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acta SATECH 3(1): 25 - 28 (2009)
Comparative study of Albendazole and Papaya seed in the control of
Gastrointestinal Nematodes in Goats
*Anaeto, M., G. O. Tayo, G. O. Chioma & A. A. Afolabi
Department of Agriculture and Industrial Technology, Babcock University,
Ilishan-Remo, Ogun state
*Corresponding author <[email protected]>
Twelve West African goats (Capra hircus) with gastrointestinal helminthes were used to determine the efficacies of
Albendazole and pawpaw seeds (Carica papaya) solution in the treatment of gastro-intestinal nematodes. The
animals were allotted into three groups of four animals each. Group 1 was administered 2 ml/10 kg body weight
albendazole. Group 2 received 50 mg/10 kg body weight C. papaya seed solution twice a week and Group 3 was the
control without treatment. The Modified McMaster counting technique for the fecal egg count was employed to
determine the efficacy of the anthelmintic used. Albendazole achieved 100% efficacy while C. papaya seed solution
had 74% efficiency on the 14th day post-treatment. The nematode species identified in the larval culture were
(Strongyloides {60%} and Haemonchus contortus {40%}) in the goats.
Keywords: Albendazole, fecal egg count, gastrointestinal nematode, goat, papaya seed.
percent higher weight gain in anthelmintic treated
Goats as small ruminants have some advantages over
goats than the control.
larger animals such as cattle because of their low
purchase price; fecundity and prolificacy. They have
anthelmintics are widely used for the control of
ability to survive on low quality feeds, in difficult
nematodes infection in goats and other animals.
conditions and are more readily available. (Rene
Albendazole is one of the most commonly used
Coste, 1996). In some parts of the world, goat
dewormers for controlling gastro-intestinal nematode
production is now becoming a profitable enterprise
in livestock. The use of botanicals as anthelmintic by
because of the high demand for dietary animal
local farmers is a means of finding an alternative to
protein. Inspite of their advantages, goats are easily
the conventional drugs In addition, farmers should be
infested with parasites. The disease caused by
aware of the most effective anthelmintic agents to
parasitic gastrointestinal nematodes is of economic
which the endoparasites are not resistant to, so that
importance and a common problem in small
farmers will not waste their money when buying
ruminants (Beriajaya and Stevenson, 1985; Karki,
dewormers that are not effective (Anaeto, 2001).
1987). The disease can limit growth rates and if
This is important because there is a need for a
severe, can lead to death (Beriajaya et al., 1995). The
cheaper and more easily available alternative form of
effects of endoparasites on production are well
anthelmintic compared to the more expensive
conventional drugs (Chema and Ward, 1990). The
unthriftness, reduced feed intake, anorexia, loss of
commonly used indigenous plants as dewormers by
blood, alterations on protein metabolism, depressed
farmers are ipil-ipil (Leucaena leucocephala),
level of minerals and diarrhea. All these contribute to
pawpaw (Carica papaya) seeds, bitter gourd
depressed weight gain (Soulsby, 1982). The effect of
(Momordica charantia) leaves in coconut milk,
haemonchus infection recorded by Gray (1986)
mimosa plant parts (Mimosa pudica) and Panyawan
showed that the live weight gain of lambs and kids
(Tinosphara rumphii) (Cerbito, 1998). C. papaya
were reduced by 38% on the average, over a period of
fruits are used for fruit salad and desserts by humans
two months. Shrestha et al., (1990) reported 60
and are considered to have a mild laxative effect, while its seeds are used medicinally for animals
Anaeto et al., - Comparative study of Albendazole
against worms (Samson, 1986). The powdered form
pellets were then broken using a spatula. Saturated
of C. papaya seeds, are used as vermifuge, the same
salt solution of 45ml was added to each of the 12
with the latex. Papain the active constituent of the
samples and thoroughly mixed. A Pasteur pipette
fruit is used effectively as an anthelmintic.
with teat was used to withdraw the mixture which
The objectives of the study were to compare the
was quickly used to fill each chamber of a McMaster
anthelminthic efficacies of Albendazole and C.
slide. The slide was then viewed under the
papaya seeds against the gastrointestinal nematodes
microscope with magnification of 10. The total
of goats and to identify the nematodes present in the
number of eggs counted, multiplied by 100, indicated
goats kept on Babcock University Farm using larval
the number of eggs per gram (EPG) of faeces
(Thienpont, et al., 1979; Hansen and Perry, 1994)
Material and methods
Fecal egg count reduction test
This study was conducted at the goat unit, Babcock
Feces were collected directly from the rectum of each
University, Ilishan-Remo, Ogun State, Nigeria.
goat on days 7 and 14 post treatment and processed
Twelve goats were used for the experiment. The 12
for the fecal egg count using the modified McMaster
animals were divided into 3 groups and identified
Counting Technique. The fecal egg count reduction
with plastic tags, after the pre-treatment fecal egg
(FECR) test was used to evaluate the efficacy of the
dewormers. Percentage efficacy was calculated using
Pre – treatment examination
%FECR = 100(Xc – Xt)/Xc
Three days before dosing the animals with the
Where Xt is the number of parasites or EPG in treated
anthelmintics, fresh fecal samples were collected
goats and Xc is the number of parasites or EPG in the
from the rectum of each individual goat by hand
control goats. (Coynes et al., 1991)
using a plastic glove in other to determine the degree
of parasitism and for grouping of the animals. The
Identification of the species of nematode using the
mean pre-treatment fecal egg count for Group 1
larval culture
(Albendazole) was 800 eggs/gram, Group 2 C.
Bulked fecal samples were cultured at room
papaya was 800 eggs/gram while the control, Group
temperature for seven days to provide larvae for
3 was 900 eggs/gram.
identification (Aken et al., 1994). The fecal sample
was mixed with a little amount of water in a jar and
Anthelmintic treatment of experimental animals
covered with paraffin paper. On day 7, the cover was
Each animal was dozed by mouth on day zero
removed and the jar was filled with water. A petridish
according to body weight as recommended by the
was used to cover the jar. The jar was inverted and 20
manufacturers. The drug was administered orally
– 40 ml of water was placed on the petridish. The
using the barrel of syringe (Garbin and Gonzaga,
setup was allowed to stand for one hour with one side
1999). Group 1 composed of 4 goats was treated with
slightly elevated and a pipette was used to draw the
Albendazole at a dose of 2ml/10kg body weight. The
water from the petri dish into a test tube. Two drops
C. papaya seeds obtained from ripe pawpaw fruits
of Clorox (Sodium hypochlorite 3.5%) and iodine
were dried and ground into powder. The ground seed
was added into the test tube to kill the larvae and also
was then mixed with water and was used as treatment
to remove the sheath for easy identification of the
for animals in Group 2 at a rate of 50mg/10kg body
larvae under the microscope. The morphological
weight (eight seeds), twice a week. Group 3 served
characteristics of the third stage larvae based on the
as the control and was left untreated.
description of (Soulsby 1982; Hansen and Perry,
1994) were used as guide to identify the larvae.
Faecal examination using the McMaster method
Fresh fecal samples were collected individually from
Results and Discussion
the rectum of the 12 animals. The fecal samples were
Results of the fecal egg count reduction test using
placed in individual polyethylene bags, labeled,
Albendazole and C. papaya on days 7 and 14 post-
placed in an ice-box and taken to the Veterinary
treatment is presented in Table 1 and Figure 1.
Parasitology Laboratory of the University of Ibadan
The drop in the fecal egg per gram count in the group
for faecalysis using the McMaster Egg Counting
treated with Albendazole clearly indicates the
technique. Three grams of feces was weighed for
anthelmintic effectiveness in goats. While C. papaya
each sample. The samples were placed in individual
is slightly effective because it had 74% using the
jar and 5 ml of water was added and then left for 20
criteria for evaluating the degree of efficacy of an
minutes so that the pellets can be softened. The
Anaeto et al., - Comparative study of Albendazole
being highly effective against adult, immature and
anthelmintic, according to Manuel, (1983), and
larval stages of important nematodes.
according to the recommendation of the World
The undifferentiated eggs in the feces provide little
Association for the advancement of Veterinary
information as to the identity or relative abundance of
Parasitology, antihelmintic resistance is present if the
worm genera present. Except for nematodirus, the
percentage of the reduction in egg count is less than
eggs of the various strongyle species that infect goats
95% and the 95% confidence level is less than 90%
are indistinguishable. Hence pre-treatment larval
(Coles et al., 1992). These criteria were fulfilled by
culture should be performed to identify the parasites.
Albendazole which had an efficacy of 71% and 100%
(McKenna, 1996). Two nematode species were
on days 7 and 14 respectively.
identified based on the morphological description of
the infective third stage Larvae (L3) by Soulsby
Table 1 Least Significant Difference (LSD) for the
(1982). The Strongyloides species was 60% and
7th and 14th day post-treatment
Haemonchus contortus 40%. Okon, et al., (1977),
reported that strongyloides papillosus was found to be
Gp. 1 -albendazole
one of the commonest helminthes treated at the
Gp. 2 - C. papaya
Veterinary Clinic University of Ibadan.
In coclusion, Carica papaya can be a substitute for
abc: Means followed by the same letters are not significant
albendazole since it reduced the nematode population.
Although, it is not as effective when compared with
the conventional dewormers, it is readily available.
Fig 1: Efficacy of Albendazole and Carica papaya on
For goat owners who cannot afford to treat their
the 7th and 14th day post-treatment in goats
animals with modern antihelmintics, the use of Carica papaya (pawpaw) in conjunction with good
management practices should be considered in the
control of gastrointestinal parasites.
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Lenalidomide (CC-5013)Clinical Study Report: CC-5013-MM-009 Celgene Corporation Name of Sponsor/Company: Individual Study Table Referring to Part of the (For National Authority Use Celgene Corporation Name of Finished Product: Revlimid® Capsules Name of Active Ingredient:Lenalidomide (CC-5013) Title of study: A Multicenter, Randomized, Parallel-group, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Study of CC-5013 Plus Dexamethasone Versus Dexamethasone Alone in Previously Treated Subjects With Multiple Myeloma
Molecular and Quantum Acoustics vol. 28 (2007) ULTRASONIC PARAMETERS OF HEN'S EGG Krzysztof J. OPIELINSKI Institute of Telecommunications, Teleinformatics and Acoustics, Wroclaw University of Technology, Wyb. Wyspianskiego 27, 50-370 Wroclaw, POLAND Hen's egg is an easily accessible biomolecular model for ultrasonic study. It is a perfect object, allowing testing of the visualization possibilities by means of