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Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2014) 3(9) 573-581
ISSN: 2319-7706 Volume 3 Number 9 (2014) pp. 573-581
Original Research Article
Studies on the comparison of phytochemical constituents and
antimicrobial activity of Curcuma longa varieties
S.Shanmugam* and P.Bhavani
Department of Biochemistry, Asan Memorial College, Chennai-600 100,
Tamil Nadu, India
*Corresponding author
Turmeric comes from the root of curcuma longa plant and has a tough brown skin
and a deep orange flesh. Turmeric has long been used as a powerful anti-inflammatory in both the Chinese and Indian systems of medicine. Turmeric was
traditionally Called Indian saffron because of its deep yellow-orange color and
has been used throughout history and condiment, healing remedy and textile dye.
Turmeric is rich in curcuminoids. Curcuminoids vary in chemical structures,
physiochemical characteristics. The present work reports on extraction method
using Soxhlet extractor, characterization and separation of phytochemicals using
Curcuma longa,
TLC and FT-IR methodology. The present study aimed at comparing the in vitro
antimicrobial activity of two varieties (cosmetics and food) of turmeric and to
screen in bacterial (E.coli, Staphylococcus aureus) and fungal (Aspergillus niger,
Aspergillus fumigatus) species.
Medicinal Plant:
India has a rich culture of medicinal herbs
and spices, which includes about more than
Organization, most populations still rely on
2000 species and has a vast geographical
traditional medicines for their psychological
area with high potential abilities for
and physical health requirements (Rabe and
Van Stoden, 2000), since they cannot afford
medicines but only very few have been
the products of Western pharmaceutical
studied chemically and pharmacologically
industries (Salie et al., 1996), together with
for their potential medicinal value (Gupta et
their side effects and lack of healthcare
al., 2005; Sandhu et al., 2005). Human
facilities (Griggs et al., 2001).
beings have used plants for the treatment of diverse ailments for thousands years
Rural areas of many developing countries
(Sofowara, 1982; Hill et al., 1989).
still rely on traditional medicine for their
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2014) 3(9) 573-581
primary health care needs and have found a
yield of essential oil in various parts is 1.3%
place in day-to-day life.
in leaf, 0.3% in flower, 4.3% in root and 3.8% in rhizome.
Curcuma longa:
Minimum inhibitory concentration:
Turmeric is the rhizome or underground stem of ginger like plant. The plant is an
In microbiology, Minimum
herbaceous perrineal, 60 90 cm high with a
Concentration (MIC)
short stem tufted leaf. Its flowers are yellow,
lowest concentration of an antimicrobial that
between 10 15 cm in length and they group
visible growth of
together in dense spikes, which appear from
a microorganism after overnight incubation.
the end of spring until the middle session.
Minimum inhibitory concentrations are important in diagnostic laboratories to
No fruits are known for this plant. The
confirm resistance of microorganisms to an
whole turmeric rhizome, with a rough,
antimicrobial agent and also to monitor the
segmented skin. The rhizome is yellowish-
activity of new antimicrobial agents. A MIC
brown with a dull orange interior that looks
is generally regarded as the most basic
bright yellow when powdered.
laboratory measurement of the activity of an antimicrobial agent against an organism.
Rhizome measures 2.5 7.0 cm (in length), and 2.5 cm (in diameter) with small tuber
Antimicrobial activity:
branching off. Turmeric held a place of honor in Indian traditional ayurvedic
An antimicrobial or antibiotic is an agent
medicine (Fig.1).
that kills microorganisms or inhibits their growth. Antimicrobial medicines can be
Molecular constituents in turmeric:
grouped according to the microorganisms they act primarily against. For example,
Turmeric has hundreds of molecular
antibacterial are used against bacteria and
constituents, each with a variety of
antifungal are used against fungi. They can
biological activities. For instance, there are
also be classed according to their function.
at least 20 molecules that are antibiotic, 14
Antimicrobials that kill microbes are
are known cancer preventives, 12 that are
called microbicidal; those that merely inhibit
anti-tumor, 12 are anti-inflammatory and
their growth are called micro biostatic.
there are at least 10 different anti-oxidants.
Infect, 326 biological activities of turmeric
are known. This is also testimony to the use
infectious agents are becoming more
of whole herbs and not just isolated
compounds (Hancock et al., 2012).
Speaking of molecules by far the most
The necessity to develop new drugs requires
researcher in turmeric are the three gold-
varied strategies, among them, the bio
produced by medicinal plants (Dionisi et
al., 2012; Benko-Iseppon et al., 2010).
research done is with 95% curcuminoids extract of turmeric, through in its raw state turmeric is only 3 5% curcuminoids. The
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2014) 3(9) 573-581
Materials and Methods
dispensed into the wells of inoculated plates.
Collection & extraction:
Sterilized distilled water and ethanol were
The two varieties (cosmetic used turmeric
used as a control which were introduced into
and food used turmeric) plant material of
the well instead of plant extract. The plates
Curcuma longa or turmeric rhizomes is used
thus prepared were refrigerated for 60
in this study was collected from provision
minutes allowing the diffusion of the extract
into the agar. After incubation for 24 hr at 37°C, the plates were observed.
Fresh rhizomes were cleaned washed with deionized water. Sliced and dried in the
If antimicrobial activity was present on the
sun/shade for one week and again dried at
plates, it was indicated by an inhibition zone
50°C in a hot air oven for 6 hours. Dried
surrounding the well containing the extract.
rhizomes were cut in small pieces, and
The zone of inhibition was measured and
ground it into a powder.
expressed in millimeters (mm).
Approximately 10g of sample were taken
Separation by TLC:
into a thimble and placed in a Soxhlet Apparatus. 150ml of solvent was added and
Slurry of silica gel is prepared by dissolving
extracted according to their boiling point for
20 g of gel and 50 mg of calcium sulphate in
6 hours. The solvents used were aqueous
about 50 ml of distilled water. This is coated
70 to 90°C) and ethanol
uniformly over a glass plate and the plate is
40 to 50°C) for the
actively by heating at 100°C. Standards and
unknown solution are spotted at the base of
completion of extraction the dark brown
the plate. Then the plate is then developed in
extract was stored in refrigerated condition
a chamber saturated with the solvent. The
solvent is marked and the plate is dried in air. The lipids are located by keeping the
Antimicrobial activity:
plate in an iodine chamber and keeping the plate in a hot air oven at 100°C for 15
Method performed by a sterile cotton swab
minutes. The sample is the unknown
was dipped into the respective microbial
solutions are identified by comparing their
suspension and surplus removed by rotation
Rf value with those of the standard.
of the swab against the sides of the tube above the fluid level. The agar media plates
Characterization by FT-IR:
organisms by even streaking of the swab
Accurately weighed quantity of plant extract
over the entire surface of the plate three
about 10 g was dissolved in ethanol by using
times, rotating the plate approximately 60
volumetric flask. To this 1.5ml of each
degrees after each application to ensure an
sample (Cosmetic used turmeric and Food
even distribution of the inoculums. Finally,
it was swabbed all around the edge of the
transmittance of composition present in
agar surface. Wells of 7 mm size were made
clove and it performed under Fourier
with sterile borer into agar plates containing
the bacterial and fungal inoculums. 0.1
Instrument name is CPU
ml/100µl volume of each of the plant extract
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2014) 3(9) 573-581
Different wavelength shows presence of
the Second method to determination of TLC
particular functional group of compounds.
in Cosmetic used and Food used Curcuma
From above data one can confirm the
longa varieties.
phytochemical analysis and chemical test
As a result of Rf values for Petroleum ether:
which is further reconfirmed by maximum
Ethyl ether: Glacial acetic acid solvent is
wavelength, Refractive Index (Rf) value and
about 0.3 and 0.7 for cosmetic used extract
such as aqueous and ethanol respectively.
And also 0.2 and 0.5 for food used extracts
components was confirmed by comparison
such as aqueous and ethanol respectively.
of wavelength and authentic standards.
The results were shown in (Table.2 and Fig. 3 & 4).
Results and Discussion
Better resolution of Rf value showed that
Petroleum ether, Ethyl ether and glacial
antimicrobial activity
acetic acid can be suitable solvent for the separation using TLC method in this study.
Among all the zone of inhibition for extracts of plant part, Food used turmeric ethanol
different varieties of turmeric:
bacterial and also fungal microbes. Other extracts were also found effective against
In Fourier Transform-Infrared Spectroscopy
microbes except Staphylococcus aureus due
Analysis the Cosmetic and Food used
to its inhibition zone formation (Table. 1 and
ethanolic extract of Curcuma longa analyzed
trough FT-IR Spectrophotometer where it showed 10 wavelengths in cm-1with their
TLC method using two different mobile
respective transmittance at %T in Cosmetic
used turmeric extracted (ethanol extract) sample and also 12 wavelengths in cm-1
Different compositions of mobile phase were
their respective transmittance at %T in Food
tested in TLC (Thin Layer Chromatography)
used turmeric extracted (ethanol extract)
for the separation and its Rf values were
determined. Chloroform: Methanol in 95:5 ratios is a Mobile Phase for the First method
Graph showed many peaks for different
to determination of TLC in Cosmetic used
functional groups present in plant extracts
and Food used Curcuma longa varieties. As
a result of Rf values for Chloroform: Methanol solvent is about 0.2 and 0.6 for
Fourier Transform-Infrared Spectroscopy
cosmetic used extract such as aqueous and
analysis showed different functional group
ethanol respectively.
wavelength in graph. Modern instrumental
And also 0.5 and 0.6 for food used extracts
technique play an indispensable role in the
such as aqueous and ethanol respectively.
Petroleum ether: Ethyl ether: Glacial acetic
Spectroscopy is an invaluable tool for
acid in 90:10:1 ratio is a Mobile Phase for
determining the presence or absence of
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2014) 3(9) 573-581
certain functional group or hydroxyl group
Previous estimation of Curcuma longa done
such as carbon-carbon multiple bonds,
by FT-IR spectrum of eugenol showed the
aromatic rings, carbonyl group or hydroxyl
presence of alcoholic group (Reddy et al.,
group in a molecule (Berger and Sicker,
Table.1 Maximum Zone of inhibition of all Microbes
Aspergillus niger
Table.2 TLC Method in two different mobile phases
TLC Mobile Phase
Chloroform: Methanol
Petroleum ether: Ethyl
Glacial acetic acid
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2014) 3(9) 573-581
Fig. 1 Medicinal properties of Curcumin
Fig. 2 Maximum Zone of Inhibition
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2014) 3(9) 573-581
Fig. 3 Mobile Phase Chloroform: Methanol in 95:5 Ratios
Fig. 4 Mobile Phase Petroleum ether: Ethyl ether: Glacial acetic acid in 90:10:1 Ratio
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2014) 3(9) 573-581
Fig. 5 Characterization of compounds in cosmetic used turmeric extract
Fig. 6 Characterization of compounds in food used turmeric extract
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2014) 3(9) 573-581
Concluded from the present study is
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M.Phil., Ph.D., Head of the Department of
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RC-40 Temperature and humidity Data Logger Operation Instruction 1. Product overview RC-40 Temperature and humidity Data Logger , Segment LCD display, one channel temperature and one channel humidity as its standard configuration, it could be expanded to four channels, temperature or humidity mode optional, internal rechargeable lithium
neue Möglichkeiten und chAncen Unerwünschte Vareniclin Plazebo Raucherentwöhnung Ereignisse (in %) (in %)Übelkeit Medikamente können die Chancen auf eine erfolgreiche Nikotin-Entwöhnung erhöhen. Zur Verfügung stehen Nikotinpflaster, Bupropion und neuerdings auch Vareniclin. Der Cannabinoid-Rezeptorantagonist Rimonaband, der in Studien ebenfal s einen