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The Duodenal Microbiota Composition of Adult Celiac DiseasePatients Is Associated with the Clinical Manifestation of theDisease Pirjo Wacklin, PhD,* Katri Kaukinen, MD,† Elina Tuovinen, MSc,* Pekka Collin, MD,† Katri Lindfors, PhD,‡Jukka Partanen, PhD,* Markku Mäki, MD,‡ and Jaana Mättö, PhD* Background: Celiac disease is classically manifested in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract but extraintestinal symptoms, such as dermatitis herpetiformis(DH), are also common. Besides several well-known shared genetic risk factors and an environmental trigger, gliadin, factors determining the clinicaloutcome of the disease are not known. In this study, the role of duodenal microbiota in the celiac disease outcome was studied by analyzing mucosa-associated microbiota in celiac disease patients with a variety of intestinal and extraintestinal symptoms.Methods: Microbiota in duodenal biopsy samples obtained from 33 patients with celiac disease with GI, DH, anemia, or mixed symptoms, as well asscreen-detected asymptomatic celiac disease and 18 control subjects were analyzed using PCR denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and a subset ofsamples additionally by the 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequencing.
Results: The composition and diversity of mucosal microbiota was associated with the manifestation of celiac disease when analyzed using PCRdenaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and the 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequencing. The patients with celiac disease with GI symptoms or anemia hadlower microbial diversity than those with DH. Moreover, the patients with GI symptoms had different intestinal microbiota composition and structure,dominated by Proteobacteria, in comparison to those with DH or control subjects (patients with dyspepsia). The relatively similar intestinal microbiotacomposition in the control subjects and those with DH was characterized by the high abundance of Firmicutes.
Conclusions: The two common outcomes of celiac disease, classical GI and extraintestinal manifestations, had marked differences on the diversity andcomposition of intestinal microbiota. This association suggested that intestinal microbiota may have a role in the manifestation of the disease.
(Inflamm Bowel Dis 2013;0:1–8) Key Words: small intestine, celiac disease, duodenal microbiota Celiacdiseaseisachronicinflammatoryenteropathyoccurring small bowel mucosal damage, inflammation, and epithelial integ- in genetically predisposed individuals after dietary gluten rity are improved by commitment to a lifelong gluten-free diet.
consumption, affecting 1% to 2% of Caucasian individuals.1,2 Nowadays, the clinical picture of celiac disease is highly Currently, celiac disease with a classical gastrointestinal (GI) variable. The most typical symptoms are classical GI complaints, manifestation is diagnosed by detecting mucosal villous atrophy such as diarrhea and abdominal pain, as well as malabsorption with with crypt hyperplasia and increased inflammation in an intestinal weight loss or anemia. However, although the disease primarily biopsy. The serological test, especially IgA-class endomysial and affects the GI tract, a considerable number of patients diagnosed transglutaminase 2 antibodies, can support the diagnosis. Celiac with celiac disease present only with extraintestinal symptoms disease cannot be cured, but the symptoms can disappear, and including a bullous rash (dermatitis herpetiformis, DH), infertility,as well as neurologic and psychiatric problems.3 Patients withceliac disease may also be asymptomatic. Asymptomatic celiac Received for publication June 20, 2012; Accepted July 30, 2012.
disease is typically diagnosed by screening at-risk individuals such From the *Finnish Red Cross Blood Service, Helsinki, Finland; †Department of Gastroenterology and Alimentary Tract Surgery, Tampere University Hospital and as first-degree relatives of those affected with celiac disease.
School of Medicine, University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland; and ‡Pediatric Research Celiac disease is strongly associated with histocompatibility Center, Tampere University Hospital, University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland.
complex II class HLA-DQ02 and HLA-DQ08,4 which are present Supported by the SalWe Research Program for IMO (Tekes—the Finnish Fund- in more than 95% to 99% of patients with celiac disease5 and with ing Agency for Technology and Innovation grant 648/10), the Academy of Finland,the Sigrid Juselius Foundation, and the Competitive Research Funding (EVO) of the several other genetic polymorphisms.6–8 Although they are rele- Tampere University Hospital and Helsinki and Uusimaa Hospital district.
vant as risk factors, their presence is not sufficient for the devel- The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.
opment of the disease.9,10 Analysis of genetic polymorphisms Reprints: Pirjo Wacklin, PhD, Kivihaantie 7, 00310 Helsinki, Finland (e-mail: have shown that even though genetic loci specific to the two major outcomes of celiac disease, classical GI symptoms and Copyright 2013 Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America, Inc.
DOI 10.1097/MIB.0b013e31828029a9 DH, have been identified,11 they do not explain the discordance Published online.
of celiac disease phenotypes detected in twin pairs12 or siblings.13 Inflamm Bowel Dis Volume 0, Number 0, Month 2013 www.ibdjournal.org 1 Copyright 2013 Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Inflamm Bowel Dis Volume 0, Number 0, Month 2013
Thus, other factors such as environmental factors or intestinalmicrobiota may play a role in the diversification of the manifes-tation. Several risk factors, such as the introduction of gluten tothe diet at an early age,15 certain infections,16 and formula feed-ing,14 which may affect the intestinal microbiota composition,have been reported. Indeed, evidence for the dysbiosis of intesti-nal commensal microbiota in celiac disease has been presented instudies of pediatric patients with celiac disease17–22 and in a singlestudy of adult patients with celiac disease.23
The role of intestinal microbiota on different clinical
manifestations of celiac disease has not been studied yet. To addressthis question, we analyzed the duodenal microbiota composition ofadult patients with celiac disease in relation to a range of intestinaland extraintestinal symptoms of the disease. Microbiota compositionin duodenal biopsy samples of 33 untreated patients with celiacdisease and 18 control subjects were analyzed by the denaturinggradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and a subset of samples also bythe 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene sequencing. This studyshowed that the composition and diversity of duodenal microbiotadiffered between the patients with the GI and those with extra-intestinal outcomes of celiac disease, indicating that microbiotadysbiosis may have a role in the manifestation of the disease.
Study Subjects and Sampling
The study group comprised 33 adults with untreated celiac
disease at the time of diagnosis (24 females and 9 males; mean age,39 years; range, 18–67 years). Eight of these patients had GIsymptoms (ie, diarrhea, abdominal pain), six had DH, and sevenhad anemia. Eight patients with celiac disease diagnosed whenscreening celiac disease family members were asymptomatic. Fur-thermore, an additional 4 patients with celiac disease had combi-nations of the above-mentioned symptoms or other complaints(Fig. 1). The small bowel biopsy and serum samples of the 33patients were taken at the time of the diagnosis of celiac disease,and thus, all patients were consuming normal Western gluten-con-taining diet on sample collection. The biopsy and serum samples of18 subjects without celiac disease with a similar age and sex dis-tribution experiencing dyspepsia served as control subjects (Fig. 1).
All the patients and control subjects had undergone an upper
GI endoscopy at the Department of Gastroenterology and Alimen-tary Tract Surgery. On the endoscopy, seven forceps biopsyspecimens were taken from the distal part of the duodenum. Twoto three small bowel biopsy specimens were freshly embedded in anoptimal cutting temperature compound (Tissue-Tek, Miles; Elkhart,IN), snap frozen in liquid nitrogen, and stored at 2708C until used.
FIGURE 1. A–D, Distribution and median (indicated by square) of
The rest of the biopsies were used for diagnostic purposes. The
clinical parameters. The group "other" contained patients with
diagnosis of celiac disease was based on the presence of small
a combination of DH and GI symptoms (2), weight loss (1), and
bowel mucosal, severe, partial, or subtotal villous atrophy with crypt
a combination of mild GI symptoms and dementia (1). CD, celiac
hyperplasia.24 To diagnose DH, a skin biopsy was taken from the
disease. The P values between different CD symptom groups and
uninvolved perilesional skin, and the diagnosis was based on
between all CD patients and controls in Mann–Whitney U test are
the demonstration of pathognomonic granular IgA deposits in the
indicated in the graph: *P , 0.05, ***P , 0.001.
2 www.ibdjournal.org
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Inflamm Bowel Dis Volume 0, Number 0, Month 2013
Intestinal Microbiota Celiac Disease Manifestation
dermal papillae revealed by a direct immunofluorescence examina-
sample. The richness was calculated as a number of detected
tion.25 Even if the majority of patients with DH evince small bowel
bands in the DGGE profile of the sample. Principal component
mucosal villous atrophy, a proportion of the patients only present
analysis (PCA) based on the band intensities of all the patients
with mild enteropathy. The small bowel mucosal villous height to
with celiac disease and control subjects was calculated as imple-
crypt depth ratio (Vh/CrD), and densities of CD3+ and gd+ intra-
mented in Bionumerics, version 5.0. Statistical significance in the
epithelial lymphocytes (IEL) were analyzed from biopsy samples
diversity between symptom groups was tested with t test.
and endomysial antibody (EmA) titers were measured from theserum samples, as described earlier.26 Mann–Whitney U test in
Cloning of the 16S rRNA Gene
StatsDirect version 2.5.6 (StatsDirect Ltd, Cheshire, United King-
Cloning was performed for a subset of 20 samples including
dom) was applied to calculate statistically significant differences
randomly selected samples of the control subjects (n ¼ 5), and the
between the clinical parameters.
patients with celiac disease with GI symptoms (n ¼ 4), DH (n ¼ 6),anemia (n ¼ 4), and other symptoms (n ¼ 1). The samples were
cloned using the pGEM-T Vector system II (Promega, Madison, WI)
The total DNA was extracted from the biopsy samples
kit according to the manufacturer's instructions. The 16S rRNA gene
using the QIAamp Mini Kit (Qiagen, Valencia, CA) according to
fragment was amplified similarly to the second PCR reaction in
the manufacturer's instructions with minor modifications. Briefly,
DGGE analysis, except primers without GC-rich clamps were used.
the biopsy samples were lysed by incubating the sample in ATL
Positive clones containing the insert were selected using Luria agar
lysis buffer with proteinase K overnight at 568C, purified with
with isopropyl-2-D-galactopyranoside/X-Gal/ampicillin. The clones
spin columns, and then eluted with 400 mL of buffer AE. The
with the correct insert size were sequenced in Eurofins MWG
DNA concentrations were determined with NanoDrop 1000
Operon (Ebersberg, Germany).
(Thermo Scientific, Wilmington, DE). The extracted DNAs were
The sequences shorter than 200 base pair or a nonbacterial
stored at 2208C.
origin according to Blast30 were removed from further analysis.
Of all the anemia samples, only 43 sequences were obtained, and
they were therefore excluded from the further data-analysis. The
The similarity and diversity of microbiota in the biopsy
rest of the sequences were assigned to bacterial taxa using the
samples of the study subjects was analyzed by the nested PCR-
Classifier tool in Ribosomal database Project31 and aligned by
DGGE. The partial 16S rRNA gene was first amplified by PCR
Mothur.32 Rarefaction curves and diversity indexes were calcu-
lated in mothur using 0.03 dissimilarity threshold. Principal coor-
dinate analysis and Unifrac analysis were performed by Fast
GACCC-30).27 In second PCR, the PCR product of the first
Unifrac software.33 A maximum likelihood tree for the Unifrac
PCR reaction was amplified with primers, U968F +GC (5'-
analysis was inferred by RAxML using the gamma model of rate
GGGAACGCGAAGAACCTTA-3') and U1401R, as describedin the study by Mättö et al.28 A 1 mL of template DNA was usedfor both PCRs. A volume of 20 mL of the PCR product was
separated in 8% polyacrylamide gel with a denaturing gradientof urea and formamide ranging from 38% to 60%.29 The DGGE
gels were run at 70 V for 960 minutes using the DCode universal
All the patients with celiac disease, except three patients with
mutation detection system (Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA). The gels
DH, had both villous atrophy and an increased titer of serum EmA
were stained and documented, as described in Wacklin et al.29
(Fig. 1). Two patients with DH showed mild enteropathy and had
Despite several attempts, the amplification was not successfulfor the four samples belonging to the GI (1), anemia (2) symptom
increased lymphocyte and EmA levels, whereas one patient with
groups, and a control subject (1) probably because of the low
DH had villous atrophy, but normal levels of lymphocytes. The
amount of bacterial DNA in comparison to human DNA or
small bowel mucosal structure was normal, and serum EmA was
PCR inhibitors in the sample. These samples were excluded from
negative for all the control subjects (Fig. 1). The medians of all
the DGGE analysis.
measured clinical parameters differed between control subjects and
The digitalized DGGE gel images were imported to the
patients with celiac disease (Mann–Whitney U test, P .0.0001), as
Bionumerics program version 5.0 (Applied Maths, Sint-Martens-
expected (Fig. 1). The patients with DH had a higher median of Vh/
Latem, Belgium) for normalization and band detection, as
CrD than those with celiac disease with anemia (Mann–Whitney U
described in Wacklin et al.29 Matrices based on band intensities
test, P ¼ 0.03) (Fig. 1). Other clinical parameters did not differ
were exported from Bionumerics and used for the calculation of
between the celiac disease symptom groups. Thus, the clinical pa-
Shannon diversity indexes. Shannon diversity index, H', was cal-
rameters indicated the presence of intestinal inflammation and
culated using the equation H' ¼ 2(Spi ln(pi)), where pi was the
mucosal damage, albeit mild, in two patients with DH in the celiac
proportion of each species (ie, DGGE band intensity) in the
patient group.
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Inflamm Bowel Dis Volume 0, Number 0, Month 2013
FIGURE 2. The microbial diversity and richness based on an intensity matrix of DGGE profiles in the control subjects and the patients with celiacdisease (CD) with different clinical manifestations. The P values in ANOVA are indicated in the graph. *P , 0.05, **P , 0.02, ***P , 0.001.
Microbiota Diversity and Composition
(Fig 3), both of which indicate abnormal functionality of the GI
track. This indicated that the composition of mucosa-associated mi-
The PCR-DGGE analysis of dominant mucosa-associated
crobiota in the duodenum of the patients differed depending on the
microbiota showed that the patients with celiac disease presenting
manifestation of celiac disease. Interestingly, the samples of patients
DH had a higher microbial diversity and richness than the control
reporting both GI and DH symptoms (n ¼ 2) were clustered with the
subjects (analysis of variance [ANOVA], P , 0.05) and screened
samples of patients with GI symptoms (data not shown), and the
asymptotic patients (ANOVA, P , 0.02), especially in comparison
sample of the patient with intestinal malabsorption and weight loss
with the microbiota of the patients with celiac disease with anemia
was clustered with the samples of the anemia symptom group. The
(ANOVA, P , 0.0002) or GI symptoms (ANOVA, P , 0.0006)
celiac patient group as a whole or the asymptomatic celiac patient
group, which was diagnosed in the screening of risk individuals, was
The patients with celiac disease with different symptoms (GI,
not separable from the control subjects in the PCA of PCR-DGGE
anemia, DH) were clustered separately in PCA of the DGGE profiles
profiles (Fig. 3).
(Fig. 3). The patients with DH (including the two patients with mildenteropathy) clearly shared different microbiota as compared with
Microbiota Diversity and Composition by the
more closely clustered patients with GI symptoms and anemia
16S rRNA Sequence Analysis
To extend the microbiota analysis to phylum and genus
levels, the microbial composition in the control subjects and thosepatients with DH, GI, and anemia symptoms was studied using
FIGURE 3. PCA based on the DGGE profiles of the samples of patientswith celiac disease and control subjects. The samples from the patients
FIGURE 4. Rarefaction curves of the 16S rRNA gene sequences for the
with celiac disease manifesting different symptoms and control
control subjects, for those patients with celiac disease presenting GI
subjects are indicated by different colors, and the number of samples
symptoms, and for those patients with celiac disease presenting DH.
in each symptom group is in parentheses. The two samples of the patients
The thin lines indicate 95% confidence intervals. Operational taxo-
with DH presenting mild enteropathy are indicated by arrows.
nomic units were defined at a 97% similarity level.
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Inflamm Bowel Dis Volume 0, Number 0, Month 2013
Intestinal Microbiota Celiac Disease Manifestation
TABLE 1. Diversity and Richness Estimators of the 16S rRNA Gene Clone Libraries of the Control Subjects, PatientsWith Celiac Disease, and Two Disease Subgroups (Patients With GI Symptoms and Patients With DH Symptoms)
No. of OTUs (Mean)
Shannon Diversity Index (Mean)
Patients with celiac disease
Operational taxonomic units (OTUs) at 97% similarity.
aStatistical significance at P ¼ 0.08 using t test, control subjects versus patients with celiac disease.
bStatistical significance at P ¼ 0.04 using t test, control subjects versus patients with celiac disease with GI symptoms.
the 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Altogether, the 16S rRNA gene
The samples of the patients with GI symptoms were clustered
clone libraries were performed for 20 biopsy samples. We
separately from the samples of the control subjects in the PCA of the
obtained 725 clone sequences in total. The four samples from
16S rRNA gene clone sequences (Fig. 6). The samples of patients
the patients with anemia, for which only eight to 13 clones were
with DH (including the two samples with mild enteropathy) were
obtained per sample, as well as 75 short sequences were excluded
located between the control subjects and the patients with GI symp-
from the analysis. Rarefaction curves showed a decreasing rate of
toms (Fig. 6). Accordingly, the weighted and unweighted Unifrac
operational taxonomic units (defined by 0.03 dissimilarity
analysis indicated that the microbial composition (P , 0.002)
threshold) at the end of most curves (Fig. 4), demonstrating that
and structure (P , 0.002) of the GI symptom group were sig-
a large part of diversity was achieved.
nificantly different from the control group. In addition, the
Based on the sequence analysis, the microbial diversity and
microbial structure differed between the DH and the GI symp-
richness of samples differed depending on the symptoms of the
tom groups (P , 0.002) in the weighted Unifrac analysis. The
patient with celiac disease. Microbial richness based on the rarefactioncurve analysis and diversity was slightly lower in the GI symptomgroup than in the DH symptom group (Shannon diversity, ANOVA,P , 0.04) (Fig. 4; Table 1). The low diversity and richness in thepatients with GI symptoms was also detected in DGGE, thus con-firming the results. In contrast to the DGGE results, the patients withDH and control subjects shared a rather similar diversity according tothe sequence analysis. The Shannon diversity index showed a trendtoward higher diversity in the control subjects in comparison with thepatients with celiac disease (ANOVA, P , 0.08) (Table 1). Therarefaction curves for the control subjects and the all patients withceliac disease did not differ (Fig. 4).
Taxonomic assignments of the sequences showed that the
mucosa-associated microbiota in the duodenum consisted ofFirmicutes, Bacteroides, and Proteobacteria and Actinobacteriaphyla. Firmicutes-related and Bacteroides-related sequences wereabundant in the control subjects and patients with DH, whereasProteobacteria-related sequences dominated (70%) in the patientswith GI symptoms (Fig. 5). The altered duodenal microbiota com-position of the patients with GI symptoms was also evident at thegenus level (Fig. 5). Several proteobacterial genera were abundantin the samples of the GI symptom group, Acinetobacter (25%) andNeisseria (12%) being the most abundant. The sequences related to
FIGURE 5. Relative abundances of the sequences from the control sub-
Streptococcus and Prevotella were the most abundant in the duo-
jects, the patients with celiac disease presenting GI symptoms, and those
denum of the patients with DH (29% and 18%) and control subjects
with DH at the phyla level (A) and genera level (B). The numbers in
(14% and 18%). In total, we detected 45 bacterial genera in the data
parentheses show the total number of sequences identified in each
set, 32 genera being detected in the control samples, and 31 genera
study group at phyla and genera levels. The significant phyla-level dif-
in the celiac disease patient samples.
ferences between the study groups: *** P , 0.001, ** P , 0.01, * P , 0.05.
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Inflamm Bowel Dis Volume 0, Number 0, Month 2013
Our study indicated that the patients with celiac disease
presenting DH symptoms shared more similar microbial composi-tion with the control subjects than those with other clinicalmanifestations of celiac disease. The patients with DH hadbiopsy-proven mucosal damage/mild enteropathy and increasedlymphocyte counts and EmA titer. As compared with the otherceliac disease symptom groups, the Vh/CrD ratio in the patientswith DH was closer to the ratio detected in the control subjects.
However, it did not differ statistically from the other celiac diseasesymptom groups, except for the anemia symptom group. The twopatients with DH showed mild enteropathy. The microbiota profilesof these patients clustered tightly with those from the other patientswith DH. Thus, the Vh/CrD ratio cannot explain the highersimilarity of the microbial composition of the control subjects andpatients with DH. The finding of unexpectedly low richness anddistinct clustering of duodenal microbiota profiles in the patientswith anemia symptoms also suggests a possible role of microbiotain the outcome of celiac disease and warrants further studies witha larger patient cohort. Interestingly, the samples of the patientsshowing both DH and GI symptoms were clustered with the
FIGURE 6. Principal coordinate analysis of the samples was associated
samples of the GI symptom group, demonstrating the strong effect
with the symptoms of celiac disease. The samples of the patients with
of the GI symptoms on the intestinal microbiota. These findings
celiac disease with GI symptoms are indicated with green triangles,
indicate that a more detailed patient segmentation based on the
patients with DH with red circles, and controls with blue squares. The
symptoms is reasonable in further studies of microbiota in patients
two samples of the patients with DH with mild enteropathy are
with celiac disease.
indicated by arrows.
In contrast to the colon, the microbiota composition of the
small intestine has been infrequently studied. The few studies
microbial composition or structure between the control subjects and
performed to profile microbiota in the small intestine have revealed
patients with DH did not differ. The results indicate that the com-
that Firmicutes and Bacteroides are dominant phyla also in the
position of the mucosa-associated microbiota in the duodenum of
small intestine,35,40,41 as also supported by the present study. The
the patients with celiac disease presenting GI symptoms was
patients with a classical celiac disease manifestation, GI symptoms,
altered, as compared with the control subjects and patients with DH.
had a higher amount of Proteobacteria than the patients withanother manifestation of the disease or the control subjects. Similarto our results of patients with celiac disease, the small intestines of
patients with IBD were characterized by the parallel increase of cell
Commensal microbiota interacts with the host immune
wall–associated Proteobacteria and the decrease of Firmicutes in
system, and the disturbance in the interaction caused by internal
comparison to the patients without IBD.35 The genera (mostly
or environmental factors may lead to dysbiosis and inflammation.
Streptococcus and Prevotella) observed in the present study were
This hypothesis has been suggested in inflammatory bowel diseases
largely matching to the genera detected by Nistal et al,23 another
(IBD),34 but it may also be extended to intestinal inflammation in
study on the microbiota composition of adult patients with celiac
general. Microbiota may have a role in the development or mani-
disease. In fact, the microbiota composition of the duodenum
festation of celiac disease, as shown by the present study. Our
resembles more the microbiota in the esophagus42 or the oral cavity43
results demonstrate that the composition, structure, and diversity
than the distal parts of the intestine. In future studies, it may be
of microbiota differed depending on the manifestation of celiac
informative to detect the oral disease status and oral microbiota
disease, especially between classical intestinal symptoms (ie, GI
composition and study whether it is reflected on the duodenal micro-
and anemia) and extraintestinal symptoms (ie, DH). The dysbiosis
biota composition.
of microbiota indicated by the altered microbiota composition is
Although the dysbiosis of microbiota observed in patients
a common phenomenon in several intestinal inflammation disor-
with celiac disease may be a consequence of the disease, it is
ders. For example, microbial composition in Crohn's disease35,36
possible that the spectrum of a patient's intestinal microbes has
and irritable bowel syndrome28,37 have been shown to differ de-
a role in the actual clinical symptoms of celiac disease caused by
pending on the disease phenotypes. Recently, altered intestinal mi-
gliadin. The comparison of active and untreated pediatric patients
crobiota populations and/or diversities have also been reported in
with celiac disease has shown that certain bacterial groups (ie,
patients with type 2 diabetes38 or obese subjects,39 both character-
a decreased number of Bifidobacteria, Bacteroides, and virulent
ized by a low grade of intestinal inflammation.
Escherichia coli) are associated with both active and treated celiac
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Inflamm Bowel Dis Volume 0, Number 0, Month 2013
Intestinal Microbiota Celiac Disease Manifestation
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The authors thank the patients with celiac disease, as well as
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Source: http://coeliac.gr/library/downloads/Docs/Documents/Wacklin%20Microbiota%20CD%202013.pdf
Pédiatrie 1 P1- Antibiothérapie probabiliste en milieu de réanimation pédiatrique O.EL ALLAM, Y.HARTI, Y.ALAOUI, B.HMAMOUCHI, S.NEJMI, A.CHLILEK SERVICE DE REANIMATION PEDIATRIQUE POLYVALENTE CHU IBN ROCHD DE CASABLANCA Introduction : L'antibiothérapie probabiliste correspond à une prescription d'antibiotiques réalisée avant de connaitre la nature et la sensibilité des germes responsable de l'infection. En pédiatrie l'évolution d'un processus infectieux sévère est souvent plus rapide que chez l'adulte, avec le risque d'apparition souvent précoce d'une insuffisance circulatoire. Le but de notre travail est la description et l'évaluation de l'antibiothérapie probabiliste en milieu de réanimation pédiatrique polyvalente CHU Ibn Rochd de Casablanca. Patients et méthodes : Etude rétrospective étalée sur 11 mois de janvier 2012 à novembre 2012 qui a permis le recrutement de 142 patients. Les données recueillies sont les critères épidémiologiques des patients, les antécédents médicaux, la notion de colonisation bactérienne, le type d'infection motivant l'introduction de l'antibiothérapie probabiliste, les circonstances du choix de l'antibiotique, le caractère précoce ou tardif et la durée de l'antibiothérapie probabiliste, le retentissement du changement de l'antibiothérapie sur le pronostic, l'évolution et la durée de séjour. Résultats : L'âge moyen était de 37,44 mois, le poids moyen était de 13,28kg, 7,7%des patients avaient des antécédents cardiaques, 4,2% avaient des antécédents respiratoires, 1,4% avaient un déficit immunitaire, 1,4% étaient anciens prématurés, 83,1% des patients étaient hospitalisés antérieurement avec notion de prise d'antibiotiques dans 11,3% des cas. 64,8% de nos patients avaient une infection pulmonaire, 9,2% avaient une infection urinaire, 13,4% avaient une infection neuromeningée, 15,5% une septicémie. L'antibiothérapie probabiliste prescrite était à base d'une monothérapie dans 11,5% des cas, une bithérapie dans 59,8% des cas et une trithérapie dans 28,7% des cas avec le choix du ceftriaxone dans 60,5% des cas. L'heure de début de l'antibiothérapie était le jour dans 52,8% des cas, la nuit dans 44,4% et le weekend dans 2,8% des cas. La décision était prise par un médecin junior dans 54,2% des cas et un médecin seigneur dans 45,8% des cas avec un changement de cette antibiothérapie selon la gravité dans 38% des cas et selon la bactériologie dans 21,8% des cas. La durée moyenne de l'antibiothérapie probabiliste était de 10,79 jours. L'évolution était favorable dans 66,2% des cas avec un taux de mortalité de 33,8%. Conclusion : La prescription raisonnée de l'antibiothérapie probabiliste initiale a démontré son impact sur l'amélioration du pronostic vital des patients. Le caractère nosocomial ou communautaire de l'infection, la connaissance de l'écologie bactérienne du service où l'on travaille, de la flore colonisante du patient et des données de l'examen direct des prélèvements bactériologiques jouent un rôle majeur dans cette décision.
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