Marys Medicine


Microsoft word - invitation ibu cup biathlon 8 season 2008-2009.doc

10. – 14.03.09
Ridnaun / ITA

IBU CUP BIATHLON 8 - 09. – 14.03.2009
After successfull and great Europaen Cup Final 2006-2007 come this year we organize the IBU CUP BIATHLON 8. The organizers will do their best again to offer the worlds biathlon family a successful event into the season 2008/2009. We would like to extend a very warm welcome to all athletes, coaches, honor guests, sponsors and spectators to the eight event of IBU CUP BIATHLON. We wish the competitors much success, exciting competitions for our guests and spectators and a pleasant stay in our beautiful valley. ORGANIZING COMITTEE / COMPETITION COMITTEE
Chairman OK:
Community Ratschings:
Walter Hochrainer (IR) Secretary OC:
Manuel Volgger (IR) Gschliesser Thomas Public relations:
Competition secretary:
Mario Frank (IR) Siller Christoph (IR) Chief of competition:
Chief course:
Walter Hochrainer (IR) Volgger Helmuth (IR) Chief stadium:
Chief shooting range and penalty loop:
Leopold Volgger (IR) Equipment check:
Course controller:
Braunhofer Christian (IR) Kruselburger Heini Chief Logistik:
Machine Park:
Braunhofer Filipp Ceremonie:
Time measurement
Executive organization OC:
Chief of Timing:
Frank Karin (IR) IBU CUP BIATHLON 8 - 09. – 14.03.2009
A: General information
A.1 competition venue
Biathlon competition area at Ridnaun, South Tyrol, Italy, 1365 meters above sea level,
Highest Point of the track: 1398 meters Lowest Point of the track: 1357 meters A.2 Postal adress
ASV Ridnaun
I-39040 Ratschings (BZ) A.3 Address competition comittee
Volgger Manuel (IR)
Ratschings I-39040 EMail: EMail: URL: URL:
Chief of stadium:
Chief of Shooting Range:
Volgger Leopold (IR)
Ratschings I-39040 Phone:+39/340 5122326 Phone: EMail: EMail: URL: URL:
Chief of Course:
Chief of competition office:
Volgger Helmuth (IR)
Ratschings I-39040 Phone: +39/333 8946969 EMail: EMail: URL: URL:
Chief of timing:
Frank Karin (IR)
39040 Ridnaun Phone: +39 3382082288 IBU CUP BIATHLON 8 - 09. – 14.03.2009
A.4 Competition Office

The competition office is located directly in the stadium. The office will be operational
from 08.00 a.m. till 17.00 p.m. A.5 Registration at the arrival
Before moving the accomodation, all teams must report personally at the office of the
tourism office in Gasteig: Postal Adress Tourismusverein Ratschings 39040 Gasteig Phone: A.6 Liability, insurance
The organizer will not be held liable for any claims resulting from accidents and damages
inluding those against third parties. A proper insurance against illness, accidents and liability entered for each member by National Federations will be taken for granted. In Accordance with 1.5.2.B IBU Event and Competition Rules A.7 Import and export of rifels and ammunition
All athletes and officials belonging to a member federation of the European Union, who
carry a rifle must be able to present a European fire-arm certificate. All athletes and officials of a member federation being no member of the European Union have to complete a customs application and deposit a safety sum of 20 % of the weapon´s customs value which will be paid back at the re-export of the weapons. Rifles and ammunition can be kept in the hotels. ATA Procedure possible for the following countries: AUS, BUL, CAN, CHN, CRO, JPN, KOR, NZL, ROU and USA. A.8 Regulation of medicines
When entering the Italy the teams are required to prove convincingly any needs for
medicine that will be imported into the country.
A.9 Regulation of Visa
The following nations require visas to the enter and stay in Italy (see attached formular
for Visa): ARM, BLR, BIH, CHN, KAZ, KGZ, LIB, MDA, MKD, MGL, RUS, SRB, UKR, UZB, TPE If you have any questions please contact the OC Ridnaun. IBU CUP BIATHLON 8 - 09. – 14.03.2009
Attached we have the adresses from the Embassys:
Italienische Botschaft Armenien Italienische Botschaft BLR Italienische Botschaft BIH Ulitza Karl Marx 37 Ulica Cekalusa 39 Tel: 003741542335/36 Tel: 00375172292969 Tel: 0038733203960 URL: URL: URL: E-Mail: E-Mail: E-Mail: Botschafter: Herr Clemente Botschafter: Herr Ardizzone Botschafter: Herr Fallavollita Kazachstan
Italienische Botschaft China Italienische Botschaft KAZ Italienische Botschaft Libanon Pechino 2, 2nd Street East Vice Consolato Onorario – Place de l´Etoile, Immeuble PRSA-K Administration Facility Assicurazioni Generali Tel: 00861065322131 Building AB-2Czech Camp URL: 4184400 Burlin District, Aksai 2 Tel: 009611985200 E-Mail: Tel: 00442088288580 URL: Botschafter: Herr Menegatti E-Mail: E-Mail: Botschafter: Herr Mistretta Moldavia like Romania
MGL wie China
Italienische Botschaft MDA Italienische Botschaft MKD Italienische Botschaft China Skopje „Villa Skaperda" Pechino 2, 2nd Street East Strada Henri Coanda 9 Ulica Osma Udarna Brigada 22 Tel: 0040212128737 Tel: 0038923236500 Tel: 00861065322131 URL: URL: URL: E-Mail: E-Mail: Botschafter: Herr Ronca Botschafter: Herr Marini Botschafter: Herr Menegatti Italienische Botschaft RUS Italienische Botschaft SRB Italienische Botschaft UKR Bircaninova Ulica 11 Vulitsa Yaroslaviv Val 32 - B Tel: 0070957969691 Tel: 00381113066100 Tel: 00380442303100 URL: URL: URL: E-Mail: E-Mail: E-Mail: Botschafter: Herr Bonetti Botschafter: Herr Zanardi-Landi Botschafter: Herr Fabbri Uzbekistan
Taipeh like China
Italienische Botschaft UZB Italienische Botschaft China Uliza Yusuf Xos Xodjib 40 Pechino 2, 2nd Street East Tel: 00998711521119 Tel: 00861065322131 URL: URL: E-Mail: E-Mail: Botschafter: Herr Persiani Botschafter: Herr Menegatti IBU CUP BIATHLON 8 - 09. – 14.03.2009
B. Logistic
B.1 chief logistic
Haller Davis
I-39040 Ratschings Handy: +39/ 338 81358371 B.1 Travel route
By car:
München – Innsbruck – Brenner – Sterzing – Ridnauntal until Maiern

By train:
München – Innsbruck – Brenner – Sterzing – from Sterzing to Ridnaun Taxi or with the
bus of the OC Ridnaun

By plane:
Salzburg: ca. 250 km
Verona: ca. 230 km München: ca. 230 km Innsbruck: ca. 90 km Mailand: ca. 350 km Formular of transport attecched B1 B.2 Reservation of Accomodation
The reservation of the accommodation can be reserved and assigned by the organizing
committee. Any booked accommodation become binding by sending the "Entry
by names". Any no showes for reservations which are not cancelled by not later
then by Monday 24.02.2009, have to be paid for by the responsible federation.

Other Informations you can have by the Touristic information Ratschings. Tourismusverein Ratschings Gasteig 39040 Ratschings B.3 Costs of stay
Category A: 65,00 Euro per person and day (according IBU rules)
Category B: 50,00 Euro per person and day (according IBU rules)
Addition single room: 10,00 Euro per day The accomodation must be paid directly to the hotels. Formular of reservation is attached B3. IBU CUP BIATHLON 8 - 09. – 14.03.2009
B.4 Team captains meeting
The Team captains meeting as well as the draws of start numbers will take place at the
Kulturhaus Ridnaun (according the competition programm) B.5 social programs
- visit of the "Bergbaumuseum Ridnaun"
- dinner for the Team captains and athletes after the victory ceremonie - Biathlonparty for the Team captains and the athletes B.6 Travel route

IBU CUP BIATHLON 8 - 09. – 14.03.2009

CO Biathlon Ridanna

OK Biathlon Ridnaun
39040 RIDANNA (BZ) I-39040 RIDNAUN (BZ) +39 349 7339815 telefono +39 349 7339815 Telefon +39 0472 656433 telefax +39 0472 656433 Telefax

C. Competition Information
C.1 Programm – programme – programma
Anreise – Arrival – arrivo 09.03.2009 09.00 15.00 Inoffizielles Training – Unofficial training – allenamento libero 10.03.2009 09.00 11.30 Off. Training Männer– Off. training men – allenamento uff. maschile Off. Training Frauen– Off. training women – allenam. uff. femm. Mannschaftsführersitzung - Team captains meeting – riunione 11.03.2009 09.00 - 09.50 Anschießen Männer/Junioren – Zeroing men/jun men – azzeramento maschile Einzel Männer – Individual men – Individuale sen. maschile Anschießen Frauen – Zeroing women – azzeramento femminile Einzel Frauen – Individual women/jun women – Individuale sen. Femminile Siegerehrung – Award ceremony – premiazione 12.03.2009 09.00 11.30 Off. Training Männer – Off. training men – allenamento uff. maschile Off. Training Frauen – Off. training women – allenam. uff. femm. Mannschaftsführersitzung - Team captains meeting – riunione 13.03.2009 09.00 - 09.50 Anschießen Männer – Zeroing men – azzeramento maschile Sprint Männer – Sprint men – Sprint sen. Anschießen Frauen – Zeroing women – azzeramento femminile Sprint Frauen – Sprint women –Sprint sen. Siegerehrung – Award ceremony – premiazione 14.03.2009 09.00 - 09.45 Anschießen Männer – Zeroing men – azzeramento maschile Verfolgung Männer– Pursuit men– inseguimento seniores Anschießen Frauen – Zeroing women – azzeramento femminile Verfolgung Frauen– Pursuit women– inseguimento seniores Siegerehrung – Award ceremony – premiazione MODIFICATION OF THE PROGRAM RESERVED ACCORDING WEATHER AND TRACK CONDITIONS EVENTUAL: WOMAN START FOLLOWING MEN START IBU CUP BIATHLON 8 - 09. – 14.03.2009
C.2 Competition regulations
The competitions will be performed according o the IBU rules as in effect.

C.3 Targets
30 targets
Targets "KURVINEN" not electronic 16 – 30 = standing C.4 IBU Representatives
Assistant Race Director: Iliev Ventzeslav, BUL
Technical Delegate: Levora Pavel , CZE Gonet Gilbert , SUI

IBU CUP BIATHLON 8 - 09. – 14.03.2009
D. Entry deadlines
D.1 Registration
Registration by number
Online: not later than 08.02.09 Registration by names Online: not later than 24.02.09 The team entries have to be made electronically. Only if internet access is impossible or if technical problems in the use occur our classical forms can be requested from the organizing secretary. by OK Ridnaun by OK Ridnaun by OK Ridnaun by OK Ridnaun by OK Ridnaun CO Biathlon Ridanna
OK Biathlon Ridnaun
39040 RIDANNA (BZ) I-39040 RIDNAUN (BZ) +39 349 7339815 telefono +39 349 7339815 Telefon +39 0472 656433 telefax +39 0472 656433 Telefax B1:Transport reservation
B1:Prenotazione trasporto
Wir benötigen folgenden Transport
We need following transport
Abbiamo bisogno del seguente trasporto

Von/from/da .
Tag/day/giorno .
Uhrzeit/time/ora .
Flugnr./fly-nr./n° volo
Personen/persons/persone . Preise/price/prezzi
ca. 600,00 € / small bus for 8 persons ca. 650,00 € / small bus for 8 persons ca. 650,00 € / small bus for 8 persons ca. 600,00 € / small bus for 8 persons ca. 390,00 € / small bus for 8 persons ca. 445,00 € / small bus for 8 persons
------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------
Unterschrift und Stempel
Signature and stamp
Firma e timbro

by OK Ridnaun CO Biathlon Ridanna
OK Biathlon Ridnaun
39040 RIDANNA (BZ) I-39040 RIDNAUN (BZ) +39 349 7339815 telefono +39 349 7339815 Telefon +39 0472 656433 telefax +39 0472 656433 Telefax B3:Accomodation reservation
B3: Prenotazione alberghiera

Unterkunft erwünscht in Hotel/Gasthof/Pension
Accomodation requested at hotel/guesthouse/burding-house ……………………………………………….
Sistemazione desiderata presso hotel/albergo/pensione

Sollte im angegebenen Betrieb keine Buchung mehr möglich sein, bitten wir um Reservierung

in der Kategorie ……
Should the above mentioned astablishemnt be booked up, we request reservation at a lodging
establishment in category ……
Se presso l'albergo sopra citato non fosse piú possibile prenotare, Vi preghiamo di farlo in un
altro della categoria ……

date arrival
date departure
data arrivo
data partenza
Single rooms
Camere singole
Personen in DZ und Mehrbettzimmern

Perons in double or more bedrooms
Personen persone in stanza doppia tripla

Preise – price – prezzi:
Vollpension pro Person und Tag in 2- und 3-Bettzimmern inkl. 1 alkoholfreies Getränk bei Essen
Full board for person and day in double/triple incl. 1 analcolic drink at meals
Pensione completa per persona e giorno in stanze doppie e triple incl. un bibita analcolica ai pasti
Kat. A: 65,00 €

Kat. B: 50,00 €
Kat. C: 30,00 €

------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------
Unterschrift und Stempel
Signature and stamp
Firma e timbro

by OK Ridnaun für Waffeneinfuhr und Visum for importation of weapons and visa per dichiarazione armi e visti semestrali by OK Ridnaun CO Biathlon Ridanna
OK Biathlon Ridnaun
39040 RIDANNA (BZ) I-39040 RIDNAUN (BZ) +39 349 7339815 telefono +39 349 7339815 Telefon +39 0472 656433 telefax +39 0472 656433 Telefax A tutte le Federazioni Nazionali di Biathlon - loro indirizzi - Oggetto: Invito partecipazione IBU CUP BIATHLON 8 08. – 14.03.09 Ridnaun/Ridanna (Prov. Bozen/Bolzano) Italia Organizzazione: SV Ridnaun/Ridanna - CO Biathlon Programma:

08.03.2009 arrivo
09.03.2009 allenamento 10.03.2009 allenamento 11.03.2009 gare allenamento ufficiale 14.03.2009 gare Si prega di comunicare tempestivamente la frontiera d'entrata e d'uscita dal territorio italiano. Le spese di viaggio e soggiorno sono a carico delle nazioni partecipanti. Lieti di poter porgere un cordiale benvenuto restiamo in attesa e sportivamente salutiamo Comitato Organizzatore Ridanna Manuel Volgger Ridanna, 16.12.2008 by OK Ridnaun
CO Biathlon Ridanna

OK Biathlon Ridnaun
39040 RIDANNA (BZ) I-39040 RIDNAUN (BZ) +39 349 7339815 telefono +39 349 7339815 Telefon +39 0472 656433 telefax +39 0472 656433 Telefax
Invito ufficiale a procurasi i visti semestrali

Il Comitato Organizzatore Biathlon di Ridanna invita cordialmente la squadra nazionale di Biathlon
alle gare di Coppa Europa in programma a Ridanna (BZ) dal 09. – 14.03.2009

1. 22.
2. 23.
3. 24.
4. 25.
5. 26.
6. 27.
7. 28.
8. 29.
9. 30.
10. 31.
11. 32.
12. 33.
13. 34.
14. 35.
15 36.
16. 37.
17. 38.
18. 39.
19. 40.
20. 41.
21. 42.

Il Comitato Organizzatore fa presente che tutte le spese per la partecipazione alle gare dovranno essere sostenute dalle Federazioni Nazionali stesse per le singole squadre. Inoltre fa presente che ogni partecipante deve essere assicurato contro malattia, incidenti e responsabilitá civile e che non saranno quindi assunte alcune responsabilitá dal parte del Comitato Organizzatore. Infine ricordiamo che per proseguire il viaggio per partecipare alle successive gare in altre localitá é necessario provvedere per un visto di transito attraverso gli stati confinanti. Tale visto dovrá essere richiesto all'Ambasciata competente dalla Vostra Federazione in tempo utile e prima di effettuare il viaggio in Italia. Restiamo in attesa di un Vostro cortese cenno di partecipazione e Vi auguriamo fin d'ora buon viaggio. Cogliamo l'occasione per porgere i nostri piú cordiali saluti C.O. Biathlon Ridanna Il Segretario by OK Ridnaun by OK Ridnaun


Manuel Utilisateur M1 PRO Contenu du Manuel Page 1 : Repérage de votre n° de série Batterie lithium et chargeur Page 10 : M1 PRO Présentation générale Page 11 : Utilisation du M1 PRO Page 2 : Instructions de charge pour votre batterie lithium Page 12 : Utilisation de la fonction "envoi à distance" Page 3 : Maintenance de votre batterie lithium Page 13 : Prise USB et porte GPS


PRIMAVERA I I 2005 055 REGISTRO POSTAL CA05-0002AUTORIZADO POR SEPOMEX ADMINISTRACIÓN Y ALTA DIRECCIÓN Iniciamos agosto 8 2005 • Más de 40,000 volúmenes• Sala de consulta• Hemeroteca, mapoteca y videoteca• Información actualizada• Cubículos de estudio• Sala de televisión• Bases de datos electrónicas• Banco de datos de INEGI• Confortables instalaciones• Servicio de lockers, digitalización, impresión y fotocopiado• Abierto al público en general