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A pilot double blinded clinical trial to compare between Tramadol HCL and Lidocaine
HCL as local anaesthesia amongst hospital-outpatient adult dental attendees Mosul-Iraqi
Tahani A. Alsandook, PhD. Dean of College of Dentistry/University of Mosul/Mosul/Iraq. [email protected]
Yahya A. Al-Haideri, MSc. Assistant Lecturer in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department /College of Dentistry /University of Mosul/ Mosul/Iraq.
Aim of the study: The aim of the current study is to compare the local anesthetic action of tramadol HCL (with adrenaline) and lidocaine HCL (with adrenaline) in minor oral surgery. Method: A double blind study including 124 patients, requiring minor oral surgery (conventional tooth extraction, surgical removal of impacted teeth and periapical surgery) in the lower molar teeth, allocated randomly into two groups: Group A (n=62), in which each patient received initial dose of one dental cartridge, 1.8ml, from drug A (36mg of Lidocaine HCL with (0.0225mg) adrenalin), for conventional tooth extraction, doubled in case of surgical removal of impacted tooth and periapical surgery. Group B (n=62) received one dental cartridge, 1.8ml, from drug B (50 mg of tramadol HCL and (0.0225mg) adrenalin diluted to 1.8 ml by distilled water), again this dose was doubled in case of surgical removal of impacted tooth and periapical surgery. For each patient the onset of anesthesia, number of cartridges used, duration of surgery and the degree of pain (with a 10-cm visual analog scale VAS), had been recorded during the operation.Postoperatively, the patients were instructed to record exactly when the parasthesia disappear and any adverse effects such as nausea and or vomiting on the first day of operation. Result: there was no significant difference between the two study groups in the number of cartridges (1.33/±0.510, 1.37/± 0.519)nor the onset of anesthesia(2.95/±1.46, 3.14/±1.31) minutes, intraoperative pain (0.1935/±0.697, 0.2096/±0.656), duration of surgery (12.77/±10.51, 14.11/±11.66) minutes, and side effects. However there was a significant difference in duration of anesthesia(153.14/±35.10, 117.11/±26.88) minutes, where the group A achieved longer duration of action of local anesthesia. Conclusion: These study findings suggested that Tramadol HCL can be used as alternative to Lidocaine HCL in combination with adrenaline to achieve local anesthesia in situation where Lidocaine HCL is contraindicated or when adequate local anesthesia with minimal paraesthesia is required. Validation and replication of these study findings should be considered in future research.
Key words: local anesthesia, tramadol, lidocaine, adrenaline, new local anesthesia, analgesia.
by the patient, to reduce the amount of pain killer
sequential numbers in the order in which
Compression was the first method of local
intake post operatively i.e. it is ideal if the
they were enrolled, and received their
anesthesia used in the antiquity. Cold, as
anesthesia used have a powerful analgesic
local anesthesia, was widely used until
activity and relatively for a long period. Indeed,
17thCentury (Franco, 2007). The natural
the use of Tramadol HCL will be beneficial in
schedule prepared before the start of the
Cocaine was the first drug used as local
patients with certain circumstances e.g., children.
anesthetic agent at about the end of
Therefore, from this point of view, if, Tramadol
Exclusion criteria included history of
18thCentury, unfortunately the serious side
compromised medical status, history of
effects of this drug made the researchers to
posses local anesthetic action equivalent
allergy or hypersensitivity to the drugs
look for safe drugs (Calvey and Williams,
to that of Lidocaine, it will be more superior than
used in this trial, pregnant or lactating
2008). In the last century a group of safe
lidocaine as it will provide postoperative
local anaesthetics have been introduced
such as Lidocaine 1948 which is the most
Patients were assigned into 2 groups of
commonly used local anaesthetics till now,
Patients and Methods:
treatment; sample size was 62 subjects per
A randomized, double-blind study was
bupivacaine 1963 (Rahn and Ball, 2001),
conducted at Oral and Maxillofacial
Group A: each patient received initial dose
however, because no drug is currently
of one dental cartridge, 1.8 ml, from drug A
devoid of potential toxicity the search for
new better local anesthetics continued
May2011 and September 2012. The study
(0.0225mg) (New Stetic-Colombia)) for
(Yagiela et al, 2004).
was approved by the local academic
conventional tooth extraction, this dose was
Tramadol HCL is a centrally acting
committee according to relevant guidelines.
doubled in case of surgical removal of
opioid(Shipton, 2000), with a relatively low
The purposes of the study were explained
impacted tooth and periapical surgery.
to all patients included in the study and
Group B: each patient received initial dose
effective for the treatment of moderate to
written informed consent was obtained
of one dental cartridge, 1.8 ml, from drug B
severe pain such as, postsurgical pain,
(tramadol HCL 50mg, according to the
obstetric pain, terminal cancer pain and
recommended dose in BNF 2005, and
pain of coronary origin (Scott and Perry,
voluntarily and their withdrawal from the
epinephrine (0.0225mg)) for conventional
2000).In the last decade few researches
study at any time will not affect the
tooth extraction, again this dose was
prove that tramadol HCL can be used as
provisional of their treatment. Inclusion
doubled in case of surgical removal of
local anesthesia in minor soft tissue
criteria were as follows: 18 to 45years of
impacted tooth and periapical surgery.
procedures (Altunkaya etal, 2003),
age, any gender, all patients were to
The studied drug in group B was prepared
Most patients attend dental clinics suffer from
undergo elective minor oral surgical
pain. So relief of this pain is the most important
procedures in the lower molars, including:
objective of those dentists and it is a critical point
conventional tooth extraction, surgical
Dentistry/Mosul University, who was not
in their success. On the other hand it is preferable,
removal of impacted third molar and
involved in the surgical procedure . The
periapical surgery. Patients were assigned
label removed from cartridges of drug A, so
cartridges of both drugs (A and B) had a
duration of anesthesia and adverse effects
similar appearance, coded and blinded to
sample size and (0.0048) is the degree of
the investigator and subjects.
Data analysis: spss program version (11.5)
The same investigator performed all the
on Pentium IV computer was used to
Intra operative pain: the maximum VAS
surgical procedures without having any
analyze the obtained data.
score(4)was recorded in group (A), while
idea about the type of anesthesia to be used.
Independent-Samples T-Test was used to
the minimum (0) was recorded in 56 cases
Block of inferior alveolar nerve was used
compare parametric variables (cartridges
in group A and in 55 cases in group B. The
for local anesthetics administration by
number, degree of pain, duration of
highest mean(0.2096) was recorded in
using disposable dental needle gauge (-27-
surgery, duration of anesthesia), Mann-
group (B), while lowest mean (0.1935)
), length (-32mm) mounted on dental
Whitney U Test was used to compare the
presented in group (A). Table (1).
syringe. Anesthetizing of long buccal nerve
The analysis of the data statistically by
was delayed and done after being sure that
vomiting).The level of significance was set
using Independent-Samples T-Test resulted
the block anesthesia was success i.e. after
appearance of lip parasthesia.
Sample characteristics: included age and
The study conducted on 124 patients of
(n=62),m/SD=0.2096/±0.656; 124 is the
socioeconomic status of patients and oral
moderate socieo-economic status,18-45
sample size and (0.00014) is the degree of
health. Intraoperatively:
years age, 65 female and 59 male. Each
Onset of anesthesia:
group involved 25 case of surgical
Duration of surgery: the maximum
Immediately after injection (considered as
removal of mesially impacted lower
duration recorded was (55) minutes, which
time zero) to the time that the patient feel
wisdom and 36 conventional extraction
presented in group (B), while the minimum
parasthesia on his lip, this time interval
any of lower molars and 1 periapical
was (4) minutes which recorded in both
was recorded to be the onset of inferior
surgery at the lower first molar.
groups. The highest mean (14.11) minutes
alveolar nerve block anesthesia.
Intraoperative data:
was recorded in group (B) while the lowest
Measuring of pain intensity: The first
Number of cartridges: the results revealed
(12.77) minutes was recorded in group
incision and/or gingival separation was
that only one patient from each group was
(A).Table (1). As a result of statistical
required additional injection, the maximum
analysis of the data by using Independent-
administration of long buccal nerve block,
numbers of used cartridges were recorded
Samples T-Test, there was no significant
this time was selected to achieve optimal
in both groups which were (3), the
differences in the durations of operations
local anesthetic effect. The patient was
minimum (1) was recorded in the two
among the study groups.
instructed to inform the investigator by
groups. Table (1).
moving or rising his left hand at any time
during operation if pain was felt.The
degree of pain was evaluated with a 10-cm
visual analog scale (VAS) (Sriwatanakul et
al, 1983). Before starting the treatment, the
investigator explained the VAS to the
subjects. The VAS consist of an interval
scale ranging from zero, representing no
pain or discomfort to 10, representing
maximum pain. The mean of the VAS
scores during the operation was calculated
and recorded by dental chair side assistant.
During the surgery, when the VAS
exceeded 3 points, additional half cartridge
(0.9ml) of the same drug was injected into
the surgical site, and the total number of
the cartridges used during the operation
Duration of the surgery: recorded duration
represented the time interval from the
incision/or gingival separation to the
placement of last stitch/or completion of
Independent-Samples T-Test showed no
tooth extraction.
statistically significant difference between
Number of cartridges:
the two groups(P = 0.728, f= Independent-
±11.66; 124 is the sample size and
The total number of used cartridges were
Samples T-Test showed no statistically
(0.0036) is the degree of freedom).
recorded for each procedure in both
significant difference between the two
Postoperative data:
groups(P = 0.728, f= 0.290; Group
Duration of anesthesia: the maximum
duration of anesthesia recorded was (300)
Duration of anesthesia: which was the time
B(n=62), m/SD=1.37/± 0.519. 124 is the
minutes, which presented in group (A),
interval between the appearance of lip
sample size and (0.0009) is the degree of
while the minimum was (90) minutes
paresthsia and its disappearance, as
which recorded in group (B). The highest
reported by the patient.
Onset of anesthesia: the fastest onset of
mean (153.14) minutes was recorded in
Recording of adverse effect:
action was recorded in group (A) which
group (A) while the lowest (117.38)
Nausea and vomiting are common adverse
was (0.1) minute and the slowest one
effects of tramadol HCL(Cossmann et al.,
which was (7) minutes recorded in both
1997). Persistent nausea (defined as the
groups. The highest mean onset (3.145)
recorded in group (B). Table (2).
urge to vomit lasting for more than 30
minute was recorded in group (B), while
The highest mean (153.14) minutes was
minutes) and two or more episodes of
the lowest mean onset (2.951) was
recorded in group (A) while the lowest
vomiting were treated with IV injection of
recorded in group (A). Table (1).The
(117.38) minutes recorded in group (B).
statistical analysis of the assumed data
vomiting were recorded using a three point
Statistically Independent-Samples T-Test
ordinal scale (0 = none, nausea = 1, and
showed significant difference between the
vomiting = 2). Patients were reviewed after
(p=0.440, F= 0.551; Group A (n=62),
24 hours and information about the
The evidence obtained in this study
117.11/±26.88; 124 is the sample size and
demonstrates that tramadol HCL exhibits
mechanism. In addition it has been
(0.249) is the degree of freedom).
local anesthetic effect that enables oral
reported that there is no competition for a
Adverse effects:
surgeon to perform pain free minor oral
common binding site on the Na-channel
Regarding the adverse effects (nausea and
surgical procedures when infiltrated to
between opioid, meperidine, and the local
vomiting) which were recorded in the first
susceptible neurons.
anesthesia lidocaine (Brau et al, 2000).
24 hours after surgery the study revealed
that, there were only two observation of
In this study there was no significant
nausea in group A, while in group B four
difference between tramadol and lidocaine
observation of nausea and one of vomiting
groups in the, volume of local anesthetic
were recorded. Table (3).
solution administrated to produce local
anesthesia nor the onset of anesthesia,
intraoperative pain using VAS, and side
effect. However there was a significant
difference in duration of anesthesia. Where
Lidocaine group achieved longer duration
of action of local anesthesia. Yet this effect
Future research implications
Further studies are required to validate,
replicate our findings and to evaluate
pharmacokinetics and mechanism of action
Tramadol HCL can be used as alternative
to lidocaine HCL in combination with
adrenaline to achieve local anesthesia in
contraindicated or when adequate local
anesthesia with minimal parasthesia is
Altunkaya H, Ozer Y, Kargi E, Ozkocak I,
Hosnuter M, Demirel CB, Babuco O.
(2004) The postoperative analgesic effect
of tramadol when used as subcutaneous
local anesthetic. AnesthAnalg; 99:1461-4.
andBabuccu O,(2003) Comparison of local
Statistical analysis of the data by using non
To our best of knowledge this is the first
anaesthetic effects of tramadol with
study in which tramadol HCL used as local
prilocaine for minor surgical procedures ,
demonstrated that there was no significant
anesthesia in minor oral surgery and
Br J Anaesth; 90: 320-2.
difference presented among the two
comparing its anesthetic effect with that of
groups ( P= 0.240).
lidocaine HCL, furthermore, no published
Hempelmann, G. (2000) Tonic Blocking
article was noticed in this regard to
Action of Meperidine on Na+ and K+
The objective of the current study was to
compare our result with it.
Channels in Amphibian Peripheral Nerves .
compare the onset and duration of local
Tramadol HCL is a synthetic centrally
Anesthesiology; 92: 147–155.
anesthetic action of tramadol Hcl (with
acting opioid, it is clinically effective for
Calvey TN, Williams NE. Principles and
adrenaline) and Lidocaine HCL (with
the treatment of moderate to severe pain
Practice of Pharmacology for Anaesthetists.
adrenaline) in minor oral surgery.
with a relative low addiction incidence. In
5th ed.Wiley-Blackwell;2008: pp.: 149-
It has been demonstrated that tramadol
acute therapeutic use, tramadol HCL
HCL 5% has a local anesthetic effect
produces analgesia against multiple pain
Cossmann M., Kohnen C., Langford R.,
similar to that of prilocaine 2% when used
conditions such as postsurgical pain,
McCartney C. (1997): Tolerance and safety
intradermally for excision of soft tissue
obstetric pain, terminal cancer pain, and
of tramadol use: results of international
lesions (Altunkaya et al, 2003; Kargi et al,
pain of coronary origin, and it has been
studies and data from drug surveillance.
2009). Other studies showed that tramadol
Drugs; 53 Suppl. 2: 50-62.
HCL has a local anesthetic activity similar
anesthesia(Shipton, 2000).
Franco CD. Local Anesthetic, Manual of
to, but weaker than that of lidocaine
Tramadol HCL may have local anesthesia
Regional Anesthsia. Second ed. Chicago,
HCL(Mert et al, 2002; Mert et al, 2006).
IL; 2007: 12-30.
The current study was correlated with these
conduction blocking potency. Clinical and
Kargi E., Isıkdemir A., Tokgöz H., Erol B.,
studies in that tramadol HCL has local
laboratory studies of opioids, such as
Isıkdemir F., Hancı V., Payaslı C .(2009):
anesthetic effect, but it should be noted that
tramadol, have shown that local anesthetic
Comparison of Local Anesthetic Effects of
the present study involved soft tissue
effects of opioids typically cannot reversed
incision and bone removal while other
by pretreatment with naloxone (Tsai et al,
studies involved only soft tissue surgery.
2001). The lack of antagonizing ability of
Urology; ISSN: 1527-9995 .
naloxone is considered to be obvious
Mert T. , Gunes Y., Ozcengiz D., Gunay I.,
because the effects of tramadol HCL on the
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nerve conduction are more likely mediated
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conduction blocks by an opioid and local
Scott LJ., Perry CM. (2000) Tramadol: a
tramadol application on sciatic nerve
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review of its use in perioperative pain.
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Sede: via Cisanello 2, 56124 Pisa CLUB ALPINO ITALIANO Anno XXX - Numero 1 - 2011 I monumenti di Piazza del Duomo sullo sfondo delle Apuane innevate. Questa bella fotografia scattata da Enrico Mangano dalla terrazza dell'Hotel Duomo costituisce l'immagine di copertina del volumetto "Le nostre Alpi", che dopo una lunga attesa ha visto finalmente la luce. La pubblicazione, a carattere essenzialmente fotografico, è stata presentata durante l'assemblea annuale del
WTI Part No. 14328 Vertical Switched PDUs Warnings and Cautions: If Secure Racked units are installed in a closed or multi-unit rack assembly, they may require further evaluation by Certification Agencies. The following items must be considered. 1. The ambient within the rack may be greater than room ambient. Installation should be such that the amount of air flow required for safe operation is not compromised. The maximum temperature for the equipment in this environment is 55°C. Consideration should be given to the maximum rated ambient.