Marys Medicine

A Case Report on Recovery of
Nephrotic Syndrome
via Fradarmani
Nephrotic Syndrome with minimal or are steroid dependent, generally undergo change (MCNS) is also known as Nil disease 8 weeks treatment with an Alkylating agent or Lipoid Nephrosis. It accounts for 85-90 such as Chlorambucil (0.1 - 0.2 mg/kg/day) percent of nephrotic syndrome in children or Cyclophosphamide (2mg/Kg/day). Re- and 15-20% in adults. Female/male ratio is cent studies suggest that Cyclosporine treat- close. As children reach juvenile and preado- ment has been useful in the chosen patients, lescence, MCNS incidences, -as the cause and it may cause remission of the disease in of nephrotic syndrome- decrease. In adults corticosteroid dependent patients and to a MCNS should be considered in association lesser extent in steroid resistant patients. Af- with the use of NSAID (Nonsteroidal anti- ter 10 years about three fourth of patients inflammatory drugs) and Hodgkin's disease. will be disease free and there is a 95% chance Clinical findings include: nephrotic syn- of 10 years survival .
drome with inactive urine sediment, normal renal function and normal levels of Comple- The patient is a 30 year old married female ment. Histologically, light microscopic find- who lives in the north of Iran. Her problem ings are normal (the reason for naming the started with Influenza symptoms in Farvar- disease Nil), no Immunoglobulin or comple- din 1387 (March 2008) and she was referred ment sediment is observed but effacement of to a physician on several occasions. Medical foot processes is detectable.
assessments led to no diagnosis and after a MCNS is highly responsive to corticoster- while irritant signs of urination and exten- oids (90 -95 %). In children Prednisolone sive swelling of feet added to the above prob- dosage of 60 mg/m2 of body surface area lems. Unfortunately, still no special treat- (maximum to 80 mg a day) for 4-6 weeks ment was considered for her, hence she came and then 40 mg/m2 on alternate days for 4-6 to Tehran. She was admitted with general- weeks is recommended. In adults, response ized and peri-orbital edema, urine and blood to treatment takes longer in comparison with analysis showed proteinuria 7.5 gr/day and children; therefore we should not consider 3+ protein in U/A. In 31/2/87 (2008/5/20) adults as steroid resistant unless they don't re- renal biopsy was done and minimal change spond to treatment after 16 weeks. After the nephritic syndrome MCNS was diagnosed first remission, about 75% of patients will (appendix 1 & 2) and she was treated with have one or more relapses. The first relapse Prednisolone 75 mg/day. After a while upon will be treated like the first period of the dis- consumption of this medicine her feet ede- ease. Patients who have three or more relapses ma diminished, however, as a result of corti- costeroid consumption, complications such odic treatment and prolongation of patient's as Cushingoid face, skeletal pain, decreased life. At the onset of diagnosis, many markers hearing, visual impairment, increased blood were positive in this patient; approximately pressure and blood sugar were also added to 8 months after Faradarmani treatment and her problems. Therefore, Prednisolone dos- discontinuation of medications (drugs that, age was decreased and her dietary regimen especially in this patient, caused a lot of com- became more restricted (reduction of protein plications), all clinical and laboratory mark- and sugar). After a while her pain relapsed ers disappeared. This indicates the effective- again and with the subsequent increase of ness of Faradarmani.
drug dosage, unfortunately, heart/cardiac complications were also added to her prob- Faradarmani is an effective treatment lems. Her blood test result in 10/2/87 (April method with no adverse effect, which can be 2008) is attached (Appendix 3). Concomi- used in treating illnesses that classic conven- tant with the doctor's suggestion to under- tional medicine has no definite cure for. The take dialysis, the patient upon the advice of results of using this method are often aston- one of her friends, started Faradarmani treat- ishing and can bring a lot of hope in treating ment and in a short period of time; edema, terminal diseases or illnesses which require urine symptoms and urine retention, colic expensive treatments.
pain of flanks and weakness disappeared. All Patient's Consent
paraclinical Lab tests including Cr – BUN The patient has given full consent to pub- – ESR reached close to normal limits (Ap- lish this report.
pendix 4). Prednisolone dosage has been gradually reduced and B.P (blood pressure) medications have also been decreased. Seven She is satisfied with the treatment results months after the last tests, her general well and her view on the course of treatment and being and Lab test results have been totally method has been published at the end of this normal (Appendix 5 & 6) and now the pa- article.
tient is in a complete healthy state, without Documentation and evidence
any relapse of illness.
The original reports of all diagnostic test results are available at the journal's office.
Nephrotic Syndrome appears with protei- nuria, renal malfunction, increase of Blood Members of Faradarmani Medical Re- Urea Nitrogen (BUN) and Cr, water and search Group electrolyte retention which results in Hy- pertension. There is no specific treatment 1. Mohamad Ali Taheri, Human from for this disease; only in cases of infection Another Outlook, Bijan Publication 1387. antibiotic treatment is prescribed, regimen (2008) salt restriction and in some cases diuretics 2. Cecil's Principles of Internal Medicine, and antihypertensive drugs are necessary Renal Diseases 2007, Andishe Rafi Publica- Specialized Faradarmani Edition
for treating retention, Sodium and aliguria. tion 1386. (2007) Ultimately high doses of Prednisolone plus 3. John Blandy Urology - Mashhad Uni- cytotoxic drugs, in most cases result in peri- versity of Medicine, 1383. (2004) Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
Specialized Faradarmani Editionrd

Appendix 3
Appendix 3
Appendix 3
Appendix 4
Specialized Faradarmani Editionrd

Appendix 4
Appendix 4
Appendix 5
Appendix 5
Specialized Faradarmani Editionrd

Appendix 5
Patient's Own Testimony In the Name of God In Farvardin 1387 (March 2008) I got flu. After several referrals to a physician and following prescribed medications, not only did I not recover, but also I was immensely troubled with 7kg swelling on my face and feet which appeared very suddenly. After undertaking Lab tests in my hometown which unfortunately resulted in no diagnosis, I went to Tehran (capital city) for further analysis; and severe proteinuria was detected. I was hospitalized in Tehran for more investigations and a kidney biopsy. After these procedures my doctor prescribed a high dosage of Prednisolone (75 mg/day). After consumption of this medication gradually my feet edema was reduced and as my doctor had told me, my face became swollen to such an extent that none of my friends and rela- tives could recognize me. After a while as a result of drug consumption my hearing, vision and physical energy considerably diminished and I was feeling more nervous day by day. Cholesterol, blood sugar and blood pressure increased above normal levels and I had to use medication to get these under control. This accompanied by a strict dietary regimen; because protein (in meals) was like a poison for me and sugary meals would affect my blood sugar. I really didn't know what type of food I could eat with peace of mind?! On top of everything, I also got amnesia and in summary I got really down and disappointed. I saw the end of the world indeed. Because of my illness and amnesia I missed a whole semester of my studies which I was so determined to continue at the university. With such a low spirit, I didn't know how to move forward with dialysis. Meanwhile a close friend of mine (to whom I would like to submit my sincere gratitude and to her dear fam- ily), suggested Faradarmani as an Iranian complementary medicine. I started my therapy with my Faratherapists; her sister and her sister's husband. At first, I didn't have any knowledge about Faradarmani, but because it was the only available therapy free of charge, I regularly continued this therapy. Amazingly in a short period of time, my test results improved and upon my first test result (after Faradarmani treatment) 15 mg of Prednisolone dosage was reduced. Also other medi- cations were gradually reduced and after 7 months I completely regained my health; my amnesia was cured and I resumed my studies at the university and graduated with high grades. Currently I, my husband and my 9 year old son (the family whom I love so much and who have stayed loyal and devoted companions to me), continue taking our Faradarmani courses/classes with a lot of enthusiasm and determination. We have also become Faratherapists to be able to genuinely help humanity and patients who are interested in using this treatment method and in benefitting from circles of Divine Merci. With wishes of heath and well being for all patients


Original Research: The effect of a topically-applied cosmetic oil formulation on striae distensae The effect of a topically-applied cosmetic oil formulation on striae distensae Summers B, PhD Lategan M, Dip Cos Sci Photobiology Laboratory, Medunsa Campus, University of Limpopo Correspondence to: Dr B Summers, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: stretch marks; striae distensae; cosmetic; topical application

Cb_anovulatory backgrounder_consumer_mkt-0573-1_us

Why haven't I ovulated? There are only a few days each cycle when a woman can get pregnant, the days leading up to and the day of ovulation1. The "fertile window" will typically be 6 days, but when these fertile days occur and how many there are will vary from woman to woman and cycle to cycle. In some cycles, ovulation may not happen at all. This article explains some of the reasons why this may occur and how common it is.