Do primary health care nurses address cardiovascular risk in diabetes patients?
DIAB-6154; No. of Pages 9
Contents available at
Diabetes Research
and Clinical Practice
Do primary health care nurses address
cardiovascular risk in diabetes patients?
Barbara Daly Timothy Kenealy Bruce Arroll , Nicolette Sheridan ,
a School of Nursing, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
b General Practice & Primary Health Care, School of Population Health, University of Auckland, New Zealand
c Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Population Health, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Aims: To identify factors associated with assessment and nursing management of blood
Received 28 December 2013
pressure, smoking and other major cardiovascular risk factors by primary health care
Received in revised form
nurses in Auckland, New Zealand.
Methods: Primary health care nurses (n = 287) were randomly sampled from the total
Accepted 30 August 2014
(n = 1091) identified throughout the Auckland region and completed a self-administered
Available online xxx
questionnaire (n = 284) and telephone interview. Nurses provided details for 86% (n = 265) of
all diabetes patients they consulted on a randomly selected day.
Results: The response rate for nurses was 86%. Of the patients sampled, 183 (69%) patients
had their blood pressure measured, particularly if consulted by specialist (83%) and practice
Primary health care nurses
(77%) nurses compared with district (23%, p = 0.0003). After controlling for demographic
variables, multivariate analyses showed patients consulted by nurses who had identified
stroke as a major diabetes-related complication were more likely to have their blood
pressure measured, and those consulted by district nurses less likely. Sixteen percent of
patients were current smokers. Patients consulted by district nurses were more likely to
smoke while, those >66 years less likely. Of those who wished to stop, only 50% were offered
nicotine replacement therapy. Patients were significantly more likely to be advised on diet
and physical activity if they had their blood pressure measured ( p < 0.0001).
Conclusions: Measurement of blood pressure and advice on diet or physical activity
were not related to patient's cardiovascular risk profile and management of smoking
cessation was far from ideal. Education of the community-based nursing workforce is
essential to ensure cardiovascular risk management becomes integrated into diabetes
# 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
cardiovascular (CV) events and total mortality has necessi-
tated an integrated approach to managing people with type 2
diabetes based on their absolute CV risk . Smoking cessation
The increasing prevalence of people with type 2 diabetes in
and achieving guideline lipid and blood pressure targets
New Zealand (NZ) and the associated increased risk of
are essential in reducing CV events in people with diabetes.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +64 9 923 9882; fax: +64 9 367 7158.
E-mail address: (B. Daly).
0168-8227/# 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Please cite this article in press as: Daly B, et al. Do primary health care nurses address cardiovascular risk in diabetes patients?. Diabetes Res Clin
DIAB-6154; No. of Pages 9
Cigarette use is a well-established risk factor for CV
disease and total mortality People with type 2
Subjects, materials and methods
diabetes who smoke have significantly more CV events ,
chronic kidney disease and its progression and other
diabetes-related complications, particularly peripheral vas-
cular disease and lower limb amputations . It is
Sampling and details of the nurses has previously been
recommended for all people who smoke, but especially
described . Briefly, 35% of the total PHC nurses (n = 1091) in
those with diabetes, to be asked about their motivation to
the greater Auckland region were randomly selected and of
stop and encouraged to do so at every consultation
those 335 (88%) were working and invited to participate in the
Blood pressure targets for people with diabetes <130/
survey – of whom 287 (86%) agreed. Of those, 210 were PNs, 49
80 mmHg have been recommended nationally and
DNs, 19 DSN and nine CCM nurses. All participants completed
internationally Hypertension has been linked with
a telephone interview and 284 completed and returned a
endothelial dysfunction increased risk of all diabetes-
postal self-administered questionnaire on biographic and
related complications and CV events . Several trials
workplace details from 2006 to 8. Ethics approval was obtained
using multiple antihypertensive agents showed risk reduc-
from the Northern Regional Committee (NTX/05/10/128).
tions for all diabetes related end-points , myocardial
infarction, stroke and all-cause mortality ,
Diabetes patients sampled
although a recent meta-analysis showed no significant
improvements in CV outcomes <140/90 mmHg compared
During the telephone interview information was collected on
with <130/80 mmHg .
the nurses' diabetes management practices and on the
Low-density lipoprotein (LDL)-cholesterol is a causal risk
number of diabetes patients nurses had consulted on a
factor for CV disease and lipid lowering randomised
randomly selected day each nurse had worked over the past
controlled trials (RCTs) have reported reductions in major CV
seven days. Additional anonymous demographic and health
events in people with diabetes . Further, practice-based
information was gathered from each patient's record and on
nurse-led lifestyle RCTs have also reported improved lipid
nursing assessments and care provided during the consulta-
levels in those with diabetes .
tion. On the randomly selected day, 58% of the 287 nurses
In NZ, people with type 2 diabetes are managed within
sampled did not consult any diabetes patients, while 42% had
general practice or by independent primary health care
consulted 308 diabetes patients and 41% (n = 117) were able to
(PHC) providers. Practice nurses (PNs) are mostly employed
provide information on 265 (86%) of those patients. Because of
by general practitioners (GPs). PNs and are the largest of the
the random sampling of nurses and day of the week, the
four main PHC nursing groups involved in the care and
patients sampled represent of all diabetes patients treated by
management of people with diabetes. District nurses (DNs)
PHC nurses at the time of the survey. During the telephone
are the second largest group and provide hospital outreach
interview specific questions were asked on nursing assess-
services to patients at home or in community clinics
ments and care. For example, all nurses were asked ‘during
predominantly for wound care. The other two groups are
this consultation did you take the patient's blood pressure?',
specialist nurses (diabetes specialist nurses (DSN) and
‘what medication has this patients been prescribed?' and
chronic care management (CCM) nurses). DSN provide
‘does this patient smoke?' – if yes ‘do they want to stop?'.
specialist diabetes care and are employed by secondary
care services or Primary Health Organisations that provide
Statistical analysis
PHC to an enrolled population . CCM nurses either work
in general practice or for independent care providers and
PROC FREQ in SAS version 5.1 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC, 2012)
provide specialist community-based care for people with
was used to analyse data from the nurses. PROC CROSSTAB
chronic care conditions Although DSN were not able to
and PROC MULTILOG in SUDAAN (version 11 Research
prescribe medications at the time of the study they typically
Triangle Institute, 2012) was used to analyse patient data
advise patients on titrating glycaemic mediations and all
and correct for clustering effects by nurses who had consulted
nurses are expected to discuss medication management
more than one diabetes patient on the randomly selected day,
with patients.
for calculation of relative risk (RR) and odds ratios (OR),
GPs and PNs are expected to carry out 5-year CV risk
respectively and generate adjusted Wald F P-values. The two
assessments in all patients with type 2 diabetes and to
specialist nurse groups (DSN and CCM nurses) were combined
actively manage CV risk factors for those at high risk All
for all analyses, due to the small numbers of CCM nurses, and
PNs are expected to play a major role in the community
referred to as specialist nurses.
management of diabetes, work more independently ,
identify patients at increased risk of diabetes-related
complications (including CV events), initiate lifestyle
changes, and for DSN and nurse practitioners to have
prescribing rights .
Demographic and anthropological details of patients
The aim of this paper is to report factors associated with
the assessment and management of major CV risk factors for
people with diabetes consulted by PHC nurses in community-
Of the 117 nurses who provided data on their patients, 78 (38%)
based settings.
PNs consulted 153 patients, 16 (57%) specialist nurses
Please cite this article in press as: Daly B, et al. Do primary health care nurses address cardiovascular risk in diabetes patients?. Diabetes Res Clin
DIAB-6154; No. of Pages 9
consulted 65 patients and 23 DNs consulted 47 patients.
Demographic details on the 265 diabetes patients sampled are
described in The majority of patients were aged over
Of the 264 patients with information on smoking, 41 (16%)
50 years, most had type 2 diabetes and 16% smoked. Mean
smoked tobacco and the status of nine patients was unknown.
systolic blood pressure (SBP) was 132 mmHg, diastolic blood
In univariate analyses only age was negatively associated with
pressure (DBP) 77 mmHg and mean total cholesterol was
current smoking by patients; (relative risk (RR), 0.88; 95%
4.8 mmol/l and did not differ by nurse-group. While similar
confidence interval (CI), 0.50–1.53) for those 51–66 years and
proportions of patients consulted by specialist nurses (20%)
(RR, 0.37; 95% CI, 0.16–0.85, p = 0.02) for those aged 67–93
and DNs (23%) were smokers, significantly more patients
compared with patients aged <50 years. Patients consulted by
consulted by DNs used tobacco compared with those
DNs were more likely to smoke than those consulted by PNs
consulted by PNs (11%, p = 0.039). Records for serum creatinine
but did not quite reach significance (RR, 2.31; 95% CI, 1.18–4.53,
and microalbumin levels were only available for 34% and 18%
p = 0.054). shows after adjusting for demographic
of patients respectively, with levels indicating some renal
variables (sex, age and ethnicity) and nurse-group in multi-
dysfunction for the majority of those patients.
variate analyses the negative association between age and
current smoking strengthened for those aged over 66 years,
while patients consulted by DNs were significantly more likely
Table 1 – Demographic composition of diabetes patients
to smoke compared with those consulted by PNs.
(n = 265), consulted by PHC nurses and smoking status,
Of the 41 patients who used tobacco, eight of 30 (27%)
blood pressure, total cholesterol, microalbumin and
patients who had been asked wished to stop, and of those,
serum creatinine.
seven were advised on community support programmes
Variable and level
including referral to the government supported telephone
‘Quitline' counselling programme (n = 4), and four were
advised to use nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), by
more specialist nurses (n = 3), than PNs (n = 1). Significantly
more patients who were current smokers were asked if they
wished to stop if undergoing a special programme consulta-
tion (diabetes annual review or chronic care consult) or if aged
>66 years. No demographic or other factors (such as nurse
group, post-registration qualification, time at current practice,
knowledge of smoking as a risk factor for complications or
NZ European/European
place of consultation) were associated with nurses asking
patients if they wished to stop smoking.
Other Pacific Island patients
Type of diabetes (n = 263)
Of the 146 (55%) patients with recorded total cholesterol levels,
71% were above the national recommended level of
<4.0 mmol/l. In the univariate analyses only being male was
Tobacco use (n = 264)
associated with elevated cholesterol levels compared with
female (RR, 2.33; 95% CI, 1.30–4.14, p = 0.003). After adjusting
for all demographic variables in the multivariate analyses,
elevated cholesterol was positively associated with being
Biological variables
male (OR, 3.75; 95% CI, 1.60–8.79, p = 0.003), while elevated
Blood pressure (n = 214)
SBP was inversely associated (OR, 0.46 95% CI, 0.21–0.99,
p = 0.048) – separate data not shown.
Total cholesterol (mmol/L) (n = 146)
Serum creatinine (mmol/L) (n = 89)
Microalbumin (mg/L) (n = 47)
During the nurse consultations, 183 (69%) of patients had their
Variable and level
blood pressure measured, and significantly more so if
Total patients consulted and sampled
consulted by specialist nurses (83%) and PNs (77%) compared
District/home care nurses
with those consulted by DNs (23%, p = 0.0003). An additional 31
patients had blood pressure levels recorded and reported. Of
the 214 (81%) patients with recordings, 105 (49%) and 106 (50%)
m: mean; CI: confidence interval; SBP: systolic blood pressure; DBP:
diastolic blood pressure.
had a SBP > 130 mmHg and DBP > 80 mmHg, respectively.
a Geometric means -calculated from the antilog
In multivariate analyses and controlling for demographic
from multiplying & dividing the tolerance factor (antilog
variables and nurse group, age and Maori ethnicity were
from the mean.
associated with elevated SBP ).
b 78 practice, 23 district and 16 specialist nurses consulted at least
Factors associated with measurement of patient's blood
one patient sampled on the randomly selected day.
pressure are shown in Age, being consulted at home,
Please cite this article in press as: Daly B, et al. Do primary health care nurses address cardiovascular risk in diabetes patients?. Diabetes Res Clin
DIAB-6154; No. of Pages 9
Table 2 – Multivariate odds ratios (OR) of patients being
Table 3 – Multivariate odds ratios (OR) of patients having
current smokers (n = 254).
elevated blood pressure (SBP > 130 mmHg), (n = 213).
1.10 (0.50–2.40)
1.01 (0.58–1.76)
0.70 (0.33–1.50)
1.51 (0.72–3.17)
0.23 (0.08–0.62)
3.56 (1.64–7.73)
0.99 (0.37–2.69)
2.30 (1.03–5.12)
0.96 (0.41–2.27)
1.46 (0.49–4.35)
0.37 (0.07–1.90)
0.89 (0.25–3.15)
3.53 (1.49–8.37)
1.75 (0.57–5.35)
1.69 (0.75–3.78)
0.57 (0.26–1.21)
PN: practice nurses; DN: district nurses; SN: specialist nurses.
PN: practice nurses; DN: district nurses; SN: specialist nurses.
and management by DNs were inversely associated, while
whether the patients consulted had elevated SBP or total
Ma-ori and Pacific Island ethnicity were positively associated,
cholesterol or not – separate data not shown. There was no
as were patients in a special programme review compared
difference in ACE inhibitors prescribed between patients with
with those having usual follow-up consultations. Nurses who
and without elevated SBP or statins for those with or without
held or were working towards gaining post-registration
elevated total cholesterol. In addition, nurses planned to
qualifications, and those who identified stroke (88% compared
telephone 81 (31%) patients they had consulted, mostly to
with 64%, p = 0.005) as a diabetes-related complication, were
discuss follow-up visits, referrals and screening tests (54%).
more likely to measure a patient's blood pressure during the
Of those, only 14% and 10% of PNs and specialist nurses
consultation. Duration of the consultation, the first patient
respectively, planned to discuss management of specific risk
consultation following diagnosis, nurse's time at their current
factors or lifestyle changes.
practice, post-registration diabetes education, knowledge of
hypertension as a risk factor and heart disease as a
Associations between nurse's knowledge of CV risk
complication and patients prescribed antihypertensive medi-
factors and management activities
cation were not related to measurement of blood pressure.
In multivariate analyses, and adjusting for demographic and
Nurses were significantly more likely to know and report
other variables, only patients who had consulted nurses who
patient's elevated total- or LDL-cholesterol if they had
had identified stroke as a complication of diabetes remained
identified the latter as a risk factor for diabetes-related
associated with blood pressure being measured (OR, 3.20; 95%
complications (64% compared with 43%, p = 0.03), and if they
CI, 1.16–8.86, p = 0.03), while DNs were less likely to measure
had identified smoking as a risk factor they were significantly
blood pressure compared with PNs (OR, 0.10; 95% CI, 0.02–0.52,
more likely to give specific advice related to patient's
p = 0.006). In addition, patients who had their blood pressure
individual risk profile (58% compared with 21%, p = 0.01). In
measured were also more likely to receive advice on diet
contrast, there were no significant associations between
(OR, 6.47; 95% CI, 3.07–13.64, p < 0.0001) and physical activity
nurse's knowledge of the following risk factors or diabetes-
(OR, 2.39; 95% CI, 1.22–4.68, p = 0.01) – separate data not shown.
related complications and related management: hyperten-
sion, heart or peripheral vascular disease and measuring
Management related to cholesterol and blood pressure
blood pressure or promoting physical activity.
Patients who had their blood pressure measured were also
Proportion of patients prescribed CV and non-CV
more likely to receive advice on diet and physical activity
related medication
() but not for patients with elevated total cholesterol
(>4 mmol/L); (RR, 0.76; CI, 0.44–1.32 and RR, 0.82; CI, 0.46–1.46),
outlines the proportion of patients prescribed
respectively. Despite this, specific dietary advice aimed at
cardiovascular-related medications which were known and
reducing body weight (to reduce carbohydrate, fat and salt
recorded for 257 (97%) patients. The most commonly pre-
consumption, takeaways, portion sizes and regular meals)
scribed were statins and angiotensin-converting enzyme
was given by a similar proportion of nurses regardless of
(ACE) inhibitors, outlined by nurse-group, and over half of
Please cite this article in press as: Daly B, et al. Do primary health care nurses address cardiovascular risk in diabetes patients?. Diabetes Res Clin
DIAB-6154; No. of Pages 9
Table 4 – Univariate relative risk (RR) for patients having their blood pressure measured during the consultation (n = 265).
0.90 (0.75–1.07)
0.84 (0.70–1.01)
0.69 (0.55–0.86)
1.45 (1.14–1.84)
1.32 (1.03–1.70)
1.20 (0.89–1.62)
0.94 (0.83–1.06)
0.92 (0.81–1.05)
Antihypertensive me
0.95 (0.80–1.12)
Patient weight (kg)
1.00 (0.88–1.14)
0.93 (0.80–1.08)
1.16 (0.91–1.48)
0.30 (0.16–0.57)
1.08 (0.91–1.27)
1.26 (0.97–1.64)
Knowledge of stroke as a complication
1.36 (1.14–1.63)
0.39 (0.24–0.64)
No room – (cubicle/other)
0.93 (0.63–1.36)
Type of consultation
Get Checked/careplus
1.71 (1.44–2.02)
1.33 (1.02–1.74)
2.04 (1.49–2.80)
1.67 (1.31–2.14)
SBP: systolic blood pressure; DBP: diastolic blood pressure; kg: kilograms; PN: practice nurses; DN: district nurses; SN: specialist nurses.
a Patients prescribed at least one of the following drugs: ACE inhibitor, Beta blocker, Calcium channel blocker or a thiazide diuretic.
patients were prescribed other non-cardiovascular medica-
Ma-ori and Pacific patients and those consulted by nurses who
tions – primarily for pain, arthritis (including gout) and
had identified stroke as a major complication of diabetes were
depression ).
more likely to have their blood pressure measured, while
those consulted by DNs were less likely. Reflecting the latter
group's focus on wound management and the difficulty in
carrying extra equipment into people's homes. Nurses were
more likely to ask patients who smoked if they wished to stop,
This is the first report identifying factors associated with
if they were attending special programme consultations.
people with diabetes having their blood pressure measured
Nurses could only access total cholesterol levels and blood
and receiving advice on smoking cessation by PHC nurses.
pressure recordings for 55% and 81% of patients consulted,
Please cite this article in press as: Daly B, et al. Do primary health care nurses address cardiovascular risk in diabetes patients?. Diabetes Res Clin
DIAB-6154; No. of Pages 9
Table 5 – Proportion of diabetes patients prescribed cardiovascular-related medication (n = 265), by nurse group.
Variable and level
Total sample of patients
CV risk management medications
ACE inhibitor (n = 252)
Aspirin (n = 253)
Beta blocker (n = 251)
Diuretic/furosemide (n = 252)
Calcium channel blockers (n = 254)
Warfarin (n = 251)
Digoxin (n = 251)
Other-mostly for angina (n = 254)
Non-diabetes nor CV medication
CV: cardiovascular; ACE: angiotensin-converting enzyme.
P-value showing significance of variation in percentages in subgroups, from the chi-square value and either
a Fisher or Pearson exact tests used with small cell numbers.
respectively. Of those, 71% and 49% had total cholesterol and
smoking cessation rates and decreases unpleasant withdrawal
SBP above the recommended levels and were no more likely
symptoms GPs and PHC nurses are in an ideal position to
to receive advice on diet or physical activity by the consulting
target diabetes patients who smoke. Despite several smoking
nurse compared with patients with levels below that
cessation initiatives implemented in primary care settings in
recommended. Knowledge of stroke as a complication of
NZ, a recent update showed that the proportion of patients
diabetes was probably a marker for more in-depth diabetes
receiving advice to quit smoking (28–62%) remained well below
knowledge and extensive clinical experience as only 14% of
the national 90% target set for 2012 Further, attempts to quit
nurses reported this knowledge, although significantly more
smoking in NZ compare poorly with international trends, with
DSN (36%) did so compared with PNs (13%) and DNs (8%) .
less than 60% of current smokers attempting to quit in one year,
The proportion of patients prescribed a statin was similar to
compared with over 80% in other developed countries The
that reported in the large audit of patients with diabetes in
proportion of patients in primary care given advice to quit
West and South Auckland 66% in 2006 and internationally
smoking by their GP and other healthcare providers was also
proportions ranged from 61% to 74%
lower compared with those in Australia as is the proportion
Tobacco smoking was less common among patients
using NRT (particularly in males and Pacific and Ma-ori
sampled (16%) compared with the 18% of adult New
populations) despite it being heavily subsidised .
Zealanders who currently smoke and was similar for
A more effective PHC systems approach and management
Pacific patients (18%), and European patients (13%) but far
is required to reduce the proportion of patients with major CV
fewer for Ma-ori patients (35%), compared with those in an
risk factors and substantially increase the number of smoking
audit of 5917 diabetes patients enrolled in general practices in
cessation attempts by patients. PHC nurses need to be able to
West and South Auckland . The discrepancy in the
prescribe NRT and ensure patients have easy access to
proportion of Ma-ori patients who were current smokers in
prescriptions for essential pharmaceutical therapy to assist
this study compared to those in the audit study in West and
those who wish to stop smoking.
South Auckland maybe explained by fewer patients smoking
Nurses planned to telephone about a third of patients
in the higher socio-economic central Auckland area. In the
consulted mainly for follow-up appointments, rather than for
current study, no Ma-ori patients from the central Auckland
health promotion or goal setting on reducing CV risk factors;
area were current smokers, while 15% and 30% from the
despite the latter being highly recommended and shown in
Waitemata (North and West Auckland) and Counties-Manu-
those with diabetes to increase smoking cessation rates
kau (South Auckland) DHBs respectively, were current
adherence to a non-atherogenic diet and physical activity
and promote healthy lifestyle behaviours
Further, twice the proportion of sampled patients were
Type 2 diabetes should be contextualised as a CV disease
smokers compared with diabetes patients exiting large inter-
and nursing management should shift from the current
national intensive glucose control trials . In addition,
glucocentric approach to managing CV risk factors – smoking
both the ACCORD and ADVANCE trials reported reductions in
cessation (including registering as Quit Card providers), diet
smoking prevalence during the trial periods of around 4% over
(with specific recommendations based on the national guide-
3.5 years and 6% over 5 years, respectively
lines and related to patient's risk profile) and physical activity.
Of concern, only 50% of patients who wished to stop smoking
Findings from the glucose intensive type 2 diabetes trials show
were advised on NRT – the use of which approximately doubles
a lack of benefit in lowering HbA1c levels on CV outcomes
Please cite this article in press as: Daly B, et al. Do primary health care nurses address cardiovascular risk in diabetes patients?. Diabetes Res Clin
DIAB-6154; No. of Pages 9
(with the exception of metformin in overweight patients)
important to ensure CV risk factor management becomes an
and one trial found an increased mortality rate . The lack of
integral part of diabetes management.
improvements in CV outcomes from the intensive glucose
trials and in contrast the reduction in CV events reported from
the blood pressure and LDL-cholesterol lowering trials
Conflict of interest
; in those with type 2 diabetes and CV disease, and the large
cohort studies reporting increased CV events and total
The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
mortality in those who use tobacco has led to broadening
the management of those with type 2 diabetes to include
improving CV risk factors and smoking cessation. In the
current survey, nurses weighed 58% of patients and gave
advice on diet and physical activity to 70% and 66% of patients,
Funding for this survey was provided by ‘Novo Nordisk', the
respectively Despite this, only 20% of those nurses gave
Charitable Trust of the Auckland Faculty of the Royal New
advice related to each patient's risk profile and only 12%
Zealand College of General Practitioners, and the New Zealand
advised patients to reduce body weight despite a mean body
Ministry of Health.
weight of 92 kg . Lifestyle changes, that include weight loss
We wish to thank the practice, district and specialist nurses
in conjunction with a cardioprotective diet have been
who participated in this survey and enabled this study to
shown to reduce both systolic and diastolic blood pressures
. The inclusion of the mnemonic ‘ABC' (A1c, blood pressure
and cholesterol), promoted in North America and adapted
to include smoking and physical activity in health promotion
may assist PHC nurses when educating patients in their
management of diabetes.
Study limitations include a lack of available data on total
cholesterol, serum creatinine and microalbumin, and smok-
ing status for patients consulted by DNs. Further, we cannot
conclude that patients' blood pressures were not measured
by physicians on the day of the PN or SN consultations and
smoking status may have been known to physicians
managing patients consulted by DNs. During the survey
period, the PREDICT programme for calculating patients CV
risk by PNs and GPs, based on the Framingham CV risk
scores, was introduced into several general practices in
Auckland and was expected to increase nursing manage-
ment and assessment CV risk factors However, there is
limited evidence about the use of these databases and
programmes by PNs, although one report showed PNs
completed 8% of patients CV risk assessments using
PREDICT and another reported a fourfold increase in
its use after software installation and related education .
Despite the study limitations, this is a representative and
large comprehensive cross-sectional survey of PHC nurses
[7] Peto R, Lopez AD, Boreham J, Thun M, Heath CJ. Mortality
from smoking in developed countries 1950–2000: indirect
and the diabetes patients they consult with, in the largest
estimates from national vital statistics. Oxford University
city in NZ. It is the first study to document predictors for
Press; 1994 (2004 update on
measuring blood pressure and management of tobacco use
by nurses working in community settings.
In conclusion, patients were more likely to have their blood
pressure measured by nurses who identified stroke as a
diabetes-related complication and if patients were of Maori or
Pacific Island ethnicity. Only special programme consultations
were associated with nurses asking patients who smoked if
they wished to stop. A large proportion of patients had
modifiable CV risk factors (elevated blood pressure and total
cholesterol) and twice the proportion smoked compared with
those exiting large international type 2 diabetes intensive
glucose trials. The main findings highlight the need for
improved management of CV risk factors, particularly
smoking to ensure PHC nurses play a major role in improving
patient outcomes. Continuation of funding for post-graduate
education and development of the PHC nursing workforce is
Please cite this article in press as: Daly B, et al. Do primary health care nurses address cardiovascular risk in diabetes patients?. Diabetes Res Clin
DIAB-6154; No. of Pages 9
[24] Ministry of Health. Investing in health: Whakatohutia Te
Oranga Tangata: a framework for activating primary health
care nursing in New Zealand; 2003 [cited 13.03.13] Available
[45] Daly B, Arroll B, Kenealy T, Sheridan N, Scragg R.
Management of diabetes by primary health care nurses in
Auckland, New Zealand, J Prim Health Care [in press].
Please cite this article in press as: Daly B, et al. Do primary health care nurses address cardiovascular risk in diabetes patients?. Diabetes Res Clin
DIAB-6154; No. of Pages 9
Please cite this article in press as: Daly B, et al. Do primary health care nurses address cardiovascular risk in diabetes patients?. Diabetes Res Clin
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