Eur Radiol (2012) 22:39–50DOI 10.1007/s00330-011-2260-x Non-invasive assessment of functionally relevant coronaryartery stenoses with quantitative CT perfusion: preliminaryclinical experiences Aaron So & Gerald Wisenberg & Ali Islam & Justin Amann & Walter Romano &James Brown & Dennis Humen & George Jablonsky & Jian-Ying Li & Jiang Hsieh &Ting-Yim Lee Received: 4 April 2011 / Revised: 23 August 2011 / Accepted: 25 August 2011 / Published online: 21 September 2011 # European Society of Radiology 2011 Non-Stenosed (NS, angiographically normal or mildly Objectives We developed a quantitative Dynamic Contrast- irregular), Moderately Stenosed (MS, 50–80% reduction Enhanced CT (DCE-CT) technique for measuring Myo- in luminal diameter), Severely Stenosed (SS, >80%) and SS cardial Perfusion Reserve (MPR) and Volume Reserve with Collaterals (SSC). DCE-CT at rest and after dipyr- (MVR) and studied their relationship with coronary idamole infusion was performed using 64-slice CT. Mid- diastolic heart images were corrected for beam hardening Methods Twenty-six patients with Coronary Artery Disease and analyzed using proprietary software to calculate (CAD) were recruited. Degree of stenosis in each coronary Myocardial Blood Flow (MBF, in mL min-1 100 g-1) and artery was classified from catheter-based angiograms as Blood Volume (MBV, in mL 100 g-1) parametric maps.MPR and MVR in each coronary territory were calculatedby dividing MBF and MBV after pharmacological stress by A. So : G. Wisenberg : T.-Y. Lee their respective baseline values.
Imaging Program, Lawson Health Research Institute,London, Ontario, Canada Results MPR and MVR in MS and SS territories weresignificantly lower than those of NS territories (p<0.05 for A. So (*) : T.-Y. Lee all). Logistic regression analysis identified MPR MVR as Imaging Research Laboratories, Robarts Research Institute, the best predictor of ≥50% coronary lesion than MPR or 100 Perth Drive,London, Ontario, N6A 5K8, Canada Conclusions DCE-CT imaging with quantitative CT perfu-sion analysis could be useful for detecting coronary A. So G. Wisenberg T.-Y. Lee stenoses that are functionally significant.
Medical Biophysics, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada • A new quantitative CT technique for measuring myocardial G. Wisenberg A. Islam J. Amann W. Romano T.-Y. Lee function has been developed Medical Imaging, University of Western Ontario, • This new technique provides data about myocardial London, Ontario, Canada perfusion and volume reserve G. Wisenberg J. Brown D. Humen G. Jablonsky • It demonstrates the important relationship between Cardiology, London Health Sciences Centre, myocardial reserve and coronary stenosis.
London, Ontario, Canada • This single test can identify which coronary stenoses are functionally significant A. Islam : J. Amann : W. RomanoRadiology, St. Joseph's Health Care,London, Ontario, Canada Keywords Coronary artery disease . Quantitativemyocardial blood flow and blood volume measurement .
J.-Y. Li : J. Hsieh Dynamic contrast-enhanced CT . Beam hardening CT Engineering, GE Healthcare,Waukesha, Wisconsin, USA correction, CT perfusion Eur Radiol (2012) 22:39–50 patients had surgical revascularization between the coronaryangiography and CT perfusion studies.
Myocardial Perfusion Reserve (MPR), defined as theratio of Myocardial Blood Flow (MBF) during maximal coronary vasodilation induced by exercise or pharmaco-logic stress as compared to its resting value, has been All patients had ECG stress testing and thirteen had used to assess the residual vasodilator reserve in patients additional SPECT MIBI stress imaging as part of their with advanced Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) [ normal care before the research DCE-CT perfusion study.
Coronary stenoses that limit MBF during exercise or Stress tests were interpreted by cardiologists or nuclear pharmacologically induced vasodilation are considered medicine physicians who were unrelated to the research functionally significant because of the attenuation of study and were blinded to its results. A stress test was vascular reserve ].
classified as positive if the physical or pharmacological The intrinsic vasodilation in arterioles in the ischemic stress induced abnormal changes in ECG or a fixed or myocardium in compensation for the impeded flow from reversible perfusion defect in SPECT stress imaging. The the upstream stenosed artery would suggest that Myo- presence of Myocardial Infarction (MI), defined as (a) cardial Volume Reserve (MVR), defined similarly as decreased uptake of MIBI in both the rest and stress MIBI MPR but with respect to Myocardial Blood Volume imaging (fixed perfusion defect) or (b) the presence of Q (MBV), could be an additional marker of stenoses that waves on the resting ECG, was also assessed.
are functionally significant. Nuclear medicine perfusionimaging has been used to measure regional MPR in Coronary angiography clinical settings [, ] but to our best knowledgemeasurement of MVR in CAD patients has not been The angiograms, performed within two weeks of DCE-CT reported before.
imaging of the heart, were qualitatively interpreted by We have previously shown that Dynamic Contrast cardiologists blinded to the imaging results. The degree of Enhanced CT (DCE-CT) with deconvolution analysis stenosis and collateral flow to the Left Circumflex (LCx), based on a distributed parameter model of the DCE-CT Left Anterior Descending (LAD) and Right Coronary (RC) images (CT Perfusion, GE Healthcare, Waukesha, USA) arteries were classified as: (1) Non-Stenosed (NS), in which is a robust technique for measuring absolute tissue the coronary artery was either normal angiographically or blood flow (in mL min-1 g-1) and blood volume (mL g-1) mildly irregular; (2) Moderately Stenosed (MS), where the [, More recently, we have developed an image-based artery was 50 to 80% narrowed in luminal diameter; (3) algorithm for reducing beam hardening artifacts in cardiac Severely Stenosed (SS), where the artery was over 80% DCE-CT images []. In this paper, we investigated narrowed and (4) SS but the jeopardized vascular bed was whether quantitative CT perfusion, with correction of fed by collaterals from an adjacent coronary artery (SSC).
beam hardening in the DCE-CT images of the heart, couldbe used to measure MPR and MVR in patients with DCE-CT imaging of the heart known CAD, and the relationship of these measurementswith the stenotic severity of the coronary arteries as This study used a 64-slice CT (LightSpeed VCT, GE determined by invasive coronary angiography. DCE-CT Healthcare, Waukesha, USA) system in which the detector measurement of MPR was also compared with SPECT width was 4 cm. Eight consecutive 5-mm-thick slices stress / rest imaging with 99mTc-sestamibi (MIBI) covering the largest cross-sectional area of the LV in an performed in a subgroup of patients to further illustrate approximate Horizontal Long-Axis (HLA) view were the usefulness of quantitative CT perfusion for assessing selected for DCE-CT imaging. To measure MBF at functionally significant coronary lesions.
baseline, a 30 s cine CT data acquisition using 140 kVpand 50 mA with breath-hold was initiated at 4–5 s intointravenous injections of contrast (Omnipaque 300, GE Healthcare, Waukesha, USA, 50 mL at 4 mL s-1) and saline(40 mL at 4 mL s-1). The gantry speed was 0.5 s per Patient population rotation. Five min after the baseline CT data acquisition,dipyridamole (DIP) at 0.56 mg kg-1 was infused intrave- Twenty-six patients with known CAD based on prior non- nously over 4 min and the cine CT data acquisition was invasive stress testing were recruited. The study protocol repeated at 3 min after the infusion to measure hyperaemic was approved by the institutional research ethics board. All MBF. Aminophylline was given as required at the end of patients gave informed consent for the study. None of the the hyperaemic DCE-CT by an attending cardiologist.
Eur Radiol (2012) 22:39–50
CT functional maps
DCE-CT images at Mid-Diastole (MD) from all cardiaccycles were manually selected for analysis to minimize theeffect of cardiac motion. A semi-automatic registrationprogram was applied to the selected MD images to ensureany residual lung or cardiac motion was minimized. TheMD images were also corrected for beam hardening usingan algorithm developed in our lab [. With thesecorrections, we were able to calculate MBF and MBVmaps from cine images with minimal motion and beamhardening artifacts using the CT Perfusion softwaredeveloped in our lab. The theoretical basis of CT Perfusionhas previously been discussed [, ] (Fig.
Data and statistical analysis
MPR and MVR calculations
Myocardium in each CT section was divided into sixsegments according to the AHA schema for the HLA viewof the LV [] (Fig. The supply artery to each segment,according to published reports, were also shown , ].
The basal lateral and/or basal septal segments might beabsent in the more superior slices within the 4 cm coverage.
MPR and MVR in each segment were calculated bynormalizing MBF and MBV respectively after DIP chal-lenge to its baseline value. Mean MPR and MVR in LCx,LAD, and RC coronary territory were determined by firstfinding the average of the involved segments in each slicebefore averaging over all slices.
Baseline MBF and MBV, MPR, and MVR corresponding
Fig. 1 a–d DCE-CT images of the heart at different MDs acquired
to the four levels of stenotic severity defined above
after a bolus injection of contrast. e Aortic and myocardial time-
were analyzed for significant differences using a one-
density curves measured from all the MD images from DCE-CT wereanalyzed using CT Perfusion (GE Healthcare) from which the MBF
way ANOVA omnibus test (SPSS Inc). Post-hoc t-tests
and MBV maps were calculated
with Tukey correction were used to determine whichgroup differed from the NS group at the level ofp < 0.05. All measurements were reported as mean ±standard deviation.
predictor for differentiating stenosis ≥ 50% from NSwas defined as the value at the cutoff probability of 0.5.
Logistic regression analysis
In the multivariate analysis, both MPR and MVR and theirinteraction term were considered by the regression model. A
Both univariate and multivariate logistic regression
likelihood ratio test was applied to identify the most
analyses were used to identify predictors of stenosis
significant predictor of ≥ 50% stenosis, and the less significant
≥50% or NS. In the univariate analysis, only one
predictors were excluded from the regression model.
potential predictor (either MPR or MVR or their
Sensitivity, specificity, PPV, and NPV of the most
interaction term) was included in the logistic regression
important predictor were calculated as in the univariate
model. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value
analysis. The results from the multivariate and univariate
(PPV), and negative predictive value (NPV) of the
tests were compared. All the logistic regression analyses
tested predictor were calculated. The threshold of each
were performed using SPSS for Windows (SPSS Inc.).
Eur Radiol (2012) 22:39–50
Fig. 2 a and b Averaged mapsin approximate HLA view of theLV in two different slices. c Thecorresponding distribution ofcoronary territories in the LVmyocardium. The basal septalsegment was not seen in theaveraged map shown in (a). dApproximate position of theHLA slices of a DCE-CTperfusion study with respect tothe short-axis orientation of cor-onary territories. The slices cor-respond to (a) and (b) arehighlighted in deep yellow
ROC curve analysis
The diagnostic performance of either MPR or MVR to
distinguish NS lesions from ≥50% stenoses was alsoevaluated using Receiver Operating Characteristic
There were 23 male and 3 female patients in this study;
(ROC) curve analysis. Diagnostic performance was
their mean age was 62±9 years. All had stress ECG and 13
estimated from the Area Under the ROC Curve (AUC)
had additional MIBI SPECT (Table Among the twenty-
and its 95% Confident Interval (CI) estimated. All ROC
six patients, 25 had positive stress tests and 1 had a
curve analyses were performed using SPSS for Windows
negative test. Thirteen patients had MI while 13 patients
showed no evidence of MI. Among the patients whounderwent MIBI SPECT, all showed perfusion defects (1
Comparison with SPECT stress results
fixed, 2 partially reversible and 10 reversible).
In patients who had prior SPECT MIBI studies, mean MPRs
Coronary angiography
in the coronary territories with and without SPECT defectwere compared. Corresponding coronary territories in the
There were 6 patients with single-vessel, 8 with double-
approximate HLA MBF maps and short-axis SPECT maps
vessel, 12 with triple-vessel CAD, and 10 had collateral
were identified with the help of the AHA model of coronary
supply to the stenosed coronary arteries (Table ). Table
territories for the respective tomographic planes. Differences
also lists the number of coronary territories in each patient
in MPR between territories with and without SPECT defects
assigned to subgroups of NS, MS, SS, and SSC according
were evaluated by unpaired t-test.
to the angiographic results.
DCE-CT perfusion measurements
Effective dose of a CT perfusion study was estimated as the
Figure illustrates the MBF maps obtained before and after
product of the Dose Length Product (DLP) reported by the CT
DIP stress in selected patients. Four out of a total of 78
system and the conversion factor (0.014 mSv mGy-1 cm-1) for
coronary territories from 26 patients (3 territories per patient)
were excluded for analysis due to significant misalignment
Eur Radiol (2012) 22:39–50
Table 1 Summary of stresstesting (SPECT or ECG) results
Post-stress perfusion
on study patients
Y present; N absent; ex. exertional;
(+) positive result; (−) negativeresult; (/) MIBI test not per-
formed; n/a data not available;
MIBI defects: r reversible; pr
partially reversible; f fixed
between the two DCE-CT studies. Of the remaining 74
Logistic regression analysis
coronary territories, 17 were assigned as NS, 22 as MS, 25 asSS, and 10 as SSC from the results of coronary angiography.
The odds ratio (95% CI) of MPR, MVR, and MPR MVR
Baseline MBF in the NS, MS, SS, and SSC segments were
determined by independent univariate logistic regression
104.5 ±18.4, 111.4 ± 20.9, 114.0 ±20.1, and 113.1 ± 28.1
analyses were 0.085 (0.02–0.36), 0.007 (0.0–0.16) and
mL min-1 (100 g)-1 respectively (Fig. and baseline MBV
0.299 (0.15–0.59) respectively indicating that all three
were 8.6±1.2, 8.9±1.5, 9.1±1.4, and 9.0±1.8 mL (100 g)-1
predictors were useful in detecting the presence of ≥50%
respectively (Fig. ). Both MBF and MBV were not
stenosis but MPR MVR was the best predictor among the
significantly different among stenosis groups at baseline. At
three candidates investigated. The thresholds of MPR,
DIP stress, MBF in the NS, MS, SS, and SSC groups were
MVR, and MPR MVR for differentiating NS from ≥50%
230.2 ± 42.2, 195.2 ± 70.3, 196.4 ± 49.8, and 188.4 ±
of stenosis were 2.5, 1.4, and 3.5 respectively. Sensitivity,
46.4 mL min-1 (100 g)-1 respectively (Fig. ) and MBV
specificity, PPV, and NPV of MPR MVR and MPR for
were 11.2±2.2, 9.9±3.0, 9.5±1.9, and 9.7±2.6 mL (100 g)-1
detection of ≥50% of coronary stenosis were 94.7%, 35.3%,
respectively (Fig. Both hyperaemic MBF and MBV
83.1%, and 66.7% respectively while those for MVR were
were not different among the groups. MPR in the NS, MS,
96.5%, 23.5%, 80.9%, and 66.7% respectively. Fig. a plots
SS, and SSC segments were 2.3±0.5, 1.8±0.5, 1.8±0.3, and
MVR vs. MPR measurements in all coronary territories of
1.8±0.5 respectively while MVR were 1.3±0.2, 1.1±0.3,
the study patients. The threshold MPR MVR, derived from
1.0±0.2, and 1.1±0.3 respectively (Fig. ). MPR of the
logistic regression analysis, separating the NS from the
MS, SS, and SSC groups were significantly lower than that
stenosed groups (i.e., MS, SS, and SSC) is also shown.
of the NS group (p<0.05), while MVR of the MS and SS
Univariate analysis agreed with multivariate analysis,
groups were lower than that of the NS group (p<0.05).
which also identified MPR MVR as the most significant
Eur Radiol (2012) 22:39–50
Table 2 Summary of severity oflesion and collateral supply in
Number of territories
each coronary artery of the
Mean age: 62±9 y; Gender:
23M, 3F; N normal coronary
condition; * evaluated as mildly
irregular but without stenosis;INT intermediate branch; O
occluded; (c) supplied by col-
laterals from adjacent coronary
artery; / no collaterals
predictor of ≥50% stenosis over MPR or MVR alone. The
was not properly covered in the post DIP DCE-CT due to
odds ratio and CI for MPR MVR reported from the
patient movement. Of the remaining 12 patients, SPECT defect
univariate analysis were identical to those reported by
(including reversible and partial reversible) was observed in 12
out of 35 coronary territories (the RC territory from patient #26was also excluded due to motion). Mean MPRs in the 12/23
ROC curve analysis
territories with/out SPECT defect were 1.53±0.41 and 1.96±0.52 (p<0.05, Fig. ). In three patients who had triple-vessel
The ROC curve of each predictor is shown in Fig. The
disease (#4, 21, and 24), while MPR in all three coronary
AUC for MPR MVR was 0.791 and larger than those of
territories were depressed relative to the mean MPR in the NS
MPR (0.785) and MVR (0.778). The 95% CI of AUC for
territories of those who had either a single or double CAD (≤
MPR MVR, MPR and MVR were 0.664 to 0.917, 0.662 to
1.9 vs. 2.3), the SPECT of each patient showed a perfusion
0.909, and 0.650 to 0.906 respectively. All the AUCs were
defect in only one territory: LAD in patient #4; RC in patient
significantly different from 0.5 (no-discrimination).
#21 and 24. Fig. shows the MIBI SPECT findings forpatient #21 at stress (Fig. and following redistribution at
Comparison with SPECT stress test
rest (Fig. The SPECT defect at stress was seen mostly inthe territory supplied by the RC. In patient #17 who had a
Of the 13 patients who had defects (1 fixed, 2 partially
partially reversible MIBI defect in the inferior wall perfused
reversible, and 10 reversible) on SPECT, comparison of MPR
by a MS RC artery, the DCE-CT MBF maps showed that in
and SPECT results was not possible in the only patient with
the RC territory the subepicardium in the basal septal wall of
fixed defect because the basal septal wall (i.e., RC territory)
the LV responded normally to hyperaemic DIP stress (MPR≈
Eur Radiol (2012) 22:39–50
Fig. 3 Averaged map at DIP stress, MBF map at baseline and DIP
collateral supply. During DIP stress, a coronary steal also occurred in a
stress are shown in each column from left to right. The range of MBF
discrete region within but not the entire LCx territory (yellow arrow)
value (in mL min-1 100 g-1) represented by the pseudo rainbow colour
while the LAD territory, which was perfused by a normal LAD,
scale is specified in each MBF map. a–c Patient #8 (in Tables and
exhibited an over two times increase in MBF. g–i Patient # 21 with
who had a normal LCx and an occluded LAD whose territory was fed
moderate to severe stenoses in all three coronary arteries. Resting
by collaterals. Following DIP administration, MBF in the LCx
MBF was uniform and not different from the other two patients [100±
territory increased by over two-fold; in contrast, a coronary steal
15 mL⋅min-1⋅(100 g)-1]. However, there were discrete regions in each
occurred in the LAD territory (yellow arrow). d–f Patient #11 whose
of the three vascular territories that demonstrated the lack of flow
LCx was sub-totally occluded but without angiographic evidence of
reserve (yellow arrows)
2.5) while MBF in the subendocardium remained relatively
and 9.7 mSv respectively. For the rest and stress protocol (i.e.,
unchanged after the DIP challenge (MPR≈1, white dotted
2 cardiac DCE-CT perfusion studies), the total effective dose
circle in Figs. d–i).
was 19.4 mSv.
The CTDIvol of a cardiac DCE-CT perfusion study (rest orstress) reported from our CT system was 173.43 mGy. The
This initial study demonstrated a non-linear inverse
corresponding DLP and effective dose were 693.71 mGy cm
relationship between the mean MPR and MVR values
Eur Radiol (2012) 22:39–50
Fig. 5 a Scatter plot of MVR vs. MPR of all coronary territories in allpatients. The dash line represents the threshold, MPR MVR=3.5,determined by logic regression analysis for maximal separationbetween the NS and stenosed territories (MS, SS, and SSC). b ROCcurve of MPR MVR in comparison with those of other potentialpredictors (MPR and MVR) for distinguishing NS from ≥50%stenosed coronary lesions
Fig. 4 a MBF and b MBV at rest and DIP stress in territories suppliedby coronary arteries at different degrees of stenosis. c MPR and MVR
were significantly lower than those in region supplied by
in response to DIP stimuli as a function of degree of stenosis in
NS arteries. In patients who also had MIBI SPECT
coronary arteries. Error bars in each graph represent standard
perfusion assessment, MPR in territories with reversible
deviation of the mean values
SPECT defect was significantly attenuated compared withthat in region without SPECT defect.
The inverse non-linear relationship of MPR and coro-
nary stenotic severity determined by CT perfusion (Fig.
measured by DCE-CT imaging with CT perfusion analysis
was similar to results obtained using gold standard 13N-
and the average degree of luminal narrowing in coronary
ammonia or 15O-water myocardial perfusion imaging with
arteries as determined by coronary angiography. MPR and
PET [, ]. The considerable scatter of the MPR measure-
MVR in myocardium perfused by ≥50% stenosed arteries
ment in each group, also analogous to those shown in
Eur Radiol (2012) 22:39–50
* p < 0.05 from MIBI defect group
than that of the NS segments (Fig. ), although thedifferences did not reach significance in this relatively smallsample.
Coronary steal, a phenomenon in which MBF drops
below its baseline value after pharmacologic challenge (i.e.,MPR < 1), occurred in some but not all SSC and SSsegments (Figs. ). As a result, the overall MPRand MVR for both groups remained greater than one. Asshown in Fig. coronary steal can occur in a limitedregion within a jeopardized territory, and partial volumeaveraging of MPR would result in the normalization of
Fig. 6 Comparison of mean MPR in territories with MIBI defect (10
MPR in those territories depending on the size of the
reversible and 2 partially reversible) and without MIBI defect in
coronary steal defect relative to the whole territory.
SPECT. Error bars denote standard deviation of the mean MPR values
Coronary steal appears to occur exclusively in collateral-ized myocardium [and the technique described heremay be useful in the assessment of CAD patients byrevealing functioning collaterals in ischemic myocardium
], was probably contributed by the variability of the
(Fig. ) potentially even below the limit of detection by
hyperaemic response to DIP stimulation, as well as differ-
invasive angiography (i.e., < 300 μm [
ences in the resting MBF level which is dependent on the
DCE-CT Perfusion demonstrated an excellent sensitivity
patient's age [The morphological complexities of
to detect 50% or greater luminal narrowing in coronary
stenosis such as shape, eccentricity, length and stenotic
arteries. However, in the absence of healthy volunteers in
inflow/outflow angles were not considered, all of which
our study, the use of NS segments in CAD patients is a poor
could affect the flow resistance differently and account for
alternative because MPR and MVR measured in this group
some of the variability in MPR at a given percentage of
could be lower than those in patients without CAD [
stenosis. Increase in MBV in all territories after DIP
because of diffuse disease not detected angiographically,
challenge regardless of their angiographic status (i.e., mean
resulting in more overlap with the stenosed groups (i.e.,
MVR >1.0 in Fig. ) suggests that the observed MPR
≥50 % lumen narrowing) as shown in Figs. and a and
response was generated through coronary vasodilation of
ultimately a poor specificity for detecting stenosis. The
the microvasculature, possibly mediated through increased
lowering of MPR and MVR could also be a direct result of
local interstitial adenosine levels [Increases in MBV
including both normal and mildly irregular coronary
after DIP stress was significantly reduced in the MS and SS
arteries in the NS group. Segments supplied by arteries
territories compared with NS. This indicates that the
that were mildly irregular and without angiographically
vasodilatory effect of DIP on MBV was inversely related
significant obstructive stenosis might have a lower MPR
to the degree of luminal narrowing in the coronary arteries.
and MVR than those that were supplied by arteries truly
Furthermore, it suggests that vessels downstream of the MS
completely free of disease ].
and SS coronary arteries were already dilated to maintain
In comparison with SPECT, we showed that MPR in
resting MBF and their "reserve" to respond to the vaso-
territories with MIBI defect was more attenuated than that
dilatory DIP stimulus was limited. The presence of such
in territories without the defect. As such, DCE-CT
autoregulatory vasodilation to maintain normal MBF in
perfusion could be as effective as SPECT to assess
resting myocardium is supported further by the finding that
functionally significant coronary stenosis. A potential
MBV at baseline in these affected territories trended higher
limitation of SPECT is that relative rather than absolute
Fig. 7 MIBI SPECT images ofpatient #21, a during maximalstress and b at rest. c A schemato illustrate the distribution ofcoronary territories in the polarmaps of (a) and (b). Thecorresponding MBF maps gen-erated by CT Perfusion for thispatient are shown in Figs. (stress) and 3 h (rest)
Eur Radiol (2012) 22:39–50
Fig. 8 Averaged maps at rest a–c, MBF maps at rest d–f and during
consecutive slices suggested a non-transmural MI (dotted circles) in
DIP stress g–i of a patient (#17 in Tables and who had a partially
the same coronary territory, originated from the inferior wall to
reversible perfusion defect in the inferior wall of the LV myocardium
inferoseptal wall (basal-septal wall in the HLA view)
(RC territory) identified by MIBI SPECT. CT perfusion MBF maps in
regional MBF is assessed. In patients with left main or
Fig. This discrepancy is particularly problematic in
triple-vessel CAD, relatively balanced global hypoperfu-
patients with tripe-vessel CAD, in whom stress perfusion in
sion of the LV may lead to underestimation of both the
all territories of the myocardium are abnormal. This
extent and severity of ischemia ]. In this study there
suggests that DCE-CT perfusion may better detect func-
were twelve patients who had moderate to severe triple-
tionally significant triple-vessel or left main CAD, the
vessel CAD (Table ). MPR measured with DCE-CT
group that is at the highest risk for cardiac events, than
Perfusion in all three coronary territories of these patients
SPECT. The effectiveness of DCE-CT perfusion for CAD
were depressed relative to the values found in NS (as
management is further enhanced by its ability to assess non-
discussed above there were no truly normal territories in
transmural ischemia/MI, as demonstrated in a patient who
this study) territories (<1.9 vs. 2.3). In contrast, SPECT,
had partially reversible defect in the MIBI scan (Fig.
which normalizes perfusion throughout the myocardium to
The superior spatial resolution of CT outlines the extent of
the region with maximal perfusion, may underestimate the
injured tissue after heart attack better than SPECT, which
true extent of severe triple-vessel CAD as demonstrated in
would better inform decision on the appropriate treatment
Eur Radiol (2012) 22:39–50
(s) for the patient. The interesting findings from this initial
reduced with 1) the prospective ECG gating method, which
study in which DCE-CT perfusion and SPECT MIBI
turns on X-rays only at MDs, and 2) novel CT reconstruction
measurements could only be compared in half of the
algorithms which maintain image quality at a lower X-ray
patients, would warrant further investigations on the
tube current These radiation dose saving techniques
effectiveness of DCE-CT perfusion versus MIBI SPECT
would facilitate future cardiac DCE-CT perfusion trials to be
which is frequently used for MBF assessment to detect
performed with the inclusion of healthy volunteers as
functionally significant CAD in clinical settings.
control, and/or with the conjunctional use of coronary CTA
DCE-CT perfusion provides additional information on
for a more precise comparison between coronary stenosis
the change in MBV induced by coronary lesions which may
and the downstream MBF/MBV physiology. Another limi-
provide insights into the physiology distal to a coronary
tation is that current 64-slice CT systems cannot measure
stenosis above and beyond that provided by the measure-
perfusion of the entire LV. Newer 256/320 slice CT systems
ment of MBF alone. The advantage of measuring both
with their extended coverage, up to 16 cm, resolve the above
MBF and MBV by DCE-CT perfusion is reflected by the
problem adequately (though the most outer slices in 320-
logistic regression finding that MPR MVR was a more
slice CT may not be useful for quantitative perfusion
significant predictor of functionally relevant stenosis than
measurement due to cone beam artifact). Another solution
either MPR or MVR alone. The logistic regression finding
for existing 64-slice systems is to ‘toggle' the table between
was echoed by the ROC curve analysis which depicted a
two adjacent 4 cm wide locations during DCE-CT data
higher accuracy (ROC AUC) of MPR MVR for distin-
acquisition to increase the coverage from 4 to 8 cm at the
guishing NS from stenosed coronary lesions compared with
expense of time sampling frequency.
MPR or MVR alone. Measurements of MBV with DCE-CT
In conclusion, the findings from this study with small
perfusion also agree with findings from studies using
number of patients suggest that DCE-CT imaging with beam
myocardial contrast echocardiography. These findings
hardening correction and quantitative CT perfusion analysis
demonstrated vasodilation of microvasculature distal to a
could be a useful technique to evaluate the functional
stenosis resulting in an increase in resting MBV [] and
significance of coronary stenosis in CAD patients through
significant attenuation of MVR in ischemic myocardium
measurements of MPR and MVR. This technique could play
subtended by stenotic coronary arteries ]. The superior
an important role in the evaluation of the likelihood of future
spatial resolution of CT allows for more precise localization
cardiac events in patients with intermediate to advanced risk
of the extent of vulnerable myocardium through delineation
of CAD, allowing timely and appropriate management for
of all the areas with abnormal perfusion (volume) reserve
those who are more susceptible to acute MI. Prospective
(Figs. ) than echocardiography, thus improving
randomized control trials of this technique are warranted.
the targeting of revascularization.
There are several limitations of the proposed DCE-CT
The authors thank Anna MacDonald, Karen
Betteridge and Lynn Bender for their help on the patient studies. This
perfusion method. One limitation is the relatively high
work was supported in part by the Canadian Institutes of Health
effective dose from a rest and stress protocol: 19.4 mSv for
Research (Ottawa, ON, Canada), Canadian Foundation of Innovation
4 cm coverage of the heart, estimated using the DLP reported
(Ottawa, ON, Canada), Ontario Research Fund (Toronto, ON,
by the CT system and the chest conversion factor proposed by
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Microsoft word - neuro-fuzzy_measurement_2014_v5_revision.doc
Viharos, Zs. J.; Kis K. B.: Survey on Neuro-Fuzzy Systems and their Applications in Technical Diagnostics and Measurement, Measurement, Vol. 67., 2015., pp. 126-136., (doi: http://, SCI, Impact Factor: 1.526. Survey on Neuro-Fuzzy Systems and their Applications in Technical Diagnostics and Measurement
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