Marys Medicine

Newsletter 20, 26 november 2015

matters in Newsletter No 20, Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou. Greetings to you all. Kia ora, Namaste, Mingalaba,
Sua's dei, Talofa Lava, Malo e Lelei, Kia Orana, Bula
Term Dates 2016
Tuesday 2 February - Friday 15 April Monday 2 May - Friday 8 July Monday 25 July - Friday 23 September Monday 10 October - Wednesday 14 Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou. I want to thank all of you for your support and generosity. Over the past few weeks I have been delighted
by the number of people in our community who give of their time and or resources to help make our
school the best it can be. Examples of one of our slogans "Everyone matters in Victory" is
demonstrated here daily and I want you all to know it is very much appreciated by our students and staff.
Next Friday at 2:30pm we will have our last Parent Cafe for the year. Please come and join us. There is a lot of school events coming up. Please keep an eye out for notices and newsletters. It is getting warmer and we are requiring students to wear full-brimmed hats. There are some available to purchase at the office. I look forward to seeing you all at one of our end of year events.
Ngā mihi,Helen Taylor-Young(Principal) Coming Events
Tuesday 1 December School Athletics Friday 4 December Friday 4 December NE/Juniors trip to museum Saturday 5 December Tuesday 8 December Middles to Teapot Valley Monday 14 December Year 6 Graduation Important Reminder
If your child is absent from school it is important that you let the school office know either by calling on 5484779, Please give your child's name and room number and the reason for absence.
Victory Primary School 214 Vanguard St, Nelson, 7010 Phone (03) 5484779

Pupil of the Week
This is an informal meeting for parents and caregivers to get to Brooke T-H, Calan G know one another and build on the home/school partnership. The meetings are on the first Friday of the month during school terms. Next meeting 4 December, 2.30-3.00pm in the staffroom. All It is school policy that during terms 1 and 4 children wear a wide brimmed sun hat when outside at school. Please ensure your child brings a named sun hat to school everyday this term. Thank you.
Victory Community Gardens
needs YOU to get

PB4L helps to foster positive Working bees every Saturday 10-12, bring the kids!
behaviour, strengthen relationships Our community gardens are an important part of our
and increase student wellbeing by school. We use them for our Garden to Table programme,
creating a caring, inclusive, learning to grow food for Matariki, and as an outdoor teaching and
learning space. Visit Rob at the Community Centre if you'd

environment. Last week the children like to be more involved in our gardens.
were encouraged to be respectful, responsible and supportive when at Assembly. With All welcome 7.30 - 8.30am encouragement all children showed in the Community Centre positive behaviour setting an excellent tone and celebration of learning.
Victory Calling! If you would like to receive a text alert on your cellphone about upcoming school events, text: Follow victoryschool1 to 8987 (remember to put a space between Follow and victoryschool1) Victory Primary School 214 Vanguard St, Nelson, 7010 Phone (03) 5484779

Nelson A&P show 2015
Over Term 4, a group of 15 students in Year 3 & 4, have been creating entries for the Nelson A&P show Children's Art and Handcraft sections. All students worked hard with some students winning placing ribbons. Decorated Photo frame - Jesse - Highly Commended Year 4, 5 and 6 Salt Dough Creation - Nikita - 6th Year 4, 5 and 6 Knitting - Piata - 2nd Year 4, 5 and 6 Necklace or Braclet - Piata - 5th Year 1, 2 and 3 Salt Dough Creation Piper - 2nd, Millie - 3rd, Jordyn - 4th, Hamish - 5th, Krystal - 6th Year 1, 2 and 3 Animal Painting - Hamish - 3rd, Jordyn - 4th, Millie - 6th Year 1, 2 and 3 Craft- Jordyn - 4th, Millie - 5th, Piper - 6th, Krystal - Highly Commended Year 1, 2 and 3 Recycled Creation Krystal - 1st Thank you to Whaea Kate for all her time, guiding and supporting the children with their creations. Garden to Table
Room 11 have done Garden to Table for two weeks. On Wednesdays they did gardening and on Thursdays they did Lost Property
cooking. Bailey Jean and Megan enjoyed the cooking. Eating the potato wedges was also very popular! enormous amount of lost property. The children are being asked to have a look and take anything that is theirs. On Friday anything left will be free to a good home. Come and have a look.
Pop in, have a cuppa, use the internet. ‘Be Well' Nurse here Monday to Thursday 8.30-5pm. No appointment necessary, come for help with minor illness, injury assessment, blood pressure, information and assistance to access other services. Call in or phone 5468389 Every Tuesday 9 to 11.30am follow the yellow line from the Centre. All welcome 0-5 years After hours Nurses Clinic – First Tuesday of month 5.30-7.30pm @ Franklyn Village 1st Friday of month @ Community Centre, talk to a nurse about any health concerns - no appointments Cervical Screening – First Tuesday of the month, by appointment Victory Primary School 214 Vanguard St, Nelson, 7010 Phone (03) 5484779 COMMUNITY NOTICES New Programmes at the community centre
Celebrate Science with Cawthron Monday 1-2pm Walking group Hands on Science, interactive exhibits, Wednesdays 9-10am Fitness class presentations and Mr Science Thursdays 3.30-4.30pm Healthy cooking/ Family Fun Day at Victory Community Centre Sunday 29 November 10am to 4pm Melrose House Lights On Family & Friends Picnic Richmond Aquatic Friday 27 November Picnic from 7pm, lights on about 8.30pm Camp 29 Dec - 2 Jan 26 Brougham Street, Nelson Lights on each night 27 November to 1 January Eyebright Christmas Shop at Melrose 1 December to 24 December RAPID READING RESULTS. 8 week programme for beginners and struggling Nelson's Climate Change Parade and Picnic young readers working within levels 1-20 Saturday 28 November 10am from Qualified and experienced teacher. Tahunanui Beach to Nelson 12pm Picnic Limited places available Starts TERM 1 2016 Anzac park with music, speaker, stalls Enrolling now. Phone Elaine on 548 0994 or email [email protected] Kids Twilight Xmas Market and Car Boot Sale Jungle Bells Jog and Santa Walk at Victory Community Centre Sunday 13 December Register from 9am, FOOD MUSIC GAMES TOYS CLOTHES costume judging at 9.30am, start at 10am Wednesday 2 December 5.30 - 7.30pm To book a site contact Rob 5468389 or The Local Barbershop opening 14 Dec at 36a Gloucester St. Opening week special -bring a friend and get 20% discount.
DOG DAYS 4 Summer reading challenge at Nelson Public Library from Monday 14 December to Friday 5 February ANZ Olympic Schools
If you take a home loan with ANZ and mention Victory Primary School we can earn credits to CALLING ALL OLD MOBILE PHONES spend at the ANZ Awards Centre on cool It's that time again to rummage around in your sports, camera and technology equipment.
drawers and toy boxes and bring into School any unwanted mobile phones you may have at home. It is estimated Pattisons Swim School
that each year up to three million Enrolments are now open for the 2015-2016 phones become obsolete in NZ, of season. There are lessons for all abilities and those only 2% are recycled. Phones Squad swimming that start 26th October collected help our School gain valuable Book now at http:// rewards and the environment benefits or call Jordy as well keeping our landfills free of mobile phones and their array of hazardous toxic substances. Please drop any unwanted mobile phones you may have in the collection box in the reception area at School.
Victory Primary School 214 Vanguard St, Nelson, 7010 Phone (03) 5484779



BEWARE OF OVERCLAIMING, FEDERAL COURT OF CANADA WARNS Alexandra Steele* LEGER ROBIC RICHARD, Lawyers ROBIC, Patent & Trademark Agents Centre CDP Capital 1001 Square-Victoria – Bloc E – 8th Floor Montréal, Québec, Canada H2Z 2B7 Tel.: (514) 987-6242 - Fax (514) 845-7874 [email protected] – INTRODUCTION The Applicant's application for a writ of prohibition preventing the Canadian Minister of National Health and Welfare from issuing a Notice of Compliance to the Respondent in respect of anti-depression medication was denied, the Court having ruled that the Respondent's al egations that the proposed drug would not infringe the Applicant's patents were sufficient. [Biovail Pharmaceuticals Inc. et al v. Minister of National Health and Welfare at al, [2005] F.C.J. No. 7, Harrington J., January 6, 2005] BACKGROUND

Annual Technical Report Fiscal year 2071/072 (2014/015) Government of Nepal Ministry of Livestock Development Department of Livestock Services Directorate of Animal Health Central Veterinary Laboratory Tripureshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal Phone: +977-1-4212143, 4261938 Fax: +977-1-4261867