Marys Medicine

INDIVIDUALIZED STRATEGIES AGAINST WIDESPREAD DISEASESWith ‘personalized medicine' against cancer, diabe-tes, heart attacks, etc.
PICTURE: Thinkstock ResearchThe three large universi- Styria as a Pioneer of About Bone Hormones, ties in Graz cooperate the ‘Third Biomedical Glucose Metabolism and

From Idea to InnovationInnovation does not just fall out of the as many industrial fields of strength. sky, but rather is a product of many This alone would not suffice however: factors. Styria is the best example of like the human brain, networking is cru- this: with its five universities, two uni- cial. Styria is a frontrunner in regional versities of applied sciences, numerous and international cooperation and thus competence centers and non-university continuously produces successful pro- institutions, it has an extremely dense ducts and processes. landscape of research offerings as well Dr� Robert Gfrerer Prof� Thomas Pieber Managing Director Medical University of Graz and Human Technology Cluster Joanneum Research, Health "Styria has been and continues to be a "We have known about biomarkers for pioneer in the ‘Third Biomedical Rev- hundreds of years – but now we have olution' – namely the convergence of technology platforms like proteomics or life sciences, natural sciences and engi- metabolomics available to us with which neering. The Styria we can search for biomarkers broadly Cluster, acting as a hub between busi- and systematically. In the past, biomark- ness, science and local policy, will in the ers could only be derived using a theo- future work together with scientific and retical or animal model, which often led business partners to promote the imple- researchers down the wrong track. With mentation of concrete projects and the these new technologies available to our international visibility of Styria. New ho- research partners in Graz, it is now possi- rizons are opening, especially in the area ble to systematically search for biomark- of biomarker research – beginning with ers. This is a real opportunity to better the K-Project BioPersMed. The Cluster understand disease, to detect it earlier, will stand fully behind all future activ- to better assess its progress, as well as ities from which the regional economy the reaction to treatment. Through this, will sustainably and substantially profit." we can develop better therapies for our patients." PICTURE: Medical University of Graz, HTS, Thinkstock Individual Strategies Against Widespread Diseases With ‘personalized medicine' against cancer, diabetes, heart attacks, etc.
A cancer diagnosis – a scenario most peo- together with the University of Graz, the ple fear. Cancer, along with widespread Graz University of Technology and Joan- diseases like heart attacks or diabetes, neum Research. Along with national and counts as one of the most common caus- international biotechnology companies, es of death in the Western world. It is no valuable contributions and new findings wonder then that research worldwide is in cancer research can be expected.
running at full speed. "The current state of knowledge of the genesis mechanism Prof� Hellmut Samonigg and function of cancer cells has grown The Basis of Biomarker Medical University of Graz exponentially in the recent years. This detailed knowledge has enabled for the "The expansive research field of using first time in the history of tumor treat- The basis of personalized medicine is bio- biomarkers for prognosis and prediction ment the development of targeted med- marker research. What do we mean with has been a central research area in the Di- ications for the purpose of applications the term ‘biomarker'? Biomarkers are vision of Oncology at the Medical Univer- in personalized medicine", explains Prof. ‘biological indicators' that deliver infor- sity of Graz for many years. Thanks to one Hellmut Samonigg, head of the Division mation about the condition of the human of the biggest biobanks in Europe being of Oncology at the University Hospital organism. Blood values could be seen as housed at the Med Uni, as well as the use of a longstanding serum bank in the Divi- Samonigg continues by explaining that "For an endocrinologist and diabetolo- sion of Oncology with over 270,000 sam- "despite these advances, there remain gist, it is interesting that biomarker re- ples, research is done continuously. This as always many open questions regard- search is now so current, because we've research has been embedded in a tight, ing pathogenic risk, disease progression, been working with biomarkers for more interdisciplinary network of cooperation as well as disease controllability. The than 100 years. Endocrinology is the between different clinical institutions, cooperative biomarkers research field field of hormone research, and hormones and especially non-clinical institutes at is continuously developing and growing are classic biomarkers", explains Prof. the Med Uni Graz and other universities." The Center for Knowledge and Technology Transfer in Medicine (ZWT) on the new Med Campus Graz will act as a ‘Life Science Incubator' for university spin-offs. Thomas Pieber, head of the Division of Endo- The essential requirement for conduct- Styrian employs roughly 10,500 people crinology and Metabolism at the University ing biomarker research is known as a and generates approximately 2.4 billion Hospital Graz. Biomarker research has tradi- biobank – where human biological sam- Euros in revenue per year. tionally also played a large role in cardiology.
ples (eg. tissue and blood samples) as Cooperation between international indus- It is for that reason that modern biomarker well as medical data are collected and try and researchers on site is of course research is so important in that it enables can then be analyzed in the context of a also especially important (see page --). Dr. early detection of disease. Another impor- controlled study. The Medical University Dagmar Kasper from the British diagnos- tant aspect of biomarker research besides of Graz houses one of Europe's biggest bi- tic company Immunodiagnostic Systems early disease detection is the continuous obanks and in autumn of this year, a Eu- (IDS) describes Graz as a "quickly grow- monitoring of a disease. This is what makes ropean coordination center for biobanks ‘individualized therapy' possible. Thomas (known as the BBMRI) will be moving to Pieber reports from his research experience Graz. Infrastructure of this kind is what explaining that "current biomarker research makes synergies and new innovation in is especially fascinating because you have research possible.
a set of symptoms from all important areas and it was not previously known that bio-marker research had been playing a decisive Styria as a research role. Based on this research, we know today that bone is an important organ with respect In the Styrian capital of Graz, the tradi- tion of biomarker research is as expan- .are biologically measurable units like "The European BBMRI sive as it is long. Within the K-Project enzymes, hormones, genes, etc., which BioPersMed, these activities were inten- can enable early detection and individu- headquarters makes sified and concentrated (see page 12). al therapy for diseases.
Graz a biobanking In addition, the collaboration between universities and research institutes has .are biological molecules that can a long tradition in Styria. Through Bio- be found in blood, other bodily fluids Prof. Kurt Zatloukal, TechMed (see page 10), activities in the or tissues and can indicate abnormal Medical University of Graz life sciences and human technologies processes or diseases.
at the 3 large Styrian universities – the University of Graz, the Medical Univer- .are used to see how well the body re- one can more easily provide information sity of Graz and the Graz University of acts to a particular treatment of disease.
about a patient's medical condition and Technology – are pooled and made inter- nationally visible.
.play a central role in ‘personalized "Interestingly, the heart also releases mes- The collaboration between business and medicine'. This means determining a sengers that are measurable in the blood industry is also a proven success – a cat- customized therapy for the patient, and indicate heart congestion", adds Prof. alyst and hub between business, science tracking the effectiveness of the treat- Burkert Pieske, head of the Division of Car- and local policy, the Human Technology ment and identifying individual disease diology at the University Hospital Graz. "It Cluster founded in 2004 (see page 13) is progression using minimally invasive is through the measurement of so-called currently made up of 78 businesses, uni- BNP-levels that myocardial insufficiency can versities and research institutions. The now be identified." entire human technology landscape in Biobanks are a vital basis for biomarker research – Graz is home to one of the biggest in Europe.
Discovered in Graz: The Impact of ‘Galectin-3' Prof. Burkert Pieske, head of the Division of Cardiology at the University Hospital Graz describes a very special discovery: "In a large cohort we were studying a biomarker called Galectin-3. Galectin-3 is produced in the body ing location with an elaborate concept during fibrotic restructuring processes, and plan. The pillars of success can be which can play an adverse role in the seen both in the support by the Province cardiovascular system. We are able to of Styria as well as through the active en- easily stop such fibrotic restructuring gagement of competent researchers and processes through time-tested medi- clinicians on site. This success is then cations. But the medications of course secured through close collaboration be- always have side effects and for that tween industry and the biobank." Prof� Burkert Pieske reason we must only use them on Medical University of Graz patients who would especially profit from them." "Biomarker research has traditionally Pieske continues by saying that "in a lar- played a very big role in cardiology. In ger cohort we have now seen whether A particularly promising field in the de- Graz, together with several other cen- Galectin-3 predicts an adverse clinical tection and intelligent use of biomarkers ters worldwide, we play a leading role outcome in patients with diastolic heart is diabetes research. Type 1 diabetes is in early detection, evaluation of disease failure. This turned out to be the case. a sickness wherein the immune system progression and individualized therapy. On this basis, we submitted an EU appli- destroys insulin-producing cells. "The This is because we have been successful cation for a study to investigate whether treatment is clear: the missing hormone in establishing large patient cohorts who these patients with high Galectin-3 insulin must be replaced", explains were either at risk for cardiovascular levels would profit from spironolactone, diabetologist Thomas Pieber. "The in- diseases or had already manifested a an antifibrotic medication. We will begin teresting question is why some people disease, enabling us to research either this prospective international study get type 1 diabetes and not others, and new biomarkers or else combinations this year. If it turns out to be true that whether the disease can be diagnosed of previously-known biomarkers. Due to patents with elevated Galectin-3 levels before its onset. That would really be a the fact that we can follow these cohorts in their blood profit from an antifibrotic breakthrough because then using cer- over many years, it is possible to conduct myocardial insufficiency therapy, it tain measures, you could prevent type 1 the most modern biomarker research on would be a very good example of perso- diabetes from ever occurring." a very well-defined patient collective. nalized medicine." This is unique worldwide, and we want to further develop this cohort research." PICTURE: Biobank Graz, Private collection, ZWT Dr� Christian Buchmann Mag� Kristina Edlinger-Ploder Mag� Franz Voves Minister of Economy, Minister of Science and Research, Governor of Styria Europe and Culture Health and Health Management Hermann SchützenhöferDeputy Governor of Styria Highlight of the New perspectives European business Medicine is the for the local driving Keyword of Our Time force of innovation With 4.3%, Styria has the highest quota Styria's research landscape is informed Styria, with its research quota of 4.3%, is of research and development in Austria. by many university and non-university not only a frontrunner in Austria, but is This places Styria in the top segment of research institutions and their discipli- also vice-European champion in the fu- research and development among the nary diversity. One area in which this ture-oriented innovation sector. The basis 274 European regions and contributed to interdisciplinarity is especially pro- for this success is the harmonious and Styria's awarding of the title of European nounced is health and human technol- highly productive interaction between Entrepreneurial Region 2013 by the EU's ogy, which represents one of the theme basic research, found in Styria's five Committee of the Regions.
corridors of the new research strategy of universities and universities of applied A large part of the success in Styria is the Province of Styria.
sciences, and its practical application in due to cooperation between scientific The deep entrenchment of this subject Styrian industry. Science and industry institutions and innovative businesses. area is apparent, for example, in Bio- work together in a tight network in the The economic portfolio of the Province TechMed, an initiative to foster coopera- context of the 22 of 50 Austria-wide com- of Styria supports such cooperations in tion and networking among the Universi- petence centers to strongly position Styr- a multitude of ways: for the topic area of ty of Graz, the Medical University of Graz ia as an international frontrunner in the human technology, a cluster was found- and the Graz University of Technology at core areas of mobility, materials, eco- and ed to support businesses; there are also the interface of biomedical basics, tech- health-technology. competence centers which act as the nological developments and medical ap- Networking, however, also applies to re- perfect framework for collaboration on plications. This cross-cutting issue is also search institutions themselves, and here innovative projects between science and being tackled by Joanneum Research the Styrian Conference on Higher Edu- industry; and through the establishment and the Joanneum University of Applied cation as well as the inter-university co- of the ZWT, the Centre for Knowledge operation BioTechMed represent further and Technology Transfer in Medicine on Personalized medicine is the keyword of milestones for Styrian research develop- the Medical University of Graz campus. our time. The research on this subject ment's path to success. In the future, this will become the beat- originating from Graz is leading world- Especially in health technology it is im- ing heart of biomarker research with one wide. Even more important, however, is portant to have an advance in knowl- of the goals being to convert the research continued expansion and it is a good sign edge, not least because of the backdrop into effective practice in the form of per- that all higher-ups in Styria stand behind of societal and demographic change. sonalized medicine. In order to reach this this exceptional focal point. Based on The K-Project BioPersMed is opening goal, all departments are supporting this my initiative we created and financed new perspectives in this field that will project, therefore, continuously fostering a series of calls entitled HumanTechnol- not only boost local innovation but also Styria's leading role as Austria's innova- ogyInterface (HTI), leading to intensive strengthen Styria's quality of life.
tion province.
research in said areas at Styrian univer- sities and research institutions.
PICTURE: Melbinger University of Graz Medical University of HEALTH Institute for Bio- medicine and Health Sciences JOANNEUM RESEARCH Office of the dean Graz University of Technology „MEDICAL SCIENCE CITY GRAZ" Graz University Hospital Center for Medical Internal Medicine Center for Knowledge and Technology Transfer in Medicine Medical University of Graz The ZWT as a ‘business incubator'The Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer in Medicine (ZWT), established by the Styrian Business Promotion Agency (SFG) and the Medical University of Graz (MUG), is the first Austrian technology and research center to be completely phys-ically and organizationally integrated into a university campus. Once it is in full operation, 10,000 m2 of lab and office space will be made available for research facilities, spin-offs and new human-technology companies. Likewise, the ZWT is the first step towards the new MED CAMPUS Graz. The ZWT will offer an ideal location for collaboration between companies and researchers. Once it is running at full speed in May 2014, the ZWT will give rise to 250 new, highly qualified positions. Biomarker Research Industry and Science With a research and development quota of 4.3%, Styria is the most innovative province in Austria and counts among the top regions in Europe. The synergetic collaboration between industry and science is an additional outstanding feature of Styria.
4.3 research quota in % research expenditure in billions of € higher education institutions non-university research facilities competence centers and projects grandaunts in a technical discipline active businesses share of academics in % 183 large businesses31 innovation centers Medical University of Graz University of Graz Graz University of Technology University of Music and Performing Arts Graz University of Leoben University of Applied Sciences FH Joanneum University of Applied Sciences FH Campus 02 University of Teacher Education Styria Source: Department of the Styrian Provincial Government A 12 – Business Catholic University College for Education Graz and Innovation Unit "Country and People in Numbers & Facts", Graz 2013 Top Level Research, Through BioTechMed, the activities in the life sciences and human technologies at the three large Styrian universities are pooled and made internationally visible.
• Molecular Biomedicine• Neuroscience BioTechMed-Graz considers itself an in- The goals of BioTechMed-Graz are: • Pharmaceutical and Medical itiative to strengthen top level research and networking between the University • The elevation of international visi- • Quantitative Biomedicine and of Graz, the Medical University of Graz and the Graz University of Technolo- • The promotion of top level research gy. The cooperation founded in 2011 The BioTechMed projects will be re- operates at the interface of biomedical • The procurement of joint infrastruc- viewed in March 2013 by an established basics, technological developments and international scientific committee. medical applications with the aim of • The acquisition of external funding Details are available at performing joint research for health. Prof� Christa Neuper, Rector with Prof� Josef University of Graz "BioTechMed creates a strong incentive for research. The joint infrastructure and work not only pool resources but also make research competence and innova- tive strength in Graz more international-ly visible. Interdisciplinary collaboration creates a closed chain – from biomedical basics to technological developments Graz is becoming the to medical applications that benefit pa-tients. Even up-and-coming scientists profit from the unique Austria-wide co- "Medical Science City" operations and are given the chance to get involved in top-class research pro-jects and to network with non-university research facilities." Botenstoff: In your opinion as medical comparison? Where do the research prior-doctor, what are some impacts of biomark- ities lie? er research? Smolle: The Medical University of Graz Smolle: Biomarker research is the basic focuses primarily on cardiovascular re-prerequisite for personalized medicine. search, cancer research and neuroscience With biomarkers, you can identify at first as well as widespread diseases like diabe- glance uniformly appearing disease enti- tes and metabolic diseases. The K-Project ty subgroups which in turn provide dif- BioPersMed is an excellent large-scale ferent therapeutic points of application. project in this area. The two Ludwig Boltz- Consequently, customized therapies for mann Institutes for both Lung Vascular patients will be enabled. The critical basic Research and Translational Heart Failure infrastructure for biomarker research is Research must also be mentioned. In the the biobank – and one of the largest in Eu- medium-term, we are developing into the rope can be found in Graz at the Medical Medical Science City Graz because we Prof� Harald Kainz University. In autumn of 2013, the Europe- have excellent clinical infrastructure that Rector of the Graz University of an coordination center for biobanks (BB- is being enlarged through the LKH 2020 MRI) will be moving to Graz. In general program, the Med Campus houses our it can be said that modern medicine with theoretical institutes, and diverse core "In BioTechMed, we, together with the the accompanying highly developed basic facilities will have access to direct collabo- Medical University of Graz and the Uni- medicine has become not only disparately ration through the new Center for Knowl- versity of Graz, are trying to create a visi- more effective but also gentler and with edge and Technology Transfer in Medicine ble beacon of research at the interface of fewer side effects.
humans, medicine and technology. Many Botenstoff: What role will the Medical of the questions and challenges of the fu- University of Graz play in an international ture demand an interconnection of disci-plines – cooperation is the key word, and it plays out especially effectively in Graz. As the BioTechMed-trio, together we can acquire and use valuable infrastructure." Progress arises today mainly at the this combination, BioTechMed is es; TU Graz; Med Uni Graz interface of diverse scientific disci- especially attractive both for basic plines – the collaboration between research as well as for translational, medicine, the natural sciences and praxis-oriented research. Finally, the technology presents exceptional pos- pooling of strengths ensures a par- sibilities to our research hub. Through ticularly efficient use of funds.
FOTO: Lunghammer; cp pictur About Bone Hormones, Glucose Metabolism and FertilityCurrent developments in the K-Project BioPersMed Using ‘visual analytics' to deal with information overload Biomedical research generates a flood of data which is almost unmanageable for researchers who are using traditional In 2010 the Medical University of Graz ously unsuspected hormone systems from methods. Visual analytics deliver new, began the K-Project BioPersMed where- bone (!) control insulin release in the pan- computer-based visualization tools that in they pooled their biomarker research creas and, furthermore, that the synthesis make information visible and intuitively activities and decisively pushed forward. of testosterone in testicular cells might be comprehensible. The team of Prof. Dieter The goal of BioPersMed (‘Biomarkers for influenced by the ‘hormone' vitamin D. Schmalstieg at the Graz University Personalised Medicine in Common Meta- This interaction offers not only numerous of Technology has been successfully bolic Disorders') is the development of bio- insights into important signaling path- working for years with partners at the markers – biologically measurable entities ways and new biomarkers, but likely also Medical University of Graz in the area like enzymes, hormones, genes, etc. – that new therapeutic approaches." of visual analytics for molecular biol- can enable the early detection and indi- And what kind of future prospects do the ogy and is developing a free software vidual treatment of widespread diseases researchers in question see? "The prospec- platform called Caleydo. Details can be like diabetes, heart attacks , osteoporosis tive cohorts with cardiological, endocrin- found at
ological and hepatological data achieved through the cooperation between the LKH University Hospital's clinical departments The expansion of the p r o j e c t and the Biobank Graz has achieved the optimal conditions for recording targeted K Project will lead to B a r b a r a interactions between the diseases. The storage and finally the analysis of valua- an increased inter- ble samples and data allows for the direct K-Project, cancer research will also be in- national presence of and the combination of data with cross-sectional volved as well as other fields relevant to studies, as well as highly relevant rand- biomarker research such as nephrology, Graz as a research omized clinical trials. Through this, the pediatrics and pre-clinical institutes. All of K-Project in cooperation with the Biobank which will lead to a better usage of clinical Graz can generate health economics stud- cohorts, further cohort expansion and an ies on diagnostic tests and treatment deci- increased international presence for the report on the most recent developments sions in order to obtain some indication of city of Graz. Alongside diagnostic compa- in the project: "among the many exciting to what extent new biomarkers can con- nies, firms working in the area of therapy research results include the surprising tribute to an improvement of health care development will be able to get involved, link between bone hormones, glucose me- and optimal socio-economic budgeting." in turn strengthening Styria as a business tabolism and fertility. It appears that previ- Through the further development of the PICTURE: Med Uni Graz / BioPersMed; ZET Dr� Dagmar Kasper, International Business Manager, Life Science, Immunodiagnostic Systems (IDS) Growing quickly – the epicenter with the elaborate concept Pioneer in the Third Biomedical Botenstoff: How do you assess the rese-arch epicenter of Graz/Styria in an inter- national comparison? Where do you see its distinctiveness?Kasper: Graz/Styria as a research epicenter is a quickly growing location with an elaborate concept and plan. The Companies from the Professors from the prestigious universi- pillars of its success include support from Human Technology ty MIT refer to the "convergence of life the Province of Styria as well as through sciences, natural sciences and engineer- the active engagement of the competent Cluster count among ing" as the "third biomedical revolution", researchers and clinicians on site. This named after molecular- and cell biology success is then secured through close col- the worldwide lead- developments between the 50s and 70s laboration between industry and the bio- and then the Human Genome Project of bank. This combination is the distinctive ers in innovation.
the 90s. A regional response to this in- feature as well as the basic requirement ternational trend was the Human Tech- for the visible study of clinically relevant nology Cluster with their three strategic corridors established in 2010, specifi- Botenstoff: What have your experiences cally ‘Pharmaceutical Engineering and been so far with the BioPersMed project? Production Processes', ‘Advanced Bio- Kasper: The experience of Immunodia- medical Sensor Technologies and Biome- gnostic Systems (IDS) in the project has chanics' and ‘Biobanking and Biomarker been very positive. Exchanges have been The end of 2004 saw the go-ahead for active and competent and have enabled a the Human Technology Cluster. In April Currently, science is following this in- perpetual and mutual growth in ideas and of 2005, the strategy in the form of the ternational trend where the fields of studies. This has so far led to the expan- ‘Declaration of Graz' was presented. In life sciences, natural sciences and engi- sion of fields of application of available the meantime, the number of members neering converge: in the framework of biomarkers and to the characterization of in the Cluster has reached 78. Within BioTechMed the three largest Styrian biomarkers in various diseases and sam- 8 years, the Cluster has succeeded in universities (the University of Graz, the making a name for itself as a global Graz University of Technology and the Botenstoff: From the perspective of a player and establishing Styria inter- Medical University of Graz) are cooperat- company, where is development headed nationally as an epicenter of highly ing at the interface of biomedical basics, with respect to biomarker research? developed engineering and biosciences. technological developments and medical Kasper: Biomarkers will obtain a central Three strategic corridors will continue to application (for details see p. 10). "Act- role in personalized medicine. This is true be developed, namely ‘Pharmaceutical ing as a hub between industry, science in determining customized therapies for Engineering and Production Processes', and local policy, the human technology patients, tracking the success of a treat- ‘Advanced Biomedical Sensor Technolo- cluster will in the future together with ment, and identifying individual disease gies and Biomechanics' and ‘Biobanking industry- and scientific partners lead progress using minimally invasive me- and Biomarker Technologies'. The total the implementation of concrete projects thods. Graz can be expected to become a core field has reached 10,500 employees as well as growing Styria's international considerable force within their fields of and 2.4 billion Euros of revenue.
visibility", explains Dr. Robert Gfrerer, expertise (cardiovascular, liver diseases, Managing Director of the Cluster, "be- endocrinology and neuroscience, among cause Styria has been and continues to be a pioneer in this ‘third biomedical revolution'".
Prof� Kurt Zatloukal Prof� Johannes Haybäck Prof� Frank Madeo Medical University of Graz Medical University of Graz The University of Graz "Our present-day understanding of di- "Tumor biomarkers are substances or "Aging is a primary risk factor in cancer. seases, like the majority of the currently chemical processes that demonstrate An organism's metabolic changes, cau- available diagnostic methods and medi- their presence through cancer in the sed by genetics or especially through cations, is based on the systematic inve- body. A biomarker can be both a mole- nutrition and lifestyle, have massive stigation of human biological samples cule, which was directly secreted by the repercussions on aging and carcinoge- and medical data. With regard to ethical cancer, as well as a specific reaction of nesis. The molecular and metabolic me- and legal frameworks, biobanks safegu- the body to the cancer. Genetic and pro- chanisms of this phenomenon are largely ard access to quality-defined healthy and teomic markers are common in the eve- not understood. Through the intensive diseased biological samples and the ac- ryday clinical routine for detecting diffe- collaboration of our research group (Uni- cording data. The Medical University of rent types of cancer. They are especially versity of Graz) with the research group Graz is equipped with one of the biggest important in the analysis of biomarkers of Prof. Thomas Pieber (MUG and Joan- biobanks in Europe and has coordinated for disease diagnosis, estimating progno- neum Research), we are beginning to be the planning of the Biobanking and Bi- sis, and determining the resulting treat- able to translate metabolic biomarker omolecular Resources Research Infra- ment plan for a patient's tumor. research into a causal understanding of structure (BBMRI), which will establish The National Cancer Institute defines a metabolomics. This will only be possible their European headquarters in Graz in biomarker as a biological molecule that through continued interdisciplinary re- 2013. Through this, Graz can become a can be found in blood, other bodily fluids search that integrates the University of European ‘hot spot' for biobanking and or tissue and indicates abnormal pro- Graz and the Medical University of Graz. cesses or disease. A biomarker is used The synergies that arise break through to see how well the body reacts to the the barrier between molecular biology treatment of a disease." and medicine, something demonstrated through multiple high-ranking publica-tions." PICTURE: Med Uni Graz, Private How can you become an HTS cooperation RESPONSIBILITY FOR CONTENT: Styria GmbH Reininghausstraße 13, 8020 Graz In a one-on-one meeting, we can inform you specifically about DI Dr. techn. Robert Gfrerer, MPH, Mag. Gertraud Krug, the services, activities and conditions of the Mag. Andrea Wutte EDITOR: Franz Zuckriegl, MBA / 21st Channels GmbH DI Dr� Techn� Robert Gfrerer, MPH LAYOUT: Advertising Agency Rubikon GmbH, CIRCULATION: 1,500 Mag� Andrea Wutte TRANSLATION: Monica Farrell, MPA Business Development PUBLICATION FREQUENCY: at least quarterly Biobank & Biomarker Technology [email protected] Articles in which the author is named do not necessarily reflect Human�technology Styria Gmbh the views of the editor / publisher. The use of female pronouns Reininghausstraße 13, 8020 Graz for gender-specific terms was partially waived for the purpose of Using the QR reader on T +43 (0)316 58 70 16 enabling fluidness in reading and speaking. All personal terms are your smartphone you can F +43 (0)316 58 70 16 - 16 meant to be understood as gender neutral, i.e. masculine and receive the online version of this issue of Botenstoff.
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Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology, 2009; 44: 11861190 Effect of fat emulsion (Fabuless) on orocecal transit timein healthy men ARVO HAENNI1, BIRGITTA SUNDBERG2, NAHID YAZDANPANAH3,ANNIKA VIBERG4 & JOHAN OLSSON2 1Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences, Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2KPLGood Food Practice AB, Uppsala, Sweden, 3DSM Food Specialties, Delft, The Netherlands, and 4DSM, Food Specialties,Stockholm, Sweden