Volume 1, Issue 2
Dutch civil servants supporting transition
St. Eustatius– The Dutch civil servants of the Ministry of Traffic and Water Management visited their local counter-parts on Tuesday September 8th 2009, to discuss Air Traffic Control, Air Space and Airport Development after the tran-sition. One of the topics was the condi-tion of the servicing of the landing strip. This point needs priority in the master plan. Another issue which has the at-tention is the airlift to and from the is-land. A market scan for airlift is in the making. During their visit they met with, Planning Officer, Mr Maldwyn Timber, of Planning, Mr. Ellis Schmidt, Airport Manager, and the Executive Council. The Airdrome will remain a responsibility of the Island Government. They discussed navigation aids, airspace and airport developments . The agree-
Photo by Mr. Siem Dijkshoorn
ment with the Executive Council is to have an approved master plan for the was accompanied by Mr. Rene
Inside this issue:
airport development by year end. The Franken, who is an expert in air traf-planning bureau in collaboration with fic control from the Netherlands. Traffic and Water Management of the From left to Right: Mr. Ellis Schmidt Dutch Support
Netherlands will prepare this plan. The Mr. Rene Franken, Mr. Maldwyn
delegation comprised of Mr. Ton Timber, Mr Ton Franssen Franssen, his area is international
Presentation of Preliminary
regulation with regard to air traffic, he
Design Water Distribution Net
Preliminary Design of Water Distribution Net
Health issues
Presented To Stakeholders
Working Permits
The activity towards the preparation of
scope of the works were discussed in
the water distribution system are in relation to the available budget. The
Detention Center for Statia
full swing. In the week of September budget of the European Union 9-EDF 1st 2009 the consultants Witteveen & is that which will finance this entire
Bos presented the preliminary design project. In general all densely popu-
Statia Development plan in
to stakeholders on Statia. These are lated areas will be supplied with wa-
planning buro, Domain, Drob, Fire bri-
terlines, including Concordia Bay
gade, GEBE and Eutel. A discussion Brow, Golden Rock, Cherry Tree, Town
was held about the design but also the
Area, Princess, (continue on page 2)
Monthly Health updates with
A bone scan reveals only part of your Osteoporosis risk
Dr. Sharda Baboe-Kalpoe.
During the second interview with Dr. When asked if this disease is recog-
Sharda Baboe-Kalpoe she lightened nized on St. Eustatius. She explained,
up while sharing that which she en-
that statistic is not locally kept, how-
joys, which is talking about Health. ever she acknowledged that a few She explained the importance of a people suffer of osteoporosis. She ex-
medical doctor keeping on top of plained that osteoporosis is rather
things through upgrading. She common in women after menopause. wanted to tackle so many topics at the
same time but choose to talk about What symptoms appear with os-
osteoporosis. She hopes by talking t e o p o r o s i s
? m or vitamin
about the different sicknesses people At first, osteoporosis has no symp-
drink alcohol often; people who take
become more aware and knowledge-
toms, but people with osteoporosis
bone thinning medicine like
may develop loss of height and are
(prednisone) for a long time; people
more likely to break (fracture) their
who do not exercise; and people who
bones, especially the back (spine),
smoke. people with poor health; She
It is a disease that causes bones to wrist, and hip bones.
explained that the bone density
become thinner. Thin bones can break
scans are the only tool available for
easily. Most people think of their Who are at Risk for Osteoporo-
detecting the disease, but shared that
bones as being solid like a rock. Actu-
sis ? Dr. Sharda Baboe gave an
it is far from perfect. While it can spot
ally, bone is living tissue, just like overall breakdown of factors which
the extremely porous bones that are
other parts of the body, such as your are significant to the question.
hallmark of severe osteoporosis, they
heart, brain, or skin. Bone just hap-
women who are going through or
are not much help for detecting the
pens to be a harder type of tissue. who are past menopause (‘change);
fracture risk in people with borderline
Bone is always changing. Your body estrogen deficiency; people who are
osteoporosis. The WHO (World Health
keeps your bone strong and healthy thin; low body weight; people who
Organization developed the online
by replacing old bone with new bone.
have a family member with osteopo-
calculator called FRAX, (it stands for
rosis; people who don't get enough
"fracture risk assessment").
Individuals can request through their
Assuring appropriate foot wear and
physician to run their last bone den-
vision; eliminate medication that
sity scan results through FRAX or do
cause dizziness, if possible.
Soon the doctors & nurses
it yourself at shef.ac.uk/frax.
of the Q.B.M.C. will start
with a diabetic
t need to waste another
second wondering and worrying.
Foot Care Program.
It can be prevented and with proper
therapy it can be treated; exercise;
Dr Baboe will take you right to
This program will be
assessing the need for assistive de-
the bottom line Email your ques-
carried out in the Q.B.M.C
vices (e.g canes, walkers);
Preliminary Design of Water Distribution Net Presented To Stakeholders
GEBE has already placed water they want to see fire hydrants in-
Rosemarylane/ The Farm and along
pipes in the Historic Core, this area stalled. Drob as manager of public
the road to White Wall. The tender
once execution of the project starts roads are involved to make sure that
documents will be ready by year end,
will give a certain sense of relief due this process in not disrupted. The util-
so that the tender procedures can
to foresight of the electrical com-
ity companies were informed and in-
start in January 2010. The project
pany. Domains participation in this volved in the project so that they can
work includes, digging of trenches;
project is to supervise that private make use of the trenches for installa-
installing pipelines and making property is not used. The Fire Bri-
tion of their cables. The Planning Buro
ved to indicate where is the coordinator of this project.
In an interview with Mr. Otniel Benjamin Deonicio of ACTS
be giving support on loca-
(Automation Consultancy and Tech-
tion, but also from Cura-
nological Systems) we learned of the
cao. To accomplish the
introductory programme ACTFMS
support the ACTS will
(Foreigner Management System)
utilize their helpdesk pro-
presently introduced at the Census
office. This project descended from
These trainings will be
the PVNA (Security Programme of
given on location, pres-
the the Netherlands Antilles) in-
ently the bureau is at the
structed by the Minister of Justice.
census office, but other
Mr. Deonicio is Project Leader but
participating sectors are:
explained that an implementation
Immigration, Labour,
team comprising of: Mr. Benjamin
employees of the Gover-
Candelaria, Mr. Benjamin Janga, Ms. Natasha Razack, Ms. Donnaly
that the staff can become
nor's Cabinet and the Lt.
Anastacia and Ms. Lyssette van der
acquainted with the programme, Governor. The last three sectors
Dijs will come to the island for the
after which they will become opera-
mentioned will acquire an overall
full training around Mid October
view or demonstration of how the programme works, when the train-
2009. After the trainings ACTS will
According to Mr. Deonicio they will
ing starts. The purpose of this pro-
commence with the trail period so
gramme is to have a better control
In the Shedding Maas and Robert Knoax. They talked
and a good flow of giving working
with the Executive Council about the
permits to foreigners based on the
legal status, Pension Plan of Civil
LTU (regulation for admittance and
Servants and the plans including the
expulsion) agreements. The Govern-
ment Information Service ques-
tioned the need for the new training
Government talked to a number of
since we are in the process of going
with the delega- delegates from the Netherlands on
to a new status, but Mr. Otniel ex-
October 6th 2009. They also met with
plained that by 2011 they will start
Mr. Ton Akkerman, Hayo Haan and
with the WTU ( the law for admit-
Mrs. Marie Jose. They elaborated on
tance and expulsion) it will apply
Comm. Roy Hooker
prised of Mr. issues regarding Agriculture and
for Bonaire, Saba and St. Eusta-
tius , whereas the programme man, Marten Hammerink, Kees
(Continue on page 5)
St. Eustatius– The St. Eustatius
Courtar, Ms. Sharon Hassell, Ms.
Quota club was invited to the South
Ankie Bijl and Ms. Ingrid Whitfield.
Area district meeting held for the first
The women exchanged ideas about
time outside of the USA. The entire
how they can bring about improve-
district 42 was invited and these com-
ments in their respective communi-
prise of all the Dutch speaking Carib-
ties. The Aruba club was awarded
bean islands, Suriname and Holland.
batteries for the hearing impaired.
The Statia Quota delegation com-
Aruba has a school for the hearing
prised of: Mrs. Leonora Sneek-Gibbs,
impaired. Moving forward the Statia
Mrs. Malvern Dijkshoorn-Lopes, Mrs.
club will pursue having the children
Monique Brown-James, Ms. Glenda
tested for hearing.
Preparing Statia for a Smooth Transition
The Island Government is supported
Information By: Mr. N. Serphos,
since September 1st 2009 by
Mr. Peter van Dongen from the mu-
Public Relation Officers Netherlands
nicipality Waalwijk. He is responsible
for assisting the Executive and Island
Council in a smooth transition. He will also render the necessary support
Tremor felt on Sint Maarten !
to the civil service. Presently Mr. Van
Source: Meteorological Services Nether-
Dongen works along with the Island
Secretary Mr. Willem Sanderse to
accomplish their set goals. In the in-
Early this afternoon, October 5th 2009 at
terview with the G.I.S. he explained which issues demand their priority. For about 12:28 hours (local time), an earth-
that they hope to finalize their priori- example there is still some discussion quake took place below the bottom of ties during their stay on the island . on the execution of tasks when the Cen-
the Atlantic Ocean. This tremor was felt in
These are:1. The decision making tral Government is dismantled in 2010. many sections of the SSS Islands.
process; 2.Personnel Affairs, all the That needs to resolved prior to the fu-
departments and services which re- ture picture of the organization of the Data received from the United States Geo-
logical Survey indicates that this tremor
quires the necessary assistant for a civil service. Mr. Van Dongen has a lot took place at a depth of about 35 kilome-
better functioning;3.Future plan of
of experience in government admini-
ters or 22 miles below the bottom of the
Organization, the idea is to develop a stration. He worked for 16 years in dif-
sea with a magnitude of 4.5 on the Richter
plan to give a recommendations how ferent municipalities, and was commis-
Scale. Its epicenter was located near 18.0
the civil core can and should look in sioner for approximately 2 years in degrees north and 62.8 degrees west. This
the future. He calmly responds that Waalwijk. He is married, is a father of is about 33 miles east of St. Maarten.
the government needs to indicate 2 children, a granddaughter and a
Weekly Press Conferences
Join us weekly on Wednesday
We encourage Statians and resi- The Government information Ser-
morning, at 9 Am sharp, on the
dents alike to submit names of per- vice is hosting weekly press confer-
Government radio programme
sons in the community that do ex- ences at the V.A. Lopes legislative
Shedding Light, for a day of self
ceptional or outstanding services in Hall. These sessions will be held
discovery, sharing information, re-
the community. The information of every Tuesday from 9.30– 10.00 am
viewing developments in our com-
this person can be submitted to the .We encourage all the media to par-
munity, questioning our elected
office of the Lt. Governor, Mr. ticipate in these session.
officials about important issues. If
you have ideas, suggestions contact
the host, Malvern on 318—2745 or
Detention Center On St. Eustatius
The idea is to established a detention center on St. Eustatius
Mr. Maldwyn Timber and Siem
on this information. He talked
remain detained on their respective
Dijkshoorn met with Mr. Leo van
about the pros and cons of the es-
islands for social and family contacts.
der Meulen, Representative of the
tablishment of such a prison on the This establishment also creates work
prison system in the Netherlands.
island. He said the intention is to
possibilities for young Statians living
They talked about the establish-
have detention cells to house ap-
on the island and those living abroad
ment of a prison on the island. They
proximately 35 prisoners. The
that might want to come back home.
toured the island seeking for a pos-
crowds reaction was somewhat mut- Opportunities for trainings will be
sible location. In the Town hall
tered about the amount of cells,
available according to Mr. van der
meeting of September 15th Mr. Van
however Mr. Vermeulen explained
der Meulen elaborated extensively
that detainees of each island should
In an interview with Commissioner negotiations abroad) to the general
Monthly updates with
Julian Woodley, G.I.S. asked him to public. For too long we allowed the elaborate on the latest develop- process of a dormant constitutional
the Commissioner of
ments in the Constitutional negotia- committee to prevail. Moving for-
Constitutional Affairs,
tions. He confirmed the visit of the ward I hope to continue organizing
Mr. Julian Woodley
Island Government to Curacao in Town Hall meetings along with a the week of September 29th 2009 to panel (comprising of experts in this be present in the meetings with area) regarding the Constitutional State secretary of Kingdom Affairs, developments. Thus far we have Mrs. Bijleveld-Schouten as observ- done a pretty good job of hosting ers. The discussions were: about the town hall meetings. We cannot give dismantling of the Netherlands An- information that we do not have, tilles by 2010 and about the police there are still a number of issues for country St. marten, Curacao, that are still pending. Although the Bonaire, Saba and St. Eustatius.
Dutch will take over education, the island Government still has to
One of the issues that I hope to make a decision on the language of
tackle within short is to activate or instruction on secondary level.
improve the Constitutional Commit- Within short a decision will be
tee. I need people that are dedicated made after discussions are held
have a vast knowledge of experience with the various stakeholders. The
and efficient in bringing over infor- Old Age pension is another issue we We encourage our people to continue
mation (after participating in the need to re-negotiate with the Dutch. participating in the discussions.
State secretary of Internal Affairs and Kingdom Rela-tions, Mrs. Ank Bijleveld held discussions in Curacao around September end 2009 with the Prime Minister of the Netherlands Antilles Mrs. Emily de Jong– Elhage.
Never Lose a Chance at
Saying a Kind Word!
St. Eustatius Quota Club participat-
ing in S.A. district meeting in Aruba
The Island Territory of
St. Eustatius
(Continued from page 3) The island Government is offering its
To be able to have a clear picture of
employees the opportunity to upgrade
The Census Office is informing the
the Island's vision in these specific
through a number of ongoing train-
areas. The contribution of Stenapa
ings, through the Administration
to the environment was also dis-
Academy of the Netherlands. These
A new Dutch passport has been
cussed. The delegation met with
trainings are about policy making, the
introduced since September 21st
stakeholders such as Mr.
ability to link department plans to the
2009, containing finger prints and a
Duiverman, Gershon Lopes, and Mr. budget and other financial informa-
scanned photo of bearer.
tion. Mr. Marco Kramer is the trainer.
Saba – not only for his bravura but also
for never saying "No' whenever he was
called upon for an emergency airlift,
even at night when car lights had to light
the runway. When he passed away in
2007, Elly was left with a virtual treasure
trove of documents, information and
images relating to the early days of avia‐
tion in the Windward Islands. She de‐
cided to share this with everyone and
therefore set up the Foundation. One of
its goals is the establishment of a flying
school in St. Eustatius. The idea was
enthusiastically endorsed to the audi‐
ence (including Commissioners Roy Foundation. Copies can then be made in
Commissioner for St. Eustatius, Saba and Hooker and Julian Woodley) by St. order to make the account of this history as Bonaire, Mr. Henk Kamp, and Mr. Hyden Maarten politician and business man comprehensive as possible. You can contact Gittens, St. Eustatius' Governor, were Michael Ferrier. Together with Jan Beau‐
the Foundation through its website http://
amongst the special guests who opened jon (Managing Director of Windward www.aviationpioneers.info or through wal‐the curtains for glimpses of the fascinat‐
Islands Bank) he unveiled the two St. [email protected]. And if you are not
ing history of aviation in our corner of Maarten panels. The author of this arti‐
in a position to visit Statia or the airport,
the Caribbean. They were joined at F.D. cle assisted with the research and writing many of the illustrations can also be found Roosevelt Airport by representatives of of the information for the exhibition and on the above website. St. Maarten, St. Martin and St. Barth's to for the title of the St. Eustatius panels he unveil a historical display illustrating the chose "The Prized Connection" – because thrill of the early days of flying between of the crucial role the island played in the the islands. The colorful saga unfolds in commercial viability of the first local twelve panels with almost 150 photo‐
graphs and illustrations, telling the story could revive that function ‐ in the field of from the free‐spirited start in 1946 on aviation training. Flat Island (or Tintamarre, off the north Another goal is to keep alive the history
coast of St. Martin) to the founding of of aviation in the Caribbean and the
Winair in 1962 and subsequent opening chairman of the Foundation, Mr.
of the last remaining pioneers of the Maarten, a company offering private
earliest beginnings on Flat Island, Louis charters throughout the Caribbean),
Richardson, was present to unveil the thanked Alida Francis, the management
two panels recounting those adventur‐
of the F.D. Roosevelt Airport, the St.
ous days. Henkie Rivers, ex‐colleague Eustatius Tourism Development Founda‐
and protégé of the well‐known ‘Captain tion, the Windward Islands Bank and Mr. A single engine Stinson, both aero planes
Ricardo Fortin for their contributions to belonged to the fleet of C.A.A. The Stinson
time St. Eustatius resident José Dormoy), make that possible. The Foundation re‐ landed on Statia already in 1946.
brought to light a panel with some lies on donations to realize its projects
unique cartoons (including one featuring which include education material for A Kingfisher in a seaplane version.
schools and a TV documentary. Dona‐
the Aviation Pioneers of the Caribbean Foundation nr. 105805306 at the Wind‐
The display in the waiting room of the ward Islands Bank. Also, checks can be airport is an initiative of the Aviation mailed to the treasurer, Elizabeth M. Pioneers of the Caribbean Foundation. Delien c/o Mazinga Gift Shop, Maz‐The collages have been put together by inga Square, St. Eustatius. its founder Elly Delien, partner of many years of the late José Dormoy. ‘Pipe' is Anyone with stories or images relating to still remembered on St. Eustatius and the history of aviation on our islands is
The consultant buro RBOI represen-
Treats) Analyses was applied. In the
tatives visited the island in the week
opment on hold pending the spatial
Press conference with the Lt. Gover-
of September 21st 2009. The RBOI
development plan. The consultant
nor, Mr. Hyden Gittens in the week
was contracted because they are spe-
from RBOI will be back on the island
of September 22nd 2009, he ex-
cialized in the preparation of zoning
to present their preliminary findings
plained that the SWOT analysis is
plans. This project is financed
and proposal by the end of November
essential to get a clear picture how to
through the SEI (Social Economic
2009. Which will be discussed with
move forward. The SWOT analysis-
Initiative.) The RBOI met with a va-
stakeholders and the public in gen-
will help the island to look for devel-
riety of stakeholders: Tourism, Statia
opment opportunities.
Oil Terminal, SECAR, Historical
December 2010 this development
Foundation, STEBA, Stenapa, Dive
The RBOI buro will be responsible
plan should be ready according to
Schools, Harbor Master, Airport
for the preparation of a Strategic and
Governor Gittens.
Mananger, Mr. Ellis Schmidt; The
a Spatial Development plan for the
Hotels; Utility companies; Regional
island. Governor Gittens indicated
The new police station is sched-
Service Center, The School of Medi-
that the strategic plan should be
cine, NGO in agriculture representa-
ready in February, while spatial de-
uled to open on November 5th
tive, Mr. Laurens Duiverman, Mr.
velopment will be ready in June
2009. This is a milestone we defi-
Gershon Lopes; DROB; Domain and
nitely need to celebrate because so
the Executive Council. During the
many years and so many people
sessions with the various stake-
The preparatory resolution which
were involved in making this pro-
holders the SWOT concept (Strength,
was adopted by the Executive Coun-
Weaknesses Opportunities and
cil in December 2008, this puts devel-
ject a reality. Lt. H. Gittens
Statia NGO's not utilizing the funds to the fullest
During the press conference with the
area. Many Statians for years were
Lt. Governor, Mr. Hyden Gittens, he
not signing up to the Antillean Coast
expressed the importance of NGO's on
Guard because they were lacking in-
the island becoming more familiar
formation. The Governor encouraged
with the process of requesting funds
this organization to visit Statia and
through PB funds. He will create a
talk about the conditions and positive
plan of action to stimulate the NGO's
environment to the Statia youth at
to become more active in utilizing
the Gwendolyne van Putten School.
these funds. He made a comparison
After the marketing through promo-
with the Antillean Coast Guard which
tional videos, discussions and activi-
also applies to creating awareness
and knowledge about a particular
(continue on page 8)
Social Housing Spatial Planning and Environment
Introduction visit
The Dutch civil servants of the Min-
ployed for Vrom in The Hague and Mr.
istry of Social Housing Spatial Plan-
Rick Reijtenbagh, a student at the
ning and Environment (Vrom) vis-
Technical University in Delft, is doing
ited the island and met with the
research of drinking water on Bonaire,
Planning officer Mr. Maldwyn Tim-
Saba and St. Eustatius. The purpose
ber. The Dutch delegation comprised
of the visit was to get acquainted and
of two gentlemen. They are Mr. Ton
exchanged information in their area of
Ouderhuizen, co-ordinator for Bo-
social housing spatial and environ-
nairs Saba and St. Eustatius em-
The Informer, is the St. Eustatius Gov-
ernment Information Bulletin
It is a monthly publication of the Island
Territory of St. Eustatius. The objective
is to inform residents of St. Eustatius
about the developments that are taking
place within Government and social
matters on the island.
Published by M.A. Lopes Chief Public
Relations for the Island Territory of St.
Eustatius Kennep Rd. z/n, Princes Gar-
den, St. Eustatius, Neth. Ant.
Fax: 599-318-2084
Email: [email protected]
Layout by D. Simmons
Queries should be directed to the Office
of the Lt. Governor, Mr. Hyden Gittens,
under which he has the responsibility
of Bureau Kabinet, St. Eustatius.
Tel: 318 –2552 Fax: 318-2324
The Labour Department hereby makes
The Island Government of St. Eusta-
it known that petitions have been sub-
Antillean Coast Guard, 8 young men
mitted by employers to obtain work
tius, Personnel Affairs Department s
igned up on Statia, Many young
permits for foreigners in the functions
acknowledged that there are a number Statians were encouraged to sign up.
mentioned below.
of vacancies within the Government Although a number of NGO's on
Administration that is presently va-
• Full time Administrative clerk
Statia like Stenapa and St. Eustatius
cant. These vacancies are:
Historical Foundation frequently use
The applicant should be able to work
• Head of Welfare Department
PBF successfully, we believe that the
with Quick books, Internet Explorer, Taxation forms, book keeping, write
other NGO's are apprehensive to the
and read Dutch language.
• Head of Sport Department
complex application forms. As a re-sult thereof, Saba, Statia and St.
• Head of Economic Affairs Depart- Maarten are not really making use of
• Part Time Administrative Clerk
the Prins Bernard Funds. Within
• Head of Port
short Carla Duinkerk, the local repre-
The applicant should be able to speak English and being able to articulate in
sentative will have the Action Plan in
For more information regarding the
Spanish is a plus.
a booklet form available for NGO's.
conditions for each vacancy applicants We encouraged the NGO's to follow
To acquire more information about are advised to contact the Head of the these vacancies you may contact the
up after submit ion of their respective
Office of Personnel Affairs. Ms. Flor-
Labour department by phone 318–
products. Through consistency and
2881 to make an appointment.
follow-up the Summer fest received
Tel.nr.: 318 2931
Email: [email protected]
some funding of Nafl. 5.000,00.
E-mail: [email protected]
Source: http://www.airsxm.eu/bestanden/Statia%20Information%20Bulletin%20-%20October%2009.pdf
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