Marys Medicine


ensuring international food safety with reliable, time saving and cost effective testing solutions ELISA KIT for food safety About ISTech LaboratoriesOur products and services About Us
ISTech Laboratories B.V. is a young and innovative life sciences
company based in Wageningen, the Netherlands. We are mainly
specialized in the field of food safety.
Our core business is the development of antibodies, conjugates and Elisa Kits.
Our quality standards are ensured by the ISO 9001:2000 Certificate, accredited by the Dutch Council for Accreditation.
Aflatoxin Totalproduct-code: ISTech AFLT-1 Intended use:
Plate Format: Microtiter plate with 96 well (12 strips with 8 removable wells each )
ISTech Aflatoxin Total EIA is a competitive enzyme Standards: 0 / 0.008 / 0.016/ 0.032 / 0.064 / 0.125 / 0.25 ng/ml
immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of Aflatoxin Total in feed, peanuts, nuts, figs, paprika powder, cereals, rice and Sample per Kit: up to 42 in duplicates
Measurement: Microtiter plate reader (450nm)
General information:
Incubation Time: 1h
The Aflatoxins represent a group of toxic metabolites produced by the fungal species Aspergillus flavus, A. Shelf life & Storage: 12 Months at 2 - 8 °C
parasiticus and A. nominus. These are highly toxic, carcinogenic, mutagenic, and teratogenic compounds. Cross-reactions (%): Aflatoxin B1
Aflatoxin B1 is one of the most potential environmental carcinogen, with toxic effects on humans through its direct consumption in food products or as metabolic residues in animal tissues. Aflatoxin B1 is mostly found together with the aflatoxins B2, G1, G2. It is commonly found in peanuts, corn, and oil seeds such as cotton. As these toxins are heat stable, they are very difficult to destroy once formed. The countries of the EU have placed a limit in cereals of 2 ppb for aflatoxin B1 and 4 ppb for all aflatoxins in total. ISTech Total Aflatoxin Detection Limit: Feed, Peanut, Nut, Figs, Paprika powder, Cereals, Rice, Maize
ELISA Test Kit, to detect Aflatoxins in animal matrices and to satisfy customer concerns about food safety. Boldenoneproduct-code: ISTech BOLD-2 Plate Format: Microtiter plate with 96 well (12 strips with 8 removable wells each )
ISTech Boldenon EIA is a competitive enzyme immunoassay Standards: 0 / 0.062 / 0.125/ 0.25 / 0.5 / 1 / 2 ng/ml
for the quantitative analysis of Boldenone in urine.
Sample per Kit: up to 42 in duplicates
General information:
Boldenone is a derivative of testosterone, which exhibits highly
Measurement: Microtiter plate reader (450nm)
anabolic, moderately androgenic steroid hormone. β- Incubation Time: 1h
Boldenone is used in illegal treatments of cattle and could be detected in urine sample as free hormone and/or conjugate. Shelf life & Storage: 12 Months at 2 - 8 °C
The main benefit of taking Boldenone is that it increases protein synthesis in the muscle cells. In the veterinary field Cross-reactions (%): Boldenone
Boldenone is most commonly used on horses, exhibiting a pronounced effect on lean body weight, appetite and general disposition of the animal. As with all steroids, this compound shows a marked ability for increasing red blood cell production. The illegal use of anabolic steroids as boldenone has caused racing authorities to ban these drugs, demanding an effective control system. ISTech Boldenone ELISA Test Kit, to detect Boldenone in animal matrices and to satisfy customer concerns about food safety. Detection Limit: Urine
Chloramphenicolproduct-code: ISTech CAP-3 Intended use:
Plate Format: Microtiter plate with 96 well (12 strips with 8 removable wells each )
ISTech Chloramphenicol (CAP) is a competitive enzyme Standards: 0 / 0.062 / 0.125/ 0.25 / 0.5 / 1 / 2 ng/ml
immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of Chloramphenicol in milk, milk powder, honey, animal feed, urine, egg and Sample per Kit: up to 42 in duplicates
Measurement: Microtiter plate reader (450nm)
Incubation Time: 1,5h
Chloramphenicol is a broad spectrum antibiotic against a wide range of bacteria and is especially useful in the treatment of Shelf life & Storage: 12 Months at 2 - 8 °C
Gram-negative infections in animals. However, it leads to hematotoxic side effects, a potential precursor to aplastic Chloramphenicol 100 anemia and other serious blood disorders, has been Chloramphenicol 80 associated with Chloramphenicol treatment of people already sensititized to the drug. This has led to a prohibition of Chloramphenicol for the treatment of animals used for food production. Therefore, a zero tolerance level has been established by the Food and Drug Administration for Chloramphenicol residues in domestic and imported animal products. ISTech Chloramphenicol ELISA Test Kit, to detect Chloramphenicol in animal matrices and to satisfy customer concerns about food safety.
Detection Limit: Egg, Feed, Honey, Tissue
Milk (direct use) Salbutamolproduct-code: ISTech SALB-8 Intended use:
Plate Format: Microtiter plate with 96 well (12 strips with 8 removable wells each )
ISTech Salbutamol EIA is a competitive enzyme immunoassay Standards: 0 / 0.05 / 0.125 / 0.25 / 0.5 / 1 / 2 ng/ml
for the quantitative analysis of Salbutamol and other related β- agonists in urine.
Sample per Kit: up to 42 in duplicates
Measurement: Microtiter plate reader (450nm)
Salbutamol is a β-adrenergic agonist that is used in the Incubation Time: 1h
treatment of asthma in humans. It can also be used as a therapeutic agent in the treatment of chronic obstructive Shelf life & Storage: 12 Months at 2 - 8 °C
pulmonary disease in horses, but it is prohibited by horse racing authorities. β-adrenergic agonists have repartitioning Cross-reactions (%): Salbutamol
properties, they have been used as illegal growth promoter substances for animal production in several countries. Therefore, excess salbutamol residues in livestock products may lead to health risks for consumers. ISTech Salbutamol ELISA Test Kit, to detect Salbutamol and other -adrenergic agonists in animal matrices and to satisfy customer concerns Methyl-Clenbuterol 75 about food safety.
Detection Limit: Urine (for salbutamol and clenbuterol)
Corticosteroidproduct-code: ISTech COR-5 Intended use:
Plate Format: Microtiter plate with 96 well (12 strips with 8 removable wells each )
ISTech Corticosteroids EIA is a competitive enzyme Standards: 0 / 0.062 / 0.125/ 0.25 / 0.5 / 1 / 2 ng/ml
immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of Corticosteroids in milk, feed and urine.
Sample per Kit: up to 42 in duplicates
Measurement: Microtiter plate reader (450nm)
Dexamethasone, a synthetic adrenocortical steroid and widely Incubation Time: 1h
used as an anti-inflammatory agent in livestock breeding to treat inflammatory diseases. Corticosteroids are found in cattle Shelf life & Storage: 12 Months at 2 - 8 °C
feed and are suspected to be used as growth-promoters . The Corticosteroid-EIA is a competitive enzyme immunoassay Cross-reactions (%): Dexamethasone
for the screening of feed, milk and urine . In all European Community countries however, the use of growth promoters has been banned since 1986. ISTech Corticosteroids ELISA Test Kit, to detect Corticosteroids in animal matrices and to satisfy customer concerns about food safety.
Detection Limit: Milk
Nortestosteroneproduct-code: ISTech NORT-7 Plate Format: Microtiter plate with 96 well (12 strips with 8 removable wells each )
ISTech - Nortestosterone EIA is a competitive enzyme Standards: 0 / 0.03 / 0.06 / 0.125 / 0.25 / 0.5 / 1 ng/ml
immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of Nortestosteron in urine.
Sample per Kit: up to 42 in duplicates
Measurement: Microtiter plate reader (450nm)
19-Nortestosterone is an anabolic steroid with an efficacy Incubation Time: 1h
comparable with that of the hormone testosterone but with less androgenic effects. Anabolic steroids have been Shelf life & Storage: 12 Months at 2 - 8 °C
extensively used in husbandry practice with beneficial effects such as animal growth promotion and feed efficiency and the Cross-reactions (%): 19-Nortestosterone (17β)
illegal use of 19-Nortestosterone as doping agents in high 19-Nor-4-Androsterone, -3, 17-Dione performance sports or horse sports are far more common. ISTech Nortestosterone ELISA Test Kit, to detect 19-Nortestosterone (17β) sulphate Nortestosterone in animal matrices and to satisfy customer concerns about food safety.
19-Nortestosterone 17α Detection Limit: Urine
Stanozololproduct-code: ISTech STZ-9 Intended use:
Plate Format: Microtiter plate with 96 well (12 strips with 8 removable wells each )
ISTech- Stanozolol EIA is a competitive enzyme Standards: 0 / 0.05 / 0.125 / 0.25 / 0.5 / 1 / 2 ng/ml
immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of Stanozolol and 16-OH Stanozolol in serum, and urine.
Sample per Kit: up to 42 in duplicates
Measurement: Microtiter plate reader (450nm)
Stanozolol (17-methyl-2'H-androst-2-eno [3,2-c]-pyrazol-17- Incubation Time: 1,5h
ol) is a synthetic anabilic steroid derived from testosterone and has been approved by the FDA for human use. Stanozolol is Shelf life & Storage: 12 Months at 2 - 8 °C
one of the most important synthetic anabolic steroids used as a growth promoter in cattle, to increase athletic performance, Cross-reactions (%): Stanozolol
and in horse racing. The use of substances having a Stanozolol (16-OH) hormonal action for growth promotion in farm animals was prohibited in EU. ISTech Stanozolol ELISA Test Kit, to detect Stanozolol and 16-OH Stanozolol in animal matrices and to satisfy customer concerns about food safety.
Detection Limit: Urine
Streptomycinproduct-code: ISTech STREP-10 Intended use:
Plate Format: Microtiter plate with 96 well (12 strips with 8 removable wells each )
ISTech Streptomycin is a competitive enzyme immunoassay Standards: 0 / 0.25 / 0.5 / 1 / 2 / 10 / 20 ng/ml
for the quantitative analysis of Streptomycin in milk, honey, feed, serum, urine, meat, liver and kidney.
Sample per Kit: up to 42 in duplicates
Measurement: Microtiter plate reader (450nm)
Streptomycin belongs to a group of carbohydrate containing Incubation Time: 1h
antibiotics called aminoglycosides. Streptomycin is one of the mostly used antibiotics for the treatment of mastitis. There Shelf life & Storage: 12 Months at 2 - 8 °C
have been reports of allergic reactions to Streptomycin but no cases that have involved exposure to residues in foods. Cross-reactions (%): Streptomycine
Residues of Streptomycin may therefore occur in food of animal origin, if the withholding period is not obeyed or if it is used improperly. To protect the consumer against healthy risks and avoid food-technological problems, a sensitive and simple method for the detection of Streptomycin is necessary.
The European Commission established a Streptomycin Maximum Residue Limit (MRL) of 500 µg/kg for muscle and fat, 200 µg/kg for milk, 500 µg/kg for liver and 1000 µg/kg for kidney. ISTech Streptomycin ELISA Test Kit is able to detect Streptomycin in animal matrices and thereby satisfy customer concerns about food safety.
Detection Limit: Milk
Intended use:
Plate Format: Microtiter plate with 96 well (12 strips with 8 removable wells each )
ISTech Sulphamethazine is a competitive enzyme Standards: 0 / 0.15 / 0.31 / 0.62 / 1,25 / 2,5 / 5 ng/ml
immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of Sulphamethazine in milk, honey, feed, serum, urine.
Sample per Kit: up to 42 in duplicates
Measurement: Microtiter plate reader (450nm)
Sulphanamides, are widely used for the treatment of Incubation Time: 1h
bacterial infections and until recently as feed additives and growth promoters. At present, Sulphanamides and other Shelf life & Storage: 12 Months at 2 - 8 °C
drugs are the most common contaminating antimicrobials in animal feed, generating potentially serious problems in human Cross-reactions (%): Sulfamethazine
health, such as allergic or toxic reactions. In addition, some sulphanamides such as sulphamethazine has been found to be potentially carcinogenic.
Detection Limit: Honey
Trenboloneproduct-code: ISTech TREN-13 Intended use:
Plate Format: Microtiter plate with 96 well (12 strips with 8 removable wells each )
ISTech Trenbolone EIA is a competitive enzyme immunoassay Standards: 0 / 0.062 / 0.125 / 0.25 / 0.5 / 1 / 2 ng/ml
for the quantitative analysis of Trenbolone in serum and urine.
Sample per Kit: up to 42 in duplicates
General information:
Trenbolone acetate has been used as a livestock growth
Measurement: Microtiter plate reader (450nm)
promoter for many years. Two biologically active metabolites Incubation Time: 1h
of the acetate, 17β- and 17α-Trenbolone, are ligands of vertebrate androgen receptors and comparatively stable in the Shelf life & Storage: 12 Months at 2 - 8 °C
waste of treaded animals. The drugs have the effect of increasing nitrogen uptake by muscles, leading to an increase 17β-Trenbolone 100 in the rate of protein synthesis. It also has the secondary 17α-Trenbolone 75 effects of stimulating appetite, reducing the amount of fat being deposited in the body, and decreasing the rate of catabolism. The Trenbolone acetate is hydrolyzed to 17β-Trenbolone, a second metabolite, 17α-Trenbolone, is formed via epimeziration of the β-Trenbolone, and both isomers are excreted by treated livestock.
ISTech Trenbolone ELISA Test Kit is used to detect Trenbolone in animal matrices, which helps to take away consumer concerns about food safety.
Detection Limit: Urine
Procedure referencerecommended testing procedure ISTech Kits:
• Sensitive• Effective• Fast• Cost effective• Robust• Entirely automatic ISTech Kits are unique:
• Liquid form• Desired volume exactly for the measurement• More robust• Shorter version, incubation step• Longer expiration time Product overview and contact Product overview
Aflatoxin Total ISTech Laboratories B.V.
Stanazolol 6703 HA Wageningen : +31(0)317 - 418117 Email : [email protected]
Web :
Mobile : +31(0)6 - 20917983
: +31(0)6 - 23669687


PRESENTAZIONE DEL "RAPPORTO SVIMEZ SULLE ENTRATE TRIBUTARIE DELLA REGIONE CALABRIA" Incontro di studio (12 febbraio 2014) Roma, settembre 2014 Quaderno SVIMEZ n. 42 Associazione per lo sviluppo dell'industria nel Mezzogiorno Il 12 febbraio 2014, a Roma, presso la Sala delle Lauree dell'Università degli Studi Roma Tre, si è tenuta, su iniziativa della SVIMEZ, la presentazione del "Rapporto sulle entrate tributarie della Regione Calabria", Numero Speciale dei "Quaderni SVIMEZ" pubblicato nel febbraio 2014.

PRACTICAL MANAGEMENT Plantar Fasciitis David D. Dyck, Jr., DO,* and Lori A. Boyajian-O'Neill, DO, FAOASM*† dial tubercle of the calcaneus. The plantar fascia extends from (Clin J Sport Med 2004;14:305–309) this tubercle to the metatarsal heads, forming the longitudinalarch that provides support for the foot. Excessive load or ten-sion on this aponeurosis can lead to the condition commonly