Marys Medicine

Dr Sotirios Foutsizoglou
Medical Director London
The choice of the appropriate peel depends on the specific indications, the depth of the desired peeling, your skin phototype and your expectations.
• Lactic acid (found naturally in the body
and fermented milk) Chemical peeling is a very popular treatment for skin rejuvenation. • Malic acid (derived from apples)
Chemical peels induce injury to the epidermis • Tartaric acid (derived from grapes), etc
and the superficial dermis resulting in elastotic, aged and photo damaged skin being removed and • Beta-hydroxy acid (BHA) such as
replaced with a new collagen-rich layer. • Salicylic acid (closely related to aspirin,
Skin peeling dates back to ancient Egypt where which is acetyl-salicylic acid) Egyptian royalty used to bathe in sour milk to brighten their complexion. Over the years the use Hydroxy acids are naturally occurring organic of chemical peels has been well established as a carboxylic acids classified alpha or beta according potent corrective and anti-ageing weapon against to their molecular structure. Both alpha- and sun damaged skin, age-related skin changes beta- hydroxy acids encourage sloughing of old such as fine lines and wrinkles, freckles, skin epithelium and epithelial renewal by acting on blemishes, pigmentation disorders, uneven skin the intercellular linkages (desmosomes) between tone, dilated pores, greasy and acne-prone skin, and acne scarring.
Dr S. Foutsizoglou will offer you a complete Skin
Various chemicals have been used as peeling
Analysis which will be used as a guidance for the agents. Some of the most commonly used
formulation of your individualised treatment. To learn more about your skin type please download the Skin Analysis Chart from our website. • Resorcinol (antiseptic and astringent)
The choice of the appropriate peel depends • Phenol (also called carbolic acid, very deep
on the specific indications, the depth of the penetration into the skin) desired peeling, your skin phototype and your expectations. Multiple compounds may also be • Tricholoracetic acid (is used as an
used depending on the targeted problem. An intermediate to deep peeling agent in example of a combined peel is Jessner's peel (i.e. concentrations ranging from 20-70%) 14% salicylic acid, lactic acid, and resorcinol in an ethanol base).
• Alpha-hydroxy acids (AHA) such as
There is a multitude of peeling agents on the • Glycolic acid (derived from sugar cane)
market with some of them either being associated with significant side effects and complications or • Citric acid (citrus-derived),
[email protected]
Dr Sotirios Foutsizoglou
Medical Director London
not being effective enough to deliver a satisfactory • Derma Peel for those who can afford Zero
result. Please also remember that the right chemical peel for the right indications should be used for optimal results. • Medik8 Peel and Medik8 Eye Peel for the
delicate under-eye, neck and décolleté areas Experienced doctors such as plastic surgeons or dermatologists are the most likely to give • Obagi Blue Peel
you the range of options available and help you form an individualised treatment course for a • DermaCeutic Professional Peels
skin improvement you can be really happy with. In addition, only doctors are allowed to use • INNO-PEEL – A range of chemical peels
high concentration peels which are usually very producing a controlled chemical dermabrasion effective for severe problems such as significant at epidermal level.
photo damage or acne scarring. • Agera Rx
Dr Sotirios Foutsizoglou's vast experience
assures the right choice of the chemical peel or • PRIORI FORTE Professional Skin Renewal
combination of peels that will target the root of System – Lactic Acid peels designed to treat
your skin problem giving you the healthy skin and all skin types. They are particularly indicated glamour you have always dreamt of.
for premature ageing, rejuvenation and adult In addition to AHA's and BHA's some of the highly effective chemical peels our SFMedica doctors
Mechanism of skin peeling
Chemical peeling is an accelerated form of • SkinMedica VITALIZE Peel – A unique blend
exfoliation created by the chemical agent. Light of Alpha- and Beta- Hydroxy Acids, Resorcinol peeling agents induce a faster sloughing of the and Retinoic Acid.
cell in the epidermis (i.e. superficial layer of the skin), whereas deeper peeling agents create • SkinMedica Illuminize Peel – non invasive,
inflammation in the dermis (i.e. middle skin layer). indicated for mild skin problems.
Following the controlled chemical burn to the skin, the wound healing process results in skin • SkinMedica Rejuvenize Peel – Indicated for
regeneration and new collagen formation along moderate to severe skin conditions (e.g. acne, with deposition of glycosaminoglycans such as acne scarring, melasma, sun damage, etc). hyaluronic acid. Collagen remodelling is the main For more information on SkinMedica peels reason chemical peels decrease sun damage and please download the relevant PDF from our reduce wrinkles. After healing the skin acquires an improved appearance, more even skin colour, smoother texture and a healthier glow.
• Neostrata AHA's
Peel depth
• Mesoestetic Combined Peels
Depth of the chemical peel describes the level of • Innovation Concept Peel (a combination
penetration and inflammation of the skin produced of Hydroquinone, Kojic acid, Salicylic acid, by the chemical agents. The depth of the peel Phytonadione and Retinoic acid) – ideal for depends on many variables, including: hyperpigmentation and photodamaged skin • Peeling agent • SkinTech TCA Peels
[email protected]
Dr Sotirios Foutsizoglou
Medical Director London
• Concentration of the peeling agent collagen growth, remove dead skin cells, correct skin pigment problems and promote healthier, • How many coats of the agent are applied fresher and more radiant skin. • Technique of application Which areas can a chemical peel be applied
• How the skin was cleaned and degreased • Patient skin type • Anatomical location of the peel • Back & Shoulders • Duration of contact with the skin (particularly • Chest and décolletage • Back of the hands and forearms Indications
Chemical peels are indicated for the treatment and correction of a variety of skin problems However it is important to understand that non-facial areas generally do not heal as well as the face due to significantly less amount of • Sun-damaged skin, pigmentation spots, pilosebaceous units (hair follicles and sebaceous melasma, chloasma, post inflammatory glands). Therefore, non-facial peels are usually pigmentation, superficial skin blemishes, milder and are repeated several times to achieve freckles, lentigines, actinic keratoses.
the best results without complications.
• Ageing skin, smoker's lines, fine surface All consultations for skin problems and cosmetic dermatology take place at the London Slimming & Cosmetic Centre conveniently located in central • Greasy, acne-prone skin, visible pores, blackheads and whiteheads, excess sebum, acne scarring.
• Dull complexion, dehydrated or coarse skin, Chemical peeling uses a chemical solution, rough texture.
usually an acid, to ‘peel' away the top layers of • Scars, stretch marks, depressions or the skin in order to improve conditions such as irregularities of skin surface.
acne, uneven skin tone or wrinkles. The treatment consists of applying chemoexfoliants which renew Does your skin problem fall in any of the epidermis and part of the dermis, thus inducing a above skin conditions? If yes, contact us today natural skin renewal process.
to arrange a consultation with Dr Sotirios
Foutsizoglou who will be happy to discuss the
Chemical peels generally take 15 to 20 minutes. most effective treatment with you, as well as The type and strength of the chemical peel along answer any questions you may have.
with the number of treatment sessions depend on your skin problems and will be discussed in Chemical peeling is also an excellent rejuvenating detail during your first consultation. An example treatment and a cosmetic potentiator and ioniser. of a treatment protocol would be six successive Skin peels improve the skin's texture, stimulate applications with a minimum rest period of two weeks between treatments. [email protected]
Dr Sotirios Foutsizoglou
Medical Director London
Other chemical peels may require a single Are there any contraindications to
application of the peeling agent at the clinic followed by a customized skincare protocol at A chemical peel is contraindicated if any of the following occurs: Immediately prior to the application of the peeling agent your skin will be cleansed with acetone • Allergic reactions to peeling agents and salicylic acid or isopropyl alcohol, and then the carefully chosen peel for your skin condition • Roaccutane use within six months will be applied and left on for a specific amount of time before it is neutralised or removed. During • Active cold sores on lips or face the application of the peel you may experience a slight burning and/or stinging sensation, but this • Wounded, sunburned or excessively sensitive effect is usually very mild and no anaesthesia is required. The longer the peeling agent is in contact with the skin the deeper the active • Dermatitis and inflammatory rosacea ingredients penetrate. However longer periods of application may be associated with more redness • History of recent chemotherapy or radiation and post peel skin sensitivity.
• Pregnancy or active breastfeeding Post treatment and depending on the chemical agent used a range of complimentary products may also be required for optimal results. For instance INNOSEARCH offers the INNO-PEEL
• History of keloid scarring Post Treatment range of products consisting of
four complimentary items, specific to each one of • Skin infection the INNO-PEEL professional treatments.
If unsure please discuss it with Dr Sotirios
Medium and deep depth chemical peels should Foutsizoglou during your first consultation.
only be performed by experienced doctors as there is a higher risk of complications and side Is skin preconditioning required?
Preconditioning regimens are often used before Precautions
chemical peel therapy. Your doctor will advise you Sun exposure, waxing, electrolysis, depilatory which preparation and if you need to have your creams, laser hair removal, dermabrasion, skin preconditioned prior to your chemical peel. injectable fillers should be avoided for at least a week prior to the application of the peeling agent.
Skin preconditioning may include:
Exfoliating or bleaching products and Vitamin A • Pretreatment with retinoids containing formulas should also be avoided five to seven days prior to your chemical peel.
• Increases dermal collagen Men are advised against shaving on the day of • May help reduce post-treatment the chemical peel treatment.
• Has a rejuvenating effect • Increase blood flow speeding up healing [email protected]
Dr Sotirios Foutsizoglou
Medical Director London
• Retinoic acid preparations such as Tretinoin normalising skin's pH and eliminating whiteheads and blackheads.
• Increases the permeability of the A chemical peel can also be combined with other epidermis particularly to trichloroacetic medical treatments such as microneedling or mesotherapy for even greater results. • Usually 4-6 weeks prior to chemical Downtime is usually minimal with AHA's and • 4% Hydroquinone superficial peels and you can return to your usual daily activities on the same day. However flaking, • Suppresses melanocyte activity swelling, redness and sensitivity may take longer to settle with deeper chemical peels. • Helps prevent post-peel Following a chemical peel you must always use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a high SPF and • Pretreatment with other keratolytic agents avoid direct sunlight for at least one week. Your such as Jessner's solution or AHA's skin will be more sensitive to the sun and thus • For deeper peeling as they enhance the more susceptible than usual to sunburn.
depth of penetration of the peeling agent You may resume the regular use of retinoids, alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) products or bleaching • Rejuvenating effect creams ONLY after the peeling process is • Antiviral therapy for a history of herpes Dr S. Foutsizoglou will give you specific
post peel care instructions and prescribe an individualised skincare protocol depending on Depending on your skin problem and the peeling your skin problems and the type of peel used.
agent used, following a course of chemical peels you should expect fine line reduction, better skin As a general guide you can download the hydration, even skin tone and an overall younger, SkinMedica Post Peel Care Instructions.
firmer and healthier looking skin. This can be For better results we recommend the post peel SkinMedica Ablative Post-Procedure Kit which
• Acceleration of epidermal exfoliation has been specifically designed to optimize the eliminating skin blemishes and superficial results of the chemical peel. It is formulated to protect fragile post-procedure skin, minimize complications, and support patients' recovery • Stimulation and reorganisation of collagen and elastin fibres improving skin quality.
Contact us today to arrange a consultation with one of our specialist doctors who will be happy • Increase in fibroblast activity.
to discuss the most appropriate chemical peel for you, as well as answer any questions you may • Increase in hyaluronic acid production providing greater degree of hydration.
• Correction of sebaceous secretion [email protected]
Dr Sotirios Foutsizoglou
Medical Director London
The Fitzpatrick phototype scale

Blond or red hair, freckles, fair Always burns easily, never tans; very fair skin tone Blond, fair skin, blue eyes or Usually burns easily, tans with dif- ficulty; fair skin tone Darker Caucasian, Burns moderately, tans gradually; fair to medium skin tone Darker Mediterranean, Asian, Rarely burns, always tans well; Very rarely burns, tans very Latin, light-skinned black, Asian easily; dark skin tone Dark-skinned black Never burns, deeply pigmented; very dark skin tone Glogau's classification of the severity of wrinkles

• Little wrinking or acne scarring typically aged 28-35 • Early wrinking; mild scarring typically aged 35-50 • Sallow colour with early actinic keratoses • Persistent wrinking or moderate acne scarring typically aged 50-65 • Discolouring with telangiectasias and actinic keratoses • Wrinking; photoaging, gravitational, and dynamic typically aged 60-75 • Actinic keratoses with or without skin cancer KT Training Chemical Peels Courses cover AHA and TCA peel systems. Call (UK) 01793 323786 or visit for more [email protected]


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