Letter from the Secretariat
I, Anmol Kaur Bagga, Secretary General of TCET-MUN 2015, along with the Secretariat feel immense pleasure to welcome you to the TCET-MUN 2015. We feel honored to host you during the 3 days of ardent debate. Now in its fifth year, TCET-MUN has grown leaps and bounds from its humble beginnings in 2010. From a conference that simulated two committees back then, we are proud to have six committees this year. The conference is a culmination of dedication and commitment of many people, who worked to make this conference memorable and a quality learning experience.
Model United Nations is a great way of learning about the world. In this era of globalization, being globally aware is more important than ever. Whether you are an experienced MUNner or this is the first time you delegate in an intellectual simulation of this sort, we promise to provide you right mix of challenge and learning.
Your life as delegates to the United Nations begins with the research that needs to be carried out before the actual conference starts. This Study Guide will hopefully help you get started with the same. Realizing that for some of you, it might be your first MUN endeavour, it is our duty to inform you that we shall be following the UN4MUN Rules of Procedure and expect a basic understanding about the same. Having said that, we are always open to any queries that you might have with regards to the procedure or mode of research, and can be contacted even before the conference via mail.
The agendas of every committee are of paramount importance on a global platform. As you put your delegate mode on, this is the time where you can learn and develop. Representing the country allotted to you, you will have to discuss, deliver speeches, lobby, innovate and come up with solutions. At the same time, you also will have to keep in mind whether the solutions are feasible or not. Although this will not really be easy, we hope it will be worthwhile.
We hope you have a great experience at the conference, and take loads of new learning back at the end of the 3 days and be more aware of the issues concerning the world. In case you have any queries, the Secretariat would be more than happy to help. Have a great time!
Anmol Kaur Bagga
TCET Model United Nations 2015
Agenda I - Methods to combat illicit trafficking of counterfeit goods and transnational organized crime
Table of Contents
1. What does "Transnational Organized Crime" mean?
The United Nations Convention on Transnational Organized Crime (UNTOC) does not
contain a precise definition of 'transnational organized crime'. Nor does it list the kinds of
crimes that might constitute it.
This lack of definition was intended to allow for a broader applicability of the Organized
Crime Convention to new types of crime that emerge constantly as global, regional and
local conditions change over time.
The Convention does contain a definition of 'organized criminal group'. In Article 2(a):
a group of three or more persons that was not randomly formed;
existing for a period of time;
acting in concert with the aim of committing at least one crime punishable by at
least four years' incarceration;
in order to obtain, directly or indirectly, a financial or other material benefit.
Since most 'groups' of any sort contain three or more people working in concert and most
exist for a period of time, the true defining characteristics of organized crime groups under
the Convention are their profit-driven nature and the seriousness of the offences they
The UNTOC covers only crimes that are 'transnational', a term cast broadly. The term covers
not only offences committed in more than one State, but also those that take place in one
State but are planned or controlled in another. Also included are crimes in one State
committed by groups that operate in more than one State, and crimes committed in one
State that has substantial effects in another State.
The implied definition 'transnational organized crime' then encompasses virtually all profit-
motivated serious criminal activities with international implications, like trafficking of illicit
goods, humans, . This broad definition takes account of the global complexity of the issue
and allows cooperation on the widest possible range of common concerns.
2. Scope of Transnational Organized Crime
Organized crime has diversified, gone global and reached macro-economic proportions:
illicit goods are sourced from one continent, trafficked across another, and marketed in a
third. Mafias are today truly a transnational problem: a threat to security, especially in poor
and conflict-ridden countries. Crime is fuelling corruption, infiltrating business and politics,
and hindering development. And it is undermining governance by empowering those who
operate outside the law:
drug cartels are spreading violence in Central America, the Caribbean and West
collusion between insurgents and criminal groups (in Central Africa, the Sahel and
South-East Asia) fuels terrorism and plunders natural resources;
smuggling of migrants and modern slavery have spread in Eastern Europe as much as
South-East Asia and Latin America;
in so many urban centers' authorities have lost control to organized gangs;
cybercrime threatens vital infrastructure and state security, steals identities and
pirates from the world's poorest countries (the Horn of Africa) hold to ransom ships
from the richest nations;
counterfeit goods undermine licit trade and endanger lives;
money-laundering in rogue jurisdictions and uncontrolled economic sectors corrupts
the banking sector, worldwide.
Transnational organized crime encompasses virtually all serious profit-motivated criminal
actions of an international nature where more than one country is involved. There are many
activities that can be characterized as transnational organized crime, including drug
trafficking, smuggling of migrants, human trafficking, money-laundering, trafficking in
firearms, counterfeit goods, wildlife and cultural property, and even some aspects of
cybercrime. It threatens peace and human security, leads to human rights being violated
and undermines the economic, social, cultural, political and civil development of societies
around the world. The vast sums of money involved can compromise legitimate economies
and have a direct impact on governance, such as through corruption and the "buying" of
elections. Every year, countless lives are lost as a result of organized crime. Drug-related
health problems and violence, firearm deaths and the unscrupulous methods and motives
of human traffickers and migrant smugglers are all part of this. Each year millions of victims
are affected as a result of the activities of organized crime groups.
4. Major forms of Transnational Organized Crime
Drug trafficking continues to be the most lucrative form of business for criminals, with an
estimated annual value of $320 billion. In 2009, UNODC placed the approximate annual
worth of the global cocaine and opiate markets alone at $85 billion and $68 billion,
respectively. Drug trafficking can also have a catastrophic effect on local violence levels.
Drug "wars" can rival some conflicts in terms of body counts. Of the countries with the
highest murder rates in the world today, many are primary drug source or transit countries.
Human trafficking is a global crime in which men, women and children are used as products
for sexual or labor-based exploitation. While figures vary, an estimate from the International
Labour Organization (ILO) in 2005 indicated the number of victims of trafficking at any given
time to be around 2.4 million, with annual profits of about $32 billion. Recent research on
overall forced labor trends however would suggest that the scope of the problem is much
bigger. In Europe, the trafficking of mostly women and children for sexual exploitation alone
brings in $3 billion annually and involves 140,000 victims at any one time, with an annual
flow of 70,000 victims.
Smuggling of migrants is a well-organized business moving people around the globe
through criminal networks, groups and routes. Migrants can be offered a "smuggling
package" by organized crime groups, and the treatment they get along the route
corresponds to the price they pay to their smugglers. In the process of being smuggled, their
rights are often breached and they can be robbed, raped, beaten, held for ransom or even
left to die in some cases, when the risks get too high for their smugglers. Many smugglers do
not care if migrants drown in the sea, die of dehydration in a desert or suffocate in a
container. Every year this trade is valued at billions of dollars. In 2009 some $6.6 billion was
generated through the illegal smuggling of 3 million migrants from Latin America to North
America, while the previous year 55,000 migrants were smuggled from Africa into Europe
for a sum of $150 million.
Illicit trading in firearms brings in around $170 million to $320 million annually and puts
handguns and assault rifles in the hands of criminals and gangs. It is difficult to count the
victims of these illicit weapons, but in some regions (such as the Americas) there is a strong
correlation between homicide rates and the percentage of homicides by firearms.
Trafficking in natural resources includes the smuggling of raw materials such as diamonds
and rare metals (often from conflict zones). The trafficking of timber in South-East Asia
generates annual revenues of $3.5 billion.11 In addition to funding criminal groups, this
strand of criminal activity ultimately contributes to deforestation, climate change and rural
The illegal trade in wildlife is another lucrative business for organized criminal groups, with
poachers targeting skins and body parts for export to foreign markets. Trafficking in
elephant ivory, rhino horn and tiger parts from Africa and South-East Asia to Asia produces
$75 million in criminal profits each year and threatens the existence of some species.
Organized crime groups also deal in live and rare plants and animals threatening their very
existence to meet demand from collectors or unwitting consumers. According to the
WWF, traffickers illegally move over 100 million tons of fish, 1.5 million live birds and
440,000 tons of medicinal plants per year.
The sale of fraudulent medicines is a worrying business, as it represents a potentially deadly
trade for consumers. Piggybacking on the rising legitimate trade in pharmaceuticals from
Asia to other developing regions, criminals traffic fraudulent medicines from Asia, in
particular to South-East Asia and Africa to the value of $1.6 billion. Instead of curing people,
however, they can result in death or cause resistance to drugs used to treat deadly
infectious diseases like malaria and tuberculosis. In addition to traditional trafficking
methods, criminals continue to build a lucrative online trade in fraudulent medicines
targeting developed and developing countries alike, which can also lead to health
implications for consumers.
Cybercrime encompasses several areas, but one of the most profitable for criminals is
identity theft, which generates around $1 billion each year. Criminals are increasingly
exploiting the Internet to steal private data, access bank accounts and fraudulently attain
payment card details.
The profits of most crimes are generated as cash, which is risky for criminals. Difficult to
hide, cash increases the probability of exposure, theft by rival criminals and seizure by the
police. When cash enters the legitimate economy, it is particularly vulnerable to
identification and law enforcement intervention. As a result, criminals move to prevent cash
from attracting suspicion. For example, they may move it abroad, or they might use it to buy
other assets or try to introduce it into the legitimate economy through businesses that have
a high cash turnover. As an integral part of transnational organized crime, it is estimated
that some 70 per cent of illicit profits are likely to have been laundered through the financial
system. Yet less than 1 per cent of those laundered proceeds are intercepted and
5. Human Trafficking
Human trafficking is a global problem and one of the world's most shameful crimes,
affecting the lives of millions of people around the world and robbing them of their dignity.
Traffickers deceive women, men and children from all corners of the world and force them
into exploitative situations every day. While the best-known form of human trafficking is for
the purpose of sexual exploitation, hundreds of thousands of victims are trafficked for the
purposes of forced labor, domestic servitude, child begging or the removal of their organs.
In 2005, ILO estimated that, globally, there are around 2.4 million victims of human
trafficking at any given time.
Trafficking for exploitation that is neither sexual nor forced labor is also increasing. Some of
these forms, such as trafficking of children for armed combat, or for petty crime or forced
begging, can be significant problems in some locations, although they are still relatively
limited from a global point of
view. There are considerable
regional differences with regard
to forms of exploitation. While
trafficking for sexual exploitation
is the main form detected in
Europe and Central Asia; in East
Asia and the Pacific, it is forced
labor. In the Americas the two
types are detected in near equal
A. Child Trafficking
Globally, children now comprise nearly one third of all detected trafficking victims. Out of
every three child victims, two are girls and one is a boy. The global figure obscures
significant regional differences. In some areas, child trafficking is the major trafficking
related concern. In Africa and the Middle East, for example, children comprise a majority of
the detected victims. In Europe and
Central Asia, however, children are
vastly outnumbered by adults
B. Child Sex Tourism in East Asia
When a person is too young to consent to sex, any sexual activity is inherently exploitative.
In the region, the sexual exploitation of children appears to be especially prevalent in
Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand and Viet Nam. Travelling child sex offenders make use of these
markets, and also pursue children not involved in commercial sex. The Association of
Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has defined "child-sex tourism" as the sexual exploitation
of children by men or women who usually travel from a richer country to engage in sexual
acts with children in a less developed
country.11 Child-sex tourism is
committed by an individual or a
network that facilitates the
exploitation. Many males from
Australia, the European Union and the
United States, working as business
travelers, development workers,
teachers or long-term residents, have
been identified as travelling child sex
offenders in the Greater Mekong
Subregion. According to UNICEF,
however, the majority of sex tourists in
East Asia are regional tourists. Due to
the close links of commercial sex
industries with child-sex tourism, cases involving East Asian travelling sex offenders - mainly
from Japan, the Republic of Korea and Taiwan (Province of China) - have been detected in a
number of Southeast Asian countries. In the Greater Mekong Subregion, travelling child-sex
offenders make contact with local children through their accommodation or other tourist-
related services. In addition, some resident foreigners have strong links to the community
and it is one of the ways that travelling child-sex offenders groom children for abuse.
Although relevant legislation has been adopted in countries of the region, including
Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand and Vietnam, these laws are often weakly enforced.
6. Drug trafficking
Despite demonstrable counterdrug successes in recent years, particularly against the
cocaine trade, illicit drugs remain a serious threat to health, safety, and security. The
demand for illicit drugs, both in the United States and abroad, fuels the power, impunity,
and violence of criminal organizations around the globe. Mexican DTOs are escalating their
violence to consolidate their market share within the Western Hemisphere, protect their
operations in Mexico, and expand their reach into the United States. In West Africa, Latin
American cartels are exploiting local criminal organizations to move cocaine to Western
Europe and the Middle East. There have also been instances of Afghan DTOs operating with
those in West Africa to smuggle heroin to Europe and the United States. Many of the well-
established organized criminal groups that had not been involved in drug trafficking—
including those in Russia, China, Italy, and the Balkans—are now establishing ties to drug
producers to develop their own distribution networks and markets. The expansion of drug
trafficking is often accompanied by dramatic increases in local crime and corruption, as the
United Nations has detected in regions such as West Africa and Central America.
A. Drug Trafficking Routes
Today, cocaine is typically transported from Colombia to Mexico or Central America by sea
(usually by Colombians) and then onwards by land to the United States and Canada (usually
by Mexicans). The US authorities estimate that close to 90% of the cocaine entering the
country crosses the US/Mexico land border, and some 70% of the cocaine leaves Colombia
via the Pacific, 20% via the Atlantic, and 10% via the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and
the Caribbean. Following the dismantling of the Medellin and Cali cartels in the early 1990s,
the Colombian organized crime groups got smaller and violence declined. At the same time,
Mexican groups grew in size and strength, and today are responsible for most of the
violence in Mexico. Most of the trafficking of cocaine to Europe is by sea. Most cocaine
shipments to Europe are destined for one of two regional hubs: Spain and Portugal in the
south and the Netherlands and Belgium in the north. Between 2004 and 2007, at least two
distinct trans-shipment hubs emerged in West Africa: one centered on Guinea-Bissau and
Guinea, and one centered in the Bight of Benin which spans from Ghana to Nigeria.
Around 90% of the global heroin supply comes from opium poppy cultivated in Afghanistan,
and the majority of this is consumed in Europe, the Russian Federation and countries en
route to these destinations. The route to the Russian Federation takes advantage of cross-
border social and ethnic linkages in the new states of Central Asia, mostly moving the heroin
in small amounts on board commercial and private vehicles. In contrast, the flow to Europe
appears to be more organized, with much larger shipments crossing a greater number of
borders involving states with much higher interdiction capacity.
To get heroin to the Russian consumers, some 95 tons, or 25% of all Afghan heroin exports,
must pass from Afghanistan into Central Asia, with Tajikistan handling most of this volume.
The "Balkan route" proceeds by land from the Islamic Republic of Iran (or Pakistan into the
Islamic Republic of Iran) via Turkey and through South-East Europe. To satisfy European
demand for 87 tons of heroin, about 140 tons must depart Afghanistan along this route,
largely due to high levels of seizures in the Islamic Republic of Iran and Turkey. Most of this
heroin is consumed in just four countries: the United Kingdom, Italy, France and Germany.
7. Environmental trafficking
There are many forms of transnational organized environmental crime, and as global
regulations grow, new forms will emerge. Classically, there are two major subheadings
under which these offences fall. One is crime related to pollution, in particular hazardous
waste dumping and the trade in ozone depleting substances. The second is crimes related to
illicit harvesting of natural resources, in particular threatened animal species, timber, and
In Africa, every state with a wildlife population is affected by poaching, but it appears that
Central Africa is the main source of elephant ivory, and Southern Africa the main source of
rhino horn. Some of these products are retailed to tourists locally, but very large
consignments of ivory have been detected en route to Asia, representing larger
organizations. There is evidence of militants being involved in the trade, including Somali
and Sudanese groups.
The transportation of wild animal parts, when detected, tends to raise questions. In
contrast, the transport of large volumes of timber and wood products is a staple of
international commerce. As with other ostensibly licit goods, the legality of any particular
shipment of timber is based on paperwork. Fraudulent paperwork can be used for a number
of purposes. It can transmute a protected hardwood into a more mundane variety. It can
render a product originating in a protected area into one from an authorized source. In Asia,
much of this paperwork is not forged – it is bought from corrupt officials in timber source
countries. Imports of illicitly sourced wood-based products to the EU from China and South-
East Asia in 2009 are estimated at some US$2.6 billion, and from South-East Asia to China at
about US$870 million. Much of this commerce is based on fraudulently acquired paperwork
sourced from corrupt officials in South- East Asia, and consequently it has become very
difficult to disentangle licit and illicit in this area.
"Cybercrime" has been used to describe a wide range of offences, including offences against
computer data and systems (such as "hacking"), computer-related forgery and fraud (such
as "phishing"), content offences (such as disseminating child pornography) and copyright
offences (such as the dissemination of pirated content). Here, we've focused on two of the
most problematic: the well-established fraud of identity theft and the previously
unprofitable trade in child pornography. The former is an acquisitive crime, an updated
version of check kiting. The latter is a kind of electronic trafficking, transmitting contraband
across borders through the Internet.
A. Identity Theft
The misuse of credit card information is often identified as the most common form of
identity- related crime, but most of this activity occurs offline. Electronic banking has
offered opportunities for acquiring the cash more directly. Identity theft is not necessarily a
crime that needs to be committed with the help of others. Both the seller and the buyer of
identity-related information are involved in the offence, but they do not form a "group" any
more than do the buyers or sellers of any other commodity. One of the great advantages of
the Internet for criminals is that it allows the formation of exactly these ad-hoc associations
between otherwise unrelated individuals. The USA has been reported as the leading source
of credit card numbers advertised on underground economy servers. Figures from the USA
show that most computer crime against US citizens is committed by other US citizens. Based
on US data, the value of Internet-related identity crime globally can be estimated at some 1
billion dollars annually.
B. Child Pornography
Until recently, the production and acquisition of child pornography were highly risky
activities. Only a limited number of pedophiles had access to the facilities to produce hard
copy materials, most materials were produced by amateurs, and their dissemination was
limited to social networks that were both difficult to establish and fragile. One of the risks
associated with the growth of the Internet is that the greater accessibility of child
pornography could lead to greater demand, and thus greater profitability in the production
and sale of these materials. If child pornography were to approach the profitability of adult
pornography, this could attract the attention of organized crime groups, transforming what
had been a furtive paper exchange into a professional operation and leading to greater
levels of victimization. The risk could be particularly acute in developing countries. To date,
this threat does not appear to have been realized.
9. Counterfeit Goods
The production and sale of counterfeit goods is a global, multibillion dollar problem and one
that has serious economic and health ramifications for Governments, businesses and
consumers. Counterfeiting is everywhere — it can affect what we eat, what we watch, what
medicines we take and what we wear — and all too often the link between fake goods and
transnational organized crime is overlooked in the search for knock-offs at bargain-
basement prices.
While the costs are difficult to quantify — and do not include non-monetary damage such as
illness and death — the value of counterfeiting is estimated by the OECD to be in the region
of $250 billion per year. The World Customs Organization noted that in 2008 counterfeit
products destined for 140 countries were detected. In many countries the absence of
deterrent legislation encourages counterfeiters, since they have less fear of being
apprehended and prosecuted than they would for other crimes. Counterfeiters engage in
elaborate plans to disguise their activities. They establish fictitious businesses and front
companies. They exploit border-control weaknesses and poor regulatory frameworks. And
they use false documents to obtain pharmaceutical ingredients, as well as manufacturing
equipment to replicate genuine products.
A. Countries of origin
The number of counterfeits detected at the European border has increased dramatically in
recent years, and most of these products originate in China (including Hong Kong, China and
Taiwan, Province of China). In the financial year 2009, mainland China was the source of
US$205 million worth of goods seized in the United States, which was 79% of the value of all
counterfeit products seized that year. Hong Kong, China was the source of another US$26
million, or 10%, and Taiwan Province of China contributed another 1%. Collectively, then,
some 90% of the value of the counterfeits seized in the US in 2009 came from China.
The European Customs Union does not provide a similar valuation figure, but there is good
reason to believe the problem is even more acute in Europe. The number of seizures in the
US was less than one third of the number of cases registered at the European border, and
the flow of counterfeits into the EU appears to be growing at a much faster rate.
It appears that most of the counterfeits trafficked to the EU are shipped by sea.
Containerized transport, often with a confusing series of way stations, is common for long
distance traffic. Goods may also be ferried by speedboat to Hong Kong, China before being
trafficked on from there. In addition, they may transit Xiamen, Quemoy or Matsu on their
way to Taiwan, Province of China. Those destined for South-East Asia often make use of the
land border crossing from Guangxi and Yunnan. Web based sales and courier delivery have
become increasingly popular. As for many other forms of seemingly licit contraband,
counterfeit goods from East Asia often transit free trade zones on their way to Europe,
Dubai and other free trade areas in the United Arab Emirates. This allows the origin of the
goods to be disguised, and it also allows unbranded products to be decorated with the
appropriate logos close to the destination market. The United Arab Emirates is the second
biggest source of counterfeit goods seized at the borders of the EU, the provenance of more
than 15% of all cases recorded in 2008. Many of these goods may have been based on "raw"
(unbranded) merchandise from East Asia.
C. Counterfeit medicines
One of the most harmful forms of counterfeit goods is fraudulent medicines. In recent years
there has been a marked increase in the manufacturing, trade and consumption of these
products — often with harmful results, and at times fatal. The sale of fraudulent medicines
from Asia to South-East Asia and Africa alone amounts to some $1.6 billion per year — a
sizeable amount of money being fed into the illicit economy. The World Health Organization
estimates that up to 1 per cent of medicines available in the developed world are likely to
be fraudulent. This figure rises to 10 per cent in various developing countries, and in parts of
Asia, Africa and Latin America, fraudulent pharmaceuticals amount to as much as 30 per
cent of the market. In an article in the medical journal The Lancet in mid-2012, it was noted
that one third of malaria medicines
used in East Asia and sub-Saharan
Africa are fraudulent. Meanwhile in
Asia — a key manufacturer of legal
medicine — the production of
fraudulent drugs is seen to be on
the rise. According to statistics from
the World Customs Organization,
around two thirds of counterfeits
(medicines and other goods)
detected globally in 2008 were
shipped from East Asia.
D. Global overview of counterfeit medicines
A frequently cited estimate, attributed to the World Health Organization, is that 10% of the
global medicine supply is counterfeit, rising to 30% in the developing world. Though the
basis of this estimate is unclear, the figure is alarming, especially given the narrow definition
of "counterfeit" used by the WHO. The bulk of world pharmaceutical sales occur in North
America and Europe. These areas are not immune to counterfeit medicines: in 2008, the
European Customs Union detected over 3,200 attempts to import bogus drugs, involving
almost 9 million items, over half of which originated in India. Much of this trade involves so-
called "lifestyle drugs" (particularly Pfizer's "Viagra"), however, often ordered from on-line
pharmacies, although there have been a number of well publicized detections of counterfeit
essential medicines destined for the legitimate supply chain in North America and
Europe. Despite the relatively low value of drug sales in developing countries,
pharmaceutical counterfeits are particularly prevalent in South-East Asia and Africa.
According to the World Health Organization, counterfeits comprise less than 1% of the
market value in most developed countries, although this figure may be increasing. In some
developing countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America, the share is much higher, between
10% and 30%. As much as 50% to 60% of anti-infective medications tested in parts of Asia
and Africa have been found to have active ingredients outside of acceptable limits.
E. Countries of Origin
While some of these drugs are produced locally, the bulk are said to be produced in Asia, in
particular in India and China. According to the Commonwealth Business Council Working
Group on Healthcare, "The vast majority of counterfeit medicines are currently thought to
be produced in China, India and the Russian Federation, although significant numbers of
illegal factories have also been reported in Nigeria, and the Philippines." According to Dora
Akunyili, former Director General of the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration
and Control (NAFDAC) of Nigeria,
"Most of the fake drugs in Nigeria come from India and China." There has been evidence
from law enforcement; for example, large consignments of counterfeit drugs made in India
and bound for Africa have been seized in Europe.
Western Hemisphere: TOC networks—including transnational gangs—have expanded and
matured, threatening the security of citizens and the stability of governments throughout
the region, with direct security implications for the United States. Central America is a key
area of converging threats where illicit trafficking in drugs, people, and weapons—as well as
other revenue streams— fuel increased instability. Transnational crime and its
accompanying violence are threatening the prosperity of some Central American states and
can cost up to eight percent of their gross domestic product, according to the World Bank.
The Government of Mexico is waging an historic campaign against transnational criminal
organizations, many of which are expanding beyond drug trafficking into human smuggling
and trafficking, weapons smuggling, bulk cash smuggling, extortion, and kidnapping for
ransom. TOC in Mexico makes the U.S. border more vulnerable because it creates and
maintains illicit corridors for border crossings that can be employed by other secondary
criminal or terrorist actors or organizations. Farther south, Colombia has achieved
remarkable success in reducing cocaine production and countering illegal armed groups,
such as the FARC, that engage in TOC. Yet, with the decline of these organizations, new
groups are emerging such as criminal bands known in Spanish as Bandas Criminales, or
Afghanistan/Southwest Asia: Nowhere is the convergence of transnational threats more
apparent than in Afghanistan and Southwest Asia. The Taliban and other drug-funded
terrorist groups threaten the efforts of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, the United
States, and other international partners to build a peaceful and democratic future for that
nation. The insurgency is seen in some areas of Afghanistan as criminally driven—as
opposed to ideologically motivated—and in some areas, according to local Afghan officials
and U.S. estimates, drug traffickers and the Taliban are becoming indistinguishable. In other
instances, ideologically driven insurgent networks are either directly trafficking in narcotics
or have linked up with DTOs to finance their criminal actions. The threatening crime-terror-
insurgency nexus in this region is illustrated by cases such as that of INTERPOL fugitive
Dawood Ibrahim, the reputed leader of South Asia's powerful "D Company." He is wanted in
connection with the 1993 Mumbai bombing and is sanctioned under United Nations
Security Council Resolution 1267 (Taliban/al-Qa ida).
Russia/Eurasia: Russian and Eurasian organized crime networks represent a significant
threat to economic growth and democratic institutions. Russian organized crime syndicates
and criminally linked oligarchs may attempt to collude with state or state-allied actors to
undermine competition in strategic markets such as gas, oil, aluminum, and precious metals.
At the same time, TOC networks in the region are establishing new ties to global drug
trafficking networks. Nuclear material trafficking is an especially prominent concern in the
former Soviet Union.
The Balkans: A traditional conduit for smuggling between east and west, the Balkans has
become an ideal environment for the cultivation and expansion of TOC. Weak institutions in
Albania, Kosovo, and Bosnia and Herzegovina have enabled Balkan-based TOC groups to
seize control of key drug and human trafficking routes and Western European markets. The
Balkans region has become a new entry point for Latin American cocaine, a source of
synthetic drugs, and a transit region for heroin chemical precursors for use in the Caucasus
and Afghanistan. Excess weapons are smuggled to countries of concern. Insufficient border
controls and the ease of acquiring passports enable the transit of criminals and terrorist
figures to Western Europe.
West Africa: West Africa has become a major transit point for illegal drug shipments to
Europe and for Southwest Asian heroin to the United States. It has also become both a
source of—and transit point for—methamphetamine destined for the Far East. West Africa
also serves as a transit route for illicit proceeds flowing back to source countries. TOC
exacerbates corruption and undermines the rule of law, democratic processes, and
transparent business practices in several African states that already suffer from weak
institutions. Due to its lack of law enforcement capabilities, its susceptibility to corruption,
its porous borders, and its strategic location, Guinea-Bissau remains a significant hub of
narcotics trafficking on the verge of developing into a narco-state. While many officials
within the Government of Guinea-Bissau recognize the extent of the drug problem and
express a willingness to address it, a crippling lack of resources and capacity remains a
hindrance to real progress in combating drug trafficking.
Asia/Pacific: TOC networks and DTOs are integrating their activities in the Asia/Pacific
region. Due to the region's global economic ties, these criminal activities have serious
implications worldwide. The economic importance of the region also heightens the threat
posed to intellectual property rights, as a large portion of intellectual property theft
originates from China and Southeast Asia. Human trafficking and smuggling remain
significant concerns in the Asia/Pacific region, as demonstrated by the case of convicted
alien smuggler Cheng Chui Ping, who smuggled more than 1,000 aliens into the United
States during the course of her criminal career, sometimes hundreds at a time. TOC
networks in the region are also active in the illegal drug trade, trafficking precursor
chemicals for use in illicit drug production. North Korean government entities have likely
maintained ties with established crime networks, including those that produce counterfeit
U.S. currency, threatening the global integrity of the U.S. dollar. It is unclear whether these
USA: The Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act (TVPRA) is the largest piece of
anti-human trafficking legislation in U.S. history. Each year the United States Department of
State issues a report on the situation of human trafficking in over one hundred and seventy
nations worldwide. The yearly Trafficking in Persons report (TIP) is used by the U.S. primarily
as a diplomatic instrument in order to create and encourage global partnerships and
awareness. It has also launched various programs to combat drug trafficking, for example,
"Plan Colombia", "Merida Initiative", etc.
Russian Federation: The Russian Federation has been an origin, transit, and destination
country for women and children trafficked for sexual exploitation to and from numerous
countries within the Gulf States, Europe, and North America. Russia has also increasingly
become a transit and destination country for labor trafficking, both within the former Soviet
Union and from neighboring countries. Since 1997, substantial efforts have been taken by
both government agencies and organizations within civil society. Moreover, Russian
government defends that human trafficking must not be seen only as a fight against
organized crime and illegal migration, but, first and foremost, as a violation of human rights.
Therefore, human trafficking responses must be directed from human rights and victim-
centered approaches.
Thailand: Thailand is a source, destination, and transit country for men, women, and
children subjected to forced labor and sex trafficking. Victims from neighboring countries, as
well as China, Vietnam, Russia, Uzbekistan, India, and Fiji, migrate willingly to Thailand to
seek employment, often with the assistance of relatives and community members or
through the use of informal recruitment and smuggling networks. There are an estimated
two to three million migrant workers in Thailand, most of whom are from Burma. The
majority of the trafficking victims within Thailand— tens of thousands of victims, by
conservative estimates—are migrants from Thailand's neighboring countries who are
forced, coerced, or defrauded into labor or exploited in the sex trade. A significant portion
of labor trafficking victims within Thailand are exploited in commercial fishing, fishing-
related industries, low-end garment production, factories, and domestic work; some victims
are forced to beg on the streets.
African Union: The African Union understands that effective actions to prevent and combat
trafficking in persons require comprehensive regional and international approach involving
origin, transit and destination countries. On the same day that six African countries (Chad,
Eritrea, Niger, Mauritania, Swaziland, and Zimbabwe) were added to the US Tier 3 list
(2009), the African Union launched a new initiative to combat human trafficking in the
continent. The African Elephant Summit was held in Gaborone, Botswana where set of 14
urgent measures were adopted by consensus.
European Union: The shutdown of the Italian patrol and rescue program known as Mare
Nostrum, led by the Italian Navy, the program saved thousands of migrants at sea. However,
it was shut down due to budgetary constraints and replaced with Operation Triton, which is
limited in scope to only collecting data about migrant smugglers. Many EU members are
racing to build walls and fences to keep out illegal migrants fleeing from the conflicts in
Libya, Syria, and Eritrea etc.
Actions taken by the United Nations
In 2010, the UN General Assembly adopted the Global Plan of Action to Combat Trafficking
in Persons, urging Governments worldwide to take coordinated and consistent measures to
defeat this scourge. The Plan calls for integrating the fight against human trafficking into the
UN's broader programs in order to boost development and strengthen security worldwide.
The United Nations Security Council has recently paid much attention to the threat posed by
transnational organized crime. In the December 2009 Presidential Statement on Peace and
Security in Africa, "The Security Council invite(d) the Secretary-General to consider
mainstreaming the issue of drug trafficking as a factor in conflict prevention strategies,
conflict analysis, integrated missions' assessment and planning and peacebuilding support".
The Secretary-General, speaking at the African Union summit in January 2010, also
emphasized the perils of illicit trafficking, particularly drugs. He noted that "Criminal
networks are very skilled at taking advantage of institutional weaknesses on the ground."
The United Nations Convention Against Transnational Organised Crime (also known as the
‘Palermo Convention') has attached to it the Protocol Against the Smuggling of Migrants by
Land, Sea and Air 2000, the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons,
Especially Women and Children, and the Protocol Against the Illicit Manufacturing and
Trafficking in Firearms, Their Parts and Components and Ammunition.
The United Nations Convention Against Transnational Organised Crime was adopted by
General Assembly resolution 55/25 of 15 November 2000 and is "the main instrument in the
fight against transnational organized crime". It entered into force on 29 September 2003.
States that ratify the instrument commit to taking a series of measures against transnational
organized crime, including the creation of domestic criminal offences; the adoption of new
and sweeping frameworks for extradition, mutual legal assistance and law enforcement
cooperation; and the promotion of training and technical assistance for building or
upgrading the necessary capacity of national authorities.
Each year, transnational organized crime generates an estimated $870 billion, threatening
peace and human security, leading to human rights being violated and undermining
economic, social, cultural and political development of societies around the world. So
serious is the organized crime threat that the UN Security Council has on several occasions
considered its implications in Afghanistan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Central
America, Somalia, West Africa, and in relation to several themes (trafficking of arms, drugs,
people, and natural resources). Around the world, organized crime has changed strategic
doctrines and threat assessments. Armies have been mobilized to fight drug cartels, navies
have been sent to capture pirates. Yet the threat persists. Without a global perspective,
there cannot be evidence-based policy.
Organized criminals generally do not seek to topple the state, but they can provoke a
reaction that can also threaten long-term peace prospects. A clear sign that crime has
become a national security threat comes when exceptional legal and security measures are
taken, including calling on the military to help re-establish the government's authority.
While sometimes necessary to reacquire lost territory, the long-term use of regular military
forces to police civilian populations presents risks for the rule of law and civil liberties.
Military and police officials may become frustrated with a corrupt or ineffective criminal
justice system and begin to engage in extrajudicial executions. The public may form civilian
vigilante groups as well. Over time, these paramilitary vigilantes can become as big a
security challenge as the criminals they were formed to combat.
If there is to be a new security consensus, it must start with the understanding that the
front-line actors in dealing with all the threats we face, new and old, continue to be
individual sovereign States, whose role and responsibilities, and right to be respected, are
fully recognized in the Charter of the United Nations. But in the twenty-first century, more
than ever before, no State can stand wholly alone. Collective strategies, collective
institutions and a sense of collective responsibility are indispensable. The case for collective
security today rests on three basic pillars. Today's threats recognize no national boundaries,
are connected, and must be addressed at the global and regional as well as the national
levels. No State, no matter how powerful, can by its own efforts alone make itself
invulnerable to today's threats. And it cannot be assumed that every State will always be
able, or willing, to meet its responsibility to protect its own peoples and not to harm its
First, since crime has gone global, purely national responses are inadequate: they displace
the problem from one country to another. Regional and international responses are enabled
by the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (UNTOC) adopted
Second, states have to look beyond borders to protect their sovereignty. In the past, they
have jealously guarded their territory. In the contemporary globalized world, this approach
makes states more, rather than less vulnerable. If police stop at borders while criminals
cross them freely, sovereignty is already breached – actually, it is surrendered to those who
break the law. Therefore, trans-border intelligence-sharing and law enforcement
cooperation are essential.
Third, since transnational organized crime is driven by market forces, countermeasures
must disrupt those markets, and not just the criminal groups that exploit them. Otherwise,
new criminals will simply fill the void, and new routes will be found.
Fourth, since traffickers follow the paths of least resistance – characterized by corruption,
instability and underdevelopment – it is essential to strengthen security and the rule of law.
The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are the most effective antidote to crime, while
crime prevention helps to reach the MDGs. Peacebuilding and peacekeeping make fragile
regions less prone to the conflict that affects crime, while fighting crime neutralizes spoilers
who profit from instability.
Fifth, since criminals are motivated by profit, the key is to go after their money. That means
strengthening integrity by implementing the United Nations Convention against Corruption.
It also means stopping informal money transfers (hawala), offshore banking and the
recycling through real estates that make it possible to launder money. In particular,
governments and financial institutions should implement Article 52 of the anti-corruption
Convention that requires Parties to know their customers, determine the beneficial owners
of funds and prevent banking secrecy from protecting proceeds from crime.
Sixth, since the wide-open window of trade is letting criminals in, it is essential to install
filters. In the past two decades, insufficient regulation and unchecked growth, together with
the Internet and free trade zones, have enabled abuse of the economic and financial
systems. Today, greater vigilance is needed to keep illicit goods out of the supply chain;
prevent the diversion of licit products into the black market; strengthen anti-corruption
measures; profile suspicious container and air traffic; crack down on cybercrime; and
exercise due diligence (for example, in banking and real estate).
Questions A Resolution Must Answer
1. How can Member States improve tracking of illicit financial flows?
2. How can TOC groups be prevented from converting their illicit profits into licit
3. What can be done to prevent smuggling of persons?
4. How can victims of migrant smuggling be re-integrated back to their domicile
countries? Is deportation an answer?
5. How can global interdiction capabilities be improved?
6. What can be done to decrease copyright infringement in PRC?
7. How can internet systems be secured against hackers?
8. How can human trafficking victims be protected from further abuse and being
Agenda II – Combating narcoterrorism – the financial support to terrorist organizations
Table of Contents
1. Definition
A. What do the terms "drug" and "narcotic drug" mean?
As stated by the UNODC:
In medicine, it refers to any substance with the potential to prevent or cure disease or
enhance physical or mental welfare; in pharmacology it means any chemical agent that
alters the biochemical or physiological processes of tissues or organisms. In the context of
international drug control, "drug" means any of the substances in Schedule I and II of the
Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961, whether natural or synthetic.
In medicine, a "narcotic drug" is a chemical agent that induces stupor, coma, or insensibility
to pain (also called narcotic analgesic). In the context of international drug control, "narcotic
drug" means any drug defined as such under the 1961 Convention.
B. What is meant by the term "terrorism"?
The UN Member States still have no agreed-upon definition of terrorism, and this fact has
been a major obstacle to meaningful international countermeasures against terrorism.
The UN General Assembly Resolution 49/60 (adopted on December 9, 1994), titled
"Measures to Eliminate International Terrorism," contains a provision describing terrorism:
"Criminal acts intended or calculated to provoke a state of terror in the general public, a
group of persons or particular persons for political purposes are in any circumstance
unjustifiable, whatever the considerations of a political, philosophical, ideological, racial,
ethnic, religious or any other nature that may be invoked to justify them."
UN Security Council Resolution 1566 (2004) gives a definition:
"criminal acts, including against civilians, committed with the intent to cause death or
serious bodily injury, or taking of hostages, with the purpose to provoke a state of terror in
the general public or in a group of persons or particular persons, intimidate a population or
compel a government or an international organization to do or to abstain from doing any
C. So what does "Narcoterrorism" mean?
The UN Member States have no common definition of the word "narcoterrorism"; it was
used first by former President Fernando Belaúnde Terry of Peru in 1983, to describe the
terrorist-like attacks against the Peruvian police.
Narcoterrorism, according to the US Drug Enforcement Agency, refers to the "participation
of groups or associated individuals in taxing, providing security for, otherwise aiding or
abetting drug trafficking endeavors in an effort to further, or fund, terrorist activities".
It is best understood as the organized employment of violence against the local populace,
the security forces, and the government to intimidate anyone contemplating resistance to
drug trafficking.
While first recognized as a threat in Latin America, narcoterrorism has wreaked havoc across
the world. From the FARC in Colombia, the PKK in Turkey, to al Qaeda in Afghanistan, and
the Hezbollah in Lebanon, the methods of narcoterrorism are employed by various terrorist
organizations and drug cartels. As globalization has allowed for the interconnectivity of
world markets it has also allowed for global trade in the illicit market. As a result, ties have
been forged between various criminal groups in which drug trafficking is increasingly used
to fund the operations of terrorist organizations and crime groups. Drug trafficking
organizations (DTOs) and violent extremist organizations (VEOs), grasped this opportunity to
develop cooperation and share competences at the international level, in order to promote
and secure their agenda.
The five major benefits of drug trafficking to terrorism may be listed as-
1. Funds for terrorism,
2. Chaos where drugs are present, sometime fostered by DTOs and VEOs to create a
favorable environment for them,
3. Corruptions of public institutions with probably the intention to initiate support for
terrorist organization,
4. Logistical support for DTOs and VEOs,
5. Challenges law enforcement and intelligence agency.
It is estimated that almost a quarter of a billion people between the ages of 15 and 64 years
used an illicit drug in 2013. The gross profits out of only cocaine sales (totaling US$85 billion)
were estimated at US$84 billion for the year 2009, compared with about US$1 billion
earned by the farmers in the Andean region. Most of the gross profits (retail and wholesale)
were generated in North America (US$35 billion) and in West and Central Europe (US$26
billion). With drug use on the rise in many developed as well as developing economies, one
can only make conjectures as to the total amount of money generated via sale of illicit
drugs. The United States is the largest market for illegal drug consumption, resulting in
violence and mayhem. To the Mexican drug cartels, this country by its drug consumption
finances their drug empires. Once a less violent activity of Mexico's society, trafficking
marijuana has in the last thirty years become a violent war resulting in the loss of thousands
of innocent lives. Activities with the mass slaughter of women, children, and government
officials have raised the violence to a level of terrorism. Because narcotics are the central
reason for the fighting, and massive corruption, the label of narcoterrorism fits. Terrorist
groups, criminal organizations, and states that sponsor terrorism are aware of this and are
taking advantage of this problem.
3. Drug Producing Regions and Trafficking Routes
The regions in which the cultivation and manufacture of drugs take place have not changed.
Herbal cannabis production occurs in most countries worldwide, while the production of
cannabis resin remains confined to a few countries in North Africa, the Middle East and
South-West Asia. In South America, three Andean countries continue to account for virtually
all global cultivation of coca bush, while the vast majority of illicit opium poppy cultivation
worldwide remains concentrated in two countries in Asia. Cannabis continues to be the
most-used drug worldwide.
Coca bush cultivation continued to decline in 2013, reaching its lowest level since estimates
from the mid-1980s. The decline in 2013 was driven mainly by an 18 per cent decrease in
coca bush cultivation in Peru (from 60,400 ha in 2012 to 49,800 ha) and by a 9 per cent
decrease in the Plurinational State of Bolivia (from 25,300 ha to 23,000 ha). Coca bush
cultivation in Colombia, on the other hand, remained stable in 2013, although it remained at
historically low levels. Available information for Colombia on the presence of coca bush
cultivation shows that prior to eradication 89,215 ha were under cultivation at some point in
South America remains the main departure hub for cocaine to the rest of the world. The
cocaine-producing countries, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Colombia and Peru, serve as
departure (and transit) countries for the export of cocaine to the rest of the region. A
number of other countries may serve as transit points for trafficking cocaine from Latin
America to the major consumer markets in North America and Western and Central Europe,
but Brazil (particularly since 2010) and Argentina are the cocaine transit countries most
frequently mentioned in major individual drug seizures. The Netherlands, Morocco and
Spain have been mentioned in individual drug seizures as the main departure or transit
countries for cannabis over the past decade as a whole and continue to be so when
considering more recent trends during the period 2010-2014. Albania and Argentina have
emerged respectively as cannabis departure or transit countries in the past five years,
confirming that cannabis cultivation and production are dynamic and widespread, and that
trafficking routes may be in constant change.
Heroin is produced in three different regions, but while there is information from reports of
individual seizures on the trafficking routes for heroin from Afghanistan, available data does
not currently allow for the identification of the transit countries used in the trafficking of
heroin from Colombia and Mexico or from the Lao People's Democratic Republic and
Myanmar. Pakistan is mentioned in individual drug seizure reports more frequently than
other countries as a transit country for heroin seized elsewhere. This confirms that Afghan
heroin is smuggled southwards from Afghanistan through Pakistan, but it may also suggest
that this trafficking route is more successfully targeted by law enforcement in destination
countries and/or that data reporting on the last departure country of the shipment seized is
comparatively better for this route than for others.
Although opium poppy is cultivated in South-East Asia, individual drug seizures indicate that
neither of the opium cultivating countries in the region, the Lao People's Democratic
Republic and Myanmar, appears to be an important heroin trafficking departure hub. This
may be due to the fact that Afghan heroin dominates the global market, but it may also
reflect the fact that countries that report individual seizures are not markets for heroin
produced in South-East Asia. Despite a temporary reduction from 2011 to 2013, the fact
that heroin seizures in Afghanistan itself have increased in the past decade may show that
an increasing amount of opiates are being intercepted before reaching markets outside
Afghanistan. On the other hand, several countries reported increasing seizures of heroin
trafficked via the southern route (on which heroin is trafficked to Asia and Europe often via
African countries) as well as maritime routes, which is consistent with reports of an
expansion of trafficking along the southern route. In Pakistan, opium seizures increased for
the third consecutive year to reach 34 tons in 2013. The strengthening of controls between
Afghanistan and Iran (Islamic Republic of) and between Iran (Islamic Republic of) and Turkey
may have forced traffickers to move southwards towards the coasts of Iran (Islamic Republic
of) and Pakistan.
The increasing importance of Africa as a transit region for Afghan heroin bound for Europe
and other regions has been reflected in increasing seizures of heroin being reported in
recent years by some African countries, particularly in East Africa, and in seizures in Europe
of African provenance. Since 2010, heroin seizures associated with the southern route have
been reported in a number of European countries, including Austria, Belgium, the Czech
Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, the
Netherlands, Portugal, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine and the United
4. Violent Non-State Actors (VNSAs)
Although violent non-state actors (VNSAs) have exerted a perceptible influence on the
international system for centuries, it was only after the terrorist attacks of September 11,
2001 that they began to receive significant attention in the international community. Most
of the groups examined in this study have been designated foreign terrorist organizations by
the U.S. Department of State.
However, due to lack of a commonly accepted and comprehensive definition of the word
"terrorism" (one State's "terrorists" are another's "freedom fighters", as it is colloquially
said), there has been a lack of effective countermeasures to the rise of VNSAs. Some
examples of VNSAs include – Taliban and al Qaeda in Afghanistan, the Hamas and the
Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) in the Middle East, al Shabab and Boko Haram in Africa,
Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC) in Colombia, Shining Path in Peru.
Through both the General Assembly as well as the more elite Security Council, the UN has
attempted to use the powerful international means at its disposal to confront the threats
posed by VNSAs; however, these attempts have consistently failed to restrain the
destructive force of VNSAs. The Security Council, as the nonpareil body of states charged
with "primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security,"
passed Resolutions 1540 and 1673 in order to "prohibit states from assisting non-state
actors in the acquisition of weapons of mass destruction." However, the Resolutions, while
ambitious, were wholly ineffective due to their complete lack of any international
enforcement provisions. Similarly, the Terrorist Bombing and Terrorist Financing
Conventions, passed by the General Assembly in the late 1990s as states began to
comprehend the severity of the threats posed by VNSAs, both left enforcement of their
provisions entirely up to the individual signatory states rather than the Security Council. This
rendered the Conventions devoid of any meaningful effect because many of the states in
which violent non-state actors operate are either unable to effectively project force into the
peripheral areas in which terrorist groups tend to locate and operate or are otherwise
complicit in the activities of the violent non-state actors within their territories.
5. Relationship between narcotics trade and VNSAs
As a result of the significant decline in funding of guerrilla and terrorist groups by
ideologically motivated state sponsors since the end of the Cold War, these groups have
become increasingly reliant on drug trafficking as a funding source. Many terrorist and
insurgents groups also in fact exploit a variety of illicit economies, including drugs.
Depending on the locale and time period, other illegal or semi-legal commodities include
conflict diamonds, special minerals, human beings, weapons, and illicit activities such as
extortion, kidnapping, illegal logging, money laundering, and the illicit manufacture of
passports. Such illicit economies exist in some form virtually everywhere, both within and
outside the locales of military conflict.
In most cases, the relationship between insurgent groups and drug-trafficking organizations
or cartels is a mutually beneficial one that allows exchanges of drugs for weapons, use of
the same smuggling routes, use of similar methods to conceal profits and fund-raising, e.g.,
informal transfer systems such as the hawala and the Black Market Peso Exchange (BMPE),
use of the same resources for laundering money, use of the same corrupt government
officials, and so forth. However, the cartels and the drug trafficking terrorist and extremist
groups have different goals: the former are primarily motivated by financial enrichment and
do not seek attention, whereas the latter, because of their political goals—or, in the case of
the Islamic groups, both religious and political objectives—are more likely to receive close
attention by the public and by law enforcement authorities. As a result, the insurgent
groups and the drug cartels have a pragmatic, arm's-length relationship.
Not only does it provide funds, it also furthers the strategic objectives of the terrorists.
Some terrorist groups believe that they can weaken their enemies by flooding their societies
with addictive drugs.
6. Case Studies A. Situation in Colombia
The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia—People's Army (FARC–EP and FARC) is
a guerrilla movement involved in the continuing Colombian armed conflict since 1964. FARC
started their foray into the drug world by taxing local coca growers in southern towns. This
tax was basically extortion disguised as a fee for providing security to the farmers from the
Colombian government and paramilitaries. In order to push their leftist agenda, FARC was
using the drug trade to fund the attacks against the Colombian government and even
innocent civilians; "Their strategies and tactics involved many acts of terrorism in that they
kill peasants suspected of colluding with the paramilitaries and they kidnap for ransom,
preying on anyone suspected of possessing wealth beyond that prescribed by their
communist dogma. They also use traditional military strategies and tactics and target the
police and other symbols of government presence". Colombia launched an aggressive
approach against FARC known as Plan Colombia that was supported by the United States.
Billions of dollars were used by the U.S. government to strengthen and train the Colombian
troops in an effort to eradicate coca crops and weaken guerrilla groups. However, they
quickly found safe havens in neighboring countries such as Venezuela and Ecuador, from
where they continued their cocaine operations used to fund their attacks against the
Colombian government, albeit in a reduced capacity owing to the losses they sustained as a
result of Plan Colombia.
While Plan Colombia was successful in defeating much of the FARC, it struggled in many
other areas. Much of the United States attention in Plan Colombia was focused on counter-
insurgency, especially after 9/11, and preventing the flow of illegal drugs into the United
States. The economic development of Colombia has been held back by its reliance on the
illegal drug trade. Many of the poor rural farmers have no other option but to grow coca
and pay the tax enforced by FARC. New conflicts over land have increased once again and
displacement of populations from land persists at very high levels. Homicides and
kidnapping murders are up in Bogotá and Medellín, once hailed as a model success. The
government's provision of security in many areas remains sporadic and spotty.
The situation in Mexico clearly shows how narcoterrorism can destabilize a country. The
symptoms were known, increasing drug production along and widespread abused of it, drug
related crime, threats to public safety and health, corruption along with money laundering
and the infiltration of the government and economy. The Sinalao Drug Cartel, one of the
most powerful drug cartels in the world, has the logistic capabilities to smuggle anything
into the US and is present in West Africa, Eastern and Western Europe, conducting its affairs
with the Mara Salvaltrucha, commonly known as MS13, a transnational criminal
organization. To recruit, they have a very advantageous welcoming package including well-
paid jobs and health care while funding local government and political parties. Many hence
believe that Mexico has become a narco-state. Additionally, there is proof today of al-Qaeda
links with Latin America's VEOs but no evidence of ties with DTOs in Central and South
America has been shown.
B. IRA & Narcoterrorism
FARC is not the only terrorist organization that has funded their attacks with the drug trade.
The IRA terrorized Northern Ireland for decades with mortar attacks and car bombs. The IRA
was founded in 1969 by Sinn Fein, as the legal political entity dedicated to removing British
forces from Northern Ireland. The IRA has engaged in assassinations and other forms of
attacks in Northern Ireland and England since being founded.
The IRA has justified the use of terrorist tactics to fight what they view as the unfair
treatment of Catholics by Protestants in Northern Ireland. They have had several notable
attacks that claimed many lives such as the Bloody Friday attack in which 22 bombs were
used. The IRA has been notorious for their utilization of narcoterrorism to pursue their
agenda in Ireland. While the IRA has been very vigilant in fighting the use of drugs within
Ireland, it has not stopped them from selling drugs internationally to raise money for their
terrorist aspirations. For example, in the 1980's IRA was caught smuggling over a ton of
marijuana into the United States. The profits from the drug sale were to fund the purchase
Shortly before 9/11 Colombian officials arrested three Irish citizens who were traveling in
Colombia. It turned out that the citizens were explosive experts with the Irish Republican
Army (IRA) and had been training FARC on the creation and execution of mortar attacks.
FARC paid upwards of $2 million for the training provided by the IRA. In 2002, the FARC
would use this training to launch a mortar attack on the presidential inauguration of
President Uribe.
With the money acquired from FARC for the explosives training the IRA was able to pay for a
shipment of 20 highly efficient Russian AN-94 assault rifles that Russian intelligence
reported going to the IRA in 2001. Additionally, the IRA used narcotics acquired from the
FARC to pay Croatian arm smugglers.
As recently as March 2009, there have been terrorist attacks by a group affiliated with the
IRA. The group known as the Real IRA killed two British soldiers and two civilians. The attack
happened as peace talks had progressed between the IRA and Britain. U.S. Congressional
testimony revealed some of the criminal and terrorism links of the Real IRA. The report
provided evidence that the Real IRA is involved with the illicit drug sale in the Middle East.
Additionally, the seizure of drugs flowing into and out of Northern Ireland has increased in
C. PKK & Narcoterrorism
Located in Turkey, but with members in Iraq and Iran, the PKK is the Kurdistan
Worker's Party. Founded in the 1970's they are a militant organization that pursues the
same leftist ideology that FARC has fought for in Colombia. Classified as a terrorist group by
the United States, the PKK has long fought the Turkish government. Because the PKK have
dealt extensively with criminal organizations in trafficking both arms and narcotics, they
have been considered an important nexus of criminal activities with terrorism.
In the 1990's the PKK moved to a more urban attack approach and over the course of the
decade it claimed the lives of over 30,000 people. After their leader, Abdullah Ocalan was
arrested, peace prospered for several years. However in recent years, there has been a
spike in violence as the militant wing of PKK rose to power.
Terrorist attacks have been made against tourist attractions and hotels in the area. Evidence
indicates that a large amount of the funding used for these PKK attacks is raised through the
illicit drug business. In fact, the PKK makes around $10 million a year from drug running and
extortion. Reports indicate that since 1984 there has been a convergence between
organized crime groups and the PKK. However, as the PKK realized the profitability of the
drug business they used their ties in the region to sell drugs to finance their operations. This
evolution of shifting from a simple tax of the drug producers and traffickers to producing
and delivering the drugs themselves is very similar to what FARC did.
Unlike many nations, such as the United States, Turkey has done a much better job at linking
organized crime, the drug trade, and terrorist organizations together. Understanding the
role of the drug trade in the financing of PKK and their terrorist attacks has been a key tenet
of the Turkish counter-terrorism strategy.
D. Situation in Afghanistan
Two decades of war created much hardship for the people of Afghanistan. The country's
infrastructure was destroyed, its human resource base depleted and its social capital
eroded. The majority of the population was left extremely poor, lacking food, clothing,
housing and medical care. State institutions were dysfunctional and the economy and
society fragmented. A number of state institutions – central bank, treasury, tax collection
system, customs, police, and judiciary – were either extremely weak, politically corrupted,
or simply missing. Taxing opium income of farmers and traders was often the only reliable
source of income for which ever authority prevailed. With an estimated poverty rate of 60%
and a per capita income of only $300, poverty is the primary reason many farmers rely on
the illicit economy for survival.
For the estimated 2.9 million Afghani farmers involved in the drug trade, they receive less
than 20% of the revenue. The landowners, warlords, traffickers, public officials, and terrorist
organizations, such as the Taliban, receive the majority of the profit.55 In addition to
receiving the lion's share of the revenue, these same criminals levy taxes as well as impose
exploitative sharecropping and land tenure agreements upon the already impoverished
poppy farmers. To continue to earn a living under these conditions, farmers are forced to
borrow money from landholders using the expected crop yields as collateral. When the
farmers are unable to repay the loans due to drought or a poor harvest, they become
trapped in an endless cycle of debt and repayment.
While the commercial production of opium continues to be the only means of survival for
many Afghan farmers, the desire to realize the full potential of the market by traffickers has
led to the exploitation of ungoverned and unprotected land suitable for harvesting poppy.
As a result, the illicit drug trade is more confined in Afghanistan to those regions that are
more remote and hostile, thus limiting counter-narcotics efforts due increased protection by
terrorist organizations, such as the Taliban. To protect their illicit drug market from law
enforcement, traffickers provide weapons, funding, and personnel to the Taliban in
exchange for the protection of drug trade routes, poppy fields, and their organizations.
From an economic standpoint, unless poppy farmers are afforded the opportunity to earn a
living growing alternative crops, eradication simply puts more of a drain on the economy.
The drug market provides the only access to land, credit, water, and employment for many
farmers, especially those in remote and less governed regions of the country. Until
additional investment is made in providing more security to lawless regions, alternative
economic opportunities are simply unrealistic. Furthermore, eradication efforts have served
to bolster legitimacy for terrorist organizations with the local populace due to their support
of the opium farmers. Other negative consequences of the eradication approach have
included increased attacks on law enforcement officials attempting to eliminate opium
crops. Additionally, opium farmers who have become unemployed as a result of the
destruction of their drug fields have been easily recruited by the terrorists. Without
providing an alternative means to earn a living, the eradication policy also seriously
damages the legitimacy of the government.
So, while there has been some success with eradication and alternative development,
ultimately the responsibility rests with Afghanistan's government and its ability to build a
viable and cohesive central government. Furthermore, impoverished Afghanis must view
the government as legitimate and feel economically and personally secure under the
watchful eye of the administration. Until this occurs, narco-terrorists will continue to exploit
Afghan farmers, and the lawlessness and violence will continue to plague the country. With
the continued violence and lawlessness associated with the illicit drug trade threatening to
destroy the country, it is clear Afghanistan's current policies and efforts in counter-narcotics
and counter-terrorism are failing. Until Afghanistan establishes itself as a legitimate
government with the capacity to enforce the rule of law, realizing any long-term success for
the country will remain unrealistic.
7. Problems with current US policies
It is widely recognized that access by VNSAs to the gains from drug production and
trafficking contributes to the intensity and prolongation of military conflict. Also, that such
groups—terrorists, insurgents, or warlords—grow stronger when they successfully exploit
the drug trade. The United States' response—its antinarcotics policy—emphasizes crop
eradication. This strategy is too simplistic and, ultimately, ineffective. The view prevailing in
the U.S. government assumes that belligerents simply gain financial resources from their
access to the illicit economy, which they can convert into greater military capabilities and
use to expand the conflict. Consequently, the logic goes, if the government eradicates the
illicit drug economy, the VNSAs will be significantly weakened if not altogether defeated.
This narcoterrorism/narcoguerrilla thesis ignores not only the extreme difficulties in
successfully eradicating the illicit drug economy in a particular country, but also the highly
unpredictable effects of eradication on the profits of the belligerents. Crucially, it also
ignores the important side-effect of strengthening the bond between these groups and the
local population.
Many terrorist and insurgents groups do in fact exploit a variety of illicit economies,
including drugs. Depending on the locale and time period, other illegal or semi-legal
commodities include conflict diamonds, special minerals, human beings, weapons, and illicit
activities such as extortion, kidnapping, illegal logging, money laundering, and the illicit
manufacture of passports. Such illicit economies exist in some form virtually everywhere,
both within and outside the locales of military conflict. Territory-based organizations such as
the Taliban can control and tax the cultivation and processing of illicit crops, for example.
But it is extraordinarily hard for a loose network without a substantial territorial base—such
as al Qaeda today—to profit from cultivation and processing. It is much more likely that
groups like al Qaeda will attempt to control some part of the international smuggling routes
or some aspect of money laundering. In fact, most of the tangential evidence publicly
available regarding al Qaeda and drugs indicates that it could have penetrated the
international traffic with drugs beyond the border of Afghanistan. If al Qaeda is in fact
profiting from en route trafficking, then eradication is a distinctly ineffective solution. Even
if all drugs in Afghanistan were eradicated, in the absence of a large-scale reduction of
worldwide demand for opiates, opium poppy cultivation would simply shift into another
territory—the so-called balloon effect. The likely candidates for picking up production slack
from Afghanistan would be Myanmar, Pakistan, and the former Soviet Republics in Central
Asia. In all three cases, al Qaeda would probably be able to maintain control of a part of the
international traffic, and if cultivation relocated into Pakistan and Central Asia, might well be
able to tax some cultivation as well. Paradoxically, successful eradication in Afghanistan—a
pipe dream, currently—might well enable al Qaeda to obtain far greater benefits from the
8. DTO – VEO – Population Relationship
Financial benefits to belligerent groups are frequently in the hundreds of millions of dollars.
Their profits grow as they move from simply taxing the producers (peasants) of the illicit
substances, to providing protection and safe airstrips to the traffickers, to taxing precursor
agents or the final illegal commodities, to controlling parts of international trafficking
routes, to getting involved with money exchange and laundering. These profits are used to
improve military capabilities by facilitating procurement, to increase the salaries paid to
soldiers, and to improve logistics. The facilitation of procurement and logistics allows
belligerent groups to optimize their tactics and strategies for achieving their larger goals.
These groups no longer need to attack military arsenals for procurement and can
concentrate on strategic, and visible targets. A successful sponsorship of the illicit economy
thus speeds up the process by which terrorists and insurgents can transform themselves
from a ragtag band of insurgents-in-hiding to a formidable belligerent actor. Most
important, and neglected by the conventional wisdom on narcoterrorism: belligerents
derive significant political gains, particularly political legitimacy, from their involvement with
the drug economy. They do so by protecting the local population's reliable, lucrative, and
frequently sole source of livelihood from the efforts of the government to repress the illicit
economy. They also frequently protect peasants from brutal and unreliable traffickers, by
bargaining with traffickers for better prices on behalf on the peasants, by providing
otherwise absent social services such as clinics and infrastructure to the local population,
and by claiming nationalist credit if a foreign power threatens the local illicit economy. This
political legitimacy is frequently very thin, but nonetheless sufficient to motivate the local
population to withhold intelligence on the belligerents from the government if the
government attempts to suppress the illicit economy. Obtaining this local human
intelligence is one of the key and irreplaceable ingredients for victory against terrorists and
insurgents. These three components of gain also reveal the very uneasy alliance between
narcotraffickers and belligerent groups. The belligerent groups provide the traffickers with
protection from the government's repressive policies, with a safer transportation system,
and make sure that drug producers (peasants) deliver the promised raw materials for the
illicit commodities. In return, the drug dealers provide the belligerents with financial
benefits and intelligence on the government's military movements. However, the
relationship is inevitably complicated by the fact that the belligerents have multiple
audiences and interests: they also protect the population from the traffickers and bargain
for greater prices on behalf of the population, and they demand great financial payoffs from
the traffickers and seek to displace the traffickers from aspects of the illicit economy. Far
from having morphed into an identical actor with identical goals, the guerrillas and the
traffickers frequently have many competing interests. Accordingly, government policies
should be designed to split the tactical and rather fragile alliance between the two actors,
bidding them against each other and allowing them to undermine each other.
Getting access to drugs vastly increases the staying capacity of belligerents. Yet weaning
terrorist groups and insurgents from the drug trade by eradication is extraordinarily difficult.
Contrary to the conventional wisdom, eradication may not reduce the financial benefits of
the belligerents; rather, it might just as well increase the international market price for the
drug to such an extent that the final revenues for the belligerents may be even greater. In
fact, it was the desire to boost farmgate prices for opium that motivated the Taliban to
undertake extensive (even if temporary) eradication in 1999-2000.
Moreover, the extent of the financial losses to the terrorists and insurgents also depends on
the adaptability of the belligerents, traffickers, and peasants: their ability to store drugs,
replant after eradication, increase number of plants per acre, shift production to areas that
are not being eradication, use genetically-altered high-yield, high-resistance crops, or switch
to other illicit economies. The FARC in Colombia, for example, makes only 50 percent of its
income from drugs. The rest comes from extortion, kidnapping, and other activities. In
Myanmar, after production of opiates shifted to Afghanistan, many warlords and insurgents
changed to the production of synthetic drugs and easily maintained their income. There has
not been one case in which eradication bankrupted the belligerent group to such a point
that it eliminated it. The desired impact of eradication to decrease the financial resources of
the belligerent group is far from certain and is likely to take place only under the most
favorable circumstances. Eradication increases the political benefits to belligerent groups.
Local populations are all the more likely to support such groups and to deprive governments
of intelligence about them. Without viable alternative livelihoods for vulnerable
populations, eradication loses hearts and minds and at the same time fails to significantly
weaken belligerent groups.
9. Policy Solutions
Effective policy must be implemented to deal with the emerging threat of narcoterrorism.
There is not a single policy that will eliminate the threats posed by narcoterrorists. Rather it
will take the implementation of several policies that seek to mitigate the influence and
effect of narcoterrorism in various areas. These areas include properly defining the threat of
narcoterrorism, tracking and freezing financial assets of transnational criminal organizations,
handling the supply and demand problem with narcotics, and utilizing foreign aid.
A. Defining Narcoterrorism
Part of the difficulty in creating a policy that effectively mitigates narcoterrorism is that
there are so many different definitions of the term. The definition of narcoterrorism can
focus on the FARC's involvement in the drug industry or it can focus on their terrorist
actions. Emma Bjornehed believes that there are two different definitions of
narcoterrorism; "the definition of narcoterrorism is almost dual in character, where the
emphasis is placed on the drug aspect or the terrorism aspect may vary considerably." As
made evident by FARC and other terrorist organizations, the international drug trade has
become the most common and profitable criminal activity. Part of this difficulty in defining
narcoterrorism and attempting to identify narcoterrorists is the convergence of crime and
terrorism. Tamara Makarenko states that the "1990s can be described as the decade in
which the crime–terror nexus was consolidated: the rise of transnational organized crime
and the changing nature of terrorism mean that two traditionally separate phenomena have
begun to reveal many operational and organizational similarities." The following chart
exhibits the growing similarity between crime and terrorism.
According to Paul Wilkinson, the FARC is a perfect example of a group moving along the
continuum; "it is clear that this has made them, both in reality and popular perception, little
more than a branch of organized crime, decadent guerrillas rather than genuine
revolutionaries, irredeemably corrupted by their intimate involvement with narcotraffickers
and their cynical pursuits of huge profits from kidnapping and from their ‘protection' of coca
and opium production, processing and shipping facilities." Policies to counter
narcoterrorism must view crime and terrorism in the same light. Some nations (Britain,
Turkey) are far ahead of other nations in viewing the relationship between crime and
terrorism. The progressive nature of the UK's view on terrorism and crime is made evident
by examining the measures they have taken to combat the emerging threat.
The international community must work together closely to mitigate the effect of
narcoterrorism. This can include sharing intelligence, providing military assistance, and
legally cooperating. Effective narcoterrorism policy must manage to track and freeze the
monetary assets of terrorist organizations and criminal groups.
B. Financial Assets
The financial profits to narcoterrorists are frequently in the hundreds of millions of dollars.
As was the case with FARC, Vanda Felbab-Brown states that "their profits grow as they
move from simply taxing the producers of the illicit substances, to providing protection and
safe airstrips to the traffickers, to taxing precursor agents or the final illegal commodities, to
controlling parts of international trafficking routes, to getting involved with money
exchange and laundering. These profits are used to improve military capabilities by
facilitating procurement, to increase the salaries paid to soldiers, and to improve logistics."
With so much money changing hands, future policies must be created to track the financial
resources of the narcoterrorists. To get at insurgent/terrorist financial resources, we should
focus on combating international as well as source country money laundering, on
interdicting the financial flows to the insurgents, and on beefing up international
interdiction capabilities.
Tracking money flow of narcoterrorist organizations should be an integral part of any policy.
Jane Boulden writes that; "The key advantage of targeting financial resources is that it
promises to be as global as terrorism. It is a striking coincidence that the aftermath of
September 11 also seems to have dealt a temporary blow to the antiglobalization
movement. On the one hand, terrorist operations are deemed to be nothing without
terrorist financial organizations; on the other hand, state sponsors can be cast as terrorist
banks as well as donors." Similar to every policy prescription for narcoterrorism, tracking
financial resources of these terrorist organizations should be global in scope. Much of the
money made by terrorist organizations and criminal groups is either laundered or used to
corrupt officials.
Similar to every policy prescription for narcoterrorism, tracking financial resources of these
terrorist organizations should be global in scope. Much of the money made by terrorist
organizations and criminal groups is either laundered or used to corrupt officials.
C. Supply & Demand
Another difficult issue facing the approach toward narcoterrorism is the view of producer
nation vs. consumer nation. The United States is the largest drug consumer in the world but
blames the supplying nations for its drug epidemic. Contrarily, the supplying nations blame
the United States and claim that the country needs to do more to reduce the demand.
Moses Naim claims that this is due to the fact that it is a natural reaction for a government
to fight the supply of goods because it is much easier to protect its border than it is to
convince its citizenry to stop a certain habit. If the United States is serious about curtailing
its drug use and consequently funding narcoterrorism, a new policy approach must be
implemented. It must be made clear to the public that the purchase of drugs is funding
organized crime and terrorists around the world and the money could be used to fund an
attack against the United States. Additionally, to curtail drug abuse in the United States an
increased effort to prevent and intervene drug use will be necessary.
An alternative policy option would be for the United States to offer a similar assistance
package to other nations as it did in Plan Colombia. While Plan Colombia was successful in
weakening FARC's presence in Colombia, it struggled in many other areas. FARC simply
crossed the porous borders into nations like Ecuador and Venezuela that were not receiving
the same support as Colombia. Future policies should account for this and provide aid and
assistance to the entire region so that crossing the border is not such an attractive option to
FARC. While Venezuela has held harsh views of the United States and much of the Western
world, there were signs at the recent Summit of the Americas that they would be willing to
work with President Obama.
The threat of narcoterrorism is very serious and can be felt across every region of the world.
Narcoterrorism poses a threat to more than just the nations in which these groups exist. The
globalization of the economy has created a network for terrorist organizations and criminals
to coordinate, cooperate, and share resources. Unfortunately, policy has been slow to catch
up to the convergence of crime and terrorism. Moving forward it will be vital to the security
of the international community for international governments to work together. This can be
done by sharing intelligence, financial information, and developing a unified approach to
breaking up the ties between crime and terrorism. All of the prescribed policy approaches
have one common ingredient; they must be international in scope. If the international
community is to work together to defeat transnational criminals and terrorists than
international governments must coordinate government. The links forged by narcoterrorists
and criminals are too vast for one nation to make a difference. By pulling resources
together, the international community can uncover the links between crime and terrorism
and consequently the effects and fund raising capabilities of narcoterrorists like FARC will be
severely decreased.
Major Countries Involved
Bolivia: Bolivia is one of the leading producers of Coca paste and therefore, quite
obviously, has a massive role to play in the production of narcotics. However Bolivia
possesses a neutral stance on this issue and does not want to address this problem.
The president of Bolivia, Evo Morales expelled the DEA and the US ambassador
saying that the government has been striving to eradicate this problem and will
continue to do so, thus protecting his country's national sovereignty. However the
US and Bolivia have restored diplomatic ties and the former has collaborated with
Brazil to train soldiers on their fight against drugs. Brazil has tightened border
controls. Conversely, there have been no policies to address the production of coca
paste and the consumption of narcotics, both of which have meteorically risen in the
past few decades.
United States of America: The USA is the single largest market for cocaine produced
in the Andean region and therefore has a colossal responsibility as it deals with
Mexican drug cartels and an unprecedented increase in the consumption of
narcotics. The U.S. Federal Government is an opponent of the illegal drug trade;
however, state laws vary greatly and in some cases contradict federal laws. This
contradiction arises when non-medical cannabis is illegal according to federal laws,
but is not criminalized (up to certain amounts) in states such as Alaska and Colorado.
The USA also has several initiatives and programs, collaborating with countries such
as Colombia and Mexico, as it provides military and economic aid.
Russian Federation: Drug abuse is an extremely serious problem for Russia, which is
a big market for both Cocaine and Heroin. It is estimated that injecting drug users
number 1.8 million and opiate users number 1.6 million. The numbers of injecting
drug users have also resulted in a severe increase of HIV patients with 78% of the 1
million HIV affected people being injecting drug users. Russia's stand on solving this
problem is driven mainly by criminalization and prevention. It opposes medically
assisted therapies.
Mexico: Drug cartels belonging to Mexico control most of the transport of narcotics
from the sites of their production to the North American market. Historically,
presidents of Mexico have made initiatives to stop this illicit drug trade, with both
Vicente Fox and Felipe Calderon sending forces to escalate their anti-drug
campaigns. Mexico, a major drug producing and transit country, is the main foreign
supplier of cannabis and a major supplier of methamphetamine to the United States.
Almost half the cartels' revenue comes from cannabis.
Afghanistan: Afghanistan is a major source country for the cultivation, processing,
and trafficking of opiates, producing 59 percent of the world's supply of illicit opium
in 2002. It is the biggest producer of opium and Hashish amongst the nations present
in the ‘Golden Crescent'. Since the invasion in 2001 and the lifting of the Taliban
opium ban, opium production in Afghanistan has increased from 70 percent of the
overall global illicit opium production to 92 percent today. This increase has occurred
in along with the declining security situation precipitated by the 2001 coalition
invasion of the country. The loose relationship between terrorist organizations,
violence, decentralized governance, and poverty that existed prior to the Global War
on Terrorism (GWOT) in Afghanistan, has resulted in a truly narcoterrorism-driven
Myanmar: Opium poppy cultivation and heroin refining take place in remote,
mountainous border regions of Burma. Armed ethnic groups such as, the United Wa
State Army (UWSA), the Kokang Chinese, and the Myanmar National Democratic
Alliance Army (MNDAA) control the cultivation areas, refine opium into heroin, and
also produce methamphetamine.
Nepal: Nepal's open border with India and its proximity to Pakistan and Burma make
it an attractive alternate transit route for illicit narcotics from the Golden Crescent
and Golden Triangle regions to Europe, other points in Asia and the US, as well as
escape routes for drug traffickers. Narcotics trafficking have become prevalent due
to the close proximity of the Indo-Nepalese borders aligning with the state of Uttar
Pradesh and Jammu and Kashmir in India, which are the principal opium producing
states. Drug money moves easily over the border with India or through Nepal's
banks, including international bank branches, gold from Hong Kong, Thailand and
Dubai is also smuggled through Nepal, under the control of Indian traffickers.
UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs, 1946, (E/RES/1946/9(I)) UN Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961, March 30, 1961 The Convention on Psychotropic Substances, 1971, (CND Res.6(XXVIII)) International co-operation in drug abuse control, December 17, 1979,
The United Nations Convention Against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and
Psychotropic Substances, December 19, 1988, (A/RES/43/120)
Measures to Enhance International Cooperation to Counter the World Drug Problem,
April 17, 1988, (A/S-20/4)
International Cooperation Against the World Drug Problem, December 17, 1999,
Promoting international cooperation in responding to the challenges posed by new
psychoactive substances, March 16, 2012, (CND_Resolution 55/1)
Support for the National Drug Control Strategy of the Government of Afghanistan
Technical assistance for implementing the international conventions and protocols
related to counterterrorism (E/2011/30)
Questions A Resolution Must Answer
1. What would be a proper definition of ‘narcoterrorsim'?
2. Should the activities of groups like FARC be considered merely criminal activities, or
terrorist activities?
3. What measures can Member States take to stop VNSAs which also operate beyond
their boundaries?
4. What are the factors which foster the growth of VNSAs and how can we combat
5. Is drug decriminalization a viable method of stopping the illegal drug trade?
6. How can the situation of the farmers who grow opium out of desperation be
Angiogenic markers in breath condensate identify non-small cell lung cancer
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