Marys Medicine

Association of Administrative Assistants
Support: Our Association can provide in-depth participation in our annual meetings. Thought management assistance and support to our provoking, educational sessions led by WHY JOIN OUR ASSOCIATION?
successful peers as well as regionally and Association membership usually involves a nationally recognized business experts. commitment of time and money and with so Your Interests: Our Association represents your many other obligations as part of our busy lives, interests before the business community and Travel: Whether it is strictly for business and is one more commitment really worth it? YES! government. If your professional environment or educational purposes, or for a combination industry faces major challenges, our Association thereof, the Association offers you and your ASSOCIATION BENEFITS:
can assist our membership in providing family the opportunity to attend Association accreditation, information on salary, role of an events held at memorable destinations Education: Our Association offers an administrative assistant, etc. throughout Canada. accreditation attained through courses offered in respected post-secondary institutions across Camaraderie: Our members are people who Creativity: One of the most valuable benefits of Canada. This accreditation, recognized in the have many of the same concerns, needs, and our Association membership is the opportunity professional environment, can lead to greater interests as you. We are the kind of people you to "listen in" on the creativity of our peers. challenges, opportunities, and financial enjoy meeting. You are never alone once you remuneration to those who have achieved the join our Association. Membership gives you and New Members: Today's youth will become the Qualified Administrative Assistant (Q.A.A.) your peers the opportunity to speak with a single leaders in the years ahead. Our Association Professionalism Through voice on matters of importance. membership assists in bringing this leadership to Education. fruition, our window of opportunity to tomorrow. Problem Solving: When you are facing a Professional & Personal Development: Our problem, our Association membership can be a Publications: Our Association offers two main Association sponsors a variety of enriching resource for a variety of solutions, advice, publications to share news, trends, research and events and activities within our local branch, contacts, inspiration, and suggestions on a wide- commentary as well as access to the Executive communities and nationally: conferences; range of issues. Our Association provides Secretary Magazine. receptions; luncheons; dinner meetings; members with the opportunity to discuss mutual workshops; seminars / forums; social events; problems, probe new directions, share thoughts There is something special about celebrating guest speaker events; and fundraising and ideas – all with a high degree of respect, successes and triumphs with like-minded people; of achieving recognition for the good work we have done; and, of feeling the Leadership: Our Association produces voluntary Expertise – Need Help?: What are you trying to satisfaction of true accomplishment. These are leadership that can make a difference in our do? We can share how your peers have already true rewards of our efforts. Our Association professional environments, in our industries, and accomplished it! Your Association is as near as helps you make them. in our communities. the telephone or e-mail. If you need more detailed information, members can put you in Vision: Characteristic of a true leader, is the touch with individuals who have the "know-how" Join the Association of
ability to mobilize toward the future. Our you need or can point you in the direction of Administrative Assistants
Association has VISION. Our Association can solutions and strategies. You make a difference!
help you visualize opportunities which lay ahead, and offer the opportunity of becoming the Meetings & Networking: Association events, Association on the leading edge. meetings, and information exchanges make networking a reality for you. One of the greatest pleasures of our Association membership is

The Association of Administrative Assistants HAMILTON BRANCH
For more branch information contact:
Hamilton Branch Activities and News
Charlene Hands-Lourie, QAA, President
In conjunction with McMaster University or Mohawk College The Hamilton Branch of the Association of Administrative Assistants is actively building its Lisa Low, Vice President
The main purpose of the Association of Administrative membership and welcomes any new and/or former Assistants is to encourage people in the business world to continuously upgrade their professionalism Lucy Caruso, QAA Secretary,
through continuing education. The Qualified Members meet with their professional peers at 5:30 Administrative Assistant (Q.A.A.) Program, sponsored p.m., followed by dinner, our guest speaker and by the Association, is one of the vehicles available to meeting at 7:00 p.m. Heather Gronek, QAA, Membership Chair
those interested in advancing their professional development. This program is available through Scheduled Meetings for 2015/16 –
courses offered by McMaster University under the 3rd Thursday of each month (excluding July/Aug):
Rosanna Melatti, Program Chair
Business Studies Program and Mohawk College. September 17, 2015 February 18, 2016 PROGRAM INFORMATION
135 Fennell Ave. W. 135 Fennell Ave. W. ASSOCIATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANTS The Q.A.A. Program is a designation program offered October 15, 2015 Wednesday, ASSOCIATION DES ADJOINTS ADMINISTRATIFS to Office Professionals interested in meeting the Courtyard Marriott challenge of today's demanding work force. 1224 Upper James St. A Canadian Association Development Workshop
The program consists of three compulsory courses Courtyard Marriott and four elective courses. It will provide a solid 1224 Upper James St. background in general business education and will November 19, 2015 assist office personnel to understand corporate Office Professionals Courtyard Marriott initiatives and be a valuable team member of their 1224 Upper James St. Courtyard Marriott 1224 Upper James St. December 17, 2015 To enroll in the Q.A.A. Program
(Social) Monfort Courtyard Marriott 1508 Upper James St. 1224 Upper James St. Members of the Association should complete a January 21, 2016 program application form from the web site and mail it (Social) La Piazza to the National Registrar: c/o 111 Howlett Avenue, Newmarket, ON L3Y 5S7. The fee is non-refundable and does not constitute membership in the
R.S.V.P. for all meetings to Branch Treasurer
For more information, contact the
Sheila Davidson, Treasurer
Association of Administrative Assistants at:



Guías para la atención de las principales emergencias obstétricas Fescina R, De Mucio B, Ortiz EI, Jarquin D. escina R, De Mucio B, Ortiz EI, JF trictésb oscianergems eleaciprins pa len dciónte aa lraas píauG Publicación Científica CLAP/SMR 1594 Guías para la atención de las principales emergencias obstétricas Fescina R*, De Mucio B*, Ortiz EI**, Jarquin D**.

Volume 2: Exploring the Suicide Prevention Research Continuum © 2015 Suicide Prevention Australia For more information contact Suicide Prevention Australia GPO Box 219, Sydney NSW 2001 P: 02 9262 1130 E: [email protected] W: Suicide Prevention Australia acknowledges the funding provided under the Australian Government National Suicide Prevention Program.