Scientific Research Scientific Information for Health Care Professionals Almased UK Ltd.2nd Floor Berkeley Square HouseBerkeley SquareLondon W1J 6BD Phone: 020 7969 1886Email: [email protected]: www.almased.co.uk The most important studies on the effects of Almased® Table of Contents 4 Editorial
20 "Supported insulin and blood sugar
28 The soy protein in Almased® can
levels with Almased®"
support a healthy blood pressure
6 What is Almased®?
Interview with Prof. Dr. Daniel König, International studies support How all-natural Almased® can University Clinic Freiburg, Germany the Almased® research benefit the body, how it works and how it helps to control hunger for 22 Almased® is "kidney friendly"
30 Almased® supports the
a long period of time A study has shown that a youth hormone HGH
protein-rich diet with Almased® The amino acids arginine and 7 Over 10 years of research
may promote kidney function lysine in Almased® promote a All core claims about Almased® have healthy level of the hormone HGH now been scientifically supported 23 How does soy protein affect
the kidneys?
32 A natural anabolic
10 Effective weight loss with Almased®
Interview with Dr. Peter Deibert, For increased fat loss and Main studies about the superior diet Consulting Physician for Nutritional improved muscle growth success with the metabolism activator 34 Stress-free everyday life
12 "We know today that Almased®
25 Soy as an antirheumatic
Almased® supports a healthy level improves the fat burning process"
Soy has antioxidant effects and of the stress hormone cortisol An interview with Prof. Dr. Aloys Berg works as a natural antirheumatic of the University Clinic Freiburg, 37 Osteoporosis protection
Positive influence of soy protein 26 Almased® may promote beneficial
16 Almased® keeps you full longer
effects that work against many of
38 Soy isolate does not cause gout
Studies show that Almased® sup - the components of the metabolic
ports healthy levels of hormones syndrome
that influence the feeling of satiety Studies have shown that all meta- 40 This is how it works:
bolic biomarkers are supported by Weight loss according to plan
18 Almased® can help people
The four phases of the with diabetes
Studies have shown that Almased® can help them lose weight and 42 Additional information on
support healthy blood levels Why Almased® is conducting extensive research on the effects of Almased® The Almased® success story began He realized that activating the Since 1999, we have fostered scientific Today we have study results from at a kitchen table in the German metabolism of overweight people research on Almased®. Scientists have several renowned universities. They town of Bienenbüttel in 1980: automatically results in the reduction discovered that certain qualities of not only confirm the supportive effects This is where my father, the holistic of unhealthy body fat. This "side soy, natural raw honey and probiotic of Almased® on body weight but also therapist Hubertus Trouillé, blended effect" is the main reason why yogurt have positive effects on the on the metabolism, performance levels a recipe that was intended to help many people use Almased® today. metabolism and improve sleep and re- and overall health. This brochure his many patients with a slow generation. Because of these findings, provides an overview on the status metabolism. He wanted to develop Almased® has become Germany's I decided to have more intensive of our research. And I believe that a product that activates the meta- best-selling diet product: A powder research done on Almased® and the it proves my thesis: Almased® has bolism biologically. My father's made from high-quality soy, probiotic effectiveness of its ingredients.
important benefits for our society. goal: People have to feel noticeably yogurt and especially enzyme-rich It is not a short-lived fad diet but has better when they take the product. honey. Blending the raw ingredients long been part of a healthy lifestyle during a fermentation process creates for many people. a synergistic effect, the ingredients increase each others' effectiveness. Read for yourself.
André Trouillé,
Owner, Almased UK Ltd.
What is Almased® Over 10 years of research How all-natural Almased® can benefit the body, how it works
All core claims about Almased® have now been scientifically
and how it helps to control hunger for a long period of time.
supported: Eight scientists formulated 10 statements.
Almased® is made from high- • Optimizes the metabolism quality soy, probiotic yogurt • This increases the fat burning process Almased® can do more than just support weight loss. This and natural raw honey. Honey while retaining muscle mass is the conclusion of eight Ger- enzymes, protein, bioactive phyto- • People who drink Almased® have man scientists that have researched chemicals from the soy, and yogurt more energy and strengthen their im- the effects of the powder. They have cultures are the most important mune system as well as their muscles unanimously formulated the state- • Almased® can be combined with all ments on the following pages. From popular diets and helps to increase fat loss and muscle mass retention to Almased® provides the body with their effectiveness the supportive effects on hormone lev- essential nutrients that regular food els and blood pressure and therefore often lacks in sufficient amounts. Studies conducted by renowned the metabolic syndrome - they confirm Combining the raw ingredients researchers suggest that Almased® can all core claims made about Almased®.
creates a synergistic effect: The com- do more than just support weight loss: ponents of one ingredient intensify Almased® fights obesity, supports The metabolic syndrome is a All important claims are supported the effects of the other ingredients. healthy blood pressure as well as insu- combination of medical disorders, by over 10 years of extensive scientific An innovative food item is created: lin resistance and promotes fat metabo- which – when coinciding – are studies on Almased®.
lism. Consuming just 50 g of Almased® sometimes referred to as the "deadly daily already promotes healthy meta- four": Overweight, lipid metabolic All-natural: Almased® is bolic biomarkers.
disorder, high blood pressure and made from high-quality soy, insulin resistance. Each of these con- probiotic yogurt and natural Scientific studies have also been con- ditions is a major risk factor by itself, ducted about the effects of Almased® when combined, the health hazards on hunger and satiety, blood pressure, can be even worse. Almased® may kidney function as well as the level of support beneficial effects on each the growth hormone HGH, which of these factors.
fosters a youthful look.
This is what these scientists say unanimously: These eight scientists drafted the theses on the left.
How Almased® can support effective weight loss,
healthy blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels.
Professor Aloys Berg,
Professor Ulrich
Wolfgang Grebe, MD
Almased® contains pure soy pro- Almased® has a positive effect on MD Department of
Borchard, MD
Board member of the tein, yogurt and raw honey. A spe- the body fat vs. muscle mass ratio. Medicine, University of Institute of Pharma - Association of German cial processing method preserves the If combined with physical activity, cology and Clinical Specialists in Internal essential amino acids in Almased®.
it can significantly reduce fat depos- its in the abdomen and hip area.
University of Düsseldorf Obesity is associated with a severely increased leptin level, which in turn In a weight loss program, Almased® is linked to insulin resistance and helps to exclusively burn body fat considered a cause of metabolic without reducing muscle mass.
disorders, such as diabetes mellitus. Almased® supports a healthy leptin Weight loss achieved with Almased® level, thus influencing risk factors is helpful in changing nutritional behavior and keeps the weight off Professor Günter Linss,
Peter Sauermann,
Professor Jörg Schulz,
Almased® supports healthy insulin Medical Director of Hen- Chairman of the Finan- Consultant of HELIOS levels while stimulating fat reduc- 50 g of Almased® per day support ningsdorf Medical Center, cial Committee of tion and inhibiting fat storage.
healthy blood levels (e.g. blood University Teaching Hospi- German Association of sugar, HbA1c value).
tal of the Charité Berlin CHI Physicians (KBV) The tissue hormone ghrelin, which is produced by stomach cells, is an A weight loss program using indicator of the sensation of satiety. Almased® supports healthy choles- Almased® supports the ghrelin level, terol and triglyceride levels.
thereby reducing appetite sustain- A weight loss program using Almased® supports a healthy blood Professor Gerhard
Professor Burkhard
Weisser, MD
Director of the Institute of Director of the Institute Immunobiology and of Sports and Science Sports Immunology, of Sports, Christian University of Cologne Albrechts University, Kiel Effective weight loss Effective weight loss with Al mased® The metabolism activator is a superior food item, reduces fat
and retains muscle mass.
Hubertus Trouillé, holistic diets that include Almased® compared Significant advantages through intervention with Almased®
therapist and inventor of to regular weight loss programs. In After 6 months on the Almased® diet program compared to a diet program Almased®, wanted to help 2000, a study conducted at the Univer- without Almased® his patients improve their metabolism sity of Freiburg, Germany, showed the with the Almased® powder. At first, effectiveness of a diet with Almased® on he categorized all other positive effects body weight and body contour: Twelve under "side effects", including the rea- overweight participants had Almased® son most people purchase Almased® for breakfast and dinner as well as a Avera -20
today: Almased® makes it easy to lose regular, low-fat lunch for four weeks. weight because it keeps you full for a The participants lost an average of 4.8 -41 % -42 %
long time while being low in calories kg (10.6 lbs). Researchers attributed the and because it supports the fat burning fat reduction to supported levels of the regulative variables insulin and leptin.1 The first scientific studies In 2004, another research team requested by André Trouil- from the University of x-times change factor (times 100 = percent) -5
lé, son of the Almased® Freiburg, Germany, exam- inventor, researched ined the effects of the and validated the Almased® diet on body superior effect of Insulin Reduction p = 0.012 Performance Increase Leptin Reduction p *A/D: Diet program including Almased® compared to a diet program without Almased®** A+S/D: Diet program including Almased® and exercise compared to a diet program without Almased® *** n. a.: not analyzed fat loss without 1 "Using Almased in an Enriched Soy Diet for Weight Loss"; Berg A et al.; German Journal of Sports Medicine, 2000, 51: 39.
Effective weight loss The six-month study showed that the "We know today that
Many products promise help with
participants lost fat and, unlike with weight loss. From your point of view,
other diets, also retained muscle mass.2 Almased® improves the fat
what is truly important? What does a
burning process"
product have to do to contribute to
A 2005 comparative study documented healthy and effective weight loss and
the superior success of a diet including An interview with therefore be recommendable?
Almased® compared to several conven- Prof. Dr. Aloys Berg,
tional diet programs: After twelve There are several prerequisites that months, the Almased® diet resulted Department of Medicine, a product has to meet in order to be in greater weight loss than other popu- University of Freiburg, considered a successful and healthy lar programs such as Weight Watchers weight loss supplement. First of all, it has to be possible for a person to successfully lose more than 5% of the starting weight, regardless of age and Almased®‘s superior
gender, with a reasonable effort and Prof. Dr. Aloys Berg,
weight loss success
within a reasonable time frame. At Rehabilitative and Preventive Sports the same time, the process has to be Medicine, University Clinic Freiburg, reproducible and predictable. This can Professor Berg, about 10 years ago you
only be proven with controlled and conducted the first major study on the
randomized studies with defined goal effects of Almased®. What caused your
parameters. After all, the success interest in Almased® back then?
should not only affect weight loss but also body composition and the typical Weight Watchers 3.0 kg
My main medical interest was the risk factors that accompany overweight prevention of metabolic disorders in most cases. It is self-explanatory that connected to malnourishment and weight loss should not be accompanied made from fermented soy, skim milk inactivity. Obesity was and is a big by unwanted side effects. yogurt powder and honey, that pro- challenge. Many overweight people motes fat burning and simultaneously are highly motivated but cannot find In a second major study you researched
healthy hormonal levels, protecting 2 "Weight loss without losing muscle mass in pre-obese and obese subjects induced by a high-soy-protein diet"; a successful and practical way to the effects of the Almased® diet on body
against the loss of muscle mass.4 This Deibert P et al.; International Journal of Obesity, 2004, lose weight. I learned about Almased® composition. Why is there no loss of
"anti-catabolic" effect of Almased® Oct., 28 (10): 1349-52.
from dieters that had successfully muscle mass, unlike with many other
can be held responsible for the positive 3 "Comparison of the Atkins, Ornish, Weight Watchers and Zone Diets for weight loss and heart disease reduction"; lost weight with Almased® and I effects on the body composition. Dansinger ML et al.; JAMA, 2005, 293: 43-53, in "Weight was curious whether these subjective Reduction through Lifestyle Intervention"; Berg A et al.; experiences could be explained with The phenomenon that Almased® helps In an additional study, you showed
Ernährungsumschau 52, 2005, 8: 310-314.
objective findings. That was the retain muscle mass despite significant that a diet with Almased® promotes
beginning of a successful scientific weight loss has been documented in beneficial effects on the risk factors
cooperation between the University several studies at the University of of the metabolic syndrome, more so
of Freiburg, Germany, and Almased Freiburg, Germany. Today, we know than a regular low-fat diet. What is
Germany GmbH.
that Almased® is a protein-rich product the explanation for this?
Effective weight loss
Our study suggests that weight loss
cial influence on known risk factors
plained by just the weight loss itself. Do
influence factors like mood, reaction
with Almased® supports a healthy in-
for metabolic syndrome that attribute
you have a suspicion about what might
to environmental stimuli and the ability
sulin and leptin level after only 6 weeks.
to being overweight.5
cause these various effects on health?
to concentrate. These effects are not
This is very likely caused by the fact
as important in the medical sense as the
that Almased® resets the metabolism
Meanwhile, studies have shown that
We can assume that Almased® not only
reduction of risk factors, but for those
and the body develops a better re-
diets including Almased® have a sup-
supports the metabolism and body
who are affected they are just as impor-
sponse to these neurotransmitters in
portive effect on a number of biochemi-
composition but also cognitive and
tant for their quality of life. We hope
the appetite center of the hypothala-
cal parameters, for instance the insulin
mental functions. We believe that
that we can produce more findings
mus and reduces the release of these
level, but also on body values like over-
Almased® triggers central mechanisms
about Almased® in this context in the
substances from the pancreas and
all well-being and quality of life. The
in the hypothalamus that are responsi-
the fat tissue. This results in a benefi-
effects are more positive than can be ex-
ble for these complex changes and also
Adjustments in the energy metabolism during endurance training:
The key factors of appetite regulation: Almased® influences the
Almased® increases the fat burning process
neurotransmitters and thus decreases appetite
without Almased®
without Almased®
protein-rich, the
without Almased®
When the stomach
reduces hunger.
is empty, ghrelin
informs the brain
that a new meal is
Fat tissue:
The neurotransmit-
ter leptin informs
fat storage. Being
fewer carbohydrates
overweight results
Strong decline of
in disturbed appe-
increases – the
tite suppressant
level and insulin
body taps into its
signals despite high
hunger attacks.
With identical training conditions, consuming Almased® (2 x 50 g daily) in a controlled and
As a protein-rich meal replacement Almased® supports acute and chronic appetite regulation
randomized design has a positive effect on the adjustment of energy supply in the sense of
through four important central neurotransmitters resulting in successful appetite suppression:
increased utilization of fat reserves and decreased stress-induced insulin release and lactate
Neuropeptid Y (PPY), leptin, ghrelin and insulin.
production with simultaneously improved utilization of triglycerides.
4 "A soy-based supplement alters energy metabolism but not the exercise-induced stress response"; Berg A et al.; Exerc
5 "Favorable metabolic properties of a soy-honey-yoghurt product for meal replacement in overweight subjects with
Immunol Rev. 2012, 18: 18-31.
atherogenic risk"; Berg A et al.; Atherosclerosis, 2008, 9: 253.
Almased® keeps you full lon ger
Studies show that Almased® supports levels of hormones
that influence the feeling of satiety.
Satiety and hunger in humans are Positive influence on leptin and
The "Breakfast Study" shows:
controlled by a very complex
Almased® keeps you full longer and optimizes the fat burning process
mechanism. The center of the
system is located in the brain, in the
hypothalamus. This is where the signals
from the stomach, intestine and cere-
(change from the
after breakfast,
brum come together. Three hormones
that are transported via the bloodstream
play a major role in this: Ghrelin, leptin
Standard breakfast:
and insulin. Ghrelin is released when
roll, jelly, milk (400 kcal)
the stomach is empty and signals the
(Change in comparison to
brain: Hunger. Leptin reports to the
the base value in %)
hypothalamus about the level of full-
ness of the body's fat cells. To achieve
In a study with 25 overweight women,
satiety and optimal fat burning, insulin
researchers of the Department of Sports
Almased®, oil (400 kcal)
has to be stabilized at a low level.
Medicine at the University of Freiburg,
The longer the insulin level remains
Germany, proved that a diet with
low after consuming food, the longer
Almased® not only results in weight
60 120 240 270 300 360
loss and improved body composition
a person feels full. Studies suggest that
but also supports healthy leptin and
Almased® supports this effect.
In the so-called "Breakfast Study",
as well as ghrelin levels of the participants
insulin levels. On average, insulin and
researchers at the University of Freiburg,
that had consumed Almased® were notice-
leptin levels in the participants decreased
Germany, investigated the effects of an
ably lower. Furthermore, the fat burning
approx. 40% over the course of the
Almased® breakfast on the insulin and
process was significantly higher. The hor-
24-week long diet with Almased®.1
ghrelin level in the blood compared to a
mone ghrelin controls the feeling of satiety
regular breakfast with a high amount of
- a low level means satiety. A low insulin
carbohydrates and low protein content.
level ensures that hunger pangs can be
1 " Effects of a meal replacement based on soy protein on hormonal and metabolic regulation in
overweight and obese females"; Deibert, P, König, D, Frey, I, and Berg, A; Obesity Reviews, 2010, 11, Suppl. 1, 240
It was shown that after 4 hours, insulin
2 " Fuel selection and appetite-regulating hormones after intake of a soy protein-based meal replacement"; König D et al.;
Nutrition, 2012 Jan; 28(1): 35-9. Epub 2011 Jul 20.
Almased® can help people with diabetes
People with diabetes have a hard time losing weight because
Surprising results with diabetes mellitus
of their high insulin level. Almased® can help them.
lmost 24 million people in
cantly with a diet that incorporates
the United States suffer from
diabetes. Because of their high
insulin level it is hard for them to lose
The argument for using Almased®
weight. Most people who are diagnosed
to treat overweight people who have
with diabetes have type 2 diabetes.
diabetes is further supported by a
Type 2 diabetes is a metabolic disorder
study of the Cochrane Collaboration,
that mainly occurs in overweight peo-
an independent worldwide network of
ple. The body produces insulin but the
scientists, doctors and other medical
cells do not react to it in a regular man-
professionals. Their goal is to scientifi-
ner. They absorb too little glucose and
cally assess medical therapies. The
the blood sugar level increases. The
study comes to the conclusion that a
"Type 2 diabetes mellitus and Cancer"; Zänker KS et al.; German Journal of Oncology 2005; 37: 114-121.
body reacts by producing more insulin
diet with a low glycemic index (it indi-
to normalize the blood sugar level.
cates the effect of a food item on the
The high insulin level attributes to the
blood sugar curve) is superior to other
storage of fat and inhibits fat reduction.
diets. Almased® has an extremely low
glycemic index of 27 (compared to
Almased® can help with this: It has been
potatoes at 78 and glucose at 100).1,2,3
more protein than what had been
50 g powder each, 45 g oil and one
suggested that a diet with Almased®
assumed until now in order for it to
healthy, protein-rich meal per day –
can lead to higher weight loss, especial-
A recommendation by the renowned
be effective for people with diabetes.
provides people with diabetes with
ly in the abdominal area. This means
Joslin Diabetes Center also supports
A diet according to the Almased®
exactly the recommended mix of
that a diet with Almased® regulates the
the argument for Almased® consump-
concept – two Almased® shakes with
protein, carbohydrates and fat.4
satiety mechanisms in the brain as well
tion: The experts suggest that people
as the fat burning process more effec-
with diabetes consume a diet consisting
1 " Low glycaemic index or low glycaemic load diets for overweight and obesity"; Thomas DE et al.; The Cochrane Library,
tively than a diet without Almased®.
approximately of 40% carbohydrates,
2007, Issue 3.
This was evident for the first time in a
30% fat and 30% protein. The re-
2 "Protein Content in Diabetes Nutrition Plan"; Hamdy O et al.; Curr Diab Rep, DOI 10.1007/s11892–010–0171–x.
2005 study which showed that people
searchers at Joslin also discovered that
3 "Fad Diets in the Treatment of Diabetics"; Feinman RD; Curr Diab Rep, DOI 10.1007/s11892–011–0178–y.
4 " Clinical nutrition guideline for overweight and obese adults with type 2 diabetes, prediabetes or those at high risk for
with diabetes can lose weight signifi-
a diet needs to contain significantly
developing type 2 diabetes"; Joslin Diabetes Center & Joslin Clinic; 2007, 03, 29.
"Supported insulin and blood sugar levels with Almased®"
Prof. Dr. Daniel König talks about the effect of
the Almased® diet on people with diabetes.
People with diabetes have an especially
The success of Almased® for weight loss
Protein-rich diets used to be under
hard time losing weight. How does
in people with type 2 diabetes can be
the suspicion of increasing the risk
Almased® make weight loss possible
contributed to Almased®'s low glycemic
for cardiac diseases. Now the Joslin
for them?
index as well as its high protein content.
Diabetes Center recommends a 30%
protein content in the diet. Do you
It is indeed correct that successful
Why should people with diabetes choose
share this opinion? And if yes, why?
and permanent weight loss is not easy
food items with a low glycemic index to
for overweight people with type 2
lose weight?
Protein-rich diets were criticized
Prof. Dr. Daniel König
diabetes. Many studies have shown
mainly because their high protein
from the University Clinic Freiburg,
that people with diabetes lose less
The glycemic index indicates to what
content came from animal protein.
Germany works, among other things,
weight and lose it more slowly than
extent a certain amount of food con-
This also meant an increased intake
on the investigation and practical imple-
overweight people who do not have
taining carbohydrates increases the
of animal fat and saturated fatty acids
mentation of lifestyle intervention concepts
blood sugar level over a period of two
which many scientists consider to
on physical activity and nutrition
hours compared to glucose. A low
be the reason for arteriosclerosis and
An important reason for this is insulin.
glycemic index equals a low increase in
heart attack. If the high protein content
Insulin is responsible for ensuring that
the blood sugar level during the time
comes from plant protein, such as soy
sugar from the food that is consumed
after the food is consumed. It is impor-
protein, these arguments can no longer
moves from the blood to the cells. In
tant for people with diabetes that a low
be sustained. A higher protein content
people with type 2 diabetes, the cells'
increase in the blood sugar level also
results in a longer and better feeling
sensitivity to insulin is lowered and the
means a lower demand for insulin.
of satiety and optimizes the calorie
insulin level increases as a regulatory
Regarding weight loss this means that
burning process, the so-called thermo-
counter mechanism. Because of their
the fat burning process functions better
genesis. Furthermore, a sufficient
lower sensitivity to insulin, many
because of the lower insulin level, thus
consumption of protein fosters muscle
people with type 2 diabetes have to
weight loss is easier. Some studies
growth. Muscles are the most impor-
take medication that increases the
have shown that in comparison to a
tant organ for energy consumption.
body's release of insulin, or they
"typical" breakfast consisting of white
have to inject insulin. How ever, high
bread and jelly, an Almased® shake sup-
insulin levels slow down the fat burn-
ported healthy blood sugar and insulin
ing process and cause the organism
levels. Additionally the fat burning pro-
to store fat, which results in weight
cess was significantly higher during the
study period.
Almased® is "kidney friendly"
A study has shown that a protein-rich diet with Almased®
may promote kidney function.
The human kidneys filter the versity of Freiburg, Germany, with
How does soy protein
blood and excrete contami-
overweight patients that suffer from
nants, including urea and uric
metabolic syndrome (overweight, lipid
affect the kidneys?
PD Dr. Peter Deibert,
acid, which are by-products of the
metabolic disorders, high blood pres-
Consulting physician for internal
An interview with the consul-
body's protein utilization. Therefore,
sure and insulin resistance) showed
medicine and gastroenterology, nutritional
some people fear protein-rich diets be-
that the protein-rich Almased® diet
ting physician for nutritional
science, sports medicine, cardiovascular
cause they argue that such a diet would
(0.3 g protein per kg body weight dai-
preventive medicine, lipidologist.
science, Dr. Peter Deibert.
stress the kidneys. Studies have shown
ly) did not affect the kidney function
Approbation 1991, senior physician at
that a diet with Almased® does not
of the participants negatively. The
the University Clinic Freiburg, Germany
strain the kidneys and that elderly
researchers even argued that the
people with decreasing kidney
Almased® diet may promote kidney
function and people with limited
function in the long run be-
kidney function do not have
cause of the supportive
to worry: Almased® is
effect on the hormones
Rumor has it that protein can damage
kidney of an ill person. Over the past
"kidney friendly".
leptin and insulin, which
the kidneys – is this prejudice true?
year, we have investigated how kidneys
A study conducted by
may protect against
of patients with metabolic syndrome –
researchers at the Uni-
It is indeed true that high protein con-
a combination of overweight, lipid met-
sumption puts strain on the kidneys.
abolic disorders, high blood pressure
This stress can lead to long-term kid-
and insulin resistance – react to protein
ney damage. Animal protein is said
intake compared to kidneys of healthy
to be especially straining. Poultry is
people. We found that the kidney filtra-
less harmful than pork and fish is even
tion rate in patients with metabolic
better. Plant protein puts the least
syndrome was increased on an empty
1 "Acute effect of a soy protein-rich
strain on the kidneys and soy protein
stomach even when they had complete-
meal replacement application on
is said to be the best one. However,
ly normal kidney values. With increased
renal parameters in patients with
The high-quality soy
we also need to factor in the general
protein intake, the filtration rate con-
the metabolic syndrome"; Deibert P et al.; Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical
protein in Almased® is
kidney condition. A healthy kidney
tinued to increase, which made the
Nutrition, 2011, n=10/10.
kidney friendly.
obviously reacts differently than the
strain on the kidneys even worse.
However, giving one serving of
As long as the kidneys function nor-
Soy as an antirheumatic
Almased® as a meal replacement did
mally, the daily protein requirements
not result in a significant change.
should be met. The quality of the
These scientific findings were recently
consumed protein is important. We
have shown that Almased® supplemen-
tation combined with exercise im-
Soy has antioxidant effects and works as a natural
What about a protein-rich diet for
proves the strength and metabolism
people with diseases – like people with
of the elderly. Especially at an older
diabetes or kidney problems, including
age, high-protein supplementation is
those that have to have dialysis?
important to retain muscle mass and
muscle function. Malnutrition is not
Medical science has been discussing
uncommon in the elderly. Therefore,
this for the past decades. A diet low
it is important to ensure sufficient
Therefore, people with rheumatism can
in protein used to be recommended to
supplementation with high-quality
A basic diet recommendation for
people with rheumatism is to
have a protein deficit for several reasons
protect the kidneys but that caused
protein in this life phase. This does
reduce the consumption of foods
and this deficit needs to be balanced
even worse muscle loss in some kidney
not harm a "healthy" older kidney.
rich in arachidonic acid. Arachidonic
through the food intake. The soy pro-
patients who already lose protein
These study results were also recently
acid is a fatty acid that is mainly found
tein in Almased® can supply that.
through their kidneys. Today it is
in meat, meat products and eggs. How-
Isoflavonoids in the soy have antioxi-
assumed that patients definitely need
ever, this recommendation means taking
dant effects. Rheumatic diseases cause
the regular daily recommended dose
What do people have to pay attention
important protein sources off the daily
an increased release of free radicals that
of protein, especially in the form of
to? How much protein is too much?
meal plan. This can be problematic for
maintain or even increase inflammatory
high-quality protein. By choosing the
people with rheumatism as protein pro-
processes in the joints. Combined with
right protein sources, excessive stress
Protein requirements are based on age,
vides the amino acids that are necessary
other micronutrients that have antioxi-
on the ill kidneys can be avoided. Pro-
gender and lean body mass as well as
for the development and retention of
dant effects, soy isoflavonoids can help
tein supplementation beyond that is
the activity level. For inactive people,
muscles, bones and articular cartilage.
to lessen oxidative stress.1
not recommended. The same applies
0.8 g/kg body weight daily is plenty.
Patients with inflammatory rheumatism
for healthy people. It has also been
For people who exercise moderately,
(rheumatoid arthritis) can have an
Soy protein has also been shown to
shown that the high amounts of pro-
1 g/kg daily is ideal, endurance athletes
especially increased protein requirement
be effective in fighting pain, one of the
tein that are often consumed by ath-
need 1.2-1.4 g/kg and strength athletes
since they metabolize more protein due
main symptoms of rheumatic diseases.
letes do not have any benefits.
are advised to consume up to 1.7 g/kg
to their disease. Additionally, the corti-
Animal testing has shown that a diet
per day. This only applies to people
sone used in rheumatic therapy increases
rich in soy can lessen chronic nerve
Kidney function in elderly patients slows
with healthy kidney function. If kid-
the breakdown of protein in the body.
down. Is a protein-rich diet dangerous
ney disease is present, a doctor should
for the elderly? After all, they are sup-
be consulted.
posed to consume more protein to avoid
age-related muscle loss. Is this correct?
1 "Inhibitory effects of isoflavones on lipid peroxidation by reactive oxygen species"; Toda S et al.; Phyt Res, 1999, 13 (2): 163-65.
2 "The correlation between dietary soy phytoestrogens and neuropathic pain behavior in rats after partial denervation"; Shir Y
et al.; Anesthesia and analgesia, 2002, 94 (2): 421-26.
3 "Consumption of soy diet before nerve injury preempts the development of neuropathic pain in rats"; Shir Y et al.;
Anesthesiology, 2001, 95 (5): 1238-44.
4 "Soy containing diet suppresses chronic neuropathic sensory disorders in rats"; Shir Y et al.; Anesthesia and analgesia, 2001,
92 (4): 1029-34.
Metabolic Syndrome
Almased® and metabolic sy ndrome
Almased® may promote beneficial effects that work against
Almased‘s® beneficial effects
many of the components of the metabolic syndrome, such as
being overweight, having lipid metabolic disorders, high blood
Weight Loss
-6.4 kg 2
pressure and insulin resistance.
-6.1 cm 2
Metabolic syndrome is a com- weight participants (60 took Almased®,
bination of diseases that are
a control group of 30 was on a weight
-19.0 mg/dl 2
jointly called the "deadly
loss program without Almased®)
four": Overweight, lipid metabolic
showed improved biomarkers – signif-
disorders, high blood pressure and in-
icantly more than in the comparative
-30 % 1
sulin resistance. The eight scientists
group that was on a regular low-fat diet.2
that already researched Almased® in
its early stages agreed that the powder
-18.2 pg/ml 2
® can also help menopausal
has supportive effects on the markers
women, who are known to have an
of the metabolic syndrome (see pages
especially "sluggish" metabolism. This
-4.95 µU/ml 2
was shown in a study at the University
of Freiburg, Germany, which com-
Many times, treating obesity is a causal
pared the reaction of pre- and post-
Diet program with Almased® Diet program without Almased® 1) p < 0.05 2) p < 0.01
therapeutic approach that also treats
menopausal women to Almased®.
hypertension, lipid metabolic disor-
Healthy blood fat levels of HDL-cho-
ders or diabetes mellitus. Losing 10 kg
lesterol, LDL-cholesterol and triglyc-
(22 lbs) of weight reduces the systolic
erides were supported in both groups.
syndrome in premenopausal women
metabolic syndrome at the beginning
blood pressure by 12 mmHg and the
from 23% to 18%. In postmenopausal
of the study and that number was
diastolic blood pressure by 8 mmHg,
Healthy insulin and ghrelin levels were
women, almost half showed having
lowers triglycerides by 30%, increases
also seen, more so in postmenopausal
HDL-cholesterol by 8% and lowers
women than in younger ones. There-
the HbA1c value by 1.5 units. Weight
fore, the positive effects were not only
loss also results in 2 out of 3 people
seen on the important parameters of
with diabetes no longer suffering from
the metabolic syndrome but also on
1 " Obesity in Scotland. Integrating prevention with weight management", SIGN (Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network),
the hunger and satiety messages that
are controlled by the central nervous
2 " Effect of meal replacement on metabolic risk factors in overweight and obese subjects";
A 2008 study has shown: After only
system. The Almased® diet was able to
Koenig D et al.; Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2008, 52: 74–78.
3 " Effect of a weight loss intervention on anthropometric measures and metabolic risk factors
6 weeks on the Almased® diet, over-
reduce the occurrence of the metabolic
in pre- vs. postmenopausal women"; Deibert P et al.; Nutrition Journal, 2007, Oct., 6 (1): 31.
The soy in Almased® can sup port a healthy blood pressure
Almased® studies confirm what international studies claim:
Influence of a weight reduction program on health risks
Almased® supports healthy blood pressure levels.
of postmenopausal women (n = 50)
Many people who suffer from The particularly successful effect of
high blood pressure may
soy protein was shown by Dr. Jiang
benefit from the use of plant
He at Tulane University in Louisiana.
ingredients that may lower blood pres-
On a daily basis, he gave one group of
sure as an alternative to medication.
adults cookies that consisted of 40 g soy
protein, while another group ate cookies
In 2006, a team of researchers for the
that consisted mainly of 40 g high
Blood pressure (systolic)
international cross-sectional study
complex carbohydrates from wheat.
Blood pressure (diastolic)
INTERMAP questioned 4,700 people
On average, people with hypertension
with regular blood pressure (between
that ate the soy cookies lowered their
40 and 59 years of age, from Great
systolic blood pressure by 7.1 mmHg
Britain, the USA, China and Japan)
and their diastolic blood pressure by
about their diet habits and investigated
4.7 mmHg. On average, people with
urine samples of the participants to
regular blood pressure lowered their
find a relation between diet and high
values by 2.5 mmHg and 1.3 mmHg.2
blood pressure. People whose daily in-
take of plant protein was just 2.8%
A study conducted by Dr. Deibert and
higher than the average had a systolic
his team showed supportive effects on
blood pressure that was 2.7 mmHg
blood pressure levels. 50 women over
lower than the average and a diastolic
40 participated in a weight loss pro-
value that was 1.7 mmHg below the
gram with Almased® over 48 weeks.
average. People who took over-pro-
They lost an average of 7 kg (15.4 lbs)
Abdominal circumference
portional amounts of animal protein
of fat mass, and achieved healthy hor-
Hip circumference
did not show this result.1
mone and blood pressure levels.3
1 "INTERMAP-Study"; published in Arch Intern Med 166, 2006, 79.
2 "Effect of soybean protein on blood pressure: a randomized, controlled trial"; He J et al.; Ann Intern Med, 2005 Jul 5; 143(1): 1-9. 3 " Effect of a weight loss intervention on anthropometric measures and metabolic risk factors in pre- vs. postmenopausal
women"; Deibert P et al.; Nutrition Journal, 2007, Oct.; 6 (1): 31.
Almased® supports the youth hormone HGH
Study: The amino acids arginine and lysine in Almased® promote
The "youth hormone"
a healthy level of the hormone HGH (Human Growth Hormone).
HGH is also used as an
anti-aging method.
In a study of 25 overweight The researchers in Freiburg also tested A healthy HGH level was also notice-
women, researchers with the
Almased®'s effect on HGH in men as
able in male individuals. Consuming
Department of Sports Medicine
well. They had overweight, untrained
the soy protein and honey supplement
at the University of Freiburg,
older men undergo a strength training.
supports the effects of training and diet
Germany, showed that a diet with
One group combined the training with
as well as hormonal regulation in sev-
Almased® can not only achieve
Almased®, a control group simply
eral ways. The amino acids arginine
weight loss, improve body composi-
followed the general recommendations
and lysine in soy protein promote a
tion and support healthy leptin and
for a healthier lifestyle. The results
healthy level of the hormone HGH.
insulin levels but also promote the
suggested that only the combination
Additionally, soy protein seems to
level of the growth hormone HGH.
of strength training and Almased®
support the food intake by influencing
HGH helps the body break down fat
supported body com position, meta-
the hormones that regulate the hunger
and improve muscle growth. It is of-
bolic functions and diminished age-
and satiety messages in the central
ten used as an anti-aging method.
related restrictions.
The influence of Almased® on the hormonal system in women
Strength training in men over 50 with and without Almased®
between 35 and 65 years after 24 weeks
Time frame 12 weeks, n = 40
Leptin = p < 0.001
Increased HGH level
Regular lifestyle recommendations
Insulin = p < 0.001
metabolic data in
Cortisol = p = 0.05
Regular lifestyle recommendations + 50 g Almased®
comparison to the
beginning of the
study, in percent
1 "Effects of a meal replacement based on soy protein on hormonal and metabolic regulation in overweight and obese
females"; Deibert P et al.; Obesity Reviews, 2010, 11, Suppl. 1, 240.
Almased® as a natural anab olic agent
Almased® for athletes: Improves fat burning and
Strength training in men over 50 with and without Almased®
Time frame 12 weeks, n=40
Regular lifestyle recommendations
Regular lifestyle recommend. + 50 g Almased®
Athletes need more protein after
their training than non-athletes
for strength and regeneration:
1.2 to 1.8 g per kg of body weight
Muscle Mass
daily, depending on the kind of sport.
Regular lifestyle recommendations
Professor Dr. Arno Schmidt-Trucksäß
of the University of Munich, Germa-
Regular lifestyle recommend. + 50 g Almased®
ny, showed in a study that Almased®
is especially suitable for athletes. His
Muscle Power Increase
reasoning is that Almased
Musculus erector spinae
supplement with a balanced amino
Regular lifestyle recommendations
acid composition and a high amount
of essential and branched-chain amino
Regular lifestyle recommend. + 50 g Almased®
acids and therefore causes a targeted
physiological reaction. Thirty minutes
after consuming 40 g of Almased®
combined with 37.5 g glucose, the in-
training for 12 weeks: One group
gained 0.8 kg (1.8 lbs) of muscle mass.
sulin kinetics showed a peak that was
professional athletes in Germany, in-
received regular lifestyle recommenda-
The participants who took Almased®
significantly higher than after consum-
cluding members of two major league
tions, the other group was given the
every day lost an average of 1.4 kg
ing carbohydrates only. This caused
soccer teams and the national swim
same recommendations as well as 50 g
(3.1 lbs) of fat and gained 1.6 kg (3.5
an important stimulus for the build up
of Almased® daily. The participants
lbs) of muscle mass – twice as much as
of muscle protein. Additionally, the
who did not take Almased® lost an
the group that did not take Almased®
combination of 63% protein and 36%
A study at the University of Freiburg,
average of 0.9 kg (2 lbs) of fat and
and with the same amount of training.2
carbohydrates in Almased® supports
Germany, supports the claim that
quick regeneration after training.1
Almased® helps to improve muscle
1 "Early postexercise muscle glycogen recovery is enhanced with a carbohydrate-protein supplement"; Ivy JL et al.; J Appl
growth and muscle power. In a com-
Physiol, 2002, 93 (4): 1337-44. "Favorable metabolic properties of a soy-honey-yoghurt product for meal replacement
The researcher refers to the positive
parative study the researchers had two
in overweight subjects with atherogenic risk"; Berg A et al.; Atherosclerosis Supplements, May 2008, Volume 9/1: 253.
2 " Soy protein based supplementation supports metabolic effects of resistance training in previously untrained middle aged
effects of Almased® experienced by
groups of older men conduct a strength
males."; Deibert P, Solleder F, König D, Vitolins MZ, Dickhuth HH, Gollhofer A, Berg A. Aging Male. 2011; 14(4): 273-9.
Almased® ensures a stress- free everyday life
Almased® supports healthy cortisol levels and improves
health-related quality of life in seven dimensions.
When people consume less These are the findings of a recent
Another study conducted with 381
The data for the health-related quality
food during a diet it often
scientific study with overweight
obese women between the ages of
of life was gathered with a standard-
results in stress for the body.
women conducted by Prof. Dr. Aloys
40 and 65 and with a BMI of 30 to
ized questionnaire (SF 36) before and
As a result, the body releases a higher
Berg at the University Clinic Freiburg,
40 kg/m² as well as identical fitness
after a one-year long intervention pro-
amount of the stress hormone cortisol.
Germany. It is also a possible scientific
levels showed that diets including
gram for clinically controlled weight
Its concentration indicates the level of
reason why people who are on a diet
Almased® result in a higher improve-
physical and psychological stress. A
with Almased® report that they are
ment of health-related quality of life
diet with Almased® supports a healthy
in an especially good mood and feel
than other diet programs, even if
SF 36 is a measuring instrument that
cortisol level. The stress factor drops.
the weight loss results are the same.
includes several diseases and evaluates
Quality of life of overweight women, Intervention without Almased®
Quality of life of overweight women, Intervention with Almased®
Physical Functioning (PF)*
Physical Functioning (PF)*
Role-Physical (RP)
Bodily Pain (BP)*
General Health (GH)*
General Health (GH)*
Social Functioning (SF)
Social Functioning (SF)*
Role-Emotional (RE)
differences before/
differences before/
Role-Emotional (RE)
after intervention
after intervention
Mental Health (MH)*
Mental Health (MH)*
SF 36 scale
SF 36 scale
health-related quality of life. SF 36
Obese women with formerly limited
includes 8 dimensions, that can be
health conditions were able to nor-
Protection of osteoporosis
categorized in "physical health"
malize their health-related quality
and "mental health":
of life by using Almased® as a meal
Physical efficiency
Scientists refute the claim that protein from food
Physical daily activity
has a negative influence on bone health.
General health awareness
Social efficiency
Emotional daily activity
Psychological well-being
The following conclusion can be
Osteoporosis is characterized calcium, while the renal excretion of
by continuous loss of bone
calcium does not increase significantly.
substance and impairment of
There are many factors that suggest
drawn from the results at hand:1
the specific structure of bone mass.
that soy protein may protect against
The elderly, especially women in
osteoporosis. Soy protein, unlike ani-
The Almased® group reported
menopause, have the highest risk
mal protein, decreases the excretion of
significant improvements in 7 of
of osteoporosis.
calcium from the body. Additionally,
the 8 dimensions after one year. The
the isoflavonoids in soy protein are
group who did not take Almased®
The influence of food protein on bone
said to have properties that help main-
only reported improvement in 4.
health is often judged negatively. The
tain bone mass. Animal studies have
Even though the Almased® group
reason is that a high protein intake in-
shown that soy consumption can pro-
started out with noticeably worse
creases the renal excretion of calcium,
long loss of bone mass that is related to
values than the other group, they
the most important mineral for bone
estrogen deficiency.
made up this leeway after one year
Tests with women show that the
composition. Independent scientific
and were on the same level as the
Almased® diet improved health-
studies have refuted this claim and
Several intervention studies in pre-
other group regarding the assess-
related quality of life more than
shown the contrary: Soy protein, a
and postmenopausal women have also
ment of their quality of life.
main component in Almased®, may
shown that consuming soy protein
have especially supportive effects –
can reduce the concentration of bone
recent scientific studies have shown
resorption parameters in the urine
that consuming 2.1 g/kg body weight
(e.g. deoxypyridinoline) and can have
in comparison to 0.7 g/kg can result in
partially positive effects on bone
increased intestinal absorption of
1 " Meal replacement based on soy protein improves benefits of a weight reduction program on health related quality of life
1 "Dietary phytoestrogens and their effect on bone: evidence from in vitro and in vivo,
(HRQOL) in middle-aged obese females"; Berg A et al.; Obesity Reviews (2011), 12, Suppl. 1, 73.
human observational, and dietary intervention studies"; Setehell K D et al.; Am J CUn Nutr, 2003, 78 (3): 593-609.
Soy isolate, gout and inflam mation
Almased® is low in purine and a great source of protein for peo-
ple who suffer from gout. Additionally, it has anti-inflammatory
Gout is a typical disease of gout should consume little fruit and
Studies that researched the effects of
cient supply with protein while simul-
affluence and is related to
not more than 30 g of fruit sugar per
the soy product tofu on the uric acid
taneously reducing calorie intake,
too much calorie intake,
day. And since keto acids, which are
metabolism show that it is an excep-
Almased® is an ideal choice.
overweight and alcohol consump-
produced by the breakdown of fat
tional protein source for gout pa-
tion. Scientific findings suggest that
during a diet, inhibit the excretion of
Additionally, Almased® has a great
Almased® is a well suited protein
uric acid through the urine, people at
"side effect": A study with overweight
source for people with gout.
risk for gout should always ensure an
The soy protein in Almased® has been
patients has shown that a diet includ-
alkaline counterbalance, for instance
enriched with valuable soy isolate
ing Almased® not only has a supportive
Gout is the result of an increased uric
by drinking lots of water rich in
which makes it especially suitable for a
influence on the metabolism but also
acid level. Uric acid is produced by the
hydrogen carbonate and minerals.
diet low in purines. To ensure a suffi-
on the regulation of inflammation.3
breakdown of purine in the body, en-
dogenous and exogenous. Food with
Not all purines act in the same harmful
high protein content, especially animal
manner: Soy is a purine-rich food.
protein, contains a lot of purine. But
Nevertheless, studies show an in-
certain carbohydrates also increase the
creased uric acid clearance for soy
risk of developing gout. People who
as well as for milk.1
have gout or are at risk for developing
protein source for people suffering from gout, especially the valuable soy isolate that is in Almased®.
1 " Milk- and soy-protein ingestion: acute effect on serum uric acid concentration"; Garrel D R et al.;
Am J CUn Nutr, 1991, 53 (3): 665-69.
2 " Effect of Tofu (bean curd) ingestion and on uric acid metabolism in healthy and
gouty subjects"; Yarnakita J et al.; Adv Exp Med Biol 1998, 431: 839-42.
3 " Influence of a defined reduction diet on body composition, metabolism and inflammation regulation"; Walther W
et al.; German Journal of Sports Medicine 51, 2000, Nr. 1: 39.
This is how it works
This is how it works: Weight loss according to plan
The four phases of the Almased® diet – applied to a
Delicious recipes for healthy meals can be found in the
two-week program. All phases can be extended.
Almased® Figure Plan: The 14-Day Program.
1. Starting Phase - Day 1-3
Three Almased® shakes per day, each prepared
to drink plenty of fluids (ten to twelve cups per
The metabolism is reset to increase
with water, skim milk or soya milk are ideal.
day). This flushes out acidic by-products that
During this phase you should have as few
are released while the body breaks down fat.
the fat burning process.
carbo hydrates as possible. Bread, rice, pasta,
Water (ideally mineral-rich), unsweetened tea
potatoes, sugary drinks (soda, fruit juice, beer)
or one to two cups of coffee are recommend-
and sweets are off-limits. Since the body detox-
ed. It is ideal to begin the phase on a weekend.
ifies heavily during this phase, it is important
The recipes for regular meals are low in car-
cially important in the evening, avoiding
2. Reduction Phase - Day 4-7
bohydrates so that the fat burning process
high-carb side dishes (bread, potatoes, rice,
Now you burn the fat. Two
can work at its best. If having your regular
pasta) can speed up the weight loss process.
Almased® shakes as well as one
meal for dinner instead of lunch fits your
This applies to the evening meals in all
regular meal per day are ideal.
lifestyle better, you can exchange them.
phases. Please avoid snacking. This will
Since a low intake of carbohydrates is espe-
further increase the fat burning process.
This phase is meant to stabilize the metabo-
suggestions from the Life Phase and have
3. Stability Phase - Day 8-10
lism on a level where fat is actively burned.
your Almased® shake either for lunch or
Now we ensure that the metabolism
In this phase, you should have one Almased®
dinner. For best results, drink Almased®
continues to function ideally.
shake and eat two regular meals. You can
in the evening.
exchange the Almased® shake for any meal. For example, choose one of the breakfast
During the Life Phase, you can have three
continue losing weight, you should eat fewer
4. Life Phase
regular meals per day. Avoid eating snacks.
sides for dinner or avoid them altogether.
Three regular meals and
To keep the metabolism active, 50 g of
If you want to extend the Reduction Phase
one Almased® shake daily –
Almased® (= one serving) should be taken
or the Stability Phase, you may do so.
live life to the fullest.
daily in addition. You can have Almased® with breakfast, consume it as a drink or add it to your cold cereal. If you want to
Learn more about Almased®
Find more information in our FREE brochures,
by contacting us or visiting our website.
Figure Plan
Almased® Wellness Tea
The 14-day Programme to lose weight with
The Almased® Wellness Tea is the perfect
Call Almased UK at 020 7969 1886 or
Almased® is available for FREE at
complement to the Almased® Synergy Diet.
visit our website at www.almased.co.uk
your pharmacy or health food store or
The tea is a blend of select all-natural
for more information.
for download at www.almased.co.uk.
herbs, including whitethorn, elder blossom, marjoram, woodruff and celery. The tea
Important information for you, the retailer
is naturally caffeine-free and promotes
is also available for FREE.
restfulness and sleep.
Reduce weight, inches
Customers who have been on a diet
and fat with Almased®
before know about the dreaded yo-yo eff ect.
Starving, losing weight, eating normal
• Retains muscle mass while
again only to re-gain the lost weight.
burning fat and losing weight.
Scientifi cally proven Almased® makes it
• Optimises the metabolism
possible to break this vicious cycle and
enable your customers to take the fi rst step
• Keeps blood sugar balanced.
towards permanent weight loss. Choose
Retailer Information
Almased® for your customers
• Keeps thyroid function balanced.
selling Diet-Product
.simply because it works!
• Lowers high insulin, ghrelin
in Germany
To your customers health,
(appetite) and Leptin levels.
New in the
• Works as an antioxidant for
the maintenance of good health.
• Diabetes friendly - Low glycaemic index,
André TrouilléOwner, Almased UK Ltd.
extremely low glycaemic load.
Almased Supports
It‘s healthy and eff ective
.and no yo-yo effect!
Through various FREE
Almased® customer in-
struction brochures and
extensive Almased®
information online at
Nationwide media and
advertising campaigning.
Let us know you stock Almased® in your store and we will refer custom-ers to you through our online store locator.
Retailer Leaflet_05.indd 1
Source: http://www.diabetes.co.uk/downloads/external/Almased_Science%20Brochure_UK_01.pdf
Microsoft word - neuro-fuzzy_measurement_2014_v5_revision.doc
Viharos, Zs. J.; Kis K. B.: Survey on Neuro-Fuzzy Systems and their Applications in Technical Diagnostics and Measurement, Measurement, Vol. 67., 2015., pp. 126-136., (doi: http:// dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.measurement.2015.02.001), SCI, Impact Factor: 1.526. Survey on Neuro-Fuzzy Systems and their Applications in Technical Diagnostics and Measurement
Neuromuscular Update II: Mind the Gap! Between Theory and Practice Andrew J. Skalsky, MD Bassam A. Bassam, MD Anthony A. Amato, MD Amanda C. Peltier, MD Gerald J. Herbison, MD Björn E. Oskarsson, MD AANEM 60th Annual Meeting San Antonio, Texas Copyright © October 2013 American Association of Neuromuscular