on October 31, 2012The role of 'soaking' in spiteful toxin production in
R. Fredrik Inglis, Alex R. Hall and Angus Buckling published online 29 August 2012 Biol. Lett. This article cites 18 articles, 7 of which can be accessed free
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on October 31, 2012
R. F. Inglis et al.
large, smooth, green colonies, whereas O:9 forms small, wrinkly, white
colonies. At the more extreme frequencies, antibiotic plates wererequired to give better resolution of colony counts, and this was
possible due to the different antibiotic resistance profiles of the strains(O:9 is resistant to rifampicin 312.5 mg ml 1, PW5036 is resistant to
tetracycline 312.5 mg ml 1, and PAO1 is resistant to rifampicin60 mg ml 1 and tetracycline 6 mg ml 1). Selection coefficients (S)
were used to estimate at what frequency bacteriocin production is
favoured in PW5036 relative to the wild type PAO1 using the
common competitor O:9, where S ¼ (mPAO1/PW5036 mO:9)/mO:9,and (m) refers to ln(final density/starting density) []. As no cells
of the bacteriocin sensitive common competitor O:9 could bedetected at when present at frequencies of 1 and 10 per cent, we
used the minimum detection level (200 cells ml 1) to calculate ourselection coefficients for these frequencies.
To control for intrinsic growth rate differences between PW5036
and the wild type PAO1, they were also competed against each other
directly at a 1 : 1 ratio for 96 h and subsequently plated on KB agar
and KB agar containing tetracycline to distinguish between both
starting frequency of bacteriocin producers
strains. Selection coefficients were calculated and PAO1 displayedan overall 2.7 per cent fitness advantage when compared with
Figure 1. Difference in growth between the wild type strain
PW5036 (results not shown). When calculating final selection coef
(PAO1) with the ability to absorb and neutralize its own bacter
ficients, this growth rate advantage of PAO1 was used to scale thegrowth of PW5036 (by multiplying its growth, represented by the
iocins (i.e. ‘self soaking') and an isogenic strain lacking the FpvA
term m in the equation for calculating selection coefficients, by
receptor (PW5036) required for the absorption of the bacterio
2.7%) to allow for direct comparison between the two strains,
cin when competing against a sensitive strain (O:9). The
thereby taking into account only the difference in FpvA production.
receptor deficient strain shows an increased competitive advan
However, even after taking into account this growth rate difference,
tage over the wild type at higher and lower frequencies. Error
we acknowledge that, though unlikely, other, unknown effects of
bars show +1 s.e. of the mean. Filled circles, PW5036
losing the FpvA receptor may affect our results. All statistical analyses were performed in R (v. 2.9.2).
(non soaker) versus O:9; open circles, PAO1 (soaker) versus O:9.
5.16, p , 0.027). Pairwise comparisons between
In our experiment, we compared the frequency-
the two strains reveal greater fitness of the non-soaker at
dependent fitness of a wild-type bacteriocin producer
starting frequencies of 0.1 per cent (p , 0.0001), 1 per
(PAO1) strain when competed with a bacteriocin-
cent (p , 0.003), 10 per cent (p , 0.01), 90 per cent
sensitive strain (P. aeruginosa serotype O:9), with that
(p , 0.0001) and 99 per cent (p , 0.002) but no
of a bacteriocin-producing ‘non-soaker' (PW5036,
difference at 50 per cent (p . 0.62) after sequential
deficient in its bacteriocin, S2, receptor, FpvA, but
Bonferroni correction for multiple tests [
otherwise isogenic to wild-type PAO1) when competedwith the same bacteriocin-sensitive strain (O:9) ].
We confirmed that growth inhibition of the susceptible
strain did not differ in the supernatant of wild-type and
The costs of soaking are clearly most pronounced at
both high and low frequencies. At high frequencies,
was unaffected by the length of time strains were cul-
this is entirely as expected because more wild-type
tured before supernatant was extracted (F1,24
cells will inevitably lead to more soaking. The low-
frequency effect, however, is initially more surprising,
0.23, p . 0.64). This result was also confirmed
as less soaking inevitably occurs with fewer bacterio-
when performing soft agar overlays containing the
cinogenic cells. However, theory suggests that the fitness
sensitive strain on both bacteriocin-producing strains
reduction of competitors per bacteriocinogenic cell is
(see the electronic supplementary material, figure S1)
critically important in determining the frequency at
]. This strongly suggests that bacteriocin production
which a bacteriocinogenic lineage can invade a susceptible
did not differ between the wild-type and non-soaker
population, or is driven to extinction: the greater the
strains, hence differences in frequency-dependent fit-
reduction in competitor fitness, the lower the frequency
ness between the wild-type and non-soaker strain are
at which bacteriocinogenic cells can invade ]. This
presumably the result of soaking effects.
means that a reduction in competitor killing through soak-
Selection coefficients were used to estimate the
ing will have disproportionately greater effects at reducing
fitness of the bacteriocin-producing wild-type, non-
fitness at lower frequencies of the bacteriocinogenic line-
soaker and sensitive strains ]. Both the wild-type
age. At intermediate frequencies, costs of self-soaking
and non-soaking strain show a unimodal relationship
are likely to be minimal, because bacteriocins are
between fitness and starting frequency, as previously
produced in sufficient quantity to generate a large fitness
described [, with both the wild-type (linear F1,31
advantage over susceptible bacteria.
20.76, p , 0.001; quadratic F1,30
29.64, p , 0.001)
As well as investigating the effect of soaking on
and non-soaking strain ), peaking at intermedi-
frequency-dependent fitness, we were interested if soak-
ate values (linear F1,31
10.7, p , 0.003; quadratic
ing could contribute to the observed ability of sensitive
8.98, p , 0.005). However, when compared
cells to persist when at initially low starting frequencies
with the wild-type, the non-soaker peaks at higher
[Whereas approximately 105 cells ml 1 survived
starting frequencies and reaches overall higher levels
competition with the wild-type (when the sensitive
of selection coefficients (intercept: F1,61
strain (O:9) is at starting frequencies of 1 and 10%),
0.0001; strain by frequency by frequency interaction:
none of the sensitive competitor strain (O:9) was
on October 31, 2012
R. F. Inglis et al.
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Source: https://www.dora.lib4ri.ch/eawag/islandora/object/eawag%3A8879/datastream/PDF/view
ATHLETICS OMNIBUS - ILLEGAL SUBSTANCES IN SPORT From the Boland Athletics website: www.bolandathletics.com THE USE OF PROHIBITED SUBSTANCES IN SPORT A PROHIBITED CLASSES OF SUBSTANCES The International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) rule 144 states clearly that any method used to enhance performance artificially is illegal.
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