3507 april news 2005.qxd
April 2005
Student Volunteer's Experience
Inspires Film "Smile"
B.D. Fox & Friends, Inc. Advertising
In 2001, Katharine Kramer, a 15-year-old high
school student in Malibu, Calif., joined her
school's Operation Smile club to raise money for
Message from our Co-founders
children with facial deformities. The following
year, she participated as a student educator on an
Operation Smile Helps
Operation Smile mission to the Philippines.
Katharine's father, Writer/Director Jeff Kramer,
Medical Education Program in
was moved by his daughter's mission experience.
He realized that his daughter had grown into amore well-rounded and caring person, and he
was inspired to write the film "Smile." Mr.
Message from our CMO
Kramer says, "The practical relations between
parents and their children, no matter whatcountry or culture they are from, are basically
the same. We all want our children to be
International News
educated, healthy and respected. I have tried to
International Mission Report
present ‘Smile' in an artistic and beautiful way.
People who watch this film are often moved to
Medical Mission Spotlight:
tears, through their smiles."
Managua, Nicaragua
"Smile" is one of the first feature films in
decades to be fully licensed by the Chinesegovernment for release and production in that country prior to filming by a western
Fund-raising News
filmmaker. "Smile" premiered in the Los Angeles and San Francisco/Bay Area markets on
April 8. Following its initial West Coast release, the film will be rolled out nationally. A
U.S. Chapter News
portion of the film's proceeds will go to Operation Smile.
Color printing donated by
In March, "Smile" was screened at the opening of the Peoples National Congress in Beijing,
Letton Gooch Printers, Inc.
China. Jeff Kramer and Martin O'Neal, the film's Executive Producer, traveled to Virginia
Beach, Va., and held a private screening at Regent University on March 4for Operation Smile supporters and staff.
Written and directed by Jeff Kramer, "Smile" stars Mika Boorem ("Blue Crush,") Luoyong Wang (star of Tony winning "Miss Saigon,")Beau Bridges, Sean Astin, Cheri Oteri, Linda Hamilton, Erik von Detten("Princess Diaries,") and Yi Ding ("Joy Luck Club.") The Dark Forestfilm also includes a musical score from multi-award winner Neil Giraldoand features music from Diana Krall (co-written by Elvis Costello) and
Orlando in Managua,
Orlando after surgery
Trevor Hall. For more information, visit www.smilethemovie.com.
Nicaragua, before surgery
More on back cover
Skip Jones
Message from our
The reach of Operation Smile extends far beyond the children whose lives we change.
To change a child's life is to effect change on a global scale. A new future is reflected in
the smile of each child we help and is the gift of the finest skill, care and dedication
given by our volunteers around the world.
For 23 years we have been equipping, empowering and training our volunteers,
(left to right) Jeff Kramer, "Smile"Writer/Director with Kathy and
focusing on the future and the longevity of Operation Smile. One might say we are a
Dr. Bill Magee, Operation Smile Co-founders, at the screening of the film
global family, as we are building the Operation Smile legacy with much the same
in Virginia Beach
foundation as a family – with commitment, love, and investment in the future. Our
volunteers are responding to our challenges and goals because they know, through
Operation Smile, they can help more kids.
During the next decade, not only will we continue to work with our partner countries
to develop sustainable resources and healthcare systems, but we are going to set
Throughout the world, OperationSmile volunteers repair childhood
revolutionary goals in the history of the organization.
facial deformities while buildingpublic and private partnerships that
In today's world, there are pitifully few opportunities like the one we have – a solvable
advocate for sustainable healthcare
problem. In the palm of our hands we hold the resources needed, and we know we
systems for children and families.
have the capability to significantly impact the number of children we treat. By
Together, we create smiles, changelives, heal humanity.
expanding our efforts and leveraging the talents of our volunteers, we are creating a
chemistry that will find a creative solution for many of the obstacles that children face
today. We must develop not only the strategy of treating the "backlog" of patients –
children and even adults living with clefts – but the more than 200,000 children born
with a cleft deformity in our world each year.
6435 Tidewater Drive
Norfolk, Virginia 23509
Operation Smile has spent years investing in our family. We've laid the groundwork for
Tel: 757-321-SMILE (7645)
Fax: 757-321-7660
a new future, and are building more on this foundation every day. Thank you for your
continued support, helping us to achieve our goals.
Check out our Web site
– Bill and Kathy Magee
Photos: V
Operation Smile extends its
sincere thanks to Letton Gooch
Printers, Inc., Norfolk, Va., for
making this newsletter possible
Operation Smile is a
United Nations Affiliated
Johanna in Tegucigalpa,
Johanna one year later
Junior in Tegucigalpa,
Junior one year later
Honduras, before surgery
Honduras, before surgery
Operation Smile Sends Supplies
to International Medical Corpsfor Tsunami Disaster Victims inIndonesia
Operation Smile donated 17,201 lbs. of supplies to the
global humanitarian relief organization International MedicalCorps (IMC) to fortify their rapid response team helpingvictims in Banda Aceh, Indonesia. Operation Smile shippedsupplies to IMC from its warehouse on January 14 includingsurgical supplies, surgical equipment, medicines as well asmedical supplies, including anesthesia machines, surgicalgloves, bandages and syringes valued at $120,490.
Medical supplies were loaded at Operation Smile's warehouse in
Norfolk, Va., for shipment to Indonesia
"As an international children's organization, it is importantthat we contribute to this important relief effort in any way we can. We are donating some of the supplies we utilize in ourprograms," said Rob Rubin, Operation Smile's Chief Medical Officer. "While Operation Smile continues with its medicalmissions to treat children with facial deformities in Asia and throughout the world, we know that International MedicalCorps will make effective use of these supplies to further their efforts and treat people in need from this disaster."
Medical Education Program
Sarah Fox
Operation Smile conducts conferences and workshops to
provide basic training and education to local healthcareprofessionals in its partner countries. Operation Smilecustomizes the education plan to meet that country'seducational needs.
In Phnom Penh, Cambodia, a team of volunteers from theUnited States spent five days in January providing trainingand education to nearly 70 Cambodian physicians, nursesand medical students. Plastic surgeon Lester Mohler,
Anesthesiologist Dave Elkins (left) oversees Cambodian
anesthesiologist Dave Elkins and nurses Lucia Mauer and
anesthesia providers
Nancy Chandler provided treatment to 10 cleft lip and burnpatients, allowing the trainees to receive hands-on instruction
in pre-op, post-op and operating room situations. Theparticipants were able to observe and assist the teammembers, learning proper sterilization techniques andassisting the surgeons in the operating room. Participantswere awarded certificates in recognition of their involvementand training during this educational program.
This is the second year Operation Smile has conducted amedical education program in Cambodia. The training wasa great success, and prepared the attendees for participationin the Operation Smile international medical mission inPhnom Penh in March.
Rithnary in Phnom Penh,
Rithnary after surgery
Cambodia, before surgery
Message from our Chief Medical Officer
At Operation Smile we are continually making adjustments and improvements so that
we can provide the highest level of care to our patients. One of our latest improvementshas been the addition of a Computerized Medical Records (CMR) program.
The CMR program works in conjunction with the paper medical records we keep for
each patient, to allow us to manage patient information more efficiently. This gives us
(left to right) Dr. Robert Rubin and
a centralized history of every child Operation Smile medically evaluates and treats.
Dr. Luis Bermudez
With patient records in our database, we are able to maintain quality assurance byinstantly reviewing their records and analyzing post-operative results of digital images
Operation Smile is proud to announce
taken before and after their surgeries. This program also enables us to share
that Dr. Luis Bermudez, Medical
information with our international foundations so that children who still require
Director for Operation Smile
ongoing care can be treated during local missions.
Colombia, will serve as Operation
Smile's Special Advisor for Medical
The CMR Specialist position is the latest addition to Operation Smile's international
Outcomes programs, a new position
mission team roster, which is comprised of approximately 40 medical and non-
created by the office of the CMO. Dr.
medical volunteers. The CMR Specialist volunteers possess the ability to manage
Bermudez has a long history with
electronic data quickly and accurately. Before participating on an international
Operation Smile. He completed his
medical mission in the CMR position, a volunteer must complete several training
Operation Smile Craniofacial
sessions at Operation Smile's headquarters. During the mission, the CMR volunteer
Fellowship with Dr. Bill Magee in
operates a laptop computer, portable printer and digital camera. After a patient has
Norfolk, Va., in 1996. Two years
gone through all of the screening stations, their medical records chart is passed to the
later, Dr. Bermudez assumed the
CMR Specialist, whose main responsibility is to record each patient's chart
position of Medical Director for
information and digital image into an electronic database. The CMR volunteer works
Operation Smile Colombia. Dr.
closely throughout the mission with the Medical Records volunteer team members. He
Bermudez is the director for
or she also provides the team with reports ranging from lists of all patients registered
Operation Smile's Gilberto Mariño
during the screening process to the
Craniofacial and Cleft Center, a
daily surgical schedules.
multi-disciplinary clinic for cleft lip
and cleft palate patients in Bogota
Operation Smile now uses the
which received an ISO 9001 rating in
CMR program on all of its
December 2002. Dr. Bermudez has
international medical missions and
published numerous papers in
the CMR volunteers are vital to
international medical journals and has
maintaining an effective program.
presented at multiple scientific plastic
This investment in technology will
surgery meetings. Dr. Bermudez is
help Operation Smile continue to
also a member of Operation Smile's
provide quality care to our
International Medical Council and
patients throughout the world as
serves on medical missions.
well as safely treat more children.
CMR volunteer Bruce Smith enters patient data during
– Rob Rubin, M.D., M.P.H.
Operation Smile's January 2005 mission in Nicaragua
Medical Records Volunteers – the Unsung HerosOn a mission, the first people the patients and their families meet with are the Medical Records volunteers. Duringscreening, these volunteers work with in-country volunteers to fill out patient information for every child. LongtimeOperation Smile Medical Records volunteer Kathy Miller says, "Medical Records volunteers make sure all the patientcharts are filled out completely and are responsible for the charts throughout the mission." The Medical Recordsvolunteer also works with the Clinical Coordinator, CMR Specialist and Team Leaders to produce the surgeryschedules. The Medical Records volunteers keep track of how many patients received medical evaluations, receivedsurgery and the amount and type of surgical procedures performed. The medical records are invaluable to OperationSmile for research purposes and help track World Care patient candidates, who need more complex surgeries thanthose done during missions. All Medical Records volunteers receive specialized training by the medical recordsdepartment at Operation Smile's headquarters.
International News
KPMG in Shanghai Helps Operation Smile
The Shanghai, China, office of KPMG, a worldwide provider of professional services, started a community service
program as part of its ongoing emphasis on KPMG core values, which includes "commitment to our communities," andOperation Smile was chosen as the principal charity for the effort.
Initially, KPMG raised money through fun runs. As their employees became more involved, they discovered that OperationSmile needed translators at their mission sites. KPMG employees have volunteered during five international medicalmissions. Employee Jean Zhou said, "I'm so grateful tohave such an experience, and I'll cherish it forever. I believethat it will give me a better attitude to face my life and mywork." Fellow KPMG staff member Cai Ling said, "Imainly helped the Speech Pathologist by translating thepost-operation care instructions and speech traininginstructions. I feel wonderful about this because I gave myhand to people who need my help."
In September 2004, KPMG held its International Partners'meeting in Shanghai during which their community serviceteam set up a social responsibility awareness booth toexplain what KPMG does for its communities in China.
Through the generosity of those at the conference and their
annual dinner, KPMGraised RMB280,000($33,600) for
At the conclusion of Operation Smile's October 2004 mission in
Himachal Pradesh, India, the team had the opportunity to meet
Operation Smile. In
and talk with the Dalai Lama at his residence. After Mission
addition, KPMG has
Coordinator Betsy Shenk showed the Dalai Lama pictures of
committed to sponsor
patients whose lives have been changed by Operation Smile, he
Operation Smile's
complimented the team on their efforts
(left to right) KPMG employee
international mission
Wang Jia, Operation Smile medical
December 2004 - February 2005
volunteer Jan Lalonde from Canada
International Mission Report
pleased to be able to
and KPMG employee Cecilia Chen
change the lives of so
during the April 2004 mission in
Du Jiang Yan, China
many needy children.
Jordan Dec 04
Nicaragua Jan 05
asna Wilsion
India Jan 05
Honduras Feb 05
Philippines Feb 05
Vincent in the Philippines,
Vincent after surgery
Dr. Armando Siu
Managua, Nicaragua
January 26 to February 5, 2005
It's been seven years since Dr. Armando Siu
completed his Operation Smile Craniofacial
conducted its 12th
Fellowship with Dr. Bill Magee in Norfolk,
international medicalmission in the capital city
Va., and returned to his family and home
of Managua. Hundreds
in Nicaragua. A year and half later he
of desperate families from
accepted a position as Medical Director of
throughout Nicaragua
Operation Smile Nicaragua, and since then,
brought their children to
this volunteer has never been busier.
Hospital Infantil Manuelde Jesus Rivera, referred
Currently, Dr. Siu oversees five medical
to in Nicaragua as La
programs that are all funded by Operation
Mascota, hoping that their son or daughter would be chosen for surgery.
Smile Nicaragua: monthly cleft lip and cleft
Medical volunteers from Brazil, Canada, Panama, the United States and
palate missions, orthodontics, speech
Venezuela, worked tirelessly with Operation Smile Nicaragua medical
therapy, craniofacial surgery programs and
volunteers to give these children the chance at a normal life. The medicalteam provided 223 medical evaluations to children suffering from cleft
the annual international mission. He says
lips, cleft palates and other facial deformities and was able to provide
his biggest challenge is to expand the
surgery for 121 patients who all went home with new smiles and hope.
medical volunteer base in Nicaragua,
Also during the mission, Operation Smile held a medical education
especially in the area of nursing.
conference for in-country nurses, anesthesiologists, surgeons and dentists.
Dr. Siu and Operation Smile Nicaragua are
Nicaraguan medical professionals gained valuable information on topics
currently developing a cleft lip and cleft
including craniofacial disorders, treating facial clefts, hyperthermia, fiber
palate clinic that will provide free
optic intubations, sterility in the operating room and patient care.
treatment to patients in Managua and the
Photographer Jason Towlen from Hightstown, N.J., volunteered his time and
surrounding area.
talent during the mission to Nicaragua. The photos on these pages are just
some of the amazing images he captured.
In addition to his duties at La Mascota and
Velez Pais hospitals, Dr. Siu has a private
Operation Smile plastic
practice and serves as President of the Plastic
surgeon Bryce Allred from
Surgery Society of Nicaragua. He recently
Utah worked with several local
organized the fifth Plastic Surgery Congress
plastic surgeons fromNicaragua, one of whom he
of Central America and the Caribbean
thought looked familiar. Then
which 120 plastic surgeons will attend.
Dr. Maria Eugenia Flores andDr. Allred both recognized each
No matter how busy his life has become,
other because they had
Dr. Siu continues to stay involved with
attended the same medical
Operation Smile. He says, "I believe God
school in Guadalajara,
put me on earth to help children. He gave
Mexico, 28 years ago. Dr.
Allred said, "What a pleasure it was to teach with her and work with her residents here
me a gift to heal children – he gave me the
in Nicaragua. To be reunited for a common good to help those less fortunate than
ourselves, is more than a pleasant coincidence, it's a divine blessing."
Cisa ExportadoraMaking Life Better forChildren in Nicaragua
Cisa Exportadora is a Nicaraguan coffee
exporting company that has been in businessfor more than 50 years and is committed tosocial responsibility and the sustainabledevelopment of its country and its people.
Dania Baltodano, General Manager of CisaExportadora, is responsible for the company's
Nine-month-old Guillermo received surgery to repair his cleft lip. He and his
community health service projects, one of which
mother were among the families who traveled on a Cisa sponsored bus to reach
is Operation Smile Nicaragua (OSN). The
the mission site. Without Cisa's help, Guillermo's family could not have afforded
company has been a longtime supporter of
the trip to Managua and he would not have had the chance for a new smile.
OSN, not only through cash donations but also
by organizing Cisa Exportadora sponsored buses that provide free transportation to the mission site for patients and theirfamilies who live in remote areas of the country.
Last year, Operation Smile Nicaragua's Executive Director, Alina Argüello González, approached Ms. Baltodano and asked ifshe would help OSN find additional sources of funding. Ms. Baltodano did more than just make a few telephone calls. Sheposted information about OSN on the Cisa Exportadora Web site and made presentations about OSN to various companies.
Through Ms. Baltodano's efforts, OSN secured $1,500 from Starbucks Switzerland and $25,000 from the Finnish coffeeroasting company, Gustav Paulig Ltd., which earmarked its donation for the purchase of surgical equipment that would beused for OSN local missions at La Mascota Children's Hospital in Managua. In return, La Mascota donated one of itsrooms to OSN for use as an ambulatory care unit. An inauguration ceremony was held on January 10, 2005 to celebrate theequipment donation and the new unit, all of which were used during the international mission.
A New Smile – a Grateful Family
Wednesday morning during surgery week, some Operation Smile
volunteers noticed a boy in the pre-op area who had a beaming smile andloved to wave "hi" to those who passed by. This five-year-old namedWilliam Manzanarez was born with a cleft lip and cleft palate. Even afterhearing an announcement last year on the radio about the Operation Smilemission, William's father did not have enough money for them to make theseven-hour journey from their rural community. This year he was able tomake enough by selling coffee. William's grandmother, Isabel, brought himto the mission. William has four siblings, and was the only one born with adeformity, so William's grandmother thought he was sick. She believed thata comet or asteroid had caused his deformities. William didn't go to schooland his grandmother said kids in the community made fun of him andcalled him "split lip." William received surgery to repair both his cleft lipand cleft palate. The day after surgery, Isabel was overjoyed and couldalready tell the change in him. She knew the surgery would change his lifeas well as the whole family's. She was very grateful and said William'sparents would be thrilled. Now he will be able to eat properly, speak welland go to school.
Courtesy of Linda Haas
Fund–raising NewsAnnual Holiday Show
Top ticket sellers included:
(front row) Kiersten Bangit,
(second row) Stephanie Parker,
Reaches a Milestone
Alexa Moore, Alyssa Bangit,
Katie Hebert, Hannah Fletcher,
Students of The Academy of Dance and
Lauren Hebert (third row) Shannon
Gymnastics located in Hampton and
Wedding, Kailey Bailey, Ronda
Newport News, Va., raised more than
Perkins, Chelsea Perkins, Taylor
$13,500 through their 12th annual
Stroud, Brittany Breen, Brianah Delk,
Gabrielle Banks (not pictured) Carly
holiday show in December directed by
Breen, Bryana Hogge, Jordan Mills
Linda Haas. With the money raised todate, the Academy has sponsored surgeries for more than 100 children around the world. Because of their long-termcommitment to Operation Smile, Linda and her husband, Jim, co-owners of the business, were honored in January atOperation Smile's 13th Annual Universe of Smiles Gala with the Universal Smiles Award.
Florida Federation of Women's Clubs (FFWC) Increases Support
for Operation Smile
David Long
Operation Smile has been selected as the President's Project by the
FFWC for its 2004-2006 administration, an effort the club hopes willresult in record donations. The FFWC includes all of the GeneralFederation of Women's Clubs in the state of Florida.
Operation Smile Speakers Bureau Coordinator and former Operation Smilepatient, Jose Villegas, spoke at the 32nd Annual Temple Terrace CommunityPrayer Breakfast in Temple Terrace, Fla., on January 28. The town's mayor,city council, police and fire chiefs and community and religious leaders attendedthe breakfast. The GFWC Temple Terrace Junior Woman's Club hosted theevent and presented Jose with a check for $1,500 for Operation Smile. (left to right) Lynn Werner, Jennifer Penoyer, Jose Villegas and Anita Long
On behalf of all the children, we thank the following donors for their generosity and dedication.
Listings below reflect cash and in-kind donations of at least $10,000 received between November 1, 2004 and January 31, 2005.
$100,000 – $999,999
Stephen & Mary Birch
$10,000 – $24,999
Annenberg Foundation
Foundation, Inc.
Abbott Laboratories Fund
King Systems Corporation*
Cardinal Health, Inc.
The Church of Jesus Christ of
The Academy of Dance and
Caroline McKissick
Conrad N. Hilton Foundation
Latter-day Saints Foundation
Gymnastics, Inc.
Medicus Corporation
Kainz Family Foundation
Edison Control Corporation
Mr. & Mrs. Lucien Alziari
Nancy F. O'Connor
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Moyes
Kaiser Permanente
Joseph J. Schott Foundation
Northlake Rotary Club
CCC Information Services Inc.
The Mary Lynn Richardson
Occidental Petroleum
$50,000 – $99,999
Dreamweaver Medical*
Saint Peter's University Hospital
Hasbro Charitable Trust, Inc.
Regent Hospital Products, Ltd.*
Sephora Cosmetics
Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Reidy
Stilla T. Schmidt
The Share Foundation
$25,000 – $49,999
The Interpublic Group of
Becton Dickinson and
Stryker Leibinger Micro Implants*
Companies, Inc.
*In-kind donation
Mr. & Mrs. Barry W. Trottier
While every effort has been made to ensure that the listing of contributors is complete and accurate, please accept our apologies for
any inadvertent errors or omissions. We would like to correct any oversights as soon as possible.
Please call (757) 321-7640 with your corrections.
PPA Charities Launches Three-Year
Donor Spotlight:
Continental Airlines
On January 21, Operation Smile received a
donation of 1,400 medical kits from ContinentalAirlines. The kits contain some of the basicmedical supplies used during Operation Smilemissions and by our global hospital partners.
FedEx was instrumental in making this donationpossible by shipping the kits from Houston,Texas, to Norfolk, Va., at no charge. The kitsincluded stethoscopes, syringes, needles, airways,blood pressure cuffs, and various pharmaceuticals.
These supplies served as emergency first aid kitson Continental airplanes.
Beth Marshall, International DevelopmentDirector of Central and South America forOperation Smile, traveled to Houston to thankContinental and FedEx and the individuals who
On January 17, during the Professional Photographers of America (PPA)
made the donation possible.
Imaging USA 2005 conference in New Orleans, La., PPA Charities presentedOperation Smile North Carolina, with a $10,000 check. This was an initial gift of
"Operation Smile is fortunate to have a partner
a three-year partnership between PPA Charities and Operation Smile
in Continental Airlines," said Beth Marshall. "Itis impressive that during a time when airlineshave scaled back on corporate donations,
ChevronTexaco Races for More
Continental found a way to provide a valuablecontribution."
Dante Marzetta, Continental Airlines Senior VP
Since 1997, ChevronTexaco has donated $20,000 annually to Operation
of Technical Operations and Purchasing, said,
Smile China Medical Mission, Ltd. In September, ChevronTexaco
"Continental Airlines has tremendous respect for
employees participated in the S2M China Road Running Series and raised
the Operation Smile organization and the
an additional $1,210 this year. Operation Smile has joined S2M Group in
amazing work they do for thousands of children
an awareness and fund-raising campaign through their China Road
each year. It is our privilege to have this
Running Series to help raise money for children in China suffering with
opportunity to partner with them."
facial deformities. While in Bejing, China, Operation Smile representatives,
Ben Clark
including Bill and Kathy Magee and Operation Smile China MedicalMission, Ltd. Medical Director, Han Kai, met with Sharon Davidson,ChevronTexaco Finance Manager, and fellow employees at ChevronTexacoto thank them for their continued support.
(left to right) Katrina Manning, ContinentalAirlines Staff VP Corporate Purchasing & BusinessOperations; Dante Marzetta, Continental AirlinesSenior VP of Technical Operations & Purchasing;Richard Siciliano, FedEx Houston Metro DistrictMarket Manager; and Beth Marshall, InternationalDevelopment Director of Central and South Americafor Operation Smile
U.S. Chapter News
Photos: Skip Jones
Newport News, Virginia
On January 15, the Omni Newport News Hotel wastransformed into Hollywood glamour for Operation Smile's13th Annual Universe of Smiles Gala. Following the theme"When You Wish Upon a Star," more than 300 guests fromthroughout Hampton Roads came dressed for the Oscars oras their favorite star. Adding fun to the night were "Elvis"and "Cher" impersonators. The evening included an elegantdinner, gaming and live and silent auctions featuring items
(left to right) Yu Yougen; Dr. Bill Magee, Operation Smile CEO and Co-founder;
from around the world. Guests dined to music by Ragtime
Kathy Magee, Operation Smile President and Co-founder; Robert Scott,
U.S. Congressman; Jo Ann Davis, U.S. Congresswoman with husband Chuck Davis
Rascals and Strolling Silver Strings and later danced to the
and Mrs. Chuan Sheng Liu, Minister-Counselor of Education of the
sounds of Slapwater.
People's Republic of China
Operation Smile Co-founders Dr. Bill andKathy Magee addressed the crowd, as did U.S.
Congressman Robert Scott and U.S.
Congresswoman Jo Ann Davis. Also inattendance was Mrs. Chuan Sheng Liu,Minister-Counselor of Education of the People'sRepublic of China. Operation Smile honoredRiverside Health System of Newport Newswith the Corporate Humanitarian Award forproviding support and volunteer medicalprofessionals. Linda and Jim Haas receivedOperation Smile's Universal Smiles Award fortheir on-going support through their business
Linda and Jim Haas were awarded
Riverside Health System employees accept the Corporate
the Universal Smiles Award
Humanitarian Award. (left to right) William Downey, Sharon
The Academy of Dance and Gymnastics in
Neece, Carol Schmidt, Kathy Majette and Dr. Stephen Bolduc
Newport News and Hampton, Va. Throughoutthe years, the Academy has now sponsored surgeries for more than 100 children around the world.
Thanks to those in attendance and sponsors, including lead sponsors CRESTOR/PGA TOUR/Briny Baird and the John and Cindy McCain Family Foundation, the evening raised $190,000.
Washington, D.C.
On November 14, Operation Smile celebrated An Evening ofSmiles: A Reception to Benefit Missions to Peru, at the home ofhosts Armeane and Mary Choksi. Co-chairs included David andCarol Bates, John and Patricia Katkish, Steve and Carol Orr, Tomand Teresa Rossi and Fred and Edye Smith. Sixty friends andcolleagues gathered and heard a moving testimonial fromCongressman Trent Franks (R-AZ), born with a cleft lip and cleftpalate. Roberto Daniño, the former Peruvian Prime Minister andformer Ambassador of Peru, delivered the reception's keynote
address, praising Operation Smile's continued success in serving
the children and families of Peru. Since 1999, more than 900
(left to right) Thomas and Teresa Rossi, event co-chairs; Congressman Trent
children have received surgery through Operation Smile
Franks (R-AZ), Stephen K. Orr, event co-chair; Dr. Fred Smith, event co-chair; Roberto Daniño, former Prime Minister of Peru and Ambassador of
international missions. The reception raised more than $98,000
Peru; and Armeane Choksi, host and event co-chair
for Operation Smile's mission to Peru this May.
Greensboro, North Carolina
Operation Smile North Carolina's 15th Annual Smiles Galore HolidayAuction was a huge success, raising more than $85,000. This year's eventwas held on November 14 in downtown Greensboro at the Empire Room.
The room was beautifully decorated in a winter wonderland theme bydesigners John Paulin and Alex Thompson and their group of talentedartists. Connor Bryant, 11, and his brother Tucker, 8, of Asheboro, N.C.,told the crowd about their Operation Smile fund-raising efforts; Connorwas born with a cleft lip and cleft palate and was treated by OperationSmile Co-founder Bill Magee. The two brothers have currently raised morethan $10,000 for Operation Smile. Ken Holt, a photographer from SouthCarolina, who has participated on several Operation Smile missions,
(left to right) Smiles Galore Holiday Auction co-chair
presented a video tribute to highlight the children's lives Operation Smile
Sharron Frahm and Julia Morgan, one of the event's
has changed throughout the world.
four grand prize winners
Rich Brenner, WGHP FOX 8 sports anchor, and Crystal Thornton, WGHP FOX 8 news anchor, conducted the live auction.
Auction items included a ski trip to Deer Valley Resort in Utah, 2005 U.S. Open Golf Tournament championship roundtickets, an autographed football by Carolina Panther's quarterback Jake Delhomme and game tickets, donated local artwork,a fishing trip, crystalline pottery by world renowned Seagrove potter Phil Morgan, The Richard Petty Driving Experienceand sensational "secret" stocking stuffers donated by Mark Holder Jewellers.
The North Carolina chapter thanks co-chairs, Sharron Frahm and Judy Brenner, and all who volunteered their time andtalents to make this event the most successful in its history.
Courtesy of D'amore Jewelers
New York, New York
On December 12, D'amore Jewelers and Harry Winston hosted A Holiday Brunch at the D'amore Jewelers store in Cliffside Park, N.J. The event, which showcased rare timepieces and jewelry, raised nearly $35,000 for Operation Smile.
(left to right) Dee Dee Sides, Operation Smile New York Development Director; Jon Omer, Harry Winston Vice President of U.S. Timepiece Division; and John D'amore, Owner of D'amore Jewelers
Marc Ascher
Grand Rapids, Michigan
Operation Smile Michigan in conjunction withAmway (China) Co., Ltd., supported the mission toWu Han City, China, in November 2004. OperationSmile volunteer healthcare professionals providedmedical evaluations to 295 patients and 186 childrenand young adults received surgery. This was the firstOperation Smile mission in the city of Wu Han, and itwas a tremendous success. The Michigan chapterthanks all of its volunteers and business sponsors forhelping to change the lives of these children and theirfamilies.
During an Operation Smile mission in Nanjing, China, Liu received
surgery to repair her cleft lip. Liu is just one of the thousands of children
from China who now have a new smile thanks to Operation Smile
B.D. Fox & Friends, Inc. Advertising
Feature Film "Smile" Storyline
In the movie "Smile," based on an Operation Smile
story, Katie (Mika Boorem,) a teenage girl from
Malibu, Calif., finds herself in the throes of growing
up, facing her parents (Beau Bridges and Linda
Hamilton,) her boyfriend (Erik von Detten,) her
sexuality and a very privileged life. Half a world
away in rural China, Lin (Yi Ding) born on the same
day as Katie, faces a much different reality. Because
of a severe facial deformity, she lives a life of fear and
(left to right) "Smile" Writer/Director Jeff Kramer confers with
shame. Her father, Daniel (Luoyong Wang) has
actors Mika Boorem and Luoyong Wang on location in
devoted his life to her, with hopes and dreams that her
Shanghai, China
circumstances will change one day. The opportunity comes with the discovery of the worldwide "Doctor's Gift"
program. Inspired by one of her teachers (Sean Astin,) Katie volunteers and travels to China. Once there, she is deeply
touched by the charity's work and her roommate/surgical nurse (Cheri Oteri.) Katie takes off on her own into the heart of
China to find Lin. A "smile" is brought to Lin's face, Katie finds her soul, and their extraordinary connection becomes a
life-changing experience for both teenage girls.
For more information about the film, visit
Non-Profit Org.
Tel. 757.321.SMILE • 757.321.7645 • Fax 757.321.7660
Source: http://www.operationsmile.ie/docs/news_04_2005.pdf
23 September, Fudan University, China International Symposium on Innovation in Sustainability: Air, Water and Materials Registered charity number 207890 with the world's leading chemistry community and join our 51,000 members globally Registered charity number: 207890 041536 China Membership_advert_A4_Chinese.indd 1 11/06/2015 09:08:31 Welcome address from the Royal Society of Chemistry
Dans ce chapitre figurent les renseignements concernant l'enseignement dedéfense, relevant : I - des services du Premier Ministre II - du Ministère de l'Éducation Nationale III - du Ministère de la DéfenseIV - d'organismes indépendants français I - ENSEIGNEMENT RELEVANT DES SERVICES DU PREMIER MINISTRE INSTITUT DES HAUTES ÉTUDES DE DÉFENSE NATIONALE (IHEDN)13-21 place Joffre - 75700 PARIS 07 SP