Marys Medicine

Newsletter03 march 2016

Doncaster & District Branch
At the top of the Rock of GibraltarBaboon by Chris Donoghue 0845 0505 314
Mob: 07599 543 766 Q: What do you call aMexican that lost his car? Get-together
Q: Why do the French eat Not from the Chair 4 A: They don't like fast food.
AGM information 7 Danum MS is published on the last Wednesday of each Easy fundraising month by the Doncaster & District Branch of the Puzzle page 10 - 11 Research
The last day for Contributions, Letters, Things for Sale, etc., is the third Monday of the month.
Editor - Pam Hill Sudoku / Crossword Useful Contacts The views expressed in this publication are individual and

The Maple Tree social has been put
on hold till Easter and the lighternights when we will hopefully have AGM information 7 more people attend to make itworthwhile having a Research
social night.
Restart in April
Q: How do you makeantifreeze? each row and each column must contain all the numbers from Solution on page 17 Hope you are all well and are looking forward to spring,that's just around the corner. Time really does fly,already into March and my snowdrops have alreadyflowered with the mild weather.
Easter on the horizon and there's always the possibility ofsnow in the forecast, which always seems to stop us in ourtracks.
Time to have a spring clean through your wardrobes ready for our Recycle day on Friday 18th March at the Linneycentre, 10-12am to raise funds to keep the therapies going.
Also at the same time, making way for your new spring and summer clothes.
If anyone has a story to tell, items of interest or anythingfor sale, please don't hesitate to let me know and if spaceis available it can go into the magazine. Just let me knowbefore the third Monday of the month.
Look forward to seeing some of you on the recycle day,between 10-12am for a coffee and chat, all welcome.
For now, take care until next month.

Why not pop in to the Linney Centre on Friday morning for a cup of tea or coffee, a biscuit and a chat ? Freda Downs
Freda, a long term Branch member was a regular at theLinney,passed away recently. A donation of £400.80 fromFamily & Friends to MS Doncaster & District Branch.
My Shadow
I have a little shadow that goes in and out with me,
And what can be the use of him is more than I can see.
He is very, very like me from the heels up to the head;
And I see him jump before me, when I jump into my bed.
The funniest thing about him is the way he likes to grow –
Not at all like proper children, which is always very slow;
For he sometimes shoots up taller like an india-rubber ball,
And he sometimes gets so little that there's none of him at all.
He hasn't got a notion of how children ought to play,
And can only make a fool of me in every sort of way.
He stays so close beside me, he's a coward you can see;
I'd think shame to stick to nursie as that shadow sticks to

One morning, very early, before the sun was up,
I rose and found the shining dew on every buttercup;
But my lazy little shadow, like an arrant sleepy-head,
Had stayed at home behind me and was fast asleep in bed.

Doncaster & District Branch
Friday 22nd April at 1pm
Linney Centre, Western Road, Balby, Doncaster Election of Branch Officials The following nominations have been received: Fundraising Officer Committee Members Mary Bowers-Goodson As there have been no other nominations by the closing date all the above will be returned unopposed.
Recycle Day
18th March 10am to 12pm
Hand bags
Only the Above
Q: Why arehairdressers neverlate for work? know all the short stamps to raise funds for research, wil you please send them direct A: "It's pasture Q: Can a kangaroo jump higher than the Empire StateBuilding? A: Of course. The Empire State Building can't jump.
Help the Doncaster & District Branch of the MS Society to raise money by shopping online. It's very simple, just visit: Register and shop with over 2000 well known retailers like Amazon, Argos, M&S, eBay and many more. Whenever you buy something, the retailer makes a donation to Doncaster & District Branch. It really does work.
8. Changed location (5) 10. Fundamental (7) 12. Remit in advance (6) 14. Recommendation (6) 19. Traversed (7) 25. Farm vehicle (7) 2. Go forward (7) 4. Comestible (6) 7. Most vital part of an idea(7) 15. Occurring with nodelay (7) 18. Follow or result (5) 20. Greek letter (5) What we're doing about progressive MS
More and more research into understanding
and treating progressive MS is being done – there's now
real momentum and hope of finding new treatments.

Progressive MS is our top research priority and that of theglobal research community – with new knowledge beinggained, new projects funded and clinical trials underway,there's hope on the horizon.
What causes MS progression? Our understanding of how disability progression in MS happens has improved over recent years - but we still needmore answers.
We now understand that damage within the brain and spinal cord accumulates over time, resulting in the worsening ofdisability. This damage is caused by many factors, includingthe attack of myelin, the build-up of harmful debris, the lossof functional myelin-making cells and an increase ininflammation.
Over time, this environment causes nerve cells to die (a process called neurodegeneration) and can lead to thepermanent accumulation of disability. There are currently notreatments available that can keep nerve cells healthy orregenerate nerve cells. But momentum is building inprogressive MS research and several major breakthroughshave been made to date.
Researchers are working towards the development of drugsthat have the potential to slow or even halt progression, withmajor developments being made in the research areas ofmyelin repair, neuroprotection, stem cell therapy andimmunomodulation.
There's also research looking at other aspects of progressive MS, such as improving symptom relief and thesupport on offer.
Scientists around the world are developing potentialremyelination therapies, which could enhance recovery fromrelapses and protect nerve fibres from damage.
Exciting breakthroughs have been made by researchersworking together at our world-class research centres in Cambridge and Edinburgh. The first positive clinical trial result for a potential myelin repair therapy, in the form ofanti-LINGO-1 , was also announced in 2015.
Neuroprotection is an incredibly promising area of MSresearch, and several positive clinical trial results havealready been announced.
In 2014, simvastatin was shown to slow the worsening ofdisability in people with secondary progressive MS in aphase 2 clinical trial. Then in early 2015, initial results froma phase 2 clinical trial (part-funded by the MS Society)showed that phenytoin could protect nerve cells in the opticnerve from damage in people with optic neuritis.
We're co-funding MS SMART, a groundbreaking clinical trial for secondary progressive MS. In a first for MS research, itis investigating whether three drugs used for otherconditions could slow or stop disability progression. Thedrugs have been shown to have neuroprotective propertiesin the laboratory and small studies in people with MS, andthe trial is now well underway.
We're also funding another trial testing whether amiloride could be a neuroprotective treatment. This trial involvespeople with optic neuritis, to look at the effect of amilorideon the optic nerve specifically. If amiloride or phenytoin(mentioned above) could keep the optic nerve healthy, then they could possibly protect allnerves in the brain and spinalcord.
Several clinical trialsinvestigating other potentialneuroprotective treatmentsare underway. You can find out about treatments that arecurrently in phase 2 and 3 clinical trials for people withprogressive MS on our treatments in the pipeline webpage Stem cells could potentially change the way the immunesystem behaves, repair or replace damaged tissue, orprotect nerve cells from damage. You can read more aboutstem cells on our dedicated emerging areas webpage.
MS Life 2016
The MS Society's leading information and lifestyle event, MS Life, is returning in 2016. MS Life is the biggest event inEurope for people affected by MS, and is an unmissableopportunity to come and meet other volunteers from acrossthe UK.
There will be 40 different interactive information sessions as well as a huge lifestyle exhibition to browse whilemaking new friends and finding out what's new in the worldof MS.
Following on from the success of MS Life 2014 held inManchester, MS Life has a new home for 2016 - London.
We're also moving the event to later in the year, so the dates to mark on your calendar are 17-18 September atExCeL London.
A little boy was waiting for his mother to come out of the grocery store.
As he waited, he was approached by a man who asked, "Son, can you tell me where the post office is?" The little boy replied, "Sure, just go straight down the street a couple of blocks and turn to your right." The man thanked the boy kindly and said, "I'm the new pastor in town, and I'd like for you to come to church onSunday. I'll show you how to get to Heaven." The little boy replied with a chuckle, "Awww, come on; you don't even know the way to the post office!" This is your magazine Is there anything you would like to have in it ,if so let me know and will do my best to try and include it.
Have you any items for sale need advertising .
Or just stories or poems you would like to see.
a web based community for Q: What startswith E, ends withE, and has only1 letter in it? A: Envelope.
chicken crossthe playground? Q: Why did thefish blush? saw the ocean'sbottom.
‘MS Society Doncaster'
Continence Advisory Service Tissue Viability Nurses (pressure sores) Wheelchair Services - Assessment & Repairs DiAL - Disability Advice Line SYCIL - South Yorks Centre for Inclusive Living 01302 892949Linney Centre, Balby Benefits Helpline Doncaster Partnership for Carers Disability Law Service (Aidan Murray Crook) MS Therapy Centre (South Yorks) MS Insurance Services FREE computer help for disabled people
Need advice on the management of your MS? Would you like to find out more about our service? Contact the team on: 01302 796409
Opening the door to independent living by supporting Direct Payments In Doncaster. For further information: Phone: 01302 737707
Unmani Nock (Marnie) can be contacted on: 01302 798164 or mobile on 07775 821124 The Multiple Sclerosis Society
MS National Centre, 372 Edgware Road, Staples Corner, LONDON NW2 6ND. Tel: 020 8438 0700 - Fax 020 8438 0701 The Multiple Sclerosis Society is a registered charity in England and Wales (No. 1139257) and Scotland (No. SC041990) and is a company limited by guarantee (07451571) MS Free Helpline - 0808 800 8000
Mon - Fri, 9am - 9pm or email - [email protected] NO Mon Get Together at the Maple Tree
11th Frid Branch Committee meeting
4th Mon Get Together at the Maple Tree
Branch Committee meeting 2nd Mon Get gether at The Maple Tree
Branch Committee meeting Branch Committee meetings will be held 1pm at linney centre Halliwick Therapy sessions
11.00 -12.00pm on Thursdays at the new swimming pool,Dearne Valley Leisure Centre, Denaby Every Friday at the Linney Centre, Balby:-
Pop in for a cup of tea or coffee, a biscuit and a chat anytime between 10 am & 12.30 pm Reflexology, Aromatherapy, Reiki, Massage, etc.
between 10 am & 12 pm Please note:
As we are unable to provide personal care at these activities, please ensure that a carer accompanies you ifnecessary.
Ù It is advisable to consult your doctor before taking 20 part in any type of therapy.


table of contents The Microlipid Crystallization Technology astion pharma a/s Active Substance Manufacture and Stability executive summary Dermadexin™ Formulations Dermadexin™ SD Cream Dermadexin™ Scalp Solution Dermadexin™ AD Cream seborrhoeic dermatitis Mechanism of Action non-clinic al pharmacology studies Seborrhoeic Dermatitis of The Face

Questa dispensa raccoglie una serie di piccole informazioni utili a quelle persone che intendano intraprendere una professione

Dispensa Questa dispensa raccoglie una serie di piccole informazioni utili a quelle persone che intendano intraprendere una professione che le vedrà vicine al mondo del caffè Le notizie riportate in questa dispensa si intendono inutili se non sono supportate dalla professionalità lavorativa, educazione e creatività dell'operatore. L'operatore deve proporre la propria immagine positiva continuamente ai clienti, facendo modo che questi si trovino sempre a proprio agio al momento della vendita