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Manual Therapy 12 (2007) 86–97
Diagnosis and classification of pelvic girdle pain disorders—Part 1:
A mechanism based approach within a biopsychosocial framework
Peter B. O'Sullivan, Darren J. Beales
School of Physiotherapy, Curtin University of Technology, GPO Box U1987, Perth, WA 6845, Australia
Received 20 February 2007; received in revised form 21 February 2007; accepted 21 February 2007
The diagnosis and classification of pelvic girdle pain (PGP) disorders remains controversial despite a proliferation of research into
this field. The majority of PGP disorders have no identified pathoanatomical basis leaving a management vacuum. Diagnostic andtreatment paradigms for PGP disorders exist although many of these approaches have limited validity and are uni-dimensional (i.e.
biomechanical) in nature. Furthermore single approaches for the management of PGP fail to benefit all. This highlights thepossibility that ‘non-specific' PGP disorders are represented by a number of sub-groups with different underlying pain mechanismsrather than a single entity.
This paper examines the current knowledge and challenges some of the common beliefs regarding the sacroiliac joints and pelvic
function. A hypothetical ‘mechanism based' classification system for PGP, based within a biopsychosocial framework is proposed.
This has developed from a synthesis of the current evidence combined with the clinical observations of the authors. It recognises thepresence of both specific and non-specific musculoskeletal PGP disorders. It acknowledges the complex and multifactorial nature ofchronic PGP disorders and the potential of both the peripheral and central nervous system to promote and modulate pain. It isproposed that there is a large group of predominantly peripherally mediated PGP disorders which are associated with either‘reduced' or ‘excessive' force closure of the pelvis, resulting in abnormal stresses on pain sensitive pelvic structures. It acknowledgesthat the interaction of psychosocial factors (such as passive coping strategies, faulty beliefs, anxiety and depression) in these paindisorders has the potential to promote pain and disability. It also acknowledges the complex interaction that hormonal factors mayplay in these pain disorders. This classification model is flexible and helps guide appropriate management of these disorders within abiopsychosocial framework. While the validity of this approach is emerging, further research is required.
r 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Pelvic girdle pain; Sacroiliac joint; Classification; Pain mechanisms; Motor control
1. Pelvic girdle pain disorders
(Maksymowych et al., 2005). However, PGP disordersmore commonly present as ‘non-specific' (no identified
Pelvic girdle pain (PGP) disorders represent a small but
pathoanatomical basis), often arising during or shortly
significant group of musculoskeletal pain disorders. Pain
after pregnancy (Berg et al., 1988; Ostgaard et al., 1991;
associated with the sacroiliac joints (SIJs) and/or the
Bastiaanssen et al., 2005) or following traumatic injury to
surrounding musc Author's personal copy
uloskeletal and ligamentous structures
the pelvis (O'Sullivan et al., 2002a; Chou et al., 2004).
represent a sub-group of these disorders. Specific
Frequently these pain disorders are misdiagnosed and
inflammatory pain disorders of the SIJs, such as
managed as lumbar spine disorders, as pain originating
sacroiliitis, are the most readily identified PGP disorders
from the lumbar spine commonly refers to the SIJ region.
However, there is growing evidence that PGP disorders
manifest as a separate sub-group with a unique clinical
Corresponding author. Tel.: 61 8 9266 3629; fax: 61 8 9266 3699.
E-mail address: [email protected] (P.B. O'Sullivan).
presentation and the need for specific management.
1356-689X/$ - see front matter r 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
P.B. O'Sullivan, D.J. Beales / Manual Therapy 12 (2007) 86–97
A number of PGP disorders do not resolve (Ostgaard
while another group of subjects with SIJ pain (with a
et al., 1996; Larsen et al., 1999; Albert et al., 2001;
positive active straight leg raise test (ASLR)) demon-
Noren et al., 2002; To and Wong, 2003), becoming
strate impaired control of the pelvic floor (O'Sullivan
chronic despite the absence of pathoanatomical ab-
et al., 2002a; O'Sullivan and Beales, 2007). These
normalities on radiological examination or signs of a
findings highlight that; (i) there may be various under-
systemic or inflammatory disorder from blood screening
lying mechanisms that drive different PGP disorders,
(Hansen et al., 2005). This leads to a broad diagnosis of
and (ii) the need for a classification based approach
a ‘non-specific' PGP disorder and leaves a diagnostic
which guides targeted interventions for sub-groups of
and management vacuum. These PGP disorders are
subjects with PGP, which is based upon the underlying
commonly associated with signs and symptoms indicat-
pain mechanism(s) that drives the disorder.
ing that the pain originates from the SIJs and/or theirsurrounding connective tissue and myo-fascial struc-tures (Berg et al., 1988; Kristiansson and Svardsudd,
2. Challenging the beliefs regarding the sacroiliac joints
1996; Mens et al., 1999; Albert et al., 2000; Damen et al.,
2001; Vleeming et al., 2002; O'Sullivan et al., 2002a;Laslett et al., 2003). However, identification of a painful
The SIJ perhaps more than any other joint complex in
structure does not provide insight into the underlying
the body has been shrouded by an enormous amount of
mechanism(s) that drives the pain (O'Sullivan, 2005a).
mystique within the field of Manual Therapy—with
A number of theoretical models have been proposed
complex, poorly validated and often confusing theories
with regard to potential underlying pain mechanisms in
and treatment approaches associated with it. Beliefs of
PGP. Chiropractic, Osteopathic and Manual Therapy
the clinician (that the pelvis is ‘displaced' or ‘unstable')
models commonly propose that the SIJs can become
commonly become the beliefs of the patients. For many
‘fixated' or ‘displaced' leading to positional faults. There
patients these clinical labels can be detrimental with the
are a series of complex clinical procedures proposed to
potential to render the patient passively dependent on
identify these so-called ‘positional faults' and treatment
someone to ‘fix them', elevating anxiety levels, reinfor-
with manipulation, mobilisation and/or muscle energy
cing avoidance behaviours and promoting disability.
techniques has been suggested to rectify them (Don-
Increased passive dependence and fear/anxiety has the
Tigny, 1990; Sandler, 1996; Kuchera, 1997; Oldreive,
potential to further increase the central drive of pain,
1998; Cibulka, 2002). Although manual and manipula-
contributing to disability and the chronic pain cycle. It is
tive techniques can result in short term pain modulation
therefore important to be clear on the ‘facts' regarding
(Wright, 1995), there is little evidence for the long term
the SIJs and put them into the context of current
benefits of SIJ manipulation or other passive treatments
knowledge. The basic anatomy, biomechanics and
used in isolation for the management of chronic PGP
stability models proposed for the SIJ are documented
disorders (Stuge et al., 2003). The selection of these
elsewhere and as such will not be reviewed in full here
techniques is often directed by treating the signs and
(Pool-Goudzwaard et al., 1998; Lee and Vleeming, 2000;
symptoms of the disorder rather than a valid and clear
Vleeming et al., 2006).
diagnostic and classification paradigm based on themechanisms that underlie the pain disorder.
2.1. The facts regarding the SIJs
More recently emphasis has been placed on enhancing
motor control deficits in PGP disorders. This is based on
The SIJs are inherently stable (Vleeming et al.,
the premise that deficits in lumbo-pelvic motor control
1990a, b; Snijders et al., 1993a).
result in impaired load transference through the pelvis
The joints are designed for load transfer (Kapandji,
and thereby contribute to a peripheral nociceptive drive
1982; Gray and Williams, 1989) and can safely
of symptoms (Mens et al., 1996; Vleeming et al., 1996,
transfer enormous compressive loading forces under
1990b; O'Sullivan et al., 2002a; O'Sullivan and Beales,
normal conditions (Snijders et al., 1993a).
2007). There is growing evidence based on outcome
The SIJ has little movement in non-weight bearing
studies that some PGP disorders do indeed respond well
(average 2.5 degrees rotation) (Sturesson et al., 1989;
Author's personal copy
targeted motor training interventions
Brunner et al., 1991; Jacob and Kissling, 1995;
(Stuge et al., 2004a, b; O'Sullivan and Beales, 2007).
Vleeming et al., 1992a, b), and even less in weight
However, not all PGP disorders respond to these
bearing (average 0.2 degrees rotation) (Sturesson et
interventions (Stuge et al., 2006). Relevant to this
inconsistency in outcome, is the existence of different
Movement of the SIJ cannot be reliably assessed by
patterns of motor control impairments in PGP subjects.
manual palpation, particularly in weight bearing
For instance increased pelvic floor activation has been
(Sturesson et al., 2000; van der Wurff et al., 2000a, b).
documented in subjects with peripartum PGP consistent
Due to its anatomical makeup, intra-articular dis-
with SIJ involvement (Pool-Goudzwaard et al., 2005),
placements within the SIJs are unlikely to occur. No
P.B. O'Sullivan, D.J. Beales / Manual Therapy 12 (2007) 86–97
study utilising a valid measurement instrument has
3. Classification of pelvic girdle pain disorders
identified positional faults of the SIJ—in fact theconverse is true (Tullberg et al., 1998).
Chronic pain disorders are complex, multifactorial
Distortions of the pelvis observed clinically are likely
and need to be considered within a biopsychosocial
to occur secondary to changes in pelvic and trunk
framework. A different cluster of potential physical,
muscle activity, resulting in directional strain and
pathoanatomical, psychosocial, hormonal and neuro-
not positional changes within the SIJs themselves
physiological factors is associated with each disorder
(Tullberg et al., 1998).
(Fig. 1). Needless to say the interactions between these
No study utilising a valid measurement tool has
factors are very complex. This highlights the need for a
demonstrated that pelvic manipulation alters the
flexible classification and management approach for
position of the pelvic joints (Tullberg et al., 1998)—
each disorder.
pain relief from these procedures is likely to result
Although the SIJs and the surrounding ligamentous
from nociceptive inhibition based on neuro-inhibi-
and myofascial structures are potentially nociceptive
tory factors and/or altered patterns of motor activity
structures (Fortin et al., 1994a, b; Vilensky et al., 2002),
(Wright, 1995; Pickar, 2002).
from a neurophysiologic perspective it is well known
Asymmetrical laxity of the SIJs, as measured with
that ongoing pain can be mediated both peripherally
Doppler imaging, has been shown to correlate with
and centrally, and the forebrain can greatly modulate
moderate to severe levels of symptoms in subjects
this process (Zusman, 2002; Woolf, 2004). It is therefore
with peripartum PGP (Damen et al., 2001). General-
logical that PGP disorders can potentially be both
ised SIJ laxity is not associated with peripartum
peripherally or centrally induced/maintained, with a
pelvic pain (Damen et al., 2001).
different balance or dominance of peripheral and central
When clinical signs of reduced force closure have
factors associated with each disorder (Elvey and
been identified (positive ASLR), the increased move-
O'Sullivan, 2005).
ment is identified at the symphysis pubis—not the
Furthermore with PGP there is the potential con-
SIJs (Mens et al., 1999). It is likely that the torsional
tributing role of sex hormones. There are a number of
forces occurring at the SIJs can cause strain across
possible pathways by which hormones may influence
pain sensitised tissue.
PGP (Fig. 2). There is some evidence that sex hormones
Pain from the SIJ is located primarily over the joint
are active in pain modulation (Aloisi and Bonifazi,
(inferior sulcus) and may refer distally, but not to the
2006). Sex hormones are also known to influence the
low back (Fortin et al., 1994a, b; Schwarzer et al.,
inflammatory process in inflammatory pain disorders
1995; Dreyfuss et al., 1996; Maigne et al., 1996;
(Schmidt et al., 2006). Furthermore sex hormones may
Slipman et al., 2000; Young et al., 2003; van der
alter collagen synthesis (Kristiansson et al., 1999),
Wurff et al., 2006).
thereby effecting the load capacity of the pelvis. There
SIJ pain disorders can be diagnosed using clinical
is some evidence to support the role of hormones in PGP
examination (Laslett et al., 2003; Young et al., 2003;
disorders, with higher serum levels of progesterone and
Petersen et al., 2004; Laslett et al., 2005a, b). This
relaxin in early pregnancy being found in subjects who
includes the finding of pain primarily located to the
develop peripartum PGP compared to those who do not
inferior sulcus of the SIJs, positive pain provocation
(Kristiansson et al., 1999). Via these processes sex
tests for the SIJs and an absence of painful lumbar
hormones have the potential to contribute to PGP in
spine impairment.
different clinical presentations (Fig. 2). Further research
The SIJ has many muscles that act to compress
is required to clarify how the role of hormones may
and control it (force closure), thereby enhancing
differ in these various presentations of PGP.
pelvic stability (creating stiffness) allowing for
The proposed classification model for PGP disorders
effective load transfer via the pelvis during a variety
is based on the potential mechanisms that can drive the
of functional tasks (Vleeming et al., 1990a, b, 1995;
PGP. This classification approach is not exhaustive but
Snijders et al., 1993a, b; ; Snijders et al., 1998; Damen
rather provides a framework to guide the clinician.
et al., 2002; Richardson et al., 2002; O'Sullivan
Based on the mechanism(s) that underlie these disorders
et al., 2002a; Author's personal copy
Pool-Goudzwaard et al., 2004; van
and operating within a biopsychosocial framework, the
Wingerden et al., 2004; Mens et al., 2006; Snijders
classification model aims to facilitate the diagnosis,
et al., 2006).
classification (Fig. 3), and targeted management of these
PGP disorders may be associated with ‘excessive'
3.1. The clinical examination
(O'Sullivan et al., 2002a; Hungerford et al., 2003;Pool-Goudzwaard et al., 2005; O'Sullivan and
The clinical examination is critical to the clinical
Beales, 2007).
reasoning process that underpins this diagnosis and
P.B. O'Sullivan, D.J. Beales / Manual Therapy 12 (2007) 86–97
motor activation)
peripheral pain g
− acute, sub-acute, chronic
− intermittent vs constant
− local / generalised / referred
Patho-anatomical factors
- identification of
- mechanism of injury if present
- disorder history (pregnancy related)
- disorder stage
- pain behaviour
− provocative and relieving factors - mechanical vs non-mechanical provocation - +ve active straight leg raise - SIJ provocation tests - adaptive vs mal-adaptive movement behaviours - motor control impairments ( - disability levels - activity levels / conditioning / strength / muscle endurance - work / home environment / lifestyle - ergonomic factors
- peripheral sensitisation
- hormonal factors
- central sensitisation
- sympathetic nervous system activity
- somatic complaints
- glial cell activation
Genetic factors
potentially influencing all other domains-
Author's personal copy
− family, friends, work
− passive vs active
Social factors
- caring for children
- medical advice and treatment
- support structures
- compensation (emotional, financial)
- cultural factors
- socio-economic factors
Psychological factors
- personality type
- beliefs & attitudes towards pain disorder
- coping strategies
- hyper-vigilance
- fear avoidance behaviour
- emotions- fear / anxiety / depression / anger / helplessness
- illness behaviour
P.B. O'Sullivan, D.J. Beales / Manual Therapy 12 (2007) 86–97
Modulation of
of Neural
Organisation of
Central Nervous
Fig. 2. Possible actions of hormones in the development and maintenance of pelvic girdle pain. Factors affecting hormone levels are also presented.
Non-specific pelvic pain disorders
Specific pelvic pain disorders
- Specific inflammatory pain
Centrally mediated pelvic girdle
Peripherally mediated pelvic girdle
disorders (sacroiliitis)
- Infections
(+/- cognitive / psychosocial factors
- Fractures
resulting in central pain amplification)
Excessive force
- Medical management
- Management advice
- Motor learning
- Motor learning
- Medical management
within cognitive
within cognitive
- Functional rehabilitation
Psychological (cognitive
behavioural therapy), medical,
(reduce force closure
Author's personal copy
functional rehabilitation
- Functional
- Functional
Fig. 3. Mechanism based classification and management of chronic pelvic girdle pain disorders.
classification framework. In the interview process all the
pain pattern (intermittent versus constant, 24 hour
following need to be considered:
pain pattern, sleep disturbances),
pain intensity,
the pain area (localised versus generalised pain can
pain behaviour (specific movements and postures that
indicate peripheral from central pain drive),
provoke and relieve pain),
P.B. O'Sullivan, D.J. Beales / Manual Therapy 12 (2007) 86–97
levels of disability and impairment,
areas or to assess for coexisting pathology/dysfunction
specific pain history (specific and surrounding events
in these regions.
that may have contributed to the development of
viour, beliefs and levels of impairment with his/her
family history of PGP,
clinical presentation (observing for avoidance beha-
the patient's pain coping strategies (active versus
viours, catastrophising, etc.) is important to determine
whether cognitive issues such as fear of movement are
the patient's pain beliefs,
present and dominant. On synthesis of this material
presence of avoidant behaviours due to fear of
a diagnosis and classification of the PGP disorder can
movement and other psychosocial factors including
present and past history of anxiety and depression,
pacing patterns and concurrent presence of disorders of continence and/
4. Specific pelvic girdle pain disorders
or sexual dysfunction.
Pelvic girdle pain disorders associated with specific
Review of radiology if present and screening for
pathological processes include inflammatory arthritis,
specific causes of PGP may be indicated from this
sacroiliitis, infections and fractures. These disorders are
process. This allows for a determination as to the area
amenable to specific diagnosis with appropriate blood
and nature of the pain.
screening and radiological investigation. They can be
A thorough physical examination is then required to
associated with altered patterns of motor control
determine the pain source and behaviour in relationship
behaviour that are ‘adaptive' and/or protective of the
to the patient's movement behaviour. Physical tests
underlying disorder. Treating the signs and symptoms of
these disorders by manual therapy and/or specificexercise interventions is generally not appropriate as itdoes not address the underlying pain mechanism of the
Palpation of the inferior sulcus of the SIJ and
disorder. Physiotherapy may be limited to management
surrounding pelvic ligamentous and myo-fascial
of the sequelae of the underlying disease/pathological
processes especially in disorders such as ankylosing
Provocative tests for the SIJ and surrounding
ligamentous and myofascial structures (Laslett etal., 2003, 2005a, b; Young et al., 2003; Petersen et al.,2004).
5. Non-specific pelvic girdle pain disorders
The ASLR test in supine and prone as a test of load
transfer, with a positive test resulting in normal-
5.1. Non-specific inflammatory pelvic girdle pain
isation of ASLR with the addition of pelvic
compression (Mens et al., 1999; O'Sullivan andBeales, 2007).
There appears to be a group of PGP disorders that
Careful analysis of the pain provoking and relieving
present as being inflammatory in nature, rather than
activities and postures (functional impairments) high-
mechanical. They are characterised by constant, dis-
lighted from the interview to identify the presence of
abling and non-remitting pain, located in the SIJs, that
impairments of movement and motor control as well
is provoked with weight bearing, pelvic compression
as avoidance behaviours and to determine their
(such as a SIJ belt) and with SIJ pain provocation tests.
relationship to the pain disorder. Determining
These disorders may show areas of increased uptake on
whether altered motor patterns are adaptive/protec-
bone scan but are not linked to a specific inflammatory
tive (pain is aggravated when motor control patterns
disorder diagnosis based on blood screening. They may
are normalised) or mal-adaptive (pain is relieved
be relieved with rest, anti-inflammatory medications and
when motor control deficits are normalised) is
local steroid injections to the SIJ, but are resistant to
Tests for specific Author's personal copy
muscle function for the pelvic floor,
Although the exact underlying mechanism for these
the abdominal wall, the back muscles, iliopsoas,
PGP disorders is unknown it is possible that hormonal
quadratus lumborum, the gluteal muscles and pir-
factors play a role, particularly given their common
onset in the first trimester of pregnancy or painmodulation with hormonal cycles or changes. Although
In addition the adjacent areas of the lumbar spine
the role of sex hormones is purely speculative in this
(including neural tissue) and hip joints should be
group of patients, further research into their effect is
thoroughly investigated to rule out involvement of these
P.B. O'Sullivan, D.J. Beales / Manual Therapy 12 (2007) 86–97
5.2. Peripherally mediated (mechanically induced) pelvic
ciated with spinal movement related pain and/or spinal
girdle pain disorders
movement impairment. A specific pain source at the SIJand its surrounding structures can usually be identified
These disorders are characterised by localised pain
by specific provocative manual tests (Laslett et al., 2003,
that has a defined anatomical location (SIJ and
2005a, b; Young et al., 2003; Petersen et al., 2004). These
associated connective tissue and myofascial struc-
disorders are usually associated with consistent local
tures+/ symphysis pubis). The pain is intermittent in
motor control changes (inhibition or excitation). These
nature and is provoked and relieved by specific postures
disorders usually have a clear mechanism or time of
and activities related to vertical or directional loading in
onset (either repeated strain or direct trauma to the
weight bearing positions. They are not usually asso-
pelvis or peripartum PGP). It is proposed that these
Mal-adaptive chronic pelvic girdle pain disorders where motor control impairments
represent dominant underlying driving mechanism for pain
Tissue injury / localised pain
Excessive force closure
- hyper-activity of pelvic muscles
Factors that may influence pain and motor
with excessive joint compression
pathoanatomical ligamentous laxity
Non resolution
mal-adaptive patterns adopted
- education − regarding pain mechanism
poor coping strategies
- identify factors that drive motor system
prolonged neuromuscular response
- cognitive behavioural approach
excessive reduced force closure
- relaxation of motor system
- relaxation strategies
coping strategies
abnormal tissue loading
- graded movement restoration
- functional restoration
- normalise movement behaviour
compensation genetic
Reduced force closure
Resolution of the disorder
- motor control deficit of pelvic
stabilising muscles with loss of force
Author's personal copy
- education − regarding pain mechanism - cognitive behavioural motor control intervention - pain control (avoid provocation)- specific motor activation - retrain faulty postures and movements - normalise movement behaviour - functional restoration
Fig. 4. Sub-classification of pelvic girdle pain disorders with a primary peripheral nociceptive drive. Peripheral drive is perpetuated by mal-adaptivemotor control dysfunctions.
P.B. O'Sullivan, D.J. Beales / Manual Therapy 12 (2007) 86–97
disorders may be classified into two clinical subgroups
these in isolation tend not to benefit the long term
outcome of the disorder. There is evidence that longlever exercise regimes may aggravate these disorders
5.2.1. Reduced force closure
(Mens et al., 2000). These disorders can be further sub-
The first group represents disorders where the
grouped based on their pattern of motor control
peripheral pain drive is associated with excessive strain
dysfunction. Different combinations of motor control
to the sensitised SIJs and/or surrounding connective
deficits may be found within the local lumbopelvic
tissue and myofascial structures secondary to ligamen-
muscles such as is observed in low back pain disorders
tous laxity (Damen et al., 2001), coupled with motor
that result in different directional (vertical, rotational)
control deficits of muscles that control force closure of
strain patterns within the pelvis (O'Sullivan, 2005b).
the SIJs (O'Sullivan et al., 2002a; Hungerford et al.,
Management of these disorders focuses on function-
2003; O'Sullivan and Beales, 2007). These motor control
ally enhancing force closure across the pelvic structures
deficits may have originally developed secondary to the
based on the specific motor control deficits present. The
pain disorder, but now their presence is mal-adaptive as
aim of the intervention is to provide functional
the resultant ‘reduced forced closure' leads to impaired
activation of the motor system in order to control pain
load transfer through the pelvis, acting as a mechanism
and restore functional capacity (Fig. 4). There is good
for ongoing strain and peripheral nociceptive drive for
evidence to support the efficacy of this type of approach
the pain disorder. Hormonal influences on collagen
in these disorders (Stuge et al., 2004a, b; O'Sullivan and
synthesis may be an important factor in this group.
Beales, 2007).
These disorders are commonly associated with post-
partum PGP and present with a positive ASLR test
5.2.2. Excessive force closure
(normalised with pelvic compression) (O'Sullivan et al.,
The second group is defined by a group of PGP
2002a; Stuge et al., 2004a). The motor control deficits
disorders where the peripheral nociceptive drive is based
that present in these disorders are variable and are
on excessive, abnormal and sustained loading of
linked to a loss of functional patterns of co-contraction
sensitised pelvic structures (SIJs and surrounding con-
of the local force closure muscles of the pelvis (such as
nective tissue and/or myofascial structures) from the
the pelvic floor, the transverse abdominal wall, the
excessive activation of the motor system local to the pelvis
lumbar multifidus, iliopsoas and the gluteal muscles).
(excessive force closure). This patient group presents
This is commonly associated with attempts to stabilise
with localised pain to the SIJs and commonly also the
the lumbopelvic region via co-activation of other trunk
surrounding connective tissue and myo-fascial struc-
muscles (quadratus lumborum, thoracic erector spinae,
tures (such as the pelvic floor and piriformis muscles) as
diaphragm, external oblique, rectus abdominis and
well as positive pain provocation tests. However this
vertical fibres of internal oblique). Their primary
group of patients has a negative ASLR (no feeling of
functional impairments are associated with pain in
heaviness). Compression (manual or using a SIJ belt), is
weight bearing postures such as sitting, standing and
often provocative, as is local muscle activation (pelvic
walking, or loaded activities inducing rotational pelvic
floor, transverse abdominal wall, back muscles, iliop-
strain associated with coupled spine/hip loading activ-
soas, gluteal muscles). They commonly hold habitual
ities (i.e. cycling and rowing resulting in posterior
erect lordotic lumbopelvic postures associated with high
rotational strain on ilium). These patients commonly
levels of co-contraction across various muscles such as
assume postures that are associated with inhibition of
the abdominal wall, pelvic floor, local spinal muscles
the local pelvic muscles (pelvic floor, transverse abdom-
(lumbar multifidus, psoas major) and in some cases the
inal wall, lumbar multifidus and the gluteal muscles)
gluteal and piriformis muscles which may become pain
such as ‘sway' standing, ‘hanging off one leg', ‘slump'
sensitised. These motor control responses often become
sitting or ‘thoracic upright' sitting (O'Sullivan et al.,
habitual secondary to excessive cognitive muscle train-
2002b, 2006; Dankaerts et al., 2006; Sapsford et al.,
ing and/or muscle guarding of the lumbopelvic muscles,
2006) and present with a loss of lumbopelvic control
and are themselves mal-adaptive (provocative). These
(inability to disassociate pelvic from thoracic move-
patients report pain relief from cardiovascular exercise,
Author's personal copy
disorders may be relieved with a SIJ belt
relaxation, assuming passive spinal postures (which they
(Ostgaard et al., 1994; Mens et al., 2006), training
seldom do), as well as short-term relief with stretching,
optimal alignment of their spino-pelvic posture and
soft tissue massage, manipulation, muscle energy
functional enhancement of local co-contraction strate-
techniques and cessation of stabilisation exercises. These
gies across the pelvis with relaxation of the thoraco-
disorders are commonly associated with the patient's
pelvic musculature (O'Sullivan and Beales, 2007). These
belief that their pelvis is ‘unstable' or ‘displaced' and
disorders may gain short term relief from mobilisation,
that more muscle contraction or ‘pelvic re-alignment' is
muscle energy techniques, soft tissue massage and
beneficial. This is commonly reinforced by the treating
manipulation of the SIJs (clinical observation) although
therapist's beliefs. These disorders may be induced by
P.B. O'Sullivan, D.J. Beales / Manual Therapy 12 (2007) 86–97
intensive ‘stabilisation exercises', Pilates, ball exercise,
5.3. Central nervous system driven pelvic girdle pain
and cognitive muscle exercise training of the abdominal
wall, lumbar multifidus and pelvic floor. Patients withthese disorders are commonly anxious, under high levels
The mechanisms of central nervous system sensitisa-
of stress, highly active and seldom rest.
tion and/or glial cell activation and their involvement in
Management of these disorders focuses on reducing
the maintenance of chronic pain states are well known
force closure across the pelvic structures (Fig. 4). This is
(Woolf, 2004; Hansson, 2006), and may persist even
carried out with a combination of approaches such as:
once a peripheral nociceptive drive is removed or
general as well as targeted relaxation strategies, breath-
has resolved. In this way chronic PGP can be poten-
ing control, muscle inhibitory techniques, enhancing
tially mediated largely or entirely via the central
passive/relaxed spinal postures, pacing strategies, hy-
nervous system. In these disorders, the pain may have
drotherapy, cessation of stabilisation exercise training,
initially presented as a peripherally driven disorder, but
and a focus on cardiovascular exercise. Anecdotally this
once chronic, the pain does not have a presentation
approach appears very effective although clinical studies
consistent with a peripheral pain source. These pain
are required to validate this.
disorders are commonly associated with widespread,severe, and constant pain that is non-mechanical in
5.2.3. Psychosocial influences on peripherally mediated
nature. They lack a specific detectable peripheral
pelvic girdle pain
nociceptive drive or pathological basis and are com-
It is known that chronic pain and PGP disorders are
monly associated with widespread allodynia. These
commonly associated with not only physical but also
disorders are associated with high levels of physical
psychosocial and cognitive impairments (Main and
impairment and social impact, and may be associated
Watson, 1999; Bastiaenen et al., 2004, 2006; Linton,
with widespread and inconsistent motor control dis-
2000, 2005) (Fig. 1). Even in the presence of a dominant
turbances and abnormal pain behaviours that are
peripheral nociceptive drive to PGP (such as described
secondary to the pain state and do not clearly drive
above), cognitive and psychosocial factors are invariably
the pain disorder. These disorders are often associated
linked to these disorders influencing pain amplification
with dominant psychosocial factors (somatisation,
and disability levels to varying degrees. This highlights
catastrophising, pathological fear and/or elevated anxi-
the need for a biopsychosocial (behavioural) approach
ety, depression, as well as significant social factors such
to understanding and managing chronic PGP disorders
as past history of sexual abuse etc).
even when they are peripherally mediated in nature.
Although these disorders appear to represent a small
Psychosocial factors have the potential to both ‘up'
sub-group of chronic PGP disorders, they are highly
regulate or ‘down' regulate pain. For example, a
disabling and resistant to physical interventions. Man-
classification of ‘reduced force closure' may be asso-
agement of these disorders must be multidisciplinary
ciated with cognitive impairments such as faulty beliefs,
involving medical and psychological management as a
elevated anxiety levels and passive coping strategies that
primary approach. Functional rehabilitation should aim
amplifies pain via the central nervous system and
to enhance normal general body function and address
promotes high levels of disability associated with the
abnormal pain behaviours without a focus on pain.
pain disorder. In this case the intervention must address
Passive treatments and rehabilitation that focuses on
the cognitive impairments associated with the disorder
specific muscle control strategies may simply act to
within the motor learning intervention such as by
reinforce abnormal pain behaviours and hyper-vigilance
promoting accurate beliefs, relaxation techniques and
in these patients.
active coping strategies. On the other hand, if the same‘reduced force closure' classification is associated with
5.4. Genetics and pelvic girdle pain
positive beliefs, active coping strategies and limitedfunctional impairments, then the primary focus can be
The role that genetics play with non-specific PGP
placed more on the physical impairments of the disorder
disorders is largely unknown although its potential
to establish pain control.
must be recognised. Subjects with PGP are more
Author's personal copy
classification of ‘excessive force closure'
likely to have a mother or sister who also has PGP
may be associated with underlying stress and anxiety. In
(Mogren and Pohjanen, 2005; Larsen et al., 1999)
this case dealing with these cognitive factors with
which may implicate a genetic link although social
relaxation, breathing strategies, pacing and cardiovas-
influences may also mediate this effect. A genetic
cular exercise is a critical adjunct to the motor learning
predisposition in PGP patients related to changes in
management of these disorders. Where the psychosocial/
action of relaxin is proposed as one mechanism of
cognitive components of the disorders are resistant to
genetic influence on PGP (MacLennan and MacLennan,
change, complementary psychological and/or medical
1997). Clearly further research into genetic influences
intervention may be essential.
is required.
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Source: http://jamesdavisphysio.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/downloads/2013/11/07-Pelvic-Girdle-Pain-Disorders-Part-1-2007.pdf
Draft guidance for industry drug interaction studies — study design, data analysis, and implications for dosing and labeling
Guidance for Industry Drug Interaction Studies — Study Design, Data Analysis, and Implications for Dosing and Labeling DRAFT GUIDANCE This guidance document is being distributed for comment purposes only. Comments and suggestions regarding this draft document should be submitted within 60 days of publication in the Federal Register of the notice announcing the availability of the draft guidance. Submit comments to the Division of Dockets Management (HFA-305), Food and Drug Administration, 5630 Fishers Lane, rm. 1061, Rockville, MD 20852. All comments should be identified with the docket number listed in the notice of availability that publishes in the Federal Register. For questions regarding this draft document contact (CDER) Shiew-Mei Huang, 301-796-1541, or (CBER) Toni Stifano, 301-827-6190.
Ob schwein, ob huhn, ob gnitze
StePhanorum Aktion 2009 Ob Schwein, ob Huhn, ob Gnitze, alles kommt in Wahrheit aus derselben „Ritze" Und das ist und macht die immer wiederkehrende, pandemische Rumsfeld Grippe *Das sogenannte „Donald-Syndrom" aus dem Disneyland Schreiben und Texte von StePhan Bützberger ©, 26. April 2009 / 02.47h Schräggedrucktes übernommen ohne Haftung