A publication of the World Council of Churches TRADE OR HEALTH?Time to take a stand! TRADE OR HEALTH?
14 Action strategy
10-point plan of action
15 Resources
Sources of information on the
TRIPS Agreement of the World
Is the World Trade Organization a
threat to public health?
Tripping up health in India
16 Baby Batandwa is crying! What
Are natural medicines the
18 Useful publications, letters and
contact n°163 - October-December 1998 With respect to pharmaceuticals, the poorer countries and decreased access aims of the TRIPS Agreement are to drug information as a consequence expressed as encouraging innovations, of greater commercial secrecy are also ensuring affordability and access to predicted. All these need to be as- medicines, and reducing barriers to sessed and appropriate steps taken to trade. No one would argue that these minimize their impact on public health.
are anything but worthy aims. It is, The need to find an appropriate bal- however, these very aims that present ance between the interest of the patent a dilemma: while commercial interest (rights) holder and users was noted and can complement public health goals, it considered in the TRIPS Agreement.
can also be in direct conflict! This issue This is particularly reflected in the limi- of Contact looks at the areas of conflict tations and exceptions to rights that are and the possible social effects of the permitted within the Agreement. How- TRIPS Agreement, and particularly their ever, there seems to be a lack of, or impact on the poor. The issue also very little, understanding that countries provides some suggestions on actions do have alternatives – and the right to that can be taken to ensure public health pursue these alternatives in their best interests in pharmaceutical and health interests. Pressure needs to be brought policies are given priority over commer- to bear on WHO, WTO and other inter- cial interests when conflicts between national and regional organizations to the two occur.
ensure that countries are given techni- health goals, it can also Under the World Trade Organization cal assistance, information, and advice agreement (to which TRIPS is an inte- on how best to address the implications be in direct conflict! gral part), all signatories will be forced of the trade policies, legislation, regula- to implement a 20-year patent protec- tion and agreements in order to protect tion on new pharmaceuticals. There is and promote health for all.
irrefutable evidence that patents lead Examples of what NGOs can do to to higher prices than those prevailing reverse the worst effects are highlighted when there is no protection, and that in the article by Darlena David of the prices drop dramatically when patents Christian Medical Association of India.
expire and generic equivalents come In the interview with Dr Hans-Martin onto the market. The implication of this Hirt, an alternative to reliance on western agreement is therefore that generic pharmaceuticals is presented. We also equivalents of any new drugs devel- include a listing of strategizing options.
oped – for example for AIDS or drug-resistant TB and malaria – will take Many of us who are interested in health longer to become available. Such new for all do not consider it appropriate to drugs are therefore likely to remain treat health care as a matter of expensive for longer periods than they commerce only. In the late 1970s and would be without the Agreement. This 1980s, the popular saying was "think is well illustrated by the example of globally and act locally". Today, the rifampicin which was produced in India World Council of Churches believes within six years of its emergence on the that we must not only think globally and market. Had rifampicin been subjected act locally, but that we must also to a 20-year product patent, it would strategize globally to be effective locally have remained very expensive and and globally. We hope this issue will unavailable to many for an extended help you think about how to do this with respect to TRIPS.
Other possible effects are foreseen.
Eva Ombaka
These include price increases, a fall in WCC/CISS Pharmaceutical consumption, local innovation, foreign Trade or health? A street childselling cigarettes and chewing direct investment and transfer of tech- gum in the bars of Addis Ababa, nology to developing countries.
Martin Adler/Panos Pictures Research on diseases prevalent in contact n°163 - October-December 1998
Dr James Love, a consumer activist and director of the
Consumer Project on Technology, is concerned about the
effect of TRIPS (Trade-related aspects of Intellectual
Property, see box on page 4) on health. He attended the
World Health Assembly in April 1998 where many
countries were lobbying for public health to be put before
commercial considerations in trade negotiations and
Contact: What effect does the World
– representatives of ministries of trade
Trade Organization (WTO) have on
or departments of commerce. Within
any community, these diplomats do notrepresent all interests.
James Love: WTO has to do with intel-
lectual property, and there are several
Contact: The justification for patents is
parts of the new TRIPS Agreement,
to protect the profits of inventions and
which are very important for the health
stimulate research. Are patents the
sector. For example, many poor coun-
correct way to stimulate R&D?
tries that do not have patents on phar-
Love: Policies which enhance the
maceutical drugs at the moment will in
public's access to new pharmaceuticals
future be required to have them. As
– and to other health care inventions –
new drugs come onto the market, the
are a good thing for public health.
onto the market,.
effect of having a patent law will grow.
Increased profits to drug companies
Drug prices will be much higher. In the
drug prices will be
are not an end, but rather one of the
United States, for example, once a
several mechanisms, which may or may
patent expires on a drug and there is
not contribute to the size and efficacy of
competition from generics, prices fall
the R&D effort. National governments
very rapidly. The twenty-year patents
can increase research and develop-
stipulated in the TRIPS Agreement
ment by funding research directly from
instead of the maximum ten or fifteen-
their own budgets or by requiring drug
year patents in the past will push up
companies to re-invest in health care
drug prices.
research. Patents create financial
WTO has awesome power. It is much
incentives for firms to develop new
more powerful than UN bodies because
drugs. This is the focus of the TRIPS
it has enforcement mechanisms. It is
accord and much US lobbying. The
going to be a supra government but it is
obvious shortcoming is that these
run by people with very narrow interests
patents create monopolies on important
contact n°163 - October-December 1998
health care discoveries. Monopoliestend to seek high prices and high pricesprevent many consumers from obtain-ing access to new technologies.
One's stand on patents must be basedon the questions of "who benefits themost?" and "what are the alternatives?"and "is there a different way of doing itwhich may yield benefits to a maximumnumber of people?".The argument isnot about "having patents" or "not havingpatents". We are not trying to get rid ofpharmaceutical patents. The way tothink about it is: "What sort of a patentsystem are you going to have?" Thevery winnable fights are those basedon defining the type of patent system,which creates most benefit and whobenefits the most. Is there a different
Drawing from page 17 of TRIPS report "What do you think about TRIPs?"
way of doing this which accomplishesthe same goals but spreads the benefitsdifferently?"
Box: Understanding TRIPS
The aim of the TRIPS agreement is to strengthen
its emergence on the market. Had rifampicin been
intellectual property rights in the global economy.
protected by a 20-year patent in India, it would have
Intellectual property is an intangible asset (that is,
been either very expensive or not available at all for
something of value which cannot be physically
a long period.
touched), such as a patent or a copyright. Patents
Poorer countries are allowed a breathing space or
provide inventors with intellectual property rights.
"transition period" in which to adapt to the new
To be patentable an invention needs to have novelty
situation. Developing countries have until 1 January
(previously unknown to the public), non-obvious-
2000 to fulfil their obligations to the treaty, and least
ness (containing sufficient degree of innovation to
developed countries have until 1 January 2006.
merit protection), and industrial applicability. When
Developed countries had only a one-year transition
a product is patented, it tends to earn a higher price.
period following the introduction of the TRIPS Agree-
All countries which signed the "Final Act" ending the
ment on 1 January 1995.
Uruguay Round in 1994 automatically becamemembers of the World Trade Organization, and
How should these countries be responding to
thus subject to the condition of the TRIPS Agree-
TRIPS? According to Dr Eva Ombaka, WCC's
ment. Compliance with TRIPS means that instead
Pharmaceutical Adviser who attended a WHO/NGO
of an individual country being able to decide for
meeting in October 1998 on the issue: "Countries
itself on patent legislation, all WTO members have
should make themselves aware of the provisions of
to accept 20-year patents on new pharmaceutical
TRIPS (especially Article 8) such as opportunities
for compulsory licensing and parallel importingwhich allow members to adopt necessary measures
What will be the effect of TRIPS? Drugs currently
to protect public health. To help them take advan-
available as generics (that is, not protected by a
tage of these provisions, a technical body, such as
trademark) will not be affected. However, as soon
the World Health Organization, should advise them
as TRIPS is in full force worldwide, any new drug
on how to revise their legislation in the interests of
coming on to the market will be under patent for 20
public health. WHO's technical support should also
years. This presents a fundamental change. In the
provide ongoing monitoring of the impact of TRIPS,
past, India developed its own means of producing
especially in developing countries."
rifampicin and made it available within six years of
contact n°163 - October-December 1998
Contact: How should readers of Contact
data or treat trademarks and patent. It is
respond to TRIPS?
important for people who represent con-sumer interests not to rely entirely on
Love: The first thing they have to do is
that process. They need to have a
to start adopting policy statements or
proactive way of developing their own
positions. We circulated a petition on
the Internet on health care and intellec-tual property to be presented in the
Contact: What are some of the specific
The exceptions that
"Free Trade Area for the Americas"
issues that should be addressed?
are given with regards
negotiations earlier this year. The only
Love: Patents may make it more diffi-
to patents are as
groups that signed on were Health
cult to get generics on the market. That
important as the
Action International and our group. That
essentially means prices would be
looked pretty bad in my opinion when
higher for drugs in poor countries. How-
we went down to Costa Rica. We should
ever, we also know that countries have
have had 150 groups signed on.
authority under the WTO to mitigate
Part of the problem is that many non-
those problems through things like com-
governmental organizations (NGOs)
pulsory licensing.
have not thought enough about it even
Suppose a new AIDS drug comes on
to take positions. It was such a new
the market but that the price is so high
topic for them they did not have any
that poor people in sub-Saharan Africa
board resolutions to sign on to the docu-
cannot buy the drug. Suppose further
ment. So the first step is to find out what
that the drug company refuses to go
is going on. The best way is through the
along with price control – saying, "If you
Internet. We have a Web page that
make me sell the drug for this price, I will
covers health care issues and intellec-
not import it into your country." In this
tual property with links to other groups
situation, the government could issue a
that are active in this area, such as
compulsory licence that would permit
Health Action International, or other
anyone who wants to sell the drug in the
resources that are available. The World
country to do so. A royalty has to be
Health Organization issued a publica-
given to the com-
Selling drugs in Angola
tion which is very helpful for people in
health groups called "Globalization and
patent, but it does
access to drugs: the implications of the
not give the com-
WTO/TRIPS Agreement" in November
pany the power to
1987 (see Resources page 15). Health
determine whether
Action International (HAI) has held
that drug is made
meetings and taken positions.
There are many things that can be done
population and on
within the context of the TRIPS to protect
the public health interest. It is a compli-
pulsory licensing is
cated agreement but the exceptions
a power that gov-
that are given with regards to patents
ernments have and
are as important as the rights them-
sometimes, though
Peter Williams/WCC
selves. Many of the controversies will
rarely, exercise.
have to do with how those exceptions
are treated under the TRIPS.
very little compul-
One important thing to remember is
sory licensing in
that WTO is a political body, and that
tribunals will be influenced by "interna-
tional norms" or the opinions of experts
cally countries that
on these topics. Various industry groups
were poor did not
are already "manufacturing" norms.
have patents at all.
They actually pay people to write articles
and hold conferences to establish the
had patents on the
right way to protect health legislation
contact n°163 - October-December 1998
facture but they did not have patents on
importing. The reason they wanted to
the products themselves. As a result
do this was to be able to go out and get
there were few cases of compulsory
the best world price for any particular
licence. Compulsory licensing has
probably been done more in the United
South Africa's "parallel importing" legis-
States than it has in developing
lation allows it to import patented drugs
countries. Although it is allowed under
from any country where it is available
TRIPS, another international agreement
cheaply. Typically, when a patent owner
currently being discussed, the Multilat-
holds patents in more than one country,
eral Agreement on Trade (MAI), aims to
the same pharmaceutical is sold at
different prices in different countries.
Compulsory licensing is particularly
The patent owner is able to charge
important because medicine is changing
higher prices in smaller markets where
radically. Think about biotechnology and
there is less competition. For example,
Today, the legislation
gene therapy, for example. In Europe
competition in the large US pharma-
that South Africa has
right now a company is trying to get the
ceutical market keep prices relatively
patent on a bacteria. People working
low compared with prices in smaller
on a new vaccine for meningitis are
markets of many African countries. The
concerned that royalties might have to
pharmaceutical industry has lobbied
be paid to the holder of the meningitis
against the South Africa legislation is
patent every time someone takes a
arguing that it goes against the TRIPS
Agreement. The South African govern-ment has responded that the legislation
Contact: What is the pioneering action
is in the interest of public health – a
South Africa has taken?
provision which is allowed for in TRIPS.
Love: What South Africa wanted to do
Today, the legislation that South Africa
was two main things. One, they wanted
has introduced provides an important
to promote the use of generic drugs.
model for other countries to follow.
They wanted doctors who work for the
Dr James Love, Consumer Project on Technology,
public health services to prescribe drugs
PO Box 19367, Washington DC 20036, USA. Tel: 1
by generic name - a proposal that faced
202 387 8030. Fax: 1 202 234 5176. E-mail:
opposition from the industry. The other
[email protected] More information about the ConsumerProject on Technology is available on website: http://
thing they wanted to do was parallel
Where is the World Health Organization?
A resolution at the 51st World Health Assembly in May this year urged MemberStates "to ensure that public health rather than commercial interest haveprimacy in pharmaceutical and health policies, and to review their optionsunder the Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rightsto safeguard access to essential drugs". This proved highly controversial andwas referred back to the WHO Executive Board. It may, however, be broughtback to the Assembly next year. According to Beryl Leach of Health ActionInternational: "If WHO is not given the right to speak on health aspects of tradethen we have lost a key voice at the international level. The internationalcommunity relies on WHO to speak on public health concerns. If it is to showits commitment to Health for All, it needs to be able to speak out on all issues,including trade."
contact n°163 - October-December 1998
Darlena David, Communications
Consultant with the Christian Medical
Association of India (and editor of Contact
from September 1998) outlines the fears
associated with TRIPS, and describes
some of the principles and actions taken
by community groups in India.
Will essential medicines and affordable
examples are acyclovir, albendazole,
and nutritious food for all people become
cefotaxine, ciprofloxacin, enalapril,
a utopian dream? The conditions
fluconazole, ketoconazole, ketorolac,
imposed by the World Trade Organiza-
norfloxacin, and ranitidine. Drugs are
tion's trade-related aspects of intellec-
often available at much lower prices in
tual property rights are likely to seriously
India than they are elsewhere (see chart
affect people's access to medicines
with example of prices in India for
and food, particularly in Asia.
ranitidine) because foreign pharmaceu-
Transnational companies involved in
tical giants face competition from local
pharmaceuticals and agriculture-based
manufacturers. Under TRIPS, India will
industries will be able to monopolise
be prevented from producing its own
new varieties of medicines, seeds,
versions of drugs that are under product
genes, fertilisers and chemicals for up
Farmers from Bhardoni Village,
Patiala District, Punjab protest
to 20 years with drastic consequences
against the World Trade
for food self-sufficiency in the Third
Organization In September
Products and pro-
World. In the area of medicines, prices
cesses derived from
will rise and the potential for domestic
plants and based on
industry to produce new drugs will be
the knowledge of lo-
much reduced.
cal communities are
also being patented
India will be particularly badly affected
under TRIPS. This
because it has a highly developed phar-
has become a major
maceutical industry. India's pharmaceu-
area of conflict and
tical industry ranks number four in the
world after USA, Western Europe and
Japan. In 1970, the Indian Patent Act
introduced process patents leading to a
patenting will lead to
rapid growth of the domestic pharma-
a loss of control over
ceutical industry, and a dramatic fall in
the knowledge that
the price of pharmaceuticals. Now,
is an ancient herit-
Indian companies produce 75% of the
age of indigenous
drugs consumed within the country,
and also export in quantity.
Much is at stake.
India has started to manufacture and
More than two-thirds
export a number of drugs while they
of the world's plant
were still protected by patents. Some
species – at least
contact n°163 - October-December 1998
35,000 of which have medicinal value -
have no option but to sell their land.
come from developing countries. The
Landlessness is bound to lead to large-
value of germ plasm (part of the cell
scale urban migration bringing its own
containing hereditary material) to the
chain of hardships and unprecedented
pharmaceutical industry was estimated
impoverishment. An agrarian people,
in the early 1990s at US$32,000 million
deprived of their livelihood, may turn to
per year. In India, over 50% of health
violence to seek justice.
care needs are being met by traditionalsystems of medicines. Practitioners use
What to do?
over 7,500 varieties of plants as part of
Many groups of traditional healers,
their healing work.
farmers' groups, social movements foralternative development, and scientists
are discovering that in the age of
How does all this affect food? Poor
monopolies, there is strength in com-
people in Asia will find it more difficult to
munities who stand together to articu-
obtain essential food items as a result
late the principle that people's health
of the implementation of TRIPS. Take
and well-being matters far more than
the example of the effect on rice. Patents
trade and profits.
will increasingly be applied to paddy
Poor people in Asia will
varieties, bio-pesticides and bio-fertilis-
One important assertion of these groups
find it more difficult to
ers. The monopoly power created by
is that of the collective rights of local
obtain essential food
these patents will push up prices creat-
communities over community
items as a result of the
ing higher food prices. Food production
resources. In India, a legislation on
will tend to concentrate on a small
local self-government, named the
number of profitable cash crops endan-
"Panchayats (Extension to the Sched-
gering the security of food supply. At
uled Areas) Act, 1996" has provisions
the same time, cropping patterns based
which recognise the villagers' right to
on just a few varieties of seeds will be
have control over their common
vulnerable to large-scale loss through
resources. Community groups resist
what they consider to be the privatisingof people's knowledge.
Dr Vandana Shiva, Director of theResearch Foundation for Science,
Groups like the RFSTE work on several
Technology and Ecology (RFSTE)
fronts. They lobby on legal and policy
predicts a gloomy scenario. Seventy-
issues, and work with the media to
five per cent of the total population of
ensure that their perspective is heard.
India is dependent on agriculture for
They also educate the endangered com-
their livelihood, and 90% of farmers are
munities of farmers and practitioners of
small and marginal with less than two
indigenous systems of medicine argu-
acres of land. If farmers are no longer
ing that knowledge in the public
able to buy seeds from each other and
domain cannot be patented.
are forced to buy patented products
Experts in the indigenous systems of
from multinational companies, many will
medicine at a workshop convened in
not be able to make ends meet and will
April 1998 in Delhi declared all
Price Comparisons of Medicines, 1996 (Indian Rupees)
Ranitidine (Zantac)300 mg x 10s
Diclofenac sodium (Voveran)
Novartis (Ciba-Geigy)
Reference: New Patent Regime: Implications for Domestic Industry, Research & Development and Consumers,B K Keayla January 1996
contact n°163 - October-December 1998
biological resources and the herit-
age of indigenous knowledge to be
the national asset of the Indian
people. They said that the State was
not the owner but a mere trustee of this
rich heritage. They demanded effec-
tive legislative measures be introduced
to pronounce traditional indigenous
knowledge and the medicinal plants of
the Indian systems of medicine as the
common and collective property of the
Community groups also argue that
since indigenous knowledge is not
"novel", it is not patentable. Novelty
comprises one of the grounds for
establishing a patent on a plant use.
Neem has long been used in agricul-
ture as a bio-pesticide and fungicide.
Happiness is a plate of rice.
But since 1985, US, European and
based products for the local market in
Japanese firms have taken out 65
India for decades. At the same time,
patents on various formulas for stable,
RFSTE working with the International
neem-based solutions and emulsions,
Federation of Organic Agriculture Move-
and even on neem-based toothpaste.
ments and 200 other associates, filedtwo claims challenging Neem patent
Patenting the Indian Neem tree
applications. One was successful. The
‘Azarichdita Indica is a tree native toIndia and widely known as Neem'. For
European Patent Office agreed with the
centuries, it has been used as a bio-
campaign claim that there is nothing
pesticide and medicine. The Neem is
novel or original about the process or
worshipped as sacred. People in rural
products for which patents were being
communities start their day by using
the neem datun (toothbrush) to protect
their teeth with its medicinal proper-
ties. Communities have invested
According to Gandhi no tyranny can
consider it immoral to
centuries of care, respect and knowl-
enslave a people who consider it immoral
edge in propagating, protecting and
to obey laws that are unjust. A massive
obey laws that are
using neem in fields and common
movement – the Seed Satyagraha –
lands. For millennia, many complex
has emerged over the past few years in
processes were developed for using it
response to the threats of intellectual
in specific purposes, though the active
property right clauses on agricultural
ingredients were not given Latinised
products. Seed Satyagraha proclaims
names. An IPR claim on Neem is
the common intellectual rights of Third
absurd because it claims nature'screativity and creativity of other
World Communities. It has created an
cultures as its own. Moreover, there is
alternative to patented seeds by building
a false claim that the medicinal prop-
community seed banks, strengthening
erty is created by the patentee."
farmers' seed supply, and searching forsustainable agricultural options suitable
Courtesy: Shiva, Vandana, Biopiracy –
The plunder of nature and knowledge,
for different regions.
South End Press, Boston (1997)
But the real battle is beginning on
The "Neem Campaign" was launched
another front. A number of well-known
in India to challenge the patenting of
activist groups and NGOs have filed a
characteristics of the neem tree. Over a
petition to restrain the government from
million people gave their signature to
signing Article 27.5(3b) of TRIPS. The
the petition, including small industrial-
article allows patents on life forms. The
ists who have been producing neem-
Court has ruled that it could not "go into
contact n°163 - October-December 1998
change its Patent Laws. Like other de-veloping countries, India has until1 January 2001 to fulfil her obligationsunder the Agreement. (Forty-eight "leastdeveloped countries have an additionalfive years.) Some key elements need tobe kept in mind in developing patentlaws, which would respect indigenousknowledge, cultural values and socio-economic context.
Patent laws should make it very clearthat life forms cannot be considered aninvention (and therefore cannot bepatented). In particular, the followingmust not be considered inventions.
a) The whole or part of natural living
beings and biological materials foundin nature, even if isolated from it orpurified, including the genoma (orgerm plasm) of any natural livingbeing.
b) Essentially biological processes.
c) New uses of a known product or
process, including the second use ofa medicine.
d) Patents on life should be excluded
because they are contrary to
Drawing of Neem leaf
morality*, or injurious to human,animal or plant life, or health, or tothe environment.
e) Diagnostic, therapeutic and surgical
methods for the treatment of humansor animals.
f) Plants and animals in whole or any
part, including DNA, cells, seeds,varieties and species.
the wisdom of the economic policies" of
g) The human body and all its elements
the government." However, activists
in whole or in part.
are banking on the fact that only Parlia-
h) Biological processes and products
ment has the right to make laws for the
derived from them.
country. If sufficient pressure is createdagainst seed, plant and animal patents
Community groups say that Shalom
the Parliament will block laws that
requires diversity, and that we all need
threaten the health and well being of
Shalom to survive!
the people. The people will decidewhat is good for them and they will let
Darlena M David, Consultant, Communication
the government know, perhaps through
Department, Christian Medical Association of India,Plot 2, A-3 Local Shopping Centre, Janakpuri,
the ballot box, whether they approve of
New Delhi 110 058, India. Fax: 91 11559 8150. E-mail:
the government's policies or not.
Changing patent law
* Indian philosophy considers life forms as kin, not as
India is under tremendous pressure to
contact n°163 - October-December 1998
Even without TRIPS, most people in the
Democratic Republic of the Congo cannot
afford imported pharmaceuticals. Dr Hans-
Martin Hirt, medical adviser in what was then
Zaire from 1985 to 1991, believes that some
imported pharmaceuticals are nothing more
than expensive, neatly-packaged
replacements for something already growing
in many people's back gardens.
Unfortunately, today most local people have
lost the skills their ancestors had for
producing and using natural medicines.
Doctors in Kisantu, Democratic
Republic of Congo, learn to
Interview by Keith Lindsey.
make medicines themselves.
Keith Lindsey: Hans-Martin, how did
founded the organization "Anamed",
you become an expert in tropical
which stands for "Action for Natural
medicinal plants?
Medicines", and I have been doingweek-long training workshops at home
Hans-Martin Hirt: I am not an expert.
and abroad, in which, with a range of
Nobody is. Out of 10,000 medicinal
health workers and doctors, we make
plants I know virtually nothing. But
medicines out of medicinal plants.
I developed a great commitment tonatural medicines when I was responsi-
Lindsey: Are you encouraged by the
ble for the importation of European
developments you see in health provi-
medicines into one particular region in
sion in the so-called developing
Zaire. The longer I was there, the more
medicines I found that could be made
Hirt: Not very much. There is a lack of
from locally grown plants. Of course,
working together. In some countries,
not all medicines could be made, but in
the church is divided into many groups.
some cases locally produced medicines
And too often pharmacies that belong
were equally or even more effective
to the churches are empty – many
and had fewer side effects than imported
bishops seem to see them as a means
of making money. I would like to see the
Lindsey: I believe that you had to leave
churches and the pharmacies working
Zaire in 1991. What did you do then?
together to demand lower prices fromEuropean pharmaceutical companies.
Hirt: Together with a colleague in Zaire,
Bindanda M'Pia, I had written a practi-
The very survival of many people today
cal handbook, "Natural Medicines in
depends entirely on their rediscovering
the Tropics". We found that our work
their traditional skills of growing healing
was appreciated throughout the tropi-
plants, and using the leaves, flowers,
cal world, and so we translated this
stems or roots in appropriate ways as
book into English and German. We
natural medicines. Pharmacies
contact n°163 - October-December 1998
resource available to many hospitals isa copy of my book. Even when bettertimes come, they will have a muchgreater degree of self-reliance if theysuccessfully relearn their traditionalskills.
Another important reason for thechurches and medical organizations towork together is to bring politicalpressure to bear in the fight againstpatents on natural medicines. This maybecome even more urgent with theintroduction of TRIPS. Like others, webelieve that people should have rightsunder international law to use their tra-ditional remedies. They should decidewho has ownership of any patents.
Lindsey: What is the particular prob-
lem of patents?
Hirt: Once a particular process is
patented, no local manufacturer can
make that drug, and the country is
dependent upon imports. Then 95% of
money given for health care in
developing countries ends up in the
pockets of the pharmaceutical
companies. The table giving details of
the treatments for different forms of
sleeping sickness gives an idea of the
extent of the problem. Also, we are
always anxious that what has been
common knowledge to so-called unso-
Traditional pharmacy in former
phisticated people for centuries might
Zaire: the source of many patent
be usurped by modern pharmaceutical
medicines in Europe?
attached to hospitals need to develop
concerns and patented as a new
their own gardens of healing plants, in
order to produce their own medicines.
Lindsey: What sort of role could the
I have been told that, in these troubled
World Health Organization (WHO) play?
times in what is now the DemocraticRepublic of the Congo, the only medical
Hirt: The WHO could do far more to
Pharmaceutical companies profit while patients are forgotten
Example: Sleeping sickness
The changing price of medicines for trypanosomiasis from the manufacturers (prices in Deutschmark)
Lampit, 100 tablets, Bayer Argentina (nifurtimox)
Lomidine, 37 ampoules per treatment, Rhone-Poulenc (later May & Baker) (pentamidine)
Arsobal, 10 ampoules per treatment, Rhone-Poulenc (melarsoprol)
Ornidyl, (DFMO), Merrel-Dow, Those people who require Ornidyl or Arsobal will certainly die. There is no possibility that peoplecan afford to pay the price. For purposes of comparison, the monthly wages of a teacher in Zaire/Democratic Republic of the Congoin 1960 were the equivalent of 300 DM. At that time, three hours' work would pay for treatment with Arsobal. This year, a teacher'swage is equivalent to 5 DM. A teacher must work for about 18 months to pay for a treatment with Arsobal.
contact n°163 - October-December 1998
protect developing countries from the
Lindsey: Do you have any examples?
scourge of patents. The needs of ill
Hirt: Yes, in Uganda. On 3 November
people must surely be more important
1995 our book was publicly handed
than the legal rights of patents. In
over to the population by Hon. Bagnma
Anamed, we are also disappointed that
Isoke, Minister of State, in a ceremony
the WHO is not prepared to confront the
at the conclusion of a seminar. Every-
legislation that permits European com-
body could see it on the television and
panies to manufacture soaps and cos-
in the newspapers.
metics that contain mercury. These
Lindsey: I understand that two million
products are then distributed in tropical
people die each year from malaria. Has
countries where they are used to lighten
Anamed any ideas about how countries
the skin. Mercury is very toxic and
can avoid being dependent on imported
causes massive health problems.
According to the World Health Organi-zation, mercury poisoning can provoke
Hirt: We recommend teas made from
psychotic reactions such as delirium,
the leaves of different medicinal plants,
hallucination and suicidal tendencies.
for example, the neem and bitterleaf
Mercury can also enter the brain of the
trees and the paw paw plant. Our current
unborn child via the mother's placenta.
research is with artemisia annua. Hos-pitals in tropical countries are monitor-
Lindsey: And what are you doing in
ing the effectiveness and the side effects
Anamed to tackle the problem of
of a particular artemisia annua, and the
results are very encouraging. We will
Hirt: First of all, we continue to gather
be keeping Contact informed as the
recipes from all over the world for pro-
ducing medicines out of medicinal
Lindsey: You seem to have found a
plants. Also we encourage governments
means whereby health workers and
to give us an invitation and sponsorship
doctors can achieve a significant
to run national seminars, and to take
measure of self-reliance with regard to
our book and present it to the popula-
the treatment of malaria. Self-reliance
tion of their country as their property.
is the key to the development of a
We know that this approach offers a
degree of economic independence and
protection against the power of patents
stability in the face of overwhelming
in that country.
international commercial pressures.
Action for Natural Medicines (Anamed)
Being committed to the relationship between peopleand their environment, Anamed runs seminars anddevelops new projects that enable people in thetropics to become more self-reliant with regard totheir health and social and economic well-being.
anamed logo from letterhead
1. To promote the protection and cultivation of
healing plants, and the skilled preparation of and
initiative that continues their dependency on the
treatment with natural medicines.
2. To support people in becoming more active in
4. To promote local and international cooperation
the care of the environment.
in pursuing these principles.
3. To support people in becoming more self-reliant
Anamed, Schafweide 77, 71364 Winnenden,
with regard to their health and material needs,
Germany. Tel: 49 7195 910225. Fax: 49 7195
and at the same time to oppose any commercial
65367. E-mail: [email protected]
contact n°163 - October-December 1998
6. Lobby your Ministry of Health and
The suggestions listed here have
other relevant government depart-
been developed from the material
contained in this issue as well as
• Ensure promotion of the Essential
the recommendations of group
• Urge your Minister of Health to
discussions which took place at
read the WHO paper written spe-
the Pharmaceutical Advisory
cifically for health ministers, namely
Group (PAG) meeting held at the
"Health Economics, The Uruguay
Ecumenical Centre, World Council
Round and Drugs".
• Ensure that policy makers know
of Churches, Geneva, Switzerland
how best to implement TRIPS in
on 30th October 1997.
the interest of promoting public
1. Get informed by finding out what is
health. Tell them about the CPT
website which provides informa-tion on different country e x p e r i -
Read this issue of Contact; write to
the World Health Organization for a
• "The TRIPS Agreement - A guide
copy of "Globalization and access to
for the South" is written specifically
drugs: the implications of the
for policy makers.
WTO/TRIPS Agreement". If possi-ble, use the Internet – website:
7. Provide information to others, and covers health
encourage them to lobby your
care issues and intellectual property
with links to other groups that are
• As well as sharing information with
active in this area, such as Health
other health workers, try to be in
Action International (HAI), and
contact with as many health and
resources that are available.
consumer NGOs, networks andassociations, including medical
2. Organize a meeting about public
associations, as possible. They
health versus trade.
need to know about TRIPS. Sym-
The aim of the discussion would be
pathetic journalists will also wel-
to develop a policy statement or
come information.
position paper. Once your board has
8. Send a message to World Health
signed a resolution on the issue,
Organization's Action Programme on
your organization will be ready to
Essential Drugs or to your regional
join in the action of groups such as
or national WHO office. Send a copy
HAI and the Consumer Project on
of the letter to the NGO Forum for
Health. Your support will strengthen
3. Join a network, such as HAI, provid-
the voice for Health for All and against
ing information on TRIPS.
commercial and trade interests atthe 52nd WHA in May 1999.
4. Organize a workshop on the use of
natural and herbal medicines.
9. Ask HAI how you can participate in
Encourage the sharing of informa-
lobbying on behalf of public health at
tion and make sure that the process
regional trade negotiation meetings.
includes education on how to mini-
10. Create a data-base of who is doing
mize the risks, such as intoxication.
what and who could do what.
Seek help from Anamed (see page13).
5. Document your national experience
For more details of groups and publications mentioned
and share them with others.
here, please turn to page 15.
contact n°163 - October-December 1998
This list includes names and addresses of some useful contacts and publications to helpyou campaign for people's health to be put before trade and commercial interests.
Director, CPT (address on
immediately prior to the
Advisory Group (PAG)
World Health Assembly
holds annual meetings
Health Action International
each year. Contact: Dr Eric
Health Action Interna-
which address various
is a global network of health,
Ram, Secretary NGO
tional (HAI) HAI-Europe
issues concerning pharma-
development, consumer
Jacob van Lennepkade,
ceuticals and health.
and other public interest
Contact: Dr Eva Ombaka,
groups in more than 70
1053 NJ Amsterdam
Pharmaceutical Adviser for
countries working for a more
The Netherlands.
World Council of Churches,
rational use of medicinal
Tel: 31 20 683 3684.
based in Nairobi, Kenya.
drugs. HAI is currently in-
Fax: 31 20 685 5002.
Consumer Project on Tech-
volved in efforts to evaluate
nology was created in 1995
the impact of the World
to investigate a wide range
Trade Organization and the
of issues concerning tech-
TRIPS Agreement on public
NGO Forum for Health
nology and consumer
health. It has regional offices
Address box
Dr Eric Ram, Secretary
interest. CPT is involved in
in Peru and Malaysia.
NGO Forum for Health
issues relating to intellec-
tual property, information
NGO Forum for Health
CISS International
6 Chemin de la Tourelle
technologies, medical tech-
brings together non-gov-
nologies, and electronic
ernmental organizations
commerce and privacy.
involved in the promotion of
Tel: 254 2 445160/445020
Tel: 41 22 798 4183
Contact: Dr James Love,
health. The group meets
Fax: 254 2 440306
Fax: 41 22 798 6547
WHO reference materials
Economics, WHO/TFHE/
Papers in several
Globalization and access
97.1. Free of charge.
languages are listed. Free
to drugs - Implications of
Health Economics, Drugs
the WTO/TRIPS Agree-
and health sector reform,
"The implications of the
ment, Health Economics
WHO Task Force on Health
TRIPS Agreement for the
and Drugs DAP Series No.
Economics, WHO/TFHE/
protection of pharmaceu-
World Health
7, World Health Organiza-
96.2. Free of charge.
tical inventions" is an arti-
tion, Action Programme on
Health economics: The ef-
cle by Adrian Otten, World
Action Programme on
Essential Drugs, WHO/
fects of international trade
Trade Organization,
DAP/98.9. Free of charge.
liberalization on the health
Geneva, published in World
Health Economics, The
of poorest population
Drug Information, Vol. 11,
Uruguay Round and drugs,
groups: annotated bibliog-
No. 1, 1997.
Fax: 41 22 791 4167.
WHO Task Force on Health
E-mail: [email protected]
Pharmaceutical as Com-
assesses the costs and
seminar organized by
WCC Bookshop
modities in Public Health:
benefits stemming from the
150, route de Ferney
The implication of the
TRIPS Agreement. Unctad/
The TRIPS Agreement - A
TRIPS agreement from the
ITE/1/96.II.D.10 Cost:
guide for the South draws
1202 Geneva, Switzerland
perspectives of the Devel-
US$22.00, 65pp. Address:
attention to the aspects of
oping Countries is a report
UNCTAD, Marketing and
the agreement to which
South Centre
of WCC's PAG annual
Sales, UN Geneva, Palais des
policy makers and techni-
Chemin du Champ-d'Anier 17
meeting in 1997. It is avail-
cal personnel should pay
able from WCC bookshop.
Tel: 41 22 917 4872
special attention when for-
The TRIPS Agreement and
Power, patients and pills:
mulating policy and legisla-
Developing Countries a
an examination of GATT/
tion in this field.
Tel: 41 22 798 34 33
report prepared by the
WTO and Essential Drugs
Fax: 41 22 798 85 31
UNCTAD Secretariat. It
Policies, the report of a
contact n°163 - October-December 1998
Batandwa is born with a very good way to tell you he needs you. He cries. Whenhe cries, he is trying to tell you that he needs your help to make him comfortableagain. Below, Gabriel Urgoiti, a doctor working with the National ProgressivePrimary Health Care Network in South Africa, writes more about why babies cry,and what parents can do about it.
As you become more familiar with Batandwa, you will discover that his cries sounddifferent depending on what he needs. Learning the meaning of his cries helps youto know how to answer them. And when you do you are building a relationship withhim, based on confidence and trust.
All babies have their own way of crying, but all have three clear cries to tell you thatthey are hungry, upset or have pain.
"I'm hurting"
When Batandwa has pain he cries in an unmis-
takable way. You will definitely know that some-
thing is wrong. Of course you will go to him when
you hear this cry and do whatever is needed to
make him comfortable.
This is a time when your gentle attention andwarmth are very important. If he is not well andcrying you must take him to the community healthworker or clinic so that they can find out what iswrong with him. Don't wait.
"I'm hungry"
Usually Batandwa's "hunger cries" starts slowly
and builds up to a loud, demanding cry. This
means "I want to eat". Many babies do not get
hungry at regular times during their first few
months. So whenever you hear the hunger cry,
think of feeding him.
Food is not the only thing for which he hungers.
Every baby also needs attention and stimulation.
Maybe when he cries, and does not want to eat,he tries to say "I want to be with you".
"I'm upset"
Batandwa may cry in a mild, fussy way when he
is tired or in a bad mood. Or maybe he needs
company or a change of scenery. The longer the
crying is ignored, the louder it becomes. Crying is
one way of trying to discover what he needs. You
can also look for other clues, for example the way
he moves. If you see him repeatedly throwing his
legs up and straightening them again while cry-
ing he is probably telling you that his tummy
contact n°163 - October-December 1998
Try to always go to him when he cries
Because crying is Batandwa's clearest way of saying he needs you, you should
go to him when he cries. Some people feel that answering all the time when a baby
cries will spoil him. They say that he will become more and more demanding if you
go to him every time he cries.
This is not the case. When you answer Batandwa's cries promptly, he learns totrust you. But more than that, he learns that you will react when he expresseshimself in a less urgent way. As time goes on, he will start to use his facialexpressions, movements and sounds to tell you what he needs.
If you cannot always answer his cries
Many times you are going to be delayed. Batandwa's trust in you is based on
consistency, and consistency does not mean immediately responding to each and
every cry.
Sometimes you will not understand why Batandwa cries. You will feel upset if hecries a lot. Many parents feel this way. You are not a bad parent. It is normal.
If this happens to you, it is important not to blame yourself or your baby.
Babies who cry all the time
Some babies suffer from tummy pains. Some people call this
colic. These babies cry for hours at a time and are very difficult
to calm. If you have this problem with your baby it is
important to relax as much as you can and try your best
to comfort him. At about 3-4 months many of these
babies are well.
Other babies seem to cry more without a knownreason. There will be some times when nothingyou do seems to help calm your baby. You arelikely to become tense and upset and feel likeyou failed. This too is natural and happens toall parents. When you are tense, your babysenses it by the way you hold him and hemay even cry harder. If there is agrandparent or neighbour or other friendhandy, let them take your baby so youcan get a few moments to yourself.
If all else fails, put the baby to bed for awhile. Being apart briefly, helps both ofyou to calm down and gives you a betterchance to figure out what he needs.
When you have done your best to comfortBatandwa and he is still crying rememberthis:
You will both survive the experience.
And maintaining a sense of humour cando wonders at these times.
Article taken from The NETWORKER, the official maga-zine of the National Progressive Primary Health CareNetwork (NPPHCN), Western Cape, South Africa. Ad-dress: PO Box 34572, Groote Schuur, 7937, SouthAfrica. Tel: 27 21 472482. Fax: 27 21 479483. E-mail:[email protected]
contact n°163 - October-December 1998
Tuberculosis – an
A book that looks at the social, economic
The second section, "Tuberculosis from a
and political dimensions of treatment-seek-
patient's perspective", comprises the
ing and intervention edited by John D H
economics of tuberculosis diagnosis and
Porter and John M Grange covers many
treatment, socio-cultural dimensions in
issues of relevance to readers of Contact.
tuberculosis control, tuberculosis and HIV,
The first section, "Introduction to tubercu-
tuberculosis in ethnic minority populations
losis and its control", includes chapters on
in industrialised countries and gender is-
the global burden of tuberculosis, determi-
sues in detection and treatment of tuber-
nants of the tuberculosis burden in
populations, a critique of the global effort,
The final section points the way forward
the politics of tuberculosis, public health
with the help of several case studies and
and human rights: the ethics of interna-
by describing alternative approaches.
tional public health interventions for tuber-
Details: John M Grange, Imperial College
culosis, and tuberculosis in high preva-
School of Medicine, Dovehouse Street,
lence countries.
London SW3 6LY, UK. Tel 44 171 3518456, E-mail:[email protected]
LAP Programme in
Thank you for the "The ‘bottom-up' approach to health planning" (Contact 160)
describing the LAP Programme in Cameroon. Such developments are excellent but thedescription does not tell how they are integrated into secondary biomedical health careprovision.
How does the community see the possibility of referring individuals and communityhealth problems on to this level? What should be the relationship between theadministration of the two levels of health care? The programme starts where the peopleare but how does it lead on to health education?
At a time when evidence-based medicine is being promoted, the other extreme of asubjective approach to health needs is being taught. It must be better in planning toinclude the perceptions of the community and not just those of the health careprofessionals, but are we in danger of ignoring the findings of scientific research andmeasurement over the centuries? If health professionals' clinical impressions can bemisleading, how reliable are the impressions of communities in which the diseases ofpoverty are common?
Christian Medical Fellowship and Medical Missionary Association
Ruby Eliason responds:
Thank you for your questions about how Community-Determined Health Care (CDHC),
using the conscientization approach, is integrated into secondary biomedical care
provision. The first question about referrals ties in with the second question about the
relationship between the administration of the two levels of health care.
Before the CDHC approach to planning is implemented, there has been considerableinteraction between the community and project staff. The process begins when thecommunity, after hearing about the Life Abundant Programme (LAP) from individuals orsatisfied communities, makes application for LAP ministries. The area Field Supervisorthen visits the community to learn about the people and their expressed needs, to explainLAP's philosophy of community self-reliance and also LAP organization, and to answervillagers' questions about LAP. The community appoints a Village Health Committee,which becomes the liaison body between the community and project. The Committeeselects candidates for Village Health Worker (VHW) training, and collects village-widedonations for training the VHW, and for purchase of the basic medicines to be used bythe VHW in simple symptomatic treatment. The Supervisor and Committee plantogether for two events, a quantitative health survey of the community, and conscientizationactivities leading to CDHC.
There are education sessions for the VHW and the Committee before the VHW is
contact n°163 - October-December 1998
installed. VHW training includes the integration of health promotion, disease prevention,treatment of common disorders with about 20 drugs, and rehabilitation. The VHW learnsthe importance of making referrals to an Integrated Health Centre or Hospital for patientsbeyond his/her scope of treatment. The committee Seminar is about management of thevillage Primary Health Centre and the general activities of the VHW (the Field Supervisorsupervises clinical work).
How does the CDHC approach lead to health teaching? Before introducing CDHC, thewriter found there was little interest in health promotion teaching in villages with LAPministries. However, this has dramatically changed with the introduction of CDHC.
Communities have not only named health promotion activities as their priorities for howto get health, but they have been motivated to implement their health promotion goals.
For example, treatment for sickness was 7th on Ngang's prescription for health. Thepeople gave more importance to health promotion by the following priorities: communityparticipation in health activities, spiritual care, general development, care of children,adequate food, and the practice of cleanliness. The Makoup community placedtreatment after seven health promotion activities. In the five communities researched in1998, treatment ranged from 5th to 9th, giving place to health promotion activities. In oneof these communities, there was immediate village-wide participation in the cleaning ofwater sources. Furthermore, the main work of the VHW is teaching of individuals,families and groups on all aspects of health. He/she is assisted in this by the Committee.
In CDHC planning within the framework of LAP ministries, community values becomeintegrated with the practice of biomedical care. The process is dynamic as dialoguecontinues, and praxis, the core of conscientization, occurs; praxis is movement fromaction to reflection, and again from reflection upon action taken to a new action. Theresult is better health for communities and families.
Our efforts continue to rehabilitate the CHAL library, which was scattered during the war.
Can you help?
Health/development workers and health promoters in Liberia are starved of health anddevelopment information. Any suggestions/assistance you may be able to offer CHALin this effort will be highly appreciated.
Deanna K Isaacson
Christian Health Association of Liberia (CHAL)
1000 Monrovia 10, Liberia
We are glad to be able to resume sending bulk copies of Contact to CHAL. We have alsoasked Healthlink Worldwide (formerly AHRTAG) to send a copy of "List of freeinternational newsletters" to CHAL, and forwarded details of TALC's health library fordistrict health workers. The books included in this small library include Where there isno Doctor, A Book for Midwives and Helping Health Workers Learn. The library costs 90pounds sterling including postage and packing by surface mail worldwide. TALC, POBox 49, St. Albans, Herts AL1 5TX, UK. Tel 44 1727 853869. Fax 44 1727 846852.
Sustainability of church hospitals in
Departure of Dr Kofi Asante
In January of 1999, Dr Kofi Asante, our
The report of CMC-Churches' Action for
Executive Secretary for Health, will leave
Health study on the determinants of
the WCC. Kofi has focused on resourcing
success in sustaining church hospitals by
and networking with Christian health coor-
Dr Kofi Asante is now available. A limited
dinating agencies, and has developed
number are available free of charge, at
significant new contacts. Currently, he has
present in English only. A directory of
recently completed an analytical study of
Christian health and medical associations
Christian health care institutions,
will be available in the very near future.
addressing the question of their
Write to Dr Kofi Asante, Executive Secre-
sustainability. We thank him for his
tary, CMC - Churches' Action for Health,
dedicated service and bid him Godspeed
PO Box 2100, 1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland.
as he returns to Ghana.
contact n°163 - October-December 1998
Contact's new editor
tive media, and development journalism.
Darlena David who takes over as editor ofContact after this issue is currently
New editor - new address
consultant in the Communication Depart-
From 1 January 1999, Contact will operate
ment at the Christian Medical Association
from India. All correspondence and
of India. She is ideally suited to her new
requests for back copies should be sent to
task having edited several newsletters and
the following address from that date
magazines, including most recently the
Christian Medical Journal of India. Darlena
Ms Darlena M David, Editor Contact, c/o
has a Masters in English, a Diploma in
Christian Medical Association of India, 2,
Hospital Administration, and gained a
A-3 Local Shopping Centre, Janakpuri,
distinction in her Masters degree at
New Delhi 110 058, India. Tel: 91 11
Manchester University (Mass Media and
559991/2/3, 5521502. Fax: 91 11 5598150.
Education) in 1990. During the 1980s, she
worked with ACHAN (Asian Community
Contact will continue to be published in
Health Action Network) in Madras and the
French and Spanish. However, the Portu-
Voluntary Health Association of India
guese version of Contact has been tempo-
(VHAI) in New Delhi. Her interests include
rarily discontinued. Those interested in
gender and justice; community health;
helping to restore it are invited to write to
pharmaceuticals and baby foods; alterna-
In the 1980s when the world was gripped
against HIV required good organization in
by apprehension over the realisation of
constantly changing scenarios.
what the HIV virus might mean to human-
Jonathan was a brilliant and outstanding
ity if left unchecked, the figure of
leader who had the capacity to listen, to be
Dr Jonathan Mann appeared on the world
humble, and to inspire those who worked
stage. With quiet determination he set
with him. Although GPA underwent various
about creating the global programme on
changes, including absorption finally into
AIDS – commonly known as "GPA" at
the new UNAIDS programme, the legacy
World Health Organization headquarters
of Jonathan is clear. It was he who, at a
certain point in time, had the courage to
I remember, when working as a consultant
take the reins of leadership in an appre-
to GPA in 1989, Jonathan called for a
hensive world. He did that with great
lunchtime meeting of the expanding GPA.
sensitivity, style, and compassion.
Ranged around the room were close to a
Today, Jonathan Mann's legacy is found
hundred people. It was typical of Jonathan
in various corners of the world. It is evident
that he encouraged everyone to publicly
when people get a chance to understand
introduce themselves. At last, his turn
about HIV and AIDS – and to protect
came, and very simply he said "Jon Mann,
themselves, and others – and when people
GPA". During the meeting he had reached
living with HIV and AIDS get compassion-
out to all present, and created the basis for
ate care. Let us be determined to ensure
what came to be called the "GPA family".
that his legacy is continued and expanded.
Life in GPA was tough, because the chal-
May he, and his wife, rest in peace, and
lenge of a rapid response to the needs of
may their family be comforted.
countries to strengthen their defences
Marie Thérèse Feuerstein
Contact is the health and
Contact is published by a
Articles may be freely reproduced,
Mailing list: Christian Medical
community development
partnership of the World Council of
providing that acknowledgement is
Association of India, 2, A-3
magazine of the World
Churches (WCC); Christian Medical
made to: Contact, the publication of
Local Shopping Centre,
Council of Churches. The
Association of India (CMAI);
the World Council of Churches. A
Janakpuri, New Delhi 110 058,
publication deals with various
German Institute for Medical
complete list of back issues is
India. Tel: 91 11 559991/2/3,
aspects of the churches' and
Missions in Tübingen (DIFÄM), and
published in the first annual issue
5521502. Fax: 91 11 5598150.
community's involvement in
Medical Coordination Secretariat of
of each language version.
health, and seeks to report
the Netherlands (MCS). It is
Editorial Committee: Rainward
topical, innovative and
published four times a year in
Bastian, Christoph Benn, Sara
Contact is also available on the
courageous approaches to
English, French and Spanish.
Bhattacharji, Cherian Thomas
World Council of Churches
the promoton of health and
Present circulation is approximately
Darlena David, Christina de Vries,
Elizabeth Moran, Eva Ombaka andDiana Smith. Editor: Darlena David.
contact n°163 - October-December 1998
OAK TECHNOLOGIES (PVT) Our business approach is based on establishing long-term partnerships that encourage success through mutual benefits. OAK TECHNOLOGIES (PVT) Limited strives to exceed expectations for every one of our customers. OAK TECHNOLOGIES is one of the few companies that provide all kinds of IT & Security solutions which cater the needs of our valuable customers in order to ensure smooth running of their businesses.
The dementia guide
dementia Living well after diagnosis About this guideThis guide is for anyone who has recently been told they have dementia. This could be any type of dementia, such as Alzheimer's disease, vascular dementia or mixed dementia. It will also be useful to close friends and family of someone with dementia, as it contains information for anyone taking on a caring role.