Marys Medicine

Current cv


University of Illinois at Chicago - College of Nursing 814 Franklin Avenue River Forest, IL 60305 Chicago, IL 60612-7350 708/771/5623 (home) 312/919/5978 (cell) 610-293-4598 (fax) [email protected] 312/413/4399 (fax) [email protected]

Ph.D. 1990
University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA Major: Nursing University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA Major: Advanced Clinical Practice in Adult Health and Illness Clinical Subspecialty: Pulmonary Nursing University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA Major: Nursing POSTGRADUATE TRAINING & FELLOWSHIP APPOINTMENTS
Postdoctoral 1990-92
Gerontological Nurse Research Associate University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing Philadelphia, PA National Institute on Aging Teaching Nursing Home Program (Allan I. Pack, MD, PhD, Lois Evans, PhD, FAAN, sponsors)
Professor of Nursing in the Department of Medicine College of Medicine, Pulmonary, Critical Care, Sleep and Allergy Section University of Illinois at Chicago Department of Medicine Dean and Professor of Nursing University of Illinois at Chicago College of Nursing Ellen and Robert Kapito Professor in Nursing Science University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing Philadelphia, PA Associate Director, Biobehavioral Research Center University of Pennsylvania, School of Nursing Philadelphia, PA
2007 - Present
Professor of Nursing University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing Philadelphia, PA Professor of Nursing in Medicine (Secondary Appointment) Department of Medicine, Division of Sleep Medicine University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine Philadelphia, PA Member, Biobehavioral Research Center University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing Philadelphia, PA
2002 - 2010
Chair, Biobehavioral and Health Sciences Division University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing Philadelphia, PA Member, Hartford Center for Gerontological Nursing Excellence University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing Philadelphia, PA Associate Professor (Secondary Appointment) Department of Medicine, Division of Sleep Medicine University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine Philadelphia, PA Senior Fellow, Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA Associate Professor University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing Philadelphia, PA Co-Director, Center for Urban Health Research University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing Philadelphia, PA Collaborator, Unit for Experimental Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine Philadelphia, PA Consultant, Penn Center for Sleep Disorders University of Pennsylvania Medical Center Philadelphia, PA Research Fellow, Center for Advancing Care in Serious Illness University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing Philadelphia, PA Member, Center for Sleep and Respiratory Neurobiology University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine Philadelphia, PA Assistant Professor and Course Director University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing Philadelphia, PA Fellow, Institute on Aging University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA Lecturer University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing Philadelphia, PA Teaching Assistant University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing Philadelphia, PA Pulmonary Clinical Nurse Specialist Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania Clinical Preceptor, Instructor University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing Philadelphia, PA Critical Care Coordinator Shore Memorial Hospital Somers Point, NJ Staff Nurse II, Intensive Care Unit George Washington University Medical Center Washington, DC 1973 (June - August) Staff Nurse Shore Memorial Hospital Somers Point, NJ CERTIFICATION/LICENSURE
ANA Certification - Clinical Specialist in Medical - Surgical Nursing # 043934-05 1984 – 2006
License #: Pennsylvania RN-193089-L
1972 Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing
1973 BSN Magma Cum Laude, University of Pittsburgh
1973 Blue - Gold Award for Outstanding Contributions to the University of Pittsburgh
1973 Outstanding Senior Student Award, University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing
1990 Marion R. Gregory Award (for dissertation that holds significant promise as a contribution to nursing knowledge), University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing 1993 Fellow, American Academy of Nursing 1996 Outstanding Faculty Award, University of Pennsylvania Sorority and Fraternity System 2003 Academic Keys Who's Who in Health Sciences Education (WWHSE) 2003 Treatment for Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Adherence and Efficacy. Invited Provost Lecture, University of Pennsylvania 2006 Can't Sleep at Night, Can't Function during the Day: Sleep Disorders and Daily Functioning A Program of Research. Invited lecture, Center for Sleep and Respiratory Neurobiology Research Retreat, School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania. 2006 Ada Sue Hinshaw Award, Friends of the National Institute of Nursing Research for research that focuses attention on the significance of nursing research and improves health care 2008 Featured invited speaker, SLEEP 2008 Annual Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies, LLC, Baltimore, MD, Not Tonight Honey! – The Effect of Sleepiness on Daily (or Nightly) Functioning. 2007 Distinguished Alumni Award, University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing 2008 Graduation Speaker University of Pittsburg Graduate Student Dinner 2009 University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing Visiting Scholar 2011 Fellow, Institute of Medicine of Chicago RESEARCH
Doctoral Dissertation
Weaver, T.E. (1991). Variables related to functional status in chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Pennsylvania), 1990, Dissertation Abstracts International, B51/07, 3329.
Funded Research Grants

Weaver, T.E. (Principal Investigator)(1982) Development and Evaluation of an Instrument to Assess
Functional Status in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing (Xi Chapter), $2,000.
Weaver, T.E. (Principal Investigator)(1988- 1990) Variables Related to Functional Status in Chronic
Obstructive Pulmonary Disease National Research Service Award Pre-Doctoral Fellowship, National Center for Nursing Research, National Institutes of Health, 5-F31NR06205-03, $27,555. Weaver, T.E. (Principal Investigator) (1991 - 1994) Development and Evaluation of a Functional
Status Measure for Sleep Disorders, Frank Morgan Jones Fund, University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing, $5,000. Weaver, T.E. (Principal Investigator)(1991 - 1992) The Impact of Obstructive Sleep Apnea on
Functional Status Center for Advancing Care in Serious Illness, University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing, $5,000. Weaver, T.E. (Principal Investigator) & Pack, A. I. (1993 - 1994) Maternal Obstructive Sleep Apnea
as a Risk Factor for Intrauterine Growth Retardation: Pilot Project National Institutes of Health, General Clinical Research Center, University of Pennsylvania Medical Center and the Center for Sleep and Respiratory Neurobiology, School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, $45,000. Dinges, D. F., Weaver, T.E. (Co-Investigator), Pack, A. I., Chugh, D. K., Smith, P. L., Schwartz, A.
R. (1993 - 1998) Daytime Sleepiness and Function on Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Therapy for Apnea Project of a Specialized Center of Research for Cardiopulmonary Disorders of Sleep (PI: A. Pack), National Institutes of Health, National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, $680,025. Weaver, T.E. (Principal Investigator), Dinges, D. F., Pack, A. I. (1994 - 2000) Multisite Study of the
Functional Outcomes of CPAP Use National Institutes of Health, National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, $350,000 (1996 - 2000) and Nellcor Puritan Bennett Inc., DeVilbiss Health Care Inc., Healthdyne Technologies, and Respironics, Inc., $140,000 (1994 - 2000). Weaver, T.E. (Principal Investigator), Pack, A.I., Maislin, G. (1998) Outcomes Associated with
Treatment for Sleep Apnea Sleep Medicine and Education Foundation, $5,000.
Weaver, T.E.
(Lead Investigator), Dinges, D.F., Schwab, R.J. (1998- 2003) The Role of Efficacy in
the Prediction of CPAP Adherence Project of a Specialized Center of Research in Neurobiology of Sleep and Sleep Apnea (PI: A. Pack) National Institutes of Health, National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, $763,842. P50 HL60287 Pack A. I., Weaver, T.E. (Co-Investigator), and Maislin, G. (1999-2004). Treatment of Sleep Apnea
in the Elderly, (Co- Investigator), National Institutes of Health, National Institute on Aging, $2,739,357. Weaver, T.E. (Principal Investigator) (1999 - 2001) Proposal for A Clinical Trial of CPAP Therapy
in Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Sleep Medicine Education & Research Foundation (American Academy of Sleep Medicine), $50,000. Weaver, T.E. (Principal Investigator)(2001-2002). Pilot Study Of The Functional Outcomes Of
CPAP Compared To Placebo For OSA Clinical Trial. Frank Morgan Jones Fund
(University of Pennsylvania), $5,000.

Sawyer A, Kuna, S, Weaver, T.E. (Co-Investigator), Moriarty, H. (2003-2006) Predictors of
Adherence to Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Therapy in Obstructive Sleep Apnea (Consultant) VA Stars & Stripes HealthCare Network, $50,000 Weaver, T.E. (Lead Investigator), Van Dongen, H., Dinges, D.F. (2003-2008) Mechanisms of
Differential Sleepiness in Sleep Apnea. Project of a Specialized Center of Research in Neurobiology of Sleep and Sleep Apnea (PI: A. Pack) National Institutes of Health, National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, $1,913,836.
Weaver, T.E. (Principal Investigator), Dinges DF, Ferguson KA, George CP, Greenberg H,
Gurubhagavatula I, Kuna S, Landis RL, Rapoport DM, Walsleben J (2003 - 2008). Impact
of CPAP on Functional Outcomes in Milder OSA. National Institutes of Health, National
Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, R01 HL076101. $2,531,830.

Gooneratne, N, Pack, AI, Rogers, N, Karlawish, J, Kuna, S, Maislin, G, Margolis, D, Weaver, T.E.
(Co-Investigator) (2004-2008). Melatonin Randomized Trial for Insomnia in the Elderly. (Collaborator/Steering Committee Member) National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, National Institute of Health, $1,800,141.
Kuna S, Atwood C, Weaver T.E. (Co-Investigator) (2006-2009). Cost Effective Strategy to Evaluate
Veterans with Sleep Apnea. Department of Veterans Affair, 11R 04-021-2, $895,511.
Weaver, T.E. (Principal Investigator), Dinges DF, Ferguson KA, George CP, Greenberg H,
Gurubhagavatula I, Kuna S, Landis RL, Rapoport DM, Walsleben J (2006-2007). Impact of
CPAP on Functional Outcomes in Milder OSA. Respironics Sleep and Respiratory
Foundation, $300,000.

Riegel B, Weaver, T.E. (Co-Investigator) (2007-2010). Impact of Sleepiness on Heart Failure Self-
Care. National Institutes of Health, National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, R01 HL084394, $2,059,771.
Weaver, T.E. (Principal Investigator), Dinges DF, Ferguson KA, George CP, Greenberg H,
Gurubhagavatula I, Kuna S, Landis RL, Rapoport DM, Walsleben J (2007-2008). Impact of
CPAP on Functional Outcomes in Milder OSA. National Institutes of Health, National Heart,
Lung and Blood Institute, Administrative Supplement, $75,000.

Weaver, T.E. (Principal Investigator) (2008). Residual Sleepiness with CPAP Treatment in Milder
Sleep Apnea. Investigator Initiated, Cephalon Corporation, $120,708.
Weaver, T.E. (Principal Investigator) (2009-2013). Mechanisms of Residual Sleepiness in CPAP
Treated OSA Patients. Investigator Initiated, Cephalon Corporation, $669,947. Richards, K, Detra JA, Gooneratne NS, Hanlon, A, Hofmann, MT, Johnson JC, Moelter ST, Onen, F, Sawyer, AM, Sullivan-Marx, E, Weaver, T.E. (Co-Investigator), Yushkevich PA,
(2011-2014) Obstructive sleep apnea and mild cognitive impairment. National Institute of
Health, National Institute on Aging (R01-AG034682), $2,324,700.00
Past/Present Funded Training Programs/Awards

Veasey, S. Sleep Academic Award, (T.E. Weaver, Training Faculty) National Institutes of Health,
Center for Sleep Research, $375,000, 1996 – 2001 Pack, A. I. Training Program/Respiratory Neurobiology and Sleep (T.E. Weaver, Training Faculty)
National Institutes of Health, National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, Grant N. HL07713, $1,745,749, 2000 – 2005 Pack, A.I. Training in Sleep and Sleep Disorders (T.E. Weaver, Co-Program Director Postdoctoral
Program in Nursing Sleep Research). National Institutes of Health, National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, Grant N. HL07953, $3,194,469, 2000 – 2005 George, M, Principle Investigator, American Lung Association Dissertation Award, "Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Adherence in Asthma, T.E. Weaver, Sponsor)
$21,000/yr., 2001-2003
George, M., Principle Investigator, Individual National Research Service Award (1F31AT1149-01), "Complementary medicine/adherence in minorities with asthma" (T.E. Weaver, Sponsor)
$30,966/yr., 2002-2004.
George, M., Principle Investigator, Individual National Research Service Award (1F32) "CAM use for Asthma in Low-income Black and White Adults" (T.E. Weaver, Co-Sponsor) National
Institute for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2004-2006
Sawyer, A., Principle Investigator, Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award "Obstructive Sleep Apnea: African American Perceptions" (T.E. Weaver, Co-Sponsor),
National Institute of Nursing Research, 2004-2007
Pack, A.I. Training in Sleep and Sleep Disorders (T.E. Weaver, Co-Program Director Postdoctoral
Program in Nursing Sleep Research). National Institutes of Health, National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, HL07953, $3,194,469, 2005 – 2010 Cuellar, N., Principle Investigator, The effects of valerian on sleep latency in persons with RLS (T.E. Weaver, Sponsor). National Institutes of Health, National Institute of
Nursing Research, K01 NR009570, 2007-2010.
Sawyer, A., Principle Investigator, NIH Pathway to Independence (PI) Award (K99/R00) "Risk Assessment and Tailored Intervention to Improve CPAP Adherence", (T.E. Weaver, Co-
Sponsor) National Institute of Nursing Research, $927,000, 2009-2014
Peer Reviewed Articles
*Data-based publications
+ Senior author and principal investigator of the study
Chalikian, J. & Weaver, TE. Mechanical ventilation: Where it's at, where it's going.
American Journal of Nursing, 84, 1372-1379, 1984
Weaver, TE. & Millman, RP. Broken sleep. American Journal of Nursing, 86, 146-150,
*Weaver, TE. & Narsavage, GL. Physiological and psychological variables related to
functional status in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Nursing Research, 41, 286-291,
*Narsavage, GL & Weaver, TE. The relationship of physiological status, coping, and
hardiness to patient outcomes in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Nursing Research,
43, 90-94, 1994
Weaver, TE, Factors affecting functional status in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
(COPD). Online Journal of Knowledge Synthesis for Nursing.[online serial] Volume Number
2; Document Number 4, 1995
*Weaver, TE, Richmond, TS, Narsavage GL. An explanatory model of functional status in
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Nursing Research, 46, 26 – 31, 1997
Chugh. DK, Weaver, TE, Dinges, DF. Neurobehavioral consequences of arousals. SLEEP,
19, 198 – 201, 1997
*Weaver, T.E., Laizner, A, Evans, LK, Maislin, G, Chugh, DK, Lyons, K, Smith, PL,
Schwartz, AR, Redline, S, Pack, AI, Dinges, DF. An instrument to measure functional status
outcomes for disorders of excessive sleepiness. SLEEP, 20, 835 – 843, 1997
*Weaver, TE., Kribbs NB, Pack AI, Kline LR, Chugh DK, Maislin G, Smith PL, Schwartz
AR, Schubert NM, Gillen KA, Dinges DF. Night-to-night variability in CPAP use over first
three months of treatment. SLEEP, 20, 278 – 283, 1997
Abstracted in Yearbook of Pulmonary Disease, 1998, St. Louis: Mosby - Year Book

*Weaver, TE, Narsavage GL, Guilfoyle MJ. The development and psychometric evaluation
of the Pulmonary Functional Status Scale (PFSS): An instrument to assess functional status in
pulmonary disease. Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation, 18, 105 – 111, 1998
.Statement on health outcomes research in sleep apnea.
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 157, 335-341, 1998
Weaver, TE. Outcome measurement in sleep medicine practice and research. Part 1:
Assessment of OSA symptoms, subjective and objective daytime sleepiness, health - related
quality of life, and functional status. Sleep Medicine Review, 5, 103-128, 2001 (Invited)
PMID: 12531049
Weaver, TE. Outcome measurement in sleep medicine practice and research. Part 2:
Assessment of neurobehavioral performance and mood. Sleep Medicine Review, 5, 223-236,
2001 (Invited)
* Gooneratne, NS; Weaver, TE, Cater, JR; Pack FM, Arner HM, Greenberg AS, Pack AI.
Functional outcomes of excessive daytime sleepiness in non-depressed older adults. Journal
of the American Geriatric Society, 51,642-649, 2003 PMID:12752839
Chasens ER & Weaver, TE. Insulin resistance and OSA: Is increased sympathetic
stimulation the link? Biological Research for Nursing, 5, 87-96, 2003 PMID: 14531213
*Weaver, TE., Maislin G, Dinges D, Younger J, Cantor C, McCloskey S, Pack A. Self-
efficacy in sleep apnea: Instrument development and patient perceptions of OSA risk,
treatment benefit, and volition to use CPAP. SLEEP, 26, 727-732, 2003
*Dinges DF, Weaver, TE. Modafinil improves sustained attention and quality of life in
obstructive sleep apnea, Sleep Medicine 4, 393-402, 2003 PMID:14592280
*Hughes K, Glass C, Ripchinski M, Gurevich F, Weaver, TE, Lehman E, Craig TJ Efficacy
of the topical nasal steroid budesonide on improving sleep and daytime somnolence in
patients with perennial allergic rhinitis. Allergy, 58, 1–6, 2003
Lee K, Landis C, Chasens E, Dowling G, Merritt S, Parker K, Redeker N, Richards K, Roger
A, Shaver J, Umlauf M, & Weaver, TE. Sleep and chronobiology recommendations for
nursing education. Nursing Outlook, 52, 126-133, 2004 PMID:15197361
*+Chasens ER, Pack AI, Maislin G, Dinges DF, Weaver, TE. Claustrophobia and adherence
to CPAP Treatment. Western Journal of Nursing Research. 27, 307-321, 2005
*+Reishtein J, Pack AI, Maislin G, Dinges D, Bloxham T, George C, Kader G, Greenberg H,
Mahowald M, Younger J, Weaver, TE, and Multisite Group. Sleepiness and relationships in
obstructive sleep apnea. Issues in Mental Health Nursing. 27(3), 319-30, 2006 PMID:16484173 Gay P, Weaver, TE, Loube D, Iber C. Evaluation of positive airway pressure treatment for
sleep-related breathing disorders in adults. SLEEP. 29(3), 381-401, 2006
*Weaver, TE, Cuellar N. A randomized trial evaluating the effectiveness of sodium oxybate
therapy on quality of life in narcolepsy. SLEEP. 29 (9), 1189-1194, 2006 PMID:17040006
Weaver, TE. CPAP Adherence. Current Opinion in Pulmonary Medicine. 12 (6), 409-413,
2006 (Invited) PMID:17053489
*George M, Birck K, Hufford DJ, Jemmott LS, Weaver, TE. Beliefs about asthma and
complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) in low-income inner city African American
adults. Journal of General Internal Medicine. Sep 25, 2006 PMID:16995890
Hartenbaum N, Collop N, Rosen IM, Phillips B, George CF, Rowley JA, Freedman N,
Weaver, TE, Gurubhagavatula I, Strohl K, Leaman HM, Moffitt GL, Rosekind MR. Sleep
apnea and commercial motor vehicle operators: statement from the joint Task Force of the
American College of Chest Physicians, American College of Occupational and
Environmental Medicine, and the National Sleep Foundation. Journal of Occupational
Environmental Medicine. 2006, 48(9 Suppl), S4-37 (Invited) PMID:16985410
leep apnea and commercial motor vehicle operators: Statement from the joint task force of the American College of Chest Physicians, the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, and the National Sleep Foundation. Chest. 130(3),902-905, 2006 (Invited) PMID:16963693 Weaver, TE, Chasens E. Continuous positive airway pressure treatment for sleep apnea
in older adults. Sleep Medicine Reviews. 11 (2), 99-111, 2007 (Invited) PMID:17275370
Daytime sleepiness, exercise, and physical function in older adults. Journal of Sleep Research. 16(1),60-65, 2007 PMID:17309764 Relationship between hours of CPAP use and achieving normal levels of sleepiness and daily functioning. SLEEP. 30(6):711-719, 2007 PMID:17580592 Hackney JE, Weaver, TE, Pack AI. Health literacy and sleep disorders: A Review. Sleep
Medicine Reviews, 12(2):143-151, 2008 (Invited) PMID:18222098
Weaver, TE, Grunstein R. Adherence to continuous positive airway pressure therapy: The
challenge to effective treatment. Proceedings of the American Thoracic Society, 5(2):173-
178, 2008 PMID:18250209 Phillips, B.A., Collop, N.A., Drake, C., Consens, F., Vgontzas, A. & Weaver, TE. Sleep
disorders and medical conditions in women. J Womens Health 17(7), 1191-1199, 2008
PMID: 18710367
*+Ye, L., Liang, Z. & Weaver, TE. Predictors of health-related quality of life patients with
Obstructive sleep apnoea. Journal of Advanced Nursing 63(1), 54-63, 2008 PMID:18598251
Weaver, TE. Enhancing multiple disciplinary teamwork. Nursing Outlook, 56(3), 108-114,
2008 PMID:18501748
*+ Chasens, ER, Ratcliff, SJ, Weaver, TE. Development of the FOSQ-10: A short version of
the Functional Outcomes of Sleep Questionnaire. SLEEP, 32(7), 915-919, 2009
*Chasens, E. R., Umlauf, M. G., & Weaver, TE (2009). Sleepiness, physical activity, and
functional outcomes in veterans with type 2 diabetes. Applied Nursing Research. 22: 176-182,
2009 PUBMED:19616165
*Park, S., Weaver, TE, Romer, D.ournal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing.
14: 102-111, 2009
Gender differences in the clinical manifestation of obstructive sleep apnea Sleep Medicine 10 (10), 1075-1084, 2009 *+ Ye, L., Pien, G.W., Ratcliffe, S.J., Weaver, TE. Gender differences in obstructive sleep
apnea and treatment response to continuous positive airway pressure. Journal of Clinical
Sleep Medicine 5 (6), 512-518, 2009 PMID: 19403333
*Souders M. C., Mason, T.B.A., Valladares, O., Bucan, M., Levy SE, Mandell, D.S.,
Weaver, TE, Pinto-Martin, J. Sleep behaviors and sleep quality in children with autism
spectrum disorders. SLEEP 32(12):1566-1578, 2009
Riegel, B. & Weaver, TE. Poor sleep and self-care: Towards a comprehensive model linking
sleep, cognition, and heart failure outcomes. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 8
(5), 337-344, 2009. PMID:19679510
*Weaver, TE, Chasens E.R., Arora, S. Modafinil improves functional outcomes in patients
with residual excessive sleepiness associated with CPAP treatment. Journal of Clinical Sleep
Medicine 5 (6), 499-505, 2009
Weaver, TE, Sawyer, A.M. Management of OSA by continuous positive airway pressure.
Oral Maxillofacial Surg Clin N Am, 21, (4), 369-482, 2009
*+Rodway, G.W., Weaver, TE, Mancini, C., Cater, J., Maislin, G., Staley, B., Ferguson,
K.A., George, C.F.P., Schulman, D.A., Greenberg, H., Rapoport, D.M., Walsleben, J.A., Lee-
Chong, T., Kuna, S.T. Evaluation of sham-CPAP as a placebo in CPAP intervention studies.
SLEEP, 33 (02), 260-266, 2010.
*Baldwin, C.M., Ervin, A., Mays M.Z., Robbins J., Shafazand, S., Walsleben, J., Weaver,
Sleep Disturbances, Quality of Life, and Ethnicity: The Sleep Heart Health Study.
Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, 6(2): 176-183, 2010.
Weaver, T. E., Sawyer, A. M. Adherence to Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Treatment
for Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Current State of the Science and Implications for Future
Intervention Research. Indian Journal of Medical Research, 131: 245-258, 2010.
*Sawyer, A.M., Deatrick, J.A., Kuna, S.T., Weaver, TE. Differences in perceptions of the
diagnosis and treatment of obstructive sleep apnea and continuous positive airway pressure
therapy among adherers and nonadherers. Qualitative Health Research, 20(7): 873-892, 2010.
*+Reishtein, JL, Maislin, G, Weaver, TE and the Multisite Study Group. Outcome of CPAP
treatment on intimate and sexual relationships in obstructive sleep apnea. Journal of Clinical
Sleep Medicine, 6(3):221-226,2010.
*Grandner, M.A., Patel, N.P., Gehrman, P.R., Xie, D., Sha, D., Weaver, T.E., Gooneratne,
N. Who gets the best sleep? Ethnic and socioeconomic factors related to sleep complaints.
Sleep Medicine, 11(5):470-478, 2010
*Park, S., Weaver, T.E., Romer, D. Predictors of the transition from experimental to daily
smoking in late adolescence and young adulthood. Journal of Drug Education, 40(2):125-141,
*Chen, Y., Narsavage, G.L., Culp, S.L., Weaver, T.E. The development and psychometric
analysis of the short form pulmonary functional status scale (PFSS-11). Research in Nursing
and Health, 33(6):477-485, 2010
*Calamaro, CJ, Park, S, Mason, TBA, Marcus CL, Weaver, TE, Pack, A, Ratcliffe, SJ.
Shortened sleep duration does not predict obesity in adolescents. Journal of Sleep Research,
19:559-566, 2010.
*Sawyer, A, Canamucio, A, Moriarty, H, Weaver, TE, Richards, K, Kuna, ST. Do cognitive
perceptions influence CPAP use? Patient Education and Counseling, 85(1):85-91, 2011.
*Riegel, B, Moelter, ST, Ratcliffe, SJ, Pressler, SJ, De Geest, S, Potashnik, S, Fleck, D, Sha,
D, Sayers, SL, Weintraub W, Weaver, TE, Goldberg, LR. Excessive daytime sleepiness is
associated with poor medication adherence in adults with heart failure. Journal of Cardiac
Failure, 17(4):340-348, 2011.
Sawyer AM, Gooneratene NS, Marcus CL, Ofer D, Richards KC, Weaver TE. A systematic
review of CPAP adherence across age groups: Clinical and empiric insights for developing
CPAP adherence interventions. Sleep Med Rev, 15(6):343-356, 2011.
*Prasad B, Choi YK, Weaver TE, Carley DW. Pupillometric assessment of sleepiness in
narcolepsy. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2 (35):1-7, 2011.

58. *+Ye L,Pack AI, Maislin G, Dinges D, Hurley S, McCloskey S; Weaver TE. Predictors
of continuous positive airway pressure use during the first week of treatment. J Sleep Res, 21(4):419-426, 2012. *Grandner MA, Martin JL, Patel NP, Gehrman PR, Pien GW, Perlis ML, Xie D, Sha D, Weaver T, Gooneratne NS. Age and sleep disturbances among American men and women:
It's more complicated than we thought. SLEEP, 35(3):395-406, 2012.
*Riegel B, Ratcliffe SJ, Weintraub WS, Sayers SL, Goldberg LR, Potashnik S, Weaver TE,
Pressler SJ. Double Jeopardy: The Influence of excessive daytime sleepiness and impaired cognition on health-related quality of life in adults with heart failure. European Journal of Heart Failure, 14(7):730-736, 2012. *Riegel R, Ratcliff SJ, Sayers SL, Potashnik S, Buck HG, Jurkovitz C, Fontana S, Weaver
TE, Weinbaub WS, Goldberg LR. Determinants of excessive daytime sleepiness and fatigue
in adults with heart failure. Clinical Nursing Res, 21(3): 271-293, 2012.
*+Weaver, TE, Mancini C, Maislin G, Cater, J, Staley B, Landis JR, Ferguson KA, George
CFP, Schulman DA, Greenberg H, Rapoport DM, Walsleben JA, Lee-Chiong T, Gurubhagavatula I, Kuna ST. Continuous positive airway pressure treatment of sleepy patients with milder obstructive sleep apnea. Results of the CPAP Apnea Trial North American Program (CATNAP) Randomized Clinical Trial. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 186(7):677-683, 2012. *Burkhalter, H, Wirz-Justice A, Cajochen C, 2 PhD, Weaver T, Steiger J, Fehr T, Martin
Venzin R, De Geest S. Validation of a Single Item to Assess Daytime Sleepiness for the
Swiss Transplant Cohort Study. Progress in Transplantation (in press).

Non-Peer Reviewed Articles
Weaver, TE. New life for lungs - through incentive spirometers. Nursing 81, 11, 54-58,
Weaver, TE. Refreshers on pulmonary studies. Sputum collection, RN, 45, 64-65, 1982
Weaver, TE. Getting the most from chest x-rays and lung scans. RN, 45, 64-65, 1982
Weaver, TE. Bronchoscopy, laryngography, and their potential complications. RN, 45,
Weaver, TE. Helping your patient through thoracentesis and pleural biopsy. RN, 46, 64-65,
Weaver, TE. Quick reminders on pulmonary function tests.and terminology. RN, 46,
Weaver, TE. ABG's: Taking the sample, interpreting the results. RN, 46, 64-65, 1983.
McCauley, K. & Weaver, TE. Nutrition of the cardiac and pulmonary patient. Nursing
Clinics of North America, 18, 81-96, 1983
9. Weaver, TE. Chronic ineffective gas exchange. Nursing 85, 15, 64x, 1983
Weaver, T.E. and Sawyer, A. Management of OSA by Continuous Positive Airway Pressure
(CPAP). Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinics of North America (in press)

Book Chapters

Weaver, T.E. Introduction, respiratory Disorders. In Diseases (pp. 446-453). Springhouse,
PA: Springhouse Corporation, 1981
Weaver, T.E. Foreword. In Respiratory Disorders (p. 5). Springhouse, PA: Springhouse
Corporation, 1984
Weaver, T.E. Reviewing basic principles. In Respiratory disorders (pp. 8-21). Springhouse,
PA: Springhouse Corporation, 1984
Weaver, T.E. Sleep apnea syndrome. In Yearbook 86/87 (pp.147-149). Springhouse, PA:
Springhouse Corporation, 1986
Weaver, T.E. & Van Sciver T. Nursing role in management: Obstructive pulmonary
diseases. In S. L. Lewis & I. C. Hawkins (Eds.), Medical-surgical nursing: Assessment and
Management of Clinical Problems (3rd. ed., pp. 557-601.). St. Louis: Mosby, 1991
Van Sciver T. & Weaver, T.E. Nursing role in management: Respiratory failure. In S. L.
Lewis & I. C. Hawkins (Eds.), Medical-Surgical Nursing: Assessment and Management of
Clinical Problems (3rd. ed., pp. 602-648). St. Louis, Mosby, 1991
Weaver, T.E. Obstructive sleep apnea: Physiological and functional issues. In B. Lowery,
Medical-Surgical Quarterly (Vol 4, pp. 102-121). Springhouse, PA: Springhouse Corp., 1992
Umlauf M.G. & Weaver, T.E. Daytime sleepiness. In MD Mezey, M Bottrell, B Berkman,
CM Callahan, TT Fulmer, EL Mitty, GJ Paveza, EL Siegler, & NE Strumpf (eds.). The
Encyclopedia of Elderly Care: The Comprehensive Resource on Geriatric and Social Care
(pp. 182-184). New York: Springer Publishing Company, 2001
Weaver, T.E. Adherence to CPAP treatment and functional status in adult obstructive sleep
apnea, In A.I. Pack (ed). Sleep Apnea. Pathogenesis, Diagnosis and Treatment. (pp. 523-554)
New York: Marcel Decker, 2002
10. Umlauf MG, Chasens ER, Weaver, T.E. Excessive daytime sleepiness in older adults. In
Mezey M., Fulmer T. Abraham I. (eds.). Geriatric Nursing Protocols for Best Practice. (2nd ed.). pp. 47-65. New York: Springer Publishing Company, 2003 Weaver, T.E and George C. Cognition and performance in patients with obstructive sleep
anea-hypopnea. In Principles and Practices of Sleep Medicine, 4th Edition, (pp.1023-1033)
Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Publisher, 2004
Umlauf MG. & Weaver, T.E. Daytime sleepiness. In M.D. Mezey, M Bottrell, B Berkman,
CM Callahan, TT Fulmer, EL Mitty, GJ Paveza, EL Siegler, & NE Strumpf (eds.). The
Encyclopedia of Elderly Care: The Comprehensive Resource on Geriatric and Social Care, 2nd
Ed. New York: Springer Publishing Company, 2004
Weaver, T.E. Chapter XI. Impaired Sleep. Respiratory Nursing Society Core Corriculum.
Lippincott Publishing Co, Phila., PA,123-134, 2008
Weaver, T.E. Chapter XXIV. Sleep apnea. Respiratory Nursing Society Core Corriculum.
Lippincott Publishing Co, Phila., PA, 123-134, 2008
Weaver, T.E., Reinshtein J, Sawyer AM. Adherence to CPAP treatment and functional status
in adult obstructive sleep apnea. In AI Pack (ed). Sleep Apnea. Pathogenesis, Diagnosis and
Treatment, Second Edition, New York: Taylor & Francis Group, LLC, (in press)
Weaver, T.E. and George C. Cognition and performance in patients with obstructive sleep
apnea-hypopnea. In MH Kryger, T Roth, WC Dement (Eds). Principles and Practices of Sleep
Medicine, 5th Edition., Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Publisher, 2010
Sawyer, A. & Weaver, T.E. Sleep medicine. In J. Suls, K. Davidson, & RM Kaplan (Eds.).
Handbook of Health Psychology, 2010
Sawyer, A, Weaver, TE. Sleep-related breathing disorders. In N.S. Redecker, G.P.
McEnany, (Eds.), Sleep Disorders and Sleep Promotion in Nursing Practice. New York:
Springer Publishing Company, 2011.
Weaver, T.E. & Ye, L. Sleep-related breathing disorders. In CM Morin & CA Espie (Eds.)
The Oxford Handbook of Sleep and Sleep Disorders, Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford
University Press 2012.
Weaver T.E. & Mancini C. Designing and implementing sleep-related clinical trials. In C.
Kushida (Ed). The Encyclopedia of Sleep Science. Oxford, United Kingdom, Elsevier, (in
Invited Letters to the Editor/Editorials
Weaver, T.E., Maislin G, Dinges DF, Younger J, Cantor C, Saywer AM, McCloskey, S,
Pack, AI. Respone to Dr. Carl Stepnowsky Jr. Sleep, 27, 1, 2004
Weaver, T.E. Predicting adherence to continuous positive airway pressure – the
role of patient perception. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine. 1, 354-356, 2005
Weaver, T.E. Editorial: the critical role of behavioral research for improving
adherence to continuous positive airway pressure therapies for sleep apnea.
Behavioral Sleep Medicine. 5(2),79-82, 2007 Research Abstracts
+Senior Author and principal investigator of the study
Weaver, T. E. & Narsavage, G. L. Reliability and validity of the pulmonary impact profile
scale. American Review of Respiratory Disease, 139 (Part 2), A244, 1989
Weaver, T. E. & Narsavage, G. L. Correlates to exercise capacity in COPD. American
Review of Respiratory Disease, 141 (Part 2), A326, 1990
Weaver, T. E. & Narsavage, G. L. Psychological and physiological variables related to
functional status in COPD. American Review of Respiratory Disease, 143(Part 2), A805,
Narsavage, G. L. & Weaver, T. E. Coping and hardiness related to functioning with COPD.
American Review of Respiratory Disease, 143 (Part 2), A806, 1991
Narsavage, G. L. & Weaver, T. E. Causal attribution and hardiness: Relation to coping in
COPD. American Review of Respiratory Disease, 145 (Part 2), A477, 1992
Weaver, T.E., Laizner, A., Dinges, D., Maislin, G., Pack, A. I., Getsey, J. A measure to
assess functional status in sleep disorders. The Gerontologist, 32 (Special Issue II), 192, 1992
Weaver, T. E., Richmond, T., Narsavage, G. L. An explanatory model of variables
influencing functional status in COPD. Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine,
149 (part 2), A268, 1994
Weaver, T.E., Maislin, G., Smith, P., Schwartz, A., Pack, A., Gillen, K., Dinges, D.
Determining the functional impact of sleepiness from sleep disordered breathing. Journal of
Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 151, A748, 1995
Weaver, T. E., Kribbs, N. B., Pack, A. I., Kline, L. R., Smith, P. L., Schwartz, A. R.,
Schubert, N. M., Gillen, K. A., Dinges, D. F. Reductions in CPAP use during two months of
treatment. Sleep Research, 24, 367, 1995
Chugh, D. K., Evan, K., Schwab, R. J., Maislin, G., Goldberg, A., Weaver, T.E., Georeno,
A., Pack, A. I., Dinges, D. F. CPAP follow up study: Differences between regular and
irregular users. Sleep Research, 25, 223, 1996
Weaver, T. E., Laizner, A., Maislin, G., Evans, L., Pack, A. I., Smith, P. L., Schwartz, A. R.,
Dinges, D. F. Factor analysis and testing of the Functional Outcomes of Sleep Questionnaire.
Sleep Research, 25, 386, 1996
Weaver, T.E., Chugh, D.K., Maislin, G., Schwab, R.J., Samuels, S., Georeno, A., Hessler, J.,
Smith, P.L., Schwartz, A.R., Mahowald, M., Kader, G.A., Bloxham, T., George, C., Pack,
A.I., Dinges, D.F. Comparison of CPAP nightly duration to nocturnal sleep time. American
Journal of Respiratory & Critical Care, 155 A304, 1997
Weaver, T.E., Chugh, D.K., Maislin, G., Schwab, R.J., George, C.F.P., Kader, G.A.,
Bloxham, T.J., Pack, A.I., Dinges, D.F. Impact of obstructive sleep apnea on the conduct of
daily activities. Sleep Research, 26, 530, 1997
Weaver, T.E., Narsavage, G.L. Psychometric analysis of the pulmonary functional status
scale (PFSS). Journal of Respiratory & Critical Care Medicine, 155, A722, 1997
Gift, A.G., Weaver, T.E. Predictions of depression in COPD patients. Journal of
Respiratory & Critical Care Medicine, 155, A173, 1997
Weaver, T.E., Chugh, D., Maislin, G., Schwab, R. Mahowald, M., Kader, G., Bloxham, T.,
Greenberg, H., Younger, J., Pack, A., Dinges, DChanges in functional status after 3 months
CPAP treatment. American Journal of Respiratory & Critical Care Medicine, 157(3), 1998
Chugh, D.K., Weaver, T.E., Dinges, D.F. Psychomotor vigilance performance in sleep apnea
patients compared to patients presenting with snoring without apnea. SLEEP,
21(Supplement), 159, 1998
Weaver, T.E., Maislin, G., Chugh, D., Schwab, R., Mahowald, M., Kader, G., Bloxham, T.,
George, C., Greenberg, H., Younger, J., Pack, A., Dinges, D. Change is OSA symptoms after
three months CPAP use: A multisite study. SLEEP, 21(Supplement), 94, April 1998
Weaver, T.E., Honbo, B., Maislin, G., Chugh, D., Mahowald, M., Kader, G., Bloxham,
T.,George C., Greenberg, H., Younger, J., Pack A., Dinges, D. Improvement in affect after 3
month CPAP: Multi-center study. American Journal of Respiratory-Critical Care Medicine.
159:A770, 1999
Weaver, T.E., Gootneratine, N., Maislin, G., Pack, F., Arner, H., Dinges, D.F., Pack, A.I.
Daily functioning of sleepy and non – sleepy Elderly. SLEEP, 22: S223, 1999
Weaver, T.E., Maislin, G., Pack, A.I., Dinges, D.F. Multi-site Outcomes Study Group:
Improvements in OSA outcomes relative to hours of nightly CPAP Use. Sleep and Biological
Rhythms 23 (Supplement.2): A81, 2000

22. Weaver, T.E., Maislin, G, Schwab, R, Cantor, C, Younger, J, Dinges, D, Pack A.
Perception of OSA risks and benefit and volition to Use CPAP. American Journal of
Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine 163:A828, 2001.

23. +Chasens ER, Weaver, T.E., Maislin G, Pack A, Dinges D, & The Multisite Study Group.
Discordance in subjective and objective measures of daytime sleepiness. SLEEP, 25, A1, 2002
24. Narsavage, G.L., Hassanein, S.E. & Weaver, T.E. Normative study of the Pulmonary
Functional Status Scale (PFSS). The European Respiratory Journal. European Respiratory Society Annual Congress 2002, Stockholm, Sweden, 2002 Weaver, T.E., Maislin G, Dinges D, Pack A, Multisite Study Group. CPAP dose duration
for effective outcome response. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.
167: A324, 2003
+Chasens E., Weaver T.E., Maislin G, Dinges D, Pack A. Sleepiness and adherence to
CPAP treatment in adults with OSA, SLEEP, 26, A256, 2003
+Chasens ER, Maislin G, Dinges D, Pack A, & Weaver, T.E. Claustrophobia tendencies and
CPAP adherence. Sleep Medicine, 4, Suppl. 1. A 029, 2003
Weaver, T.E. Evidence for differential sleepiness in OSA. Sleep Medicine, 4, Suppl. 1. A
240, 2003
Weaver, T.E. How much is enough CPAP? Sleep Medicine, 4, Suppl. 1. A2 41, 2003
George, M., Birck, K., Weaver, T.E. Alternative approaches to asthma management in low-
income urban African American adults with severe asthma. American Journal of Respiratory
and Critical Care Medicine, 167: A157, 2003
+Chasens ER, Maislin G, Pack, A, Dinges, D, Weaver, T.E., & Multisite Group).
Differential daytime sleepiness and cognitive function. American Journal of Respiratory and
Critical Care Medicine, 169: A869, 2004
+Reishtein, J., Pack, A., Maislin, G., Dinges, D., Weaver, T.E., Multisite Group Comparison
of daytime sleepiness and function pre- and post-CPAP treatment among levels of sleep apnea
disease severity and normal controls. SLEEP, 27, A204-205, 2004
+Reishtein, J.L., Weaver, T.E., Maislin, G., Dinges, D.F., Pack, A.I. Multisite Group.
Intimacy and sexuality in obstructive sleep apnea: The effect of treatment. (Highlighted on
WebMD) Proceedings of the American Thoracic Society 2, A763, 2005
Harris, S, Ruyak, P, Skrekas, J, Zimmerman, M, Weaver, T.E., Arnedt, J, Aloia, M.
Variations in the Functional Outcomes of Sleepiness Questionnaire (FOSQ) in relation to
long-term CPAP use. SLEEP, A193, 2005
Chasens, E., Sereika, S., Weaver, T.E., Umlauf, M. Daytime sleepiness and physical functions
in older adults: Results from the National Sleep Foundation 2003 Sleep in America Poll.
SLEEP, A113, 2005
+Reishtein, J., Weaver, T.E., Maislin, G., Dinges, D., Pack, A. Multisite Group.
Relationship between activation and daily function in OSA. SLEEP, A172, 2005
Weaver, T.E. Sodium Oxybate therapy for narcolepsy improves patient quality of life.
SLEEP, A220, 2005
+Ye, L, A.I. Pack, D.F. Dinges, T.E. Weaver and Multisite Group. Gender differences in
daily functioning in patients with obstructive sleep apnea. Proceedings of the American
Thoracic Society, Volume 3, A700, 2006
+J.L. Reishtein, A.I. Pack, G. Maislin, D.F. Dinges, T.E. Weaver, Multisite Group
University of Pennsylvania. Prediction of improvement with CPAP treatment for OSA.
Proceedings of the American Thoracic Society, 3, A445, 2006
Ye L, Weaver T.E., Liang Z. Predictors of quality of life in Chinese patients with
obstructive sleep apnea. SLEEP, 29, A158, 2006
+Reishtein JL, Pck AI, Maislin G, Dinges DF, Hursley S, Weaver T.E. Self-Efficacy and
CPAP Side Effects. SLEEP, 29, A166, 2006
+Calamaro CJ, Maislin G, Pack A, Dinges DF, Weaver T.E. Pretreatment Factors
Influencing CPAP Adherence. SLEEP, 29, A216, 2006
Reishtein, J.L., Pack, A.I., Maislin, G., Dinges, D.F., Hurley, S., Weaver, T.E & Multisite
Group (2006) Self-efficacy and CPAP side effects. SLEEP, 29, A167, 2006
Reishtein, J.L., Pack, A.I., Maislin, G., Dinges, D.F., Weaver, T.E., & Multisite Group
Prediction of improvement with CPAP treatment for OSA. Proceedings of the American Thoracic Society 3 (abstracts issue), A445, 2006 +Ye, L., Weaver, T.E., Pack, A., Dinges, D., Multisite Group (2007). Gender differences in
treatment response to continuous positive airway pressure in obstructive sleep apnea. SLEEP 30, A159, 2007 Reishtein, J., Kuna, S., Weaver, T.E. Sleep, breathing, and neurobehavior in COPD pilot
study. SLEEP, 30, A314, 2007
+Chasens, E., Ratcliffe, S., Weaver, T.E. Development of a shorten version of the FOSQ.
SLEEP, 30 (abstract supplement), A346, 2007 48. Calamaro, C.J., Park, S., Ratcliffe, S., Mason, A, Marcus, C., Weaver, T.E., Pack AI. The
relationship between short sleep duration and obesity in adolescents. SLEEP, 31, A65, 2008 +Ye, L, Maislin G, Pack A, Hurley S, Dinges D, Weaver, T.E. Predictors of continuous
positive airway pressure use during the first week of treatment. SLEEP, A207, 2008
Sawyer, A.M., Deatrick, J.A., Kuna, S.T., Weaver, T.E. Adult perceptions of the diagnosis
and treatment of obstructive sleep apnea: A mixed methods study examining the influence of
patients' experiences and beliefs on continuous positive airway pressure adherence outcomes.
SLEEP, 31, A210, 2008
Grandner, M., Patel, N., Gehrman, P., Xie, D. Sha, D., Weaver, T.E. and Goomeratne, N.
Gender differences in sleep disturbance patterns associated with aging. SLEEP, A122, 2009
+Ye, L, Pien, GW, Weaver, T.E. Gender differences in mood disturbances in patients with
obstructive sleep apnea. SLEEP, A181, 2009
Grandner, M., Patel, N., Gehrman, P., Xie, D. Sha, D., Weaver, T.E. and Goomeratne, N.
Who sleeps better? Socioeconomic differences in reports of sleep disturbance. SLEEP,
A422-423, 2009
Riegel, B., Weaver, T.E. Poor sleep and impaired self-care: Towards a comprehensive
model Linking sleep, cognition, and heart failure outcomes. Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs, 2009
(Epub ahead of print).
Chasens, E.R., Ratcliffe, S.J., Weaver, T.E. Development of the FOSQ-a0: a short version of
The Functional Outcomes of Sleep Questionnaire. SLEEP, 2009, 32(7): 915-9.
Chasens, ER, Umlauf, MG, Weaver, TE. Sleepiness, physical activity, and functional
outcomes in veterans with type 2 diabetes. Appl Nurs Res, 2009 Aug:22(3):176-82.
Ye L, Pien, GW, Weaver, TE. Gender differences in the clinical manifestation of obstructive
sleep apnea. Sleep Med. 2009 Apr 27 (Epub ahead of print).
Park, S., Weaver, T.E., Romer, D. Predictors of the transition from experimental to daily
Smoking among adolescents in the United States. J Spec Pediatr Nurs, 2009 Apr, 14 (2):102-
Weaver, T.E., Maislin, G., Bleckman, I, Pack, F., Van Dongen, H., Dinges, D., Pack, A.I.
Factors underlying individual differential sleepiness in OSA. AM J Respir and Crit Care
Med. 2010, 181: A6538.
Alternative Media

Weaver, T.E. (Author and Presenter). Understanding Chest Tube Drainage Systems.
[Videotape]. American Journal of Nursing Company, New York, NY, 1984
Weaver, T.E. and Guilleminault, C. #0609 Compliance and CPAP Treatment for Sleep
Apnea. Slide set developed for the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. Supported by
Sleep Academic Award from the National Institutes of Health, National Heart, Lung, and
Blood Institute Grant # 2R07 HL03763 (1998-2003), 2004
+Reishtein, J.L., Weaver, T.E., Maislin, G., Dinges, D.F., Pack, A.I. Multisite
Group.Intimacy and sexuality in obstructive sleep apnea: The effect of treatment. WebMD ,
May 25, 2005
Weaver, T. E. & Narsavage, G. L. Reliability and validity of the Pulmonary Impact Profile Scale.
International Conference of the American Thoracic Society, Cincinnati, OH, 1989
Weaver, T.E. Functional ability and dyspnea. International Conference of the American Thoracic
Society, Cincinnati, OH, 1989
Weaver, T.E. Strategies for helping patients with sleep apnea. International Conference of the
American Thoracic Society Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, OH, 1989
Weaver, T. E. & Narsavage, G. L. Correlates of exercise capacity in COPD. Paper presented at the
International Conference of the American Thoracic Society, Boston, MA, 1989
Weaver, T.E. Physiological and psychological variables related to functional status. International
Conference of the American Thoracic Society, Anaheim, CA, 1991
Weaver, T.E
. Measuring functional status. Functional Status in Pulmonary Disease: Assessment,
Influencing Factors, and Intervention Strategies. International Conference of the American Thoracic Society, Anaheim, CA, 1991 Weaver, T.E. & Narsavage, G. L. Psychological and physiological variables related to functional
status in COPD. International Conference of the American Thoracic Society, Anaheim, CA, 1991
Weaver, T.E. Outcome measures: Do we need them and what do they measure. International
Conference of the American Thoracic Society, Chicago, IL, 1998 Weaver, T.E. Outcomes affecting quality of life in sleep apnea. International Conference of the
American Thoracic Society, San Diego, CA,
Weaver, T.E. Improvements in OSA outcomes relative to hours of nightly CPAP. Australian World
Congress of Sleep Apnea, Sydney, Australia, 2000
Weaver, T.E
. Mild sleep disordered breathing should be treated with continuous positive airway
pressure. International Conference of the American Thoracic Society, San Francisco, CA, 2001.
Narsavage, G.L, Hassanein, S.E. & Weaver, T.E. Normative study of the Pulmonary Functional
Status Scale (PFSS). European Respiratory Society Annual Congress 2002, Stockholm, Sweden, 2002 Weaver, T.E. Effect of desloratadine on quality of life and functional sleep outcome in patients with
symptomatic seasonal allergic rhinitis (SAR). The European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology (EAACI). Paris, France, 2003
+Chasens, E., Maislin, G., Dinges, D., Pack, A. & Weaver, T.E. Claustrophobia tendencies and
CPAP adherence. Invited lecture, 7th World Congress of Sleep Apnea. Helsinki, Finland.
Weaver, T.E. Issues in the care of patients with sleep-disordered breathing: Opportunities for
nursing. World Congress of Sleep Apnea. Helsinki, Finland, 2003. (Invited keynote)
Weaver, T.E. CPAP therapy compliance – importance and impact. World Congress of Sleep Apnea.
Helsinki, Finland, 2003
Weaver, T.E. Evidence for differential sleepiness in OSA. World Congress of Sleep Apnea.
Helsinki, Finland, 2003
Weaver, T.E. How much is enough CPAP? World Congress of Sleep Apnea. Helsinki, Finland,

George, M., Birck, K., Weaver, T.E. Alternative approaches to asthma management in low-income
urban African American adults with severe asthma. International Conference of the American Thoracic Society, Seattle, WA, 2003

Weaver, T.E.
QOL and neurobehavioral consequences of sleep deprivation and sleep apnea.
Nursing Year in Review, International Conference of the American Thoracic Society, Miami, FL, 2004 (Invited)
+Chasens, ER, Maislin G, Dinges D, Pack A, Weaver T, & the Multisite Group. Differential daytime
sleepiness and cognitive function. International Conference of the American Thoracic Society. Orlando, FL, 2004
Weaver, T.E., Douglas, N. Stradling, J. & Kushida. Clinical trials for Sleep-disordered breathing.
Ninth International Symposium on Sleep & Breathing. Newport, Rhode Island, 2004
Weaver, T.E. Individual differences in excessive daytime sleepiness among sleep apnea patients.
World Federation of Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine Societies Second Interim Congress, New Delhi, India, 2005. (Invited)
Weaver, T.E. Treatment of obstructive sleep apnea: What's next. International Conference of the
American Thoracic, Society, San Diego, CA, 2005.
Weaver, T.E. Non-surgical intervention to improve quality of life in sleep apnea. World Congress
of Sleep Apnea, Montreal, Canada, 2006 (Invited).
Reishtein JL, Pack AI, Maislin G, Dinges, DF, Weaver, T.E. Prediction of Improvement with CPAP
Treatment for OSA. International Conference of the American Thoracic Society, San Diego, CA 2006
Weaver, T.E. Methodological Hurdles in Conducting RCTs in Sleep Apnea: What Have We
Learned – The CATNAP Experience. International Invitational Sleep and Breathing Meeting, Palm Cove, Australia, 2007 (Invited).
Weaver, T.E. Who Should Be Treated for Excessive Sleepiness and How? OSA: A Case Exemplar.
Excessive Sleepiness: A Neglected Area of Risk Symposia. World Congress of the World Federation of Sleep Research & Sleep Medicine Societies, Cairns, Australia, 2007 (Invited).
Weaver, T.E. CPAP Treatment and Cardiovascular Mortality in OSAS. XI Brazilian Sleep
Conference, Fortaleza, Brazil, 2007 (Invited)
Weaver, T.E. PAP and Quality of Life. XI Brazilian Sleep Conference, Fortaleza, Brazil, 2007

Weaver, T.E. Adherence & Compliance with CPAP Devices. India Sleep Conference, New Delhi,
India, 2007 (Invited) Weaver, T.E. Compliance: Controversies in Sleep Medicine – Mild Sleep Apnea should not be
treated. India Sleep Conference, New Delhi, India 2007 (Invited)
Weaver, T.E. Compliance, side effects, medical and technical follow-up: what is the evidence. 18th
Annual Congress of the European Respirtory Society, Berlin, Germany 2008 (Invited)

Weaver, T.E
. Importance of interdisciplinary collaboration for sleep research. Kyung Hee University
Conference Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Sleep and The Elderly. Seoul, Korea 2009 (Invited keynote)
Weaver, T.E. Excessive daytime sleepiness in older adults. Kyung Hee University Conference
Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Sleep and The Elderly. Seoul, Korea 2009 (Invited)
Weaver, T.E. CPAP in the Older Adult. World Congress on Sleep Apnea. Seoul, Korea 2009

Weaver, T.E., Kuna, S.T., Maislin, G, Mancini, C and the CATNAP Study Group. Impact of CPAP
on functional outcomes in milder OSA: Preliminary results of the CATNAP clinical trial. World Congress on Sleep Apnea. Seoul, Korea 2009
Weaver, T.E. Are we just blowing hot air or is CPAP a viable treatment for OSA? Visiting
Professorship, Respiratory Research Seminar Series, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Weaver, T.E. Efficacy of CPAP treatment in milder OSA: the CATNAP clinical trial. International
conference of the American Thoracic Society, San Diego, CA 2009
Weaver, T.E. Sucessful Strategies for Promoting CPAP Use. Japanese CPAP Congress. Fukuoka,

Weaver, T.E. Update on findings from CATNAP clinical trial. American Thoracic Society
International Conference, New Orleans, LA 2010
Weaver, T.E. Compliance and response to treatment in apparently asymptomatic OSA patients.
American Thoracic Society International Conference, New Orleans, LA 2010
Weaver, T.E. Factors Underlying Individual Differential Sleepiness in OSA. American Thoracic
Society International Conference, New Orleans, LA 2010
Burkhalter, H., Wirz-Justice, A., Steiger, J., Fehr, T., Venzin, R., Cajochen, C., Weaver, T., De
Geest, S. Poor Sleep Quality and Daytime Sleepiness are Associated with Worse Biochemical Parameters, Psychological & Behavioral Functioning in Renal Transplant Recipients. ATS Boston 2012
Weaver, T.E. Sleepiness and Its Impact on Society. American Thoracic Society Sleep Conference,
San Diego, CA 2011
Weaver, T.E. Multi Center Sleep Trials: Advantages, Challenges and Key Questions. American
Thoracic Society, Denver, CO 2011
Weaver, T.E. Interventions to Improve Adherence to CPAP. American Thoracic Society, Denver,

Weaver, T.E. Functional Assessment Outcomes in Comparative Effectiveness Research. World
Sleep Congress of the World Sleep Federation, Kyoto, Japan 2011
Weaver T.E. Can't Sleep at Night- Can't Function During the Day, Sleep Disorders and Daily
Functioning Evolving Research from Clinical Practice. Adelaide Institute for Sleep Health, Adelaide, Australia 2011
Weaver, T.E. Strategies for Improving CPAP Use: What Does and Doesn't Work. University of
Sydney, Sydney, Australia 2011
Weaver, T.E. Residual Sleepiness on Treatment. Australian Sleep Association Sleep DownUnder
2011 Conference, Sydney, Australia 2011
Weaver, T.E. Sleep Across the Lifespan. Australian Sleep Association Sleep DownUnder 2011
Conference, Sydney, Australia 2011
Weaver, T.E. General practitioners and nurses in the management of OSA. World Congress on
Sleep Apnea, Rome, Italy 2012.
Weaver, T. E. & Narsavage, G. L. The relationship of disproportionate dyspnea to functional status
and the effect of physiological and psychological variables. American Nurses Association Council of Nurse Researchers Conference, Los Angeles, CA, 1991
Narsavage, G. L. & Weaver, T. E. Variables related to patient outcomes in COPD: Linking
qualitative to quantitative research. Scientific Sessions of Sigma Theta Tau's Biennial Convention, Tampa, FL, 1991
Weaver, T.E Functional assessment in cardiopulmonary disease. Annual Meeting of the American
Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation, Portland, OR, 1994. (Invited) Weaver, T.E. Functional assessment in studies of sleep apnea. Health Outcomes Research in Sleep
Apnea Invitational Conference. Sponsored by the American Thoracic Society and American Sleep Disorders Association, Chicago, IL, 1995. (Invited)
Weaver, T.E., Kribbs, N. B., Pack, A. I., Kline, L. R., Smith, P. L., Schwartz, A. R., Schubert, N.
M., Gillen, K. A., Dinges, D. F. Reductions in CPAP use during two months of treatment. Annual Meeting of the Association of Professional Sleep Societies, Nashville, TN, 1995
Chugh, D. K., Evan, K., Schwab, R. J., Maislin, G., Goldberg, A., Weaver, T.E., Georeno, A.,
Pack, I., Dinges, D. F. CPAP follow up study: Differences between regular and irregular users. Annual Meeting of the Association of Professional Sleep Societies, Washington, D.C., 1996 Weaver, T.E. Functional status: What is it and how do you measure it? Annual Meeting of the
Association of Professional Sleep Societies, New Orleans, LA, 1998
Weaver, T. E. Adherence to treatment and functional status in OSA: implications for treatment &
future research. Division of Pulmonary Medicine, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, Indiana, 1998 (Invited) Weaver, T.E. OSA treatments and behavioral outcomes: What we do and do not know. American
Sleep Disorders Association Workshop on Clinical Trials in Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Washington, DC, 1998. (Invited)
Weaver, T.E. Outcome measurements of OSA: State of the art. American Sleep Disorders
Association Workshop on Clinical Trials in Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Washington, DC,
Weaver, T.E. Daily functioning of sleepy and non – sleepy elderly. Annual Meeting of the
Association of Professional Sleep Societies, Orlando, FL, 1999.
Weaver, T.E. Improvements in OSA outcomes related to hours of nightly CPAP use. Annual
Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies, Las Vegas, NV, 2000. Weaver, T.E. Apnea: Outcomes in Treatment. Annual Association Professional Sleep Societies
Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, 2000.
+Chasens, E.R., Weaver, T.E., Maislin, G., Pack, A., Dinges, D. & The Multiside Study Group.
Discordance in subjective and objective measures of daytime sleepiness. 16th Annual Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies, Seattle, WA, 2002
+Chasens, E.R., Weaver, T.E., Maislin, G., Pack, A., Dinges, D. & The Multisite Study Group.
Discordance in subjective and objective measures of daytime sleepiness in persons with OSA. Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science: State of the Science Conference. Washington, DC, 2002
+Chasens, E.R. Weaver, T.E., Maislin, G., Dinges, D. & Pack, A. Daytime sleepiness and
adherence to CPAP treatment in adults with OSA. Annual Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies, Chicago, IL, 2003.
Weaver, T.E. Neurocognitive consequences of OSA. Annual Meeting of the Associated
Professional Sleep Societies, Chicago, IL, 2003
Weaver, T.E. Treatment of sleep apnea in the elderly. Annual Meeting of Association of
Professional Sleep Societies, Chicago, IL, 2003
Weaver, T.E. Application of QOL measures in clinical practice. Annual Meeting of Association of
Professional Sleep Societies, Chicago, IL, 2003
Weaver, T.E. Geriatric sleep apnea: Significance and management. Annual Meeting of
Association of Professional Sleep Societies, Chicago, IL, 2003
Weaver, T.E. Management of OSA: Neurocognitive considerations. American College of CHEST
Physicians, Seattle, WA, 2003 (Invited)
+Chasens, E.R. & Weaver, T.E. Claustrophobia tendencies and CPAP adherence. Eastern Nursing
Research Society Conference. Quincy, MA April 2004
Weaver, T.E. & Chasens, E.R. Sleep and circadian rhythm disorders in the elderly. Annual
Scientific Sessions of the Eastern Nursing Reserch Society Conference, 2004
Chasens, E.R., Maislin, G., Dinges, D., Pack, A., & Weaver, T.E. Self-efficacy and adherence to
CPAP therapy. Annual Meeting of the Association of Professional Sleep Societies. Philadelphia, PA, 2004
Weaver, T.E Sleep disturbances and quality of life by ethnicity in the sleep heart health study.
Annual Meeting of the Association of Professional Sleep Societies. Philadelphia, PA, June 2004
Dinges, D., Janusz, J., Weaver, T.E., Wyatt, J.K. Psychosocial, neurobehavioral and functional
assessments in the sleep clinic and laboratory. Annual Meeting of the Association of Professional Sleep Societies. Philadelphia, PA June 2004
Weaver, T.E. Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. The Society of Otorhinolaryngology and Head-
Neck Nurses, New York, NY, 2004 (Invited)
Atwood, C., Feinsilver, S., Freedman, N., Weaver, T.E. Sleep-disordered breathing: Beyond the
basics. Annual Meeting of the Association of Professional Sleep Societies. Philadelphia, PA, June 2004
Gooneratne, N., Vitiello, M., Weaver, T.E. Lies, damned lies, and statistics: How research study
design and analysis impact clinical implications. Annual Meeting of the Association of Professional Sleep Societies. Philadelphia, PA June 2004
Weaver, T.E. Just do it! CPAP compliance. Why it matters. How to improve it. Annual Meeting
of the Association of Professional Sleep Societies. Philadelphia, PA June 2004 Weaver, T.E. Symptoms and treatment of narcolepsy. Annual Meeting of the Association of
Professional Sleep Societies, Denver, CO, 2005
Weaver, T.E. Challenges in clinical trials for sleep apnea. Annual Meeting of the Association of
Professional Sleep Societies, Denver, CO, 2005
Weaver, T.E. Sleep, functional status, and quality of life. North American Branch of the
International Life Sciences Institute, Washington, DC, 2005 (Invited)
Reishtein, J., Maislin, G., Dinges, D., Pack, AI, Weaver, T.E. and the Multisite Group Univesity of
Pennsylvania. Prediction of Improvement in Sleepiness and Function Following CPAP Treatment. American Thoracic Society, San Diego, CA 2006 Weaver, T.E. Enhancing Compliance with Positive Airway Pressure. American Academy of Sleep
Medicine. Richmond, VA 2006 (Invited)
Weaver, T.E. Can't Sleep at Night, Can't Function during the Day:Sleep Disorders and Daily
Functioning - A Program of Research. University of Illinois at Chicago Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Sleep Research Seminar. Visiting Professorship. Chicago, ILL, 2006 (Invited)
Weaver, T.E. The Relationship Between CPAP Use and Clinical Outcomes. SLEEP: Annual
meeting of the Association of Professional Sleep Societies, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2006
Weaver, T.E. The Relationship Between CPAP Use and Clinical Outcomes. SLEEP: Annual
meeting of the Association of Professional Sleep Societies, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2006
Weaver, T.E. Twenty-Five Years of Positive Pressure Therapy: What Have We Learned? SLEEP:
Annual meeting of the Association of Professional Sleep Societies, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2006
Weaver, T.E.
Optimizing CPAP. SLEEP: Annual meeting of the Association of Professional Sleep
Societies, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2006
Weaver, T.E. New Insights into the Adherence of CPAP. SLEEP: Annual meeting of the
Association of Professional Sleep Societies, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2006
Weaver, T.E. Multi site clinical trials: are we ready or not? Data and Safety Monitoring. National
Congress on the State of the Science in Nursing Research, Washington, DC, 2006 (Invited)
Weaver, T.E. Obstructive sleep apnea, treatment adherence and health outcomes. National Sleep
Foundation, Washington, DC, 2007
Weaver, T.E. Snoring and sleep apnea: the effects on the family. Sleep Apnea Awareness Day
Kickoff, Washington, DC, 2007 (Invited)
Rosenberg, R., Weaver, T.E., Erman, M., Schmidt-Nowara, W. Modafinil (Provigil) improves
patients' functional outcomes in everyday activities in patients with excessive sleepiness. American Psychiataric Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, 2007
Weaver, T.E. Obstructive sleep apnea treatment adherence health. American Academy of Dental
Sleep Medicine (AADSM), Minneapolis, MN. 2007 (Invited)
Ye, L., Weaver, T.E., Pack, A., Dinges, D., Group M. Gender differences in treatment response to
continuous positive airway pressure in obstructive sleep apnea. SLEEP 2007, Annual meeting of the Association of Professional Societies, Minneapolis, MN, 2007
Knutson, K., Vitietto, M., Weaver, T.E. Individual differences in sleep: basic research and clinical
relevance. SLEEP 2007, Annual meeting of the Association of Professional Societies, Minneapolis, MN, 2007
Aloia, M., Cistulli, P., Marcus, C., Powell, Weaver, T.E. Comprehensive OSA management: current
practice, controversies, and future directions. SLEEP: Annual meeting of the Association of Professional Societies, Minneapolis, MN, 2007
Weaver, T.E. Adherence to CPAP in sleep apnea. SLEEP: Annual meeting of the Association of
Professional Societies, Minneapolis, MN, 2007
Weaver, T.E. Life Cycles Women and Sleep Over the Years. Association of Nurse Practitioners in
Woman's Health Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA, 2007
Weaver, T.E. Modafinil (Provigil) Improves Functional Outcomes in Everyday Activities in
Patients with Residual Sleepiness Associated with Obstructive Sleep Apnea. 2007 U.S. Psychiatric & Mental Health Congress Poster Presentations, Kissimmee, FL, 2007 Weaver, T.E. Is CPAP Therapy as Effective as we this it is? The Challenge of Adherence to
Therapy. Scripps Clinic Sleep Conference. San Diego, CA, 2008
Sawyer, A., Deatrick, J., Kuna, S., Weaver, T.E. Adult Perceptions of the Diagnosis and Treatment
of Obstructive Sleep Apnea: A Mixed Methods Study Examining Contextual Experiences of Persons with Obstructive Sleep Apnea as Influences on Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Adherence Outcomes. Eastern Nursing Research Society, Philadelphia, PA, 2008
Weaver, T.E. Adherence to CPAP Therapy: Challenges and Strategies. 7th Triennial Conference The
Life of the Sleep Person, Update on Disorders of Sleep, University of Illinois Chicago, Chicago, IL, 2008 (Invited)
Weaver, T.E. Controversies and Alternatives in the Management of Patients with Complicated
Cases of Sleep Related Breathing Disorders. SLEEP: Annual Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies, Baltimore, MD, 2008 Calamaro, C.J., Park, S.H., Ratcliffe, S., Mason, T., Marcus, C., Weaver, T.E. & Pack, A. The
relationship between short sleep duration and obesity in adolescents. SLEEP: Annual Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies, Baltimore, MD, 2008 Weaver, T.E. CPAP adherence: The case for motivational enhancement. ACCP Sleep Educator
Pilot Course, Scottsdale, AZ, 2009
Weaver, T.E. Sleep Disordered Breathing and Sleepiness. Sleepiness and Health-related Quality of
Life Workshop, National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, NIH, Bethesda, MD, 2009 (Invited) Weaver, T.E. Adherence to CPAP therapy: Does it help? Review of the positive outcomes of
CPAP use. American Association of Sleep Technologists, Cincinnati, OH, 2009 (Invited)
Weaver, T.E. Consequences of sleep disordered breathing (OSA). American Association of Sleep
Technologists, Cincinnati, OH, 2009 (Invited) Weaver, T.E., Kuna, S., Maislin, G, Mancini, C, Ferguson, K, Schulman, D, Greenberg, H,
Rapoport, D, Lee-Chiong, T., and the CATNAP Study Group. Efficacy of CPAP Treatment in Milder Sleepy OSA Patients: Results of the CATNAP randomized clinical trial. SLEEP: Annual Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies, Seattle, WA, 2009
Riegel, B., Sayers, S., Goldberg, L., Weaver, T.E., Jurkovitz, C., Weintraub, W., Potashnik, S.,
Fleck, D. & Ratcliffe, S. Determinants of Excessive Daytime Sleepiness in Adults with Heart Failure. AHA Scientific Sessions 2009, Orlando, FL 2009.
Weaver, T.E. Adherence to CPAP – Is it worth the effort? University of Pittsburgh, The School of
Nursing Visiting Scholar Seminar Series, Pittsburgh, PA 2009 (Invited).
Weaver, T.E. Residual Hypersomnolence in Treated Obstructive Sleep Apnea. CHEST 2009, San
Diego, CA, 2009. Weaver, T.E. Patient Attitudes and preferences toward Treatment of OSA. American Academy of
Dental Sleep Medicine, San Antonio, TX 2010
Weaver, T.E. Postdocs: How to Get One and Make the Most of It. 15th annual Trainee Symposium
Series. SLEEP 2010, the 24th Annual Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies, San Antonio, TX. 2010
Weaver, T.E.
Is there enough evidence that CPAP is effective for the treatment of mild OSA?
Treatment of mild OSA: The home field of oral appliance Therapy. American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine, San Antonio, TX 2010
Weaver, T.E. How to improve compliance with CPAP. Meet the Professor. Associated Professional
Sleep Societies, San Antonio, TX 2010
Weaver, T.E. Effect of Daytime Sleepiness on Daily Behaviors. NINR and NIH Clinical Center
Joint Conference, Bethesda, MD 2011
Weaver, T.E. Behavioral Management of OSA. SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY

Weaver, T. E. Sleepiness and Its Impact on Society. Pennsylvania State University Clinical and
Translational Science Institute External Advisory Board, Hershey, PA 2012
Weaver, T.E. Strategies for Improving CPAP Compliance. American Academy of Sleep Medicine,
St. Louis, MO 2012
Weaver, T.E. How is Sleepiness Measured? NINR Fatigue and Sleep Methodologies Boot Camp,
Bethesda, MD 2012
Weaver, T.E.
Improving CPAP Compliance. American Academy of Sleep Medicine, Phoenix, AZ

Narsavage, G. L. & Weaver, T.E. Independent research using collaborative data collection. Nursing
Doctoral Student Research Conference, Philadelphia, PA, 1989. Narsavage, G. L. & Weaver, T.E. The relationship of physiological status, coping, and hardiness to
patient outcomes in chronic illness. Meeting of the Southern Nursing Research Society, Richmond VA, 1991. Weaver, T.E. Functional status in COPD. Pulmonary Rehabilitation Section of the Connecticut
Thoracic Society, Hartford, CT, 1994 (Invited)

Weaver, T.E.
Care of the ventilator patient in the home. Clinical Nursing Update; Division of
Continuing Nursing Education, Medical College of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, 1995 Weaver, T.E. Not enough sleep: Implications and outcomes. Trends in Critical Care Nursing
Conference, Southeastern Pennsylvania Chapter AACN and Allegheny University of the Health Sciences, Philadelphia, PA, 1996
Weaver, T.E. CPAP, An effective treatment for sleep disorder breathing. Advances on Diagnosis
and Treatment of Sleep Apnea and Snoring, Continuing Medical Education, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, 1998
Weaver, T.E. Adherence and functional status outcomes of CPAP treatment for sleep apnea.
Annual Meeting of the Eastern Nursing Research Society. Rochester, NY, 1998
Weaver, T.E. Patient perception of diagnosis and treatment of sleep apnea: Implication for
education. North Eastern Sleep Society, Princeton, NJ, 1999 (Invited) Weaver, T.E. Does treating sleep apnea improve alertness and performance? Annual Southern
Alleghenies Regional Sleep Medicine Conference, The Institute for Sleep Medicine Bons Secours – Holy Family Hospital, Altoona, PA, 1999. (Invited) Weaver, T.E. Effectiveness of CPAP treatments. Third Annual Southern Alleghenies Regional Sleep
Medicine Conference, The Institute for Sleep Medicine Bons Secours – Holy Family Hospital, Altoona, PA, 2001 (Invited)
Weaver, T.E. Controversies in the diagnosis and treatment of OSA, implications for multicenter
studies. National Veterans Affairs Sleep Research Conference, Philadelphia, PA, 2002 (Invited) Weaver, T.E. Sleep in the elderly. Making a Difference: Spearheading Nursing Practice for Older
Adults sponsored by the John A. Hartford Foundation Institute for Geriatric Nursing, New York University, New York, NY, 2002 (Invited)
Weaver, T.E., Marino, B. Electronic data collection in clinical and research settings. Third Annual
Clinical Challenges in Pulmonary Nursing Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, 2002
Weaver, T.E. Q&A: Pulmonary functional status questionnaire. Michigan Society for Respiratory
Care Fall Seminar 2002, Frankenmuth, MI, 2002 (Invited)
Weaver, T.E. Optimizing sleep function in the aging adult. Annual Aging and Health Nursing
Research Conference, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, 2002 (Invited) Weaver, T.E. CPAP compliance update. Annual Respiratory Care Conference, University of
Pittsburgh at Johnstown, Johnstown, PA, 2003
Weaver, T.E. Compliance and CPAP treatment for sleep apnea. National Institutes of Health
Workshop, Washington, DC, 2004 (Invited)

Weaver, T.E.
How much sleep do we really need? A personal & policy perspective. National
Center for Policy Research for Women & Families, Washington, DC, 2004 (Invited)
Weaver, T.E. Sleepless in New York city: Effects of sleep on health and illness. Eastern Nursing
Research Society, New York, NY, 2005.
+Reishtein. J.L., Pack, A.I., Maislin, G., Dinges, D.F., Weaver, T.E. Multisite Study Group
Comparison of mood in controls and levels of OSA severity, pre and post-CPAP treatment. Oral presentation, North East Sleep Society, Allentown, PA., 2004.
Weaver, T.E. Can't sleep at night, can't function during the day: Sleep disorders and daily
functioning, a program of research. University of Delaware, Newark, DE, 2005. (Invited) Weaver, T.E. The neurobehavioral and functional consequences of sleep apnea – Does CPAP
make a difference? Massachusetts Thoracic Society, Weston, MA, 2005. (Invited)
Weaver, T.E. Sleep, the tossed away necessity? Nursing Horizons Conference, Pittsburgh, PA,
2005 (Invited keynote) Weaver, T.E. Neurobehavioral and functional consequences of sleep apnea – does CPAP make a
difference? New Jersey Sleep Society, Somerset, New Jersey 2005
Weaver, T.E. Success in Multidisciplinary Research. Annual Meeting of Eastern Nursing Research
Society, Cherry Hill, New Jersey 2006
Weaver, T.E. Quality of life and sleep disorders. Sleep Grand Rounds, Hahneman School of
Medicine, Philadelphia, PA 2007 (Invited)
Weaver, T.E. Sleep apnea. Dean's Doctoral Nursing Colloquia, Drexel University, 2007 (Invited)
Weaver, T.E. Got Sleep. Visiting Nurse Service of New York, Renfield Lecture Series 2008

Weaver, T.E. Residual Sleepiness Associated with CPAP Treatment. New Jersey Sleep Society
Annual Symposium, New Brunswick, NJ, 2008 (Invited)
Weaver, T.E. Sleep 101: The Secrets of 1/3 of Your Life (panelist). Trustee's Council of Penn
Women and the Penn Women's Center, University of Pennsylvania, 2008 (Invited)
Weaver, T.E. Building a research team: The joys and obstacles. Eastern Research Nursing Society,
Boston, MA, 2009 (Invited) Weaver, T.E. You get what you give. University of Pittsburgh Graduate Student Dinner Guest
Speaker, Pittsburgh, PA 2009 (Invited)
Weaver, T.E.
Got sleep? Sleep 101. Alumni Weekend, Alumni Society, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, 2009
Weaver, T.E
. CPAP Adherence. Maryland Sleep Society, Baltimore, MD 2010 (Invited)
Weaver, T.E. CPAP Therapy for OSA: Efficacy and Outcomes Data, North Shore-LIJ Health
System, Long Island, NY, 2010 (Invited)
Weaver, T.E. CPAP Compliance. Northwestern Sleep Disorders Conference, Chicago, IL 2011
Weaver, T.E. Treating Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Rewards and Challenges. Second Annual
Symposium Sleep, Metabolism, and Health Center (SMAHC), Chicago, IL 2012
Weaver, T.E.
CPAP Therapy for OSA: Does it Work? Rush Behavior Sciences Grand Rounds,
American Thoracic Society
Research Fellowship Review Committee, Ad hoc member International Scientific Conference Committee Board of Directors, Representative of the Assembly on Nursing National Executive Committee Asthma Research ALA Initiative Board of Directors, Representative of the Assembly on Nursing Mentor in The Women's Mentoring Program Research Priorities for Respiratory Nursing Research Committee Board of Directors Sleep Apnea, Sleepiness and Driving Risk II Task Force Strengthening the Pillars Task Force Awards Committee American Thoracic Society Assembly on Nursing Research Subcommittee Scholarship Committee Research/Practice Committee Assembly Secretary Nominating Committee Assembly Chairperson-Elect Program Committee Chairperson Planning Committee Assembly Chairperson American Thoracic Society Assembly on Respiratory Neurobiology & Sleep: 1997 - 1999 Program Planning Committee The Sleep Apnea, Sleepines and Driving Risk II Committee Pennsylvania Thoracic Society Education Committee Executive Committee Annual Scientific Session Planning Committee Committee on Nursing Canadian Thoracic Society Sleep Disordered Breathing Expert Panel Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing (Xi Chapter) First Vice President Eligibility Committee ByLaws Committee Chairperson, Registration and Facilities, Local Arrangements Committee, Region 6 Regional Assembly Reviewer-Sigma Theta Tau grants American Nurses Association Council of Clinical Nurse Specialists Council of Nurse Researchers Representative from the American Thoracic Society Assembly on Nursing to the National Organization Liaison Forum American Academy of Nursing Member Program Committee for the 2006 National Congress of the State of the Science in Nursing Research Member, Nominating Committee Member, Board of Directors Pennsylvania Nurses Association American Academy of Sleep Medicine Government Affairs Committee Research Committee Research Committee (Outcomes Sub-Committee) Standards of Practice Committee CPAP/BiPAP Taskforce Grant Reviewer for Sleep Medicine Education & Research Foundation Association of Professional Sleep Societies Annual Meeting Program Committee Sleep-Disordered Breathing Section - Research Sub-Task Force Board of Directors Board of Directors, American Board of Sleep Medicine Board of Directors, American Sleep Medicine Foundation Sleep Research Society International Scientific Advisory Committee, Fifth International Congress, Cairns, Australia, 2007 Chair, Presidential Task Force on Research Funding Member, Board of Directors Chair, Advocacy Committee SRS Representative and International Education Chair to the World Federation of Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine Societies Obstructive Sleep Apnea Special Interest Group World Congress on Sleep Apnea International Conference Committee, World Congress on Sleep Apnea Montreal, Canada, 2006. World Federation of Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine Societies Training and Education Chair American College of Chest Physicians ACCP Obstructive Sleep Apnea Continuity of Care Conference Northbrook, IL Co-Chair, Sleep Educators Conference, Scottsdale, AZ National Sleep Awareness Roundtable Member, Steering Committee Vice Chair of NSART Steering Committee The Penn State University 2012-Present Member, Clinical and Translational Science Institute External Advisory Board
Editorial Board

Editorial Board Sleep Medicine Reviews Co-Guest-Editor, Special issue on adherence, Behavioral Sleep Medicine Editorial Board SLEEP Editorial Advisory Panel US Respiratory Disease 2007 Editorial Board, website SLEEP Clinician Associate Editor Frontiers in Sleep Disorders Associate Editor, SLEEP Manuscript Reviewer
Sleep Medicine Reviews Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine Journal of Sleep Research American Journal of Respiratory & Critical Care Medicine
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society
Nursing Research
Archives of Internal Medicine
European Respiratory Journal
Saudi Medical Journal

Research Consultation

Montserrat, J. M., (1996 - 1998) Adaptation of the Functional Outcomes of Sleep Questionnaire for the Spanish Population, Heath Services Research Unit, Institut Municipal d'Investigació Mèdica, Barcelona, Spain, Funded by the Catalan Society of Pneumology, Barcelona, Spain. Cutaia, M. (2000-2003) The Development of a Questionnaire for Assessing the Adequacy of Long- Term Oxygen Therapy (LTOT) Programs in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. Apter, A. (2000 – 2005) NHLBI K23 HL04337 Mentored Patient Oriented Research Career Development Award. Advisory Committee, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. Advisory Board, The Beatrice Renfield Nursing Research Program, The Visiting Nurse Service of New York, NY (2003-2004) Sleep Advisory Board, Aventis Pharmaceutical (2003 – 2004) Meltzer, L. Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (2003-2005) Sleep in Caregivers of Children with Chronic Illness, University of Pennsylvania Consultant, Sanofi-Aventis Pharmaceutical (2004 – 2006) Center for Research on Symptom Interactions and Health Outcomes (2005 – 2007) External Advisory Committee. Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing, Emory University. Funded by National Institute of Nursing Research, Consultant, Jazz Pharmaceuticals (2006 – 2007) Kuna, S., (PI) Atwood, C. (2006 – present) IIR 04-021-2 Cost Effective Strategy to Evaluate Veterans with Sleep Apnea. Funded by the Veterans Administration. Consultant
Gooneratne, N. (2007-2009) Treatment of Insonmia in Elderly Sleep Apnea Patients with Ramelteon
Member, Data Safety Monitoring Board. Funded by Takeda Pharmaceuticals
Consultant, Cephalon, Inc. (2008)
Consultant, Apnex Medical, Inc. (2008 – present)
Consultant, PROMIS Health Organization and PROMIS Cooperative Group, National Institutes of Health, (2009-present) Chasens, E. (2009-2011). Sleepiness and Activity in Diabetes Management. RHL089522A OSA. $416,625. Funded by National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. Center for Research on the Management of Sleep Disturbances (2009 – 2014). University of Washington School of Nursing. Funded by the National Institute of Nursing Research. Chair, External Scientific Advisory Committee. Mehra, R. (2009-2010) Oxidative Stress in Sleep Apnea and Cardiac Disease, K23 Funded by National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. Data Safety Monitoring Board. Redline, S. (2009-2011) ARRA Phase 2 Study comparing CPAP vs nocturnal oxygen vs optimized cardiac care on intermediate biomarkers in patients with CVE or CVD risk factors and sleep apnea. Data Safety Monitoring Board PRE- AND POST-DOCTORAL FELLOWS

Pre-Doctoral Fellows
Chairperson Cheryl Neisser-Frankson, Outcomes in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) in
Physician Pulmonary Practices with and without Advanced Practice Nurses, 1993- 1999. Consultant Bard Wolgast, Temple University, The Impact of Obstructive Sleep Apnea On Partners, 2000- Chairperson Maureen George, Complementary and Alternative Medicine and Adherence In Adult Minorities With Asthma, 2001-2003. Barbara Posmontier, Identifying Postpartum Depression, 2003-present Margaret Souders, Sleep Habits and Sleep Disturbances of Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder Chris Calamaro, Physical Activity and Children at Risk of Childhood Overweight, 2001-2005. Chairperson Sunhee Park, Predictors of the Transition from Experimental Smoking to Daily Smoking During Adolescence and Young Adulthood, 2002-2006 Chairperson Amy Sawyer, Obstructive Sleep Apnea: African American Perceptions, 2003-2007 Chairperson Lichuan Ye, Effect of Gender on the Treatment Outcomes of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure for Obstructive Sleep Apnea, 2004-2008 External Exam Committee Shaun C.J. Williams, Treatment with Modafinil Reverses Daytime Sleepiness in CPAP Treated Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea, The University of Sydney, Australia, 2009 Catherine Harris, Resumption of Productive Work Activities Post-Stroke, 2008 - present Post-Doctoral Fellows Michael Dreher, DNS - Predictors of Sleep Disruption In HIV-AIDS, 2001-2003 Brenda Ringel, MD – mentorship committee, Sleep Training Program, University of Pennsylvania Medical Eileen Chasens, DNS, Obstructive sleep apnea in African-Americans with type2 Diabetes Mellitus, 2001- Judith Reishtein, PhD – Sleep Apnea in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease, 2003 – 2005 Grace Dean, PhD – Sleep Problems, Fatigue and Quality of Life in Patients with Lung Cancer, 2004-2006 Janel Hackney, MD – Health Literacy and Adherence in African-American OSA , 2004-2006. Janel Hackney, MD - Master's in Clinical Epidemiology thesis committee, 2004-2006. Chris Calamaro, PhD – Physical activity and obesity in children with sleep apnea, 2005-2007. George Rodway, PhD – Sleep and oxygenation at high altitudes, 2006-2008 Amy Sawyer, PhD – Adherence to treatment and health disparities among the diverse population affected by sleep disorders, 2007 -2009 Margaret Souders, PhD – Sleep in children with autism, 2008-2010 Valerie Rogers, PhD – Sleep in children with sickle cell disease and sleep apnea, 2009-2011 Jinyoung Kim, PhD – Health consequences of Snoring, 2009 – 2010
Statement of the ALA on fiscal year 2008 appropriations for the Veterans Affairs Medical research program
before the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Military Construction, Veterans Affairs and Related
Agencies, March 21, 2007
Statement of the ALA on fiscal year 2009 appropriations for the Veterans Affairs Medical research program
before the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Military Construction, Veterans Affairs and Related
Agencies, March 13, 2008
Statement on behalf of the American Lung Association and the American Thoracic Society Before the U.S.
House of Representatives Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on Interior, Enviornment, and
Related Agencies, Fiscal Year 2009, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, March 13, 2008

American Lung Association
Scientific Advisory Committee National Council Chairperson, Will Ross Medal Selection Committee Board of Directors Member, Nominating Committee Strategic Planning Committee Co-Chair, Lung Disease Committee Organizational Effectiveness, Human Resources Subcommittee Strategic Coordinating Committee Presiding Officer National Council Chair-Elect National Board of Directors Chair, Leadership Committee Chair, Executive Committee 2006-2007 Chair, National Board of Directors Chair, Governance Committee 2007 – 2008 Served as the oversight body for the 20 Center - Asthma Clinical Research Member, Governance (Nominating) Committee American Lung Association of the Mid-Atlantic 2005 – present Board of Directors American Lung Association of Pennsylvania Board of Directors Bylaws Committee Finance and Audit Committee Executive Committee 1990 - 1993 2004 - 2005 Personnel Committee 1994 - 1995 1986 - 1989 Nominating Committee Planning Committee Affiliate Relations Committee Second Vice President First Vice President Counselor to the Board of Directors Government Affairs Committee Program and Budget Committee 1987 - 1989 1998 - 1999 Strategic Planning Committee Chairperson, Asthma Task Force American Lung Association of Southeastern Pennsylvania Advisory Council, Metropolitan Division American Lung Association of Philadelphia and Montgomery County Lung Line Subcommittee, Chairperson Personnel Committee Adult Lung Disease Committee Finance and Audit Committee Board of Directors 1991-1995 1992 - 1993 Medical Advisory Committee Executive Committee Program Planning Committee American Sleep Apnea Association Medical Advisory Committee University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing 2004 Anniversary Celebration Committee Board of Visitors
Member, Dean's Council
Member, Health Science Council
Chair, Search Committee for Dean, College of Applied Science
Member, Undergraduate Policy Council
Member, Search Committee, Vice President of Academic Affairs
Member, Search Committee, Vice Chancellor for Research
Member, Search Committee, Associate Vice President for Health Affairs
Chair, Search Committee, Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services
Updated January 2, 2013


Microsoft word - neuro-fuzzy_measurement_2014_v5_revision.doc

Viharos, Zs. J.; Kis K. B.: Survey on Neuro-Fuzzy Systems and their Applications in Technical Diagnostics and Measurement, Measurement, Vol. 67., 2015., pp. 126-136., (doi: http://, SCI, Impact Factor: 1.526. Survey on Neuro-Fuzzy Systems and their Applications in Technical Diagnostics and Measurement

Accepted for Publication, Published online February 22, 2016; doi:10.4269/ajtmh.15-0461. In order to provide our readers with timely access to new content, papers accepted by the American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene are posted online ahead of print publication. Papers that have been accepted for publication are peer-reviewed and copy edited but do not incorporate all corrections or constitute the final versions that will appear in the Journal. Final, corrected papers will be published online concurrent with the release of the print issue.