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Seasonal (common) Flu
Caused by: Human influenza virus
Transmitted: From person to person
o Most people have some immunity o Vaccine is available
Pandemic flu would describe a new human virus that:
• Is easily spread throughout the world • Would have little or no natural immunity • Would not have a vaccine available
• News
• Website: for current pandemic links and more information • Hotline: 1-337-482-2222
Take common-sense steps to limit the spread of germs. Make good hygiene a habit:
• Stay at home if you are sick. • Wash hands frequently with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand cleaner. • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. • Put used tissues in a waste basket. • Cough or sneeze into your upper sleeve if you don't have a tissue. • Get an annual flu shot to help protect you from seasonal flu. No, it won't protect you against pandemic influenza. But flu shots can help you to stay healthy. • Get a pneumonia shot to prevent secondary infection if you are over the age of 65 or have a chronic illness such as diabetes or asthma.
It is always a good idea to practice good health habits
• Eat a balanced diet. Be sure to eat a variety of foods, including plenty of vegetables, fruits,
and whole grain products. Also include low-fat dairy products, lean meats, poultry, fish, and beans. Drink lots of water and go easy on salt, sugar, alcohol, and saturated fat. • Exercise on a regular basis and get plenty of rest.
• You should begin preparations for an influenza pandemic now.
• You should know both the magnitude of what can happen during a pandemic outbreak and what actions you can take to help lessen the impact of an influenza pandemic on you and your family. • The following checklists will help you gather the information and resources you may need in case of a flu pandemic. To plan for a pandemic:
• Store a two week supply of water and food. During a pandemic, if you cannot get to a store, or
if stores are out of supplies, it will be important for you to have extra supplies on hand. This can be useful in other types of emergencies, such as power outages and disasters. • Periodically check your regular prescription drugs to ensure a continuous supply in your • Have any nonprescription drugs and other health supplies on hand, including pain relievers, stomach remedies, cough and cold medicines, fluids with electrolytes, and vitamins. • Talk with family members and loved ones about how they would be cared for if they got sick, or what will be needed to care for them in your home. • Volunteer with local groups to prepare and assist with emergency response. • Get involved in your community as it works to prepare for an influenza pandemic.
To limit the spread of germs and prevent infection, practice and teach your children:
• To wash hands frequently with soap and water.
• To cover coughs and sneezes with tissues or upper sleve. • To stay away from others as much as possible if they are sick. • Stay home from work and school if you are sick.
Items to have on hand for an extended stay at home:
Food and non perishables
• Ready-to-eat canned meats, fish, fruits, vegetables, beans, and soups
• Protein or fruit bars • Dry cereal or granola • Peanut butter or nuts • Canned juices • Bottled water – one gallon/person/day; 2 quarts for drinking and 2 quarts for food preparation • Canned or jarred baby food and formula • Pet food
Medical, health and emergency supplies:
• Prescribed medications and medical supplies such as glucose and blood-pressure monitoring • Soap and water, or alcohol-based (60-95%) hand wash • Medicines for fever, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen • Anti-diarrheal medication • Fluids with electrolytes • Cleansing agent/soap • Flashlight / Batteries / Portable radio • Manual can opener • Garbage bags • Tissues, toilet paper, disposable diapers Pandemic Flu Preparedness Plan
UL Lafayette
Revised: September 2007
Introduction and Purpose
UL Lafayette is committed to ensuring, to the best of its ability, the safety of its students,
faculty, and staff.
Personnel at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Department of
Health and Hospitals (HHS), the World Health Organization WHO), the American
College Health Association, and the Louisiana Office of Public Health (OPH) have all
identified the HN51 (known as the "Avian Flu") virus as a potential threat to become the
next pandemic influenza. These institutions have instructed Universities to educate
themselves on and prepare for a possible pandemic.
The purpose of this document is to provide guidance to University employees on the
proper procedure for implementing a response to any pandemic communicable illness.
In developing and implementing this document, the University has identified the following objectives: • Monitoring And Surveillance: Through coordination with OPH, CDC, and others, University emergency response personnel will track any worldwide status in the pandemic, which could trigger an implementation of any and all parts of this plan. Essential Personnel: The University has determined critical personnel who may be needed at every stage of its plan implementation. These persons have been formally notified that their job duties may require their services, even during times of University emergency closure. Mission Critical Functions: The University has identified operations and logistics that must continue, in whole or in part, during all stages of this plan implementation. Establish Roles/Responsibilities: The University has matched essential personnel with mission critical functions to establish standard operating procedures for all facets of the University during all stages of the pandemic. Communication: The University recognizes that, during advanced stages of the pandemic, traditional communication devices (telephone, internet, and radio) will be overwhelmed and compromised. The University has identified efficient ways to utilize its communications infrastructure during all phases of the pandemic. Student Care: The University does not support a 24/7 medical facility. However, during school closure, a small percentage of students may have no place to go. Consequently, the University has prepared for identifying these students and addressing their needs. Continuance Of Research: The University supports plans for research activities that cannot cease for extended periods of time. Education: The University has developed plans to educate and train its entire community on awareness of the pandemic, sickness prevention, well health, and the implementation of the pandemic plan (see section 6.0).
Pandemic Plan Responsibilities And Teams
The central leadership for the University's pandemic plan resides with the Dean of Students, the University Staff Physician, and the Environmental Health and Safety Director. In keeping with the plan objectives (see section 2.0), the University has delegated all responsibilities to six (6) response teams: • Academic Affairs Team, Team Leader, Vice President for Academic Affairs: Responsible for coordinating activities related to the classroom as they relate to the plan. • Administrative Team, Team Leaders, Asst. Vice Presidents for Business and Finance: Responsible for ensuring business continuity within the University during all phases of the plan. • Research Team, Team Leader, Vice President for Research: Responsible for addressing the needs of University researchers, specifically those involved in physical and biological science research activities, during all phases of the plan. • Student Affairs Team, Team Leader, Dean of Students: Responsible for meeting the needs of our students outside of the classroom. • Communications Team, Team Leader, Vice President for Information Technology: Responsible for coordinating all forms of communication between the response team, the University administration, students, and the public during all phases of the plan. • Legal Team, Team Leader, Director of Auxiliary Services: Responsible for minimizing, in so far as possible, the University's liability while implementing this plan. Four (4) Phased Pandemic Plan Implementation
In order to accomplish its objectives, the University has developed a four-phased model that will identify the various execution triggers for the pandemic plan: • Phase I, General Readiness: During normal times, the University shall remain engaged at this stage. During phase I, there are no confirmed cases of pandemic flu at the University or within the region. There may, however, be one or more confirmed cases of pandemic flu in the United States or worldwide. To maintain its readiness, the University focuses its planning toward education during phase I. Regular training is provided to all University employees (see section 6). The University's website maintains general educational information regarding pandemic flu to the public. • Phase II, Heightened Readiness: At Phase II, the University learns that one or more cases of pandemic flu have entered the region, the parish, and/or the UL Lafayette campus. Travel restrictions may be imposed at the Federal and/or State level. However, the University remains open to all students and employees. The University begins working very closely with CDC and OPH to determine the extent of the pandemic and its possible ramifications. All pandemic teams turn their focus toward preparing for a possible school closure. Supplies are stockpiled and essential personnel are notified of a possible school closure. Employees are encouraged to prepare their personal families and implement Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions (NPIs) such as: o Social Distancing: Staying at least 3 feet from other persons o Isolation: of persons who are sick o Quarantine: of persons who may be sick or exposed to those who are Phase III, School Closure: At Phase III, pandemic flu has become widespread in our region. Under direction from CDC and OPH, the University must close and suspend all classes and other activities. The length of the closure depends on the severity of the pandemic, but the University is preparing for between 2 and 6 weeks. Campus buildings will be locked down and severely limited to access for all persons. Students and employees will be sent home. University research is strongly discouraged and allowed only on a pre-planned approved basis. All faculty and staff except essential personnel assigned to the emergency response team are sent home until further notice. In the event of a school closure, Classified employees under Civil Service Rule 1.23 (d) & (g) serving with job appointment, probationary or permanent status shall be given time off without loss of pay, annual leave or sick leave. Classified employees that remain at work during this closure will receive compensation pay over and above their regular pay. If this period is for an extended period of time, the University will seek to place the employees not at work with other agencies or allow them to take annual or sick leave, whichever is applicable. Daily updates of information will be available on the University's website and campus hotline. The student affairs team turns their attention to addressing the needs of students who must remain on campus such as: 1. Those who are too sick to travel and cannot leave the University 2. Those who may be sick and must be quarantined 3. International students living on campus who are bound by travel restrictions. Phase IV, School Re-Opening: At Phase IV, CDC and OPH have determined that the number of pandemic cases has dwindled to a safe measure and it is safe for people to congregate again. As such, the University re-opens, classes re-convene, and business is returned to normal. However, employees and students who are sick, or who might be sick, will be encouraged to stay home until they are determined not to be contagious. It is not uncommon for subsequent waves of the pandemic to re-form. As such, the University will likely re-open at Phase II and be ready to re-close if a subsequent pandemic wave is strong enough to call for it. Frequently Asked Questions Regarding the H1N1 Virus and Pandemic Flu
University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Revised August 27, 2009

NOTE: The questions addressed in this document pertain to UL Lafayette specific
issues. However, a more broader range of questions for Higher Education
regarding H1N1 and Pandemic Flu is addressed by CDC, which can be viewed at:
FAQ's Regarding H1N1

Can we assume everyone with a cough has the flu?
First – make sure to get your facts straight, there is no need to spread any unnecessary
panic. Public Health officials are asking doctors to treat anyone that test positive for
Influenza Type A as though they have H1N1. But this requires a lab test to be performed
by a doctor. Just because someone has a cough DOES NOT mean they can assume they
have H1N1.


What do I do if I learn that I have been exposed to someone with H1N1?
If you develop any flu-like symptoms within 48 hours of your exposure, seek medical
attention from your doctor and socially distance yourself from others until you are fever-
free for at least 24 hours without the help of fever-reducing medication. Socially
distancing yourself means do not go to class, lab class, work, or any social engagements.
Stay home and take care of yourself.
Will the University clinic offer the H1N1 vaccine?
University Student Health Services will be offering the seasonal flu vaccine as normal.
As you may have heard, final trials are taking place for the new H1N1 vaccine.
Assuming things remain on schedule, we are told by Public Health officials that this new
vaccine will be ready in about 6 weeks. A prioritized plan for distributing the vaccine
has been identified by CDC - here is a link to that:


How long are you contagious if you contract H1N1?
People with H1N1 can be contagious for up to one week after their flu-like symptoms
first appear. However, determining this exact time can be difficult. Experts suggest a
better gage to us is to make sure you are fever free without the aid of fever-reducing
medication for a minimum of 24 hours.
Do I need any special cleaners or disinfectants to treat surfaces against
No. All household cleansers used in conjunction with the manufacturer's instructions are
proven effective against H1N1.


How long can the H1N1 virus remain dangerous outside of the body?
Scientist are telling us that H1N1 is very unstable outside of the body. Most suggest that
it can only survive minutes. So, while cleanliness is important for obvious reasons, the
most likely method of spreading H1N1 will be from someone inhaling respiratory
droplets from someone who has the virus. This is why hand washing, cover your mouth,
etc. is so important.
If the University is seeing cases of H1N1 now, why aren't we moving up to
Phase II?
The University has not yet declared Phase II. As you may have noticed, public health
officials are taking a more conservative approach this year with respect to H1N1 and
schools. Specifically, last year, CDC and the State were quick to recommend school
closures for several reasons:
a. With little history and statistical data regarding H1N1, no one knew how deadly this
virus could be.
b. Early mortality rates were observed to be higher in other parts of the world, namely
underdeveloped countries. It is now thought that this was because access to health care is
limited in these areas, but at the time, it was a hard call to make.
c. Health experts were trying to stop H1N1 from becoming the next pandemic.
Remember, the word "pandemic" simply implies that the virus/disease/critter is being
found throughout the world. It's an issue of geography, not severity. Now, it is
universally accepted that H1N1 is worldwide and will continue to be so for some time.
The University will continue to take direction from public health officials. As such,
while we are seeing some isolated cases of H1N1 on campus, we do not feel it is
necessary to move to Phase II at this time. Of course, this can change on a day's notice,
so we are watching vigilantly.
I'm a student that has flu-like symptoms, can the Student Health Services
treat me?
Yes. SHS is fully capable of diagnosing influenza, and recommending treatment. For
students experiencing flu-like symptoms, SHS will perform an influenza nasal swab test.
This test can confirm whether the patient has influenza Type-A (see FAQ #1 above for
more information).
I've heard the Tamiflu cures H1N1 – is that true?
No, this is not true. Tamiflu can relieve flu symptoms, but DOES NOT "cure" H1N1, nor
make the patient less contagious. Dr. Yongue advises that Tamiflu is only effective if the
patient starts taking it within 48 hours of their initial symptoms. So, in some cases, the
medication is not given.
What about the cost of the flu-test and Tamiflu
The cost of the influenza test (see FAQ #7 above) is about $40.00. However, all graduate students and full time undergraduate students have medical insurance paid for by their student assessed fee. If the student has some other medical coverage (parent's policy, for
example), SHS attempts to bill that provider first. The student insurance then becomes
secondary, picking up deductibles, co-pays, etc. I'm told that for the most part, the
student ends up paying nothing for the test.
Another concern is the cost of Tamiflu, the medication that can relieve flu symptoms, but
DOES NOT "cure" H1N1, nor make the patient less contagious. Dr. Yongue advises that
Tamiflu is only effective if the patient starts taking it within 48 hours of their initial
symptoms. So, in some cases, the medication is not given. The student insurance does
not pay for Tamiflu. If you have no insurance, the medication cost about $100.00,
students with other insurance are typically paying $50.00 - $60.00 for it, where

FAQ's Regarding All Pandemics

Will we get paid if the University closes? Do we use sick leave, if not sick?
Will we use compensatory, annual leave or leave without pay?
This is addressed in the University's Pandemic Plan, which states:
"…In the event of a school closure, Classified employees under Civil Service Rule 1.23
(d) & (g) serving with job appointment, probationary or permanent status shall be given
time off without loss of pay, annual leave or sick leave. Classified employees that remain
at work during this closure will receive compensation pay over and above their regular
The University is researching the appropriate response for Unclassified employees and
will update this document at a later time.
If a family member is ill, should we quarantine ourselves even if the
University hasn't closed yet?
• First, let's review the difference between isolation and quarantine:
o Isolation is used to physically separate individuals that are confirmed sick
from the general population until they are no longer contagious. o Quarantine is to separate individuals who may have been exposed but are not
yet ill from the general population; the duration of quarantine would depend on the length of the incubation period and the period of contagion which usually begins prior to the onset of symptoms and extends for a period of time after the illness. • Remember, a person is contagious for a period of time before symptoms appear (this time is different for every illness). So restricting an exposed person will prevent the unknowing spread of the illness, with seasonal influenza. o Adults can be infectious from one (1) day before symptoms occur through approximately five (5) days after illness onset. o Young children can shed virus several days before illness onset and can be infectious for 10 or more days after onset of symptoms. o Severely immuno-compromised persons can shed virus for weeks or months. • This data is not yet known for the ‘pandemic virus'. • Remember that you can greatly reduce your exposure by using proper precautions when caring for a sick family member, such as keeping a distance of at least 3 feet from the sick person, washing your hands, isolating or quarantining the family member, encouraging the family member to wear a face mask when they must be in the same room as others, to cover their mouth when coughing, etc. • If these measures are strictly enforced, then quarantining yourself should not be necessary. If not, then quarantine yourself for the declared time and if you do not develop flu symptoms, remove yourself from quarantine and continue to use the proper precautions while in your house. Who will enforce quarantine?
There are several things worth mentioning here. The CDC is predicting that during the
next pandemic, absenteeism throughout the work force could be at least 40%. Mortality
rates (percentage of sick persons who die) could be as high as 25%. These statistics are
not limited to any particular occupation. They will apply to law enforcement, fire
protection, doctors and medical fields, electrical and utility operations, agricultural and
food supply industries, oil and petroleum service industries, etc.
Even if quarantine becomes a lawful issue, it is really about self-preservation.
Quarantining yourself ensures that if you have been exposed, you will not continue the
spread of the illness if you are contagious. This is most beneficial to members of your
family, the people who live closest to you. If pandemic flu becomes a reality in our
region, everyone will be advised to take quarantine, isolation, and social distancing very
What cleaning solutions should we use?
• The easiest universal disinfectant, if used properly, is bleach. o Most people mix this too strongly, and this is a very dangerous practice. o Bleach gives off Chlorine gas, which is deadly if inhaled. The stronger the bleach solution, the more Chlorine gas is emitted. o Bleach solutions should be mixed and used only in well-ventilated areas. For disinfecting surfaces, use the following mixing table. • Bleach can be stored in store-bought concentration for years without any ill effects. • However, most experts agree that you should only mix enough bleach solution that can be used in one or two days. After that, discard the rest down the toilet and mix a fresh solution. • Dilution will depend on the task at hand: o Disinfectant properties at 1:15 dilution: Amount of Bleach Dilute with water o Food contact surfaces:  Prewash  Rinse with one (1) Tbsp of bleach / gallon of water. o Non- food contact surfaces:  Prewash  Rinse with 1:15 solution, allow to stand 10 min., air dry. Who will be caring for the ill students on campus?
The Student Health Services clinic is NOT a 24/7 medical facility and therefore, will
close with the rest of the campus. The University has learned that the Acadiana Red
Cross is formulating a community-wide pandemic response plan that will be used to
support persons who are ill, including University students. The University will support
the Red Cross with volunteer assistance wherever possible.
Will food service operations close?
Beginning at Phase III of the University's Pandemic Plan, Food Services will cease
What are the plans to distribute medications, should they become available?
This decision to distribute medications will be made by CDC and OPH. The distribution will be under the guidance of OPH.  The following letter was distributed to UL Lafayette Faculty from the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs. August 26, 2009 To: Faculty and Teaching Assistants From: Carolyn Bruder Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs As you know, Lafayette Parish has reported the occurrence of cases of Type A influenza which may eventually be identified as the "swine flu." In that young people seem most susceptible to contracting this strain of flu, we want to prepare early for its potential impact. Please encourage your students to follow the precautions recommended by national and state health officials—wash your hands regularly, cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing, stay home if you experience fever and other flu symptoms. Those who become ill should stay away from the University until they have been fever-free for twenty-four hours. Physicians have told us that students who contract this flu may be home-bound for seven days or more. Students will take their cue from you regarding class absences, and it is extremely important that they not attend classes when they are ill. Additionally, please be sensitive to the academic needs of students who are forced to miss class because of illness. In particular, please consider undertaking different supportive measures such as the following: $ Assign to one or two of your better students the task of providing class notes that can be copied for other students who are or were not present; $ Place assignments, class notes, and other resources on the web for easier accessibility; and $ Hold extra study sessions for students who are forced to miss class during this time. Undoubtedly, you will be able to think of other actions you may be able to take to respond to the special needs of students in your particular classes. Thank you in advance for your characteristic concern and attention to our students' well-being, both personal and academic. Should you need assistance in contacting or dealing with these students, the office of the Dean of Students is available to assist you (482-6276).  The following email was sent from the UL Lafayette Safety Director regarding H1N1 -----Original Message----- From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of [email protected] Sent: Friday, August 21, 2009 3:01 PM To: facstaff-announce-list Subject: UL Lafayette H1N1 Flu Update In preparation for the start of the Fall 2009 semester, university officials have met to discuss the H1N1 virus (also known as the "Swine Flu"), and possible ramifications it may have for the campus community. The university has reviewed its Pandemic Flu Preparedness Plan and is communicating with State public health officials. Although a few confirmed cases of H1N1 have been identified in Lafayette Parish, at this time, all university functions and schedules are continuing as planned. All students and employees are encouraged to review the Pandemic Guide and Plan, which can be found on the university safety webpage: Please implement good health and hygiene habits such as proper hand washing techniques, covering your mouth when you cough, and others that are found in these documents. You can also link to other helpful sites for more information. Thank you for your consideration. -- Joseph "Joey" V. Pons IV Environmental Health and Safety Director [email protected]


Making Education Easy Issue 6 - 2014 Welcome to the 6th issue of Fertility Research Review In this issue we review several studies investigating sperm quality. Many men are unaware that the use of finasteride, a common treatment for baldness, reduces sperm counts. Fortunately for couples desiring fertility, sperm counts were shown to increase on cessation of finasteride treatment. Couples may also


International Journal of Cardiology 125 (2008) 376 – 382 Association of endothelial function and vascular data with LDL-c and HDL-c in a homogeneous population of middle-aged, healthy military men: Evidence for a critical role of optimal lipid levels ☆ Martin Laclaustra a,⁎, Alejandro F. Frangi b, Andres G. Frangi a, Jose A. Casasnovas a, Pedro Cia a a Cardiovascular Research Group of Aragon, Aragon Institute of Health Sciences, Hospital Clinico Universitario "Lozano Blesa", Zaragoza, Spain