Marys Medicine

"N" - Marys Medicine:

Der Soma-Trinker des alten Indien - eine ethnobotanische Rückschau Von Sachidananda Padhy und Santosh Kumar Dash,ins Deutsche übertragen von Edzard Klapp EinführungIm Rig-Veda (R.V.), begegnet uns ‘Soma' als etwas Vieldeutiges, in Erscheinung tretend in mannigfacher Weise wie etwa: Soma als Licht; Soma als Morgengrauen; Soma, der die Sonne dazu bringt zu scheinen; Soma als Sternbild und luzide Wesenheit; Soma als Vogel; Soma als Kind; Soma als Stütze des Himmels und Soma als der Herrscher, letztlich charakterisiert all das ihn als eine mythische Erscheinung. Stets aber betonen die vedischen Texte, bei Soma handele es sich um ein heiliges Gewächs, dessen Saft (Soma-Rasa) als der den Göttern dargebotene Trank galt, dem man auch die Wirkung einer Arznei zuschrieb, verwendet als natürliches Mittel zur Erhaltung der Gesundheit, welches seinen Anwender wach und in Aufmerksamkeit verharrend erhielte.Zum Ruhme des Soma-Rasa heißt es noch, als Opfer an die Götter werde davon ein wenig ins Feuer gespendet und es werde dem Priester verabreicht, der dadurch zum Ersinnen von Hymnen und Lobpreisungen inspiriert werde. Es verheiße langes Leben und gewähre dem Herzen Befreiung von Sünden, die Schwachen befreie es von ihren Gebresten und heile die Gebrechlichen; es verschaffe Schutz vor der Tücke der Menschen und vor bösen Vorzeichen; es leiste der Wahrhaftigkeit Vorschub und mache die Lüge zunichte, auch bringe es falschen Schein zu Fall (Hillebrandt 1891). In den Gesetzbüchern wird Soma als geläuterter Trank gepriesen, wonach ein Braahmana (Angehöriger der Elite der Yogis) ver- mittels Trinkens von Soma Kräfte zu erlangen vermöge, kraft deren er lediglich mit einem Blick seiner Augen andere zu töten imstande sei. Darüber hinaus heißt es, ein anderer Name für den Mond als Gott 'Chandra' sei Soma, als Gewährleister für das Entstehen von Heilkräften in Pflanzen und als Autorität des Amrita (d.h. Nektar), des sogenannten Elixirs der Unsterblichkeit, über das man sich nur wundern könne. Im Verlauf der vergangenen mehr als hundert Jahre wurde emsig geforscht, um die Soma-Pflanze botanisch zu identifizieren, um endlich dieses von den Veden gepriesene Gewächs auch für uns Heutige nutzbar machen zu können. Wir haben uns ausgiebig damit in unserer neuesten Arbeit (Padhy und andere, 2001) befasst und sie (Padhy und Dash, 2001, 2002) zur Diskussion gestellt. Nachfolgend wollen wir die für den zu trinkenden Soma in Betracht

Datasheet for bl21(de3) competent e. coli (c2527; lot 30)

5 Minute Transformation Protocol BL21(DE3) A shortened transformation protocol resulting in approximately 10% effi-ciency compared to the standard protocol may be suitable for applications Competent E. coli where a reduced total number of transformants is acceptable.Follow the Transformation Protocol with the following changes:1. Steps 3 and 5 are reduced to 2 minutes.

En abordant le sujet SE SOIGNER – LES PREMIERS SECOURS, nous entrons dans unepartie non négligeable de la survie. Accès rapide - - - - - HYGIÈNE ET SOIN – HYGIÈNE La base de l'hygiène c'est l'eau. Il est très risqué de boire de l'eau du robinet, elle peut êtreimpure à la consommation voire pire. Il existe une solution pour prévenir pas mal derisques, les pastilles Micropure Forte.


Im Porträt: Der blaue Jude David Lasar • Martin Engelberg und Erwin Javor über Israel nach den Wahlen • Im Gespräch: Österreichs Israel-Botschafter Michael Rendi • Eric Frey über den Fall Madoff und die Folgen (1/2009) Nisan 5769 3,– Jüdisches Handwerk in Wien: Neue Serie NU porträtiert jüdische Geschäftsleute wie etwa den Schuster David Malajev

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Kate F. Hurley, DVM, MPVMKoret Shelter Medicine Program DirectorCenter for Companion Animal HealthUniversity of California, 7/162 (4%) 31/60 (52%) Pedersen, N. C., R. Sato, et al. (2004). "Common virus infections in cats, before and after being placed in shelters, with emphasis on feline enteric coronavirus." J Feline Med Surg 6(2): 83-88.

SPECIAL CALL MEETING January 4, 2016 A Special Call Meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Natchez, Mississippi, was held in the Council Chambers at 4:00 p.m. on Monday, January 4, 2016. Mayor Pro Tempore Arceneaux-Mathis presided at the meeting. Elected Officials City Officials & Present Absent Department Larry L. Brown Donnie Holloway, City ClerkMayor Hyde Carby, City Attorney

n a M i Wa l k 2 0 1 5 Save the t Tuesday, April 7 6:30-8:30 pmEDUCATION PROGRAMRecovery Is Real Hear from those who have lived itAnne Whitman, vice president of the NAMI Mass Board of Directors, chair of the Metro above: The formidable Cambridge Walk Team 2014

NATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL RESEARCH print ISSN: 2249 4995│eISSN: 2277 8810 ORIGINAL RESEARCH GONORRHOEA IN MEN: DIAGNOSTIC ASPECTS AND CHANGING ANTIBIOTIC SUSCEPTIBILITY PATTERN Sandeep Nanda1, Sonia Barve1, Chandralekha Bhanujan2, Sachin P Lohra2, Rupal Patel3, Govind L Ninama4, Kalpesh Mistry4 Author's Affiliation: 1Medical college, Baroda; 2BJ Medical College, Ahmedabad; 3PS Medical College, Karamsad; 4GMERS, Gotri, Baroda Correspondence: Dr. Sandeepkumar Nanda, Email: [email protected]

Jerome Schofferman, MDSpine Care Medical Group Long-term Opioid Therapy vs Carol Hartigan, MD Exercise/Cognitive Behavioral New England Baptist Hospital,Harvard Medical School Therapy for Refractory Chronic Low Back Pain SpineLine Section Editor:Robert J. Gatchel, PhD, ABPP University of Texas at ArlingtonArlington, TX

Neuroaesthetics: A Coming of Age Story ■ Neuroaesthetics is gaining momentum. At this early junc- gence of experimental neuroaesthetics. I then suggest a few areas ture, it is worth taking stock of where the field is and what lies within neuroaesthetics that might be pursued profitably. Finally, I ahead. Here, I review writings that fall under the rubric of neuro- raise some challenges for the field. These challenges are not

Light promotes regeneration and functional recovery and alters the immune response after spinal cord injury

Lasers in Surgery and Medicine 36:171–185 (2005) Light Promotes Regeneration and Functional Recoveryand Alters the Immune Response After Spinal Cord Injury{ Kimberly R. Byrnes, PhD,1* Ronald W. Waynant, PhD,2 Ilko K. Ilev, PhD,2 Xingjia Wu, BS,1 Lauren Barna, BS,1Kimberly Smith,1 Reed Heckert, BS,1 Heather Gerst, BS,1 and Juanita J. Anders, PhD 1Department of Anatomy, Physiology & Genetics, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences,Bethesda, Maryland 208142Center for Devices and Radiological Health, ElectroOptics Branch, Food and Drug Administration, HFZ-134,Rockville, Maryland 20857

The Effects of Serum Testosterone, Estradiol, and SexHormone Binding Globulin Levels on Fracture Risk inOlder Men Erin S. LeBlanc, Carrie M. Nielson, Lynn M. Marshall, Jodi A. Lapidus,Elizabeth Barrett-Connor, Kristine E. Ensrud, Andrew R. Hoffman, Gail Laughlin,Claes Ohlsson, and Eric S. Orwoll, for the Osteoporotic Fractures in Men StudyGroup Bone and Mineral Unit (E.S.L., C.M.N., L.M.M., J.A.L., E.S.O.), Oregon Health and Science University,Portland, Oregon 97239; Department of Family and Preventive Medicine (E.B.-C., G.L.), University ofCalifornia, San Diego, San Diego, California 92093; Departments of Medicine and Epidemiology &Community Health (K.E.E.), University of Minnesota and Department of Medicine (K.E.E.), VeteransAffairs Medical Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55417; Department of Medicine (A.R.H.), StanfordUniversity, Palo Alto, California 94305; and Department of Internal Medicine (C.O.), Center for BoneResearch at the Sahlgrenska Academy, SE-416 85 Go¨teborg, Sweden

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Sphagnum magellanicum cladus aducus group ( Bryopsida : Amblystegiaceae ) , 12 ill., 248 VOTRE VOYAGE NOUS INTERESSE…… Si vous envisagez de voyager prochainement, pensez à récolter Revue spécialisée de bryologie quelques échantillons de bryophytes et à nous les faire parvenir dès votre Numéro 22 — juin 2002 ISSN: (1377 - 8412)

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Kolorex® Horopito – Scientific Summary TABLE OF CONTENTS Horopito – the ancient herb .2 Traditional Use .2 Anti-Candida Discovery .2 Kolorex® Horopito .3 Antifungal and Antibacterial Activity .3 Mode of Action .4 Toxicology and Mutagenicity .4 Safety .4 in vitro Efficacy .5 in vivo Studies .8 Stability studies .9 Clinical Studies .10 Kolorex® Horopito – Scientific Summary

Årsmelding / Annual Report 2004 Bildet på omslaget illustrerer det katastro-fale jordkskjelvet ved Sumatra den 26. desember 2004. Skjelvet forårsaket en gigantisk flodbølge (tsunami) i det Indiske hav, og førte til tap av nær 300.000 men-neskeliv. The picture on the cover illustrates the catastrophic earthquake near Sumatra on 26 December 2004. This earthquake gen-erated a huge tsunami in the Indian Ocean, claiming nearly 300,000 human lives.

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Osteoporosis and Coeliac Disease Osteoporosis is a common problem in our society and Osteoporosis may will affect 2 in every 3 women who reach 60 and 1 in every 3 men. The risk is even higher as a consequence in those with coeliac disease. *Associate Professor Nick Pocock and Kate Noakes coeliac disease. ;LEXMWSWXISTSVSWMW#Osteoporosis is most easily thought of as a thinning of bones. Our bones are dynamic organs and are constantly being ‘remodelled' to cope with changing stresses imposed by our lifestyle and to repair microscopic damage to the bones which happens as a normal part of living. The remodelling of bones involves an initial ‘resorption' phase where the old bone is removed, followed by a ‘formation' phase where new bone is formed. Osteoporosis occurs when the

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Nephrol Dial Transplant (2005) 20: 441–443doi:10.1093/ndt/gfh297 Treatment of baclofen overdose by haemodialysis: a pharmacokineticstudy Vin-Cent Wu1,2, Shuei-Liong Lin2, Shu-Meng Lin3 and Cheng-Chung Fang3 1Department of Internal Medicine, Far Eastern Memorial Hospital, 2Department of Internal Medicine and 3Departmentof Emergency Medicine, National Taiwan University Hospital, National Taiwan University College of Medicine, Taipei,Taiwan

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THE TRADITIONAL & NATURAL HEALTH ALLIANCE COMMENTS IN TERMS OF REGULATORY NOTICE R.37995 "General Amendment Regulations made in terms of the Medicines and Related Substances Act, 101 of 1965" Released: 12 December 2014 And God said, "See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face

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Institut Phocéen de Néphrologie Novembre Décembre 2014 REVUE DE L'INSTITUT PHOCÉEN DE Néphrologie Dialyse Transplantation Activité physique et Dialyse Les patients hémodialysés ont une baisse des capacités d'activité physique. Que se passe-t-il si on favorise l'exercice physique ? AVK et dialyse: une mauvaise association ? Des données s'accumulet sur

Pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments for nightmare disorder

International Review of Psychiatry, April 2014; 26(2): 225–236 Pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments for nightmare disorder MICHAEL R. NADORFF 1,2 , KAREN K. LAMBDIN 1 & ANNE GERMAIN 3 1 Department of Psychology, Mississippi State University, Starkville, Mississippi, 2 Menninger Department of Psychiatry, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, and 3 Department of Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

Version: 2009-06-23, valid until 2012-12-31

Acquired Haemophilia, Nordic Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment Version: 2009-06-23, valid until 2012-12-31 Version: 2009-06-23, valid until 2012-12-31 ACQUIRED HAEMOPHILIA NORDIC GUIDELINES FOR DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT Working Group on Acquired Haemophilia of the Nordic Haemophilia Centres Lilian Tengborn, Malmö, Sweden (author and co-ordinator)

Rituximab associated with mycophenolate: the LUNAR trial experience Fernando Fervenza, Rochester, USA Chairs: David Jayne, Cambridge, UK Vladimir Tesar, Prague, Czech Republic Prof. Fernando Fervenza Division of Nephrology and Hypertension Rochester, Minnesota the presentation is to discuss the results of the LUNAR trial and I have the disclosures that the trial was conducted by Genentech and Biogen. The results of the trial have already

The EMBO Journal (2006) 25, 868–879 & 2006 European Molecular Biology Organization All Rights Reserved 0261-4189/06 Y-family DNA polymerases respond to DNAdamage-independent inhibition of replication forkprogression Veronica G Godoy1,3, Daniel F Jarosz2, properly restored. Mutations in components of such check- Fabianne L Walker1,4, Lyle A Simmons1

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CURRICULUM VITAE TERRI ELIZABETH WEAVER, PH.D., RN, FAAN BUSINESS ADDRESS HOME ADDRESS University of Illinois at Chicago - College of Nursing 814 Franklin Avenue River Forest, IL 60305 Chicago, IL 60612-7350 708/771/5623 (home) 312/919/5978 (cell) 610-293-4598 (fax) [email protected] 312/413/4399 (fax)

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FLEXIBLE BENEFIT PLAN EMPLOYEE GUIDE NEW HORIZONS REGIONAL EDUCATION CENTERS © Copyright 2013 - Flexible Benefit Administrators, Inc. TABLE OF CONTENTS FLEXIBLE BENEFIT PLAN: THE BETTER YOU PLAN, THE MORE YOU SAVE! It's more than a slogan. The Flexible Benefit Plan is a real solution to issues facing all of us. Simply stated, by taking advantage of tax laws, the Flexible Benefit Plan works with your benefits to save you money. Your insurance programs are designed to help you and your family become financially secure as well as to protect you against the high cost of medical care including catastrophic events. However, almost everyone has a number of necessary, predictable expenses that are not covered by your insurance programs. The Flexible Benefit Plan will help you pay for these predictable expenses. The Flexible Benefit Plan offers a unique way to help pay for some of your health care expenses and dependent care expenses. The key to the Flexible Benefit Plan is that your eligible expenses are paid for with Tax Free Dollars. You will not pay any federal, state or social security taxes on funds placed in the Plan. You will save between, approximately, $27.65 and $37.65 on every $100 you place in the Plan. The amount of your savings will depend on your federal tax bracket. Using the Flexible Benefit Plan can save you a significant amount of money each year, however, it is important that you understand how the Plan works and how you can make the most of the advantages the Flexible Benefit Plan offers. This handbook will help you understand the Flexible Benefit Plan. The handbook covers how the Plan works, describes the categories of the Plan, explains the rules governing the Plan, the reimbursement process and how you can elect to participate in the Flexible Benefit Plan. Prior to electing to participate in the Flexible Benefit Plan, it is important that you read and understand the Rules and Regulations section of this handbook. After you read this material, if you have any questions please feel free to contact Flexible Benefit Administrators, Inc. at (757) 340-4567 or (800) 437-FLEX.

Vet Res Commun (2011) 35:501–509DOI 10.1007/s11259-011-9493-7 Analysis of epidermal lipids in normal and atopic dogs,before and after administration of an oral omega-6/omega-3 fatty acid feed supplement. A pilot study Iuliana Popa & Didier Pin & Nathalie Remoué &Bilal Osta & Sylvie Callejon & Emilie Videmont &Hugues Gatto & Jacques Portoukalian & Marek Haftek Accepted: 12 July 2011 / Published online: 23 July 2011

Using the NADA Protocol to Improve Wellbeing for Prostate Cancer Survivors: Five Case Studies Beverley de Valois and Tarsem Degun cardiovascular disease, and cardiac events. Distress, anxiety, This paper presents case studies of five men diagnosed and irritability, depression, and loss of confidence are emotional and

TOTAL SUPPORT KIT Acitretin 10 mg and 25 mg Capsules It Is Important to read and understand thIs InformatIon Your DailY Dose of NovatretiN is: Number of Capsules per day: x 10 mg Caps / Day x 25 mg Caps / Day If you ever need to check what your dose is you can refer to the above information. Novatretin is a prescription medicine.

Updated daily at 20 November 2014 Geoghegan-Quinn leaves mixed legacy – p13 ERA Less is more, or is it? – p5 Archiving Cologne collection's comeback after construction collapse – p6 Commission bids Glover a silent farewell Researchers call for clarification as CSA post is left to expire A tense relAtionship between the European by Laura Greenhalgh

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WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic, 2013 WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) status Date of signature 10 November 2003 Date of ratification (or legal equivalent) Socioeconomic context Population (thousands) Prevalence of tobacco use Tobacco use data from the latest survey results available to WHO as at 31 December 2012

Natural Molecular Today Issue 1 // September 2012 EMBRACING PHARMACOGENOMICS LEADERSHIP INSIDE THIS ROLE, NMTC LAUNCHES PRIDE® REGISTRY WRITTEN BY: KEN WALLACE, NMTC Director of Business Development .revolutionizing Dr. Huey McDaniel ON A DAILY BASIS we see that personalized medicine is having a dramatic positive


Practice Parameter: Therapies for essential tremor: Report of the Quality Standards Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology T. A. Zesiewicz, R. Elble, E. D. Louis, R. A. Hauser, K. L. Sullivan, R. B. Dewey, Jr, W. G. Ondo, G. S. Gronseth and W. J. Weiner 2005;64;2008-2020; originally published online Jun 22, 2005; DOI: 10.1212/01.WNL.0000163769.28552.CD


april 2014_Layout 1 3/26/14 10:49 AM Page 1 Publication of New Jersey Carpenters Funds cobra rates revised nj carpenters annuity for active members fund achieves powerful COBRA provides continued health care coverage at group rates to 13 percent return in 2013 eligible employees and family members who have lost coverage due to certain qualifying events or reasons "other than gross misconduct." The

Be on the Giving End of Mercy New York Mission of Mercy is opportunity to make a difference and show you care. access to care is a big problem in the united and care to those in need. mid-level providers could states. many people go without needed dental care provide palliative care until the patient can secure for a variety of reasons. there are no dentists in


Biophysical Chemistry 119 (2006) 69 – 77 Influence of N-dodecyl-N,N-dimethylamine N-oxide on the activity of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-transporting ATPase reconstituted into diacylphosphatidylcholine vesicles: Effects of bilayer physical parameters J. Karlovska´ a,*, D. Uhrı´kova´ a, N. Ku*erka a, J. Teixeira b, F. Devı´nsky a, I. Lacko a, P. Balgavy´ a a Faculty of Pharmacy, Comenius University, Odboja´rov 10, 832 32 Bratislava, Slovakia

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North Scott Community School District 04/01/2013: Changes to your MedTrak Prescription Benefit Plan Introducing the Performance 90 Network The Performance 90 Network is Network of thousands of pharmacies where you will be able to fill your 90-day supplies of medications. As your prescription benefits manager, MedTrak proactively looks for ways to enhance your prescription drug benefit. As a result, we are introducing the MedTrak Performance 90 (P90) Pharmacy Network designed to deliver convenience and savings for Members who would like to fill 90-day prescriptions.*

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THIS DOCUMENT IS IMPORTANT AND REQUIRES YOUR IMMEDIATE ATTENTION. If you are in any doubtabout the contents of this document you should consult your stockbroker, bank manager, solicitor, accountant or otherindependent professional adviser authorised for the purposes of the FSMA, who specialises in advising on theacquisition of shares and other securities. An investment in the Company involves a significant degree of risk and maynot be suitable for all recipients of this document. Investors should consider carefully the "Risk Factors" which are setout in Part III of this document.

Press release

Québec Becomes First Province to Add Victoza® to the Drug Benefit Formulary* for the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes Mississauga, ON – June 4, 2014 – Novo Nordisk today announces that the Québec government has approved the inclusion of Victoza® (liraglutide), the first once-daily human glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) analogue, to the Lists of Medications, effective June 2, 2014. The reimbursement of Victoza® by the Québec Health Insurance Board (RAMQ) will allow people living with type 2 diabetes to have access to a treatment to help better manage diabetes. Québec is the first province to provide public access to Victoza®. Effective June 2, 2014, Victoza® is covered for eligible people in Québec, in association with metformin, for the treatment of type 2 diabetes for those whose glycemic control is inadequate and whose body mass index (BMI) is greater than 30 kg/m2 when a dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP-4) inhibitor is contraindicated, not tolerated or ineffective. Authorization for an initial request for treatment with Victoza® is granted for a maximum of 12 months. When submitting the first request for continuation of treatment, the physician must provide proof of a beneficial effect defined by a reduction in the glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) of at least 0.5 per cent or by the attainment of a target value of seven per cent or less. According to the 2013 Clinical Practice Guidelines from the Canadian Diabetes Association, proper management of type 2 diabetes includes reaching target HbA1c levels within three to six months of initial treatment, reduction in rates of hypoglycemia and weight loss. If these goals are not achieved in the first three to six months, the guidelines suggest incorporating timely adjustments, such as including an anti-hyperglycemic agent.1 Victoza® is an anti-hyperglycemic agent which improves glycemic control by lowering blood glucose and HbA1C levels, with a low risk of hypoglycemia and the added benefit of weight loss.2,3 Perspectives from Key Authorities on Diabetes in Québec: "An important point for type 2 diabetes management is to ensure that most patients are reaching their HbA1c goals," said Dr. Rémi Rabasa-Lhoret, MD, PhD, associate professor, Université de Montréal. "If this is not achieved through diet and exercise and the recommended first-line therapy, metformin, an anti-hyperglycemic treatment like Victoza® should be initiated. The Québec government‟s reimbursement of Victoza® should provide some patients with access to a treatment to better manage their diabetes."

Hamilton o. smith - nobel lecture

NUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCE SPECIFICITY OF RESTRICTION ENDONUCLEASESNobel Lecture, 8 December, 1978 HAMILTON O. SMITHDepartment of Microbiology, The Johns Hopkins University School ofMedicine Baltimore, Maryland, U. S. A. In the past seven to eight years we have witnessed the development of anew DNA technology that has fundamentally altered our approach tomodern genetics. The basic ingredients of this new technology are the

Principles and processes in biotechnology.pmd

Ever since the days of Rene Descartes, the French philosopher,mathematician and biologist of seventeenth century, all human Chapter 11 knowledge especially natural sciences were directed to develop Biotechnology : Principles and technologies which add to the creature comforts of human lives, as also value to human life. The whole approach to Chapter 12

Klinik für Neurologie Newsletter der Multiple Sklerose Ambulanz Nachrichten rund um die MS VorwortWir freuen uns, Ihnen eine neue Ausgabe unseres Newsletters präsentieren zu können.In der aktuel en Ausgabe widmen wir uns den neuen medikamentösen Therapieoptionen zur Ver laufs beeinflussung der schubförmig verlaufenden Multiplen Sklerose. Darüber hinaus werden weitere spannende Themen rund um die MS behandelt.


WASTE CONTAMINATION FROM SALMON FARMS Tens of thousands of farmed salmon confined to net pens produce a huge amount of waste: chemical, biological, organic, and inorganic. For more than 25 years, researchers around the world have recognized the harm from salmon farm waste and its long-term impacts on water quality, fisheries resources, and sea-bed ecology.1 THE WASTE PROBLEMSalmon net pens discharge untreated sewage, including contaminated feed laced with chemi-cals, toxic residues, nitrogen, phosphorus, and copper and zinc—not to mention diseases and parasites—directly into coastal waters throughout the world. In addition, tons of contaminated salmon, together with processing wastes—bones, entrails, and even the carcasses of seals, sea lions, and other predators—are dumped in landfills or processed for fertilizer or animal feed.


CONTINUING EDUCATION By Stefanie Tyler, MSN, WHNP-BC and Jamille Nagtalon-Ramos, MSN, WHNP-BC, IBCLC • Describe the etiology and impact of NVP. Stefanie Tyler, MSN, WHNP-BC, is a women's health nurse • Evaluate the need for management of NVP in the individual practitioner at Obstetrical and Gynecological Associates, PLLC, in Houston, Texas. • Describe the safety and efficacy of available nonpharmaco-

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 Irene Heinz – NP, NSM CCAC Edmonton Symptom Assessment System: Edmonton Symptom Assessment System: (revised version) (ESAS-R) (revised version) (ESAS-R) Please circle the number that best describes how you feel NOW: (Tiredness = lack of energy) (Drowsiness = feeling sleepy) Shortness of Breath (Depression = feeling sad)