Marys Medicine


Pg 1 - 2013:pg 1 2013

TON KEYNES Angling Association
For 2013 -'14
Society of responsible anglers founded in 1970.
Members of the Angling Trust and UOFCA
JUST a few of the sort of catches keeping MKAA members happy (left to right)  Duncan Menzies 7-6 Stone
Park chub  Pete Barby sunny afternoon 24lb Furzton mirror  Pete Patton 57-6 Lodge bream match catch
A WILLEN WHOPPER! And one which REALLY set the carp-catchers' grapevine buzzing.
Sam's 39-10 shows
stocking paying off
 Jack Leeman became MKAA's latest
national champion at the age of 17.
Fishing for MKAA's squad in the Angling What a stunning fish! And this
Trust intermediate national championship leviathan's capture – back in
on a commercial, he stormed to the late April – REALLY lit the
individual title with almost 79lb of carp.
Team manager Ian Greenhood said: "Jack Just six ounces shy of 40lb at 39-10, Willen's
largest authenticated capture (so far) adds
almost TWO clear pounds to MKAA's carp
record, a 37-13 from Caldecotte two years
back (which had upstaged a 35-8 from
Furzton two years before that).
And for captor Sam Willis (superb picture by
Jason Partlow) banking it on a Sunday
 Sam Willis – looking like a man who has just woken
morning came as just reward for 'sticking out'
up in angling heaven – with his Willen 39-10
a miserable week of bitter winds and frosts on
wide-open Willen's 150 acres.
balancing lakes, north and south) was
While so many other carpers were waiting for
created in the early 70s and has had
warmer weather to start their campaigns, he
More EA fish for our rivers
numerous MKAA stockings – sometimes in
and Jason fished four unproductive days
partnership with the Parks Trust.
 Environment Agency fisheries officers have, over the before the latter gave it best.
past two years, poured thousands and thousands of junior Several thousand fast-growing ‘Supacarp'
Sam fished on. Jason said: "He kept moving
barbel – plus some chub, dace and roach – into the Upper of a few ounces were added six to seven
swims as the wind changed direction, and
Ouse and Ouzel.
years back, and many of those are now in
ended up in the one where he had started."
They have come from the EA's Notts fish rearing facility the mid to late 20s!
and are part of planned moves to rejuvenate both rivers.
The biggie, hooked in a four foot deep swim,
The one Sam had likely entered the lake
apart the weekend saw Sam also net a 24-2, a
And following a three-year research project on the Ouse – best part of a decade ago, as part of half-
part-funded by MKAA and UOFCA (Upper Ouse Fisheries 10 and an 8.
a-ton of doubles purchased when a BW
Consultative Association) – the EA team have been up to A 'known' fish the 39-10 is thought to have
reservoir was being cleared.
their twiddly bits in cold river water working to improve put on, despite the harsh winter, some two
And they, too, are still growing 
spawning habitats for all species.
pounds since last summer. And as a number
They've also cracked down on licence evasion and ‘fish of other known fish were visibly larger than it
thieves' locally, while dealing with fish-kills and pollution
back then, the odds on a Willen 40 some time
and bringing surplus fish to our stillwaters from elsewhere. Otters? We have to deal with a
soon are probably better than ever before.
All part of what your rod licence pays for 
much wider problem. See page 4
Willen Lake (actually two flood-relief
Want to know more - or BUY ON-LINE? Call 01908 270000 / 07759 129800 . or visit
Newsline 2013/14 Page 2 MILTON KEYNES AA.
The ‘cut' - you never know what it will turn up next
If any MKAA water can be relied on to
never seen again) MKAA Ouse back of Br'dll Lake come up with a few fish when
Below Dave: part of two
everywhere else seems dead, it has to be
stockings with £1,000-
Brad'll Lake the good old Grand Union Canal.
worth of small but fast
On good days – and nights – it is everything growing ‘supa carp'
from a fantastic match venue to an out and MKAA has added to the
out specci water.with a huge amount of cut to help balance loss of
leisure fishing potential in between.
fish due to old age.
On the coldest days it will usually come up Next on the list is to add
with at least a few perch and gudgeon for some chub 
those who just HAVE to get out and fish forsomething.providing they can break throughthe ice, that is. And yes, ice-breaking on the cut frequentlyATTRACTS fish.
MKAA canal maps
Its consistency is underlined by the fact that– in five NFA/Angling Trust senior NationalChampionships hosted in the city so far.there progress at Fenny; right, Dave Stallward
wasn't a single dry net! with golden perch caught twice in sixdays on the Black Horse section (and And it has producednumerous 30 or near 30lb match catches(generally bream) andcarp – first introduced back in the early 70s – from 25lb to 30lb+.
It can also throw upsurprises – like MKAA's30-2 catfish record – or‘weirdies' like the‘banana' perchpictured right.
On better days – andthe canal has lots ofthem – it can be aspecialist Mecca withbig carp, pike, tench to 9 and bream over 7,perch pushing 4-8, numbers of pound-plus Dad and lad's great day out
roach.and hordes of smaller fish for peopleof all skill levels.
 It was a fun day out on the city
Over the past two seasons, among other Grand Union for dad and lad
things: James Drakulic won a league match Mark and Marcus Woolley
with 35-15 of bream at Fenny, Ernie Sattler (pictured by Steve Sharp) as Mark
won another with 21lb, Brian Hare triumphed managed a 21lb two-tone mirror
and Marcus – aged 6 – a 13!

with 16lb of slabs and, at the other end of thescale, Paul Neave once made the frame with129 fish for just 3-2-12.
On another occasion veteran Roger Strattonhad several pike to 20lb in a couple of hours‘test fishing' cheap-o lures he'd just bought.
About the only time it is likely to be a no-no is  Carp were first stocked (in when it's gin clear which, thankfully, doesn't quantity) into the local cut in the happen that often.
early 70s after a disastrous Go make the most of MKAA's 9.5 miles of local engineering foul up ‘de-watered' canal. You might be pleasantly surprised.
five miles – killing virtually all the fish Pictures: top, 5 year old Harley with his first
fish caught all by himself – a 12 ounce canal They have grown, and been caught, roach; below that, left, canal junior national in
to 35lb since. Promote your fishery or club! Under new ownership YOU may not have noticed –
yet – but last year saw prob- • Colour brochures • Leaflets • Postcards ably the biggest change in • Calendars • Day tickets • Business cards the history of British canalssince nationalisation in 1948.
• Posters • Membership cards • Adverts Carp On Baits Ltd The nation's network passed • Illustrations & maps and much more! from the government's under-funded British Waterways to for any printing please contact us Having served an apprenticeship with WhackerCatcher Products we have gained a wealth of the Canal and River Trust.
for a quote or samples experience and knowledge from many good That charitable body involves Tel: 01604 820380 anglers – and with suppliers such as Active Bait volunteers and groups across Solutions, Haiths and CC Moore, we use top the country in managing the canals, plus some river sections.
The government has cheer- range of baits or Design Your Own Bait
fully freed itself from the ex-pense – and the trust now has If YOU can't be asked to
We work with you to ensure you get the bait
to generate funding, manage you really want! upkeep.and cope with a ma- Phone or email and discuss your requirements, jor maintenance backlog.
and we will provide suggestions and samples take YOUR rubbish
So if you care for the cut and of your own bait. its fishing, get involved. Maybe do some volunteering – even if home – DON'T come to
07903 399419
Or find us at:
only ‘volunteering' your opin- Greenhill Farm ions through the focus groupssure to appear.
If we don't, don't be surprised if the new world rolls right over us as we sit on our boxes  Newsline 2013/14 Page 3 .THE VOICE OF ANGLING.
Home of big fish- that's Willen!
Mighty Willen really raised its game this On the carp front, years of stocking by MKAA,
spring – setting the local grapevine
frequently partnered by the Parks Trust, have seen buzzing when Sam Willis banked a cracking 39-
thousands and thousands of pounds worth of carp 10 common!
– some from Naseby reservoir and hordes of fast- That superb fish (pictured) put the fishery firmly on growing ‘Supa-carp' – introduced to the south top of MKAA's carp ‘ladder' – Caldecotte (best reported 37-13) and Furzton And their growth rates prove they love it there.
(best reported 35-8).
Willen can be a dauntingly vast place to fish – but Bigger fish are ‘rumoured' to have been caught can also be magic! Go give it a try. there and to have been seen in there: but Sam's The north lake is far more tranquil than the south, catch was living, recorded, indisputable proof that and don't be put off by a big blow. If you take the the water can ‘do' fish on the 40 mark.with bigger punishment then fishing into the wind off the east ones a real prospect.
bank can REALLY pay off! And increased ‘angler interest' saw numerous 20s And like most MKAA waters it is available to day and at least a couple of 30s being landed within a ticket anglers.
few weeks of Sam's catch being landed.
 3 rods permitted if you have a 3 rod ticket.
But Willen – two lakes totalling around 150 acres –  No baitboats allowed  is about more than carp alone, holding both breamand tench to double figures, good pike, perch, and No apologies for using the same picture on the
shoals of roach.
front AND page 3. It is so good it won the £100
prize in last season's MKAA photographic

Created, almost 40 years ago and initially stocked competition for Jason Partlow, who took it.
with silverfish, it has been constantly evolving and Sam Willis with 39-10 Willen common April 2013
maturing ever since.
Have a go and YOU could be this year's winner!
and don't forget the ‘wilderness' pegs near Don't expect to do that everyday. The ‘Snap' up a
the the badminton centre. shoals are notoriously nomadic.but well Lodge Lake An Angling Times league final, fished on worth trying for!
Furzton, Tear Drops and Lodge the autumn TWO rods only, traditional close season Lodge can give you a net-full of roach or a
before last saw the latter producing numerous (March 15 to June 15 inclusive) NO parking on £100 prize!
near 30 carp. Then again it might be slab-
double-figure roach bags (some pushing 20lbs) the H4 verge, and no night fishing from the six sized bream or hard fighting tench.
both in the match and in practice sessions.
pegs opposite the bungalows on the paddockswims (on the map below).and please, no On other days it can be That's what Jason Partlow did when using the bushes as a midden! gudgeon, big perch or a big  Yes, we are amused.
he sent in this picture of Sam Willis crucian. Lodge can also be a MKAA youth development  Over the past 36 months MKAA has, as
with his MKAA record carp.
cracking match venue, specci officer Nuala Gray shows part of on-going fishery improvements,
He did NOT get the prize simply water or a simple fun fishery – its how it is done with this 6lb added several hundred crucians, carp, and
because the fish was so big. He DID heaviest match-weight is 142 lbs! skimmer bream into Lodge plus – thanks to
get it because it is such a great the Environment Agency's fishery team –
An all-weather water, it has more than 5,000 small silverfish 
produced many carp topping 20 Technically excellent with nicely in the depths of winter.
balanced fill-in flash, it is the expression on Sam's face which Fish it in winter off the H4 bank clinched it – the look of a man who has and you could be in for some just opened his eyes and found superb action.
himself in angling heaven! Fishing is from more than 40 Nice one – both of you.
permanent pegs and depths varybetween 2 & 18 feet.
But ANYONE (season or day ticket) is
in with a chance of winning £100 if
Most baits work at some time – they submit a picture of their – or
someone else's
– catch or fishy
moment, to MKAA.
It doesn't have to be a huge fish,
massive bag or even include
ongwell St
V10 Brickhill St
multiple rods, bolt rigs and bivvie water.
fish.just a good picture illustrating
the magic of our sport
No night fishing. No keepnets in the interests of fish welfare.
It should capture that special MKAA has installed concrete peg markers and moment.transforming an ordinary Wolverton Mill is two tiny stormwater lakes with fishing is only allowed from the immediate vicinity picture into something special.
just over a dozen pegs between them (see map).
of those markers.
They are heaving with carp (including crucians) ofall sizes up to mid-20s – which make it a fun Traditional close season (March 15 to June 15
1) It must have been taken on an fishery for all ages.
inclusive) applies.
MKAA fishery (Emberton, Letchworth & Dominic Corkett, left, then aged 8, shows his first- Oxford shared waters included for this Have fun and keep it simple, this is NOT a Section B
ever carp – a near 10 pounder from T' Mill.
He got so excited his mum and dad had to Section A
2) Send it with FULL name, address, hold on to him to stop him going in  phone number, and description, within H6 CHI LDH Childs Way
FOUR weeks of it having been taken.
3) The winner will be chosen by MKAA executive officers (they and bailiffs CANNOT enter) and theirdecision will be final on all matters.
4) MKAA will have the right to publish pictures submitted and may retain the print/transparency/e-file for future use.
Please send your entries to: MKAA, PO Box 3195, Milton Keynes, MK3 6ZY. You can also email electronic files (DECENT size JPEG format is best) to:
PLEASE send full-size files and a phonenumber.
PLEASE DON'T disgrace the rest of us - see page 8
Good luck – enjoy your snapping as well as your fishing  Newsline 2013/14 Page 4 .IN AND AROUND.
Real-world fishery management means living with predation
Do otters kill fish? Yes. And so do quite a
cormorants can only be thinned out, not can be a bit ‘full and frank' at times.
By Trevor Johnson – Chairman, MKAA
few other things.
eliminated; fish theft by humans can never be But on fisheries both parties share a
No one can reasonably deny they've made a natural scene.but ALL are part of a situation in entirely stopped; water quality will never be common ambition: to provide the best we
massive dent in the (already small) population which fish and, to an extent indigenous perfect; pollution/abstraction will always can within the constraints of public parks.
of Upper Ouse big barbel.
waterfowl, are pretty much top of the potential happen; and fish will always be lost due to Which is why MKAA continues to spend victim list.
spawning stress.
But though they can be deeply damaging to
thousands of pounds each year on stocking some fish species populations otters alone
For any lasting fisheries benefit we have to That is NOT a suggestion that we should
and improving fisheries under its control.
are NOT, in my view, THE major threat to
tackle the whole problem – not get side-tracked stop trying to deal with such problems! But
Like MKAA, the Trust also works closely angling as we know it in local lakes and rivers.
into JUST ranting about untouchable otters.
in the short to medium term we HAVE to
find real-world solutions.

with the EA – on things ranging from fishery A whole range of factors are at work – some Is there a fisheries upside to otters? Fish-
improvement to coping with bank erosion.
incredibly destructive, and often invisible.
killing mink have dramatically declined
locally over the past couple of years,
The Trust also puts significant sums into
Otters are easy to blame – but cursing them Given that significant ‘fish losses' (above believed to have been driven out by otters.
things benefiting – not always exclusively –
for everything is just too easy.and wrong.
normal mortality rates due to old age etc) look The Parks Trust (an independent, Milton Yes fisheries could do without them. But that set to remain a fact of life, surely the practical more than it gets from anglers.
is NOT an option.
Keynes-based charitable status organisation approach has to be bolstering fishery stocks NOT in receipt of council tax or other public to better withstand damage and provide For example over the past two years it has They are BACK, fully protected by law and,
money) monitors mink numbers.and hasn't paid out for platform repairs/maintenance and massively popular with most non-anglers
come across evidence of one in 18 months.
swim clearence on Tear Drops and Lodge.
(and even a few anglers).
That is part of the reason why the
And otters' preferred food used to be eels, but Environment Agency's fishery team good
This year's work included, among other Be stupid enough to harm one.and you there are few of those locally these days. So guys are making so much effort to revitalise
things, some £7,000 worth of reed planting on would convert a mass of ‘don't knows' into they tend to go for the next most easily Ouse and Ouzel barbel stocks (see front page).
the new floodplain forest area alongside ardent anti-anglers over-night.
available meal, red signal crays.
Whitings, near Old Wolverton.
Having established that species' current Most outside of angling don't give a fig about Routine otter dropping analysis shows limited ability – due to inadequate river That big-bucks Parks Trust project is creating a fish when they see it sliding down a ‘cute, evidence of cray remains and, most of the conditions – to regularly spawn in quantity, and a network of ponds, meres and ditches cuddly thing's' throat on tv.
time, little else.
its low fry survival rates; they are physically connected directly to the Ouse – and is set to So get real. Otters are here. And we, and our
become a tremendous fish rearing area, But in really cold weather RSC burrow into the improving spawning gravels and introducing fisheries, have to learn to live with them.
continuously feeding fresh fish into the river.
banks, and otters look elsewhere.
thousands of junior barbel to use them. so that
the river can restock itself in years to come.
Among numerous other things on the Unfortunately large barbel have a tendency to But what about the rest of the picture.
Trust/MKAA table is the possible joint funding ‘lay up' in undercut slacks and are easy prey. They're also trying to improve cover for fish Cormorants, mink, human predators (not ALL in forms ranging from trailing willow fronds to of ‘drip feed' stocking of various lakes with DO RIVERS MATTER?
from Eastern Europe) and professional fish rocks and side ditches.
small fast-growing carp to help maintain and thieves also predate on fish stocks.
If you only fish for big carp in barbel, Co-incidentally such moves will benefit many boost future populations (necessary because and rivers in general, matter? Then there are the ‘invisible' but hugely species, not just barbel. although carp spawn prolifically some years, damaging factors: agricultural fertiliser Very much so. All else apart, if otters can't get they unfortunately frequently eat most of the More power to the EA's elbows (and backs).
washing into rivers and lakes, nutrients from a meal in the river – they may end up looking eggs before they can hatch). sewage treatment plants and, from the same for a torpid carp.
MKAA works hand in glove with the EA on There is also a joint MKAA/Trust venture to plants, estrogens (‘biological' washing regenerating the Upper Ouse and its tributaries Long term the ideal answer would be to
create a small, ‘commercial-style' fun fishery, powders a prime source) thought to interfere (not just the bits where it has fishing rights). minimise all the threats. But many of them
near Bletchley (hopefully open by next spring) with some fish species' ability to breed.
are insoluble – certainly in the short term.
with larger fish grown on there moved into the And red signal crayfish (RSC) eat fish eggs, fry Otters are here to stay (though their numbers We also work closely with the Parks Trust, which likes of Furzton, Willen and Caldecotte.
and invertebrates which fish need as food; and are limited by the willingness of the males to controls the majority of fishing rights in MK. Such moves, and others yet to come, are all
burrow into banks which eventually collapse.
fight to the death); RSC are unlikely to be Due to sometimes conflicting interests that part of fishery management IN THE WORLD
None of them, unlike otters, are part of the local eliminated however many we trap; relationship, though enduring and strengthening, AS IT IS.not as we would like it to be I
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Newsline 2013/14 Page 5 .MILTON KEYNES.
Tear Drops - and Emberton Park
Barely two-acres apiece, the Tear Drops hold some mighty Emberton Park is set in a world of its own –and can offer some great fish! Carp to 30lb have been caught, and there's a fair A happy Steve head of chub to 4lb+, particularly in TD number 1.
With a water-side access road right round the inside of the ‘park (please Woodley & 26-12 Winter flooding sees all four lakes occasionally become one, stick to the surfaced car parks, especially in wet weather) and a barrier Emberton mirror but each continues to exhibit distinctive characteristics. controlled entrance gate, an atmosphere of peace, tranquillity andsecurity is normally all part of the picture.
Number 1 and 4 can be great autumn and winter roach Four lakes (open all year) hold fair stocks of most common species fisheries with high double-figure bags of pound roach alwayson the cards, while number 2 holds lots of bream. Tench of – carp into the 30s, bream close to double figures and tench which 6lb+ can turn up in any of them, with slabs of a similar size.
have even been known to feed during January snow storms.
Fishing is from permanent pegs only on lakes 1, 2 & 4 (lake For many years a 9-6-0 Emberton tench held top 3 – working away from the National Bowl – is a non-fishing spot in MKAA's record list.
bird sanctuary). The ‘park river – and the backwater over by the Tear Drops can provide good sport almost any time of year, town bridge in times of winter flood – are and access is from the two car parks off Davey Avenue I deservedly popular and subject to the statutoryclose season, March 15 to June 15 .
G Tear Drop 2 has benefited from several silverfishstockings, some part-funded by our Parks Trust landlord. MKAA season tickets allow free day-time fishing (nonight fishing) and you have to pay for car access: £4 Part of a £1,000 silverfish stocking is pictured going into Tear a day April to October, £2.50 a day Oct to March.
Drop 2 (far right). Small, fast growing, ‘Supacarp' have also Season entry passes available from MK Council.
been added. Good tench currently being caught from the With a 3 rod ticket (which also means 2 EA rod ‘drops' were originally added as small fish by MKAA.
licences) you can use three rods on the big lakes I G It's one thing to catch acarp on boilie. and another More fish for
G Pictured above: IT WAS happy hour
to catch it on one you've Tear Drop 2
THREE times over for Steve Woodley and
designed and developed Gary Varty as they got among Emberton
yourself. That's what Neil Richardson (right) did with thisTear Drops 20-3 on his own- A three-hour evening spell on Grebe lake
manufacture ConceptBait saw Steve (pictured) bank this 26-12 mirror
stuff. in late November.
and an 18-9 while Gary had a 21-8.
G Bekka Corkett (below) – The pair did the business fishing pop-up
boilies over hemp along the margins.

who'd already had a 6lb StonePark chub – fished worm onTear Drop 1 for her first-evertench, which went 3-10.
Trevor Johnson (right)with 5-9 TD 4 tench. He had it on humbleworm after taking over aswim from a man who Entrance to
had tried boilies, pellets and the rest all without abite.
9.00 - 12 noon
Come in and have a chat. We know all the local waters and if we know what's
fishing we will be happy to pass on the info. We sell permits to cover 90% of
waters in MK – MKAA, NPFA, Great Linford canal, DATS, Galleon and Vauxhall
WE now sell BEDFORD Angling Club permits
Knowing the finer points.
Bait, bait and more bait.
ABU Garcia - Fox
Nash - Shakespeare - Chub
Middy - JRC - Wychwood
Masterline - Enterprise
Nash - Bait T
Cotswold Baits - Rod Hutchinson
Van Den Eynde - Crafty Catcher
rollies - rods - reels
nets - luggage
pods - spods & all the end
Hemp - sweetcorn
tackle you will need
47 Newport Road – New Bradwell – Milton Keynes – MK13 0AQ
luncheon meat - tares -
bloodworm pastes - dips -
Newsline 2013/14 Page 6 Newsline 2013/14 Page 7 .THE BEST VALUE WATERS.
Bradwell, Furzton and Caldecotte ‘Living memorial' to carper Jake
 Left: the late Simon Wragg with a
Other species include stillwater 29lb ‘ghostie' he caught (among other
chub to at least 5 lb, tench to more fine fish) from Bradwell Lake and river
in his all to brief career.

FROM monster carp to chunky than 8, perch pushing 4 and mega
roach – Furzton is among shoals of big roach.
His family and friends have installed a
MKAA's most exciting ‘stillwaters' memorial bench at the lake to
.heaving with fish of all shapes, It has hosted two world commemorate his love of the fishery
sizes and species.
championships so far (veteransand ladies) and a 48 hour British Well-known for its carp, it is also acracking conventional match venue Carp Championship final produce (5 hour record around 250lb in an half a tonne of fish.
Angling Times league final) – with A steady wind is usually a help and, huge shoals of bream – which also if you can catch it right, bites on really comes into its own as a feeder can be too frequent to use delightful pleasure fishery.
more than one rod   Above: is he happy or what! Good old boy Rob Wilkinson had a real red letter day with this 18-2  THE 18lb mirror pictured above is favourite venues – and his regular fish's release.
Furzton common. probably unique in Britain – as it is fishing mate Warren Lawson had It has a distinctive cluster of pale The 74-year-old battled with it for more than 30 a 'memorial' fish! the idea of adding a fish in his gold scales (inset pic) on its left  Above: Geoff Arnold with fighting
best – a 35-8
minutes, having hooked it on three maggots and a It was stocked into Caldecotte this shoulder and the family's hope is fit 21-2 Bradwell common – almost
size 16 to 4lb line on light waggler rod, before year as a living tribute to the late Warren, Jake's family, friends and that in years to come, anglers will certainly one of the 2-3 pounders
mate Rob Nurshaw (who took the picture) could Jake Crawford who, tragically, workmates all contributed to a bill catch it, recognise it, and think of MKAA stocked back in 2008. Note
the brilliant orange anal and tail fins

net it for him. When Bradwell Lake's big tench
drowned in the lake.
of more than £400. Jake.
 The stocking complied with all and bream (into double figures) But Rob paid a price for his fun. Already suffering Then aged 21, dedicated carper A moving, but surprisingly cheerful, Jake rated Caldecotte among his bankside ceremony preceded the legal requirements  come hard on they can provide tackle from a chronic bad back, he said: "I could hardly – and arm – testing sport.
stand up for two days afterwards.
but it was worth it."
The 26 acre maturing gravel pit's fast- growing carp – stocked a few years Now THAT is a true angler 
 ConceptBait boss
0-0) and pike (30-4-0) ago – are now into the 20s. but do Neil Richardson with
not dominate the fishery.
his former MKAA
 Left: Parks Trust weed-
There are also big shoals of roach carp record – a
Tench and bream into
double figures, carp  In recent years the EA has cutting boat in action on
 Danny Grobbler, below, with one of
probably into the 40s, big spent thousands of pounds but, with so much natural food, they  Above: a sample
the many Furzton fish he's banked
pike, perch, roach and on fish breeding areas to can be elusive. When you do of the thousands of
boost overall stocks, and connect, pound+ fish can be the junior tench MKAA
Caldecotte Lake has the lot.
MKAA has added batches has added to
of small, fast-growing Fish spotters have been Perch (some to 3 lb+) are present Bradwell; and, right,
rewarded with some along with rudd, pike to 20+, chub, ‘Jon' with 10lb
outstanding catches. dace and even the odd gudgeon.
Brad'll bream
MKAA owns the 40 acre site which On the right day 100 lb+ of includes a quarter mile of Great Ouse big slabs is not out of the  Right: never too
and is flanked by part of MKAA's E mail, June 19, 2013, says it all: Not having fished Bradwell for 10
question.and some years old to be a star –
Bradwell canal section.
years or so, I am overwhelmed by its quality and also especially by the
see several such catches.
veteran match ace
Tons of fish have been added, along crew of bailiffs, they work ever so hard on that lake, and it is now a true
Depth averages around 12 with car parks, access road, 33 jewel in the MKAA crown.
poses with one of
feet and the fish are often concrete top pegs and access paths ‘I will be there this weekend for some more slab-tastic action, maybe that
right under your feet. It has to wheelchair standard.
fella who had the 10 will be there again, who knows. I, by the way had 9
bream for a
produced MKAA's roach (3-  MKAA's 9-10 record tench, caught by bream, from 6lb 12oz to 9lb 6oz, all females, all on cocktail baits, with
Matt Hodges, was a Bradwell fish. plastic corn. Kind regards. Mike Davey.' Thanks Mike – MKAA
Catch us while you can! CLOSING on September 30, 2013!
Special deals on and off ALL SUMMER THROUGH – come and see us TODAY
gate code 01327
Open late Friday nights, & SUNDAYS 'till noon
Join the oldest
swingers in town
Large PRIVATE car park available at rear from
 Whatever the weather MK Vets
5.30pm Fridays through to Sunday closing
(veterans) are out on a bank
somewhere almost every
Wednesday of the year and

having – generally – a great crack
with like-minded mates!
Just a few of the MK vets, pictured by John Hewison
It is all about having a laff –
And in an age when one never quite
complete with cake, before the draw on
Most local club cards & leading brands stocked
though some of the humour can be a bit
knows for sure who, or what, else might
the Wednesday nearest your big day.
on the ‘dry' side.
come along, it is also about helping, and
But you don't have to be a full crumbly to
Always FRESH bait – ALL casters shop-run
Outings usually take the form of a match
keeping an eye on, each other while on
join in – youngsters can start at 55 – or to
with nominal (around £3) pools on venues
the banks.
go every week if you don't want to.
ranging from the cut and local club
And if you haven't yet reached 80. the
Interested? Call Terry Valentine on 01908
3 & 4 St Giles House – 21 Victoria Road, Fenny Stratford, Milton Keynes, MK2 2NG
01908 374400
waters to out-of-town carp ponds.
others will throw you a birthday party
Newsline 2013/14 Page 8 .AND WHEN YOU JOIN.
RULE Re fishing match venues!
More anglers' cash for Hospice
 IF a match is booked (see list below) ALL anglers must
be OFF that section by the preceeding midnight. The
ONLY exceptions are for evening events in which case
Bletchley – MK2 2QH
you must be gone by 12 noon on the day of the match.
MK 01908 374400
07/07/13 A+B+C 0800-1430
250-252 Wellingborough Road
B 0700-1400
01604 636723
 Big-hearted Furzton Festival
Gray to Willen's Lyn O'Gorman (in the A+B+C ALL DAY
entrants have raised best part of blue top) at the association's AGM.
£10,000 for Willen Hospice over the Willen has to be among the most worthy Browns Angling Centre
years, and the latest £1,200 is pictured of worthy causes in town – so see back A 0700-1400
being handed over by MKAA's Nuala page for this summer's festival dates  Grovebury Rd Leighton Buzzard
B 0700-1400
LU7 4UX - 01525 216370
Keeping it - and our image - clean
Most people already behave problems for others. Make some
decently on the banks, but for decent toilet arrangements.that is
2 1700-2000
47 Newport Rd,
those with any doubts, the following is 4 0600-1400
not what the bushes are for.
a simple, reasonable code of behaviour.
New Bradwell, MK13 0AQ
Get a lift home or to a pub or whatever, 4 0830-1430
while a mate looks after your kit, or (less than a mile from Bradwell
 Keep the noise low, cause minimum have facilities inside your bivvy.
Lake) 01908 225353
disturbance to other anglers and nearby Remember the old saying: leave only residents, and only park in permitted Bleak Hall Sports
 If some misguided soul lets their  Keep your peg tidy (including after uncontrolled dog(s) come crashing 1 HIGH STREET
A 1300-1600
dark) with rubbish bagged up ready to around your peg/kit, please count to 10
for disposal.
and be polite in your remonstrations.
A 0830-1430
PLEASE DON'T put it in dog poo bins!
THEY (and their mutts) obviously need 01234 852530
 Fishing can be fun but long (more gently educating.
than a few hours) and after-dark If everyone abides by the above then sessions can bring their own needs. So angling has a long and happy future on GRAND UNION CANAL
05/07/13 8A-11A ALL DAY
please avoid causing nuisance and MKAA waters – Thank you 
32 Montagu Street
07/07 1A - 6A ALL DAY
09/07 12A+12B 1700-2200
on H5/H6 (Portway/Childs Way) in the 01536 514509
23/07 15A+15B 1700-2200
vicinity of Willen Lake and on the V4 24/07 2B 1700-2000
28/07 1A 0700-1300
IN SHORT – it is best NOT to. It is a
(Dansteed Way) alongside Lodge Lake.
07/08 2A+2B 0800-1400
ticketable offence to park on any Persistent offenders can end up in court.
11/08 1A-6A ALL DAY
pavement/verge alongside a public Also: safety implications mean any angler
The Tackle Den
25/08 2A+2B 0830-1300
04/09 1B 1700-2000
highway in MK (so use the car parks in parking on the verge in those two areas in ALL ALL DAY
07/09 11A+11B 1200-1800
@ WEAL'S – Motoring, Leisure & Tackle
particular will be breaking MKAA rule 9, ie
08/09 5A+5B 0800-1400
This is enforced (by police & the
bringing the association into disrepute,
7 Park Street
15/09 1A 0830-1500
28/09 1B 1300-1600
highway authority) with particular vigour
and may have their ticket cancelled  TOWCESTER NN12 6DQ
16/10 12A 0800-1400
01327 354711 & 07941 867535
30/10/ 2B 0800-1400
09/11 3B 1300-1600
Don't get branded a ‘flasher'.
23/11 13B 1300-1600
01/12 1A+1B 0800-1500
07/12 1B 1300-1600
A wee word in your ear.
yourself, and claim to be offended by
15/12 1A +1B ALL DAY
05/01/14 1A +1B 0800-1600
Be discreet: OTT or not, it is no longer that, YOU can be dealt with by police for 89-93 Park Street, LUTON LU1 3HG
12/01 1A-2A 0800-1430
enough that others cannot SEE what causing a public nuisance – in the
26/01 1A-2A 0800-1430
01582 453542 Fax 01582 735740
you are doing if you are standing facing same way as a 'flasher'.
09/02 1A-2A 0800-1430
16/02 1A+1B 0800-1600

a bush/hedge with your back to Surely no one wants a record for
16/02 15A+15B 0800-1500
passers by/neighbouring residents. THAT kind of conviction?
23/02 1A-2A 0800-1430
13/04 1A- 2A 0800-1430
Current legal interpretation is apparently And angling certainly does NOT need
27/04 2B-3B 0800-1430
that if others, though only able to see YOUR bad publicity if you do get
03/05 7A+7B 1200-1800
your back, have reasonable cause to ALL ALL DAY
11/05 7A-8A 0800-1430
26 Church Street
25/05 10A-11A 0800-1430
BELIEVE you are relieving/exposing
Be discreet – go somewhere private 
Wolverton, MK12 5JN
01908 313158
503587 (07775 518866).
MKAA contacts Match sec: Bob Valentine
If you see fish dead,
Browns Angling Centre
WANT to know who's
Fixture secretary: Bas
YOU don't have to touch a cable
responsible for what, need
Brunning 222468.
— just get near enough for the
in distress, oil on water
Thame Road, Haddenham
help or want to give
Training & education: Nuala
voltage to jump the gap!
etc, please call Ray on
Gray 320007.
So DON'T fish any closer than 30
HP17 8BY - 01844 290663
07768 446796
Head bailiff: Bill Bradshaw
metres (33 yards) to ANY cable.
(all numbers 01908 prefix 07837 998492.
Before starting to fish, look UP to
or another committee
unless otherwise stated).
Jakeman's Sports & Tackle
check there are no cables nearby.
Chairman: Trevor Johnson
Assistant head bailiff: Robin
member – QUICK! AND
270000 (07801 183381).
50 Wedgewood St
Jolley 07718 095206.
Vice chairman: Gary Maton
Aylesbury HP19 7HL
It's better to
07759 129800.
officer: Ray House 07768
01296 486613
Emergency freephone
General secretary: Kevin
Osborne 01234 713144.
0800 80 70 60
Executive: John Hewison
Youth team: Ian Greenhood
07787 801189.
53-54 Barrack Road
Northampton NN1 3RL
THIS code is agreed with Canals and River
01604 634115
Trust (formerly BW) for the benefit of all with
Catapulting groundbait is BANNED opposite boats at  DON'T when moored run engines or dis- Bletchley Boatyard (Willowbridge).
special reference to where boats are moored
opposite.ESPECIALLY on the Boatyard!
turb the water in any way while people are DON'T loose feed decks hulls with groundbait, it can cause paint damage. Use pole cup if you want to feed close to J & K TACKLE
 DO keep to the centre of the channel and 62/64 Sheep Street
 DON'T bounce tackle off boats or tap them with pole tips within the speed limit (4 mph) when cruis- DO behave reasonably and courteously at all — chipped paint costs money to repair and hooks in ropes BICESTER OX26 6LG
can put innocent people in hospital.
 DON'T leave litter or light fires.
DO moor well clear of anglers, on the DO minimise noise, including bite alarms, especially when 01869 242589
towpath side, where users have priority on people on boats are trying to sleep.
 PLEASE DO keep children and dogs under
 Do be discrete when answering the call of nature first come first served basis.
Newsline 2013/14 Page 9 .YOUR SUPPORT HELPS.
Getting away from it all on the Upper Ouse
Passenham Meadow. NEW
An angler's dream come true – that can (Long Meadow to some) there's chance
be the Upper Ouse on a good day with
to enjoy the river's rural aspect without its huge chub, great perch, hump-backed
having to go miles out of town.
bream, red-finned roach and flashing dace.
Now owned by the Parks Trust (which Then there's its big pike and occasional
bought the land when the Mexican- rooted CEMEX global sand and gravel But there are days, when fishing on ‘parkland' empire sold it) the huge meadow is used sections, when it can seem as though half the for grazing and, while long-established people in the world are passing behind footpaths are open to the public, has no you.with too many of them allowing their hard paths and seems to attract few dogs to do exactly as they please.
people who aren't there to fish.
But, with access to Passenham Meadow It is a picturebook place, as near to‘traditional' rural Upper Ouse as you canget, and features many bends, deeps,shallow runs and overhanging willows.
And you never know quite what it willproduce. One day last winter Dougiefrom Northampton's Carpin Capers wentthere looking for big perch.and landeda 5lb+ February.
Best part of a mile long it runs along thewest bank above Stony Stratford – fromthe tiny Passenham village (on a BUSY (perhaps parking in Ousebank Way) or from a lane linking the Old Stratford-Buckingham A small hard surface car road with the Calverton road) to the iron park just inside the footbridge which crosses the river on Brush field gate at Quality Bed & Breakfast
Mill. Do not fish near the overhead power Passenham, signed up cables on this stretch (or any other).
as Parks Trust grazing For the last few hundred yards it ‘overlaps' land. Please keep the Brush Mill on the opposite bank, so if there is gate closed and don't established 2001 a match on there please don't fish opposite – obstruct the farmer's the river is too narrow for that.
Access is either over the iron bridge Milton KeynesMK2 2NN  Left: Mike Sando with a high double figures winter roach, dace,
perch and chublets net from the ‘Meadow.
01908 643872 / 07958 310703
All rivers and streams in England
Above: Trevor Johnson with a trio of chub from 4-2 to 4-14 in a
are subject to a legal close season
March 14 session – using a size 16 and 5 metre whip.
Looking for a place to stay while fishing in MK?
– NO fishing – from March 15 to
And yes, at this pair's ages, after a hard day behind the rods probably Just 10 minutes drive from Furzton, Caldecotte
June 15 both dates included
the only realistic option left IS to lay down. & Tear Drops lakes
THE No 1 for miles around.
53-54 Barrack Road
Now THE local shop for ALL specialist, leisure & match anglers – not just carpers
Come and have a browse around our angling wonderland
Fancy something REALLY special?
Staffed and run by experienced
We have our own bait lab – having invested in state-of-
anglers. Stop for a chat and we
the -art equipment, products and expertise
can talk you through local
If you have your own ideas or special formula, we can

waters and the latest tackle and
 Bespoke boilie-rolling
 Freshly prepared
if you are
 Our own in-house bait
the sport
ranges and more
 Also: wide range of
predator baits stocked

 Maggot & caster
Fresh bait delivered to the shop twice a week by trusted
back into
Most major brands carried in stock but.
If we haven't got it we will
try and get it for you!
Opening hours: 8.30-5.30 Mon-Thurs, 8.30-6 Friday, 8.30-5 Saturday
8.30am -1pm on Sundays - March through October
Newsline 2013/14 Page 10 .ALL THE WORK THAT MKAA.
and King's Weir. Parking alongside A34 NO fishing in first meadow (north side of bridge).
and crossing that road on foot is NOT Getting out of town.
Access also from track leading to University Field Station. Follow road from Wolvercote into Wytham The waters around Oxford are something special
and turn right, take track towards UFS, park on CHERWELL (approx 1 mile)
and, generally, only an hour's drive from MK.
(approx 3.5 miles) verge just BEFORE notice board (no parking or Access West bank from Marston Ferry Link Road turning beyond it). Walk across field to stream.
But please be on your best behaviour. They are
Access from Wolvercote to Wytham Village road B4495 (see OS map for route from A34 Peartree Crossing bridge over stream gives access to Kings made available to MKAA members courtesy of
bridge (see OS map). East bank: NO fishing interchange) from either cycle track or footpath Lock/Kings Weir Thames area.
North Oxford Angling Society and MUST be
opposite far bank houses (south side of bridge) and shown; downstream of bridge (access from bridge) treated with the UTMOST RESPECT.
OXFORD CANAL (approx 4.5 miles)
one meadow, upstream three meadows.
The Thames, Cherwell, Seacourt Stream and East bank: upstream two meadows above Fishing towpath side from Hythe Bridge Street in even the Oxford Canal have characters of their own, Victoria pub; and downstream to park Oxford, north to Bullers Bridge in Yarn Lane, and the arrangement for MKAA members to fish boundary fence opposite Wolfson College.
Kiddlington and Plough Inn at Wolvercote good these NOAS waters helps make your association access points for first time visitors ■ THAMES (approx 3.5 miles)
card a winner.
Access from Wolvercote to Wytham road There are also Oxford and District AA waters which bridge (see OS map) park in the can be fished on dayticket. Want to know more?
Wolvercote Bathing Place public car park Call NOAS's Andy Crisp, on 01865 53800.
(river downstream can be fished on ODAA MKAA members can NOT hold matches on NOAS waters (unless by prior arrangement) and Parking NOT allowed in Trout Inn (great NIGHT FISHING is NOT allowed on NOAS
food) car park unless with specific permission of landlord. Access to King's If you use them please be a good MKAA Lock end from ‘University Field Station' ambassador. you are a guest on someone else's (see Seacourt Stream map) and top end of Pixey Meadow via bridges over the lock  MATCH FISHING  SPECIMEN HUNTING 
Bletchley's Bill McDonald
pictured with PB 3-12 perch
from the NOAS Cherwell
Fabulous water for the carp fishing enthusiast. Keep in touch on Bailiff DĂƌŬ͛ƐĨŝƌƐƚ
class site
Will it be a carp, tench, bream or specimen roach? If you like variety in your fishing
and great surroundings this reservoir is for you. Great for matches as well.
The ultimate bagging water, huge match weights at this top class nationally
recognised venue. If you or your club has not fished it yet you are missing out.
Looking for something different? Contact the bailiff Harry on 07904 493417 for an
update on the carp and roach fishing; ĚŽŶ͛ƚĨŽƌŐĞƚǁŝŶƚĞƌƉŝŬĞ͘
For general information including permit prices, local contact details and week end
match bookings contact the Fisheries booking office 01582 843454.
These nationally known specimen waters are available on day or season tickets.
The record perch, double figure tench and bream, 40lb plus carp, huge pike and
catfish. Top quality fly fishing also available on day and season permit basis.
Full details available on 01582 841985.
Newsline 2013/14 Page 11 .PUTS INTO THE SPORT.
The Upper Ouse.
Recent winters have been from Brush Mill, Hollands Field, at Ravenstone Mill the Ouse still
dire.but that hasn't stopped Toombes areas (map, page 9).
holds superb big barbel – double- the Ouse producing great catches There's even the odd tench.and figure fish reported last season.and for those lucky – or skillful – enough the four hour MKAA river match it's a fair bet there are larger ones yet to do the business.
record is 78 lb of slab-sided bream to be caught. There are also good Chub to 6 or 7lb+ (an 8-2 at Adams) chub, bream, pike, dace and perch.
4lb perch, bream to 7, good dace Brush Mill backwater can fish well in
Downstream of the weir the river is and roach plus some hefty pike flood. Below the Old Stratford river fast and streamy (great for walking have all been out on the banks from bridge on the V4 Watling Street is no and stalking) while the deeper water Stony to Ravenstone.
go unless you have a DATS' card, upstream can yield big carp washed Some can, on their day, produce until you get to the top of Wolverton
out of riverside lakes. sport Mr Crabtree would have Mill which, together with the Ouse
Adams Mill still holds the UK
lusted after.
back of Bradwell Lake has good,
record barbel title (having taken it Barbel, stocked by MKAA over a chub, dace, roach and SIX times on the trot) at 21-1-0 – an decade ago, flourished, and some are incredible fish from the long-gone still there despite the otters.
days when MKAA had to run the water on a syndicate Wolverton Mill & Whitings
have produced them to 19-4. Most sections are better Like most of the Ouse it known for huge chub, big bream, perch, roach and summer, but casting pike. The abominable between the weeds can signal crayfish is also On ALL our river
Stone Park used to hold
the association's chub watch out for
record at 7-12-0 (until an undercut banks and,
8-2 came out at Adams)
if in the water,
has the odd big whiskers sudden drop offs into
and can produce good roach nets along with nice-sized dace.
Throughout the upper river chub and perch feed day tickets
on crayfish, and the stripeys can top 4 lb with fishing on
PROBABLY the greatest Upper
at least two matches won Ravenstone or Adams
Great Ouse chub catch – ever! That
with around 30lb of them was Jake Stratton's stunning haul.
Above: when Gary Britton took time off
especially behind and just downstream of Incredibly, as others shunned the
from matches for a leisure session on the
.And the Ouzel
WIllen Lake, you might well bump into a double partly iced-over river on a February
Stony Ouse he ended up with this cracking
figure barbel. Big chub, dace, roach, pike and Sunday, he netted SIXTEEN chub in
7-10 chub (pictured by John Hewison) –
having hooked it while working single
The tiny Ouzel is a lovely little river with some even the occasional bream and rudd are all
mighty fish – and five miles of it running part of the scene. See MKAA season ticket or through the city are on the MKAA card.
maggot through a 9-foot deep run on 16.5
Two from Brushmill were followed by
metres of pole.
It has really good fish of most species and, path most of the way, a bike is often good ■ 14 more (8 in an hour) from Toombes.
He'd been trying to keep the catch
quiet, but news that he'd included two
4s, two fives and fish of 6-3, 6-6 and
6-14 in his bread-on-the-lead session
soon leaked out.

Pictured by Bill McDonald with the
eight-fish-in-an-hour part of his catch,
Jake said: "I was trying a slightly
different way of fishing bread, and it

Granddad to Jake (above) Roger Stratton
You've got to hand it to 'ice-man'
had this 6 pounder from the Ouzel. He taught
Jake – when others are afeared to go
Jake everything he knew about fishing. Then
Towceste , NN12 6DQ out in the snow. the lad is there filling
the lad went off and did it HIS way.and
his net
REALLY began to catch. LoL
Having trouble reading these little maps? Bigger ones are in the
Great tackle and bait from tackle and bait om MKAA season car
to Gayhurst To Gayhurst
Postcode: MK
Prices from as little as £5!
At Willards Tackle
(Fishing & shooting supplies, too)
we stock towcester & district angling association, MKAA & Newport pagnell F we stock towcester & district angling nell F club books 47 Newport Rd, New Bradwell, MK13 0AQ
Could YOU ‘win And it's goodbye from him - again!
Long-time MKAA fisheries officer Phil
.and creation of Wolverton Mill, with a 7-1 ‘Stony Ouse' chub.
Oxley has retired from the job – for the
MKAA's popular ‘fun puddle'.
Thanks Phil. Happy retirement – again ■
on the float'? second and, he says, final time.
.and the emphasis on Most members won't know him but, if tench (plus some carp) as This year's Furzton (plus canal and Tear Drops) Festival is
they enjoy the association's waters, stock for Brad'll Lake.
set to include, for the first time, a ‘float only' open.
they probably have something to thank His latest involvement has When no-one volunteered to run the usual 48-hour carp been planning a more match, the people at GoneFishin – who already run the Frank Phil was the main architect of MKAA's ‘commercial'-style fun Swan memorial – came up with the back-to-tradition idea.
stocking policy for best part of 30 years fishery in the Bletchley area And the interest shown, once word began to get around, has – a spell interrupted only when his ‘day which should be open by been fantastic. So if you fancy a crack at something not job' took him out of town for a while.
the spring (watch MKAA'swebsite).
involving big leads, spods and feeders like drainpipes, be Among a great many other things he quick about getting your name in the frame.
sorted the original stocking of Furzton, Pretty good at taking fish including half-a-ton of carp from a local out, as well as putting If you don't particularly fancy that one, then there's plenty of trout fishery.
them in, he is pictured others to choose from (below). It's all in a good cause and the
series has so far raised some
£10,000 for Willen Hospice

the council's weekly Will YOU help swap rubbish for fish? rubbish collection.
stripeys have been growingapace, no doubt feeding on If enough people do that
Furzton Festival 2013
NO –this is NOT a wind which, because so many Harder for some to swallow
junior crays, and Michael we will be making a
up. It CAN be done.
people have filthy habits, is the idea of everyone Buchwilder had this 29lb difference – one which can
Ken Ball Memorial Open
IF enough people are
get sent straight to money carrying a supermarket be converted straight into
match-winning catch of fish to Aug 21: (over 55s) call: T Valentine
willing to give it a TRY.
carrier bag, collecting any 4lb on MKAA's Stony Stratford waterside rubbish they see 01908 565446
Each year MKAA spends a How much better if some
(whether in ‘their' swim or It is so simple. Are YOU
couple of grand and a huge of that cash went, instead,
not) and taking it home for up for it?
Match for the Disabled
amount of volunteer bailiff on extra fish stocking?
Aug 23: call B Sapsford 01908
effort (thanks for that) It is not brain surgery. What Encouraging new recruits
clearing bankside rubbish.
is saved on one thing can Float Only Open
Most of it is NOT from be spent on another.
The more people who buy fishing tickets the less Aug 24: call R Swan 01908 506678
anglers (though sadly still too It's a deal which CAN and expensive our sport becomes for all.and the more fish and also for the
much is) but has ended up WILL be done, if enough are encouraged to see baits as everyday fodder.
bankside where it LOOKS as Frank Swan Memorial Open
people do their bit.
So if you know anyone (from child to grandparent) who though it has all been left by Aug 26 (bank holiday Monday).
Obviously the first move is you think would like to try fishing and maybe take it up, maggot danglers.
please point them to Nuala Gray on 01908 320007.
for any anglers who DO risk Young People's Open
So in our own best interest a ban from MKAA waters No slouch with a rod herself, she leads MKAA's team of Sep 4 – Bletchley boatyard canal:
it has to be cleared.
qualified coaches and has all the kit and bait needed to by leaving litter to STOP call N Gray 01908 320007 & also for
give people both taster sessions and coaching ■ And each year the Parks doing so – and to STOP Ladies Open
Trust, our major landlord, leaving it bagged up in car AND: best wishes to city lad Terry Lancaster who has
Sept 7 & also for
spends many times as parks or bushes for others won his 5th England cap, and joins the national team in
much as we do on such to collect, and to STOP Mixed Pairs Open
the World Veterans'
putting it in dog poo bins.
Champs in Bosnia, in
Sept 8, Tear Drops 1 & 2
That's 10s of thousands Take it home with you!
August. Go for it, Tel
Tel: 01525 216370 We are a leading
stockist for all
of baits, rods, tackle & accessories
OPEN - Mon - Sat 8.00am - 5.00pm Late night Friday - 6.00pm Visit one of our stores or buy online at Newsline produced for MK Angling Ltd by Intermedia Corporate Services Ltd – printed in England


patterns—electric blue in the westernCaribbean, lemon yellow in the Northern Why Gobies Are Like Hobbits Bahamas, and stark white in the eastern Stephen R. Palumbi and Robert R. Warner Caribbean—might be local signals to preda-tors that these gobies are the valet service As Bilbo Baggins famously warned, trav- genetic breaks between island groups that rather than the entrée. If this is true, then the

Dossier grand fracas issu de rien janv 15 p

Le Fils du Grand Réseau présente Grand fracas issu de rien Cabaret spectral Création collective   Concept : Pierre Guillois Création au Théâtre du Peuple – Maurice Pottecher de Bussang le 3 août 2011 En tournée sur la saison 14-15 & 15-16 Photo de David Siebert Athéniens ! Un forcené vient d'être maîtrisé par les brigades grammaticales d'intervention alors qu'entré par effraction dans les locaux vacants de l'imprimerie nationale il tentait d'intervertir l'ordre alphabétique de toutes les lettres afin de porter outrage à l'ordre du langage. *