Marys Medicine


(Material) Safety Data Sheet
Dow AgroSciences (Australia) Ltd.
Product Name: Profume™ GAS FUMIGANT
Issue Date: 13.12.2013
Dow AgroSciences (Australia) Ltd. encourages and expects you to read and understand the entire (M)SDS, as there is important information throughout the document. We expect you to follow the precautions identified in this document unless your use conditions would necessitate other appropriate methods or actions. Product and Company Identification
Product Name
Profume™ Gas Fumigant

Identified uses
Fumigant for insect control

Dow AgroSciences (Australia) Ltd.
A Subsidiary of The Dow Chemical Company
ABN 24 003 771 659
Level 5
20 Rodborough Rd
Frenchs Forest, NSW 2086
Customer Information Number:

24-Hour Emergency Contact:
Local Emergency Contact:
For advice, contact a doctor (at once) or the Australian Poisons Information Centre: 131 126 Transport Emergency Only Dial 000 Hazards Identification
HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES CLASSIFICATION: Classified as hazardous to health according to the
criteria of the National Occupational Health and Safety Commission, Australia
Toxic by inhalation.
Harmful: danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure through inhalation.
Very toxic to aquatic organisms.
Composition Information
Sulfuryl fluoride T: R23; Xn: R48/20; N: Risk Phrases
Toxic by inhalation. ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company ("Dow") or an affiliated company of Dow Page 1 of 8
Product Name: Profume™ Gas Fumigant
Issue Date: 13.12.2013
Harmful: danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure through inhalation. Very toxic to aquatic organisms. Safety Phrases
Keep locked up and out of reach of children Do not breathe gas Wear eye/face protection In the case of an accident or if you feel unwell, seek medical advice immediately First Aid Procedures
Consult the Poisons Information Centre (Australia 131126) or a doctor in every case of
suspected chemical poisoning. Never give fluids or induce vomiting if a patient is unconscious
or convulsing regardless of cause of injury. If breathing difficulties occur seek medical
attention immediately.

Description of first aid measures
General advice: First Aid responders should pay attention to self-protection and use the recommended
protective clothing (chemical resistant gloves, splash protection). If potential for exposure exists refer to
Section 8 for specific personal protective equipment.
Inhalation: Move person to fresh air. If person is not breathing, call an emergency responder or
ambulance, then give artificial respiration; if by mouth to mouth use rescuer protection (pocket mask
etc.). Call a poison control center or doctor for treatment advice. If breathing is difficult, oxygen should
be administered by qualified personnel. If the person is not breathing and has no pulse, consider
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR); use pocket resuscitation mask, bag valve mask etc., to avoid risk
of poisoning rescuer. To prevent pulmonary edema have the person inhale 5 shots of an aerosol
corticosteroid metered dose inhaler (if available), such as beclomethasone or fluticasone, etc., every 10
minutes until the person is evaluated by a physician.
Skin Contact: Take off contaminated clothing. Rinse skin immediately with plenty of water for 15-20
minutes. Call a poison control center or doctor for treatment advice. In case of frostbite, immediately
flush skin with plenty of water for 15 minutes. Seek medical attention. Suitable emergency safety
shower facility should be immediately available.
Eye Contact: In case of frostbite, immediately flush eyes with water; remove contact lenses, if present,
after the first 5 minutes, then continue flushing eyes for at least 15 minutes. Obtain medical attention
promptly, preferably from an ophthalmologist. Suitable emergency eye wash facility should be
immediately available.
Ingestion: Call a poison control center or doctor immediately for treatment advice. Have person sip a
glass of water if able to swallow. Do not induce vomiting unless told to do so by the poison control center
or doctor. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person.
Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed
Aside from the information found under Description of first aid measures (above) and Indication of
immediate medical attention and special treatment needed (below), no additional symptoms and effects
are anticipated.
Indication of immediate medical attention and special treatment needed
Maintain adequate ventilation and oxygenation of the patient. Sulfuryl fluoride is a gas which has no
warning properties such as odor or eye irritation. The prediction of possible human effects is based in
part on observations made on laboratory animals. Treat for frostbite if present (eyes, skin) with gentle
rewarming by water irrigation for at least 15 minutes. It is predicted that persons exposed to sulfuryl
fluoride will show little evidence of intoxication at first, unless the concentration is very high (greater than
400 ppm). Early symptoms of exposure to sulfuryl fluoride are respiratory irritation and central nervous
system depression. Excitation may follow. Slowed movement, reduced awareness, and slow or garbled
speech may be noted. It is essential to keep such an individual at bed rest for at least 24 hours. Clinical
observations should be directed at the pulmonary, hepatic, and renal systems. Prolonged exposure can
produce lung irritation, pulmonary edema, nausea, and abdominal pain. Repeated exposure to high
concentrations can result in significant lung and kidney damage. Convulsions may ensue with
respiratory arrest being the terminal event. Assisted respiration may be necessary. Clinical observation
is essential. There is no known antidote for overexposure to sulfuryl fluoride. May cause asthma-like
® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company ("Dow") or an affiliated company of Dow Page 2 of 8
Product Name: Profume™ Gas Fumigant
Issue Date: 13.12.2013
(reactive airways) symptoms. Bronchodilators, expectorants, antitussives and corticosteroids may be of help. Respiratory symptoms, including pulmonary edema, may be delayed. Persons receiving significant exposure should be observed 24-48 hours for signs of respiratory distress. Consider administering a complete aerosol corticosteroid metered dose inhaler (100-150 shots) or equivalent as initial preventive treatment for incipient pulmonary edema. Consider administering 250-1000 mg prednisolone IV on the first day of treatment. Treat for frostbite, if present. No specific antidote. Treatment of exposure should be directed at the control of symptoms and the clinical condition of the patient. Have the Safety Data Sheet, and if available, the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor, or going for treatment. Excessive exposure may aggravate preexisting asthma and other respiratory disorders (e.g. emphysema, bronchitis, reactive airways dysfunction syndrome). Fire Fighting Measures

Suitable extinguishing media
This material does not burn. If exposed to fire from another source, use suitable extinguishing agent for
that fire.
Special hazards arising from the substance or mixture
Hazardous Combustion Products: Fire conditions may cause this product to decompose. Refer to
section 10 - Thermal Decomposition.
Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards: Container may rupture from gas generation in a fire situation.
Advice for firefighters
Fire Fighting Procedures: Keep people away. Isolate fire and deny unnecessary entry. Stay upwind.
Keep out of low areas where gases (fumes) can accumulate. Use water spray to cool fire exposed
containers and fire affected zone until fire is out and danger of reignition has passed. Fight fire from
protected location or safe distance. Consider the use of unmanned hose holders or monitor nozzles.
Immediately withdraw all personnel from the area in case of rising sound from venting safety device or
discoloration of the container. Move container from fire area if this is possible without hazard. Contain
fire water run-off if possible. Fire water run-off, if not contained, may cause environmental damage.
Review the "Accidental Release Measures" and the "Ecological Information" sections of this (M)SDS.
Special Protective Equipment for Firefighters: Wear positive-pressure self-contained breathing
apparatus (SCBA) and protective firefighting clothing (includes firefighting helmet, coat, trousers, boots,
and gloves). If protective equipment is not available or not used, fight fire from a protected location or
safe distance.

See Section 9 for related Physical Properties
Accidental Release Measures
Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures: Isolate area. Keep
personnel out of low areas. Keep upwind of spill. Ventilate area of leak or spill. Use appropriate safety
equipment. For additional information, refer to Section 8, Exposure Controls and Personal Protection.
Environmental precautions: Prevent from entering into soil, ditches, sewers, waterways and/or
groundwater. See Section 12, Ecological Information.
Methods and materials for containment and cleaning up: Isolate area until gas has dispersed.
Small spills: Knock down and dilute vapors with water fog or spray. Apply vapor suppression foams until
spill can be cleaned up. Use non-sparking tools in cleanup operations. Large spills: Contact Dow
AgroSciences for clean-up assistance. See Section 13, Disposal Considerations, for additional
® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company ("Dow") or an affiliated company of Dow Page 3 of 8
Product Name: Profume™ Gas Fumigant
Issue Date: 13.12.2013
Handling and Storage

General Handling: Keep out of reach of children. Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and clothing. Do not
swallow. Do not breathe vapor. Wash thoroughly after handling. Keep container closed. Use with
adequate ventilation. See Section 8, EXPOSURE CONTROLS AND PERSONAL PROTECTION.
Store in a dry place. Store in original container. Keep container tightly closed when not in use. Do not
store near food, foodstuffs, drugs or potable water supplies.
Exposure Controls / Personal Protection
Exposure Limits
Sulfuryl fluoride

A BEI notation following the exposure guideline refers to a guidance value for assessing biological
monitoring results as an indicator of the uptake of a substance from all routes of exposures.
Personal Protection
Eye/Face Protection: For handling the gas, wear safety glasses (with side shields). When contact with
the liquid (condensed gas) is possible, wear chemical goggles.
Skin Protection: Wear clean, body-covering clothing.
Hand protection: Chemical protective gloves should not be needed when handling this material.
Consistent with general hygienic practice for any material, skin contact should be minimized.
Respiratory Protection: Respiratory protection should be worn when there is a potential to exceed the
exposure limit requirements or guidelines. If there are no applicable exposure limit requirements or
guidelines, use an approved respirator. When respiratory protection is required, use an approved
positive-pressure self-contained breathing apparatus or positive-pressure airline with auxiliary
self-contained air supply. For emergency conditions, use an approved positive-pressure self-contained
breathing apparatus. In confined or poorly ventilated areas, use an approved self-contained breathing
apparatus or positive pressure air line with auxiliary self-contained air supply.
Ingestion: No precautions necessary due to the physical properties of the material.
Engineering Controls
Ventilation: Use engineering controls to maintain airborne level below exposure limit requirements or
guidelines. If there are no applicable exposure limit requirements or guidelines, use only in enclosed
systems or with local exhaust ventilation. Exhaust systems should be designed to move the air away
from the source of vapor/aerosol generation and people working at this point. Lethal concentrations may
exist in areas with poor ventilation.
Other Information
Selection and use of personal protective equipment should be in accordance with the recommendations
in one or more of the relevant Australian/New Zealand Standards, including:
AS/NZS 1336: Recommended practices for eye protection in the industrial environment.
AS/NZS 1337: Eye protectors for industrial applications.
AS/NZS 1715: Selection, use and maintenance of respiratory protective devices.
® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company ("Dow") or an affiliated company of Dow Page 4 of 8
Product Name: Profume™ Gas Fumigant
Issue Date: 13.12.2013
AS/NZS 2161: Occupational protective gloves. AS/NZS 2210: Occupational protective footwear. AS 2919: Industrial clothing. Physical and Chemical Properties
Physical State
Odor Threshold
Melting Point
-137 °C Estimated. Freezing Point
Boiling Point (760 mmHg)
-54 °C EC Method A2 . Flash Point - Closed Cup
Evaporation Rate (Butyl
Acetate = 1)
Flammability (solid, gas)
Flammable Limits In Air
Lower: Not applicable
Upper: Not applicable
Vapor Pressure
16,000 hPa @ 20 °C Vapor Density (air = 1)
Specific Gravity (H2O = 1)
Solubility in water (by
1.04 g/l 20°C, Unbuffered weight)
Partition coefficient,
0.41 Estimated. n-octanol/water (log Pow)
Autoignition Temperature
No test data available Temperature
Kinematic Viscosity
Explosive properties
Oxidizing properties
Stability and Reactivity

No dangerous reaction known under conditions of normal use.
Chemical stability
Thermally stable at recommended temperatures and pressures.
Possibility of hazardous reactions
Polymerization will not occur.
Conditions to Avoid: Exposure to elevated temperatures can cause product to decompose.
Generation of gas during decomposition can cause pressure in closed systems.
Incompatible Materials: Avoid contact with: Strong bases.
Hazardous decomposition products
Decomposition products can include and are not limited to: Hydrogen fluoride. Sulfur oxides. Toxic
gases are released during decomposition.
® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company ("Dow") or an affiliated company of Dow Page 5 of 8
Product Name: Profume™ Gas Fumigant
Issue Date: 13.12.2013
Toxicological Information
Acute Toxicity
Moderate toxicity if swallowed. Swallowing is unlikely because of the physical state.
As product: Single dose oral LD50 has not been determined.
Aspiration hazard
Based on physical properties, not likely to be an aspiration hazard.
Prolonged skin contact is unlikely to result in absorption of harmful amounts.
The dermal LD50 has not been determined.
Vapor concentrations are attainable which may be fatal with single exposure. Excessive exposure may
cause severe irritation to upper respiratory tract (nose and throat) and lungs. For narcotic effects:
Relevant data not available.
LC50, 4 h, rat 991 - 1,122 ppm
Eye damage/eye irritation
No hazard from gas. Liquid may cause frostbite.
Skin corrosion/irritation
Essentially nonirritating to skin. Liquid may cause frostbite upon skin contact.
No relevant data found.
No relevant data found.
Repeated Dose Toxicity
In animals, effects have been reported on the following organs: Central nervous system. Kidney. Lung.
Respiratory tract. Thyroid. Observations in animals include: Convulsions. Tremors. May cause
fluorosis of teeth and bones.
Chronic Toxicity and Carcinogenicity
Did not cause cancer in laboratory animals.
Developmental Toxicity
Has been toxic to the fetus in laboratory animals at doses toxic to the mother. Did not cause birth
defects in laboratory animals.
Reproductive Toxicity
In animal studies, did not interfere with reproduction.
Genetic Toxicology
In vitro genetic toxicity studies were negative in some cases and positive in other cases. Animal genetic
toxicity studies were negative in some cases and positive in other cases.
Ecological Information
Material is very toxic to aquatic organisms (LC50/EC50/IC50 below 1 mg/L in the most sensitive

Fish Acute & Prolonged Toxicity
LC50, Danio rerio (zebra fish), static test, 96 h: 0.89 mg/l
Aquatic Invertebrate Acute Toxicity
EC50, Daphnia magna (Water flea), static test, 48 h, immobilization: 0.62 mg/l
Aquatic Plant Toxicity
EbC50, Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata (green algae), static test, biomass growth inhibition, 72 h: 0.58
ErC50, Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata (green algae), static test, Growth rate inhibition, 72 h: 1.13 mg/l
Toxicity to Above Ground Organisms
LC50, Apis mellifera (bees): 6.5 mg/l
® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company ("Dow") or an affiliated company of Dow Page 6 of 8
Product Name: Profume™ Gas Fumigant
Issue Date: 13.12.2013
LC50, Colinus virginianus (Bobwhite quail): 1,844 ppm

Persistence and Degradability

No relevant data found.
Bioaccumulative potential
Bioconcentration potential is low (BCF < 100 or Log Pow < 3).
Partition coefficient, n-octanol/water (log Pow): 0.41 Estimated.

Mobility in soil
Mobility in soil:
Potential for mobility in soil is very high (Koc between 0 and 50).
Partition coefficient, soil organic carbon/water (Koc): 6 Estimated.
Disposal Considerations
If wastes and/or containers cannot be disposed of according to the product label directions, disposal of this material must be in accordance with your local or area regulatory authorities. This information presented below only applies to the material as supplied. The identification based on characteristic(s) or listing may not apply if the material has been used or otherwise contaminated. It is the responsibility of the waste generator to determine the toxicity and physical properties of the material generated to determine the proper waste identification and disposal methods in compliance with applicable regulations. If the material as supplied becomes a waste, follow all applicable regional, national and local laws. Transport Information
ADG Non-Bulk
Proper Shipping Name: SULFURYL FLUORIDE
Hazard Class: 2.3 ID Number: UN2191
Classification: 2T
Hazard identification No: 26
Environmental Hazard: Yes
ADG Bulk
Proper Shipping Name: SULFURYL FLUORIDE
Hazard Class: 2.3 ID Number: UN2191
Proper Shipping Name: SULFURYL FLUORIDE
Hazard Class: 2.3 ID Number: UN2191
EMS Number: F-C,S-U
Marine pollutant: Yes
Environmental Hazard: Yes
This information is not intended to convey all specific regulatory or operational requirements/information
relating to this product. Additional transportation system information can be obtained through an
authorized sales or customer service representative. It is the responsibility of the transporting
organization to follow all applicable laws, regulations and rules relating to the transportation of the

® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company ("Dow") or an affiliated company of Dow Page 7 of 8
Product Name: Profume™ Gas Fumigant
Issue Date: 13.12.2013
Regulatory Information
APVMA Approval Number: 59952
Poison Schedule: S6
Other Information
Identification Number: 83166 / 4069 / Issue Date 13.12.2013 / Version: Replaces 27.1.11
DAS Code: XRM-5162
Most recent revision(s) are noted by the bold, double bars in left-hand margin throughout this document.
Occupational Exposure Limit Short Term Exposure Limit Time Weighted Average American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists, Inc. Dow Industrial Hygiene Guideline Workplace Environmental Exposure Level Hazard Designation Dow AgroSciences (Australia) Ltd. urges each customer or recipient of this (M)SDS to study it carefully and consult appropriate expertise, as necessary or appropriate, to become aware of and understand the data contained in this (M)SDS and any hazards associated with the product. The information herein is provided in good faith and believed to be accurate as of the effective date shown above. However, no warranty, express or implied, is given. Regulatory requirements are subject to change and may differ between various locations. It is the buyer's/user's responsibility to ensure that his activities comply with all federal, state, provincial or local laws. The information presented here pertains only to the product as shipped. Since conditions for use of the product are not under the control of the manufacturer, it is the buyer's/user's duty to determine the conditions necessary for the safe use of this product. Due to the proliferation of sources for information such as manufacturer-specific (M)SDSs, we are not and cannot be responsible for (M)SDSs obtained from any source other than ourselves. If you have obtained an (M)SDS from another source or if you are not sure that the (M)SDS you have is current, please contact us for the most current version. Dow Agrosciences Australia Ltd 2013 ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company ("Dow") or an affiliated company of Dow Page 8 of 8


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Insect repellents

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