Marys Medicine


A. Les McDonald,
Founding CNAC Executive Director
(Editor's Note: The following article appeared in the Globe & Mail "Lives Lived" section on April 3, 2008. It waswritten by Les' good friend, Ron Jette. I am pleased to share it with you. It's hard for me to believe it has already beensix months. Ron really captured Les' spirit and made me hear my good friend's laugh one more time.
Thanks Ron. – Cheryl
) Health educator, history lover and loyal
friend, A. Les McDonald was born October
24, 1928, in North Bay, Ontario. He died
suddenly—and unexpectedly—of natural
causes in his Toronto home on December
11, 2007, at the age of 79.
A. Les McDonald – simply
Smoking and Health, the "Les" to everyone he knew – was Canadian Public Health a big man with a big voice. "We Association and the World Health don't give, kid,"he claimed to have once told a small child who came While his interests were very to his office to solicit for some public, A. Les McDonald was a charitable cause, "we take!" private man. Although he never No one who knew him married or had children, family believed the story, of course. That was very important to him – he Report by Cheryl Connors
just wasn't Les.
was very close to his parents, Could he be intimidating to taking care of his ailing mother Welcome to the very first issue of THEEducator. This
the uninitiated? Absolutely. His until she died when she was wel newsletter will be published when we have information stature, his voice and his into her 90s.
steadfast dedication to his beliefs Taking care of people was that we would like to share with our Certified Asthma and left no one in doubt as to how he what Les seemed to do best. He Respiratory Educator community. We will also supplement felt. Deep down, however, this was an organizer, a details man, this newsletter with online bulletins throughout the year.
was a man who cared profoundly a doer. He loved a good about people and who dedicated challenge that tested both his We have plans for THEEducator to grow into a vehicle for CAEs
himself to public health.
intellect and his organizational Born and raised in North Bay, abilities. And he relished the and CREs to share information and assist in continuous learning his family had a house on Lake feeling of a job well done, activities. If you have an article that you would like to have Nippissing where the kids used to taking obvious pride in his published, you can submit it to the Editorial Committee for swim daily from the minute the ice broke in the spring. But this But he also loved the consideration. You may claim professional development hours was during The Great Depression quiet moments, reading, for your work on your articles, even if the article is not selected when life wasn't so easy.
reflecting, thinking. The His dad was a fur trader and Globe and Mail was among for publication. We will also be adding an AskTHEEducator
jack-of-all-trades so while there his favourite newspapers section in future publications. Submit your questions and was usually food on the table, as was the Sunday New our team of experienced educators will share their years of there wasn't much else – putting York Times. Almost inevitably cardboard in the shoes and during our conversations, he "wisdom"! You might have an innovative educational tool that fishing for dinner was a way of would tell me about something you would like to tell other educators about. The newsletter life for the McDonalds. But, what doesn't kill you… He grew up a tall, he had read that was truly bizarre. "I could hardly believe it!" he strong man, determined to make the world a better place for both would be a perfect way for you to share information.
him and others.
A former city councillor in Sudbury – where he moved to go to Whether it was organizing national or international conferences, university – and a staunch Liberal, Les often turned his attention Information Update Requested
pressing for bigger and better Canadian influenza campaigns or to politics. He collected, read and studied the memoirs of past working with his colleagues nationally to reduce tobacco use, Les prime ministers and Canadian political figures, savouring them as Please review carefully the information update form that always did his best work on the front lines. He was instrumental in he would a tumbler of Johnny Walker Black – on the rocks, just a the formation of both the International Asthma Council and the little water, please.
we have mailed you along with this newsletter. Make Canadian Network for Asthma Care (CNAC). After retirement, his His collection of signed prime ministerial photographs – which any changes and fax them back to the CNAC office at interest in CNAC remained strong – he was always quick to offer has since been bequeathed to his beloved alma mater, Laurentian guidance and advice.
University – was often the topic of conversations with Les. "I need (905) 880-9733. We know that we are missing many
Perhaps his proudest moment came in 2004 when he was just four to complete the collection," he would tell anyone who would email addresses for CAEs and CREs. This is the the first recipient of an award named in his honour, CNAC's listen, "MacKenzie, Abbott, Thompson and Bowell. Any ideas?" primary method that we use to communicate with A. Les McDonald Award for Innovation and Excellence in Asthma Care Just days before his death I had dinner in his apartment. I pointed to a framed photo leaning on a chair in the living room. "What's that? you throughout the year and we will continue to use Over the years, he was also recognized for his contributions by both I asked facetiously, pointing to a photo of the current prime minister.
email to communicate important news (including the Canadian and Ontario Lung Associations, the Canadian Council on "That's my latest acquisition," he replied with a grin. "I'm just trying to figure out an appropriate place to hang it." Not too long after job postings). We will also be implementing our 16851 Mount Wolfe Road
that dinner, I was back at home when the telephone rang.
new online bulletins.
Caledon, ON L7E 3P6
He's gone. And he won't be back.
I could hardly believe it.
Don't miss out!
CRE Exam a Great Success
Asthma Society of Canada Launches
Patient Bill of Rights & New Patient Group

The first Certified Respiratory Educator exam was held on The shorter COPD-only exam will still be offered in 2009 and 2010.
Saturday, November 3, 2007. Close to 250 educators wrote exams.
We will be making a decision next year whether to continue to offer By MERIDENE HAYNES, CAE across Canada and around the NAPA is a grassroots patient of life. Membership is free! This was our largest exam sitting since the first CAE exam in 1999.
the shorter version. For CAEs interested in writing the COPD-only Asthma Society of Canada world. The purpose of the Bill is group with a mandate to lead One of the goals of the NAPA Three versions of the exam were offered: the CAE exam, the full exam to become CREs, you must stil graduate from a CNAC-approved to let all patients know about advocacy efforts, organize is that all Canadians with CRE exam (both asthma and COPD as well as education theory) COPD educator course. Check out the CNAC website at
The Asthma Society of Canada their rights to access new education initiatives and build a asthma become members.
and a shorter COPD-only exam for current CAEs.
for a list of approved courses or contact the CNAC office.
recently launched the Asthma treatments, testing methods, network of patient volunteers Please encourage your clients There are now 513 current Certified Asthma Educators in Canada The CNAC office will now be taking over the registration of the Patient Bill of Rights. The asthma control as well as their dedicated to improving asthma to join at .
and 165 Certified Respiratory Educators. Congratulations to you all! exam, though our exam company, HRSG, will still be developing and Asthma Patient Bill of Rights individual responsibility to care and education. The NAPA Contact the Asthma Society administering the exam. We are just in the process of developing an was developed, working with properly manage their disease.
was developed to ensure that directly if you would like more online registration system, which will be operating this summer.
patients that have asthma and The Asthma Society has also Canadians with asthma have the information or to order copies We will send an email to notify you when it is operational.
drawing on the expertise and established the National Asthma support and resources of the Asthma Patient Bill of We are finalizing the revised are one of the 10% randomly resources of specialists from Patient Alliance (NAPA).The necessary to enjoy a high quality Rights posters and brochures.
Recertification Application and selected for audit).
Margot Underwood to
Guide. We have made changes If you are recertifying this Recent Media Attention
to streamline and simplify the year and still have a copy of Chair ASED 9
on FDA/Health Canada
Care Respiratory Group
Option A process (Record of the old recertification guide, Asthma/ Respiratory Education please remember to send it We are thril ed to announce that Margot Underwood, BN, CRE, has
Coming to Canada
and Professional Development).
to the correct address: CNAC,
agreed to chair ASED 9. Margot was one of the two recipients of the 2007 Some of the changes you will 16851 Mount Wolfe Road,
A. Les McDonald Award for Innovation and Excel ence in Asthma Care By DR. HAROLD KIM, CNAC President By DR. ALAN KAPLAN, Chair, see include: increases in the Caledon, ON L7E 3P6.
and Education (along with Donna Hogg, MS, RN, CAE). We know that
Family Physician Airways Group of Canada maximum amount of hours The first recertification Margot, and her planning committee, wil put together an exciting program Many of you will have heard recent media reports that the U.S. Food allowed to be claimed for certain guides were printed with that real y meets the needs of Canada's respiratory educator community.
& Drug Administration (FDA) and Health Canada have launched The 4th IPCRG world conference occurred in Seville from
activities. You will also no longer Les McDonald's Forest We are in final negotiations with the hotel for our ASED 9 investigations into the possible connection between Singulair May 28-31, 2008 and this conference brought more than be required to obtain supervisor Laneway address on them.
conference. Watch your mail and email for a very exciting (montelukast) and suicide. As you may receive questions from clients 900 registrants from over 42 countries. Canada was well signatures (though you still could Les always forwarded them announcement. We know you are going to be thrilled with our as to whether they should continue the use of their physician- represented by physicians and educators attending the meeting.
be asked for verification if you next destination for ASED 9 in November 2009! prescribed Singulair, the Executive Committee of the Canadian The IPCRG can be found at its website .
Circle of Care –
Network for Asthma Care felt that it was appropriate to comment.
This website can be found through the link on our website The CNAC Executive has reviewed the information available at this time. It appears the concerns identified have been based solely The 5th IPCRG world conference will occur in Toronto,
Taking Control of Asthma
on some case reports. There was no indication of a link between Canada from May 26-29, 2010. Come and meet respiratory Singulair and suicide in the randomized controlled studies conducted educators from other countries and be involved in a great You may have already seen an exciting new educational Trudell Medical International has offered to send a free "Medical with Singulair. Therefore, Singulair should continue to be prescribed international conference put on by primary care physicians with tool, developed by AstraZeneca Canada. The "Circle of Essentials Kit" of demonstrator samples to all Certified Asthma for patients who have found that it is helpful in the control of their an interest in respiratory medicine. Mark those dates now! Care -– Taking Control of Asthma" storyboard was and Respiratory Educators. The Medical Essentials kit includes an symptoms and there are no significant side effects.
Hope to see you there! officially launched at ASED 8 in Halifax in November.
AeroChamber MAX® Valved Holding Chamber, TruZone® Peak Flow Any patients with suicidal risk or those with suicidal thoughts Since the launch of the storyboard (which is a tool Meter and patient counseling material. To receive your free kit, should consult their physician immediately to discuss whether to stop developed for use by educators), a patient brochure and contact Shae Sartori, at Trudell Medical, directly at: using the medication as well as their future asthma management.
poster have also been developed.
CNAC has been involved with the project throughout its development and we are quite proud tobe associated with its success. In Making Quit Happen:
Smog Smart
Stop Smoking in Cars -
fact, several of our CAEs and Canada's Challenges to
A new survey released byThe Lung Association Our Kids Deserve It!
The new Asthma Handbook from The Lung shows that more than half of Canadians with Exposure to cigarette smoke in the confined Association is a comprehensive guide for people CREs were part of the Canadian smokers want asthma notice that their breathing gets worse on space of a car is a serious threat to children's with asthma.
development team.
to quit, but don't all have smoggy days, yet few know the range of steps they health. Yet every day many Canadian kids are Asthma Handbook Chapters: the same support for can take to protect their breathing. Additionally, the forced to ride in smoke-filled cars. You can help • What it asthma? quitting available to survey found that change this. Send a message to your elected • Causes and triggers a surprising 62 per provincial official (your MPP or MLA) through • Managing your asthma Lisa Cicutto, PhD,
conclusion of the cent of Canadians The Lung Association's e-advocacy campaign to make cars smoke-free for kids. Just go to Association report their asthma "acts Kay Khan, RN, CAE,
Making Quit Happen: Dale Mackey, RRT,
Canada's Challenges to air quality is poor.
airpurpourenfants_e.php select your province
• Commonly Asked Questions Smoking Cessation Results also show that more than half of all or territory from this list, and press Go.
• What to do in released May 28, 2008.
Canadians who have asthma know to stay indoors Group Chair), and To learn what the report says – including its on smoggy days. However, in contrast, very few COPD Program – BreathWorks
Brent West, BA,
findings and recommendations regarding Canadians with asthma know other strategies to Help for people with COPD, emphysema and Free pdf versions of The Asthma Handbook, or training for health care professionals – go to protect their lung health on poor air quality days.
chronic bronchitis – and their caregivers.
its individual chapters are available at and click on the Making QUIT
To view the strategies, and access the Air Quality … or go to .
Happen << Read the Report >>button.
Index, and to learn more about the Air Quality Health Index that wil soon replace it across Canada, go to and click on BE SMOG SMART.
For more information please contact: Canadian Network for Asthma Care
16851 Mount Wolfe Road, Caledon, ON L7E 3P6 • Phone 905 880-1092 • Fax 905 880-9733 • Or email our Executive Director Cheryl Connors at [email protected] •


COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE PROTECTIONOF NEW DOSAGE REGIME CLAIMS (France, Germany the United Kingdom, theNetherlands and Italy) Berlin, 23 January 2015 Table of Contents Situation in France . 4 Situation in Germany . 6 Situation in the United Kingdom . 7 Situation in the Netherlands . 9 Situation in Italy . 10 CMS Hasche Sigle CMS news for the CMS Website

Dossier de presse médicaments 24 juin 2013

Dossier de presse Coût des médicaments en France : la gabegie se poursuit A la représentation du Parlement européen en France 288 boulevard saint Germain, 75007 Paris En présence de Michèle RIVASI, députée européenne membre de la Commission Santé et Environnement du Parlement européen Serge RADER, pharmacien lanceur d'alerte