Marys Medicine

Geneva, Switzerland, 2-7 July 2001
Washington, D.C., United States of America
11-15 September 2000
Note: This report includes Codex Circular Letter CL 2000/39-PFV.
- Codex Contact Points
- Interested International Organizations
Secretary, Codex Alimentarius Commission, Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme,FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy Distribution of the Report of the Twentieth Session of the Codex Committee on Processed
Fruits and Vegetables (ALINORM 01/27)

The report of the Twentieth Session of the Codex Committee on Processed Fruits and Vegetables will be considered by the 24th Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission (Geneva, Switzerland, 2-7 July 2001).

Draft Standards at Step 8
Draft Revised Codex Standard for Canned Applesauce (para. 29 and Appendix II).
Draft Revised Codex Standard for Canned Pears (para. 35 and Appendix III).
Draft Codex Standard for Kimchi (para. 56 and Appendix IV).
Governments wishing to propose amendments or to comment on the above draft standards should do so in writing in conformity with the Guide to the Consideration of Standards at Step 8 of the Procedure for the
Elaboration of Codex Standards including Consideration of any Statements Related to Economic Impact (Codex
Alimentarius Procedural Manual
, Eleventh Edition, pages 26-27) to the Secretary, Codex Alimentarius
Commission, FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy (fax: +39.06.5705.4593; e-mail:
[email protected]) not later than 30 March 2001.
Proposed Draft Standards and Related Texts at Step 5
Proposed Draft Codex Guidelines for Packing Media for Canned Fruits (para. 40 and Appendix
Proposed Draft Codex Standard for Canned Stone Fruits (para. 78 and Appendix VII)
Governments wishing to submit comments regarding the implications which the proposed draft standard or any provisions thereof may have for their economic interests should do so in writing in conformity with the
Uniform Procedure for the Elaboration of Codex Standards and Related Texts (at Step 5) (Codex Alimentarius
Procedural Manual
, Eleventh Edition, pages 21-23) to the Secretary, Codex Alimentarius Commission, FAO,
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy (fax: +39.06.5705.4593; e-mail: [email protected]) not later
than 30 March 2001.

Governments and interested international organizations wishing to submit comments on the
following subject matter are invited to do so before 31 October 2001 to the U.S. Codex Office,
Food Safety and Inspection Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Room 4861 South
Building, 1400 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, D.C. 20250 (fax: +1.202.720.3157,
e-mail: [email protected]) with a copy to the Secretary, Codex Alimentarius Commission,
Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome,
Italy (fax: +39.06.5705.4593, e-mail: [email protected]).
Priority List for the Revision and Standardization of Processed Fruits and Vegetables (para. 15 and
Appendix IX).
The Committee decided to append its Priority List for the Revision and Standardization of Processed Fruits and Vegetables to its report for comment and continued consideration at future meetings of the CCPFV.
Draft Codex Standard for Pickled Products (para. 51 and Appendix VI).
The Committee returned the draft Codex Standard for Pickled Products to Step 6 for circulation, comment and further consideration at its next meeting.
Draft Codex Standard for Canned Bamboo Shoots (para. 64 and Appendix V).
The Committee returned the draft Codex Standard for Canned Bamboo Shoots to Step 6 for circulation, comment and further consideration at its next meeting.
The 20th Session of the Codex Committee on Processed Fruits and Vegetables reached the following MATTERS FOR ADOPTION AND/OR CONSIDERATION BY THE 24TH SESSION OF THE CODEX

• Forwarded the draft revised Codex Standards for Canned Applesauce and Canned Pears to the Commission for adoption at Step 8 (paras. 29 and 35, respectively); • Forwarded the draft Codex Standard for Kimchi to the Commission for adoption at Step 8 (para. 56);• Forwarded the proposed draft Guidelines for Packing Media for Canned Fruits and the proposed draft Codex Standard for Canned Stone Fruits to the Commission for preliminary adoption at Step 5 (paras. 40 and 78,respectively); and, • Requested the Commission to approve as new work the elaboration of a proposed draft Codex Standard for Korean Insam (Ginseng) (para. 80).

• Accepted the offer of several delegations to prepare proposed draft standards for Canned Citrus Fruits, Canned Tomatoes, Canned Tomato Concentrate, Canned Vegetables, Guidelines for Packing Media forCanned Vegetables, Insam (Ginseng), Jams, Jellies and Marmalades and Soy Sauce for circulation, commentat Step 3 and further consideration at its next meeting (paras. 11, 37 and 80); • Decided to append its Priority List for the Revision and Standardization of Processed Fruits and Vegetables to its report for comment and continued consideration at future meetings (para. 15); • Decided to forward Appendix II of document CX/PFV 00/7 to the next session of the Codex Committee on Methods of Analysis and Sampling for endorsement along with additional information provided in writtencomments submitted at its current meeting (para. 42); • Returned the draft Codex Standards for Pickled Products and for Canned Bamboo Shoots to Step 6 for circulation, comment and further consideration at its next meeting (paras. 51 and 64, respectively); and, • Agreed to consider the draft Codex Standard for Aqueous Coconut Products at Step 7 at its next Session on the basis of comments which will be submitted at Step 6 in response to CL 2000/15-GEN (para. 69).
LIST OF PARTICIPANTS . 13 - 22 DRAFT REVISED CODEX STANDARD FOR CANNED APPLESAUCE . 23 - 25 APPENDIX III: DRAFT REVISED CODEX STANDARD FOR CANNED PEARS . 26 - 31 APPENDIX IV: DRAFT CODEX STANDARD FOR KIMCHI . 32 - 34 DRAFT CODEX STANDARD FOR CANNED BAMBOO SHOOTS . 35 - 38 APPENDIX VI: DRAFT CODEX STANDARD FOR PICKLED PRODUCTS . 39 - 41 APPENDIX VII: PROPOSED DRAFT CODEX STANDARD FOR CANNED STONE FRUITS . 42 - 49 APPENDIX VIII: PROPOSED DRAFT CODEX GUIDELINES FOR PACKING MEDIA FOR CANNED FRUITS . 50 APPENDIX IX: PRIORITY LIST FOR THE REVISION AND STANDARDIZATION OF PROCESSED FRUITS AND VEGETABLES . 51 The 20th Session of the Codex Committee on Processed Fruits and Vegetables (CCPFV) was held in Washington, D.C. from 11-15 September 2000 at the kind invitation of the Government of the United States ofAmerica. Mr. David Priester of the United States Department of Agriculture chaired the meeting. The meetingwas attended by 79 participants representing 25 Member Countries and 4 international organizations. The fullList of Participants is attached to this report as Appendix I.
The Session was opened by the Chairman of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, Mr.Thomas Billy.
Mr. Billy noted that the most recent 47th Session of the Executive Committee of the Codex AlimentariusCommission (Geneva, 28-30 June 2000) expressed its unanimous appreciation of his initiative, in collaborationwith the Vice-Chairpersons of the Commission, in drawing up an Action Plan to address many of the issuesfacing Codex. This initiative included elements related to the frequency of Codex Alimentarius Commissionmeetings; the role of the Executive Committee; the leadership of Codex general, commodity and regionalcommittees; the creation of a trust fund to assist developing country participation in Codex; increased use of theInternet; and, the structure of expert consultative bodies. Mr. Billy concluded his remarks by wishing the CodexCommittee on Processed Fruits and Vegetables the utmost success in its deliberations.
The Committee adopted the Provisional Agenda as proposed. The Committee agreed to discuss the proposal of the Republic of Korea to elaborate a Standard for Korean Insam (Ginseng) under Other Business andFuture Work (see paras. 79-80).

The Committee noted matters arising from the 23rd Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) and other Codex Committees, including those matters arising from the most recent 47th Session of theExecutive Committee of the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CCEXEC). The Committee was informed thatthe paper was presented for information only and/or was relevant to other specific agenda items underconsideration at the current meeting. In particular, the following matters were highlighted.
In considering its Medium-Term Plan for 1998 to 2002, the 23rd Session of the CAC (Rome, Italy, 28 June-3 July 1999) reasserted its decision that existing Codex commodity standards should be revised andsimplified as much as possible, and that the elaboration of specific commodity standards should only beundertaken when adequately justified.3 In this regard, the 47th Session of the CCEXEC made the generalobservation that justification for new work in terms of the Criteria for the Establishment of Work Priorities4should be well documented when making such proposals.5 It was noted that the 23rd Session of the CAC entrusted the revision of the Codex standards for quick frozen fruits and vegetables to the Codex Committee on Processed Fruits and Vegetables (CCPFV) in view ofthe abolition of the Joint UNECE/Codex Group of Experts on the Standardization of Quick Frozen Foods. Italso decided that any revision of the Recommended International Code of Practice for the Processing andHandling of Quick Frozen Foods that might be required should be undertaken by the Codex Committee on Food CX/PFV 00/2 and CX/PFV 00/2-Add. 1 ALINORM 99/37, para. 34 and App. II Codex Alimentarius Procedural Manual, 11th Edition, pages 66-67 ALINORM 01/3, para. 44 Hygiene.6 The Commission also agreed to allocate the elaboration of a Codex standard for dried figs to theCCPFV as per the proposal of the Codex Coordinating Committee for Africa.7 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE CODEX ALIMENTARIUS COMMISSION
The Committee was informed of a number of decisions taken by the 45th Session of the Executive Committee (Rome, Italy, 3-5 June 1998) as regards the work of the CCPFV, namely: The elaboration of proposed draft Codex Standards for Canned Berry Fruits; Canned Citrus Fruits;Canned Stone Fruits; Canned Vegetables; Jam, Jellies and Marmalades; Soy Sauce; and, Liquid PackingMedia for Canned Fruits and Canned Vegetables was approved8 as new work for the CCPFV; The adoption9 of proposed draft Codex Standards for Canned Applesauce, Canned Pears, Kimchi andPickles at Step 5 and further development by the CCPFV; The proposed draft Codex Standard for Chutney would be merged with the existing Codex Standard forMango Chutney;10 Allocation of work on the European Regional Standard for Fresh Fungus ‘Chantarelle' to the CodexCommittee on Fresh Fruits and Vegetables and the European Regional Standard for Vinegar to theCodex Coordinating Committee for Europe;11 Return of the requirements for minimum fill to the CCPFV for further consideration.12 In addition, the Committee was informed that the 47th Session of the CCEXEC (Geneva, Switzerland, 28-30 June 2000) adopted13 the proposed draft Codex Standard for Aqueous Coconut Products at Step 5 forfurther development by the CCPFV.

In view of the extensive programme of work for the Codex Committee on Processed Fruits and Vegetables, the Committee unanimously agreed with the initiative of the Codex Secretariat to establish a PriorityList for the Standardization of Processed Fruits and Vegetables to be considered at its next and subsequentsessions. The Committee noted that it should continue to take account of the Criteria for the Establishment ofWork Priorities (Codex Alimentarius Procedural Manual, 11th Edition, pages 66-67) as well as the Commission'sMedium-Term Plan when establishing and maintaining the priority list (see para. 5).
The Committee noted that standards to be considered at its current meeting included Canned Applesauce, Canned Pears, Pickles, Kimchi, Bamboo Shoots, Aqueous Coconut Products (at Step 7), CannedStone Fruits and Guidelines for Packing Media for Canned Fruits (at Step 4). The Committee was also informedthat the Executive Committee approved the elaboration of Codex standards for Canned Berry Fruits; CannedCitrus Fruits; Canned Vegetables; Jams, Jellies and Marmalades; Soy Sauce; and, Packing Media for CannedVegetables.
The Committee accepted the offer of the following delegations to prepare proposed draft standards for the following commodities for timely circulation, comment at Step 3 and further consideration at the 21st Session ALINORM 99/37, para. 219 ALINORM 99/37, para. 208 ALINORM 99/3, App. III ALINORM 99/3, App. IV ALINORM 99/3, para. 33 ALINORM 99/3, para. 38 ALINORM 99/3, para. 37 ALINORM 01/3, App. IV CX/PFV 00/3 and comments submitted by Canada, France, Korea, Mexico, Spain, United States and the WorldProcessing Tomato Council (CX/PFV 00/3-Add. 1); United Kingdom (CRD 2); Korea (CRD 4); Japan (CRD 5);European Community (CRD 7); Malaysia (CRD 8); and, Philippines (CRD 12) of the CCPFV (the following list is not in priority order; i.e., all standards listed will be considered at the nextSession of the CCPFV): • Canned Citrus Fruits (United States) • Canned Tomatoes (United States in collaboration with the WPTC) • Canned Tomato Concentrate (United States in collaboration with the WPTC) • Canned Vegetables (France, in collaboration with Thailand) • Guidelines for Packing Media for Canned Vegetables (France) • Insam (Ginseng) (Korea) • Jams, Jellies and Marmalades (United Kingdom) • Soy Sauce (Japan) The Committee agreed that the governments designated would provide drafts of these Standards to the Secretariat by March 2001 for circulation and comment at Step 3. In taking this decision, the Committee notedthat the initiative to elaborate a proposed draft Standard for Insam (Ginseng) would be subject to approval asnew work by the Codex Alimentarius Commission (see paras. 79-80).
The Committee also agreed to revise and/or standardize the following commodities at a future session of • Canned Berry Fruits (approved as new work by the 45th CCEXEC) • Canned Fruit Cocktail • Canned Mushrooms (Agaracus) • Canned Pineapple • Canned Tropical Fruit Salad • Chutneys (including Mango Chutney) • Grated Desiccated Coconut • Quick Frozen Broccoli Florets In taking this decision, the Committee decided to utilize the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UN/ECE) Standards for Dried Figs (DF-14) and Whole Dates (DF-08) as a starting basis for theelaboration of proposed draft Codex standards for these commodities and that the organizations should cooperatein order to avoid duplication of effort. The Committee also accepted the offer of the International Olive OilCouncil to collaborate with the Codex Secretariat in the elaboration of the proposed draft Codex Standard forTable Olives.
Status of the Priority List for the Revision and Standardization of Processed Fruits and Vegetables
The Committee decided to append its Priority List for the Revision and Standardization of Processed Fruits and Vegetables to its report (see Appendix IX) for comment and continued consideration at futuremeetings of the CCPFV.
The proposed draft Revised Codex Standard for Canned Applesauce (ALINORM 99/27, Appendix II) was adopted at Step 5 by the 45th Session of the Executive Committee as a draft Standard (see para. 7) andsubsequently circulated for comment at Step 6 under CL 1998/25-PFV.
ALINORM 99/27, App. II and comments submitted in response to CL 1998/25-PFV from Australia, Bangladesh,Cuba, Czech Republic, France, Poland, Spain, United States, OEITFL (CX/PFV 00/4-Add. 1); and, Argentina(CRD 6).
Introductory Statement to the Standard and the Annex to the Standard
The Committee was informed that the 14th Session of the Codex Committee on General Principles agreed that all Codex texts, including standards and their annexes, were covered by the World TradeOrganization Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) definition for "standard", and that distinctionsbased on Acceptance (under the Codex Procedures) were not relevant in the framework of the WTO.16 In view of this decision, the Committee agreed to delete the introductory statements to the Standard and the Annex to the Standard as they were irrelevant in the application of the texts in international trade. TheCommittee also agreed to apply this decision to all subsequent standards under its consideration.
Section 1 - Scope
After considerable debate, the Committee reaffirmed that the Standard does not apply to product to be further processed or for use in other products.
Section 2.1 – Product Definition
The Committee removed the reference to the addition of water from paragraph (b) of this section, as the addition of water in the preparation of applesauce was adequately covered under Section 3.1.2, Other PermittedIngredients.
Section 2.2 – Styles
The Committee agreed that sweetened applesauce should have not less than 16.5% total soluble solids (16.5° Brix), as this figure reflected current trading practices in the commodity.
Section 2.3 – Classification of Defectives
Section 2.4 – Lot Acceptance

Section 2.3 was moved into Section 3.2.1 – Colour, Texture and Flavour and Section 2.4 was moved and renumbered as a new Section 3.3 as these provisions were relevant to quality, as opposed to product description,criteria.
Section 4 – Food Additives
The Committee noted that the food additive provisions were endorsed by the 31st Session of the Codex Committee on Food Additives and Contaminants (CCFAC) and as directed by that Committee, changed theprovisions for ascorbic acid and erythorbic acid to a maximum level of GMP, singly or in combination.
Notwithstanding the fact that the provisions for colours in the Standard were already well advanced in the step process in the Codex General Standard for Food Additives, the Committee, after considerablediscussion, decided to remove these provisions from this section since their use was not felt to be technologicallyjustified. The Committee did in fact consider, on the basis of the Codex Alimentarius Procedural Manual and onthe Preamble to the Codex General Standard for Food Additives, that commodity committees were required totake decisions on the technological justification and good manufacturing practice for the use of these additives.
Section 5 – Contaminants
The Committee decided to remove the maximum levels for heavy metals in this section pending the completion of the Codex General Standard for Contaminants and Toxins in Foods. A general statement wasadded to indicate that "The products covered by the provisions of this Standard shall comply with thosemaximum levels for heavy metals established by the Codex Alimentarius Commission for these products". TheCommittee further agreed that this decision would apply to all subsequent standards under its consideration.
Section 6 – Hygiene
The Committee noted that the 23rd Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission adopted an amendment concerning general food hygiene provisions to be used in Codex commodity standards as ALINORM 99/33A, para. 61.
proposed.17 The Committee therefore agreed to amend Section 6 – Hygiene with the standardized text adoptedby the Commission. The Committee further agreed that this decision would apply to all subsequent standardsunder its consideration.
Annex to the Standard
In view of earlier discussions concerning the status of Codex texts in the context of the World Trade Organization Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade, the Committee decided that all provisions of theStandard should appear in the main body of the text.
Therefore, the Committee moved Section A2 – Weights and Measures from the Annex to a new Section 8 in the main body of the Standard. Sections A1.1, A1.2, A1.3, A1.5 and A1.6 of the Annex were deleted fromthe Standard as they were already covered and/or irrelevant to the main body of the standard. Annex SectionA1.4 – Defects was moved to the main body of the Standard into the new Section 3.2.1 – Colour, Texture andFlavour.
Status of the Draft Revised Codex Standard for Canned Applesauce
The Committee forwarded the draft revised Codex Standard for Canned Applesauce to the 24th Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission for adoption at Step 8 (see Appendix II).
The proposed draft Revised Codex Standard for Canned Pears (ALINORM 99/27, Appendix III) was adopted at Step 5 by the 45th Session of the Executive Committee as a draft Standard (see para. 7) andsubsequently circulated for comment at Step 6 under CL 1998/25-PFV.
Section 3.2 – Packing Media
The Committee replaced all provisions in this Section in regard to packing media with a general reference, i.e., "In accordance with the Codex Guidelines on Packing Media for Canned Fruit (underdevelopment)".
Section 4 – Food Additives
The Committee noted that the food additive provisions were endorsed by the 31st Session of the Codex Committee on Food Additives and Contaminants (CCFAC) and as indicated in the draft Codex General Standardfor Food Additives, entered a value of 1300 mg/kg for L-Tartaric Acid.
In view of the international trade in canned pears intended for specialty markets, the Committee agreed to stipulate that colours were only allowed to be used in special holiday packs.
Annex to the Standard
The Committee moved Sections A1.2 and A1.3 of the Annex to the main body of the Standard as new Sections 2.2 – Styles and 2.2.2 – Other Styles. Section A2.1.4 of the Annex was moved and renumbered as anew Section 3.4.2 – Uniformity of Size in the main body of the Standard; Section A2.1.5 of the Annex wasmoved and renumbered as a new Section 3.4.3 – Defects and Allowances in the main body of the Standard; andSection A3 of the Annex was moved and renumbered as a new Section 8 – Weights and Measures in the mainbody of the Standard. Provisions in the Annex concerning Other Labelling Requirements (Section A4) weremoved and renumbered as a new Section 7.2.4 in the main body of the Standard.
Status of the Draft Revised Codex Standard for Canned Pears
The Committee forwarded the draft revised Codex Standard for Canned Pears to the 24th Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission for adoption at Step 8 (see Appendix III).
ALINORM 99/37, para. 68 and App. IV ALINORM 99/27, App. III and comments submitted in response to CL 1998/25-PFV from Australia, Bangladesh,Cuba, Czech Republic, France, Poland, Spain, United States, OEITFL (CX/PFV 00/4-Add. 1); and, Germany(CRD 3).
Item 6a)19

The 19th Session of the CCPFV decided20 to elaborate guidelines for packing media for canned vegetables pending approval as new work by the Executive Committee. The 45th Session of the ExecutiveCommittee approved the elaboration of proposed draft Guidelines for Packing Media for Canned Vegetables asnew work (see para. 7). Due to time constraints, the document was not prepared for consideration by theCommittee.
Status of the Proposed Draft Guidelines for Packing Media for Canned Vegetables
The Committee accepted the offer of France to prepare proposed draft Guidelines for Packing Media for Canned Vegetables for timely circulation, comment and consideration at its 21st Session (see paras. 11-12).

The Committee was informed that the 19th Session of the CCPFV agreed to circulate the proposed draft Guidelines for Packing Media for Canned Fruits at Step 3 for comment and consideration at its currentmeeting.22 The proposal was approved as new work by the 45th Session of the Executive Committee (see para.
The Committee agreed with the provisions of the proposed draft Guidelines for Packing Media for Canned Fruits as presented in document CX/PFV 00/6 with the following changes: • In Section 1.1, the footnote was deleted as irrelevant because specific provisions for packing media were removed from individual standards; • In Sections 2.3 and 2.4, the Committee listed examples for the term "sweetened" to include "sugars as defined by the Codex Alimentarius and/or other sweeteners such as honey" for clarity; • As a delegation noted that the designation for "syrup" was not recognized in their legislation, Section 2.4.3 was placed in square brackets pending further discussion at the 21st CCPFV. In this regard, a notewas added to sections 2.4.2, 2.4.3 and 2.4.4 to indicate that such designations were "according to customor legislation of the importing country". As a result of these decisions, Section 2.4 was revised asfollows: Extra Light Syrup orSlightly Sweetened Syrup Between 10° and 14° Brix Between 14° and 18° Brix } according to custom Between 17° and 20° Brix] } or legislation of the Between 18° and 22° Brix } importing country Extra Heavy Syrup • Notwithstanding the opinion of a delegation that the provision in Section 2.8 was adequately covered by the Codex General Standard for the Labelling of Prepackaged Foods, the provision was retained andplaced in square brackets pending further discussion of the Guidelines at the 21st CCPFV.
Status of the Proposed Draft Guidelines for Packing Media for Canned Fruits
The Committee forwarded the proposed draft Guidelines for Packing Media for Canned Fruits to the 24th Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission for preliminary adoption at Step 5 (see Appendix VIII).
CX/PFV 00/5 (not issued) ALINORM 99/27, para. 63 CX/PFV 00/6 and comments submitted in response to CL 1998/9-PFV by Cuba, Japan, Spain, the United States(CX/PFV 00/6-Add. 1); and, the Philippines (CRD 12).
ALINORM 99/27, paras. 33-36 and Appendix V.
The Committee was informed that the 19th Session of the CCPFV agreed to circulate the list of methods of analysis for processed fruits and vegetables for comment and consideration at its current meeting.24 It wasnoted that the recommendations contained in Appendix I of document CX/PFV 00/7 had already beenincorporated into the list of methods contained in Appendix II.
Status of the Methods of Analysis for Processed Fruits and Vegetables
The Committee decided to forward Appendix II of document CX/PFV 00/7 to the next session of the Codex Committee on Methods of Analysis and Sampling for endorsement along with the additional informationprovided in the written comments submitted to the CCPFV at its current meeting.

The 11th Session of the Codex Coordinating Committee for Asia advanced26 the proposed draft Codex Standard for Pickles for adoption by the 45th Session of the Executive Committee at Step 5. The 45th CCEXECadopted (see para.7) the proposed draft Standard at Step 5 and advanced it to Step 6 for comment under CL1998/25-PFV with the understanding that the Standard would be further elaborated by the CCPFV.
Title of the Standard
As the Committee noted that English use of the term "Pickle" often referred to pickled cucumbers only, it agreed to amend the title and all references within the standard to "Pickled Products". A footnote was alsoadded to the title to restrict the Standard to products of "plant origin only".
Section 1 - Scope
The Scope was amended to indicate that pickled products were acidic products packed in oil, brine or other acidic media.
Section 3.1.2 – Optional Ingredients
As the term "jaggery" was uncommon in many areas of the world, it was replaced by the phrase "unrefined nutritive sweeteners", pending further clarification at the next Session of the CCPFV.
Section 4 – Food Additives
The Committee noted that the food additive provisions were endorsed by the 31st Session of the Codex Committee on Food Additives and Contaminants (CCFAC) and as directed by that Committee, deleted theprovision for the use of oleoresins.
Section 7.1 – Name of the Food
The Committee noted that the labelling provisions were endorsed by the Codex Committee on Food Labelling (CCFL) and as directed by that Committee deleted the text under Section 7.2 in regard to use of theterm "vegetarian".
Section 8 – Methods of Analysis
The Committee deleted all references to methods of analysis in Section 8 of the Standard, and inserted the phrase "See Codex Alimentarius Volume 13". The Committee further agreed that this decision would applyto all subsequent standards under its consideration.
CX/PFV 00/7 and comments submitted by Argentina, Canada, France, Mexico, Spain, the United States, theInternational Olive Oil Council (CX/PFV 00/7-Add. 1); Germany (CRD 3); and, the Philippines (CRD 12).
ALINORM 99/27, para. 70 ALINORM 99/15, Appendix III and comments submitted in response to CL 1998/25-PFV from Australia, Cuba,Czech Republic, France, Spain and the United States (CRD 11) ALINORM 99/15, para. 19 Annex to the Standard
The Committee deleted Section 1.1 – Types as it was already included in Section 1 – Scope, in the main body of the Standard. The Quality Criteria under Section 1.2 were transferred to a new Section 3.1 in the mainbody of the Standard, while Section 2 - Other Methods of Analysis were deleted in their entirety as indicated inparagraph 49 above.
Status of the Draft Codex Standard for Pickled Products
The Committee returned the draft Codex Standard for Pickled Products to Step 6 for circulation, comment and further consideration at its next meeting (see Appendix VI).
The 11th Session of the Codex Coordinating Committee for Asia advanced28 the proposed draft Codex Standard for Kimchi for adoption by the 45th Session of the Executive Committee at Step 5. The 45th CCEXECadopted (see para. 7) the proposed draft Standard at Step 5 and advanced it to Step 6 for comment under CL1998/25-PFV with the understanding that the Standard would be further elaborated by the CCPFV.
Section 4 – Food Additives
The Committee noted that the food additive provisions were endorsed by the 31st Session of the Codex Committee on Food Additives and Contaminants (CCFAC) and as directed by that Committee, changed theprovisions for carrageenan and xanthan gum to good manufacturing practice as the additives had "not specified"ADIs.
Inclusion of New Section 5 - Contaminants
The Committee added new Sections 5.1 – Heavy Metals and 5.2 – Pesticide Residues with a general reference to those levels established by the Codex Alimentarius Commission for the commodity as had beenaccomplished for other standards under consideration by the Committee.
Annex to the Standard
The Style provisions under Section 1.1 were transferred to a new Section 2.2 - Styles in the main body of the Standard, while Section 2 - Other Composition and Quality Factors, was transferred to the main body ofthe Standard as new Sections 3.1.3 – Other Composition and 3.2.1 – Other Quality Criteria. The sentence inSection 3.1 – Style under Other Labelling Requirements was transferred to Section 6.1 – Name of the Food inthe main body of the Standard.
Status of the Draft Codex Standard for Kimchi
The Committee forwarded the draft Codex Standard for Kimchi to the 24th Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission for adoption at Step 8 (see Appendix IV).
The 10th Session of the Codex Coordinating Committee for Asia advanced30 the proposed draft Codex Standard for Bamboo Shoots for adoption by the 43rd Session of the Executive Committee at Step 5. The 43rdCCEXEC adopted31 the proposed draft Standard at Step 5 and advanced it to Step 6 for comment with theunderstanding that the Standard would be further elaborated by the CCPFV. The 19th Session of the CCPFVconsidered32 the Standard and returned it to Step 6 for redrafting by the delegation of Thailand in collaboration ALINORM 99/15, Appendix IV and comments submitted in response to CL 1998/25-PFV from Korea (CRD 4);Australia, Cuba, France and the United States (CRD 10) ALINORM 99/15, para. 19 ALINORM 97/15, Appendix II; revised text prepared by the delegation of Thailand and the Codex Secretariat(unnumbered); and, comments submitted by Thailand (CRD 9) ALINORM 97/15, para. 17 ALINORM 97/3, para. 18 and App. III ALINORM 99/27, paras. 64-65 with the Codex Secretariat. Due to time constraints, the revised text was not circulated for additional commentsprior to the current meeting.
Section 2.1 – Product Definition
This Section was modified to indicate that bamboo shoots is a product prepared "with or without fermentation". The Committee also added a new sub-section (c) containing pH ranges for different preparationsof bamboo shoots and as a consequence, Section 3.5 – Acid Base Condition, was deleted.
Section 3.2 – Packing Media
The Committee deleted the footnote to the title of the Section; removed the square brackets from the provision contained therein and deleted "with or without food additives" from the sentence.
Section 3.3 – Other Permitted Ingredients
The Committee placed the phrase "Aromatic plants" in square brackets pending the development of a more specific provision at its next meeting.
Section 4 – Food Additives
The Committee noted that the food additive provisions were endorsed by the 31st Session of the Codex Committee on Food Additives and Contaminants (CCFAC) and as directed by that Committee, inserted amaximum level of 1300 mg/kg for tartaric acid.
Annex to the Standard
The Committee moved Section 1.1 – Styles from the Annex to a new Section 2.3 – Styles in the body of the Standard. The new Section 2.3 – Styles was rearranged and reworded for clarity. Section 2 – Other QualityFactors in the Annex was moved to a new Section 3.4.1 – Other Quality Factors in the main body of theStandard.
Section 3 – Weights and Measures was moved to a new Section 8 – Weights and Measures in the main body of the Standard and remained in square brackets pending further discussion at the next session of theCCPFV. The Labelling Requirements concerning Style - Section 4.1 was moved to Section 7.1 – Name of theProduct, in the body of the Standard.
Status of the Draft Codex Standard for Canned Bamboo Shoots
The Committee returned the draft Codex Standard for Canned Bamboo Shoots to Step 6 for circulation, comment and further consideration at its next meeting (see Appendix V).
The most recent 12th Session of the Codex Coordinating Committee for Asia advanced34 the proposed draft Codex Standard for Aqueous Coconut Products for adoption by the 47th Session of the ExecutiveCommittee at Step 5 and for further development by the CCPFV. The 47th CCEXEC adopted (see para. 8) theproposed draft Standard at Step 5 and advanced it to Step 6 for comment under CL 2000/15-GEN35 with acomment deadline of 31 December 2000 and therefore, the draft Standard was not discussed in detail in thecurrent meeting due to the pending comment deadline.
The Codex Secretariat also noted that the Codex Committee on Food Labelling did not endorse the labelling provisions in the standard. The CCFL could not reach consensus on the use of the term "light" and"skim" in coconut milk as well as on the possibility to combine "coconut cream concentrate" and "concentratedcoconut cream" as they appeared to describe the same product.
ALINORM 01/15, Appendix II and comments submitted in response to CL 2000/15-GEN from Malaysia (CRD 8);and, the Philippines (CRD 12) ALINORM 01/15, para. 28 During the adoption of the report, the delegation of Malaysia confirmed that the Circular Letter had not beenreceived to date in their country The delegation of Malaysia noted that the title of the Standard should read as "Codex Standard for Aqueous Coconut Products - Coconut Milk and Coconut Cream" to allow for the development of other relatedproducts. It was also noted that as had been accomplished for other Standards, the Annex should be moved intothe main body of the Standard, and that the use of benzoates should not be allowed.
As the draft Standard was already circulated for comments at Step 6 (see para. 65) after Step 5 adoption by the 47th Session of the CCEXEC, the Codex Secretariat encouraged the submission of additional comments asdirected in the circular letter for consideration at the next Session of the CCPFV.
Status of the Draft Codex Standard for Aqueous Coconut Products
The Committee agreed to consider the draft Codex Standard for Aqueous Coconut Products (ALINORM 01/15, Appendix II) at Step 7 at its next Session on the basis of comments which will be submitted at Step 6 inresponse to CL 2000/15-GEN.
As directed by the Commission to elaborate horizontal and general as opposed to specific standards when possible (see para. 5), the 19th Session of the CCPFV decided to combine the Proposed Draft CodexStandards for Canned Apricots, Canned Peaches and Canned Plums, including the addition of canned cherries,into a proposed draft Codex Standard for Canned Stone Fruits.37 The Committee circulated the Proposed DraftStandard at Step 3 for comment and the 45th Session of the CCEXEC approved the elaboration of the Standard asnew work (see para. 7).
Title of the Standard
A footnote was added to the Title of the Standard to indicate that the Standard only applied to stone fruits of the genus Prunus. Section 2.2 – Species
The Committee agreed to include the common names "bigarreaux" and "griottes" along with the designations for sweet and sour cherries, respectively.
Section 3.2 – Packing Media
The packing media provisions were removed from this Section in their entirety pending the development of specific provisions for canned stone fruits.
Section 4 - Food Additives
The provision for Tartaric Acid was changed to a maximum level of 1300 mg/kg and the provisions for the use of antioxidants were expanded to all products covered by the Standard. Provisions for Erythrosine insweet cherries were added at a level of 200 mg/kg, singly or in combination with Allura Red and Ponceau 4R.
The provision for the use of "Any safe and suitable natural colour extract" would be discussed at the nextSession on the basis of the endorsement process at the Codex Committee on Food Additives and Contaminants.
Annex to the Standard
Section A. – Colour Type was clarified to indicate that the color ranges were only applicable to the flesh of the ripe fruit. A new Section A1.2.2.7, Quetsches, was added to Section A1.2.2 – Plums. A newSection A1.2.3 was added for Sweet Light (Bigarreaux), Sweet Dark and Sour (Griottes) Cherries. The entireSection A1.2 was moved to Section 2 – Description in the main body of the Standard.
In Section A2.1.1 – Colour Type, the square brackets were removed and it was clarified that except for artificially coloured canned plums and cherries the colour should be normal for the varietal type. In SectionsA2.1.4.1 and A2.1.5(e) all references to suture cuts for apricots were deleted, pending further discussion at thenext meeting. In Section A2.1.5(b) – Crushed or Broken a statement was added that "In the case of plums andcherries, blemishes should not seriously affect the appearance of the product". The delegation of France ALINORM 99/27, App. IV ALINORM 99/27, paras. 44 - 52 requested that defects and blemishes should be addressed separately, including appropriate values. The entireSection 2.1 in the Annex was moved to Section 3.4 – Quality Criteria in the main body of the Standard.
Section A2.2 – Classification of Defectives and A2.3 – Lot Acceptance were moved to the main body of the Standard as new Sections 3.5 and 3.6, respectively. Section A3 – Weights and Measures was transferred tothe main body of the Standard with the square brackets included; Section A4 – Other Labelling Requirementswas transferred to the main body of the Standard.
Status of the Proposed Draft Codex Standard for Canned Stone Fruits
The Committee forwarded the draft Codex Standard for Canned Stone Fruits to the 24th Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission for adoption at Step 5 (see Appendix VII). It was noted that the food additiveand labelling provisions would be forwarded to the Codex Committee on Food Additives and Contaminants andon Food Labelling, respectively, for endorsement.
The Committee noted that Korean Insam (Ginseng) was considered as a food under Korean legislation and was used as a food ingredient in many food products traded internationally.
On the basis of the justification provided under CRD 1, the Committee agreed to the offer of Korea to prepare a proposed draft Codex Standard for Korean Insam (Ginseng) for circulation, comment and furtherconsideration at the 21st CCPFV. This decision was taken with the understanding that the elaboration of theStandard would be subject to approval as new work by the 24th Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission.
The Committee noted that the 21st Session of the Codex Committee on Processed Fruits and Vegetables was tentatively scheduled to be held in Washington, D.C. in 2002. The exact dates would be decided betweenthe US and Codex Secretariats.
Need for International Standardization of "Korean Insam" Products (CRD 1) CODEX COMMITTEE ON PROCESSED FRUITS AND VEGETABLES
Draft Revised Codex Standard for CannedApplesauce Para. 29 and Appendix II Draft Revised Codex Standard for CannedPears Para. 35 and Appendix III Draft Codex Standard for Kimchi Para. 56 and Appendix IV Proposed Draft Codex Guidelines for Packing Media for Canned Fruits Para. 40 and Appendix VIII Proposed Draft Codex Standard for Canned Para. 78 and Appendix VII Draft Codex Standard for Pickled Products Para. 51 and Appendix VI Draft Codex Standard for Canned Bamboo Para. 64 and Appendix V Draft Codex Standard for Aqueous Para. 69 and CL 2000/15-GEN Proposed Draft Codex Standards for:- Canned Citrus Fruits (USA) Canned Tomatoes (USA/WPTC) Canned Tomato Concentrate(USA/WPTC) Canned Vegetables (FRA/THA) Guidelines for Packing Media forCanned Vegetables (FRA) Insam (Ginseng) (ROK)** Jams, Jellies and Marmalades (UK) Paras. 11, 37 and 80 Priority List for the Revision andStandardization of Processed Fruits and Para. 15 and Appendix IX Methods of Analysis for Processed Fruitsand Vegetables Unless stated otherwise, all document references are to ALINORM 01/27, the report of the 20th Sessionof the Codex Committee on Processed Fruits and Vegetables.
Subject to approval as new work by the 24th Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission.
Chairperson of the Session:
Mr. David Priester Président de la Session:
Head, Standardization Section Presidente de la Reunion:
Fruit and Vegetable Division Agricultural Marketing Service U. S. Department of Agriculture Room 2069, South Building 1400 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20250 Tel: (202) 720-2185 Fax: (202) 720-8871 E-mail: [email protected] Vice-Chairperson:
Ms. Shellee Anderson Vice-Président:
Washington, DC 20204 Tel: (202) 205-5023 Fax: (202) 205-4422 Mr. Philip Corrigan Dr. Jim Standish (Head of Delegation) Veterinary Counsellor Associate Director Embassy of Australia Dairy Food and Vegetable Division 1601 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Food Inspection Directorate Washington, DC 20036 Canadian Food Inspection Agency el: (202) 797-3319 Nepean, Ontario KIA OY9 Fax: (202) 797-3037 Tel: (613) 225-2342 Fax: (613) 228-6632E-mail: [email protected] Mr. Stephen Trueman Canadian Association of Importers and Exporters1500 West Georgia Street, Suite 800 Philippe Ondo Ondo Vancouver, BC V6G 2Z6 Tel: (604) 669-3741 Embassy of Cameroon Fax: (604) 669-9732 2349 Massachusetts Ave., NW Washington, DC 20008USATel: (202) 265-8290Fax: (202) 387-3826 Centre technique de la conservation des produits agricoles44, rue d'Alesia Dr. Phrosso Hadjilucas 75682 Paris Cedex 14 Tel: 33-1-53 91 44 44 Cyprus Standards Organization Fax: 33-1-53 91 44 00 Ministry of Commerce, Industry & Tourism E-mail: [email protected] Nicosia 1421Tel: (357) 286-7173 Mr. Nicolas Cormouls-Houles Fax: (357) 275-4103 83-85, rue Bourrassol31300 Toulouse Tel: 05 62 48 50 50 Fax: 05 61 42 15 55 Mme. Roseline Lecourt Dr. Ahmed M. Khorshid Chargée de mission Agricultural Counselor Direction Générale de la Concurrence Agricultural Office de la Consommation et de la Repression des fraudes 59, Boulevard Vincent-Auriol, Télédoc 051 3521 International Court, NW 75703 Paris Cedex 13 Washington, DC 20008, USA Tel: 33 1 44 97 34 70 Tel: (202) 966-2020 Fax: 33 1 44 97 30 37 Fax: (202) 895-5493 E-mail: [email protected] EL SALVADOR
Mr. Vincent TruelleF.I.A.C (Fédération Française des Industries Mr. Ing. Luis Rafael Arevalo Castillo d'Aliments Conservés) Dirección General de Sanidad Vegetal y Animal del 75682 Paris Cedex 14 Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganaderia Tel: 33-1-53 91 44 44 Final 1a Av. Norte Fax: 33-1-53 91 44 70 13 Calle Oriente y Av. Manuel Gallardo Nueva San SalvadorTel: 288-5220 GUINEA, REPUBLIC OF
Mme. Dieng Housseynatou ChefSection Assistance aux Entreprises Mme Claudine Muckensturm Ministère Industrie Commerce et DME Ministère de l' Economie et des Finances, Institut Natíonal de Normalisation et de Méthologie 59, Boulevard Vincent-AuriolTélédoc 25175703 Paris Cedex 13Tel: 33-1- 44 97 24 37Fax: 33-1- 44 97 30 39E-mail: [email protected]. Mr. Ciro Impagnatiello Chairman of Working Party Ministero delle Politiche Agricole e Forestali Processed Fruits and Vegetables Italian Codex Committee FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Hungarian Via XX Settembre, 20 I - 00187 Roma National Committee Tel: 39-6-46656511 Campden and Chorleywood Food Industry Fax: 39-6- 4880273 Development Institute Hungary 1097 BudapestKen u. 5. "c" Building Tel: 36-1-347-4070 Fax: 36-1-347-4080 Mr. Seiichiro Oyama Mr. Jozsef Galambos Director of International Standards and Standards Hungarian Canned Food Producers Trade and Labelling Division Association Secretary Food and Marketing Bureau Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries Kuny Domonkos u. 13-15 1-2-1 Kasumigaseki Tel: 36-1-202-5586 Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Fax: 36-1-355-5057 Tel: 81-3- 3501-4094 Mr. Hiroyuki OkudaSection Chief Mr. Harmen Sembiring Standards and Labelling Division Industry and Trade Attaché Food and Marketing Bureau Embassy of Indonesia Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries 2020 Massachusetts Avenue, NW 1-2-1 Kasumigaseki Washington, DC 20036 Tel: (202) 775-5350 Tel: 81-3-3501-4094 Fax: (202) 775-5354 Fax: 81-3-3502-0438 Mr. Masayuki Chiku Embassy of Indonesia Technical Adviser 2020 Massachusetts Avenue, NW The Japan Soysause Inspection Institute Washington, DC 20036 No. 11-3 Koami-Cho Tel: (202) 775-5254 Nihonbashi, Chuo-Ku Fax: (202) 775-5354 TokyoTel: 81-3-3666-3286Fax: 81-3-3667-2216E-mail: [email protected] Mr. Yoshio Hirose Technical Adviser Food Industry Division The Japan Soysause Inspection Institute Ministry of Agriculture & Forestry No. 11-3 Koami-Cho Tel: 82-2-504-9417 8 Nihonbashi, Chuo-Ku Fax: 82-2-503-7905 Tel: 81-3-3666-3286 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 81-3-3667-2216E-mail: [email protected] Ms. Yoo-Kyung LeeResearcher, Korea Food Research Institute Mr. Tomoyuki Oguri Quality Assessment & Standardization Div.
Technical Adviser Standard Research Team The Japan Soysause Inspection Institute No. 11-3 Koami-Cho Nihonbashi, Chuo-Ku Songnam-Si, Kyonggi-Do 463-420 Tel: 82-31-780-9158 Tel: 81-3-5521-5870 Fax: 82-31-780-9264 Fax: 81-3-5521-5899 E-mail: [email protected] Professional Engineer Operation Management Korea Food Research Institute The Japan Soysause Inspection Institute Quality Assessment & Standardization Div.
No. 11-3 Koami-Cho Standard Research Team Nihonbashi, Chuo-Ku Tel: 81-3-3669-5840 Songnam-Si, Kyonggi-Do 463-420 Fax: 81-3-3669-2216 Tel: 82-31-780-9156 Fax: 82-31-780-9264E-mail: [email protected] KOREA, REPUBLIC OF

Leader of Standard Research TeamKorea Food Research Institute Quality Assessment & Standardization Div.
Agricultural Counselor Standard Research Team Embassy of the Republic of Korea 2450 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20008, USA Songnam-Si, Kyonggi-Do 463-420 Tel: (202) 939-5673 Tel: 82-31-780-9291 Fax: (202) 387-0402 Fax: 82-31-780-9264 Mr. Young-Hwan Song Professor of Applied Microbiology Vegetable & Special Crops Division College of Natural Resources Ministry of Agriculture & Forestry Yeungnam University Tel: 82-2-504-9422 4 Kyongsangbuk – Do 712-749 Tel: 82-53- 810-2393 Fax: 82-2-507-5 3 1 0 Fax: 82-53- 811-4319 E-mail: [email protected] Korea Food Research InstituteFood Biotechnology Division Prof. Tseaa Shambe Standards Organization of Nigeria Songnam-Si, Kyonggi-Do 463-420 1st Phase, 9th Floor Tel: 82-31-780-9277 Fax: 82-31-780-9265 Tel: 234-1-2696176-9 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 234-1-2696176, (2696178)E-mail: [email protected] Ms. Olga Ratsiraka Economic & Commercial Counselor Embassy of Madagascar2376 Massachusetts Ave.
Ms. Marzena Wodka Agricultural and Food Quality Inspection Tel: (202) 265-5595 32/34 Zurawia Street 00-515 WarsawTel: 48-22-621-6421 ext. 326 Fax: 48-22-621- 4858 Dr. Noraini Mohd Khalid Senior Research Officer Food Technology CentreMalaysian Agricultural Research & Development Ms. Elisa Revilla Garcia Institute (MARDI) Jefe de Area de la Sub. General Plantificación 50774 Kuala Lumpur D.G. Alimentación Tel: 60-3-894-37722 Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación Fax: 60-3-894-22906 Paseo de Infanta Isabel 1 E-mail: [email protected] 28071 MadridTel: 34-91-3474596 Fax: 34-91-3475728 Embassy of Malaysia2407 California St., NW Washington, DC 20008, USA Tel: (202) 328-2785 Fax: (202) 332-8914E-mail: [email protected] Ms. Awilo Ochieng Pernet (Head of Delegation)Codex Alimentarius, International Standards Unit Swiss Federal Office of Public Health Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers Tel: 41 31 322 00 41 Tel: 60-5-526-3116 Fax: 41 31 322 95 74 Fax: 60-5-5263118 Ms. Oratai Silapanapaporn Regulatory Affairs Thai Industrial Standards Institute Rama VI Rd., Rathathewi Avenue Nestlé 55 Tel: 66-2 -202-3444 Tel: 41-21-924-4213 Fax: 66-2- 248-7987 Fax: 41-21-924-4547 Ms. Malinee Subvanich Secretary General Thai Food Processors Association 170/22 9th Floor Ocean Tower 1 Bldg.
New-Rahadapisek Road, Klongtoey Dr. Saipin Maneepun (Head of Delegation) Director of the Institute of Food Research Tel: 66-2- 261-2684 6, 261 2995 and Product Development Fax: 66-2- 261-2996 7 Kasetsart University Ministry of University Affairs50 Phaholytrin Rd, Chatuchak Ms. Anurat Tiamtan Vice-President & Chairman of Pineapple Packers Tel: 66-2-579-5551 Thai Food Processors' Association Fax: 66-2-561-1970 173/22 9th floor Ocean Tower 1 Bldg.
E-mail: [email protected] New Ratchadapisek Rd., KlongtoeyBangkok 10110 Mr. Charun Pornkuntham Center of Export Inspection & Certification Fax: 66-2-261-2996-7 for Agricultural Products Department of AgricultureMinistry of Agriculture and Cooperatives Mrs. Linda Pleanprasert 50 Phaholytrin Rd., Chatuchak Assistance Technical Manager Thai Food Processors' Association Tel: 66-2-579-8602 173/22 9th floor Ocean Tower 1 Bldg.
Fax: 33-2-561-5034 New Ratchadapisek Rd., Klongtoey E-mail: [email protected] Bangkok 10110Tel: 66-2-261-2995, 261-2684-6 Mr. Sarit Sanpha-asa Fax: 66-2-261-2996-7 Trade Technical Officer Department of Foreign TradeMinistry of Commerce Mr. Prakarn Virakul 44/100 Nonthaburi-Sanambinnan Rd.
Minister Counselor Bangkrasor, Nonthaburi 11000 Office of Agricultural Affairs Tel: 66-2-547-4803 Royal Thai Embassy Fax: 66-2-547-4802 1024 Wisconsin Ave., NWWashington, DC 20007 Ms. Samana Krisanathevin Tel: (202) 338-1543 Royal Thai Embassy Fax: (202) 338-1549 1024 Wisconsin Avenue, NWSuite 401Washington, DC 20007 USATel: (202) 944-3600Fax: (202) 298-4787E-mail: [email protected] Dr. Michelle McQuillan Senior Scientific OfficerFood Labelling, Standards & Consumer Protection Directeur Géneral des Industries Alimentaires Food Standards Agency Ministère de l' Industrie Room 323, P.O. Box 31037 Tel: (216) –1-289-562 Fax: (216)-1-789-159 Mr. Bouali SaaidiaDirecteur Géneral UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
Centre Technique de l'Agro Alimentaire 12, Rue de l' Usine Z.I.
Charguia II. 2035Tunis Mr. Richard B. Boyd Tel: (216)-1-705-261 Senior Marketing Specialist Fax: (216)-1-706-513 Processed Products Branch Fruit and Vegetable ProgramsAgricultural Marketing Service U.S. Department of Agriculture 1400 Independence Avenue, SW Mail Stop 0247Room 0726-South Building Ms. Belkas Gursel Aksoy Washington, DC 20250 Tel: (202) 720-5021 Republic of Turkey Office of the Prime Minister Fax: (202) 690-1527 Undersecretariat for Foreign Trade Inonu Bulvar, Emek, 06510Ankara Mr. Charles W. Cooper Fax: 90-312-212-8767 International Activities Staff U.S. Food and Drug AdministrationCenter for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition 200 C Street, SW, (HFS-585) Washington, DC 20204 REINO UNIDO
Tel: (202) 205-5042Fax: (202) 401-7739 Head of Food Composition Branch DFood Labelling, Standards & Consumer Protection Ms. Peggy Rochette Director of International Affairs Food Standards Agency National Food Processors Association Room 317, P.O. Box 31037 1350 I Street, NW, Suite 300 Washington, DC 20005 Tel: (202) 639-5921 Fax: (202) 639-5991 Tel: 20-7238-6168 Mr. Michael Jantschke Mr. Richard E. Peterson Senior Scientist, Microbiology National Food Processors Association Dublin Processed Products Branch Fruit and Vegetable Programs 6363 Clark Avenue Agricultural Marketing Service U.S. Department of Agriculture Tel: (925) 551-4251 1400 Independence Avenue, SW Fax: (925) 833-8795 Room 0726-South BuildingWashington, DC 20250 Tel: (202) 720-5021 Quality Assurance Director Fax: (202) 690-1527 Dole Food Company, Inc.
One Dole Drive Westlake Village, CA 91362-7300 Food Technologist Tel: (818) 874-4935 Science and Technology Fax. (818) 874-4804 Agricultural Marketing Service U.S. Department of AgricultureP.O. Box 96456 Ms. Chere L. Shorter Washington, DC 20090 Marketing Specialist Tel.: (202) 720-0042 Processed Products Branch Fax: (202) 720-4631 Fruit and Vegetable Programs E-mail: [email protected] Agricultural Marketing ServiceU.S. Department of Agriculture Dr. Dennis M. Keefe 1400 Independence Avenue, SW U.S. Food and Drug Administration Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition Room 0726-South Building 200 C Street, SW, (HFS-200) Washington, DC 20250 Washington, DC 20204 Tel: (202) 720-5021 Tel: (202) 418-3113 Fax: (202) 690-1527 Fax: (202) 418-3131 Ms. Felicia Satchell Deputy DirectorDivision of Standards & Labeling Requirements Ing. Sonia Aguilar Office of Nutritional Products, Labeling & Dietary Ingeniero Sanitario III Dirección de Higiene de los Alimentos Center for Food Safety & Applied Nutrition Edif. Sur, Ala Oeste, Piso 3 Oficina 313 del Centro Simon Bolivar, Silencio US Food & Drug Administration Washington, DC 20204 Tel: (202) 205-5099 JOINT FAO/WHO SECRETARIAT
Mr. David ByronFood Standards Officer COUNCIL OF THE MINISTERS OF THE
Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme Food and Agriculture OrganizationViale delle Terme di Caracalla Mr. Klavs Skovsholm Council of the European Union General Secretariat Tel: 39-06-5705-4419 175, rue de la Loi Fax: 39-06-5705-4593 BelgiumTel: 32 2 285.83.79 Ms. Gracia Brisco López Fax: 32 2 285.79.28 Food Standards Officer Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards ProgrammeFood and Agriculture Organization Viale delle Terme di Caracalla00100 Rome, Italy Ms. Maryse Coutsouradis Tel: 39-06-5705-2700 Attaché (Agriculture) Fax: 39-06-5705-4593 Delegation of the European CommissionIn Washington D.C.
2300 M Street, NWWashington, DC 20037 Mr. Patrick Clerkin Associate U.S. Manager for Codex Tel: (202) 862-9535/862-9533 U.S. Codex Office Fax: (202) 429-1766 U.S. Department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service1400 Independence Avenue, SW WORLD PROCESSING TOMATO COUNCIL
Room 4861, South BuildingWashington, DC 20250 Mr. Bernard Bieche Tel: (202) 690-4042 Secretary General Fax: (202) 720-3157 27, Avenue de l'ArrousaireB.P 235 84010 Avignon Cedex 1 U.S. Codex Office Tel: 33-4-90-861695 U.S. Department of Agriculture Fax: 33-4-90-270658 Food Safety and Inspection Service 1400 Independence Avenue, SWRoom 4861, South BuildingWashington, DC 20250Tel: (202) 720-4063Fax: (202) 720-3157E-mail: [email protected] Ms. Edith Kennard Staff Officer, U.S. Codex Office Program Analyst, International Policy Division U.S. Department of Agriculture U.S. Department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service Food Safety and Inspection Service 1400 Independence Avenue, SW 1400 Independence Ave., SW Room 4861, South Building Room 4438, South Building Washington, DC 20250 Washington, DC 20250 Tel: (202) 720-5261 Tel: (202) 720-6465 Fax: (202) 720-3157 Fax: (202) 720-7990 U.S. Codex OfficeU.S. Department of Agriculture Mr. Thomas J. Billy Food Safety and Inspection Service 1400 Independence Avenue, SW Food Safety and Inspection Service Room 4861, South Building U.S. Department of Agriculture Washington, DC 20250 300 Jefferson Drive, SW Tel: (202) 690-1660 Room 311-Jamie Lee Whitten Building Fax: (202) 720-3157 Washington, DC 20250 Tel: (202) 720-7025Fax: (202) 690-0550 Planning StaffU.S. Department of Agriculture Dr. F. Edward Scarbrough Food Safety and Inspection Service U.S. Manager for Codex 1400 Independence Avenue, SW U.S. Codex Office Mail Stop 405, Aerospace Building U.S. Department of Agriculture Washington, DC 20250 Food Safety and Inspection Service Tel: (202) 690-6497 1400 Independence Avenue, SW Fax: (202) 690-5000 Room 4861-South Building Washington, DC 20250Tel: (202) 720-2057 Ms. Kathleen Barrett Fax: (202) 720-3157 U.S. Department of AgricultureFood Safety and Inspection Service Mr. Robert V. Conover 1400 Independence Avenue, SW Mail Stop 405, Aerospace Building 11 N. Wisconsin St.
Washington, DC 20250 Tel: (202) 690-6644 Elkhorn, WI 53121-0260 Fax: (202) 690-5000 Tel: (262) 723-3220 Fax: (262) 723-5091E-mail: [email protected] Ms. Sally FernandezPlanning Staff Dr. Anthony Hepton U.S. Department of Agriculture 1400 Independence Avenue, SW Dole Food Company, Inc.
Mail Stop 405, Aerospace Building 2795 Lindero Canyon Rd Washington, DC 20250 Westlake Village, CA 91362-4013 Tel: (202) 690-6524 Tel: (818) 874-4935 Fax: (202) 690-5000 Fax: (818) 874-4804 APPENDIX II
(Advanced to Step 8) This Standard applies to Canned Applesauce as defined in Section 2 below and offered for direct consumption including for catering purposes or for repacking if required. It does not apply to the productwhen indicated as being intended for further processing.
Canned applesauce is the comminuted or chopped product: prepared from washed, clean apples, conforming to the characteristics of the fruit of Malusdomesticus Borkhausen which may have been peeled and which after trimming are sound; prepared with or without other permitted ingredients as described in Section 3.1.2; and heat processed in an appropriate manner before or after being hermetically sealed incontainers so as to prevent spoilage.
Sweetened - with sugars and/or other carbohydrate sweeteners such as honey; not less than 16.5% total soluble solids (16.5° Brix).
Unsweetened - without added sweeteners; not less than 9% total soluble solids (9.0° Brix).
Any other presentation of the product should be permitted provided that the product: is sufficiently distinctive from other forms of presentation laid down in this standard; meets all other requirements of the standard, as applicable; and is adequately described on the label to avoid confusing or misleading the consumer.
Apples as defined in Section 2.1(a).
Other Permitted Ingredients
salt (sodium chloride); sugars as defined in the Codex Alimentarius and/or other carbohydrate sweeteners such ashoney; Colour, Texture and Flavour
Applesauce shall have normal flavour, odour and colour and shall possess texture characteristic of the product. The number, size, and prominence of defects (such as seeds or particles thereof, peel, carpeltissue, bruised apple particles, dark particles, and any other extraneous material of like nature) should not seriously affect the appearance or the eating quality of the product. Any container that fails to meet one ormore of the applicable quality requirements, or total solids requirements as set out in Section 2.2 should beconsidered as a "defective".
A lot should be considered as meeting the applicable quality requirements for total solids in Section 2.2, andthe quality criteria in Section 3.2, when the number of "defectives" does not exceed the acceptance number(c) of the appropriate sampling plan in the Codex Alimentarius Sampling Plans for Prepackaged Foods (AQL6.5).
Name of food additive
Limited by GMP (singly or in combination) Natural and artificial flavours except those which reproduce the flavour ofapple 5.1 HEAVY METALS
The products covered by the provisions of this standard shall comply with those maximum levels for heavy metals established by the Codex Alimentarius Commission for these products.
The products covered by the provisions of this standard shall comply with those maximum residue limits established by the Codex Alimentarius Commission for these products.
It is recommended that the products covered by the provisions of this standard be prepared andhandled in accordance with the appropriate sections of the Recommended International Code ofPractice – General Principles of Food Hygiene (CAC/RCP 1-1969, Rev. 3-1997), and other relevantCodex texts such as Codes of Hygienic Practice and Codes of Practice.
The products should comply with any microbiological criteria established in accordance with thePrinciples for the Establishment and Application of Microbiological Criteria for Foods (CAC/GL 21-1997).
Canned applesauce shall be labelled in accordance with the General Standard for the Labelling of Pre-packaged Foods (CODEX STAN 1-1985, Rev. 2-1999).
The name of the product shall be "Applesauce".
If the product has been sweetened in accordance with the provisions of Section 2.2.1, the name of the product shall be accompanied by the designation "Sweetened" in close proximity to the name of the food.
If the product has not been sweetened and conforms with the requirements of Section 2.2.2, the designation "Unsweetened" may be used in close proximity to the name of the food.
The name of the product shall be accompanied in close proximity by a declaration of any seasoning or flavouring which characterizes the product, e.g., "with x" as appropriate.
If the product is produced in accordance with the provisions for other styles in Section 2.2.3, the label should contain in close proximity to the name of the product such additional words or phrases that willavoid misleading or confusing the consumer.
Information for non-retail containers shall be given either on the container or in accompanying documents, except that the name of the product, lot identification, and the name and address of themanufacturers, packers or distributors, as well as storage instructions, shall appear on the container.
However, lot identification, and the name and address of the manufacturer, packer or distributor may bereplaced by an identification mark, provided that such a mark is clearly identifiable with the accompanyingdocuments.
Minimum Fill
The container should be well filled with applesauce and the product should occupy not less than 90% of the water capacity of the container. The water capacity of the container is the volume of distilled water at20°C which the sealed container will hold when completely filled.
Classification of "Defectives"
A container that fails to meet the requirement for minimum fill (90% container capacity) of Section 8.1.1 should be considered a "defective".
A lot should be considered as meeting the requirement of section 8.1.1 when the number of "defectives", as defined in section 8.1.2, does not exceed the acceptance number (c) of the appropriatesampling plan in the Codex Alimentarius Sampling Plans for Prepackaged Foods (AQL 6.5).] METHODS OF ANALYSIS AND SAMPLING
See Codex Alimentarius Volume 13.
(Advanced to Step 8) This Standard applies to Canned Pears as defined in Section 2 below and offered for direct consumption including for catering purposes or for repacking if required. It does not apply to the product when indicated asbeing intended for further processing.
Canned pears is the product: prepared from pears of proper maturity of commercial canning varieties conforming to thecharacteristics of the fruit of Pyrus communis or Pyrus sinensis, which pears are peeled, cored, andstemmed, except that whole may not need to be peeled, cored, or stemmed and half pears may not needto be peeled; packed with water or other suitable liquid packing medium and may be packed with seasonings or otherflavouring ingredients; and heat processed in an appropriate manner before or after being hermetically sealed in containers so as toprevent spoilage.
Whole - peeled or unpeeled, with cores removed or left in.
Halves - peeled or unpeeled, with stems and cores removed, and cut into two approximately equal parts.
Quarters - peeled and cut into four approximately equal parts.
Sliced - peeled and cut into wedge-shaped sectors.
Diced - peeled and cut into cube-like parts.
Pieces or Irregular Pieces - peeled and comprising irregular shapes and sizes.
Any other presentation of the product should be permitted provided that the product: (a) is sufficiently distinctive from other forms of presentation laid down in the standard and; (b) meets all relevant requirements of the standard, including requirements relating to limitations on defects, drained weight, and any other requirements in the standard which are applicable to that stylein the standard which most closely resembles the style or styles intended to be provided for underthis provision.
(c) is adequately described on the label to avoid confusing or misleading the consumer.
Pears as defined in Section 2.1(a) and liquid packing medium appropriate to the product.
In accordance with the Codex Guidelines on Packing Media for Canned Fruit (under development) OTHER PERMITTED INGREDIENTS
spices, spice oils, mint; and lemon juice (single strength or concentrated) added as an acidulant or flavour enhancer.
Colour, Texture and Flavour
Canned pears shall have normal flavour, odour and colour (except for coloured pears permitted in Section 4.2) and shall possess texture characteristic of the product. A slight pink discoloration should not beregarded as a defective.
Uniformity of Size
Whole, Halves, Quarters - in 95 percent by count of units that are most uniform in size, the weight of the largest unit should be no more than twice the weight of the smallest unit, but if there are less than 20 units, one unitmay be disregarded. Where a unit has broken in the container, the broken pieces are reassembled to approximate asingle unit of the appropriate style.
Defects and allowances
The product should be substantially free from defects such as harmless plant material, peel (in peeled styles), core material, blemished units, and broken units. Certain common defects should not be present inamounts greater than the following limitations: (a) Blemished and trimmed pear units (i) Total, 30% by count; or 3 units percontainer when count is less than 10; (Blemished units with surface discoloration provided the sample average is no more and spots that definitely contrast with the overall colour and which may penetrateinto the flesh, such as bruises, scab, and - but limited to - dark discoloration. Trimmed units that (ii) 20% by count blemished; or 2 units have deep gouges, whether due to physical per container when count is less than 10; trimming or other means, and which provided the sample average is no more definitely detract from the appearance; than 20% for blemished.
trimmed units are considered defects onlyin whole, halved, and quartered styles).
20% by count; or 2 units per containerwhen count is less than 10; provided the (In Whole, Halves, and Quartered Styles sample average is no more than 10%.
only - a unit severed in two or more partsshould be considered as one unit whenreassembled to the approximate size andshape of an average unit in the container) (c) Core material (Average) 3 units per kg of total contents.
(Except in "Whole-Not Cored" Styles)Consisting of the seed cell, whether looseor attached, with or without seeds. For thepurposes of calculating the defectsallowance, all pieces of a core in thesample should be aggregated and piecestotalling approximately one-half of a coreshould be counted as one unit (d) Peel (Average) 10 cm2 (10 sq. cm.) aggregate area per kgof total contents.
(Except in "Unpeeled" Styles) (Peel thatadheres to pear flesh or is found loose inthe container) (e) Harmless plant material: 1 piece per 3 kg of total contents (instyles in which the stem is customarily (i) Stems or stalks (ii) Leaf (or similar vegetable material) 2 cm2 per kg of total contents (f) Seeds (Average) 8 per kg of total contents (Except in "Whole-Not-Cored" Styles)(Any one pear seed or the equivalent inpieces of one seed that are not included incore material) CLASSIFICATION OF "DEFECTIVES"
A container that fails to meet one or more of the applicable quality requirements, as set out in Section 3.4 (except those based on sample average) should be considered a "defective".
A lot will be considered as meeting the applicable quality requirements referred to in Section 3.4 when: (a) for those requirements which are not based on averages, the number of "defectives", as defined in Section 3.4, does not exceed the acceptance number (c) of the appropriate sampling plan in theCodex Alimentarius Sampling Plans for Prepackaged Foods (AQL-6.5); and (b) the requirements of Section 3.4, which are based on sample average, are complied with.
Name of food additive
Maximum level

(200 mg/kg of the final product singly or Natural and Artificial Flavours, except those which reproduce theflavour of pears.
The products covered by the provisions of this standard shall comply with those maximum levels for heavy metals established by the Codex Alimentarius Commission for these products.
The products covered by the provisions of this standard shall comply with those maximum residue limits established by the Codex Alimentarius Commission for these products.
It is recommended that the products covered by the provisions of this standard be prepared and handledin accordance with the appropriate sections of the Recommended International Code of Practice –General Principles of Food Hygiene (CAC/RCP 1-1969, Rev. 3-1997), and other relevant Codex textssuch as Codes of Hygienic Practice and Codes of Practice.
The products should comply with any microbiological criteria established in accordance with thePrinciples for the Establishment and Application of Microbiological Criteria for Foods (CAC/GL 21-1997).
Canned pears shall be labelled in accordance with the General Standard for the Labelling of Prepackaged Foods (CODEX STAN 1-1985, Rev. 2-1999).
The name of the product shall be "Pears".
When pears are artificially coloured, the declaration should be made as part of the name or in close proximity to the name, including the characterizing colour, e.g. "Pears - Artificially coloured Green".
As part of the name or in close proximity to the name, any flavouring which characterizes the product should be declared, e.g. "With—X—", where appropriate.
The style, as appropriate, shall be declared as a part of the name or in close proximity to the name: "Whole" (when peeled and not cored); and additionally "Stemmed" or "Unstemmed", as the case may be.
"Whole Unpeeled" (when not peeled and not cored); and additionally "Stemmed" or "Unstemmed", as thecase may be.
"Whole - Cored" (when peeled and cored).
"Whole Unpeeled - Cored" (when not peeled but cored).
"Halves" (when peeled).
"Halves Unpeeled" (when not peeled).
"Quarters" or "Quartered".
"Slices" or "Sliced".
"Dice" or "Diced" or "Cubes".
"Pieces" or "Irregular Pieces".
Other styles - If the product is produced in accordance with the other styles provision (Section 2.2.2), the label should contain in close proximity to the name of the product such additional words or phrases that will avoidmisleading or confusing the consumer.
The name of the product may include the varietal type.
Information for non-retail containers shall either be given on the container or in accompanying documents,except that the name of the product, lot identification and name and address of the manufacturer, packer ordistributor, as well as storage instructions, shall appear on the container. However, lot identification, and thename and address of the manufacturer, packer or distributor may be replaced by an identification mark, providedthat such mark is clearly identifiable with the accompanying documents.
Minimum Fill
The container should be well filled with fruit and the product (including packing medium) should occupy not less than 90% of the water capacity of the container. The water capacity of the container is thevolume of distilled water at 20oC which the sealed container will hold when completely filled.
8.1.2 Classification
A container that fails to meet the requirement for minimum fill (90 percent container capacity) of Section 8.1.1 should be considered a "defective".
8.1.3 Lot
A lot will be considered as meeting the requirement of Section 8.1.1 when the number of "defectives", as defined in Section 8.1.2, does not exceed the acceptance number (c) of the appropriate sampling plan in theCodex Alimentarius Sampling Plans for Prepackaged Foods (AQL-6.5).
The drained weight of the product should be not less than the following percentages, calculated on the basis of the weight of distilled water at 20oC which the sealed container will hold when completely filled.1 Halves, Quarters, Slices, Pieces The requirements for minimum drained weight should be deemed to be complied with when the average drained weight of all containers examined is not less than the minimum required, provided that there is nounreasonable shortage in individual containers.
For non-metallic rigid containers such as glass jars, the basis for the determination should be calculated on theweight of distilled water at 20°C which the sealed container will hold when completely filled less 20 ml.
See Codex Alimentarius Volume 13.
(Advanced to Step 8) This standard covers the product known as kimchi which is prepared with Chinese cabbage as a predominant ingredient and other vegetables which have been trimmed, cut, salted and seasoned beforefermentation.
Kimchi is the product: prepared from varieties of Chinese cabbage, Brassica pekinensis Rupr.; such Chinesecabbages shall be free from significant defects, and trimmed to remove inedible parts, salted,washed with fresh water, and drained to remove excess water; they may or may not be cutinto suitable sized pieces/parts; processed with seasoning mixture mainly consisting of red pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)powder, garlic, ginger, edible Allium varieties other than garlic, and radish. Theseingredients may be chopped, sliced and broken into pieces; and fermented before or after being packaged into appropriate containers to ensure the properripening and preservation of the product by lactic acid production at low temperatures.
The product should be presented in one of the following styles: whole Chinese cabbage; Chinese cabbages divided lengthwise into halves; Chinese cabbages divided lengthwise into quarters; and Chinese cabbage leaves cut into pieces of 1 6 cm in lengthand width ESSENTIAL COMPOSITION AND QUALITY FACTORS
Chinese cabbages and the seasoning mixture as described in Section 2; salt (sodium chloride).
Other Permitted Ingredients
vegetables other than those described in Section 2; sugars (carbohydrate sweeteners); salted and fermented seafood; glutinous rice paste; wheat flour paste.
(a) Total acidity(as lactic acid) not more than 1.0% m/m (b) Salt (sodium chloride) content (c) Mineral impurities not more than 0.03% m/m Kimchi shall have normal flavour, odour and colour and possess texture characteristic of the product.
Other Quality Criteria
a) Colour: The product should have red colour originating from red pepper.
The product should have hot and salty taste. It may also have sour taste.
c) Texture: The product should be reasonably firm, crisp, and chewy.
Only those food additives listed below may be used within the limits specified.
Natural flavours and nature-identical flavours, as defined in the Codex Alimentarius, Volume 1A Disodium 5'-guanylate Disodium 5'-inosinate Monosodium L-glutamate THICKENING AND STABILIZING AGENTS
The products covered by the provisions of this standard shall comply with those maximum levels for heavy metals established by the Codex Alimentarius Commission for these products.
The products covered by the provisions of this standard shall comply with those maximum residue limits established by the Codex Alimentarius Commission for these products.
It is recommended that the products covered by the provisions of this standard be prepared andhandled in accordance with the appropriate sections of the Recommended International Code ofPractice – General Principles of Food Hygiene (CAC/RCP 1-1969, Rev. 3-1997), and other relevantCodex texts such as Codes of Hygienic Practice and Codes of Practice.
The products should comply with any microbiological criteria established in accordance with thePrinciples for the Establishment and Application of Microbiological Criteria for Foods (CAC/GL 21-1997).
Prepackaged Products covered by this standard shall be labelled in accordance with the Codex General Standard for the Labelling of Prepackaged Foods (Codex STAN 1-1985, Rev. 1-1991, CodexAlimentarius, Volume 1A).
The name of the product shall be "kimchi". The style should be included in close proximity to the name of the product.
Information required in Sections 4.1-4.8 of the Codex General Standard for the Labelling of Prepackaged Foods and storage instructions if necessary shall be given either on the container or inaccompanying documents except that the name of the product, lot identification, and the name and address ofthe manufacturer or packer shall appear on the container. However, lot identification, and the name andaddress of the manufacturer or packer may be replaced by an identical mark provided that such a mark isclearly identifiable with the accompanying documents.
Minimum drained weight
The drained weight of the final product shall not be less than 80% by weight calculated on the basis of the weight of distilled water at 20°C which the sealed container will hold when completely filled. Thedrained weight of the final product as a percent by the indicated weight shall not be less than 80% by weight.
See Codex Alimentarius Volume 13.
(Returned to Step 6) This Standard applies to canned bamboo shoots as defined in Section 2 below and offered for direct consumption, including for catering purposes or for repacking, or further processing.
Canned bamboo shoots is the product: prepared from edible bamboo shoots in packing media with or without fermentation; heat processed in an appropriate manner before or after being hermetically sealed in a container, so as to prevent spoilage.
the pH value of the product shall be as follows: natural fermented bamboo shoots product pH lower than 4.0 acidified bamboo shoots product pH 4.0 – 4.6 non-fermented, non acidified pH higher than 4.6 Any edible bamboo shoots of the following species may be used: Bambusa spp., such as B, arundinacea, B. burmanica, B. longispatha, B. nataus, B. tuldaand B. vulgaris; Dendrocalamus spp., such as D. asper, D. brandisii, D. gigantius, D. hamiltonii, D.
latiflorus, D. oldhumi
and D. strictus; Gigantochloa spp., such as G. albociliata, G. compressa and G. levi; Phyllostachys spp., such as P. edulis and P. pubescens; Whole: Bamboo shoots with tips and flesh trimmed to remove the outer surfaces and hard bases.
Chunk/Lump: Bamboo shoots cut transversely into chunks, which are smaller than halves of the shoots, but not chip.
Slice: Bamboo shoots cut into slice with uniformity and regular size or shape.
Strip: Bamboo shoots cut into fine strips of regular size.
Dice: Bamboo shoots cut into cubes of regular size. Stretched Node: Whole bamboo shoots with stretched nodes.
Piece, Irregular size: Bamboo shoots with irregular size or shape.
Grate: Grated bamboo shoots including top and/or topless.
Top: Bamboo shoots cut transversely including tips no more than 20cm from the upper end Half: Whole bamboo shoots cut longitudinally into halves.
Tip: Bamboo shoots cut transversely 5-10 cm from the upper end.
Topless: Bamboo shoot in which no more than 20cm of the upper part have been removed. Topless Half: Topless bamboo shoots cut longitudinally into halves. Topless Quarter: Topless bamboo shoots cut longitudinally into four approximately equal parts bytwo cuts at right angles.
Bamboo shoots as defined in Section 2.2 and liquid packing medium appropriate to the product.
Brine, water, oil, vinegar or lactic fermentation liquid.
Canned bamboo shoots shall have normal flavour, odour and colour and possess texture characteristic of the product.
Other Quality Factors
General: Bamboo shoots in the same container shall be of the same variety and style as indicated on the label.
Colour: Cream or light yellow colour characteristic of bamboo shoots.
Flavour: Characteristic of processed bamboo shoots without objectionable odour.
Texture: Without tough fibrous or overly tender portion appropriate to type trimmed.
Character: Substantially intact and in approximately equal size. Trimmed parts shall be smooth.
Packing Media: Clear, without precipitation, except that little precipitation is allowed if thermal processing is used.
Defects and Allowances
The maximum permissible limitations of blemishes and defects are shown in Table 1.
(a) none if less than 3 per can (b) 1 unit if 3-5 per can (c) 2 units if 6-9 per can (d) 3 units per every 10 if more than 10 per can 20% by drained weight 10% by drained weight Name of Food Additive 5.1 HEAVY METALS
The products covered by the provisions of this standard shall comply with those maximum levels for heavy metals established by the Codex Alimentarius Commission for these products.
The products covered by the provisions of this standard shall comply with those maximum residue limits established by the Codex Alimentarius Commission for these products.
It is recommended that the products covered by the provisions of this standard be prepared andhandled in accordance with the appropriate sections of the Recommended International Code ofPractice – General Principles of Food Hygiene (CAC/RCP 1-1969, Rev. 3-1997), and otherrelevant Codex texts such as Codes of Hygienic Practice and Codes of Practice.
The products should comply with any microbiological criteria established in accordance withthe Principles for the Establishment and Application of Microbiological Criteria for Foods(CAC/GL 21-1997).
The product shall be labelled in accordance with the Codex General Standard for the Labelling of Prepackaged Foods (CODEX STAN 1-1985, Rev. 2-2999).
The name of the product shall be "bamboo shoots", "boiled bamboo shoots" or "fermented bamboo shoots". The style, as appropriate, shall be declared as part of the name. LABELLING OF NON-RETAIL CONTAINERS
Information for non-retail containers shall be given either on the container or in accompanying documents, except that the name of the product, lot identification, and the name and address of themanufacturers, packers or distributors, as well as storage instructions, shall appear on the container.
However, lot identification, and the name and address of the manufacturer, packer or distributor may bereplaced by an identification mark, provided that such a mark is clearly identifiable with the accompanyingdocuments.
Minimum Fill
Container shall be well filled with bamboo shoots and the product (including packing media) shall occupy not less than 90% of the capacity of the container. The water capacity of the sealed container is thevolume of distilled water at 20°C which the sealed container will hold when completely filled.] Minimum Drained Weight
Drained weight shall not be less than 50% of the net weight, except that in the case of whole style it shall not be less than 60% of the net weight, and comply with the following: Whole and half - The unit style shall be consistent and the size be approximately equal in the samecan, and the difference between the largest and smallest units shall not be more than double fold by weight. Whole - in case where the drained weight does not meet the requirements, one more unit of
different size of bamboo shoot may added or in rectangular can adjust the size of bamboo shoot to balance
the drained weight. ]
See Codex Alimentarius Volume 13.
(Returned to Step 6) This standard applies to edible fruits, vegetables, cereals, legumes, spices and condiments which have been cured, treated or processed to produce an acid product and which are offered for directconsumption in oil, brine or acidic media. This standard does not cover pickled cucumbers and kimchi.
"Pickled Products" are: prepared from sound, clean and edible fruits, vegetables, cereals, legumes, spices andcondiments; subjected to curing and processing with ingredients appropriate to the type in order to ensurepreservation of the product and its quality; processed in an appropriate manner in order to ensure the quality and proper preservation ofthe product; and preserved in an appropriate manner in a suitable packing medium with ingredientsappropriate to the type and variety of pickled product.
Edible fruits, vegetables, cereals, legumes, spices and condiments in a liquid medium in combination with one or more of the optional ingredients listed in Section 3.1.2.
Nutritive sweeteners, unrefined nutritive sweeteners, edible vegetable oils, vinegar, citrus juice, dried fruits, malt extract, salt, brine, chillies, seasoning (seasoning has two types; plant origin and animalorigin).
The product shall have normal flavour, odour and colour and possess texture characteristic of the Other Quality Criteria
Colour: The product shall be free from any extraneous colouring matter.
Flavour: The product shall have a characteristic flavour typical of the type. It shall be free from anyobjectionable taste or off flavour.
Of plant origin only.
Pickled products in edible oil
The percentage of oil in product shall not be less than 10 percent by weight.
Pickled products in brine
The percentage of salt in the covering liquid shall not be less than 10 percent by weight when salt isused as a major preserving agent.
Pickled products in acidic media
The acidity of the media shall not be less than 2 percent by weight calculated as acetic acid.
Sodium hydrogen sulphite 30 mg/kg (as sulphur dioxide) Sodium metabisulphite Potassium metabisulphite Potassium benzoate 250 mg/kg as benzoic acid Potassium sorbate 1000 mg/kg as sorbate Acetic acid (glacial) HEAVY METALS
The products covered by the provisions of this standard shall comply with those maximum levels for heavy metals established by the Codex Alimentarius Commission for these products.
The products covered by the provisions of this standard shall comply with those maximum residue limits established by the Codex Alimentarius Commission for these products.
It is recommended that the products covered by the provisions of this standard be prepared andhandled in accordance with the appropriate sections of the Recommended International Code ofPractice – General Principles of Food Hygiene (CAC/RCP 1-1969, Rev. 3-1997), and other relevantCodex texts such as Codes of Hygienic Practice and Codes of Practice.
The products should comply with any microbiological criteria established in accordance with thePrinciples for the Establishment and Application of Microbiological Criteria for Foods (CAC/GL 21-1997).
In addition to the provisions of the Codex General Standard for the Labelling of Prepackaged Foods (CODEX STAN 1 – 1985 (Rev. 2-1999)), the following specific provisions apply : NAME OF THE FOOD
Pickled Products shall be labelled according to the type and in combination with the name of major Example - a pickle made from mangoes in an oil medium shall be labelled "Pickled Mango in oil".
In case of pickled products not covered under the three types as given in clause 3, they may belabelled as "Mango Pickle" or "Pickle – Mango".
Information for non-retail containers shall be given either on the container or in accompanying documents, except that the name of the product, lot identification, and the name and address of themanufacturer or packer, as well as storage instructions, shall appear on the container. However, lotidentification, and the name and address of the manufacturer or packer may be replaced by an identificationmark provided that such mark is clearly identifiable with the accompanying documents.
The drained weight of the product should be not less than the following percentages, calculated on the basis of the weight of distilled water at 20oC which the sealed container will hold when completely filled.
Pickled Products in edible oil
The basic ingredient in the final product shall not be less than 60 percent by weight.
Pickled Products in brine
The drained weight of the final product shall be not less than 60 percent by weight.
Pickled Products in acidic media
The drained weight of the final product shall not be less than 60 percent by weight.
Pickled Products not covered under the above categories shall contain basic ingredients not less than 60 per cent by weight.
See Codex Alimentarius Volume 13.
(Advanced to Step 5) The Standard applies to canned stone fruits of the genus Prunus as defined in Section 2 below and offered for direct consumption including for catering purposes or for repacking if required. It does not apply tothe product when indicated as being intended for further processing.
Canned stone fruits is the product: (a) prepared from fresh or frozen or previously canned, mature stone fruits of commercial canning varieties of the genus Prunus, stemmed, pitted or unpitted, and conforming to the characteristics ofthe stone fruits suitable for human consumption; (b) packed with or without a suitable liquid packing medium, sugars and/or other carbohydrate sweeteners such as honey, and other permitted ingredients as indicated in Section 3.3 below; and (c) heat processed in an appropriate manner before or after being hermetically sealed in containers so as to prevent spoilage.
The following species may be used: Apricot: Prunus armeniaca L.; Prunus persica L.; Prunus domestica L. (plum);Prunus italica L. (greengage);Prunus insititia L. (mirabelle or damson);Prunus cerasifera Ehrb. (cherry plum); Cherry: Prunus avium L. (sweet cherry including Bigarreaux); Prunus cerasus L., var. austera L. (sour cherry including griottes).
Distinct varietal types should be designated for peaches plums and cherries. Type by the ease of separation of pit Freestone - where the pit separates readily from the flesh; or Clingstone - where the pit adheres to the flesh. Colour Type Yellow - varietal type in which the predominant colour of the flesh of the ripe fruit ranges from
pale yellow to rich red orange;
Only applies to stone fruits of the genus Prunus.
White - varietal types in which the predominant colour of the flesh of the ripe fruit ranges from
white to yellow-white;
Red - varietal types in which the predominant colour of the flesh of the ripe fruit ranges from
pale yellow to orange red and with variegated red colouring other than that associated with the
pit cavity; and
Green - varietal types in which the predominant colour of the flesh of the ripe fruit ranges from
pale green to green when fully ripe. Yellow Plums2.3.2.2 Red Plums2.3.2.3 Purple Plums2.3.2.4 Greengages2.3.2.5 Cherry Plums2.3.2.6 Mirabelles2.3.2.7 Quetsches Sweet Light (Bigarreaux) Sweet Dark2.3.3.3 Sour (Griottes) Peaches shall be peeled.
Whole - unpitted or pitted whole fruit;
Halves - pitted and cut into two approximately equal parts;
Quarters - pitted and cut into four approximately equal parts;
Slices - pitted and cut into wedge shaped sectors;
Dices - pitted and cut into cube-like parts;
Pieces - (or mixed pieces or irregular pieces) pitted and comprising irregular shapes and sizes.
In addition, solid pack of apricots may be prepared using a combination of both peeled and unpeeled apricots in the same pack.
Stone Fruits as defined in Section 2 and liquid packing medium appropriate to the product.
Canned stone fruit shall have normal flavour, odour and colour and possess texture characteristic of the product. The product shall be substantially free from pits or pieces of pit if greater than 2 mm in dimension,except in the case that the product is unpitted.
Other Quality Criteria
The colour of the product, except for that of artificially coloured canned plums or cherries should be normal for the varietal type of the fruit used. Canned stone fruit containing special ingredients should beconsidered to be of characteristic colour when there is no abnormal discoloration for the respective ingredientused.
Portions of peaches which are obviously near or part of the pit cavity and which after canning may become slightly discoloured are considered to be normal characteristic colour.
The product should have a normal flavour or odour free from flavours and odours foreign to the product.
The product with special ingredients should have a flavour characteristic of that imparted by the fruit canned andthe other substances used.
The canned fruit should be reasonably fleshy of uniform texture and may be variable in tenderness but should neither be mushy nor excessively. Uniformity of size Apricot Whole, Halves - 90% by count of units should be reasonably uniform in size. Where a unit has broken
in the container, the combined broken pieces are considered as a single unit.
Whole, Halves, Quarters - in 95% by count of units that are most uniform in size, the weight of the
largest unit should be no more than twice the weight of the smallest unit, but if there are less than 20
units, one unit may be disregarded. Where a unit has broken in the container, the combined broken
pieces are considered as a single unit. Definition of Defects
Blemishes - means surface discoloration and spots arising from physical, pathological, insect or
other agents that definitely contrast with the overall colour and which may penetrate into the
flesh. Examples include bruises, scab and dark discoloration.
Crushed or broken - considered a defect only in whole or halved canned fruits in liquid media
pack; means a unit which has been crushed to the extent that it has lost its normal shape (not due
to ripeness) or has been severed into definite parts. Halves partially split from the edge to the pit
cavity and whole apricots split along the suture are not considered broken. All portions that
collectively equal the size of a full size unit are considered one unit in applying the allowance
herein. In the case of plums and cherries blemishes should not seriously affect the apperance of
the products.
Peel - considered as a defect except in "Unpeeled" styles; means peel that adheres to the fruit
flesh or is found loose in the container.
Pit (or stone) material - considered a defect in all styles except whole; means whole pits and
pieces that are hard and sharp.
Harmless extraneous material: means any vegetable substance (such as, but not limited to, a
leaf or portion thereof, or a stem) that is harmless and which tends to detract from the
appearance of the product.
Trim: considered a defect only in whole and halved canned fruits in liquid media packs. The
trimming must be excessive and includes serious gouges (whether due to physical trimming or
other means) on the surface of the units which definitely detract from the appearance. Allowances for Defects
The product should be substantially free from defects such as extraneous material, pit (stone) material, peel (in peeled styles only), blemished units, and broken units. Certain common defects should not be present inamounts greater than the following limitations: Canned Apricots Maximum Limit in Drained Weight
Liquid Media Packs
Solid Pack
3 units per 500 g Broken (whole, halves) Peel (average in peeled styles Not more than 6 cm² aggregate Not more than 12 cm² aggregate area per 500g Pit or pit material (average) 1 pit or its equivalent per 500 g2 1 pit or its equivalent per500 g Harmless extraneous material 2 pieces per 500 g 3 pieces per 500 g Canned Peaches Maximum Limit in Drained Weight
Liquid Media Packs
Solid Pack
3 units per 500 g Broken (whole, halves, Not more than 15 cm2 aggregate Not more than 30 cm2 aggregate area per kg Pit or pit material (average) 1 pit or its equivalent, per 5 kg 1 pit or its equivalent5, per5 kg One pit for this allowance is: one whole pit; or one large piece, the equivalent of one-half pit or larger; or up tothree small hard pieces, the total mass of which is smaller than one-half pit. Canned Plums/Canned Cherries Maximum Limit in Drained Weight
Broken (whole, halves) Total of the foregoing defects Extraneous plant material 1 piece per 200 g (based on averages) Loose pits (whole) 3 per 500 g (based on averages) Pit or pieces of pits (whole, 2 per 500 g (based on averages) A container that fails to meet one or more of the applicable quality requirements as set out in Section through (except peel and pit material which are based on an average) should be considered a"defective".
A lot should be considered as meeting the applicable quality requirements referred to in Section 3.5 for those requirements which are not based on averages, the number of "defectives", as definedin Section 3.5 does not exceed the acceptance number (c) of the appropriate sampling plan in theCodex Alimentarius Sampling Plans for Prepackaged Foods (AQL- 6.5); and the requirements which are based on sample averages are complied with.
Name of Food Additive
Natural and artificial flavours except those which reproduce the flavour of the respectivestone fruit COLOURS (for canned "Red" or "Purple"
plums only)
[200 mg/kg of the final product, singly or in combination] Erythrosine[any safe and suitable natural color extracts] HEAVY METALS
The products covered by the provisions of this standard shall comply with those maximum levels for heavy metals established by the Codex Alimentarius Commission for these products.
The products covered by the provisions of this standard shall comply with those maximum residue limits established by the Codex Alimentarius Commission for these products.
It is recommended that the products covered by the provisions of this standard be prepared and handledin accordance with the appropriate sections of the Recommended International Code of Practice –General Principles of Food Hygiene (CAC/RCP 1-1969, Rev. 3-1997), and other relevant Codex textssuch as Codes of Hygienic Practice and Codes of Practice.
The products should comply with any microbiological criteria established in accordance with thePrinciples for the Establishment and Application of Microbiological Criteria for Foods (CAC/GL 21-1997) The product shall be labelled in accordance with the General Standard for the Labelling of Prepackaged Foods (CODEX STAN 1-1985, Rev. 1-1991).
The name of the product shall be the name of the fruit used as defined in Section 2.2.
The name of the product should include the varietal type as appropriate Peach: "freestone" or "clingstone" as appropriate; and "yellow", "white", "red" or "green" as appropriate.
Plum: "yellow" or "golden", "red" or "purple" as appropriate; or specific name of the cultivars or "Greengage plums, Damson plums, Cherry plums,Mirabelle plums, for the appropriate cultivars specified in Section A1.2 in Annex of thisstandard, except that the names "Greengages', "Damsons", "Mirabelles" need not beaccompanied by the word "plums" in countries where its omission would not mislead ordeceive the consumer.
The name should include a declaration of any flavouring which characterizes the product, e.g.
"with X", when appropriate.
The following, as appropriate, should be declared as part of the name or in close proximity to the name: The style as defined in Section A1.1 of Annex of the Standard.
A declaration of whether the fruits are "peeled" or "unpeeled".
Information for non-retail containers shall be given on the container or in accompanying documents, except that the name of the product, lot identification and the name and address of the manufacturer, packer ordistributor, as well as storage instructions, shall appear on the container. However, lot identification, and the name and address of the manufacturer, packer or distributor may be replaced by an identification mark, providedthat such mark is clearly identifiable with the accompanying documents.
Minimum Fill
The container should be well filled with the product (including packing medium) should occupy not less than 90% of the water capacity of the container. The water capacity of the container is the volume of distilledwater at 20°C which the sealed container will hold when completely filled.
A container that fails to meet the requirement for minimum fill (90% container capacity) of Section A3.1.1 should be considered a "defective".
A lot will be considered as meeting the requirements of sub-section A3.1.1 when the number of "defectives", as defined in Section A3.1.2, does not exceed the acceptance number (c) of the appropriatesampling plan in the Codex Alimentarius Sampling Plans for Prepackaged Foods (AQL-6.5).] Minimum Drained Weight drained weight of the product should be not less than the following percentages, calculated on thebasis of the weight of distilled water at 20°C which the sealed container will hold when completely filled3 In heavily sweetened fruit juice(s) or nectar(s) heavy and extra heavy syrup In lightly sweetened fruit juice(s) or nectar(s) light and extra light syrup The requirements do not apply to "Whole Style".
In heavy and extra heavy syrup In light and extra light syrup The requirements do not apply to "Whole Style".
For non-metallic rigid containers such as glass jars, the basis for the determination should be calculated on theweight of distilled water at 20°C which the sealed container will hold when completely filled less 20 ml. The requirements for minimum drained weight should be deemed to be complied with when the averagedrained weight of all containers examined is not less than the minimum required, provided that there is nounreasonable shortage in individual containers.] METHODS OF ANALYSIS AND SAMPLING
See Codex Alimentarius Volume 13.
(Advanced to Step 5) The following guidelines describe the composition and labelling requirements for packing media for usewith canned fruits.
Any of the following packing media may be used: Fruit juice or fruit pulp or blend of fruit juices or fruit pulps, sweetened eg with sugars and/or othercarbohydrate sweeteners such as honey or unsweetened. Sweetened fruit juice or fruit pulp, dependingon the concentration in °Brix measured in the final product, shall be designated as follows: Lightly sweetened between 14° and 18° Heavily sweetened [between 18° and 22°] Syrup: mixtures of water and sugars and/or other carbohydrate sweeteners such as honey. Depending onthe concentration in °Brix measured in the final product, these shall be designated as follows: Extra light syrup or slightlysweetened syrup between 10° and 14° According to custom or between 14° and 18° legislation of the between 17° and 20°] importing country between 18° and 22° Extra heavy syrup Water and fruit juice or fruit juices, in which the fruit content exceeds 50%.
Nectars (Fruit juice or fruit pulp, sugars or other carbohydrate sweeteners and water) as defined in theCodex Alimentarius.
The designations used in association with the Name of the Food shall be one of the designations definedin paragraphs 2 or 3 above.
If the packing medium contains less than 10% fruit ingredient no reference to fruit juice or fruit pulpshall be made in association with the Name of the Food.] The product may also be designated as "solid pack" meaning whole fruit or pieces of fruit without any added liquid or with only a small amount of liquid, and with or without sugars or other carbohydrate sweeteners.
Canned Citrus Fruits United States/WPTC Canned Tomato Concentrate United States/WPTC Canned Vegetables Guidelines for Packing Media for CannedVegetables Insam (Ginseng) 1 Jams, Jellies and Marmalades COMMODITIES TO BE STANDARDIZED BY FUTURE SESSIONS OF THE CCPFV
Canned Berry FruitsCanned Fruit CocktailCanned MangoCanned MushroomsCanned PineappleCanned Tropical Fruit SaladChutney (including Mango Chutney)Dried FigsGrated Desiccated CoconutQuick Frozen Broccoli FloretsTable OlivesWhole Dates Pending approval as new work by the 24th Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission.


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