Marys Medicine

A N N U A L 07
Vision Quality policing with commitment to excellence.
mission stAtement To provide a continuously improving police service to the citizens of Winnipeg through ongoing community commitment.
Core VALues
Honesty Being truthful and open in our interactions with each
other and the citizens we serve
Integrity Being above reproach, ethical and doing what is right
Trust Being honourable and maintaining a high level of trust
with each other and the members of our community
Respect Valuing each other and our citizens by showing
understanding and appreciation for our similarities and differences
Accountability Being conscientious, professional, dependable
and accountable for our actions by the citizens we serve
Commitment to Excellence Adhering to strict standards
of conduct and performance in everything we do
Community Commitment – CALeA ACCreditAtion The Winnipeg Police Service (WPS) is proud to be one of a select few police agencies in Canada to be accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA).
CALEA's accreditation program helps police agencies across North America improve the delivery of law enforcement service by offering a body of standards, developed by law enforcement practitioners, covering a wide range of up-to-date law enforcement topics.
CALEA recognizes professional achievements by offering an orderly process for addressing and complying with applicable standards. The WPS complies with approximately 450 standards to maintain its accreditation.
Chief Keith McCaskill
Deputy Chief Menno Zacharias
Deputy Chief Doug Webster
Message FroM the ChieFOn behalf of the men and women of the Winnipeg Police Service, I am proud to present our 2007 Annual Report. While this book provides a statistical analysis of our activities in 2007, it is also an opportunity to share with you some highlights and achievements recorded during the year.
Since rejoining the Service as Chief on December awaiting the dispatch of police units, while members 10th, I continue to be amazed by the commitment responded to other priority calls. We've done a lot and initiative exhibited by our police and staff to mitigate that, but there's more work to be done. members. In many cases, these people are experts We are moving forward strategically, with in their own right. openness and accountability to the community.
That in-house expertise makes my job as Chief We are working collaboratively within our much easier and satisfying, knowing that the people organization. We also remain committed to working comprising our Uniform Patrol, Investigative and with the community to address their concerns and Support branches of the Service are working make their streets and neighbourhoods safer, more to make us a more efficient, responsive and enjoyable places to live and work. We all share in the responsibility of public This is an exciting time for the Winnipeg Police safety. Working together, we can have the Service. It is a time of change. There are many greatest difference in making our streets challenges, but we can turn these into opportunities. and neighbourhood safer. We are reviewing all our resources to ensure that we are most effectively utilizing each person we have and each piece of equipment at our disposal. The demands on those resources can be huge. In 2007, the service reached a high of 300 calls Winnipeg Police Service Annual Report 2007

Leadership transition A new chapter in the history of the Winnipeg Police Service began on December 10
when Chief Keith McCaskill was sworn in as Winnipeg's 16th Chief of Police.
McCaskill commenced his career with the Winnipeg Police Service in 1976. He has worked in a number of areas throughout the Service, including uniform patrol, plain clothes investigations and undercover investigations.
He is also a trained incident commander, who has commanded the on-scene police response Chief eWAtSki ConCludeS at numerous armed and barricaded incidents.
Throughout his career he has commanded many Chief Jack Ewatski retired from the Service different areas of the Service including Uniform effective September 15, 2007.
Divisions, Internal Investigations and the Criminal Ewatski began his career with the WPS in 1973, Investigations Division, which was comprised of serving the citizens of Winnipeg for 34 years. 13 independent units including Homicide, Major He was appointed as Winnipeg's 15th Chief Crimes, Stolen Auto, Arson Strike Force and of Police in 1998.
Forensic Identification. His career included work in all branches of He has been involved in numerous Joint Forces the WPS, with considerable time spent in Operations with police agencies across Canada and the investigative branch. was extensively involved in an International Joint Forces Operation involving nine different police Ewatski was also a long-time member of agencies investigating a serial sniper case.
the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police (CACP), a 900-member association of In 2005 he retired after 29 years of service when executives, senior officers and civilian senior he was offered a position with the Government of managers representing 90% of Canadian Manitoba as the Coordinator of Aboriginal and law enforcement agencies. Municipal Law Enforcement for the Province. In this role, he was responsible for ensuring Municipal A member of CACP since 1997, Chief Ewatski and Aboriginal Law Enforcement agencies were was elected its President in 2005. He was also an providing adequate and effective policing for the active member of the International Association citizens of Manitoba. He also took on a number of Chiefs of Police and the Major Cities Chiefs of other responsibilities, including Chairing the Organization, while participating on a number Manitoba Meth Task Force which was an initiative of local boards including the Salvation Army, involving Federal, Provincial and Municipal Holy Family Nursing Home, Winnipeg Rifles Departments to combat Crystal Meth. He also Football Club, and the Canadian Police College coordinated the Amber Alert protocol for the Advisory Board.
Province of Manitoba and chaired and contributed Chief Ewatski also lectured extensively in to many different committees and boards.
Canada and Europe on specialty areas of expertise including terrorism and emergency management. He also addressed the Canadian legal community on high-profile topics such as the prevention of wrongful conviction. His commitment to justice also compelled him in 1998 to re-open a 1981 murder case in which Thomas Sophonow had been convicted. Chief Ewatski's initiative led to the exoneration of Mr. Sophonow in 2000.
Winnipeg Police Service Annual Report 2007

in Your CoMMunitY Uniform Patrol members are our most visible police presence, responding to emergency calls for service with a wealth of skills, experience and knowledge. These men and women also use proactive patrol practices and the latest criminal investigative techniques to protect the lives and property of citizens. Officers are assigned to certain areas of the city where they become more visible and form important relationships with the communities they serve. This knowledge of the community enables officers to work with residents to solve problems and deter criminal activity through their high visibility and willingness to partner in community initiatives.
exAmPleS of thiS WoRk inClude: problem of auto theft, to improve safety and to provide a visible auto theft deterrent presence w On August 24 CN Police and the WPS teamed in the parking lot. up to combat railway trespassing and crossing dangers. A WPS officer rode along with the CN w Officers in District 2 forged a partnership crew on a southbound freight train, reporting with the Skateboard Coalition of Manitoba any crossing violators and railway trespassers to monitor activity at the two new Skate to CN Police and WPS colleagues on the Parks and address issues that might arise. ground. Four violators were stopped and w In the fall of 2007 District 2 implemented tagged in vehicles, while three trespassers were the Community School Officer program. Two warned. Many more violators were observed officers were chosen to liaise with all schools but could not be stopped due to the logistics of in the District 2 area on a full time basis. The certain train crossings or hard-to-read license purpose was to provide assistance and guidance plates. This joint project followed three vehicle to school officials in dealing with issues that were collisions involving train crossings and two generally handled by Uniform Patrol members. persons being run over by trains. The program has been well received and has w Members hosted a one day anti-vehicle theft proven to be an important resource for the event in partnership with Manitoba Public school division. This positive relationship Insurance and the Kildonan Place Shopping formed with school administrators and Centre on August 31. The project was created students has led to information being received to enhance the community's awareness of the on various crimes in the District 2 area. Cont. on page 4.
Winnipeg Police Service Annual Report 2007

in Your CoMMunitY .Cont. from page 3 w The District 6 Crime Unit used their knowledge in an investigation by the WPS and a large police of the community to arrest a 31-year old male presence on campus that day. The threat was and charge him in relation to more than 25 not followed through on. Concerns were raised, commercial break and enter offences carried out however, that the highly publicized incident between 2002 and 2007. During the offences, the encouraged copycat incidents. The Service dealt suspects would cut through exterior walls, causing with a spike in similar incidents at local schools significant damage, and target cash stored in safes. resulting in the arrests of students ranging in The estimated value of property stolen during the age from 13 to 18.
break-ins, over the five year period, was $82,000 w Members of the Central Traffic Unit mounted a with $66,000 in damages caused to the businesses. comprehensive impaired driving counteraction In response, District 6 Detectives began an campaign in 2007. During the Unit's Festive Season investigation that spanned three months and Checkstop Program in December, the Unit drew used a significant number of resources throughout attention to the issue of impaired riving by making the WPS and including Crime Analysis Unit, public the names of all those charged. This year's Forensic Imaging Unit and Identification Unit.
campaign resulted in 1,184 vehicles being stopped. w On September 19, a University of Winnipeg • 47 drivers received a 24-hour suspension student reported a warning message on a washroom wall with specific elements of the • 66 drivers were charged with Drive Impaired/ message including a threat of an occurrence on the Driver Over .08 / Refuse a Breathalyzer morning of September 26. The incident resulted • 207 Provincial Offence Notices were issued.
Building StRongeR BondS With the CommunityWinnipeg is made up of a multitude of long In 2007, the WPS expanded its Diversity standing and newly emerging, diverse cultures. Relations Section with the creation of the The Winnipeg Police Service recognizes the Diversity Relations Team. Comprised of unique nature of these communities, and is members from all ranks and from across committed to enhancing services and developing the Service, these members assist the Section strong relationships with these communities.
throughout the year with different events occurring in the city, training and education, awareness, and acting as active liaisons with a variety of communities.
The Unit, in partnership with City of Winnipeg Employment Equity and Diversity Department, had a new tipi created for the WPS. It replaces one which had been deteriorating through normal wear and tear. In keeping with Aboriginal teachings about the necessity of balance, the new tipi was constructed and artwork placed on it by the men who live on the Namikina Healing Range at Stony Mountain Institution. Winnipeg Police Service Annual Report 2007

street CriMe unit Continues proaCtive enForCeMent The WPS Street Crime Unit has had a significant impact in our community. Created as a full-time unit in 2006, the Street Crime Unit's approach is one of strategic, aggressive and intelligence-led policing which is deployed as a visible presence, patrolling, effecting spot checks and executing warrants. The unit is deployed in hot spots of criminal activity throughout the city.
In addition to providing timely support to Uniform Patrol and Investigative Divisions, the Unit has been credited with numerous arrests and seizures in relation to drugs and illegal weapons. Their initiatives have taken them to virtually every corner of Winnipeg. Examples of their work include: w Three suburban high schools were targeted for w An investigation of a West End home resulted drug dealer sweeps resulting in the arrest of two in approximately $250,000 in narcotics being 18 year old males and a 21 year old male and the seized along with three handguns, ammunition, seizure of a quantity crack cocaine and cocaine. a bullet-proof vest, cash and drug paraphernalia. A 28 year old male, a 22 year old male and two w Project Scat in the North End of Winnipeg 21 year old males were arrested and charged. targeted individuals involved in drug trafficking, and identified drug houses and other criminal w The arrest of three males and a female in activity. Twenty individuals were arrested in the Osborne Village area in relation to connection with the search warrants and faced a drug dealing operations.
variety of charges in relation to drugs, firearms, In addition to the many investigations and arrests outstanding warrants and parole violations. carried out by the Unit in 2007, their presence w The Unit dismantled a street level drug dealing in the community can also be credited, in part, operation, resulting in the seizure of 17 grams for the safety of 10 individuals following a late of cocaine and 34 rocks of crack cocaine with an night house fire members happened upon while estimated street value of $2,480 during a traffic working on an unrelated investigation. After stop in South Winnipeg, the seizure of 1 gram of calling for the Winnipeg Fire and Paramedic cocaine during a traffic stop in North Winnipeg Service, the members were able to rescue 10 and the seizure of 143 grams of crack cocaine residents by assisting them in exiting from a and 65 rocks of crack cocaine with an estimated side window. Sadly, one 14 year old male in the street value of $10,900.00 during a search home at the time later succumbed to his injuries. warrant in South Winnipeg. Three males and a female were arrested in relation to Trafficking and Possession of Narcotics charges. Winnipeg Police Service Annual Report 2007 CriMinaL investigations ARReSt mAde in PRojeCt "Angel" On May 16, WPS members made an arrest in the 1984 murder of 13-year old Candace Derksen. The arrest was the culmination of a lengthy and complex investigation by the Cold Case Unit, with assistance of many members from throughout the Service.
On November 30th, 1984, thirteen year old Candace On January 17th, 1985 an employee of an Elmwood Derksen, a grade 7 student at Mennonite Brethren building supply business entered a remote shed on Collegiate Institute, left school at the end of the the business's property to obtain a tool. There, the day but never arrived at home. employee discovered the body of Candace Derksen. During the next five weeks, a large ground search Homicide investigators interviewed and was conducted and police interviewed numerous re-interviewed numerous friends, schoolmates and friends, neighbours, and schoolmates. They also witnesses and reviewed tips received by the police. investigated many tips from the public. Although an extensive investigation took place all leads were eventually exhausted and the homicide became an unsolved or "cold" case.
Over the next 22 years, the original investigation was reviewed, analyzed and re-opened as persons of interest were identified. However, these subsequent investigative actions did not lead to arrests.
In 2006, the case was assigned to the newly formed Cold Case Unit. Reviewing the case and, in particular, the forensic sciences portion of the investigation, new leads were established and pursued resulting in an arrest. PRojeCt dRill tAkeS doWn gAng memBeRS On December 12, numerous search and arrest warrants were executed and charges brought against 18 individuals from Manitoba, Ontario, Alberta, British Columbia and the United States as part of Project Drill. Those charged included members of the A variety charges were laid in relation to drug Hells Angels and their associates following trafficking, conspiracy to commit murder, an investigation by the Manitoba Integrated importation of firearms, proceeds of crime Organized Crime Task Force. and criminal organization related offences. During the takedown, police seized vehicles, Project Drill was initiated in November of 2006 approximately $70,000 in cash, firearms, and focused on high-level members of organized marihuana, Hells Angels related documents/ crime and drug trafficking cells operating in the property and other offence related property. provinces of Manitoba, Ontario, Alberta and Winnipeg Police Service Annual Report 2007 British Columbia.

PRojeCt kite dRAWS inteRnAtionAl Attention On January 23, and following a three-year The 23-member investigative team, working in investigation, the WPS Criminal Investigation partnership with numerous police and other Bureau, with the assistance of the Edmonton agencies from the United Kingdom, Egypt and Police Service, the Vancouver Police Service and Austria, soon uncovered an extensive criminal the Combined Forces Special Enforcement Unit organization involving break-ins, theft, identity of British Columbia, conducted a number of theft, money laundering, fraud and forgery. search warrants and arrest warrants. Among the items recovered was the Koechert Dubbed Project Kite, this investigation focused Diamond Pearl – Star of Empress Sisi which was on a number of individuals allegedly operating stolen from an exhibition in Vienna, Austria. More as a criminal organization. than 60,000 exhibits were seized including firearms, ammunition, electronic equipment and cash. In May of 2004, a local bank had six automated The investigation resulted in more than 100 teller machines broken into within hours of the charges being laid against eight persons in grand opening with more than $600,000 cash connection with the investigation.
CuRtAiling CommeRCiAl CRime Police obtained search warrants for their hotel rooms and rental car and seized approximately Millions of dollars are lost through frauds and $105,000 in cash and approximately 100 scams, and thousands of victims are stung each counterfeit debit cards. Two males and a year. As the criminals involved become more female were charged in relation to the matter.
sophisticated, members of the WPS Commercial Crime Unit have been equal to the task. Following w The Commercial Crime Unit, in a joint are some examples of their work in 2007: investigation with the Brandon Police Service, arrested a professional crime group that w The Unit arrested a 36-year old man from operated a distraction theft ring in Manitoba, Toronto following an investigation into a West Saskatchewan, Alberta and B.C. African inheritance scam. This arrest was the first of its kind in Canada outside of Toronto.
Losses to retailers are estimated at more than $500,000. At the time of the arrest a significant w On March 19, the Unit was alerted to an active amount of stolen property was recovered and debit card skimming operation. Assisted by Uniform Patrol members, the Unit attended to and caught two males in the process The Unit also continues to be proactive in the of withdrawing money from customers' fight against fraudulent crimes, making the most accounts using counterfeit debit cards. of opportunities to promote greater awareness among concerned citizens. Winnipeg Police Service Annual Report 2006 Winnipeg Police Service Annual Report 2007

inCreased attention to stoLen autos The WPS continued its partnership with Manitoba Public Insurance and Manitoba Justice (Youth Correctional Services and Prosecutions) in the Winnipeg Auto Theft Suppression Strategy. They were bolstered in their efforts in 2007 by is capable of checking more than 1,000 licence two key announcements.
plates per hour and can be run during the day or night. Infrared and color cameras scan for w On June 10th, the Winnipeg Police Stolen licence plates which are then instantly run by Auto Unit added five new members as a the onboard computer. When the licence of result of funding provided by the Province of a stolen vehicle or other vehicle of interest to Manitoba. This enabled the Unit to provide police is recognized, the operator is alerted increased coverage in its active suppression by an audible alarm. The entire process takes and detection initiatives.
less than two seconds. Vehicles of interest w Funding was also made available through could include suspect vehicles from robberies the City of Winnipeg for the purchase of an or other incidents such as Amber Alerts. ALPR Automatic Licence Plate Recognition system also has the capability to be used for future (ALPR). Installed in an unmarked police unit projects such as the detection of prohibited/ operated by the Stolen Auto Unit, the ALPR suspended drivers. Winnipeg Police Service Annual Report 2007 reCovering stoLen propertY The WPS is active in identifying and then returning recovered stolen property to its original owners. The Pawn Unit plays a critical role in this effort.
In 2007, the Pawn Unit performed computer The Unit has also been instrumental in analyzing and record checks on 57,757 items bearing serial transactions for unusual goods and suspicious numbers (11.5% increase from 2006), 23,366 patterns of activity. They have been active in non-serialized items (41% increase from 2006) sharing information with fellow members. and 25,190 items of jewellery and precious metals One notable result of the new initiative was four (12% increase from 2006).
people being arrested and facing 28 charges. Pawn There were 119 transactions (25% decrease from Unit members began an investigation when a used 2006) in which goods were connected to crimes goods dealer reported purchasing a large quantity of break and enter, theft, robbery and fraud. Pawn of jewellery. After inspecting the goods and details Unit members seized 184 items relating to those of the transaction, the Unit created a photo gallery transactions. The estimated retail value of these of the goods and details of the transaction were items was $104,947.10 (54% increase from 2006). shared with WPS members. The fanout prompted a Uniform Patrol member to recall a recent break- The Unit is also a valuable resource to our in during which a large quantity of jewellery had been stolen. Follow-up by the reporting officer, in WPS members investigating property related crimes partnership with the Pawn Unit, resulted in the in 2007 directed 833 police reports to the Pawn Unit arrest of a suspect, who subsequently confessed to for attention resulting in approximately 20 "hits" more than 15 break-ins. Although not all the stolen of stolen property. They also received 31 requests goods could be located and recovered, jewellery for information from within the Service and other valued at approximately $15,000 was recovered agencies. Five suspects were identified in relation from four pawnshops.
to 17 suspicious transactions.
Winnipeg Police Service Annual Report 2007 CriMe prevention & awareness The WPS Crime Prevention Section along with Citizens for Crime Awareness hosted city-wide crime awareness presentations in the spring and fall. The presentations focussed on target-hardening your home, your children and your community. Following are examples of some of the other w The WPS & RCMP teamed up to present the crime prevention and awareness initiatives inaugural Police Academy – Older Adults launched in 2007: Division program. The seven-week program provided older adults with information to keep w The WPS partnered with the Winnipeg themselves, their friends and neighbours safe Fire Paramedic Service and the Province of in the community.
Manitoba's Office of the Fire Commissioner to launch an arson awareness and fire safety w Members of the School Education Section campaign targeting all citizens, particularly continued their partnerships with dedicated, parents and youth. The campaign encouraged school-aged volunteer school patrols – and parents to teach their children about fire safety, were proud to recognize their excellence. including the dangers of fire, and further Victoria Albert School took top honours at encouraged adults and youth to make fire safe the 33rd Annual School Patrol Safety Awards. decisions. Members of the Arson Strike Force, Over 500 patrollers and their supervisors from comprised of members of the WPS, Winnipeg 12 schools attended and received trophies for Fire Paramedic Service and the Office of the their accomplishments. The patrols are judged Fire Commissioner, made 140 apprehensions on their ability, professionalism and technique while on patrol. Allegra Friesen-Epp received the Louise Staples Award as Winnipeg's Outstanding School Patrol Captain.
Winnipeg Police Service Annual Report 2007 proCess iMproveMent While the complexity of investigations by our front line members continues to expand, ensuring administrative support is in place to assist them continues to be a priority for the WPS. w In July, the Call Management Committee
w In May, the WPS completed its three-year plan was created in response to the increasing of the Recording of Statements Program which number of calls for service. The mandate of involved the installation of digital recorders in the Committee was to examine the receiving, 21 interview rooms across the organization. management and dispatch of calls for service The continuous recordings, made possible to determine efficiencies and to provide short through digital technology, help with and long term solutions to enhance service statement admissibility and provide a bird's delivery to the citizens of Winnipeg. These eye view of how interviews are conducted. enhancements allow us to respond to calls in a more timely manner by either reducing w Members of the Direct Voice Entry Unit the workload of front line officers or assumed responsibility for phone reporting expediting administration processes. as well as accepting stolen vehicle reports from the public. These process changes streamline w The Central Reading Unit began operation
the reporting of stolen vehicles and lost or as a pilot project on May 7 and assumed stolen license plates, and allow us to provide responsibility for the review and processing a more timely response to citizens calling of the operational reports for Uniform Patrol about such thefts. This change also ensures Divisions. The introduction of the Unit has consistent data quality and allows our officers resulted in improvements in the quality of our to engage in other non-administrative police reports, quality of data and compliance with responsibilities. Between 500 and 600 phone the requirements of disclosure, while allowing response reports along with approximately Sergeants more time to supervise, coach and 140 reports of stolen vehicles are generated mentor junior members. photo enForCeMent ContraCt renewed On October 24, City Council accepted the administration's recommendation to award a contract for photo enforcement to the qualifying bidder, ACS Public Sector Solutions.
ACS has provided contract services to WPS since the inception of photo enforcement in Winnipeg. Combined with our traditional enforcement, photo safety technology is showing success in the long-term goal of changing dangerous driving behaviour on our streets. Proactive enforcement by Uniform Patrol Members in each of the Service's six districts is supported by our Photo Enforcement Safety program. Winnipeg Police Service Annual Report 2007 The WPS formally introduced the CrimeStat initiative on February 2. CrimeStat also became an important tool in day-to-day policing. It is used by members to proactively monitor and address emerging crime trends at their earliest stages and to measure police effectiveness in solving those crime problems. The website provides weekly crime data to citizens The website is just one aspect of CrimeStat. and a public measure of accountability for action on CrimeStat, like the American Compstat model, crime, while raising awareness of crime prevention is an innovative approach to policing and crime measures that citizens can easily adopt in their prevention, encouraging community engagement while augmenting current police procedures and The first phase of the site included static charts strategies. CrimeStat is based on four principles: on five major types of crime (Homicide, Robbery, 1. The gathering and dissemination of accurate Sexual Assaults, Stolen Vehicles and Break & Enters) and timely information. 2. Rapid deployment of resources The charts consist of current weekly and year-to- 3. Effective tactics date statistics, which are provided in comparison to the same period in the previous year. 4. Relentless follow-up and assessment During the second phase, (launched in March), Under CrimeStat, police commanders meet static District maps were added, indicating the bi-weekly to review crime occurrences and general areas where occurrences of the five crime police responses, as well as proactive tactics types have occurred. used in their districts. Later phases will introduce interactive maps and Commanders and their members use detailed tools to provide citizens with even more detailed analysis of crime occurrences to form strategies information on what types of crimes are occurring.
and plans to attack crime trends early on, before the trends become long-term problems. Follow-up meetings gauge the effectiveness of those strategies, and police leaders adjust and enhance plans when necessary to solve more complex problems.
Winnipeg Police Service Annual Report 2007 poLiCe advisorY Board estaBLished The Winnipeg Police Advisory Board was created in September, 2007 by City of Winnipeg By-Law No. 180/2007. The role of the Board is to provide citizen-based The Board is comprised of community volunteers input and independent analysis of how well the appointed by City Council. Members come from WPS is meeting the needs of the community in the various backgrounds to reflect diverse community areas of crime prevention and neighbourhood safety, needs and viewpoints. The Chairperson of the relationships with the community and resource Standing Policy Committee on Protection and allocation and image.
Community Services also sits as a Board member, providing valuable insight to the Board on the The Board's mandate includes advising Council processes and priorities of the City's governing body.
and making recommendations on Police Service business plans. It will also address the effectiveness of resource deployment in crime prevention, police efforts to liaise with community groups, and the response by the Chief of Police regarding the findings of the Law Enforcement Review Agency. BuiLding CapaCitYProgress continued on two key infrastructure projects. w The WPS opened its alternate site for the w On October 11, Deputy Chief Menno Police Communications Centre on May 29. Zacharias, Jeff Browaty (City Councillor An alternate site for the 9-1-1 communications – North Kildonan), Mayor Sam Katz and centre is a requirement of The Manitoba Russ Wyatt (City Councillor – Transcona) Emergency 9-1-1 Public Safety Answering participated in the official ground breaking of Point (PSAP) Act. Should a catastrophic failure the new East District Station. This is the first affect the main Communications Centre, new police facility to be built in Winnipeg in we are required to have an alternate site that 40 years. The 32,000-square-foot East District can be operational as a PSAP to the extent of Station, located at 1750 Dugald Road, is being 80% capacity within one hour. The site will built at a cost of about $12 million and is the also be used as a more permanent home for first phase of implementation of the Winnipeg Communications Division members while Police Service's four-district model which the Service works its way through the East will see the construction of three new police District Station and Public Safety Building stations citywide.
Winnipeg Police Service Annual Report 2007 Ensuring our members are well trained is key to our success in serving the community. Our Training Academy conducted two recruit In 2007, the WPS Training Academy delivered a classes in 2007. Recruit Class #143 graduated May total of 522 Training Sessions (excludes Recruit 11. The class included 39 WPS members, two Training) and hosted 24 courses for outside Ste. Anne Police Department members and one agencies. The Academy delivered 6,659 course Rivers Police Department member. Forty-eight hours to 5,803 police members, 717 civilian members joined the ranks of the WPS as part of members and 911 members from outside the graduating Recruit Class #144 on November 9.
agencies. A total of 7,431 students were trained.
eLeCtroniC ControL deviCe update 2007 marked the first full year of use for electronic control devices (ECDs). The devices were used 173 times. This includes: w 55 Probe Deployments, occurring when two
w 70 coercion device deployments, occurring
probes are discharged from a cartridge affixed when a member displays the ECD or aims to an ECD. Total body incapacitation to a the laser site upon a subject. There is no direct subject is caused by either skin penetration contact between the ECD and the subject.
or connection to clothing with both probes.
Policy was developed in consultation with w 48 Drive Stun applications, occurring when
the best practices, experiences and policies of a cartridge is removed from the ECD and the police agencies across North America. Prior device is activated upon a specific pressure to implementation of the use of ECDs on point or area of the body. This method uses a September 29, 2006, our members were trained pain compliance technique upon the subject under a program featuring the most up-to-date instead of total body incapacitation.
information available. The use of these devices has also been added to our use-of-force reporting process to ensure that each incident is thoroughly reviewed. This system helps ensure accountability for use.
Winnipeg Police Service Annual Report 2007 memBeRS in the Communityw On February 28, the Brothers In Arms fundraiser w On September 7 & 8, Inspectors Jim McIsaac was held in support of three WPS officers injured and Randall Benoit took fundraising under the during the December 7, 2006 Jubilee Avenue Law Enforcement Torch Run (LETR) banner shooting incident. In addition to the show of to new heights. The duo, backed by a team of support to the injured officers and their families, volunteers and community supporters, camped the event raised over $8,500 for the Children's out overnight (28 hours total) on the roof of the Wish Foundation, with additional proceeds Wal-Mart at St. Vital Centre in support of Special donated to the Fire Fighters Burn Fund.
Olympics Manitoba. In addition to creating greater awareness for the LETR and Special w On March 2, the Winnipeg Police Service vs. Olympics Manitoba, the group raised $7,000 Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Service (WFPS) Sirens for this worthy cause.
For Life Blood Donor Challenge officially kicked off at Canadian Blood Services. The challenge w On September 14, the 18-member Cops for was to see which organization could deliver the Kids bicycle team completed their 3,400 km most blood donations during the month. The ride from Winnipeg to San Francisco. The year's Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Service came out on effort raised $60,000 raised for the Children's top; however both services exceeded the targeted Wish Foundation.
eight per cent member participation rate. w On September 21, a contingent of 42 runners and w On March 22, members of the Winnipeg Police 15 Special Olympians participated in Winnipeg's Patrolmen Hockey Club took on a team of NHL Law Enforcement Torch Run. Hall of Famers and former stars in a fundraising game in support of the Rainbow Society at the On December 19, the shopkeepers of St. Vital MTS Centre. The event attracted nearly 9,000 Centre opened their doors while members from spectators and raised $20,800. across the Service opened their hearts to make the holiday season merrier for some great kids during w On April 29 the WPS IronCops hosted the the first ever CopShop. Thirty deserving children 3rd Annual WPS Half Marathon. Nearly 1,600 were selected to participate. Each child was given runners registered for the 2007 event, raising a $200 giftcard before setting off to shop for more than $90,000 for this important cause winter clothing, toys, Christmas gifts or any other under the Cops for Cancer banner. items they chose. WPS members were paired with each child to assist in the shopping fun.
w On May 26, Cops for Cancer Head Shave Fundraiser participants celebrated their 10th annual event. Forty-three WPS members and family members raised $28,000 for the Canadian Cancer Society.
Winnipeg Police Service Annual Report 2007 In 2007, many of our members were recognized for their excellent work, by both the WPS and outside agencies. Following is a snapshot of the commitment to excellence that exists throughout our organization: Community honouRS w Sgt. Derrick Klassen and D/Sgt. Ken Molloy Cst. Scott Wiley was presented the James Toal were appointed as Members of the Order of Award of Excellence during the Awards Day Merit of the Police Forces. Presented by Her Ceremony. The Award is presented annually Excellency the Right Honourable Michaëlle to a police member who has made significant Jean, Governor General of Canada, the Order contributions to his/her community, the of Merit of the Police Forces honours a career of Service and law enforcement in general.
exceptional service or distinctive merit displayed by the men and women of the Canadian Police w 36 members were eligible to receive Services, and recognizes their commitment Exemplary Service Bars for outstanding to this country. The primary focus is on service and commitment to our community exceptional merit, contributions to policing and for 30 years.
community development. Klassen was recognized for his dedication, tenacity, ingenuity, and w 41 members were eligible to receive professionalism in combating organized crime Exemplary Service Medals for consistently in Canada and for his leadership and expertise going above and beyond the call of duty in explosives training. Molloy was recognized for over the past 20 years to ensure the safety his enthusiasm, dedication and professionalism and security of our community.
in addressing the problem of fraud in Canada w 43 members were eligible to receive 25-Year through investigations and training. Service Pins from the City of Winnipeg.
w The Community Cadet Corps program was w 28 members were eligible to receive recognized with the 2007 Judge Ian Dubienski Certificates of Commendation.
Award by the Manitoba Criminal Justice Association (MCJA) on October 25. The award w 13 staff members were eligible to is presented to a person or persons, group or receive Staff Exemplary Service Awards, organization that has made an outstanding recognizing outstanding service and contribution to furthering the goals and commitment over the past 20 years.
objectives of the MCJA.
w The WPS Video Production Unit was recognized with a Silver Shield Award for the "Challenge Choice" Public Service Announcement they created in 2006 for the Recruiting Unit. The Award was presented by the Law Enforcement & Emergency Services Video Association, a non-profit organization committed to improving the quality of video training and promoting the use of state-of-the-art, effective equipment in the law enforcement and emergency services community.
Winnipeg Police Service Annual Report 2007 w Sgt. Brett Summers was the recipient of the 2007 w Representatives of the Bank of Canada were in Ian Logan Memorial Award on December 6. Winnipeg on June 21 to formally recognize the Presented annually by the Provincial Advisory work of D/Sgt. Ken Molloy and Cst. Terry Macyk. Committee on Child Abuse since 1997, the award Both members were nominated for the Bank of is presented to an individual who has made Canada Law Enforcement Award of Excellence a significant contribution in the field of child for Counterfeit Deterrence. The duo received maltreatment prevention, and who exemplifies "Honourable Mentions" for which two rather the qualities that were so much a part of Sgt. unique awards were specially designed.
Logan's life; dedication to children, personal and w On July 8, the WPS Project Kite team was professional discipline, and good citizenship. recognized for their efforts by the Canadian w Vulnerable Persons coordinator P/Sgt. Bob Association of Chiefs of Police. The team received Melnyk and recent recruit Cst. Christine Lafond the Canadian Banks' Law Enforcement Award, were presented with Iris Awards by the Manitoba acknowledging the team's efforts in major arrests Schizophrenia Society. Melnyk received the Iris and seizures which resulted in over 100 criminal Award, recognizing an individual who has made charges and which dismantled the Blanchard an outstanding contribution in the field of mental criminal organization. Each year, the Canadian health from a recovery-oriented perspective. Banks' Law Enforcement Award recognizes police Lafond received the Journey of Hope Award. The members who have made outstanding efforts to selection is determined by initiatives that have investigate and prevent crimes against Canada's been recognized at a local or provincial level and financial institutions. is based on significant contributions to consumers w Bea Weger was honoured as the Victim Services and families in regards to promoting recovery, empowerment and partnerships. Prior to joining Section Volunteer of the Year at the 2007 WPS the Service, Lafond was the coordinator of the Volunteer and Citizen Appreciation Night. This Mental Health Education Resource Centre. annual event is an opportunity to recognize the men and women who volunteer their time and w Supt. Corrine Scott, D/Sgt. Kevin Kavitch, efforts on our behalf through the Community D/Sgt. Randy Antonio and D/Sgt. Gene Bowers Volunteer and Victim Service Volunteer programs. were recognized with Excellence in Law Enforcement awards on May 24. The award honours police officers who have distinguished themselves in the performance of their duties and in their communities.
Winnipeg Police Service Annual Report 2007 CRIMINAL CODE OFFENCES By DISTRICT 1 City of Winnipeg Totals
Downtown Winnipeg
District 1
District 2
District 3
District 4
District 5
District 6
Totals 20 Clearances % Change Crimes AgAinsT Persons 2
Homicide 3
Attempted Murder 3 Sexual Assault 3,4 Other Sexual Offences 3,4 Crimes AgAinsT ProPerTy 5
Break & Enter 4
Theft Motor Vehicle (attempted)10 Theft Motor Vehicle (completed)10 Total Theft Motor Vehicle 4,10 Theft – Over $5,000 4,11 Theft – $5,000 or Under 4,11 Have Stolen Goods oTher Crime
Prostitution 4
Firearms/Offensive Weapons 4 Other Criminal Code 4,6 grAnD ToTAl
Total Area (square km) Events for Service – Dispatched & Police-Initiated 7,12 149,981 HIGHWAy TRAFFIC ACT OFFENCES City of Winnipeg Totals
Downtown Winnipeg
District 1
District 2
District 3
District 4
District 5
District 6
PoliCe issUeD
Totals 8 % Change Disobey Traffic Control Device Drive without a Licence Total (includes all HTA offences) PhoTo enforCemenT
Mobile Photo Radar
Intersection Safety Camera (Speeding) Intersection Safety Camera (Red Light) Total Intersection Safety Camera grAnD ToTAl
Winnipeg Police Service Annual Report 2007 Winnipeg Police Service Annual Report 2007 CRiMinAl COdE OFFEnCES By MOnTH 1 2007 Totals 20
Crimes AgAinsT Persons 2

Attempted Murder 3 Sexual Assault 3, 4 Other Sexual Offences 3, 4 Crimes AgAinsT ProPerTy 5
Break & Enter 4
Theft Motor Vehicle (attempted) Theft Motor Vehicle (completed) Total Theft Motor Vehicle 4 Theft – Over $5,000 4, 11 Theft – $5,000 or Under 4, 11 Have Stolen Goods oTher Crime
Prostitution 4
Firearms/Offensive Weapons 4 Other Criminal Code 4, 6 grAnD ToTAl
other Crime
Attempted Murder Firearms/Offensive Weapons Sexual Assault 4 Other Criminal Code 4, 6 Other Sexual Offences 4 grAnD ToTAl
Other Crimes Against Persons 4 Crimes Against Property 5
Theft Motor Vehicle (attempted) Theft Motor Vehicle (completed) Total Theft Motor Vehicle 4 Theft – Over $5,000 4, 11 Theft – $5,000 or Under 4, 11 Have Stolen Goods Total Criminal Code Winnipeg Police Service Annual Report 2007 Winnipeg Police Service Annual Report 2007 20075 eVentS foR SeRViCe (diSPAtChed CleARAnCe RAteS 1, 13 eVentS foR SeRViCe 13, 19 & PoliCe-initiAted) 9 traffic Complaint Suspicious Person dispatched & Police-initiated domeStiC ViolenCe 1, 14 fAtAl motoR VehiCle ColliSionS 18 2007 Totals
total - events for Service 15 total - Criminal events 4, 9, 16, 17 Criminal events - Both Persons Charged motoR VehiCle tRAffiC offenCeS 1 # of Persons 2006 - 2007
2007 Totals
Alarm T 150,376
Verified Alarms false Alarms
dangerous operation Causing death dangerous operation Causing Bodily harm dangerous operation dangerous operation evade Police impaired operation Causing death Amount collected from false alarm fines: $21,010.38 impaired operation Causing Bodily harm impaired operation or over .08 fail/Refuse to Provide Breath/Blood Sample Winnipeg Police Service Annual Report 2007 StAtiStiCAl endnoteS1 Criminal Code offence data is based on uniform Crime Reporting 11 theft of motor vehicle statistics are not included in totals.
data submitted to the Canadian Centre for justice Statistics, Statistics 12 Previously named dispatched & on View events, this section Canada, and cannot be compared to data published on the WPS was renamed to clarify the data provided.
CrimeStat website.
13 on April 20, 2004 the Winnipeg Police Service implemented new 2 offences listed under Crimes Against Persons are a sampling records management and computer automated dispatch systems. of violent crimes involving at least one victim.
Caution should be exercised in interpreting the comparison data 3 totals reflect number of victims.
for 2004 with those of other years.
4 includes attempted and actual.
14 events where the accused and victim are in a current or past 5 offences listed under Crimes Against Property are a sampling of crimes where the target is property.
15 includes criminal, and non-criminal events. 6 other Criminal Code includes kidnapping, hostage taking, criminal 16 events where police confirmed a criminal offence occurred.
harassment, uttering threats, production/distribution of child 17 Previously named total domestic Violence, this section was renamed pornography, explosives causing death/bodily harm, criminal to clarify the data provided. negligence causing death, other related offences causing death, conspire to commit murder, bail violations, disturbing the peace, 18 in the 2006 Annual Report the data for fatal collisions and fatalities breach of probation, indecent acts, counterfeiting currency and were mistakenly inverted for the years 2005 and 2006.
other violations. 19 Previously named dispatched & on View events, this section 7 Calls where a police unit was assigned.
was renamed to clarify the data provided. 8 downtown Winnipeg statistics are included in district 1 totals.
20 in 2007 the Winnipeg Police Service implemented several process and system changes. Caution should be exercised in interpreting 9 includes events where there is sufficient evidence to lay a charge, the comparison data for 2007 with those of other years.
but the suspect is processed by other means.
nC = not Calculable 10 An error in the 2004 clearance rates for theft motor vehicle was recently discovered. the correct clearance rates are as follows: theft motor Vehicle (attempted) 1% theft motor Vehicle (completed) 7% total theft motor Vehicle Winnipeg Police Service Annual Report 2007 AuthoRized 2007 ComPlement* PoliCing PeR CAPitA CoStS Police per Residents B tax Supported expenses C Per CAPiTA CosT
A – Statistics Canada 2007 population estimate, based on census data. Patrol/detective Sergeant B – An error was recently discovered in the Police per Residents rate of 1/499 published in the 2006 Annual Report. The correct rate Total Police Members
is 1/506. non sworn (staff) members
C – Previously named Operating Expenses, this section was renamed ToTAl MeMbers
to clarify the data provided. *Includes externally funded positions:
6 police – funded by MPI102 police – funded by the Province of Manitoba17 police – funded by the Winnipeg Airport Authority2 police – funded by the Government of Canada (National WeaponsEnforcement Support Team and Community Corrections Officer)6 police – funding shared by WPS, Winnipeg School Division1 staff member – funded by MPI CiViliAn (Actual) The CiTy of
PRofeSSionAl StAndARd unit fileS initiAted in 2007 Criminal Complaints Crown opinion – no Charge non-Criminal Complaints divisional Commander Referrals information only * Includes files closed in 2007 initiated/opened in previous years
Winnipeg Police Service Annual Report 2007 Behavioral Health Admin. Assistant Strategic Issues Division #40 Criminal Division #41 Criminal Division #42 Criminal Winnipeg Police Service Public Safety Building Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C


SRP Lifestyle Portfolio Investment-Linked Policy Sub-Funds Report and Financial Statements 1 January 2016 to 30 June 2016 MCI (P) 106/03/2016 Inside this booklet, you will find the Semi-Annual Report for our Investment-Linked Policy Sub-Funds, which includes an overview of each fund's investment objectives and performance. To ensure that you are best positioned to meet your financial goals, we encourage you to review your investments regularly and maintain a well-diversified portfolio. We will continue to be vigilant in our choice of investments and look out for the best opportunities available to help you grow your wealth in the long term.

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