolutions 541/83 and 550/84.
With the sole exception of Turkey, no state in the world orInternational Organisation recognises the secessionist entity.
– Presently, it is possible for foreign tourists who visit the government-controlled area of the Republic of Cyprus, tocross to the occupied areas. – Staying in Greek Cypriot owned hotels in the occupied areas, which are being illegally exploited, would put you atgreat risk of possible legal action on the part of the owners. – Travellers entering the Republic of Cyprus via the illegal / closed airports and ports (i.e. all the airports and ports in
the occupied areas), may still face the consequences of
the Laws of the Republic.
Therefore, you are urged to travel
via the recognised ports of entry, so as to avoid any
possible problems (provided that a visa has been granted
to you). The legal ports of entry into the Republic of Cyprus are the airports of Larnaka and Pafos and the ports ofLarnaka, Lemesos (Limassol), Latsi and Pafos, which aresituated in the area under the effective control of theGovernment of the Republic of Cyprus. Any entry into theterritory of the Republic of Cyprus via any other port orairport in the Turkish-occupied areas of Cyprus is illegal. 2 For those intending to be employed in Cyprus, the issue of an employment permit by the Civil Archive and Migration Officeis required and no visa is required in order to travel to Cyprus. A. List of Third Countries, whose citizens are required to
have a visa to enter the Republic of Cyprus:
Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Angola, Armenia, Azerbaijan,Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belize, Benin, Bhutan, Bolivia,Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Burkina Faso,Burma/Myanmar, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cape Verde,Central African Republic, Chad, China, Colombia, Comoros,Congo, Cuba, Democratic Republic of Congo, Djibouti,Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, EquatorialGuinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Fiji, Former Yugoslav Republic ofMacedonia, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Grenada,Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, India, Indonesia, Iran,Iraq, Ivory Coast, Jamaica, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya,Kiribati, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia,Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Maldives, Mali, Marshall Islands,Mauritania, Micronesia, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro,Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Nauru, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria,North Korea, Northern Marianas (Islands), Oman, Pakistan,Palau, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Philippines, Qatar, Russia,Rwanda, Samoa, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and theGrenadines, Sao Tome and Principe, Saudi Arabia, Senegal,Serbia, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, Somalia, South Africa,Sri Lanka, Sudan, Suriname, Swaziland, Syria, Tajikistan,Tanzania, Thailand, Timor - Leste (East Timor) Togo, Tonga,Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu,Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu,Vietnam, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe Entities and territorial authorities:
Taiwan, Palestinian Authorities.
B. List of Third Countries whose nationals do NOT
require a visa for a stay of up to 90 days, provided
they are bona fide visitors:

Andorra, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Australia, Bahamas,Barbados, Brazil, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, CzechRepublic, Chile, Costa Rica, Croatia, Guatemala, Holy See (State of the Vatican), Honduras, Israel, Japan, Malaysia,Mauritious, Mexico, Monaco, New Zealand, Nicaragua,Panama, Paraguay, Salvador, Saint Kitts and Nevis, SanMarino, Seychelles, Singapore, South Korea, United States ofAmerica, Uruguay, Venezuela.
Special Administrative Regions of the People's Republic ofChina: Hong Kong S.A.R., Macao S.A.R. C. Additional categories of persons who do NOT require
1. Holders of Diplomatic passports of Moldova, Russian Federation, Ukraine, Montenegro, Serbia, BosniaHerzegovina and Albania.
2. Holders of Diplomatic or Service passports of Armenia, China, Colombia, Iran, Seychelles and Georgia.
3. Holders of Diplomatic, Service or Official passports of Cuba and India.
4. Holders of Diplomatic or Service or Special passports of Egypt and Lebanon.
5. All civilian air and sea crew.
6. The flight crew and attendants on emergency or rescue flights and other helpers in the event of disaster oraccident. 7. The civilian crew of ships navigating in international 8. The holders of laissez-passer issued by the United Nations to their officials. 9. School pupils having the nationality of a third country listed in paragraph A who reside in a Third Country listedin paragraph B and are travelling in the context of aschool excursion as members of a group of pupilsaccompanied by a teacher from the school in question. 10. All persons who are in possession of work permit issued by the Civil Archive and Migration Officer. 11. All persons who possess permanent or temporary residence permit issued by the Civil Archive andMigration Officer. 12. All persons who possess study permit. Where Visas are being issued:
Visas will be issued by all the Diplomatic Missions (Embassiesand General Consulates) of the Republic of Cyprus, and by allthe Honorary Consulates of the Republic of Cyprus abroad intheir respective countries. Additionally visas can also beissued by the British High Commissions / Embassies in thefollowing countries: Argentine Republic, Bahrain, Hong Kong,Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Oman, Switzerland,Sudan, United Arab Emirates (Abu Dhabi, Dubai), Uzbekistan.
Fees for visas vary between €10,25 – 34,17 according to thetype of visa required.
Visa Application Procedure and Documents Required
1. Applications must be submitted in person. However, for
those who reside more than 200 miles (300 kms) from theConsulate, the applications may be submitted by recordeddelivery enclosing a registered self-addressed specialdelivery envelope for the safe return of the passport the anddocuments. 2. One completed application form signed by the applicant (or the legal guardian in the case of minors) with 2 passportsized photographs attached. 3. A full national passport valid for at least three months longer than the validity of the visa being applied for. Visitorswishing to obtain a visa are advised to be in possession of apassport valid at least for 6 months beyond the period ofintended stay. 4. The visa for the return country must be valid for at least three months beyond the period of intended stay. 5. Provisional Books or Itinerary of travel arrangements (Round trip ticket with fixed dates) is a must. Ticket shouldnot be purchased before the visa is issued. 6. Prior Hotel Reservation faxed by the Hotel Manager. 7. If visiting on business, an official letter of invitation from a Cyprus company must be presented. 8. If visiting friends or family, a letter of invitation from them with their full address, phone number and occupation inCyprus (and often, along with a certified Assumption ofResponsibility form, duly completed and signed by the host).
9. Solid evidence that there are sufficient funds to cover the cost of the intended stay in Cyprus, e.g. a bank statementor travellers' cheques (credit cards can be accepted only inaddition to bank statements and only with recent statementconfirming credit limit. Please note that cash is not anacceptable proof). 10. A recent (less than one month old) official letter from the employer addressed to the Cyprus Consulate with proof ofthe applicants wages / salary. If self-employed, a letterfrom the solicitor, the accountant or the bank manager ofthe applicant. If a student in the country of the Consulate,an original letter from the school or University addressedto the Cyprus Consulate confirming the status / attendanceand the duration of the course. 11. The Consulate may also ask for a copy of a Bank Guarantee Letter from the host, throughout a visitor's stayin Cyprus, so as to cover the possible cost of repatriation.
Bank Guarantee Letters are issued for the amount of:€854,30 for visitors from Sri Lanka, the Philippines, China,and other Asian countries €512,58 for visitors from the CIS, and other Eastern Europe countries. €341,72 for visitors from Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Egyptand other Middle East countries.
For any further information please contact the: Consular DepartmentMinistry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cyprus,Presidential Palace Avenue,1447, Lefkosia CYPRUSTel: +357 22 401124 / 401125Fax: +357 22 661881 / 665313 / 665778Email: [email protected] Pedestrians
Pedestrians at uncontrolled zebra crossings have precedence
over vehicles.
Pedestrians must remember that traffic moves on the LEFTside of the road. Therefore you must always: a) Walk on the pavement. If case there is no pavement, walk on the right side of the road. (ie. towards the oncomingtraffic) b) Look both to your right and left before crossing any road.
c) Pedestrians are not allowed to enter motorways nor are allowed to walk at the edge of the motorway.
Pharmacies / Chemists (see page 63)
The Department of Postal Services issues every year a limited
number of commemorative stamps. Due to their exquisite
designs, refined printing and variety of themes, Cyprus stamps
won the love and appreciation of collectors everywhere.
Information can be obtained from the Stamps and Philatelic
Service - 1900 Lefkosia. Tel: + 357 22 80 57 26, 22 80 57 31,
Fax: + 357 22 30 41 54
E-mail: [email protected]
Cyprus, an island of widely varied landscape offers excellent
and countless opportunities to photographers.
However visitors must note that there are certain "restrictedareas" for photography and they are requested kindly to paystrict attention to such warning signs.
Photography is forbidden: a) near military camps or other military installations.
b) in museums where a special licence is required by the c) in churches with mural paintings and icons, if "flash" is Photo Services
Photo laboratories in Cyprus provide imaging service (film &
digital), video and photo services. Films and photo equipment,
of almost all brands are sold in Cyprus at various photo
laboratories (studios), at specialized shops or at the Duty Free
Fast processing, instant photo or video recording services arealso provided by Photo Fast laboratories on the island For photographic equipment, and further information onPhotographers one may consult the yellow pages of theCyprus Telephone Directory.
Crime in Cyprus is, comparatively, at a very low level. The
Police is always ready to provide any assistance to persons
who need help. In case of emergency call 112. For complaints,
dial 1460 and for drugs information contact Policy Drug Law
Enforcement Unit at 1498.
Cyprus is a natural port of call for ships cruising the
Mediterranean, especially the Eastern, as well as a gateway to
a wealth of archaeologocial treasures and various other
unique attractions.
Seasonally, locally based cruise lines help locals and tourists
alike get a first hand perspective of the splendors of Egypt,
Israel, Lebanon, Syria and of course the Greek Islands. Many
international cruise lines use Cyprus as a major port of call on
their European and Mediterranean itineraries.
The legal ports of entry into the Republic of Cyprus are the
airports of Larnaka and Pafos and the ports of Larnaka,
Lemesos (Limassol), Latsi and Pafos, which are situated in
the area under the effective conrol of the Government of the
Republic of Cyprus. Any entry into the territory of the Republic
of Cyprus via any other port in the Turkish-occupied areas of
Cyprus is illegal.
Lemesos port is the largest port of the island, located on the
South coast of Cyprus at a distance of 60km from Larnaka and
Pafos International Airports. It has modern, specialized
facilities and equipment to serve different categories of
customers and different types of cargo as well as of ships and
passengers, offering fast, safe, reliable and unimpeded links
between the island and the outside world.
Lemesos port is a significant cruise centre. It is certainly one ofthe most important cruise centers in the Eastern Mediterranean and is included in the itineraries of many international cruiseships sailing in the region. It is also a permanent base forCypriot-owned cruise ships which, seasonally carry outexcursions in the region to the benefit of local and foreigntourists.
Services offered to travellers at Lemesos port include:
– Tourist information
– Customs and immigration facilities
– First aid station
– Foreign exchange
– Duty free shops
– Cafeteria and mini market
– Card and coin operated telephones
– Transportation services (taxi with the rates based on taximeters
and buses connecting the port with the town centre).
– Internet access facilities LARNAKA PORT
Larnaka port is the second largest port of the island, located
on the Southeast coast of Cyprus, next to Larnaka city center
and Larnaka marina. The distance from the port to Larnaka
International Airport is only 5km. It has modern, specialized
facilities and equipment to serve different catgories of
customers and different types of cargo as well as of ships and
passengers, offering fast, safe, reliable and unimpeded links
between the island and the outside world.
Larnaka port which is also a significant cruise centre and isincluded in the itineraries of many international cruise shipssailing in the region, has a modern passenger terminal offeringthe following services to the passengers: Services offered to travellers at Larnaka port include:
– Customs and immigration facilities
– First Aid station
– Cafeteria
– Card and coin operated telephones
– Transportation services (taxi with the rates based on taximeters
and buses connecting the port with the town centre).
Postal and courier services
Post Offices offer the following services:
– Air Mail (letter, post items and parcels) with all countries
– Money orders with most European Countries
– EMS / DATAPOST - courier service with more than 123
– SAL (surface air lifted service) for letter, post items and Post offices are open as follows:
District Post Offices
(Lefkosia, Larnaka, Lemesos, Pafos),
Eleftheria Square Post Office in Lefkosia:
September - June:
Monday – Friday: 07:30 – 13:30
15:00 – 18:00 (except Wednesday) July- August:Monday – Friday: 07:30 – 13:00 (Lemesos City Centre Post Office is closed on Saturdays) All other Post Offices:
September - June:
Monday-Friday: 07:30 - 13:30
Thursday afternoon: 15:00-17:30
July- August:
Monday – Friday: 07:30 - 13:00
All Post Offices remain closed on Sundays and Public
Holidays (see page 140).
Stamps may be purchased from: all Post Offices and all
Postal Agencies (hotels, news–stands kiosks, etc).
Airmail Postage Rates (including refugee stamp):
a) To Europe and the Middle East:
Letters not exceeding 20grs: €0,53 (€0,51 + 0,02 refugeestamp) Postcards: €0,45 (€0,43 + 0,02 refugee stamp) b) To USA, Africa, Far East, Australia and New Zealand: Letters not exceeding 20 grs: €0,70 (€0,68 + 0,02 refugeestamp)Postcards: €0,45 (€0,43 + 0,02 refugee stamp) c) Airletters to all countries: €0,45 (€0,43 + 0,02 refugee stamp) Post Offices offering Poste Restante service:
Lefkosia: Plateia Eleftherias, Tel: + 357 22 30 32 19
Lemesos: Gladstonos 3, Tel: + 357 25 80 22 59
Larnaka: Plateia Vasileos Pavlou, Tel: + 357 24 80 24 06
Pafos: Nikodimou Mylona, Tel: + 357 26 81 85 20
Cyprus Postal Museum (see page 33)
Philately (see page 135)
Courier Services are available by the relevant section of the
Postal Services and by private companies, in all towns.
Airmail letters take approximately three to four days to Europe
but courier services which give a fast "next day or sooner"delivery, are available.
1. EMS/DATAPOST Service: Tel: 22 80 58 07, 77 77 80 13
2. D.H.L. (Cyprus) Ltd.: Tel: 77 77 73 45
3. T.N.T. EXPRESS WORLDWIDE: Tel: 22 60 62 01/2/3
4. ACS COURIER SERVICES: Tel: 77 77 73 73
5. FEDEX (FEDERAL EXPRESS): Tel: 22 71 01 00
6. UPS-UNITED PARCEL SERVICE: Tel: 77 77 72 00
1. EMS/DATAPOST Service: Tel: 25 80 22 59, 77 77 80 13
2. D.H.L. (Cyprus) Ltd.: Tel: 77 77 73 45
3. FEDEX (FEDERAL EXPRESS): Tel: 25 34 31 34
4. T.N.T. EXPRESS WORLDWIDE: Tel: 22 60 62 01/2/3
5. ACS COURIER SERVICES: Tel: 77 77 73 73
6. UPS-UNITED PARCEL SERVICE: Tel: 77 77 72 00
1. EMS/DATAPOST Service: Tel: 24 80 24 06, 77 77 80 13
2. D.H.L. (Cyprus) Ltd.: Tel: 77 77 73 45
3. T.N.T. EXPRESS WORLDWIDE: Tel: 22 60 62 01/2/3 4. ACS COURIER SERVICES: Tel: 77 77 73 73 5. FEDEX (FEDERAL EXPRESS): Tel: 24 62 56 106. UPS-UNITED PARCEL SERVICE: Tel: 77 77 72 00 Pafos
1. EMS/DATAPOST Service: Tel: 26 81 85 12, 77 77 80 13
2. DHL AGENT c/o: Tel: 77 77 73 45
3. ACS COURIER SERVICES: Tel: 77 77 73 73
1. EMS/DATAPOST Service: Tel: 23 82 14 44, 77 77 80 13
2. ACS COURIER SERVICES: Tel: 77 77 73 73
Agia Napa:
1. EMS/DATAPOST Service: Tel: 23 72 12 94, 77 77 80 13
Public Holidays
January 1:
Green Monday (50 Days before GreekOrthodox Easter) Greek National Day Greek Cypiot National Day Good Friday (Greek Orthodox Church) Easter Monday (Greek Orthodox Church) Pentecost-Kataklysmos (Festival of the Flood) Dormition of Virgin Mary (Assumption Day) Cyprus Independence Day Greek National Day (Ochi Day) December 24: Christmas EveDecember 25: Christmas DayDecember 26: Boxing Day – All Public Services, private enterprises, banks and shops are closed on Public Holidays. In resort and coastal areas, however, shops and certain services remain open. – Banks are closed on Easter Tuesday but not on Dec. 24. VARIABLE PUBLIC HOLIDAYS
FOR THE PERIOD 2009 – 2013

Good Friday(Greek Orth. church)Easter Sunday(Greek Orth.
church)Easter Monday(Greek Orth.
church)Monday of(Pentecost - Religion – Various Denominations
Throughout the island:
Masses: Saturday: 16:30–17:30 hrs (winter),
18:30–19:15 hrs, (summer)
Sunday: 06:15–09:15 hrs(For more information about Cyprus Orthodox Church pleasesee pages 63-65).
Anglican Church (St. Paul)
Leoforos Vyronos, Tel: 22 67 78 97, Tel/Fax: 22 44 52 21
e-mail: [email protected]
Main Service: Sunday: 09:30, 18:00 hrs (set service)
Sunday: 09:30 (July, August) Armenian Church (St. Mary)
Armenias, Akropolis, Tel: 22 49 35 60, Fax: 22 49 27 50
e-mail: [email protected]
Services: Saturday: 16:00 hrs (winter), 17:00 hrs (summer)
Sunday: 07:30, 09:00 hrs Roman Catholic Church (Holy Cross)
Pyli Pafou, Tel: 22 66 21 32, Fax: 22 66 07 67
e-mail: [email protected]
Masses: Weekdays: 18:30hrs (English)
Tuesday: 07:30hrs (Greek)Saturday: 18:30hrs (English), Every Second Saturday of the month 16:00 hrs (French)Sunday: 08:00, 09:30, 18:30 (English) (11:00hrs Philippino, Sri Lankan etc.) Greek Evangelical Church
Gladstonos 20, Tel: 22 66 47 29, 22 77 42 50, Fax: 22 66 44 84
Worship: Sunday 09:00 hrs
German Evangelical Church
At St Paul's Anglican Church, Leoforos Vyronos
Tel: 25 31 70 92
Services: every first and third Saturday of the month at 18:00 hrs
Maronite Church
a) Panagia ton Chariton
Pyli Pafou, Agiou Marona 8, Tel: 22 67 88 77, Fax: 22 31 49 19
Masses: Monday to Saturday: 07:30 hrs
Sunday: 07:30, 08:30, 10:00 hrsSunday: 07:30, 08:30 hrs (July, August) b) Saint Maron,
Agiou Marona 17, Anthoupolis, Tel: 99 68 69 38, Fax 22 31 49 19
Masses: Daily: 18:30 hrs (Greek)
Saturday 18:30 hrs (Arabic)Sunday: 08:30 hrs (Greek) Omeriye Mosque
Prayer: Friday: 12:30–13:30 hrs
Anglican Church (St. Barnabas)
Archiepiskopou Leontiou A' 153A (opposite the Lemesos Old
Hospital), Tel: 25 36 27 13
e-mail: [email protected]
Worship: Sunday: 10:00 hrs
St. Catherine's Catholic Church
Ierousalim 2 & 28 Oktovriou 259
Tel: 25 362946, Fax: 25 34 62 90
Mass Times: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday:
18:30 hrs (English) Tuesday, Friday: 18:30 hrs (Greek)Saturday: 18:30 hrs (English)Sunday: 08:00 (English), 09:30 (Greek),11.00 (Latin), 18.30 hrs (English) Armenian Church (St. Kevork)
Vasili Michaïlidi, c/o Tel: 24 65 44 35 (Priest's Res.)
Service: Every other Sunday: 09:30 hrs
Greek Evangelical Church
Platonos 10A, Tel/Fax: 25 38 27 18, Tel: 25 34 27 31
Worship: Sunday: 10:30–12:00 hrs
Bible study: Wednesday: 17.30–18.30 hrs
German Evangelical Church
a) At 5B Isavellas str., Germasogeia village, Tel. 25 31 70 92
Services: every first and third Sunday at 11:00 hrs (Sep.-June)
b) At St Barnabas Church (opposite the Lemesos old Hospital)
Services: fourth Saturday of the month at 18:00 hrs (Sep.-June)
Coptic Orthodox Church
St Mary Church (behind Agios Athanasios Cemetery)
P.O.Box 54528
Service: Sunday: 08:30–11:00 hrs (Arabic and Greek)
Russian Orthodox Church
Agios Stylianos (old Church) in Linopetra area
Tel: 25 33 36 18 (Father Savvas Michaelides)
Liturgy: Saturday: 17:00 hrs
Sunday: 08:30 hrs
Anglican Masses
a) Agia Kyriaki / Chrysopolitissa Church, Kato Pafos,
Tel. 26 95 30 44, 99 21 26 27 (Reverent Tony Jeynes) Fax: 26
95 24 86
e-mail: [email protected]
Services: Sunday: 08:30 hrs and 18:00 hrs
Holy Communion: Wednesday 09:00 hrs
b) St Stephen's Church, Tala Village, Pafos
c/o Tel: 26 95 30 44, 99 21 26 27 (Helen Smith)
Fax: 26 95 24 86
e-mail: [email protected]
Service: Sunday 11:00 hrs
Roman Catholic Masses
a) Agia Kyriaki / Chrysopolitissa Church, Kato Pafos
Tel: 26 93 13 08, Fax: 26 93 13 08e-mail: [email protected] Services: Sunday: 10:00 hrs (Latin), 11:00 hrs (German,
Polish), 12:00 hrs (English), Sat: 18:00 hrs
b) Pissouri Beach area, c/o Tel: 26 93 13 08 Sunday: 18:00 hrs German Evangelical Church
At Agia Kyriaki /Chrysopolitissa Church, Kato Pafos
Services: every second Saturday of the month at 16:00 hrs
POLIS, Pafos District
Roman Catholic Mass
St. Nicholas Church, Polis - Catholic Mass
c/o Tel: 26 93 13 08
Mass: Sunday: 10:00 hrs
Anglican Masses
St. Luke's Church, Prodromi Village, Pafos
c/o Tel: 26 95 30 44, 99 21 26 27 (Helen Smith)
Fax: 26 95 24 86
E-mail: [email protected]
Service: Sunday 09:30 hrs
Anglican Church (St. Helena)
Leoforos Gr. Afxentiou & Ag. Elenis
Tel: 24 65 13 27, 24 62 68 24 (10:00-12:00 hrs)
e-mail: [email protected]
office e-mail: sthelenasoffi[email protected]
Sunday: Holy Communion: 09:30 hrs
Evening worship: 18:30 hrs Armenian Church (St. Stefanos)
Armenikis Eklisias, c/o Tel: 24 65 44 35 (Priest's Res.)
Services: Every other Sunday: 09:30 hrs
Santa Maria delle Grazie
Catholic Church
Terra Santa 8, Tel: 24 64 28 58, Fax: 24 43 49 53
e-mail: [email protected]
Masses: Mon. - Sat: 08:00 hrs; (Italian)
Monday-Saturday: 18:30 hrs (English)
Sunday: 08.00 hrs (Greek), 09:30 hrs (English) and
18:30 hrs (Polish)
Greek Evangelical Church of Cyprus
Grigori Afxentiou (opposite Old Hospital Bldg.),
P.O.Box: 42114
Tel: 24 62 59 27, 99 64 92 54, 24 36 51 52 (community
Church), Fax: 24 62 39 95
Worship Service: Sunday: 09:00 hrs (English),
11:00 hrs (Greek), 13:00 hrs (Philippino, Chinese)
Bible study: Thursday: 19:00 hrs (Greek)
At the Cyprus Jewish Community Centre
Diogenous 7, 6020 Larnaka
P.O.Box 42461, 6534 Larnaka
Tel.: 24 82 87 70, 99 9316 79, Fax.: 24 82 87 71
Shabbat Service:
Saturday: 10:00 hrsFriday: 19:00 hrs AGIA NAPA (AMMOCHOSTOS AREA)
Anglican Mass (Anglican South-East
Paschalis Centre 18-19, Nissi Road 9
P.O.Box 30421, 5343 Agia Napa
Tel.: 23 72 27 98, 23 81 10 45 (Father Michael Crawford)
Service: Sunday 11:00 hrs
Roman Catholic Mass
Atlantica Aeneas Hotel
P.O.Box 30476, 5344 Agia Napa
c/o Tel.: 24 64 28 58
Mass: Sunday: 12:00 hrs - noon (English)
Note: It is expected that visitors to any place of worship will
show the courtesy and respect of proper dress (not over –
casual), and will obtain permission before taking

Locally produced items, which are popular to visitors, include
leather goods, woven goods, (curtains and tablecloths),
ceramics, copperware, handmade silverware and jewellery,
baskets, and the famous traditional hand–made Lefkaritika
lace. These can be purchased from the many souvenir and
other shops found throughout the island as well as the Cyprus
Handicraft Centres in Lefkosia, Lemesos, Larnaka and Pafos.
Cyprus wines and spirits, which have been famous forcenturies, are also high on visitors' shopping lists, and can bepurchased from supermarkets or grocery shops.
Shoes, shirts, imported textiles, spectacles and watches aregood value for money.
In most of the tourist areas, both souvenir shops andsupermarkets remain open until late in the evenings and allday on Sunday.
In towns, shops may remain open up to 19:30 hrs during theWinter period (November-March) and up to 20:30 hrs duringthe Summer period (April - October). As from 15th of June till31st of August shops in towns close between 14:00 and 17:00hrs for the summer afternoon break.
On Sundays, shops in towns are closed. On Wednesdaysshops close at 14:00 hrs.
Just before Christmas and Easter, shops usually remain openuntil late in the evening.
Shopping in Cyprus is not just enjoyable but also profitable.
(See pages 182-183 for V.A.T. refund).
Sightseeing Tour Operators
Organising Tours on a regular
A. Guided excursions are organised by Sightseeing Tour
Operators, and reservations for these excursions can bemade either by contacting directly the Sightseeing TourOperators or through a hotel Reception.
B. Tours are available from: Lemesos, Pafos, Larnaka, Agia Napa, Paralimni and Polis. Tours may also be arrangedfrom Lefkosia.
C. The excursions include: a) Visits (half–day or full–day) to almost all the important places of interest throughout the island, i.e.:archaeological sites, museums, monasteries, oldchurches, interesting villages, etc., b) The services of qualified guides, licensed by the Cyprus Tourism Organisation, c) Transportation in airconditioned coaches to and from a d) Entrance fees (unless otherwise stated in the Sightseeing Tour Operators programme).
D. Evening tours are also organised by the Sightseeing Tour Operators and these usually include dinner at a localrestaurant where one can sample the typical Cyprusspeciality, the meze, and enjoy folk dances, bouzoukimusic, etc.
E. Short boat trips are also organised along the coast.
Note: For further information, pamphlets and booking
arrangements please apply directly to the Sightseeing Tour
Operators, or to your hotel reception.

1. Aeolos Sightseeing Tours
Travel Agency: Aeolos Travel
6, Zenas Kanther str., 1065 Lefkosia
P.O.Box 21236, 1504 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 88 12 22, Fax: 22 67 62 22
E-mail: [email protected]
2. Airtour – Cyprus Sightseeing
Travel Agency: Airtour CTA Ltd.
4, Naxou str., 1070 Lefkosia,
P.O.Box 25108, 1307 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 45 27 77, Fax: 22 37 52 20
E-mail: [email protected]
3. Amathus Tours
Travel Agency: Amathus Public Co. Ltd.
2, Syntagma Square, 3036 Lemesos
P.O.Box 50046, 3600 Lemesos
Tel: 25 34 64 64, Fax: 25 37 11 72
E-mail: [email protected]
4. E.A.L. Tours Ltd
Travel Agency: E.A.L. Tours Ltd.
8, Louki Akrita str., 2nd floor, Off. 205, 3030 Lemesos
P.O.Box 51117, 3501 Lemesos
Tel: 25 35 52 73, Fax: 25 34 71 91
E-mail: [email protected]
5. Elpis Travel & Tours Ltd
Travel Agency: Elpis Travel & Tours Ltd
39, Elia Papakyriakou str., Makedonitissa, 2415 Lefkosia
P.O.Box 27571, 2430 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 35 34 01, Fax: 22 35 33 97
E-mail: [email protected]
6. Eman Tours & Travel
Travel Agency: Eman Tours & Travel Ltd.
32, Makarios III Ave., Agia Napa
P.O.Box 30073, 5340 Agia Napa
Tel: 23 72 13 21, Fax: 23 72 21 90
E-mail: [email protected]
7. Louis Tourist Agency
Travel Agency: Louis Tourist Agency Ltd.
54–58 Evagorou Ave., 1096 Lefkosia
P.O.Box 21301, 1506 Lefkosia
Tel: 77 77 85 55, Fax: 22 67 18 94
E-mail: [email protected]
8.Salamis Tours Excursions
Travel Agency: Salamis Tours Ltd.
28th Oktovriou str., Salamis House, Lemesos
P.O.Box 50531, 3607 Lemesos
Tel: 25 86 00 00, Fax: 25 36 44 10
E-mail: salamis@salamis–
9. Sea Island Sightseeing Tours
Travel Agency: Sea Island Travel & Tours Ltd
Ithakis str., Neapolis Center, G1-G3, 3107 Lemesos
P.O.Box 54256, 3722 Lemesos
Tel: 25 58 37 28, Fax: 25 58 09 92
E-mail: [email protected]
10. Akmon Travel & Tours
Travel Agency: DACTARI TRAVELS AND TOURS LTD 25, Chr. Kranou, Pot.Germasogeias, 4041 LemesosP. O. Box 58380, 3733 LemesosTel: 25322210, Fax: 25315921E-mail: [email protected] 11. Argonaftis Tours
Travel Agency: HOT TRAVEL AND TOURS LTD317 E, 28th October Str., Kanika Business Center, 3105P. O. Box 51721, 3508 Lemesos Tel: 25586333 Fax: 25585650E-mail: [email protected] 12. M.T.S Summertimes Travel LTD
Travel Agency: M.T.S. SUMMERTIMES TRAVEL LTD9, Agiou Athanasiou Ave., 4102 LemesosP.O. Box 54828, 3728 LemesosTel: 25812222 Fax: 25320600E-mail: [email protected] 13. New Anesis Travel & Tours LTD
Travel Agency: NEW ANESIS TRAVEL & TOURS LTD85, Poseidon Ave., Limnaria Complex, shop 61, 8042 PafosP. O. Box 64254, 8073 Pafos Tel : 26961074 Fax: 26961079E-mail: [email protected] 14. Pafos Travel
Travel Agency: PAFORENTALS LTD 41, Poseidonos Ave., 8042 PafosTel: 26947058 Fax: 26938090E-mail: [email protected] 15. Sea Dream Tours
Travel Agency: SEA DREAM TOURSENTERPRISES LTD32, Stratigou Timagia Ave., ISSA Court Suite 202,6051 Larnaka P. O. Box 40864, 6307 LarnakaTel: 24812990 Fax: 24812988E-mail: [email protected] 16. Socrates Travel & Tours
Travel Agency: SOCRATES TRAVEL AND TOURS LTD54, Agapinoros Str., Monica Court Shop 6, 8049 PafosP. O. Box 61188, 8134 PafosTel: 26931918 Fax: 26931917E-mail: [email protected] 17.West End Travel
Travel Agency: WEST END TRAVEL41, Poseidonos Ave., Office 11, 8042 PafosP. O. Box 61135, 8131 PafosTel : 26949666 Fax: 26949374E-mail: [email protected] Travel Agency: TAMASOS TOURS LTD30A, Chytron Str., 1075 LefkosiaP. O. Box 27444, 1645 LefkosiaTel: 22762683 Fax: 22768984E-mail: [email protected] Sports
The excellent weather conditions prevailing in Cyprus, for
more than 330 flyable days per annum, offer ideal conditons
for airsport activities.
The Cyprus Airsports Federation offers the opportunity for
sightseeing, pleasure flying and flight training.
The Cyprus Airsports Federation is a member of the FAI and
its annual events include National Aerorallies, trips to the
Greek islands and the neighbouring countries, Parachuting,
Hang-Gliding, Para-Gliding and Aeromodelling championships.
General Information: Cyprus Airsports Federation
P.O.Box 28940, 2084 Lefkosia
Tel/Fax: 22 33 97 71, Fax: 22 33 97 72
E-mail: [email protected]
Get in touch with:
– Stavros Kypragoras (PARACHUTING) Tel: 99 64 30 68
– Sotos Christoforou (HANG GLIDING) Tel: 99 60 62 11
– Demetris Antoniou ( PARAGLIDING) Tel: 99 40 65 07
– Ioannis Papaiakovou (POWER FLYING) Tel: 99 42 98 79
– Apostolos Prastitis (AEROMODELING) Tel 99 67 77 19
According to the revised Fisheries Law Cap. 170 of 1990, the
Fisheries Regulations of 1990 until 2007, Regulation 12, special
licenses must be obtained for those interested in angling in
dams from: the Head Office of the Department of Fisheries and
Marine Research in Lefkosia or from the District Offices of the
Fisheries Department.
Licenses are personal and are issued to persons over 12years old. Persons under 12 years old are allowed to fish onlyif their name is written on the licence of their parent of gurdian.
The fee is €17,00 for each reservoir separately and €34,00 forall reservoirs. All licences issued, expire by the end of eachyear. Also group licences are issued to organised groups afterapplication of the representative of the interested group. Thislicence is valid for not more than 15 days and the fee is €8.50per person.
The Department of Fisheries and Marine Research sells, at
€3,42 each, a booklet in English with coloured pictures of all
fish found in the reservoirs and useful information to the anglers.
Licenses are valid only when the reservoir is declared open by
the Director of the Department of Fisheries and Marine
Vithleem 101, CY 1416 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 80 78 62, 22 80 78 30-32, Fax: 22 77 59 55
District Offices of Fisheries Department
and Marine Research
Lemesos: Corner of Voukourestiou 25 and Theodektou 2
Tel: 25 81 73 12, Fax: 25 30 55 43
Larnaka: Leoforos Piale Pasha (at the fishing shelter),
Tel: 24 30 42 94, 24 82 34 07/8, Fax: 24 30 45 75
Pafos: Pafos Harbour, Tel: 26 30 62 68, 26 81 58 49/50,
Fax: 26 30 63 61, Fax: 23 73 10 71
Poseidonos Ave. Tel: 26 82 16 77/8, Fax: 26 82 16 81
Latsi: Chapo Latsi complex, Leof. Akamantos,
Tel: 26 81 52 54/5, Fax: 26 81 51 83
Paralimni Fishing Shelter: (near the Golden Coast Hotel)
Tel: 23 83 41 70, Fax: 23 83 41 71
The reservoirs are stocked with 17 species of fish. The most
popular are: Trout, Largemouth bass, Carp, Pikeperch,
Roach, etc.
Twenty-three reservoirs in Cyprus provide excellent fresh-water
fishing opportunities throughout the year. These can be found in:
Kafizes reservoir: 78 km (48 miles) from Lefkosia, north-west
of Troodos mountains.
Kalopanagiotis reservoir: 70 km (44 miles) from Lefkosia,
south–west of Troodos.
Lympia reservoir: 22 km (14 miles) south–east of Lefkosia town.
Tamasos reservoir: 17km (13 miles) from Lefkosia, 1 km
south of Pera village.
Lefka reservoir: 64km (40 miles) from Lefkosia on the
northern foothills of Troodos mountains.
Palaichori reservoir: 39 km (24 miles) from Lefkosia on the
north slopes of Adelfoi mountains.
Klirou-Malounda-Akaki reservoir: 35 km (20 miles) from
Lefkosia on the north slopes of Adelfoi mountains.
Lemesos District
Germasogeia reservoir: 10 minutes drive north of Lemesos town.
Kouris reservoir: 25 minutes drive north–west of Lemesos town.
Prodromos reservoir: 4 km (2,5 miles) from Troodos
mountains square.
Polemidia reservoir: 10 minutes drive north-west of Lemesos
town (catch and release only).
Larnaka District
Dipotamos reservoir: 30 minutes drive east of Kato Lefkara.
Lefkara reservoir: near Lefkara village, 40 km (25 miles) west
of Larnaka town.
Kalavassos reservoir: 40 km (25 miles) north–east of
Aradippou reservoir: 8km (5 miles) north-west of Larnaka.
Pafos District
Asprokremmos reservoir: 16 km (10 miles) east of Pafos
Mavrokolympos resevoir: 11 km (7 miles) north–west of
Pafos town.
Evretou reservoir: 10 minutes drive south of Polis.
Argaka - Magounda reservoir: 15 minutes drive north-east of
Agia Marina reservoir: 20 minutes drive north-east of Polis.
Arminou reservoir: 30 km (19 miles) north-east of Pafos town.
Kannaviou reservoir: 50 km (20 miles) north of Pafos town.
Ammochostos (Famagusta) District
Akhna reservoir: 25 km (16 miles) North–East of Larnaka town
(catch and release only).
BirdLife Cyprus is an NGO that promotes the protection of the
birds of Cyprus and their habitats. Birdwatching trips and
social events are organized for members and the general
public. For further information please contact BirdLife Cyprus
BirdLife Cyprus
P.O.Box, 28076, 2090 Lefkosia
Tel.: 22 45 50 72, Fax: 22 45 50 73
E-mail: [email protected]
A) Ten-pin Bowling
– Kykko Bowling
Archimidous 15-19, 2411 Egkomi, LefkosiaTel: 22350085 – Space Bowling Erakleous 1, 4531 Mouttagiaka tourist area, LemesosTel: 25310000 Arch. Makarios Ave. 53, 4003 Mesa GeitoniaTel: 25 75 06 66, Fax: 25 75 52 88 – Rock 'N' Bowl Dhekelia Road (opposite Beau Rivage Hotel), LarnakaTel: 24822777 – Cosmic Bowling Ap. Pavlou Ave., PafosTel: 26 22 00 33 B) Lawn/green Bowling
Bowling GreenClub Aphrodite complex94 Gallias, Erimi village, LemesosTel: 25932488 C) Carpet Bowling
Athena Beach HotelPoseidonos Ave., 8101 PafosTel: 26 96 53 00, Fax: 26 88 46 01 – Athena Royal Beach Poseidonos Ave, 8101 PafosTel: 26 88 46 00, Fax: 26 88 46 01 – Pioneer Beach Poseidonos Ave, 8101 PafosTel: 26 96 45 00, Fax: 26 96 43 70 Poseidonos Ave, 8102 PafosTel: 26 96 43 33, Fax: 26 96 48 70 CLIMBING
Climbing in Cyprus is becoming more and more popular as it
offers closeness to nature as well as the rewards of physical
effort and achievement.
Traditional climbing, bouldering and sport climbing (bolted
routes) can be practised on the island.
Three locations are particularly suitable for rock climbing, such
as the "Eagle Rock", near the villages of Ineia and Drousheia,
30 km north of Pafos town, the "Chassamboulia" rock in the
Valley of the Diarizos River in Pafos district and Cavo Gkreko
in Agia Napa area.
If you are a beginner or on your own and wish to climb, make
sure you are accompanied by a qualified instructor provided by
Cyprus Climbing and Mountaineering Federation.
For further information please contact:
Cyprus Climbing and Mountaineering Federation
Contact name: Mr. Pavlos Georgiades
Tel: 99 42 78 92
E-mail: [email protected]
Cyprus is a natural mountain–biking place. Its terrain offers
many opportunities for exciting mountain–biking in different
tracks, making the island a paradise for the sport's fans.
Due to the excellent weather conditions prevailing on the island,
cycling sports can be enjoyed almost throughout the year,
especially in autumn through spring.
Facilities for renting bicycles are available in all towns and
sea-side resorts (approx. rent €9–18 per day). Also there are
facilities for renting professional road and maintain bikes at
very decent prices.
General traffic regulations correspond to those in Europe, buttraffic in Cyprus moves on the left hand–side, NOT ON THERIGHT.
International road traffic signs are placed along roads andhighways.
Sunglasses and sunhat, at all hours of the day, during thesummer months, are most advisable.
The Cyprus Cycling Federation can inform you about differentcompetitive or non-competitive cycling activities that happenacross the island. In these activities and events everyone iswelcome to participate There are various Cycling Clubs in the Island that organizevarious leisure cycling activities and events where everyone iswelcome to participate. These activities include weekly rides inthematic routes all over the country.
The Cyprus Cycling Federation organizes several road and mountain bike events in spring, like the famous Afxentiamountain bike stage race, the "Cyprus Sunshine Cup" andmore international and national races. In all the events hobbyriders are welcome to take part. In 2007 for the first time thefamous German Bike Masters, an MTB Marathon seriesstarted from Cyprus in February with big success.
Recently a new cycling network was developed in the area ofTroodos Mountain. The network consists of 57km of asphaltedand non asphalted roads. The network is signposted along theway, as well as several view points and rest points.
A leaflet on Cycling and Cycling Centres can be obtained fromall CTO Offices in Cyprus and abroad.
Cyprus Cycling Federation:
Amphipoleos 21, 2025 Strovolos, Lefkosia
Tel: 22 44 98 70, Fax: 22 44 98 71
Email: [email protected]
Lemesos Cycling Club:
P.O.Box 56142, CY 3304 Lemesos, Tel: 25 58 59 80
Cyprus Sunchine Cup – MTB international MTB events:
E-mail: [email protected]
Due to the island's mild winters many football teams of
Nothern and Central European countries use Cyprus for their
winter training.
Football grounds with grass offering a wide range of facilitiescan be found in all towns and sea-side resorts.
For more specific information on football grounds(reservations, fees etc) please contact directly: Ammochostos (Famagusta) area:
1) Agia Napa Municipality
P.O.Box 30026, 5340 Agia Napa
Tel: 23 81 63 08, Fax: 23 72 26 07
E-mail: [email protected]
Football Fields: 16
2) Paralimni Municipality P.O.Box 33033, 5310 Paralimni
Tel: 23 73 04 00, Fax: 23 82 50 23
E-mail: [email protected]
Football Fields: 4
P.O.Box 30476, 5344 Agia Napa Tel: 23 72 40 00, Fax: 23 72 36 77
E-mail: [email protected]
Football Fields: 3
Larnaka district:
1) New Stadium G.S.Z.
P.O.Box 40313, 6303 LarnakaTel: 24 53 26 02, 24 53 26 00, Fax: 24 53 16 03Football Fields: 1 2) Alpha Sport Centre Kalogreon Str., Elpa Leivadiotis Office 14-15
P.O.Box 41062, 6309 Larnaka
Tel: 24 65 23 64, 24 65 77 44, 99 43 49 92
Fax: 24 65 77 53
E-mail: [email protected]
Football Fields: 5
Lemesos district:
1) Tsirion Stadium (G.S.O.)
Domnitsas Lanitou - Kavounidou str.
3116 LemesosTel: 25 38 73 70, Fax: 25 33 16 29Football Fields: 5 2) Germasogeia Municipal Stadium Germasogeia Municipality - LemesosAgias Paraskevis 39, Germasogeia, 4044 LemesosTel: 25 87 98 98, Fax: 25 87 34 34Football Fields: 1 1) Pafiako Athletic Centre (operates under the Cyprus Sports Organisation)
3km east of Pafos town centre
Tel: 22 89 70 00, Fax: 22 35 82 22
E-mail: [email protected]
Football Fields: 1
2) Kinyras-Riu Cypria Maris Sport Centre Makarios Avenue 91, 8201 Geroskipou, Pafos
Tel: 26 94 16 04, Fax: 26 94 21 76
E-mail: [email protected]
Football Fields: 4
3) Avanti Village Holiday Resort Poseidon Avenue, P.O.Box 61082, 8130 Pafos, Cyprus
Tel: 26 96 55 55, Fax: 26 96 55 11
E-mail: [email protected]
Football Fields: 1
Lefkosia district:
1) G.S.P. Athletic Centre
P.O.Box 21099, 1501 LefkosiaTel: 22 51 50 44, Fax: 22 51 27 31 E-mail: [email protected]
Football Fields: 2
2) Makarios Athletic Centre Ave., (operates under the Cyprus Sports Organisation)
P.O.Box 24804, 1304 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 89 70 00, Fax: 22 35 82 22
E-mail: [email protected]
Football Fields: 2
Troodos area:
Platres Athletic Centre
1 G. Skyrianides str., 4820 Pano Platres
Tel: 25 81 31 12, Fax: 25 42 20 82
E-mail: [email protected]
Football Fields: 1
1) The Need 4 Speed
Erimi village, LemesosTel: 99 46 22 69 2) Karting Centre Dromolaxia, LarnakaTel: 70 00 76 77, 99 49 31 00 3) Pafos Karting Centre Off Poseidonos Ave. (north of Riu Cypria Maris Hotel), PafosTel: 80 00 08 07 4) Roskos Karting Centre Off Poseidonos Ave. (near Aphrodite Waterpark), PafosTel: 99 61 30 50 5) Karting Centre, Agia Napa GOLF
Three 18-hole golf courses operate on the island.
1. Minthis Hills Golf Club
The club is situated near Tsada village, 20 minutes drive north
of Pafos town, in the grounds of a 12th century monastery. It is
an 18 hole course created by Donald Steel, it plays to a par 72
all green and measures 6.060 m.
2. The Secret Valley Golf Club
It is located 18 km east of Pafos and 49 km west of Lemesos,
near "Petra tou Romiou", the legendary birthplace of
Aphrodite. It is an 18 hole course, plays to a Par 71 and
measures 5.904 m.
For more information on the above two golf courses pleaseapply to:"CYPRUS GOLF RESORTS LTD"P.O.Box 62085, CY 8062 PafosTel: 26 64 27 74/5, Fax: 26 64 27 76E-mail: [email protected]: 3. Aphrodite Hills
An 18-hole international standard golf course – plays to a par
71/70 and measures 6.299 m – and club house, located near the
birthplace of Aphrodite, have been operating since October 2002.
For more information, please contact:
Aphrodite Ave. 2, 8509 Kouklia, Pafos
Tel: 26 82 82 00, Fax: 26 82 82 01
E-mail: [email protected]
4. Vikla Golf & Country Club
It is a 18-hole golf course - plays to a par 70 and measures
5.200 m. - situated near Vilkla village, 20km north-east of
For more information, please contact:
P.O.Box 51800, 3508 Lemesos
Tel: 25 62 28 94, 99 67 42 18, Fax: 25 58 55 38
E-mail: [email protected]
For furtheer information please contact:Cyprus Tourism OrganisationP.O.Box 24535, CY 1390 Lefkosia - CyprusTel:+ 357 69 12 16, Fax: +357 22 33 97 23E-mail: [email protected]: HIKING - NATURE TRAILS
With the financial support from the Cyprus Tourism Organisation,
the Forestry Department has created the Cyprus section of the
European Long Distance Path E4, with a total length of 539
kms, that stretches from the south-east to the west coast of
Cyprus, traversing the Troodos mountain range and rural areas
of enhanced natural beauty and high ecological, historic,
archaeological, cultural and scientific value. Another seventy
two (72) nature trails have been created, which cover a total
distance of approximately 322 kms in various parts of the
island, from Kavo Gkreko at the southeastern end, to Akamas
in the west.
So many unspoilt areas in Cyprus offer unforgettable hiking
experiences to Nature Walkers. Special hiking excursions can
be organised by the Sightseeing Tour Operators (see pages
A special leaflet on the E4 European Long Distance Path andthe Nature Trails can be obtained from all CTO Offices inCyprus and abroad.
– Kavo Gkreko and Protaras areas (Ammochostos District): – Athalassa National Park area (Lefkosia District): 7 Trails– Machairas National Forest Park, Gourri, Lythrodontas, Lefkara, Kato Drys, Vavatsinia, Choirokoitia andStavrovouni areas (Lefkosia and Larnaka Districts): 15Trails – Central part of the Troodos mountain range (Lefkosia and Lemesos Districts): 13 Trails – Pitsilia and the north-east area of the Troodos mountain range (Lefkosia and Lemesos Districts): 15 Trails – Germasogeia and Arsos areas (Lemesos District): 3 Trails– Pafos Forest and Vouni Panagias (Pafos and Lemesos Districts): 5 Trails – Akamas and Kathikas areas (Pafos District): 5 Trails There are two Nature Trails especially for the disabled:
– Troodos area: ''Kampos tou Livadiou''. It is a circular trail
and its length is 1.500 m. Walking time 30 minutes.
– Machairas National Forest Park: ''Mandra tou Kampiou''. It is a circular trail and its length is 1.000 m. Walking timeapproximately 30 minutes.
Racing is held at the only race course to be found in Cyprus,
in Lefkosia (Nicosia), where approximately 100 race meetings
are held throughout the year on most Wednesdays and
Sundays, in the winter, and on most Wednesdays and Fridays
in the summer. Racing is also held on most public holidays.
Details can be found on the Nicosia Race Club's official
Betting operates at the race course and at authorised bettingoffices throughout Cyprus, under the control of the NicosiaRace Club, on Win, Place, Twin, Double Tote, CorrectForecast, Trio, Tetracast and Pick 4 and Pick 6.
Nicosia Race Club: P.O.Box 21783, CY 1513 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 78 27 27, Fax: 22 77 56 90
E-mail: [email protected]
This sport can be enjoyed all the year round at Horse Riding
Centres or Ranches, all set up in beautiful surroundings all
over the island. Trekking and hacking for all level of riders is inoffer. Riding lessons are also available at the Riding Centres, which offer professional teaching facilities, well-trained horsesand qualified instructors who provide lessons for all levels.
For more information please contact: a) The Cyprus Equestrian Federation: 1, Deligiorgi str., 1066 LefkosiaP.O.Box 27445, 1645 LefkosiaTel: 22 87 21 72, Fax: 22 87 30 75Web-site: [email protected] b) Nicosia Riding Club: Lythrodontas village, Lefkosia DistrictTel: 99 67 17 89, Fax: 22 42 41 09E-mail: [email protected] c) Lapatsa Riding School: Tel: 22 87 39 87, 99 62 27 58, Fax: 25 87 30 75E-mail: [email protected] d) Cavalier Riding Club: Tel: 22 78 44 00, 99 61 13 98, Fax: 22 81 99 38E-mail: [email protected] e) Cyprus Horse Society: Tel: 99 42 21 60, Fax: 22 57 00 70E-mail: [email protected] f) Notorious Equestrian: Tel: 99 67 33 33, Fax: 22 33 88 99E-mail: [email protected] g) Amathus Park Riding School Parekklisia village, LemesosTel: 99 60 41 09 Fax: 25 63 40 96E-mail: [email protected] h) Santa Marina Retreat Parekklisia village, LemesosTel: 99 54 54 54 Fax: 25 63 53 00Web-site: [email protected]: [email protected] i) Curium Equestrian Parekklisia village, LemesosTel: 99 56 42 32, Fax: 25 93 48 59E-mail: [email protected] Agios Georgios, Pegeia village, PafosTel: 99 64 77 90, Fax: 26 62 24 22E-mail: [email protected] Kalavassos villageTel: 24 33 29 98, Fax: 99 43 71 88E-mail: [email protected] l) Moonshine Ranch Ltd Kavo Gkreko, Tel: 99 60 50 42E-mail: [email protected] m) Mouttayiaka Horse Riding Mouttagiaka village, LemesosTel: 99 43 75 15, Fax: 25 31 81 15 SEA SPORTS
Amateur Fishing
Normal fishing with hooks and weight (bottom fishing) without
the use of a boat or any other flowting device are the
permitted methods for which no licence is required.
Special (sport) fishing licences are required by law for
those fishermen who use:
Boats, longlines and spear-gun (without aqualung)
Note: all kinds of fishing methods with net are forbidden
The licences have several conditions attached to them that
regulate the gear used, the length, the fishing period and the
guota allowed for each category. These conditions might
change in the near future.

Certain species of fish which can be caught: are underminimum length sizes which are provided with the fishinglicence.
Further information from the Cyprus Association of Free
Spearfishing, Tel: 99 41 81 44, Fax: 22 76 11 25

Fishing boats can be found at the following fishing sheltersand stations: Pafos Harbour: Pafos town.
Agios Georgios Pegeias: 20 km north–west of Pafos town.
Polis (Lakki/Latsi): 40 km north of Pafos town.
Pomos: 16 km east of Polis.
Kato Pyrgos: 40 km north-east of Polis.
Lemesos Old Port: Lemesos centre.
Pissouri anchorage: Lemesos - Pafos road.
Melounta anchorage: Lemesos-Pafos road.
Zygi - Vasilikos anchorage: Off the Lemesos – Lefkosia
highway-exit 16.
Aldiana Pleasure Boat Shelter: Larnaka–Lemesos highway -
exit 12 (Alaminos village).
Larnaka fishing shelter: east of Larnaka International Airport.
Ormideia - "Romantzo": 16 km east of Larnaka.
Potamos Liopetriou: 16 km west of Agia Napa (Xylofagou).
Agia Napa Harbour: Agia Napa Village.
Fishing Shelter of Paralimni (Protaras).
Agia Trias Fishing shelter (Paralimni).
Diving, Sub–Aqua Activities
– There are no dangerous underwater currents in any of the
diving areas.
– Spear–fishing is prohibited within the bathers' areas, which are demarcated with red buoys.
– There are two therapeutic Decompression Chambers for routine Hyperbaric Oxygen treatment and Diving Accidents(Decompression Sickness):1) Larnaka Makarion General Hospital, Tel: 24 30 43 00 2) Dr Savoullas Savvas, Tel: 99 60 40 50, Lemesos 2) Dr Savoullas Savvas, Tel: 99 60 40 50, Lemesos 3) The Private Recompression Chamber Centre Tel: 25 32 01 01, 99 51 88 37, Fax: 25 32 01 08E-mail: [email protected] – Organised Sub–Aqua clubs and Diving centres can be found in all towns and resorts, as well as at a number of hotels.
– Besides these clubs and centres, many firms sell or hire sub–aqua equipment to holders of diving certificates.
– For more information please contact: Cyprus Federation of Underwater Activities (C.F.U.A.)
P.O.Box: 21503, 1510 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 75 46 47, Fax: 22 75 52 46

Sailing / Yachting
The climatic conditions, the unpolluted sea and the interesting
coastline make Cyprus an interesting and up-coming
destination for yachting.
Two marinas, 5 ports, 11 fishing shelters and numerous baysprovide shelter from the prevailing moderate westerlies. Evenduring the winter months, yachtpersons will be surprised by thetemperate sailing conditions - with air and sea temperaturesaround 17C - competing with early summer back home.
For chartering motor or sailing yachts one may apply to: Bare–Boat or skippered–yacht charter facilities:
P.O.Box 26789, CY1647 LefkosiaTel: 22 43 01 01, 25 56 32 58, Fax: 22 43 03 13E-mail: [email protected]: 2. SAIL FASCINATION SHIPPING LTD Nikiforou Foka 27, P.O.Box 50257, CY 3602 LemesosTel: 25 36 42 00, 99 63 32 22Fax: 25 35 26 57, Telex: 5516 PPI CY 3. INTERYACHTING LTD P.O.Box 54292, CY 3722 LemesosTel: 80000900, 25 81 19 00, Fax: 25 81 19 45E-mail: [email protected]: http: // 4. CATAMARAN RELAX CRUISES Atlas Beach Hotel Apts, Georgeiou A' 77,Potamos Germasogeias, 4047 LemesosTel: 99 56 20 74, toll free: 80008007,Fax: 25 31 70 17E-mail: [email protected]: P.O.Box 40218, 6015 LarnakaTel: 24 66 54 08, Fax: 24 62 74 89E-mail: [email protected] 6. CYPRUS YACHT CHARTERS Leoforos Apostolou Pavlou 21, 8046 PafosP.O.Box: 60672, 8106 PafosTel: 80000011, 26 91 02 00, Fax: 26 91 02 02E mail: [email protected]: Swimming
The clear blue waters of the sea around Cyprus and the long
stretches of sandy beaches offer excellent opportunities for
swimming and sunbathing.
The Cyprus Tourism Organisation Public Beaches, with
cafeterias, bars and restaurants, offer full facilities to
swimmers, including changing–rooms and beach furniture for
hire (parasols, chairs and reclining chairs).
a) Geroskipou Public Beach: at Geroskipou, 3 km east of
Pafos Harbour, Tel: 26 96 45 25.
b) Dasoudi Public Beach: 5 km east of Lemesos town centre, Tel: 25 32 28 81.
c) Larnaka Public Beach: 10 km east of Larnaka town centre, Tel: 24 64 62 44.
d) Polis Public Beach: (ramp for wheelchairs), Tel: 26 32 25 09.
Besides the Cyprus Tourism Organisation Public Beaches, all
the sea–side hotels, as well as various other tourist
establishments and Municipalities provide facilities to
On most beaches RED buoys indicate the "swimmers'
protected areas", where speed-boats and any other floating
craft are not allowed to enter. These sea areas are by law
strictly reserved for swimmers and bathers ONLY from early
May to November every year from 07:30 until 20:30 daily.
- Swimmers must adhere to Lifeguard instructions at all times.
Please get to know the meaning of Life Guard flags!
(if flying just by itself without other flags)=
Excellent swimming conditions AND the Lifeguard post is on
There MUST be two (2) of these red & yellow flags : the first
approximately 100 metres left of the lifeguard post and the
second a similar distance on the right of the post. These
approx. 200 metres are the "efficient" boundaries of the
lifeguards and none-proficient swimmers MUST
imperatively keep within these boundaries.
YELLOW: Swim with caution (usually put up at 11-13
knots of wind)
RED: Very dangerous to swim. DO NOT SWIM!!!

Prevailing winds in the summer time are Westerlies. The Pafos
West coastline is mainly rocky and exposed to these winds.
When the wind direction is from the West and its speed is
greater than 10 knots comparatively big waves are created
and therefore swimming in Pafos west region must be
avoided. In all cases Please ask for local advice at your Hotel
Water Sports
A comprehensive range of sea–sports facilities can be found at:
1.a) Geroskipou Public Beach, at Geroskipou, 3 km east of Pafos Harbour.
b) Dasoudi Public Beach, in Lemesosc) Larnaka Public Beach 2.The major sea–side hotels with their adjoining sports–centres, where non–residents are also welcome.
3.The sea–sports sites of commercial firms which are strung along the coastline at:a) Coral Bay: 10 km north–west of Pafos town b) Polis (Latsi): 37 km north of Pafos townc) Various locations along Lemesos, Larnaka, Pafos, Agia Napa and Paralimni (Protaras) coasts.
Note: On every beach red buoys indicate the swimmers'
area, where speed-boats and any other vessel craft are not allowed to enter. SHOOTING
Cyprus Shooting Sport Federation
P.O.Box 12681, CY 2251 Lakkia (Latsia), Lefkosia
Tel: 22 44 98 22, Fax: 22 44 98 19
E-mail: [email protected]
The main offices of the Federation are located at the OlympicHouse, Ampipoleos str., Strovolos.
Cyprus Olympic Shooting Range
(Lefkosia Shooting Club)
P.O.Box 22198, CY 1518 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 48 26 60, Fax: 22 62 30 08, 22 48 60 09
The Range is located in the Lakkia (Latsia) area, 8km (5 miles)
south–west of the City centre, near the Lefkosia–Lemesos
Open every day except Mondays.
Winter timetable: 10:00–13:00 & 14:30 till dusk.
Summer timetable: 10:00–13:00 & 16:00 till dusk.
Lemesos Shooting Club
P.O.Box 55031, CY 3820, Lemesos
Tel: 99 49 51 30, Fax: 25 99 10 86 (on range)
E-mail: [email protected]
The Club is located near Pareklissia village, near Elias Hotel
Country Club, 10km east of the city centre on the way to
Open every day except Mondays.
Winter timetable:
10:00–13:00 & 14:30 till dusk.
Summer timetable: 10:00–13:00 & 16:00 till dusk.
Closed from the 2nd to the 4th week of August for summerholidays.
Beretta Shooting Club (Private)
Monagri Village, Lemesos
Tel: 25 39 06 61 / 99 63 86 39, Fax: 25 39 21 79
E-mail: [email protected]
This Club is located near Monagri village, Lemesos - Troodos
road, 15km from LemesosOpening hours: Mar-Aug: Daily 09:00 till dusk Wed: 14:00 till duskSat, Sun: 09:00 till dusk Oct-Nov: Daily: 09:00 till duskNov-Feb: Sat 09.00 till dusk Larnaka Shooting Club
P.O.Box 40217, CY 6302 Larnaka
Tel: 24 53 03 09, Fax: 24 53 05 03
The Larnaka Shooting Club is being relocated. It will reoperate
in 2009.
Ammochostos (Free area) District
Shooting Club
P.O.Box 30177, CY 5311 Paralimni
Tel: 23 82 70 00, 99 62 84 10, 99 63 78 32, Fax: 23 73 01 94
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
The Club is located on the outskirts of Paralimni off the road to
Sotira village.
Open every day except Monday and Friday morning.
Winter timetable: 10:00-13:00, 14:30 till dusk.
Summer timetable:10:00-13:00, 16:00 till dusk.
Closed from 13-20 of August for summer vacation.
Pafos Shooting Club
Eleftherios Venizelos Ave. 65, 8021 Pafos
Tel: 99 47 56 30, Fax: 26 93 00 74
E-mail: [email protected]
The club is located in the Anatoliko area, 12 km (8 miles) east
of Pafos town on the way to Lemesos.
Opening hours:
November-February: Wednesdays & Saturdays: 10:00 till dusk
March-October: Wednesdays & Saturdays: 10:00-13:00, 16:00-
Closed on public holidays.
The impressive Troodos mountain range with its idyllic forests
stretches across most of the western side of Cyprus offering
cool sanctuary in summer and opportunities for sports in
winter. At the top of the Troodos mountains one can also find
the only Skiing Centre in Cyprus. Here one can take
advantage of the pleasures of Winter Sports under the
beautiful Mediterranean blue sky.
Skying can be enjoyed on the slopes of Mount Olympus (1951metres a.s.l.), usually from the beginning of January to the endof March. Mount Olympus is only 2 km, from Troodos hill resort,12 km from Platres hill resort, and about an hour's drive fromthe seaside town of Lemesos (Limassol) and Lefkosia (Nicosia) the capital of Cyprus.
The Cyprus Ski Club operates four ski lifts (one of themchairlift) at the Troodos ski centre:a) There is a chairlift at the FIS homologated slope of Zeus (380 Meters) and a 350m T-bar type ski lift of the Heraslope.
b) Two other 150m T-bar ski-lifts, located at Sun Valley are leading to the Aphrodite and Hermes slopes.
For any further information, please apply to:
The Cyprus Ski Club
Amfipoleos 21, 2025 Strovolos, Cyprus
Tel: +357 22 44 98 37 (office hours), Fax: +357 22 44 98 38
E-mail: [email protected]
Tennis courts are found in all towns at the following locations,
as well as in most hotels and hotel apartment complexes.
Most of these tennis courts are all weather and flood–lighted.
Cyprus Tennis Federation
P.O.Box 23931, CY 1687, Lefkosia
Tel: 22 44 98 60/61 (in the mornings), Fax: 22 66 80 16
E-mail: [email protected]
a) National Tennis Centre: Makarios Stadium Ave., Lefkosia.
Tel: 22 35 67 66, Fax: 22 35 67 69.
b) Field Club: Leoforos Aigyptou, near the city centre.
Tel: 22 66 80 41.
c) Eleon Tennis Club: Ploutarchou 3, Egkomi, south-west from the city centre. Tel: 22 67 99 23.
d) Laiki Sporting Club: Lakkia, 5 km (3 miles) south-east of Lefkosia. Tel: 22 48 48 15.
e) Strovolos Municipality Tennis Courts: Tel: 22 31 83 58.
g) Bank of Cyprus Sports Centre, 2 Romanou, Lakkia (Latsia) Tel: 22 56 00 22.
a) Lemesos Sporting Club: I. Zachariadou 4, Tsiflikoudia.
P.O.Box 50619, CY 3608 Lemesos. Tel: 25 56 46 97.
The club is west of Lemesos town centre, a 15 minutesdrive from the hotels area.
b) Famagusta Tennis Club: Mesaorias 3, Lemesos (in the town centre). Tel: 25 33 59 52 Larnaka
a) Larnaka Tennis Club: Kilkis 10, Larnaka (in the town centre).
Tel: 24 65 69 99.
b) Herodotou Tennis Academy, Kiliou 8, 6016 Larnaka Tel: 24 65 46 16, 99 35 13 75 Pafos
a) Pafos Tennis Club:
Geroskipou Tourist Beach, 3 km (1,5 miles) east of Pafosharbour. For information please call: 99 62 09 13 b) Geroskipou Tennis Club "Charalambos Zoppos" Athletic CentreP.O.Box 63015, 8210 Geroskipou.
Tel: 99 63 05 92 c) Aphrodite Tennis Academy and Spa Ltd Aphrodite Ave. 4Aphrodite Hills, Kouklia 8500 PafosTel: 26 82 81 00 Paralimni
Paralimni Tennis Club: next to the Paralimni Municipal Athletic
Centre, Stadiou, P.O.Box 33236, Paralimni.
Tel: 99 65 84 44.
Deryneia Valley Tennis Club:
Arch. Makariou III 165, Deryneia. Tel: 99 68 41 05.
Sunrise and Sunset Times
Sunrise and Sunset times are given for the 15th of each
month with the hours and minutes at 5 minutes approximation.
(April to October: Summer Time) Telecommunications
Telecommunications (both national and international
fixed/mobile voice service, Internet access and data services
both narrowband and broadband) in Cyprus are since 2003
offered by a number of Providers following the liberalization of
the sector.
Visitors are invited to check for specific services the offeringsof the licensed operators who are listed in the Directory ofLicensed Operators at the web page of the Office of theRegulator for Electronic Communication and Postal Regulationat International Dialing Codes
Country Code
Serbia&Montenegro 00381 Directory Inquiries
By calling the number 11892 or 11822 or 11888 or 11800 or
11833 or 11811 you can get a 24-hour service for directory
inquiries regarding customers in Cyprus, whereas for foreign
customers, country codes and area codes you can get
information by dialling 11894 or 11822 (Europe, USA,
Public payphones
There are two types of public payphones:
a) coin - operated phones are usually found in public
telephone booths or at easily accessible private locations.
b) cardphones, like coin - operated phones, are usually found in public telephone booths or at easily accessible privatelocations. Telecards can be purchased at banks, postoffices, kiosks and other retail shops.
Mouseiou 4, 1097 LefkosiaTel.: 77 77 27 17, 22 48 03 00 2.Makarios III Amphitheatre (School for the Blind) 28th Oktovriou, 2012 StrovolosTel: 22 31 45 07 3.Strovolos Municipal Theatre Leoforos Strovolou 100, StrovolosTel: 22 31 30 10 4.To Skali Amphitheatre Aglantzia, LefkosiaTel.: 22 33 63 63 Agias Zonis, 3027 LemesosTel: 25 34 33 41 2.Lemesos Municipal Garden Theatre Lordou Vyronos (in the Municipal Gardens)Tel. : 25 34 33 41 Andrea Drousioti 19Plateia Heroon, 3040 LemesosTel. : 77 77 77 45, 25 34 39 00 Leoforos Grigori Afxentiou, 6021 Larnaka Tel.: 24 66 57 94 2.Patticheion Municipal Amphitheatre N.G. Demetriou, 6031 LarnakaTel. : 24629300 Andrea Geroudi 27, 8010 PafosTel.: 26 93 25 71 Thematic and Recreation Parks
Camel Park E.P.
Mazotos village, Larnaka district
Tel: 24 99 12 43, 99 41 69 68
E-mail: [email protected]
Web-site: http: //
The Park is open daily: 09:00-17:00 winter, 09:00-19:00 summer.
The restaurant is open in the evenings.
Cyprus Donkey Sanctuary
Vouni village, Lemesos district - 36 km north of Lemesos.
Tel: 25 94 54 88, Fax: 25 94 25 82
E-mail: [email protected]
Opening hours: Daily: 10:00hrs-16:00hrs
Paphos Aquarium
Artemidos 1, Kato Pafos (next to Theoskepasti Church)
Tel: 26 95 39 20, Fax: 26 95 39 19
E-mail: [email protected]
Open all year round:
Daily: 09:00–18:00 (winter), 09.00-20.00 (summer),
09.00-19.00 (spring and autumn).
Ocean Aquarium, Protaras
Protaras, P.O.Box 33845, 5318 Paralimni
Tel: 23 74 11 11, Fax: 23 74 11 12
E-mail: [email protected]
Open daily all year round: 10:00 - 18:00
Pafos Bird and Animal Park
Situated on the main road of Coral Bay and Agios Georgios
Tel: 26 81 38 52, 99 56 39 47, Fax: 26 62 22 28
E-mail: [email protected]
Open all year round. Daily: 09:00-17:00 (October-March),
Island Cove, Adventure Mini Golf, Pafos
Situated by the Poseidonos Ave, near the hotels Riu Cypria
Maris and Ledra Beach and behind Aliathon Holiday Village.
P.O.Box 62037, 8060 Pafos
Tel: 26 99 11 77
E-mail: [email protected]
Open all year round:
Daily: 09:45-18:00 (Nov.-March), 09:45-20:00 (April),
09:45-21:00 (May), 09:45-22:00 (June, September, Octomber),
09:45-23:00 (July-August).
Wild Valley Resort - Ostrich Farm
Pissouri - Plataniskia road, Lemesos district
Tel: 25 99 10 10, 99 47 46 87
E-mail: [email protected]
Open daily from 09:00 to sunset all year round.
Snake George
Reptile park in Pafos district, by the Pegeia/Agios Georgios
Tel: 99 98 76 85
E-mail: [email protected]/
Open daily from: 10:00 to sunset.
Magic Dancing Waters
Protaras Avenue, Hotel' s Road, Protaras
Tel: 99 62 31 43, 99 41 63 50
Night show: every night at 21:00
Time difference from other
Russian Fed.
A 10% service charge is normally included in hotel and
catering establishments.
Additional tipping is at the discretion of the customer and it isa gesture which is appreciated by the employees.
Taxi–drivers, porters, hairdressers etc., always appreciate asmall tip.
Cyprus Domestic Transportation Services
One can travel around Cyprus either by bus or by taxi. There
are no trains in Cyprus.
Visitors are requested to confirm itineraries and prices with the
appropriate companie as these are subject to alterations.
1. Interurban buses:
Various Bus companies link all major towns and Larnaka
Airport with routes at specified intervals (e.g., Monday-
Saturday, generally no service on Sundays).
For more information please contact:
a) Lefkosia Interurban Buses Co Ltd: Tel: 22 66 58 14
Routes available:
Lefkosia – Lemesos, Lemesos – Lefkosia
b) K. Interurban (Intercity) Buses Co Ltd:
Tel: 24 64 34 92, 24 72 27 00
Routes available:
Lefkosia – Larnaka, Larnaka – Lefkosia
Lefkosia – Larnaka Airport, Larnaka Airport – Lefkosia
Lemesos – Larnaka, Larnaka – Lemesos
Lemesos – Larnaka Airport, Larnaka Airport – Lemesos
Larnaka – Agia Napa/Protaras – Protaras/ Agia Napa –
Protaras/ Agia Napa – Larnaka Airport, Larnaka Airport
–Agia Napa/Protaras
c) Nea Amoroza Transport Co Ltd.
Tel: 26936822, 26936740
Routes available:
Pafos – Polis, Polis – Pafos
d) P.E.A.L. Bus Co.
Tel: 23 82 13 18, 23 82 56 07, 99 48 48 18
Routes available:
Paralimni/ Protaras – Larnaka, Larnaka – Protaras/
Paralimni/ Protaras – Lefkosia, Lefkosia – Protaras/
Protaras/ Paralimni – Agia Napa, Agia Napa – Protaras/
e) EMAN BUSES. Tel: 23 72 13 21
Routes available:Agia Napa – Larnaka, Larnaka – Agia NapaProtaras/ Paralimni – Agia Napa, Agia Napa – Protaras/Paralimni f) Kapnos & Sons Transport Ltd. , Tel: 77771477
Routes available:Lefkosia – Larnaka Airport, Larnaka Airport –Lefkosia g) Limassol Urban Buses Ltd. , Tel: 25344050, 25352111
Routes available:Lemesos – Larnaka Airport, Larnaka Airport – Lemesos h) Pafos Urban Buses (A.LE.PA.) Ltd. Tel: 26934410
Routes available:Pafos – Larnaka Airport, Larnaka Airport – Pafos 2. Rural Buses:
Almost all villages are connected with the nearest town by
local buses. Bus operation is limited to once or twice a day.
Regional bus companies provide more routes.
For more information please contact:
a) P.E.A.L. TROODOS Bus Co.
Tel: 25 55 22 20, 99 60 42 06
Routes available:
Lemesos - Pano Platres/Troodos, Troodos/ Pano Platres –
b) P.E.A.L. KAMBOS Bus Co. Tel: 99623604
Routes available:Lefkosia – Kykkos Monastery/ Kambos village, Kambos /Kykkos - Lefkosia c) KLARIOS Bus Co. Tel: 22753234
Routes available:Lefkosia – Kakopetria/ Troodos/ Pedoulas/ ProdromosvillagesProdromos/ / Pedoulas/ Troodos/ Monastery/ Kakopetria –Lefkosia 3. Urban Buses:
These operate frequently during daytime and in certain tourist
areas, during summer, their timetables are extended till midnight.
For more information concerning timetables you may contact:
Lefkosia: Plateia Solomou, west of Plateia Eleftherias,
Tel: 22 66 58 14, 22 77 88 41 – Lemesos: A. Themistocleous 7
Tel: 25 37 05 92, 25 35 52 73 – Larnaka: King Evagorou 2, Cosma Building, Flat 203
Tel: 24 65 04 77, 24 65 74 66.
Pafos: (Mesogi) Industrial Area, Karavella Bus Station,
P.O.Box 62136, Tel: 26 93 44 10 – Paralimni: Agiou Georgiou 13, Tel: 23 82 13 18
Agia Napa: Leoforos Makariou III 32A, P.O.Box 30073,
CY 5340 Agia Napa, Tel: 23 72 13 21, 23 72 13 36 – Polis: Kyproleontos, Tel: 26 32 11 14
1. Transurban Service (shared) Taxis:
This service offers the opportunity to share a taxi with 4-8
other passengers. It provides connection between all major
towns of Cyprus (Lefkosia, Lemesos, Larnaka, Pafos) every
half hour, Monday-Friday 06:00-18:00, Saturday and Sunday
07:00-17:00. Seats can be booked by phone and passengers
can be collected from and dropped to, at any place they wish,
within the municipal boundaries.
No Service offered on Public Holidays.
Service taxis do not operate between:a) the airports and the townsb) towns and villages.
For more information and reservations one may apply at:
"Pagkypria Eteria Yperastikon Taxi Ltd'' (Cyprus Interurban
Taxi Co Ltd) TRAVEL & EXPRES, Tel.: 77 77 74 74 or
LEFKOSIA: Leoforos Salaminos, Municipal
Parking Place (Kolokasi) LEMESOS: Gonia Kavazoglou &
Misiaouli Streets.
LARNAKA: a) Gonia Papakyriakou &
Marsellou Streets b) 2, Kimonos Streets 8, Evagora Pallikaridi Street Tel: 26 92 38 00 PARALIMNI:Tassou Markou 10
Fares (one way) in euro
Lefkosia - Lemesos Lemesos - Lefkosia Lefkosia - Larnaka Larnaka - Lefkosia Lefkosia - Larnaka Airport Lemesos - Larnaka Larnaka - Lemesos Lemesos - Larnaka Airport Lemesos - Pafos Airport Larnaka - Agia Napa -Paralimni €8,80 Paralimni - Agia Napa - Larnaka Paralimni - Agia Napa - Larnaka Airport (with luggage) 2. Rural Taxis:
Rural taxis are allowed to be hired from their base station only.
An exception is permitted, when hiring is made at the airport or
seaport, where the taxi driver must present such document
proving the collection of certain customers. Rural taxis are
not equiped with taximeters.
Charging commences upon the
entry of a passenger in the taxi and is based on the following
a) Tariff I (06:01–20:30 hrs): Single trip 31 cents €0,63 per
km. Return trip €0,49 per km.
b) Tariff II (20:30–06:00 hrs): Single trip at night €0,715 per km. Return trip 31 cents €0,63 per km.
c) For every piece of luggage weighing more than 12kg there is a charge of €0,63 (per piece).
d) Delay or waiting time charge: For tariff I €14,45 per hour.
For tariff II €18,821 per hour.
e) Minimum Charge: €3,64 3. Urban Taxis:
This is a 24 hours service provided in all towns. Taxis can be
booked by phone or be hired from the street. Urban taxis are
equiped with taximeters, the use of which is obligatory.
Charging commences upon the entrance of a passenger in the
taxi and is based on the following chart:
Tariff II
a) Initial charge c) Delay or waiting time per hour €13,66 d) For every piece of luggage Notes:
Taxis charge an extra supplement of
1,96 per ride during the
following public Holidays: 24th, 25th, 26th, 31st December, 1st
of January, Good Friday, Good Saturday, Easter Sunday,
Monday after Easter and 1st of May.

Complaints about taxis or drivers should be forwardedimmediately to the Road Transport Department: 1) Lefkosia:
Vasileos Pavlou 17, Egkomi, 1425 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 80 70 00, Fax: 22 35 40 30
2) Lemesos:
Korivou - Kampos Polemidion, 3112 Polemidia
Tel: 25 87 04 53, Fax: 25 30 56 74 3) Larnaka:
Nikou Dimitriou, Marinos Court, P.O.Box 40495, 3165 Larnaka
Tel: 24 82 82 53, Fax: 24 30 44 34
4) Pafos:
Industrial area, Mesogi, P.O.Box 2191, Pafos
Tel: 26 82 13 38, 26 30 62 01, Fax: 26 94 69 31
Complaints can also be notified to the Police throughtelephone no: 22 80 20 20 Tourist Guides
Tourist Guides in Cyprus are trained and licensed by the
Cyprus Tourism Organisation which is the Government
authorised operator of the "Tourist Guides School".
Licensed guides for sightseeing tours in Cyprus can be
reached through:
Cyprus Tourist Guides Association
P.O.Box: 24942, CY 1355, Lefkosia
Tel: 22 76 57 55, Fax: 22 76 68 72
E-mail: [email protected]

Guides can also be contacted directly. A "List of qualified
licensed Tourist Guides" can be obtained from the Cyprus
Tourism Organisation Offices in Cyprus or through the
Web-site: http:
Guiding Fees (July 2008)
Half day and evening guiding (up to 4 hours): €75,99
Full day (up to 8 hours): €119,57 Sundays: 50% surcharge Public Holidays: 100% surcharge Overtime: €15,09 per hour Bilingual: €5,89 (from November 1 - March 31) €15,72 (from April 1 - October 31) Overnight stay charge: €25,63''Nature trails'' guide charge for over two hours: €17.09 extra Travel Agents
The establishment and operation of Tourist Agencies in Cyprus
is regulated by the Tourist and Travel Agencies and Tourist
Guides Law 1995-2004.
According to the provisions of the above Law: (a) No non-resident Office except those established in another member state, can operate in the Republic, on an organisedor permanent basis, unless represented by a resident Office.
(b) The non-resident Office and the representing resident Office have an obligation to declare jointly to the CyprusTourism Organisation both the date of commencement andthe date of expiration of their cooperation and to providethe Organisation with any information required from themconcerning the arrival, transportation and place ofaccommodation of the tourists.
(c) The resident Office shall be jointly liable with the non- resident Office any violation of the provisions of the relevantLaw and Regulations, as if the violation had been made bythe resident Office.
Details of the relevant legislations can be found
Approximately 440 licensed (by the Cyprus TourismOrganisation) Travel Agencies (plus 123 branches) are inoperation throughout the island, many of which are IATAmembers (July 2008).
A List of Travel Agents can be found in the Cyprus TourismOrganisation's annual "Guide to Hotels, Travel Agencies andother Tourist Services" which can be obtained from all CyprusTourism Organisation Offices in Cyprus and abroad.
The Association of Cyprus Travel Agents (ACTA) also issuesan annual directory giving the Association's major objectivesand a list of its members.
ACTA (Association of Cyprus Travel Agents):
House of Tourism Ledra str.,
Stoa Klokkari 2, 1011 Lefkosia
P.O.Box 22369, CY 1521 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 66 64 35, Fax: 22 66 03 30
E-mail: [email protected]

Universities of Cyprus
1) University of Cyprus
The University of Cyprus was established in 1989 and
admitted its first students in 1992. It consists of six faculties,
21 departments and three research units: Archaeology,
Banking and Financial Research and Economics Research
Centre. The total number of students is 5325 (4.103
undergraduate and 1,222 postgraduate, 873 for Master and
349 for PhD programmes). Undergraduate fees for foreign
students total €4000 per semester. Fees for students admitted
from EU Countries total €2000 per semester.
The University of Cyprus offers graduate programmes atMasters (M.A., M.Sc. and M. Eng.) and Doctor of Philosophy(Ph.D.), level based on course work and dissertation or thesis.
The University of Cyprus pariticipates in the LLP/ErasmusProgramme and implements the ECTS system.
The University is a public corporate body and is governed by aCouncil and Senate.
Anastasios G. Leventis University House
P.O.Box 20537, 1678 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 89 40 00 , Fax: 22 89 21 00
E-mail: [email protected]
For more information: Mrs Katerina Nicolaidou Pietroni, Head
of Communications office
Tel: 22 89 43 67, Fax: 22 89 44 77
E-mail: [email protected]
2) Cyprus University of Technology
The Cyprus University of Technology was established in 2004
and admitted its first students in September 2007. In the 2008-09
academic year more than 860 undergraduate students are
expected to be studying at the university's five faculties and
student numbers are to gradually rise up to 7000 in the next
twelve to fifteen years. Lectures are held in Greek but plans
are being considered for English speaking classes in the next
few years. The ECTS system (European Credit Transferred
Accumulation System) is applied for all courses of study. The
University also offers graduate programmes at PhD level
based on the submission of a thesis. The University is located
at the city centre of Lemesos and most of its premises consist
of old neo classical buildings that underwent extended
renovation and restructuring works. The Cyprus University of Technology aspires to become amodern and pioneering University capable of offering highlevel training and research in popular fields, which today offergreat economic, technical, and scientific output. The first five faculties of Cyprus University of Technology are:Geotechnical Sciences and Environmental Management,Management and Economics, Applied Arts andCommunication, Engineering and Technology and HealthSciences. Address:P.O.Box 50329, CY 3603 Lemesos, CyprusTel: +357 25 00 25 00, Fax: +357 25 82 90 91E-mail: [email protected]: 3) University of Nicosia
The University of Nicosia is an independent, co-educational,
equal opportunity institution of higher education; its four
Schools are: the School of Business, the School of Education,
the School of Humanities, Social Sciences and Law, and the
School of Sciences and Engineering.
With an international student body, a diverse range ofacademic programmes, instruction in English and acommitment to multiculturalism, the University provides adynamic learning environment in a modern, democratic,European country. With emphasis on critical thinking and skills,the University's programmes prepare students for service inthe public and the private sector. Moreover, numerous transferopportunities are available to the institution's students througharticulation agreements with major American, British and otherEuropean universities.
For further information please visit the university's Lefkosia
46, Makedonitissas Ave.
P.O.Box 24005, 1700 Lefkosia
Tel: 357-22 8415 00, Fax: 357-22 35 20 67
92 Agias Phylaxeos Str.
P.O.Box 51604, 3507 Lemesos
Tel: 357-25 38 11 80, Fax: 357 25 38 69 82
1, Pavlou Valsamaki Str.
P.O.Box 42572, 6500 Larnaka
Tel: 357-24 65 34 38, Fax: 357 24 65 22 13
4) European University Cyprus
The purpose, mission and objectives of European University
Cyprus (E.U.C.) are to advance learning and knowledge by
teaching and research to enable students to obtain the
advantages of University education, and to provide relevant
service to the Community. E.U.C. has a strong commitment to
higher education in general, and excellence in Teaching,
Research and Service to the Community in paritcular.
The educational purpose of E.U.C. is to create an academicand social environment, in which students are challenged,guided and supported to develop and achieve their personaland professional goals. Students are challenged to develop asindependent, effective, active, rational and creative thinkersand citizens, who appreciate and respect social, moral andethical values. An integrated general education curriculum andstrong acedemic and career concentrations characterize theadademic programs of the University. Graduate programs offerthe students the opportunity to extend and deepen knowledgeof specialized disciplines and secure addtional trainingoccupational competency.
Programs of Study: The School of Arts and EducationSciences, The School of Business, The School of Sciences,The School of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Contact Information:European University CyprusOffice of Admissions6 Diogenes Str., EngomiP.O.Box 22006, 1516 Lefkosia, CyprusTel: +357 22 71 30 00, Fax: +357 22 71 31 72E-mail: [email protected]: 5) Frederick University - Cyprus
Frederick University is a private university operating in the
Republic of Cyprus. Frederick University was established after
the decision of the Government of Cyprus on the 12th of
September 2007. It functions from two campuses, the main
campus in Lefkosia, the capital of Cyprus and the other in
Lemesos the second largest city.
Frederick University started its operations with six schoolscomprising 14 Departments and offering 18 different Programsof Study.
• School of Architecture, Fine and Applied Arts• School of Humanities and Social Sciences• School of Economic Sciences and Administration • School of Health Sciences• School of Engineering and Applied Sciences • School of Education Contact details:Frederick University7, Y. Frederickou Str., Pallouriotissa1036 LefkosiaTel: +357 22 43 13 55, Fax:+357 22 43 82 34e-mail: [email protected] V.A.T. (Value Added Tax)
V.A.T. in Cyprus is charged on the purchase of almost all
goods and services. There are four VAT rates, the rate of 15%,
the rate of 8%, the rate of 5% and the zero rate. Restaurants,
with the exception of alcoholic beverages, hotel
accommodation, as well as transport of passengers by taxi
and buses are taxable at the rate at 8%. Books, magazines
and newspapers are taxable at the rate of 5%. Foodstuffs,
medicines and airfares are taxable at the zero rate. Bank
services, medical and dental services are exempted from any
VAT charge.
As from 19 Octoer 2007, the following are taxable at the
reduced rate of 5%: Hair dressing, Confectionery product,
Bottled water, Juices, Entry fees to theaters, cinemas, sporting
events, Luna parks and similar cultural events.
Retail prices displayed for goods charged with V.A.T. should
be V.A.T. inclusive.
V.A.T. CLAIM (Tax free shopping for visitors)
According to the V.A.T. legislation in force, foreign visitors to
Cyprus (visitors from countries outside the EU) can claim
back the V.A.T. on goods exported to a place outside the EU in
their hand luggage.
Visitors are eligible for a V.A.T. refund under the following
1. If they are not holders of an EU country passport or other
form of identification, 2. If they have not resided in Cyprus or any other member state of the European Union for more than 365 days in thelast two years before the date they purchased the goods, 3. The total purchase must exceed €504. The goods must be exported in hand luggage by the last day of the third month following the month in which thegoods were purchased.
Three easy steps to claim your V.A.T. refund
1. Shop wherever there is a tax-free shopping sign and
simply ask for your tax-free document.
2. When leaving Cyprus show your purchases and passport to customs officials and have your tax-free document stamped.
3. Receive your refund in the method of your choice.
For further information you may contact:1. V.A.T. Service, CY 1471, Lefkosia Tel: 22 60 18 09, Fax: 22 66 04 84
E-mail: [email protected]
2. Cyprus Consumers' Association, Tel: 22 51 61 12, 22 51 61 13, Fax: 22 51 61 18 3. Global Refund Tel: 24 81 75 55, 99 44 25 33, Fax: 24 81 75 58 Walking Tours
Guided tours in and around Lefkosia, Lemesos, Larnaka, Agia
Napa and Germasogeia village are offered free of charge by
the above Municipalities and are organised in collaboration
with the Cyprus Tourism Organisation and the Cyprus Tourist
Guides Association.
a) Chrysaliniotissa and Kaimakli: the Past Restored Guided bus and walking tour.
Monday: 10:00 hrsStarting point: CTO Information Office, Aristokyprou 11,Laiki Geitonia (east of Plateia Eleftherias).
b) Lefkosia walking tour Guided walking tour of old Lefkosia.
Thursday: 10:00 hrsStarting point: CTO Information Office, Aristokyprou 11,Laiki Geitonia (east of Plateia Eleftherias).
c) Lefkosia-Outside the Walls Guided bus and walking tour.
Friday: 10:00 hrsStarting point: CTO Information Office, Aristokyprou 11,Laiki Geitonia (east of Plateia Eleftherias).
For information please call 22674264.
a) A stroll in Neapolis, Nemesos, Limassol…Lemesos Guided walking tour of old Lemesos.
Monday: 10:00 hrsStarting point: CTO Information Office, Spyrou Araouzou 115A, Tel.: 25362756.
b) Germasogeia-A Village Blessed by Water (October-April) Guided bus and walking tour.
Wednesday: 10:00 hrs (in English). (Friday: 10:00 hrs in Finnish).
Starting point: CTO Information Office, Georgiou A' 22,Germasogeia tourist area, (eastern entrance of Dassoudi Beach).
For information and bookings please call 25323211.
c) Discover the Natural Environment of Germasogeia (October-April)Guided bus and walking tour.
Wednesday: 10:00 hrs (in English). (Friday: 10:00 hrs in Finnish).
Starting point: CTO Information Office, Georgiou A' 22,Germasogeia tourist area,(eastern entrance of Dassoudi Beach).
For information and bookings please call 25323211.
Note: Each Germasogeia Walk is organised on alternate weeks.
a) Larnaka-Past and Present Guided walking tour.
Wednesday: 10:00hrsStarting point: CTO Information Office, Plateia VasileosPavlou, tel.: 24654322.
b) Scala-It's craftsmen Guided walking tour.
Friday: 10:00 hrsStarting point: Larnaka Fort (Mediaeval Museum),Seafront road.
For information please call 24654322.
Agia Napa and the Sea: A Different Dimension (by bus)
Monday: 10:00 hrs (in English and German)
Friday: 10:00 hrs (in Swedish and English)
Starting point: CTO Information Office, Leoforos Kryou Nerou 12.
For information and bookings please call 23721796.
Strolling round Ktima-Pafos
Guided walking tour
Thursday: 10:00 hrs
Starting point: CTO Information Office, Gladstonos 3
For information and bookings please call 26 932841.
Drinking water is safe in Cyprus as water pollution is negligible
and every home has fresh running drinking–water.
All the District Water Boards and Local Authorities are in constantcollaboration with the Government Public Health Services andthe General Laboratory for the prevention of any toxicologicaland bacteriological infection of drinking water in Cyprus.
Tap–water in hotels, restaurants, public premises, etc., is safeto drink.
See also page 112.
"Water World" Waterpark, Agia Napa
Agia Thekla Rd., P.O.Box 30605, CY 5345 Agia Napa
Tel: 23 72 44 44, Fax: 23 72 41 60
E-mail: [email protected]
Catering facilities are available.
Open from March to Mid-November, from 10:00 to 18:00hrs
Fasouri "Water mania" Waterpark,
P.O.Box 56958, CY 3311 Lemesos
Tel: 25 71 42 35, Fax: 25 71 42 37
E-mail: [email protected]
Web-site: http: //
Located on the way from Lemesos New Port to Pafos via
Trahoni village.
Catering facilities are available.
Open from May to October, from 10:00 to 18:00hrs daily.
"Aphrodite" Waterpark, Geroskipou, Pafos
P.O.Box 61357, CY 8133 Pafos
Off Poseidonos Ave., (Hotels area) Geroskipou, Pafos
Tel: 99 52 72 11, 26 91 36 38, Fax: 26 91 36 39
E-mail: [email protected]
Catering facilities are available.
Open daily from May to October, 10:00-17:30 (May-June),
10:00-18:00 (July-August), 10:00-17:00 (September-October).
Protaras Fun Park, Waterpark,
P.O.Box 33759, CY 5317 Paralimni
(next to Paschalia Hotel), Tel: 99 66 90 22, 23 83 38 88,
Fax: 23 83 38 89
E-mail: [email protected]
Catering facilities are available.
Open from April to October, from 10:00 to 18:00hrs daily.
Youth "Card Euro<26"
The Youth Card Euro<26 is a European service for young
people aged 13-26 which secures to its holders discounts in
hundreds of products and services all over Cyprus. Cloths,
sports goods, books, musical instruments, air tickets, tickets for
theatres and cinemas are some of the things offered at a
discount. The Youth Card Euro<26 is every young person's
passport to Europe because it is valid in 41 countries of Europe.
More information from the Youth Board of Cyprus:
6, Evgenias & Antoniou Theodotou, 1060 Lefkosia
Tel: 22 40 26 12, 22 40 26 17, Fax: 22 40 27 00
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
Youth Hostels and Rest House
Youth Hostels in Cyprus are open to members of the Youth
Hostels Association. Non–members are also accepted but on
arrival at the Hostel they will be provided with a guest card.
The Hostels are open all year round and offer kitchen facilities.
Overnight fees: €10,00 per night (breakfast is not included inthe price).
Nikolaou Rossou 27, 6021 Larnaka (near Agios Lazaros
Church, 50 metres from the beach), Tel: 24 62 11 88.
The Cyprus Youth Hostel Associations
P.O.Box 24040, CY 1700 Lefkosia,or Mrs Dina Charitou, Secretary General of the AssociationTh. Theodotou 34, Flat 11, 1065 Lefkosia Tel: 22 67 00 27, 22 67 55 74, Fax: 22 672896,
E-mail: [email protected]
Rest House – Stavros tis Psokas Forest Station
The Rest House is situated at Stavros tis Psokas ForestStation at an altitude of 950 metres amidst the Pafos Pineforest near the moufflon reserve and not far from the famousCedar valley.
Overnight fees: €12,00 (adults), €6,00 (children over 6 years)per night, from 1/11 - 15/4 €6,00 surcharge for heating perroom.
Note: It is strongly recommended that reservations for the
Rest House should be made well in advance, in order to avoid
any incovenience.

In the compilation of this handbook every care has beentaken by the Cyprus Tourism Organisation (C.T.O.) to ensureaccuracy of information (June–September 2008). However,C.T.O. cannot accept responsibility for errors or omissions inthe material supplied for inclusion, but where such arebrought to its attention, future issues will be amendedaccordingly. Printed by: November 2008 CYPRUS TOURISM ORGANISATION



Che cos'è l'artrite giovanile L e malattie reumatologiche del bambino sono patologie infiammatorie di causa spesso sconosciuta che, pur prediligendo le articolazioni, possono interessare ogni organo ed apparato dell'organismo. Esse deri-vano da un'abnorme regolazione della risposta immunitaria, hanno co-munemente un andamento cronico e possono causare gravi conseguenzecome limitazioni articolari rilevanti, danni oculari, danni cardiaci, insuf-ficienza renale e riduzione della crescita. Nel loro complesso costitui-scono una delle maggiori cause di disabilità nel bambino.In questi ultimi anni, la ricerca scientifica ha fatto grandi progressi nellostudio della patogenesi di queste malattie attraverso l'identificazione del-le molecole che determinano l'infiammazione. Grazie a ciò sono oggi di-sponibili farmaci ad alta selettività d'azione ed ottima efficacia, pur coni limiti di una risposta clinica soggettiva. Un'adeguata assistenza ospe-daliera e ambulatoriale è necessaria per affrontare e risolvere i problemiche queste malattie possono creare nella vita quotidiana dei bambini edelle loro famiglie.Per tale ragione oltre 15 anni fa a Chieti è stato istituito un ServizioRegionale per la diagnosi e cura delle malattie reumatologiche del bam-bino. Il Centro di Chieti collabora direttamente con altri Centri nazionalied europei negli studi epidemiologici e sui nuovi farmaci in questo settore.L'esigenza di un Centro di Riferimento Regionale in Abruzzo è nata pervolere di alcuni genitori stanchi dei "viaggi della speranza". Dal 1993l'ARARA collabora con il Servizio Regionale di Reumatologia Pediatricanella realizzazione di congressi, meeting e manifestazioni culturali atti adivulgare la conoscenza di tali patologie e sostenere l'attività di ricerca.Molta strada è stata percorsa, ma tanta ne resta da fare.Questa pubblicazione è rivolta non solo ad un ristretto gruppo di clinicio di specialisti, ma soprattutto ai bambini con patologie reumatologiche,alle loro famiglie e a quanti vogliano collaborare per curare queste ma-lattie, migliorare la qualità di vita e dare nuove opportunità ai piccolipazienti e alle loro famiglie.

[Downloaded free from on Tuesday, January 05, 2016, IP:] CASE REPORT Pretibial dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa pruriginosa: A rare case report in a child with low intelligent quotientB Vijaya, SR Narahari1, Pallavi Deka, GV Manjunath Department of Pathology, JSS Medical College and Hospital, JSS University, Mysore, Karnataka, 1Department of Dermatology,