Mark Scheme (Results)
Pearson Edexcel GCSE in
Biology (5BI1F) Paper 01
Unit B1: Influences on Life
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Summer 2015
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General Marking Guidance
All candidates must receive the same treatment. Examiners must
mark the first candidate in exactly the same way as they mark the
Mark schemes should be applied positively. Candidates must be rewarded for what they have shown they can do rather than
penalised for omissions.
Examiners should mark according to the mark scheme not according
to their perception of where the grade boundaries may lie.
There is no ceiling on achievement. All marks on the mark scheme
should be used appropriately.
All the marks on the mark scheme are designed to be awarded.
Examiners should always award full marks if deserved, i.e. if the answer matches the mark scheme. Examiners should also be
prepared to award zero marks if the candidate's response is not worthy of credit according to the mark scheme.
For questions worth more than one mark, the answer column shows
how partial credit can be allocated. This has been done by the inclusion of part marks eg (1).
Where some judgement is required, mark schemes will provide the
principles by which marks will be awarded and exemplification may
When examiners are in doubt regarding the application of the mark scheme to a candidate's response, the team leader must be
Crossed out work should be marked UNLESS the candidate has replaced it with an alternative response.
Quality of Written Communication
Questions which involve the writing of continuous prose will expect candidates to:
Write legibly, with accurate spelling, grammar and punctuation in order to make the meaning clear
Select and use a form and style of writing appropriate to purpose
and to complex subject matter
Organise information clearly and coherently, using specialist vocabulary when appropriate.
Acceptable answers
4 marks for 4 correct responses
3 marks for 3 correct responses
2 marks for 2 correct responses
1 mark for 1 correct responses
Acceptable answers
A a supporting rod running
the length of their body
Acceptable answers
B fish
Acceptable answers
An explanation linking the
2 different / similar species named species
who interbreed (1)
reproduce / mate
Total for Question 1 = 8 marks
Acceptable answers
Accept two marks for correct
77 ÷ 1.6 x 1.6 / 2.56 (1)
accept 30.07 - 30.08 / 30.1
Acceptable answers
A description to include two of
writing in scientific journals (1)
attending scientific conferences
meeting / talking to other
Acceptable answers
Answers must be in this order.
insulin pancreas
Acceptable answers
A description to include two of
diet carefully regulated /
monitored/ less carbohydrate
physical activity undertaken /
medication (to lower blood
Total for Question 2 = 8 marks
Acceptable answers
Accept two marks for correct
6 (billion tonnes of carbon dioxide)
Acceptable answers
23 and 444 and 330 (1)
Accept two marks for correct
797 (billion tonnes of carbon
Acceptable answers
A suggestion from:
more heat trapped in the
Earth's atmosphere (1)
(increased) greenhouse
more photosynthesis (1)
Do not accept plants grow more
Acceptable answers
An explanation linking the
photosynthesis (1)
to make carbon
glucose / carbohydrates
Acceptable answers
Any two suggestions from:
reduce deforestation (1)
reduce burning fossil fuels Accept any practical example of
the reduction of burning fossil
increase the planting of
trees / plants (1)
Total for Question 3 = 9 marks
Acceptable answers
D nucleus
Acceptable answers
A chromosome
Acceptable answers
Acceptable answers
ECF from clipped table for ff
25%, 0.25, ¼, 1 in 4
Reject ratio of 1:4
Acceptable answers
An explanation to include two of
build up / thick mucus /
sticky mucus (1)
blocking the pancreas /
pancreatic duct / blocking
the release of enzymes (1)
reduction in food digestion
/ absorption (1)
Acceptable answers
An explanation to include the
both parents are
both have a recessive allele /
heterozygous / carriers (1) gene
person X inherited both
the recessive alleles (1)
Acceptable answers
An explanation to include two of
red blood cells deformed / Accept misshaped / differently
lower red blood cell count
blocking of capillaries /
less oxygen carried (to muscles)
oxygen carrying capacity
of the blood is reduced (1)
muscles / joints ache (1)
Do not accept "weakening"
less respiration by muscles Do not accept "tired"
/ less energy released (1)
Total for Question 4 = 11 marks
Acceptable answers
C sensory neurone
Acceptable answers
A motor neurone
Acceptable answers
An explanation linking the
fast (response) (1)
automatic / immediate
no (further) damage is
Acceptable answers
A description linking two of the
brain connected to the
spinal cord is connected to
the skin / finger by
Indicative Content
*5(c) A description to include some of the following points
Effect of alcohol
Alcohol is a depressant
Alcohol causes people to feel drowsy
Alcohol increases reaction times
Makes reactions slower
Impulses get to the brain slower
Neurotransmission is slower at the synapse
Effect of caffeine
Caffeine is a stimulant
Caffeine causes people to be more alert
Caffeine shortens reaction time
Impulses get to the brain faster
Neurotransmission is quicker at the synapse
In extreme cases too much caffeine can have the opposite
effect due to over stimulation
No rewardable content
a limited description of either the effect of alcohol and / or caffeine
the answer communicates ideas using simple language and uses
limited scientific terminology
spelling, punctuation and grammar are used with limited accuracy
a simple description of both alcohol and caffeine and related to
reaction times OR a detailed description of alcohol or caffeine
related to reaction time
the answer communicates ideas showing some evidence of clarity
and organisation and uses scientific terminology appropriately
spelling, punctuation and grammar are used with some accuracy
a detailed description of both alcohol and caffeine on reaction
including their actions as depressants and stimulants and a reference to action on nerve impulses or the synapse
the answer communicates ideas clearly and coherently uses a
range of scientific terminology accurately
spelling, punctuation and grammar are used with few errors
Total for Question 5 = 12 marks
lowest level should be approximately three times the size of the
second level which should be approximately twice the size of the top level
Acceptable answers
Accept two marks for correct
1 500 and 800 (1)
Acceptable answers
must be in correct order.
Indicative Content
*6(b) A description of two examples to include some of the following
parasites live in or on their host
parasite and host live together but only the parasite
headlice / ticks
live on their host
live off the blood of their host / suck blood
tapeworm live in their host
within the intestinal system
hooks and suckers attach to host intestines
flat body so tapeworm can easily absorb host's
digested food molecules
outer layer has substances to ensure it is not
digested by host
tapeworm eggs defecated and can also infect other
vertebrates when swallowed
grows on host
roots grow into the hosts xylem and phloem vessels
absorbs the host's water and mineral ions
No rewardable content
a limited description of one example of parasitism and / or
definition of parasitism
the answer communicates ideas using simple language and uses
limited scientific terminology
spelling, punctuation and grammar are used with limited accuracy
a simple description of at least two examples of parasitism or a
detailed explanation of one
the answer communicates ideas showing some evidence of clarity
and organisation and uses scientific terminology appropriately
spelling, punctuation and grammar are used with some accuracy
a detailed description of two examples of parasitism with reference
to blood / digested food / mineral ions and water
the answer communicates ideas clearly and coherently uses a
range of scientific terminology accurately
spelling, punctuation and grammar are used with few errors
Total for Question 6 = 12 marks
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Source: http://intranet.holgate-ac.org.uk/homework/uploads/995206012016130120165BI1F_01_msc_20150819.pdf
Actos de libertad: pensando en clave electiva* Ponencia inédita presentada en el III Congreso Iberoamericano de Pensamiento. Holguín, 2006. Por EDELBERTO LEIVA LAJARA ACTO PRIMERO: ÍNTIMA LIBERTAD Estamos demasiado acostumbrados -patrones culturales por medio- a las manifestaciones físicas de la audacia. Yo no pretendo una ingenua exaltación a priori de la actitud contemplativa -por sí mismo el pensar supone un hacer pluridimensional que lo complemente y le dé existencia en el mundo material-, sino una reflexión íntima en torno al siguiente problema: hasta dónde el principio de toda emancipación radica en un primer acto de liberación interior. El fundamento lo ofrece la historia de nuestro pensamiento, cuya lección primera y mayor parece ser, en efecto, que si no somos libres en el pensar, sencillamente no somos libres. Que no hayamos creado sistemas, doctrinas o modelos de pensamiento que hayan llenado épocas en la historia universal, no es un argumento en contra. En buena lid, en el caso cubano, parece ser la clave de todo. A diferencia de otros pueblos en algunas etapas históricas, no hemos pretendido la suma definitoria del conocimiento humano. En nuestro fuero interno, hemos sido lo suficientemente libres para no aspirar a ello, y es posible que haya sido lo mejor para todos. Sería magnífico que siguiera siendo así en el futuro, porque ello implica el reconocimiento de la singularidad e irrepetibilidad de esa escurridiza cualidad que llamamos lo cubano, inaprensible con frecuencia para ese otro, también singular e irrepetible, proveniente de cualquier lugar del mundo. . No se entienda lo anterior como una apología de la incomunicación, o la negación de un fondo de valores comunes a la humanidad y por tanto susceptibles de servir de fundamento a los más disímiles proyectos sociales, políticos o culturales. Tampoco -¡mucho menos!- como un ejemplo más de esa recurrente inclinación a la postura Cuba=ombligo del mundo que por momentos lacera nuestra integridad de pueblo. Es mucho más sencillo. Es una posición de humildad sustentada por la convicción de que no es posible inventar lo que siempre, como grupo humano, hemos rechazado: los grandes sistemas de pensamiento que pretenden explicarlo todo, así sea en sus versiones originales o en trasnochadas interpretaciones de apologetas. Pero vayamos a lo esencial, a la importancia del acto electivo como fundamento de libertad, entendido como posibilidad de asumir una de las opciones viables en un momento dado. Es ingenuo presuponer una libertad absoluta de elección, ajena al estado concreto de la sociedad, la cultura, la política, la economía. El entramado profundamente complejo de una comunidad, sin dudas, condiciona la elección. Cada punto de partida genera un espectro de opciones, más o menos amplias, más o menos viables, y puede darse por demostrado -si la historia en realidad demuestra algo- que son muy raros, casi inexistentes en realidad, los casos en que sólo era posible hacer lo que se hizo y del modo en que se hizo. Por lo demás, las vías por las cuales unas variantes se imponen sobre otras se definen a partir de una multicausalidad ya hoy comúnmente aceptada por la comunidad de estudiosos de las sociedades humanas. Pero también sabemos que todo lo que el ser humano es capaz de crear, en cualquier ámbito, es primero pensado. Lo son los proyectos sociales, y para entenderlos, en el caso cubano, es imprescindible comprender las claves de nuestro modo de pensar, que son claves electivas. Que es decir, de libertad. ACTO SEGUNDO: LA APELACIÓN A LOS ORÍGENES Los cubanos acudimos con asiduidad a la historia como argumento para validar o deslegitimar opiniones y proyectos. Si le concedemos, como nación, una importancia tan significativa al pasado, amerita sin dudas remitirnos a él para rastrear los orígenes de lo que nos ocupa, inserto en lo específico de lo cubano, y por tanto
Katholische Fachhochschule Nordrhein-Westfalen, Abteilung Aachen Diplomarbeit im Fachbereich Sozialwesen Tiere als Therapeuten? Hunde als Helfer in der Sozialen Gruppenarbeit Vorgelegt von: Algenweg 1 Prof. Dr. theol. Rainer Krockauer Dipl.-Päd. Michael Ziemons Alsdorf, den 02. September 2008